[LUTE] Re: More Gianconcelli Chilesotti

2005-08-26 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:16 PM 8/26/2005, you wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Matanya Ophee [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Some people in this lute world are not easily taken in by your silly
  delusions and require more than just your word for anything. As long
  as all you can provide is unsubstantiated hearsay and rumors,
  responsible writers will ignore you.
1. MO, you are the unique individual not taken by Arthur's delusions.

Which is why Arthur complained that the Lute reviewer of my 
Chilesotti edition did not buy into Arthur's fairy tale on the 
mysterious survival of the manuscript?

2. You are NOT a responsible writer, for the reasons you yourself stated

What is this, a pissing match between irresponsible writers?

Therefore, would you mind taking your hydrogen sulphide someplace else?

Let me draw you a picture, in case you still have not understood 
where I stand on this matter: as long as Arthur continues his 
campaign against the guitar and against me, and as long as this is an 
open unmoderated forum, I will continue to point in this forum out 
that the man is a liar and a fraud, no matter who supports him and 
who thinks he can be trusted unchallenged. The only way you can stop 
me from defending myself, here and everywhere else, is by stopping 
this drunken tantrum that has been going on for well over ten years 
in this forum. Encouraging it and morally supporting the 
unsupportable, will only serve to strengthen my resolve to speak out. Poniatno?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: [LUTE]Madame Robert Sidney Pratten, Victorian guitar virtuosa

2005-08-25 Thread Matanya Ophee
Arthur Ness
Thu, 25 Aug 2005 07:56:03 -0700

I didn't realize that in addition to being a music hall tenor he was 
a comedian
as well. He must have been tremendously popular. It is Zuth in his Handbuch
that says that Shand was an American. I wonder where he got that notion.

Same place he got the spelling of Shand's teacher as Sidney-Pratten,
and the name and that famous lutenist Bergier, Ungay. A most reliable
reference book, uh?

Actually if you want to know what Zuth's contemporaries thought of 
his work you can look it up here:


The text in red, BTW, are the annotations made to Fryklund's text by 
Kenneth Sparr.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Bone

2005-08-25 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 01:55 PM 8/25/2005, Eugene C. Braig IV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Indeed.  It was first published in 1914,

Actually, the majority of the major articles in Bone were first 
published in the US in Cadenza magazine from 1902 to 1906. I have 
acquired a small run of Cadenza a couple of years ago, but I am not 
sure if I have the complete run. Peter Danner would know better 
details. So the 1914 edition began as a compilation of the Cadenza articles.

  revised in (I believe) the 1950s,


and reprinted in (I believe) the early 1980s


(I'm in the day-job office and
away from appropriate references).  Unfortunately, it's getting much harder
to locate and, once located, copies are asking way more than they should,
often multiple hundreds US$.

Really? may be I should eBay one of my copies. I have two of them. I 
used to have two copies of Zuth, but I gave one of them as a present 
to Arthur J. Ness...

I really enjoy Bone so don't let my nitpickery detract from what a
monumental achievement this book represented in its time: Bone's work is
often criticized for dwelling a little too much on major composers to
have only peripherally dealt with guitar and/or mandolin (Beethoven, e.g.)
and for tending to be a little too accepting of speculation or hearsay
(e.g., note his confident statement that Mertz was a skilled mandolinist
who taught and composed for mandolin relatives in spite of nobody having
knowledge of such works).  He also omits some info that I think is rather
important (e.g., he makes no mention of Justin Holland being black; as the
entry reads, Holland comes off as a minor figure of potential interest to
guitar buffs, but to have achieved what Holland did in the mid-late 1800s
US as a black man is nothing short of super hero-like).

Perhaps Bone did not know that Holland was black? Judging Holland's 
work on its merits, one can understand why Bone would not be too 
enthusiastic about it. After all, he was one of them colonials

The major complaint against Bone, one which Arthur also mentioned, 
was that he did not give precise sources for his information. 
However, in the many occasions over the last 26 years that I have had 
to retrace Bone's information to primary sources, he turned out to 
have been dead right every single time. Bibliographical control in 
the B.M.G circles of the turn of the last century, were a bit 
different than they are today in academic circles, As for Mertz and 
the mandolin, you are right that his involvement with the instrument 
is not well known. On the other hand, in her PH.d. Dissertation on 
Mertz, Astrid Stempnik gives some 10 different references to Mertz 
teaching and writing mandolin music. How these references can support 
or refute Bone's contentions is a question that needs to be examined closely.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: More Gianconcelli Chilesotti

2005-08-25 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 04:01 PM 8/25/2005, Alain Veylit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This strikes me as an extremely naive attitude. Documental evidence 
has lead many people to the wrong conclusions, as documented by the 
thousands (millions, actually) of pseudo-scholarly papers churned 
out by both private and public research facilities. I'd rather read 
liner notes by someone who knows what he is doing, because the 
chances of his being wrong leading to an interesting mistake are much higher.

I am sure there is a negative missing someplace in the above sentence...

I agree with you that there have been a great deal of 
pseudo-scholarly papers with the wrong conclusions. But here is the 
the rub: the only way to know that they were wrong conclusions and 
that the scholarliness was less than first rate, is by checking the 
documental evidence provided. Without it, we must resort to trust 
based on personal admiration to the writer, which is what you seem to 
be implying here. If that works for you, then of course I wish the 
best of happiness with the knowledge you obtained. Being an 
iconoclast heretic, I am not willing to trust anyone, not even 
myself, on anything. I need to be shown that facts, not somebody's 
recollections of them.

In other words, unless I can lay my hands on the original Codex 
transcribed by Chilesotti and examine it myself, that Codex does not 
exist. Even if the story is true and indeed there is some mysterious 
Italian collector who has it, the mere fact that it is not available 
for mere mortals like you and me for consultation, renders it into a 
fairy tale. A pretty one, and no doubt prettier when told by some one 
you admire and love, but nevertheless, a fairy tale.

Of course, I will make a point of getting hold of this O'Dette CD and 
find out exactly what he says there. By now, it is clear that 
trusting Arthur Ness to correctly report on stuff he had read 
someplace, is not a reliable way of learning.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: [LUTE]Madame Robert Sidney Pratten, Victorian guitar virtuosa

2005-08-25 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 05:33 PM 8/25/2005, Arthur Ness wrote: wrote:

 I think it would be a mistake to cite what are additions and 
corrections to Zuth's work as a demonstration that his work is 
poor.  (Some of that is really obscure information.) For his time, 
his Handbuch is quite thorough.

No argument. But it just so happens that you, speaking from both 
sides of the mouth at the same time, declared that the book is a 
reliable reference work for scholars in OUR time, and that it can be 
trusted and relied upon, and that is why the name of the lady is 
Sidney-Pratten and not Sidney Pratten.

 And Matanya knows about the Bergier, Ungay,  entry because I told 
him about it.

Indeed. That is the amazing thing is that on one hand you can 
denounce Zuth for Bergier Ungay, and at the same time praise him for 
Sidney-Pratten and that yankee Ernest Shand. You got caught with your 
pants down on this one, and perhaps it ought to teach you the lesson 
that printed text is never trustworthy and reliable. And if you have 
not learned this in graduate school, you are carrying this academic 
phoney title on false pretenses.

 Ready reference materials were not known in those days.   That's 
why it is such a shame that Ophee published the Codice Lauten-Buch 
without taking a day or two to track down the composers and correct 
titles.  His edition ignores a century of musical scholarship.

That's a goddam lie! All the available scholarship on this Codex was 
either quoted or made reference to, including your contributions to 
theHoban book.

 It's just another Chilesotti Rip-Off.  No better than the zillions 
before his.

The only previous publication which deals with the entire Codex, 
besides the Forni unauthorized facsimnile, was the one by Dick Hoban. 
Is this the one you are referring to?

And besides, even though the book is in the public domain, I did 
obtain the full agreement and permission of the Breitkopf  Haertel. 
Hence, the charge of a rip-off is a stupid cheap shot.

Swift boating me here is not going to get you out of the hole you dug 
yourself into. My advice to you: stop digging.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] RE: Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-16 Thread Matanya Ophee
Fossum, Arthur wrote:
Tue, 16 Aug 2005 05:26:35 -0700

I thought Arthur Ness was trolling for you when he brought up the Grand
Staff and Piano notation thread...

Of course he was. Must have pissed him off that the very paper I read 
at the Colloque de Luth en Occident in 1998, one event he decided to 
skip because I was invited, now appeared in a major lute journal. 
Among others, he confided that he was asked to answer Matanya, as 
if I asked a question. And the funniest was his silly attempt to drag 
Weiss and Bach into the story, when these were not transcriptions. Of 
course, I already pointed out his hypocritical accusations that some 
guitarists call grand staff notation as Keyboard, where in point of 
fact it was he, Arthur J. Ness, who so labeled the keyboard fascicles 
of our MoLA series.

Further confirmed by Leonhard Shulz...

Confirmed by Madame Robert Sidney Pratten.

You forgot the phoney story of the Berlioz' purported quotation. In a 
nutshell, someone, whose name Arthur does not remember, in a 
conference Arthur does not remember when and where it took place, 
told him about a dissertation, which Arthur had never seen, which 
alleges that Berlioz said in a Journal de Debats article that the 
guitar is a small orchestra.

I did see the dissertation in question. All it did is refer the 
reader to a book by Jacques Barzun, where there are two minute 
footnotes referring to the Berlioz article, which Barzun himself had 
never seen. All he had was translations into German of these articles 
made by Dr. Joseph Zuth. I got copies of these translations from 
Columbia University where barzun papers are kept and there is nothing 
in them about the guitar being a small orchestra. IOW, no one had 
seen the original Berlioz article and can quote it precisely. That 
has not stopped this patriarch-scholar of the lute list to spouting 
off utter sophomoric nonsense as if it was the truth.

My problem is that I am not a lute scholar, but I do know a thing or 
two about the guitar and its history. So if members of this want to 
accept Arthur's pronouncements on lute issues as the Gospel, they are 
welcome to them, though on occasion, like the phoney story of the 
survival of the Chilesotti manuscript, I felt obliged to step in. The 
story was declared phoney by Stefano Toffolo, the leading Chilesotti 
scholar, and so confirmed by both Dinko Fabris and the Comandante 
Bussandri, the owner of the Chilesotti museum in Bassano di Grappa. 
Would that convince Arthur to either tell lutenists how he knows what 
he alleges to know about this, or to admit that he did not really 
know what he was talking about?

Would never happen. Either way.

Cant we let sleeping dogs lie?

This particular dog does not sleep. Arthur cannot forgive me for the 
fact that in spite of his resignation from the MoLA series in 1993, 
12 years ago taking with him both the second edition of the Francesco 
and the Marco dall'Aquila book, I did publish 3 volumes in the series 
without his help, and the Series did not instantly crumble. The sad 
part of all this, is that not only did Arthur shoot himself in the 
foot under some stupid pretensions, but that the Francesco and Marco 
projects have thus been condemned to oblivion.

Anyone want to discuss my old musicology professor's transcription of El
Maestro? ( Charles Jacobs)

Now you did it! Charles Jacobs was Arthur's main nemesis and by 
admitting some connection to him, you instantly placed yourself in 
Arthur's sights. May be now he will lay off of me

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-16 Thread Matanya Ophee

Arne Keller
Tue, 16 Aug 2005 10:53:58 -0700

MO wrote:

 So let me make an offer you cannot refuse: stop your anti-guitar and
 anti-MO campaign in this forum, and you will never hear from me
 again. Not  you and not your cyber body-guard Turovsky. Do I make myself

You do, very clear indeed.

How about making yourself clear away?

An excellent suggestion, but not very original. Been suggested 
before. As I said, I will refrain from posting here on subjects that 
do not concern me directly, but as long as Arthur Ness continues his 
trolling against me, disguised however he wants, and as long as this 
ridiculous anti-guitar campaign continues on this list, not only by 
Arthur but also by a few others, I will offer my rebuttals as best as 
I can. You can count on that.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: OT: Mozart for guitar

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 12:51 AM 8/15/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is just the kind of nonsense that should be condemned. Are we
expected to accept apocryphal stories and a pastel
  drawing as proof of some historical truth?.
Mo is pictured with a guitar sometimes, it is cerrtainly no proof that _he_
plays it.

You claim to play the lute, which is also no proof that you actually 
can play one. My guitar playing is not as good as it used to be, but 
it is there, warts and all. For example:


Now let me hear your lute performance. On the instrument please, not 
in electronic renditions of your verkakte music.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonhard Schulz

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 01:17 AM 8/15/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  lute, and not just once. In the late 1970's- early 80's.
And a few pieces were even written in tabulature.

  He did? wonderful news. So how come this was never published, never
  reached the hands of any lutenists and never mentioned before?
The works in question were writtten for the Moscow lutenist Aleksandr
Suetin. Whether they would be circulated again, that will be decided by
Nikita himself, without your participation.

Now that makes perfect sense. Suetin must have rejected these pieces 
as just so much garbage, enough to cause Koshkin to spread rumors 
about him and his father which would make your scurrilous writings 
like a pleasant walk in the park. Perhaps I should ask Nikita for 
permission to publish his e-mail message to me Dated Thu, 11 Jan 2001 
18:32:29 +0300, detailing his opinions of Suetin. I have a good 
occasion to pose him this question. I am planning to post on blog 
later today a part of your message regarding my editions as 
maculatura, and ask both Koshkin and Gilardino, composers I have 
published and whose music is included in my free bonus program, if 
the would agree that your characterization of their music as 
maculatura is acceptable to them.

  Also, your newly found love affair with Koshkin, so soon after you
  denounced me for publishing the music of Koshkin/Myshkin, right here
  in this forum, is almost a year old by now. How come it had taken him
  all that time to tell you about his lute compositions?
  Anyway, a side show of little interest.
Not really. At least this is lutenistically relevant,

As relevant as all the other hearsay rumors we have been reading 
recently in this forum. It will become relevant when, and if, it is 
ever published, and if in fact it was ever composed, which I doubt 
very much. As one composer who has been distributing copies of his 
manuscripts years before they were submitted for publication, Koshkin 
would have surely sent you copies of his lute music as soon as you 
became his LJ friend. The fact that he did not even tell you about it 
until now, only means that it does not exist, and therefore, not 
lutenistically relevant.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 02:50 AM 8/15/2005, Arthur Ness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
With all due respect, I think I know a bit more about
the history of guitar than does Matanya.  For example,
does he know that Madame Robert Sidney-Pratten published
a posthumous work by Leonardo Schultz that she played
with great pleasure at her recitals?

Yes, I do. I even have a copy of it.

  Or does he know
that Giuliani published a book of guitar music in
tablature notation,  Heck doesn't even mention it in his
Giuliani monograph, publ. by Orphee.

That's a good one. I am sure Giuliani scholars like Heck and Marco 
Riboni would love to hear about that. Published where? by whom? and 
for what possible market during Giuliani's life time?

Oh I got it. Giuliani published posthumously, just like that famous 
contest he had with Sor in London in 1833, four years after his 
death. Check your Baker's for details.

As for your knowledge of guitar history, you can claim anything you 
want, but without published evidence, it is meaningless boasting. You 
should know that much from your past academic work. There is nothing 
in Music Index or OCLC that would even remotely link you to any 
scholarship on guitar history.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: OT: Mozart for guitar

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 10:38 AM 8/15/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is just the kind of nonsense that should be condemned. Are we
  expected to accept apocryphal stories and a pastel
drawing as proof of some historical truth?.
  Mo is pictured with a guitar sometimes, it is cerrtainly no proof that
  plays it.
  You claim to play the lute, which is also no proof that you actually
  can play one. My guitar playing is not as good as it used to be, but
  it is there, warts and all. For example:
  Now let me hear your lute performance. On the instrument please, not
  in electronic renditions of your verkakte music.


Thank you. That's good. Now, do you have something a little more 
lively so we can tell if you have any chops to speak of?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonhard Schulz

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 01:17 AM 8/15/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  He did? wonderful news. So how come this was never published, never
  reached the hands of any lutenists and never mentioned before?
The works in question were writtten for the Moscow lutenist Aleksandr
Suetin. Whether they would be circulated again, that will be decided by
Nikita himself, without your participation.

Of course. Koshkin knows it only too well, that there is no way in 
Hell I would invest any more money in his music, for whatever instrument.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonhard Schulz

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
Roman Turovsky wrote:
Mon, 15 Aug 2005 08:00:27 -0700

  Now that makes perfect sense. Suetin must have rejected these pieces
  as just so much garbage, enough to cause Koshkin to spread rumors
  about him and his father which would make your scurrilous writings
  like a pleasant walk in the park. Perhaps I should ask Nikita for
  permission to publish his e-mail message to me Dated Thu, 11 Jan 2001
  18:32:29 +0300, detailing his opinions of Suetin. I have a good
  occasion to pose him this question. I am planning to post on blog
  later today a part of your message regarding my editions as
  maculatura, and ask both Koshkin and Gilardino, composers I have
  published and whose music is included in my free bonus program, if
  the would agree that your characterization of their music as
  maculatura is acceptable to them.
Considering the whopping dozen people that read your blog: post your rotten
heart's content. Make our day.

34 people are allowed to post on my blog, and 40 have included it on 
their Friends List, i.e., they read it every day. Besides, this is 
one guitar blog that is read daily by thousands of guitarists all 
over the world. But all of this is besides the point. The post is 
intended at only two readers, Koshkin and Gilardino, the two 
composers on LJ whose music for the guitar I published. Your day is made.

Also, your newly found love affair with Koshkin, so soon after you
denounced me for publishing the music of Koshkin/Myshkin, right here
in this forum, is almost a year old by now. How come it had taken him
all that time to tell you about his lute compositions?
Anyway, a side show of little interest.
  Not really. At least this is lutenistically relevant,
  As relevant as all the other hearsay rumors we have been reading
  recently in this forum. It will become relevant when, and if, it is
  ever published, and if in fact it was ever composed, which I doubt
  very much. As one composer who has been distributing copies of his
  manuscripts years before they were submitted for publication, Koshkin
  would have surely sent you copies of his lute music as soon as you
  became his LJ friend. The fact that he did not even tell you about it
  until now, only means that it does not exist, and therefore, not
  lutenistically relevant.
Would yoy mind making a decision whether to allege EITHER non-existence OR
substandard quality. You cannot claim both at the same time.

Of course I can, and I did. Knowing Suetin personally, I know well 
what he thinks of Koshkin, and certainly I know what Koshkin thinks 
of him. What exactly went on between these two 15 years ago, is not a 
subject that should interest many here, and if not for your knee jerk 
reaction to my joke about your Rorschach test responses, we would not 
be discussing this at all. And your next knee jerk response is...

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 02:50 AM 8/15/2005, Arthur Ness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
does he know
that Giuliani published a book of guitar music in
tablature notation,  Heck doesn't even mention it in his
Giuliani monograph, publ. by Orphee.

Which Giuliani? there are 7 Giulianis in the Columbus OH telephone 
directory, and probably a couple of hundred in New York including one 
fellow named Rudolph (or Rodolfo if you want). As for early 19th 
century guitarists named Giuliani, there are at least 10 that we know 
of. You did not know that, did you?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: aggression and lute

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 03:04 PM 8/15/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is fine, but the problem is that the aggression comes from a
non-lutenist, who cannot fathom that we are simply uninterested in him.

You are so uninterested that you seem to respond to every single 
message I post. And so does your cohort Ness. But the point you raise 
is interesting. Perhaps you ought to consider that when you and Ness 
post on  rec.music.classical.guitar, as both of you have been doing 
all morning, you are exhibiting an aggressiveness, which, coming from 
non-guitarists like, is totally out of place. It's the apex of 
hypocrisy to accuse my demands for clarifications as aggression and 
your transferring of the debate to another forum altogether is an 
altruistic search for truth.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: aggression and lute

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 04:32 PM 8/15/2005, Peter Weiler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Gasp! These guys are carrying on like this in more than one forum??!

   Perhaps you ought to consider that when you and Ness
   post on  rec.music.classical.guitar, as both of you have been doing
   all morning, you are exhibiting an aggressiveness...

Better believe it: http://tinyurl.com/9mqur

This is Arthur Ness, masquerading as Ricardo from Young Generation 
Inc., initiating a thread this morning on RMCG. At least Turovsky had 
the good sense to post under his own name, which was a surprise.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonhard Schulz

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 02:40 PM 8/15/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  34 people are allowed to post on my blog, and 40 have included it on
  their Friends List, i.e., they read it every day. Besides, this is
  one guitar blog that is read daily by thousands of guitarists all
  over the world. But all of this is besides the point. The post is
  intended at only two readers, Koshkin and Gilardino, the two
  composers on LJ whose music for the guitar I published. Your day is made.
It is really depressing to see that you actually believe that your little
ludicrous syllogism
is capable of driving a wedge between my friends Angelo, Nikita, and myself.

That still remains to be seen. Considering that the wedge between me 
and Nikita, a composer who achieved his world wide reputation through 
my personal efforts on his behalf, was generated by a lot less than 
that.  You will soon find who you are really dealing with.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 02:45 PM 8/15/2005, Arthur Ness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am not going to be drawn into a debate about Madame Robert 
Sidney-Pratten, the famous guitar virtuosa of the Victorian era. I 
do not understand why Matanya considers this a proper topic for this 
lute list.

Oops... you have already been drawn, as obvious for the quantity of 
verbal effluence you have been posting here and in RMCG o the 
subject, and it was you who introduced this subject into the Lute 
list. Just like you introduced other OT subjects here like Berlioz 
and the Guitar, Leonardo Schultz and the guitar. Mozart and the 
guitar, and constantly been harping about some mysterious 
guitarists whose ideas you disapprove of. And your hypocrisy 
regarding the question of the term keyboard to indicate grand staff 
notation for lute music, when it was you yourself who so decided it 
should be called in the MOLA series (to refresh your memory, here is 
this document which you wrote yourself: 
http://www.orphee.com/RMCG/brochure.html), is downright mind boggling.

So let me make an offer you cannot refuse: stop your anti-guitar and 
anti-MO campaign in this forum, and you will never hear from me 
again. Not  you and not your cyber body-guard Turovsky. Do I make myself clear?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-15 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 09:12 PM 8/15/2005, I wrote:
At 02:45 PM 8/15/2005, Arthur Ness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am not going to be drawn into a debate about Madame Robert
 Sidney-Pratten, the famous guitar virtuosa of the Victorian era. I
 do not understand why Matanya considers this a proper topic for this
 lute list.

Oops... you have already been drawn, as obvious for the quantity of
verbal effluence you have been posting here and in RMCG o the
subject, and it was you who introduced this subject into the Lute
list. Just like you introduced other OT subjects here like Berlioz
and the Guitar, Leonardo Schultz and the guitar. Mozart and the
guitar, and constantly been harping about some mysterious
guitarists whose ideas you disapprove of. And your hypocrisy
regarding the question of the term keyboard to indicate grand staff
notation for lute music, when it was you yourself who so decided it
should be called in the MOLA series (to refresh your memory, here is
this document which you wrote yourself: )
http://www.orphee.com/RMCG/brochure.html , is downright mind boggling.

So let me make an offer you cannot refuse: stop your anti-guitar and
anti-MO campaign in this forum, and you will never hear from me
again. Not  you and not your cyber body-guard Turovsky. Do I make myself clear?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: OT: Mozart for guitar

2005-08-14 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:22 AM 8/14/2005, Arthur Ness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is just the kind of nonsense that should be condemned. Are we 
expected to accept apocryphal stories and a pastel drawing as proof 
of some historical truth?.

Probably not. But coming from the mouth of one who is so consistent 
in his discussion of iconography and in more apocryphal stories on 
lutenists that would feel a large volume, in a forum where 
iconography and apocryphal stores happens to be some of the major 
subjects of discussion, I wonder if the left side of your mouth knows 
what the right side is saying.

The Bob Spencer edition was published, as Ophee knows perfectly 
well, by Chanterelle, not Tecla.  I really dislike having my words 

That's really too bad and I fully sympathize with you. But to refresh 
your memory, here is what you said:

 I think Brian Jefferey has published some of these
   arrangements.  Edited by the
   late Bob Spencer. Many of you probably know the edition.

In case you are not quite clear in your understanding of the 
publishing situation, Brian Jeffery who you mentioned, is the owner 
of Tecla, not Chanterelle. As for Chanterelle, owned and operated by 
Michael Macmeeken, they have never published any, and I mean ANY, 
Schubert songs, arranged or edited by Robert Spencer. This is the 
result of a search of their on line catalog for Schubert:


All of these editions were published by other publishers, not by 
Chanterelle, and they only sell them in their mail order business. 
None of them were edited by Spencer either.

The only connection between Schubert, Spencer and Jeffery is the 
volume of songs Brian published in 1985


from copies in the Spencer collection. The volume contains exactly 
three Schubert songs, from a total of 33 songs, and none of them were 
edited by Bob Spencer, but, as it clearly states on the cover, by 
Brian Jeffery. All Spencer did is supply the originals. In other 
words, I have no need to misrepresent your words. You are doing a 
fine job of it all by yourself.

Furthermore the Tecla edition by Tom Heck consists of his own 
arrangements, not work based on historical examples.

Isn't that exactly just what I have said? there  _must_ be an echo in here.

It was condemned by Ophee in an irrational diatribe.

I did? can you remind of when and where? or is this another one of 
your mysterious hallucinations which come to you often whenever I 
challenge you to back up your statements with facts? Just let me 
remind you that you are tottering pretty close to actionable libel.

So why don't you take a rest, Matanya, until you can get your facts 
down correctly.  Take an aspirin, and call us back when you're 
refreshed and your brain is in gear.

Thank you so much for your concern for my health. I truly appreciate 
it. Perhaps I should repay you in kind, but frankly, I am not 
qualified to offer assistance in the kind of problems you face.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-14 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:24 AM 8/14/2005, Arthur Ness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is what I mean about misrepresentation.  I did not refer to 
OPhee's edition because it is so filled with mistakes.  Mistakes 
that were first pointed out by Erik Stenstadvolrt in a review in 
Classical Guitar magazine.  I scandalously usurped nothing of 
Ophee's.  In fact I ignored it deliberately.

Now here is a misrepresentation on the grandest scale: The review in 
CG was of the 1984 printed edition, not on the 1997 on line edition. 
And thank you for stating the obvious, that you deliberately ignored 
some thing that you knew very well of its existence, which is exactly 
what I am talking about. Mistakes or otherwise, you pretended that 
the you just found the RBS copy, when in fact, the very edition 
which you chose to criticize 8 years ago, contained the full details 
on the location of the original, and copies of it were reproduced in 
my on-line LTTE.

[needless repetitions of some bullshit snipped]

This first came up on some guitar list with Stenstadvolt 
participating. That's when I drew the Beethoven comparison,because 
it explained whAt the correct notes were in the introduction, 
F-naturals and B flats, not the F-sharps and B naturals favored by 
Ophee and Erik.

Thank you for once again, confirming that you knew all along that 
this edition existed and that your pretensions of finding it were false.

If Schulz (Schultz) wanted to use an Italianized form of his first 
name,so what?

That's not the issue. The issue is that you don't know if Schulz ever 
wanted to use an Italianized name, there is no contemporary source 
with him that ever used an Italianized name and, the whole thing is 
based on some trumped up sick imagination that emanates from you and you alone.

There's also some confusion about the spelling of Leonardo's last name.

There is no confusion, unless it is in your sick mind. All the 
sources, including all the dictionaries, newspaper advertisement, 
catalog entries in the RBS collection, and particularly, all of 
Schulz' publications, of which there are quite a few, always spell 
the name as Schulz. Without the T. Thought you'd like to know.

  This reminds me, RT, that the Bambino guitar that once belonged to 
 Madame Robert Sidney-Pratten,

You don't want to bring this canard once again. Trust me. I have 
prepared a rather large article on this subject last time we went 
through this, one which proves beyond any shadow of a possible doubt 
that when it comes to guitar matters you are an incompetent bumbling 
and moronic idiot. I have been in a charitable mood and refrained 
from publishing it, but if you are really interested in learning 
something, I will. In the meantime, just let me acquaint you with the 
genealogy of the Pratten family.


This was brought to my attention by Graham Pratten, a direct descendant.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-13 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:18 PM 8/12/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  IOW, you are assuming that a simple discussion of plagiarism, on
  which there is no question, would necessarily deteriorate in this
  forum into personal insults and name calling. You are right, and
  Roman Turovsky did not waste any time changing the subject into a
  personal attack on me and on my day job as a music publisher. But the
  issue for me is real: if Arthur Ness had included the information he
  ripped off my web site in a school paper, a scholarly article, or a
  published book, he would have been tarred and feathered and
  ostracized forever as a scholar. But in this forum, so it seems, he
  can get away with anything.
Yo've got that wrong. THIS IS ONE FORUM WHERE 

You are probably right. But since there is no 
moderator, the degree of getting away with 
something or nothing can only be determined by 
the number of people who put me in their kill 
file. This is a number which no one can know for 
certain, and certainly not you. If you think that 
resorting to your scurrilous personal attacks on 
me constitutes a degree of policing this forum, 
then you are probably right again. I used to 
worry about your posts, and even put you in a 
kill file. But once I figured out that you have 
nothing to say of any real importance, and all 
that you are capable of is spouting these 
Pavlovian predetermined responses to the 
slightest provocation, I removed you from my kill 
file. I have a few weeks of free time at the 
present, and I can well devote them to enjoying 
your predictability. Too bad you do not live 
closer to me. I can certainly use an artist on 
the pay roll, and I would love to have you closer 
to observe. There is a large banner on the front door of my office. It says:

Hire the high IQ intellectually challenged buffoons. They are fun to watch.

  The issue here is that Leonhard Schulz left Vienna at the tender age
  of 14, never to return, and spent most of his adult life in England
  where he died in 1860. The number of newspaper reviews of his
  concerts all over Europe, are far larger than the number of reviews
  of all his contemporaries combined, and none of them, absolutely none
  of them, use an Italianized Leonardo. The only place the name appears
  in this spelling is in the 1934 Diccionario of Domingo Prat, in which
  _all_ European names have been translated into their Spanish
  equivalents. To use this spelling in the context of a discussion in
  English, is to insinuate a false image of this talented guitarist
Your little invective has as much relevance on this forum as your
daughter's Moroccan eggplant (while the world knows that only Arabs can be
trusted with eggplant preparation..)

I agree with you about the Arabs and eggplants, 
but I can do a pretty good babaganouj and imam 
bayeldi, and my ratatouille provençal is also a 
dish some people who tasted it still talk about. 
As for the relevance of my invective to this forum:

It should be obvious, even to mental midgets like 
you, that the relevance of the subject matter of 
my invective in this forum was established by 
Arthur Ness' unconscionable introduction of 
Leonhard Schulz into this forum. Once introduced, 
the subject is fair game for discussion. Surely 
you do not mean to suggest that on any subject 
whatsoever, there is only one point of view that 
can be allowed here, and that is the view of the current nomenklatura?

But of course this is what you mean to suggest!

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonhard Schulz

2005-08-13 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 11:14 PM 8/12/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Never fail. You are almost predicable. I was thinking it should be
  quite easy to compile a list of buzz words which would generate
  automatically these knee jerk responses. Now let see:
  I say: Koshkin will never write for the lute
  you say:__
Actually he might, just to spite you. I'll ask Nikita, he's been a friend,
of late.

  I say: Kuritsa nye ptitsa y Ukraina ne zagranitsa (A chicken is not a
  bird and the Ukraine is not a foreign country)
  You say:___
The phrase originally referred to Bulgaria. Vlad Ivanoff might be lurking on
this list, to reallly appreciate it

Excellent responses. Right on the money.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-13 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 11:33 PM 8/12/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am listening. Intently.
  To yourself.

Once again, you are exactly right. There is no chance in tarnation 
that Arthur Ness will ever respond to the challenge, and for two 
simple reasons:

1. he hasn't a clue of where he got this bastardized form of a 
historic person's name and does not really know if it exists anywhere 
or is simply a product of his sick imagination,

2. he is not in a position to admit that he was wrong. Never did 
before, and will never do again.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-13 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 11:55 PM 8/12/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  To present this as your recent find, when you knew damn well that I
  published this piece in paper format in 1984, and when it ran out of
  print, I posted it on line in 1997, at which time you chose to
  criticize it on RMCG, in other words, you knew that it was there, is
  nothing short of a scandalous usurpation of my work.
MO, your nipping at Arthur's soles is not getting you anywhere.

Right again. I do not expect an intelligent and responsible response 
from Arthur on the merits of the issues at hand. Dr. Arthur Joseph 
Stonewall PH.D. is a well known figure in these parts. What I am 
getting out of this is the simple matter of making a public record 
which establishes the fact that in spite of his vast knowledge of 
lute matters, Arthur knows nothing about the guitar and its history, 
and the sooner he shuts up and not bring up guitar issues in this 
forum, or elsewhere, the better he will be prepared to deflect the 
impression of him as a fraud.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonhard Schulz

2005-08-13 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 07:11 AM 8/13/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Never fail. You are almost predicable. I was thinking it should be
  quite easy to compile a list of buzz words which would generate
  automatically these knee jerk responses. Now let see:
  I say: Koshkin will never write for the lute
  you say:__

This is just in, from the horse's mouth: Nikita Koshkin has written for the
lute, and not just once. In the late 1970's- early 80's.

He did? wonderful news. So how come this was never published, never 
reached the hands of any lutenists and never mentioned before?

Actually, there is a pirate web site in Kazakhstan run by a fellow 
named Evgeny Tian which includes every single work ever composed by 
Koshkin, both published and unpublished. No lute music in there. 
Also, your newly found love affair with Koshkin, so soon after you 
denounced me for publishing the music of Koshkin/Myshkin, right here 
in this forum, is almost a year old by now. How come it had taken him 
all that time to tell you about his lute compositions?

Anyway, a side show of little interest.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo / Pirates of Penance

2005-08-13 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 01:23 PM 8/13/2005, Arthur wrote:

   To catch modern day pirates Ophee changes a few notes in his 
editions of public domain music, so that when someone else publishes 
the same pieces with his alterations he can charge them with 
copyright infringement.  Of course one can go back to the original 
public domain piece and publish that, and there is nothing that 
Ophee can do about it.

Which is why I provide the full information on the source used in the 
edition itself. Right?

It does not take long for you to grab on a word expressed by a poster 
to try to change the subject. The issue is not pirating but your 
claim that you found the RBS copy of Schulz' Recollections of 
Ireland Op. 41, when in point of fact you knew about it for more than 
8 years by now since I gave you all the information about it.

   He only has copyright on the edition he publishes, such as 
Recollections of Ireland with all those mistakes.  Anyone can use 
and even publish the same piece by downloading the pubic domain copy 
from the Royal Library in Copenhagen, thanks to 
Coldwell.  Anyone can correct all the mistakes in that manuscript, 
and publish it and obtain their own copyright protection.

Is there an echo in here?

 (Just don't copy from Ophee, or he will get you.)

Damn right I will. Last fellow who did that, one Vladimir Mikulka, 
learned the hard way that when I provide the full information about 
the source I used for my edition, it is much better and cheaper to go 
back to the original and do his own edition, completely independent 
of my work. Mikulka's edition of Bobrowicz' Variations on La Ci Darem 
La Mano was removed from circulation by its publisher, Lemoine, when 
I proved that it was a rip off of my edition of the same. That was 
back in 1992, and since then, people have learned to leave my 
editions alone. So far, no one had attempted the Mikulka caper. There 
is no need to. There is so much PD music available, (only I happen to 
have published some of the best stuff first...)

   From what he is harping on in this thread seems to suggest he 
thinks he has some
  exclusive rights to the piece. He doesn't.

That's bullshit. Of course I do not have any rights to the piece. But 
I do have an inalienable right to the fact that I published this 
pieces in 1984, posted it on line in 1997, and there is no way in 
Hell you can come now and pretend to have just found it.

   And I was under no obligation to refer to his faulty edition, 
since the piece is readily
  available from Copenhagen, without Ophee's heavy-handed mis-editing.

My editing methodology, and all the decisions I made, are readily 
available for study on line by anyone. You do not state clearly what 
are your objections and expect readers to take you at your words. 
Needless to say, sycophants such as Roman Turovsky take at your words 
even before you pronounced them. I do not.

I am not aware of any published music for the guitar under your 
editorship, ever making itself known. None. You have never edited 
guitar music, you do not even play the guitar and never did, and as a 
matter of fact, you do not even play the lute. As for editing lute 
music, let's see... the last time you published anything in this 
field was when? Oh, I get it. 1970. 35 years ago. As far as I can 
tell, you are very good at making lists of things, but you are simply 
unqualified to express an opinion on editing guitar music.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-13 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 11:18 PM 8/12/2005, you wrote:
Arthur wrote:

 I'll stand on my F naturals, which both MO and ES turn to F sharps.

My original printed edition did have the F naturals, and that was the
point on which Erik criticized it. Eventually, in our discussions on
RMCG, you were the one who told me (Remember, all of this is still
on-line in the Google archives of RMCG) that Erik was right and I was
wrong, and I should put the sharp back in. As I explain in my on-line
article, I eventually made the change not because of what you and
Erik said, but for my own reasons. I any case, the critical apparatus
attached to the edition clearly spells out the available choices and
each guitarist can make up his or her mind without being spoon-fed by
you or by me.

All of the above is of course exactly 180 degrees off. My original 
1984 paper edition had the F#, and that is the point Erik criticized 
it. (Takes a bit of reflection to get untangled from Arthur's 
obfuscations...) The current on line edition has the F natural and 
for Arthur to say that it is a sharp is not only a misrepresentation, 
but an outright lie.

Check it out for yourself:


Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: OT: Mozart for guitar

2005-08-13 Thread Matanya Ophee
On Sat, 13 Aug 2005 07:47:31 -0700 Arthur Ness wrote:

No one would quarrel with the fact that the guitar enjoyed considerable
popularity in Vienna in Beethoven's time.  Schubert used the instrument a few
times, including in a birthday cantata for his father.  I know of no
documentary evidence that Schubert played guitar.  If he did so, 
someone would
have made note of that fact.

Some one did. The name is Umlauff. But even though the Umlauff story 
may be apocryphal, there is no question of the existence of several 
Schubert manuscripts of original guitar music. Check your Deutsch.

The many Schubert Lieder with guitar accompaniment were usually 
arrangements by Diabelli, Mertz, Pfeifer, et al.  One can imagine 
that the publishers would rush guitar versions into print to beat 
the competition for lucrative salon sales.

Diaballi is right, Mertz is wrong. What Mertz did was arrange for 
guitar 6 transcriptions of Schubert lieder made for the piano by 
Franz Liszt. Strictly instrumental, and not directly from Schubert. 
What Diabelli did is fully listed in my recent publication of the 
Thematic catalog of the Guitar Works of Anton Diabelli by Jukka Savioki.

I think Brian Jefferey has published some of these 
arrangements.  Edited by the
late Bob Spencer. Many of you probably know the edition.

I happen to know the edition very well, because it was prepared in my 
house at 341 Commonwealth Ave., in Boston during the year and half 
that Brian Jeffery lived there. Spencer had nothing to do with this. 
The editor was Thomas Heck and the material has nothing to do with 
the period arrangements published in Vienna. All the accompaniments 
are the product of Thomas Heck's invention. As a matter of fact, when 
he went back to England, Brian left behind all the original paste up 
boards for all the editions he prepared in my house. I still have 
them, and for the life of me, I don't know why I haven't dumped them 
years ago. Oh yes, I know why. It has this magnificent transparency 
of a pastoral scene in which Schubert is shown playing the guitar. 
Brian used it on the cover of his book.

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[LUTE] Leonhard Schulz

2005-08-12 Thread Matanya Ophee

Arthur Ness wrote:

I even know an Irish fantasia by Leonardo what'is name? that has a 
harmonic progression very similar to the introduction to Beethoven's 
Second Symphony. Alas it's in that Danish collection of guitar 
music, and many accidentals are left out. Also in D minor/major. The 
guitarist/copyist probably used staff notation as a kind of aide 
memoire for what was essentially playing by ear. Even though many 
wrong notes were written on the page, his fingers probably went to 
the correct frets.

 I found the piece. It's Recollections of Ireland by Leonardo Schultz
(Op.41). It's RiBs ms244c in that immense collection of guitar music at the
Royal Library in Copenhagen. You can download it here:


 The last hjalf ofthe Introduction is one of those misterioso harmonic
progressions, emphasizing the tonic minor (here d minor). That is, when the
theme appears in measure 13 it is colored by the sudden appearance of the
major mode (here D Major). It's a Tierce de Picardy effect. In these
progressions the F sharp is withheld until it resolves when the theme is
sounded. This procedure is found frequently in Beethoven, but 
earlier in Mozart
as well. In the Introduction under discussion you need these corrections:

 B flats in m. 7, 8 and 11
 F naturals in m. 10 and 11.

 The fingerings are wrong, a misreading by the amateur,who attempted to
correct himself, but got the wrong notes when he made the correction. Surely
Schultz had Beethoven inthe ears when he wrote that passage.

All that is very good information, but at the same time, it is a 
misrepresentation. This information was first published on line in 1997 here:


A full discussion of the pro and cons of the fingering issues here 
was also published here:


At the time, Arthur Ness expressed a few critical ideas about this on 
line edition in the RMCG new group. Obviously he knew about this 
edition first hand and for him to pretend today that he just found 
out the RBS availability of the J.G. Holm abschrift, without 
acknowledging the real source of his knowledge on this subject, me, 
is not exactly copacetic.

As for the availability of this music in Copenhagen, of course I know 
all about that. I published the complete catalogue of that 
collection, compiled by its curator Jytte Torpp Larson and edited by 
Peter Danner who needs no introduction here, already in 1989.

One thing always baffled me and that is Arthur's reference to Schulz 
as a Leonardo. Not the first time, BTW. On the various occasions I 
asked him to back up his reference with some documental evidence, I 
did not get a satisfactory answer. Leonhard Schulz was Austrian, born 
in Vienna, was a protege of Moscheles and in all the available early 
19th century sources he is always referred to as Leonhard. If Arthur 
knows something I do not, I would certainly appreciate the information.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonhard Schulz

2005-08-12 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 01:25 PM 8/12/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
An Austrian, Rodolfo [sic!] Soutscheck [sic!!!] trained the Florentine
soccer team in 1939.

The relevance of this fact, if it is a fact, completely escapes me. 
If you are saying that some Austrians used Italianized names, you are 
breaking the lock on an open door. We know that already. If you 
intimate that just because one Austrian football coach working in 
Italy had an Italianized name, then an Austrian guitarist who was 
born in 1818 and was never in Italy could also have an Italianized 
name, without any evidence that he was so called, then allow me to 
introduce you to Giovanni Sebastiano Bach, Francesco Haydn, Roberto 
Schumann, Francesco Dolcevillico (Franz Suessmayr) and Federico Handel.

So keep you sticky moneycounting fingers away from Arthur (ever a

I would not expect you to react any different. If plagiarizing 
information first generated by me and widely available on line for 
the last 8 years appears to you to be a gentlemanly thing to do, then 
of course you are entitled to your fealty to this Sociedad de Ladrones.

And as to your reference to my sticky monyecounting fingers: yes, 
they are indeed sticky and I do have such an uncontrollable urge to 
wash my hands every time I run into your scurrilous prose. But in 
this case, it is entirely off base. My posting of Leonhard Shulz' 
Recollections of Ireland Op. 41 in my web site 8 years ago, was a 
free offering, and still is.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-12 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 04:00 PM 8/12/2005, Alain Veylit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Personally, I think that Michael Thames and Matanya Ophee are one and
the same person - the timing is just too weird: one goes, the other one
But I don't recall M.O. mentioning being a luthier or M.T. mentioning
publishing. Maybe it's a case of split personality?

Cute, but does not adequately explains the flame war last year 
between me and Michael Thames regarding printed facsimiles, in which, 
it so appeared, Michael and Roman joined forces to denounce this 
money grabbing filthy merchant MO, who so much as expects to be paid 
for his work. It was with a certain degree of amusement that I have 
been reading Michael's tribulations with Roman more recently. I could 
have come to his assistance, but frankly, I decided to let him stew 
in the realization that siding with RT against MO, is no insurance 
against the venom of this viper.

Anyway, the issue here is not RT, but Arturo Ness, Esq.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-12 Thread Matanya Ophee
Howard Posner wrote:

 Get your tickets to this flame war early...

IOW, you are assuming that a simple discussion of plagiarism, on 
which there is no question, would necessarily deteriorate in this 
forum into personal insults and name calling. You are right, and 
Roman Turovsky did not waste any time changing the subject into a 
personal attack on me and on my day job as a music publisher. But the 
issue for me is real: if Arthur Ness had included the information he 
ripped off my web site in a school paper, a scholarly article, or a 
published book, he would have been tarred and feathered and 
ostracized forever as a scholar. But in this forum, so it seems, he 
can get away with anything. Sorry, but I do not buy the notion that 
anyone's reputation and standing is a good justification for usurping 
the work of others.

 Matanio Opheo wrote:

If you want to follow Arthur's Italianizations, Matanya should be 
rendered as Teodoro or Matteo. There is no Italianization possibly 
for Ophee, since this is a transliteration of a made up Hebrew word.

 If you are saying that some Austrians used Italianized names, you are
 breaking the lock on an open door. We know that already. If you
 intimate that just because one Austrian football coach working in
 Italy had an Italianized name, then an Atrian guitarist who was
 born in 1818 and was never in Italy could also have an Italianized
 name, without any evidence that he was so called, then allow me to
 introduce you to Giovanni Sebastiano Bach, Francesco Haydn, Roberto
 Schumann, Francesco Dolcevillico (Franz Suessmayr) and Federico Handel.
 I don't know about them, but Beethoven's original title page for his
 third symphony said, in his handwriting:
 Sinfonia Grande
 Intitolata Buonaparte
  del Sigr
 Luigi van Beethoven

I can bring thousands of other similar examples and they have no 
bearing at all on the issue at hand. The phenomenon of the use of the 
Italian language by musicians at the turn of the 19th century, not 
only in Austria but all over Europe,  is so well known, it would be 
to belabor the point, or, to use RT's example, to break the lock on 
an open door.

The issue here is that Leonhard Schulz left Vienna at the tender age 
of 14, never to return, and spent most of his adult life in England 
where he died in 1860. The number of newspaper reviews of his 
concerts all over Europe, are far larger than the number of reviews 
of all his contemporaries combined, and none of them, absolutely none 
of them, use an Italianized Leonardo. The only place the name appears 
in this spelling is in the 1934 Diccionario of Domingo Prat, in which 
_all_ European names have been translated into their Spanish 
equivalents. To use this spelling in the context of a discussion in 
English, is to insinuate a false image of this talented guitarist

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonhard Schulz

2005-08-12 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 04:36 PM 8/12/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 01:25 PM 8/12/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  An Austrian, Rodolfo [sic!] Soutscheck [sic!!!] trained the Florentine
  soccer team in 1939.
  The relevance of this fact, if it is a fact, completely escapes me.
It is meant to haunt you, and it will.

In other words, you agree it is irrelevant to the subject at hand. Thank you.

  If you are saying that some Austrians used Italianized names, you are
  breaking the lock on an open door. We know that already. If you
  intimate that just because one Austrian football coach working in
  Italy had an Italianized name, then an Austrian guitarist who was
  born in 1818 and was never in Italy could also have an Italianized
  name, without any evidence that he was so called, then allow me to
  introduce you to Giovanni Sebastiano Bach, Francesco Haydn, Roberto
  Schumann, Francesco Dolcevillico (Franz Suessmayr) and Federico Handel.
And more lutenistically relevant Fortunato Chelleri. So what?

Excellent question. The what here is exactly the same what as 
referred to that football coach you mentioned. Another confirmation 
of the fact that since you are unable to consider the actual issues 
at hand, completely over your head, you dispatch your duty to your 
jerkable knee by spouting Rorschach test responses.  Pavlov and Freud 
would have loved to have you as a test object.

  And as to your reference to my sticky monyecounting fingers: yes,
  they are indeed sticky and I do have such an uncontrollable urge to
  wash my hands every time I run into your scurrilous prose. But in
  this case, it is entirely off base. My posting of Leonhard Shulz'
  Recollections of Ireland Op. 41 in my web site 8 years ago, was a
  free offering, and still is.
An awesome thing indeed, a lifechanging event, an occurence of global
lutenistic proportions. Whoa..
One freebee in 8 years? My hat off to you.

Actually, there are 11 freebies on my web site. See here:


On top of that, I have a free bonus program which allows people to 
get a lot of my stock for nothing at all. Some lutenists have been 
taking advantage of that and acquiring for free a lot of lute books. 
I mean those of my lute productions that have not been sold out yet...


Come on in, Roman. Will do you good to hold a real printed book in 
your hands for once...

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonhard Schulz

2005-08-12 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 10:16 PM 8/12/2005, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Actually, there are 11 freebies on my web site. See here:
11! Wow...

Never fail. You are almost predicable. I was thinking it should be 
quite easy to compile a list of buzz words which would generate 
automatically these knee jerk responses. Now let see:

I say: Koshkin will never write for the lute

you say:__

I say: Kuritsa nye ptitsa y Ukraina ne zagranitsa (A chicken is not a 
bird and the Ukraine is not a foreign country)

You say:___

To be continued at a later time, by me, and by others who have by now 
learned your style of the SDNT (Self deluding nervous tick).

  On top of that, I have a free bonus program which allows people to
  get a lot of my stock for nothing at all. Some lutenists have been
  taking advantage of that and acquiring for free a lot of lute books.
  I mean those of my lute productions that have not been sold out yet...
To buy $45 worth of your guitar maculature in order to get a lute
freebee You severely underestimate lutenists' intelligence.

Not at all. Remember, I am the one with the sticky moneycounting 
fingers. I am counting it. Not as much as when I charged full price, 
but I am counting. Intelligence in lutenists is not a tribal quality. 
It's an individual thing, you know. Dr Pavlov should have told you 
that. Some lutenists are indeed intelligent, and some, like you, only 
pretend to be. The fact of the matter is that quite a good number of 
readers of this group had taken advantage of my offer already, and 
they surely know that the joke is on you.

How are the tickets sales so far for this flame war, Howard?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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[LUTE] Re: Leonardo Sciulzzo

2005-08-12 Thread Matanya Ophee

Fri, 12 Aug 2005 15:28:06 -0700 Arthur Ness wrote:

I really dislike seeing my words misrepresented on these pages, 
first by Thames/Haskins, and now Ophee.

My sympathy to you. It is indeed difficult to see one's words 
misrepresented. It is even more difficult to see complete distortion 
and misrepresentations, not to mention deliberate falsification of 
historically relevant data being posted on a public forum by people 
who should have known better, and should have had some measure of 
shame before posting. A discussion of one of your recent capers in 
this direction is on the Spanish language forum Guitarra.artelinkado at:


Ah, you do not know Spanish all that well? Ask Roman to translate. He 
knows all the languages.

Since my remarks are quite different from those of Ophee and 
Stenstadvold, they do not constitute plagiarism.

Let's get to the misrepresentation issue first, since you are so 
upset about misrepresentations. Earlier today you said:

 I found the piece. It's Recollections of Ireland by Leonardo Schultz
 (Op.41). It's RiBs ms244c in that immense collection of guitar music at the
 Royal Library in Copenhagen

To present this as your recent find, when you knew damn well that I 
published this piece in paper format in 1984, and when it ran out of 
print, I posted it on line in 1997, at which time you chose to 
criticize it on RMCG, in other words, you knew that it was there, is 
nothing short of a scandalous usurpation of my work. You found 
nothing. It was presented to you on a silver platter by myself, not 
only through my publication of the piece, but also through my 
publication of the RBS catalog.

You may not like my edition, which is your right, and you may very 
well do one all by yourself from scratch, but you cannot ignore my 
work and pretend it did not exist. People are getting thrown out of 
graduate school on a lot less than that.

Besides, Ophee's edition has so many mistakes, I couldn't refer to 
it to make my point about Beethoven influences.

An interesting point but hardly earth shaking. Schulz was born in 
Vienna when Beethoven was still alive, so it does not take rocket 
science to assume a Beethoven influence, but it is a good question if 
the influence was on Schulz, or on the copyist J.G. Holm sometimes in 
the 1880s. You do not know that, and I do not know that and to make 
the assertion of a Beethoven influence on the basis of such an 
amateurish piece of copyist work, is to beg the question of your 
understanding of basic paleography.

As for the mistakes in my edition: since the J.G. Holm abschrift from 
which I worked is now available for free download, anybody can 
compare the two and reach their own conclusions. I am not even 
prepared to argue with you which are the mistakes you referring to, 
since no one had ever seen the actual original copy by Schulz himself.

   Something neither Ophee or E.S. mention.

Of course we did not, because both of us, as much as we disagreed 
with each other, knew damn well that Beethoven was not even in the 
picture and to bring him in here could only be a figment of a very 
fertile imagination.

I'll stand on my F naturals, which both MO and ES turn to F sharps.

My original printed edition did have the F naturals, and that was the 
point on which Erik criticized it. Eventually, in our discussions on 
RMCG, you were the one who told me (Remember, all of this is still 
on-line in the Google archives of RMCG) that Erik was right and I was 
wrong, and I should put the sharp back in. As I explain in my on-line 
article, I eventually made the change not because of what you and 
Erik said, but for my own reasons. I any case, the critical apparatus 
attached to the edition clearly spells out the available choices and 
each guitarist can make up his or her mind without being spoon-fed by 
you or by me.

But now that I got your attention: can you please tell me where you 
got the spelling Leonardo Schultz from?

I am listening. Intently.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

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Re: Tabs, Staff and the rest of it. (for Stewart McCoy)

2003-12-11 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 11:08 AM 12/11/2003 +, Stewart McCoy 
Dear Matanya,

Yes, I do seem to be contradicting myself, so perhaps I may
elaborate a little. I think a lot depends on how much experience one
has with any particular notation. For a complete beginner tablature

No argument here, except to say that I doubt very if there are complete 
beginners who come to the lute without first having played another 
instrument. At the 1998 Colloque de Luth en Occident, Xavier Cahuepe 
presented a paper on his experience in teaching the lute to children who 
have not been introduced to other instruments, something like the 
Suzuki-tablature approach. Whatever the merits of the experiment, I am not 
aware of anyone else working in this area and even Xavier's work has not 
been mentioned by anyone in the literature that I know of. Do you have lute 
beginners who have never played a musical instrument before?

 will be easier to read, because it by-passes the concept of pitch
 and goes straight to the fingerboard.

And this is the main point here: since the majority of lute beginners are 
people who are already well conversed with pitch notation, tablature may, 
or may not be easier to read. And the real obstacle is not so much the 
relative ease of either system, but the experienced notation reader to 
accept a new method of reading music.

  There are no sharps and flats
to worry about.

But there are new symbols to worry about, symbols which are not in the 
current vocabulary of the new lutenist.

  However, with time and lots of playing, those
tablature letters acquire a meaning which embraces pitch as well as
position on the fingerboard. An experienced player can sing from
tablature or (if he is a pianist) play it straight onto the piano.
The tuning would have to be a familiar one, otherwise he will be
back to square one as a beginner, deducing a position on the
fingerboard, but not pitch.

My own experience is that the same thing happens in reverse with
staff notation. For a beginner the notes of staff notation represent
pitch only, and he has to learn where those notes are on his

That would be true if your beginner was someone who is already familiar 
with pitch notation. But in the case of a guitar beginner who has not 
learned pitch notation on another instrument before, the notes represent 
location on the fingerboard, exactly as tablature ciphers do. The more 
common 19th century guitar tutors approached the fingerboard as if it was a 
piano, teaching the white notes first, then introducing accidentals 
according the circle of fifth. This approach was radically altered by Sor 
an Aguado who treated the fingerboard as one linear unit, not divided by 
positions. If you are interested in some of the issues involved here, you 
might wish to read this:


  Eventually the idea of pitch and position on the
fingerboard become so intertwined, that staff notation becomes a
sort of tablature. A notation designed to show pitch ends up being
one which the player eventually associates with the lay-out of his

Exactly my point. With all the exhortations by knowledgeable teachers, few 
guitarists can actually sight sing a musical score. Thus pitch notation, as 
complex as it might be, remains basically a pseudo-tablature, particularly 
when it is adorned with the clutter of thick fingering layer. The 
difference is that in pitch notation a good reader can recognize instantly 
the rhythmical values of all the voices in a polyphonic work, and instantly 
determine, based on the context, where to stop a particular note or chord. 
Whether this is done by reference to the visual appearance of the notation 
only, or by reference to the aural significance of the notes, is really not 
all that important.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Size of the lute world

2003-12-11 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:28 AM 12/11/2003 -0800, C Etter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think you are wrong when you say that For the most part, not only they
[classical guitarists] cannot read tablature.

My experience as a classical guitarist is that nearly all of the other
classical guitarist whom I have ever met, and from whom I learned something
of their past musical lives, came to classical guitar from various pop
styles, mostly rock. I would guess that the *vast majority* of classical
guitarist today are totally comfortable reading standard guitar tab (in
spite of its inferiority, i.e., lack of rhythmic notations) because for so
many guitar players, that's what they learned first.

I cannot possibly argue with your own personal experience. My experience, 
over the last 48 years and all over the world, is different.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Vance's hypocricy

2003-12-11 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 09:02 PM 12/11/2003 -0600, Michael Thames [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Vance, Manyna wrote this,to Roman.

  Somehow I suspect that you will be able to resist the urge=20
to attack me, once you get more of that second-hand whiff of wind... see =

you later, boychik.

Actually, what I mean to say is I suspect that you will _not_ be able to 
resist the urge... Thank you for allowing me to make the correction.

  Now here, is a MO sighting where he clearly insults gays, by =
calling Roman a  boychik and I'll translate that for you, it means =

It is? not in _my_ Yiddish dictionary it ain't. This is one of those 
instances where Yiddish soaks up the local vernacular. My grandmother, 
who's never been to Brooklyn, used to call me, when I was about yea big, in 
her best Minskian Yiddish, a schmendrechik. Boychik is a Brooklyn Yidishism 
which indicates a very young boy. Period. There is nothing about sexual 
orientation in the term.

  This is not some kind of dreamed up theory, like my case. MO =
actually said it!

Of course I did. My purpose in saying this carefully calculated put down 
was to indicate to Roman that he is still wet behind the ears, and there is 
much for him to learn before he gets to my place. It has nothing to do with 
his sexual orientation. As far as I know he is a married man with a wife 
and two kids.

  Now I would have thought that you would burn him at =
the stake for that one Dudley, but it seems your hypocrisy knows no =

So is _your_ ignorance of the Yiddish vernacular.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Tabs, Staff and the rest of it. (for Stewart McCoy)

2003-12-10 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 07:43 PM 12/10/2003 +, Stewart McCoy 

Matanya Ophee has argued that reading from tablature is like playing
by rote. I wouldn't quite put it that way, because playing from
staff notation can be much the same, if you are on auto-pilot. What
I think he means (please correct me if I'm wrong, Matanya) is that
it is easier to see and understand musical things like harmony and
counterpoint when reading from staff notation. I would agree with
that, but I would also say that it is often easier to see technical
things like chord shapes and finger patterns when reading from
tablature. Both systems have their strengths.

As you may have gathered from my exchanges with Howard, I am not all that 
interested in arguing in favor of one system or the other, if the question 
is for accomplished players who are familiar with their preferred system of 
notation. My only interest in this issue is if the insistence on tablature 
is doing the lute any good by scaring away the non-lutenists.

In a previous message, you argued that pitch notation requires two actions 
to cause the player to execute the movements required to produce the sound, 
i.e., recognition of the pitch and then translating that pitch to the 
topography of the fingerboard. Tablature, you said, removes one of these 
actions and goes directly to the fingerboard. If this is true, then it 
follows that the only time the lutenist gets to hear the pitch, is _after_ 
the action has been taken when it is too late to do anything about it. But 
this can not be entirely true, if, at the same time, you recognize that it 
is possible to hear the pitch directly from the ciphers. In other words, as 
far as pitch is concerned, both systems are pretty much the same. Where the 
difference is in the rhythm, and in the harmonic sense, in the ability to 
indicate dynamics, accents, timbre and other elements of musical 
interpretation that are not available in tablature. See for example this:


Of course Thomas Schall is correct that some guitarists prefer full 
fingering and use them as pseudo-tablature. But this is a phenomenon that 
belongs in the early stages of education. Professional guitarists for the 
most part, can read the music without any fingering.

And of course, even pitch notation is not a precisely scientific way of 
depicting the actual sound. There is quite a bit that is taken on faith by 
the player and much of the precise durations of the inner voices cannot be 
notated correctly. But as in the case of the First Etude by Villa-Lobos 
(see this discussion of it for details: http://www.orphee.com/yantee.htm) 
the published pitch notation is pretty much a perfect pseudo-tablature, 
even without the fingering. Experienced player would be able to negotiate 
all the chord changes on sight, and beginners will have to hunt and peck 
one note at a time.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Size of lute world

2003-12-09 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 12:37 AM 12/10/2003 +0900, Ed Durbrow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  From Stan Beuten's website http://www.lutebooks.com/:
 The Method for the Renaissance Lute sold more than 20,000 copies

If most of those buyers were lutenists, then the size of the lute
world is bigger than I thought.

What the web site is not telling you is how many years it took to sell 
20,000 copies, even if you take the number quoted at face value, and how 
many copies were sold, let's say, during the last 5 years.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Staff Notation/Tablature

2003-12-09 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 04:25 AM 12/9/2003 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The problem with standard notation is its lack of specificity. You can 
notate a Cmaj triad and play it many different places on the neck. Now voice
leading would give you some clues, but not always, especially if you have many
strings like the lute

That is not entirely correct. A single Cmaj triad would function as you 
say. But a Cmaj triad within the _context of a given passage_, may be 
required to be played in the first position, or in the ninth or even 
higher. Good sight readers would immediately be able to determine, on 
sight, exactly where, and with what fingers to press the strings and 
produce the triad. Even without any fingering indications.

  The benefit of standard notation is its specificity,

At the top of this post your stated that The problem with standard 
notation is its lack of specificity. So which is it?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Staff Notation/Tablature

2003-12-09 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:02 PM 12/9/2003 +, Monica Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Even Campion could
hardly have written all his guitar music using seven different scordature in
staff notation.

We do not know that. If the music was written in tablature, it could very 
well have been written in pitch notation as well. The point to consider is 
that in his own reference to the Novelles Decouverts, Campion said this:

Yet, I have conformed to the use of tablature, in a book of guitar pieces 
that I published, where there are 8 different manners of tuning: in this 
case the tablature is useful; but those who wish to use it, must first well 
know their fingerboard by music  (Traité d'accompagnement et de composition 
selon la regle des octaves de musique, Oeuvre second, Paris, 1716).

The question, then as now, is not and either/or proposition. Whatever the 
reason one uses tablature, without a thorough theoretical understanding of 
the music, you learn to play by rote.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Size of the lute world

2003-12-09 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 12:32 PM 12/9/2003 -0800, Howard Posner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Matanya Ophee at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  May be you are right. May be I should have been more specific and say that
  these comments were an indication of a general feelings
  [sic] of malaise regarding tablature in France at the specific time frame
  of 1697 to 1716. And thank you for the [sic]. Fixed it.

Even so, I think you'd be making too much of them.  It normally takes at
least six comments to establish an official general feeling of malaise, but
of course it requires a bit more among the French, who are looser with their

I think you got something there, but I am not sure you want to pursue this 
argument to its inevitable conclusion. The main problem we all have in 
historical research, is that there are not too many extant sources for any 
particular issue, and more often than not, conclusions are arrived at by 
extrapolation of the available data. What was the term for that concept? 
Postmodern Phenomenological Deconstructivism  or something like that. Give 
you an example.

There are a few documentary sources which established that in a double 
octave course on the baroque guitar, the high octave string was on the side 
of the thumb. There are no sources which indicate that this course was ever 
played by itself, without the associated bourdon. That has not stopped an 
entire movement of baroque guitarists to assume that it was in fact meant 
to be so played. Are they making too much of it? and then, too much of what?

And then take the issue of iconographic evidence in which no one is able to 
state if the picture was made by the artist in reference to a real live 
musician, or in reference to a staged model who had no idea about lute 
technique, or in reference to another picture in which the matter of 
placing the hands, fingers, course, frets etc, was determined by the artist 
in what can be best described as artistic licence. There has been a 
tremendous amount of traffic in this list about such issues, often based on 
one or two pictures. Are we making too much of it?

here is one picture you may not have seen before:


I cna just imagine the sort of conclusions that can be made of it.

So, with the addition of the Milleran quote furnished by Fred, we now have 
three commentaries by French musicians about the dangers of tablature to 
the general musicianship of the player.

It could be said, and I would not be able to argue against it, that each of 
these musicians, Milleran, Perrine and Campion were not talking as 
witnesses of their time, but only expressing their own personal bias. If we 
accept this point of view, we then must accept that every single musician 
of the time was acting as an individual with an axe to grind and not as an 
impartial observer of society. Accepting such a view would require us to 
discard about 90% of what we have come to regard as the basic tenets of HIP 

One analogy would be the periodic copyright/upload/download flareups we have
around here.  An observer might extrapolate from the heat and number of the
posts that it's a huge hot-button issue, but in fact perhaps 95% of the lute
listers expressed no opinion at all, and may have no strong opinion on the

Excellent analogy. Which, if carried to its logical conclusion, would tell 
us that we have no way of knowing what was the opinion, performance 
practice, musical output of all those musicians who never posted anything 
on the bandwidth of the Renaissance and baroque period. Bach and Weiss are 
the greatest? of course they are, because they have been some of the more 
prolific posters of their time. But what do we know about the lute works of 
lesser figures such as Graupner, Buxtehude, Froberger, etc? and by etc. I 
mean all those composers whose existence in the time frame is not even 
known. Some of them manage to sneak through and come up to the surface once 
in a while, many, and we have no idea how many exactly, never do.

They never wrote anything for the lute? perhaps. But we shall never know 
for sure, What we do know for sure is that no such works by them is known 
to exist. IOW, they could have been lurkers.

I have no statistical data worth knowing.  But I can hardly miss things like
the increase in lute players making a living performing, mostly as continuo
players; the way that theorbos, archlutes and guitars are taken for granted
in baroque ensembles and recordings, the publicity push Harmonia Mundi USA
has thrown behind Paul O'Dette, or the presence of O'Dette and Stubbs as
directors of the Boston Early Music Festival.

The increase you notice is not in the number of players, but in the number 
of early music ensemble. Back in the old days there was the Noah Greenberg 
group, and not much else. As for the performing and recording lutenists, I 
would wager that between Michel Podolsky, Eugen Dombois, Suzanne Bloch, 
Stanley Buetens, Konrad

Re: Size of the lute world

2003-12-09 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 04:25 PM 12/9/2003 -0800, Howard Posner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Accepting such a view would require us to
  discard about 90% of what we have come to regard as the basic tenets of HIP

No, because a consensus, or a majority, or an institution, or a societal
norm, or accepted performance practice, is the sum total of a lot of
individual biases and axes to grind.

Of course. But we must understand that we draw this consensus today, based 
on the sources that are available to us today. Since we have no way of 
knowing anything about the Renaissance and Baroque lurkers, we can never be 
sure that the consensus we think exists in the available sources, also 
existed in the exchanges the living lutenists made among themselves. Some 
of these exchanges survived, most did not.

So take Perrine.  If you have one late 17th-century French commentator who
dislikes tablature, you have one piece of evidence about how tablature was
viewed in late 17th-century France.  What other evidence is there?  If there
are volumes of late 17th-century or early 18th-century French solo lute
music written in staff notation instead of tablature, they would be evidence
that Perrine was observing a trend, or starting one.  But the absence of
volumes of late 17th-century or early 18th-century French solo lute music
written in staff notation instead of tablature is evidence that he was just
a guy who didn't like tablature.

I agree. But the fact remains that within 19 years after the appearance of 
the Perrine book, Campion stated that the lute was done for. That is a 
fairly powerful statement and we really have only one way to verify it. How 
many lute books in tablature were printed for general consumption between 
1697 and 1716?

And I would suggest that manuscripts that can be dated to that time period 
are not a reliable measure of the popularity of the instrument. A 
manuscript would indicate a single owner, or a succession of a single 
owners over time. A printed book indicates an existing market.

  The increase you notice is not in the number of players, but in the number
  of early music ensemble.

Unless one lute player is playing all the gigs with all of the ensembles,
there has to be an increase in lute players to go with the increase in the
number of ensembles.

yea, but do they make a living doing this?

  As for the performing and recording lutenists, I
  would wager that between Michel Podolsky, Eugen Dombois, Suzanne Bloch,
  Stanley Buetens, Konrad Raggosnig, Walter Gerwig, Julian Bream and Narciso
  Yepes, to mention the better known lutenists of the previous generations,
  there were just as many professional lute performers then as there are 

I couldn't sleep at night if I took your money on a sucker bet like that.
Were I a gambling man (I'm not), I might take bets on whether there are more
professional lutenists in London now than there were in the entire world
forty years ago.

Probably true, if your definition of a professional lutenist in London 
today depends on counting on anyone who owns a lute and produced a vanity 
CD. I would suggest that the way to measure this, is to walk into Border's 
or Tower Records, and see how many lute CDs are available in the bins. 
Since we cannot walk into similar stores in 1956 or so, we have to go by 
existing discographies. In 1990, I published a discography of guitar 
records. It includes a section of lute recordings, mostly LPs that were 
produced before 1990. The picture it gives is illuminating.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Size of the lute world

2003-12-09 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 01:24 PM 12/10/2003 +0900, Ed Durbrow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 here is one picture you may not have seen before:
 I cna just imagine the sort of conclusions that can be made of it.

I love it! Left handed no less. The picture is not reversed because
the music is the right way.

Also the script of the names of the engraver. This is supposed to ve after 
some painting. Any one knows the original?

  I can just imagine the artist telling the
model how to place his fingers.

I would think the model is a she.

The real value of this painting is of course the music, if anyone can 
identify it. Now let's assume, for the sake of argument, that this is the 
only drawing in existence showing a lute player playing. It would be a 
smashing proof that lute player never played from tablature, but from pitch 
notation :-)

  It may take me a while to incorporate
this new hand position. :-)

Only advisable if you have good health insurance. BTW, the fact that it is 
left handed would suggest that the model is the artist herself, looking in 
a mirror.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: TIme used well, was: State of Lutenet

2003-12-08 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 11:39 PM 12/7/2003 -0600, Michael Thames [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That's a very appropriate reference to a guy who lost half his family in
Auschwitz. Thanks Michael Thames. Your true colors are coming out in
brighter colors all the time

 Matanya Orphee... I thought that was a French name.

Orphee is not my name. That's the name of my publishing business. But I 
would not expect you to be able to tell the difference.

   The Nazi was
referring to you hating anyone who disagrees with you.

That's an even more inauspicious spin doctoring. First of all, what you 
know about my dealings in rmcg, is second hand. As you stated yourself, you 
were told about it by someone else. Howard Posner posted here a couple of 
days ago some account of what goes on in that NG, on a particular day. Much 
of what he said does in fact occurs there, but not on 12/6/03. Be that as 
it may, I do not recall any instance of outright antisemitism there, seeing 
that the great majority of posters in the NG are Jewish. As for homophobia, 
yes that does occur once in a while, from one particular source. But you 
are asserting here is that besides my expression of disagreement, I also 
_hate_ my opponents. You have no reason to say that. I may feel sorry for 
them for not seeing the truth the way I do, I may be annoyed by some of the 
language directed at me, but hate is not part of my emotional make up.

   You know this whole thing reminds me of when I was the new kid at
school and I would get in a fight with all my future best friends.  Lets
call it quits, and the next time I'm at a GFA or some similar event, we can
go have a couple of beers and put this all behind us.  I'm serious!

After all the epithets that you have directed at me in this medium, I do 
not believe I would find talking to you in person, on any subject, a 
pleasant or even interesting pastime. It would take more than a couple of 
beers to wipe that bad taste out of my mouth. More like a couple-three 
bottles of vodka, and unfortunately, I do not drink. Period. Not any more. 
Doctor's orders.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Size of the lute world

2003-12-08 Thread Matanya Ophee
 what. So then you got a lute and learned to 
read tablature.

(I'm guessing two thirds were Bream converts) and found that
learning French tab was vastly easier than learning to drive a car or use a
computer.  Certainly it's easier than learning an instrument or earning the
money to buy it and string it.

No argument here. I learned to read tablature even without owning a lute, 
and I have done so already in the late 1950s. As I mentioned before, it was 
Diana Poulton who got me in touch with a lute maker named Hans Jordan and I 
ordered one from him. Never got it and life took another turn. But the 
issue here is not how easy it has been for you and me. The issue here is 
that this is not going to happen to others unless they get hooked, like you 
and me, by the music itself.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: State of Lutenet (was Size of the lute world)

2003-12-07 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 03:33 PM 12/7/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The truce more or less lasted until Doug Smith's campaign against

Thank you for confirming the reason and the rationale for your anti-MO 
abusive demagoguery.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: State of Lutenet (was Size of the lute world)

2003-12-07 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 03:33 PM 12/7/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Then MO proceeded to insult Sephardim, and I took an exception to that

Interesting perception. Me insulting Sephardim. My brother in law is a 
Sephardi, my son in law is a Sephardi and my four grand children are 
Sephardi. So what it was I said about Sephardim that was insulting? do 
refresh my memory.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Size of the lute world

2003-12-07 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 02:45 PM 12/7/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Look,--- if some things like this do not get commercialized to some degree
  no one would be able to get strings because no one would make them for 
  and music would only be available to those near enough to a library 
 that had
  manuscripts available for us to look at and copy out of.
That is not untrue, but Lute is not yet like Piano that takes care of itself

The lute has never been like any of the other instrument. It was always on 
the outside looking in, and as the Sieur Perrine noted in 1697, it will 
always continue to be there, as long as lutenists insist on a notational 
system that is not shared by other musicians. There is no reason to believe 
that the lute in our time will be more successful in reaching the status of 
the piano, or even that of the guitar, different than it was at any other 
time in history.

  It is a quasi-religious thing and it relies on proselytism to
perpetuate itself.

This is a statement I can easily agree with. The problem is that this 
proselytizing can never achieve any results when the emphasis is not on the 
music but on the instrument and its notational peculiarities. Most of the 
people in this group and in other lute groups have come on to the 
instrument through the music, not the other way around. Hence the best 
possible avenue for proselytizing is making the _music_ available to people 
who can read it and play. Eventually, people become curious and seek out 
the instrument itself. It happened before. No one becomes a lutenist by 
having free access to on line facsimiles of lute tablature.

The equipment producers must be paid to keep them in
existence, but at least some socialist distribution is essential to foment
interest and awareness.

That is a political point of view which is simply unrealistic. It lies in 
the basic contradiction between hardware and software. The only reason 
socialist distribution is applied here to the music, is because it can be 
done with impunity. Only a few days ago we were told by one enthusiast that 
the only reason he does not copy Michel Cardin's CDs is because he does not 
know how to do it. IOW, he has no compunction about producing illegal 
copies of 9 CDs thus depriving the performer of royalty income to which he 
is entitled.

No one talks about a socialist distribution of instruments and hardware 
accessories. RT's Add-a-Lutenist pitch is not socialist distribution. It 
is charity. And as for socialism in general: do tell me how many lutenists 
there are in Cuba, Vietnam or North Korea?

Keeping the equipment producers in existence, and at the same time 
preaching for socialist distribution, is thus a self cancelling paradigm. 
You can't have it both ways.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: State of Lutenet (was Size of the lute world)

2003-12-07 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 05:28 PM 12/7/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Please address this issue privately with RT.

I am sorry, but the issue of publishers being ripped off by socialist do 
gooders is not a personal matter. It is a public issue, and as a publisher 
yourself it should concern you too. If you do not feel concerned, that's 
your choice to make. Besides, I resent the insinuation that the I have to 
do anything with this flame war. It was started by Michael Thames 
addressing me as Montana and by Romany Turovsky referring to me as a 
mixture of yeast and fecal matter. If the flame bothers you so much, please 
address the initial culprits.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Facsimeles etc.

2003-12-05 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 09:20 AM 12/5/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If you feel they do not, strive to
  change them through proper channels in favor of breaking them.  I don't
  believe allowing the production and sale of lute tablatures is quite
  enough to justify a label of tyranny.
Production is not questioned here, but rather an attempt to monopolize PD
material by repackaging it.

That is a weak argument that does not reflect the realities of the market 
place. Repackaging a facsimile is not a monopoly. The Mudarra book is 
published in facsimile by both Chanterelle and Minkoff. The Sanz book is 
published in facsimile By Minkoff, Abrines and Rodrigo de Zayas, the Moscow 
Weiss Manuscript is published in facsimile by Zen-On (Manabe) and Orphee 
(Crawford). There is nothing to prevent anyone from re-publishing any 
manuscript in facsimile, as long as they obtain it from the original source.

IT IS VERY SIMPLE: In order to publish a classic novel one has no obligation
or necessity to pay a single penny to the library or an individual that
holds the manuscript. PERIOD.
Lute tabulatures are no different.

They are different. The proper analogy here would be the re-publication of 
the _music_ contained in the tablature, not the image of the tablature 
itself. If I want to re-publish the complete works of Shakespeare, I have 
two choices. Take any of the available sources, off the shelf at Barnes  
Noble if need be, re-typeset it and publish it. No problem. The other 
choice is to do a facsimile, let's say, of the first edition. In that case, 
I need to obtain the permission of the holder of that source, if there is 
only one. If there are many such sources, I may try to obtain one myself 
(Sotheby's for example) or negotiate with any of the known holders. Once I 
published this facsimile, anyone who wishes to throw good money after bad 
is welcome to repeat the process. All I am asking is that if you want to 
produce a facsimile of something I published, please retrace my steps and 
invest the same kind of time and money I did. Don't rip me off.

The reprint industry is far more extensive than just the manufacturers of 
lute tablature facsimiles. Minkoff is one of the smaller operators in the 
field. Other well known ones are Dover Publications of New York, Da Capo 
Press, Olms verlag in Hildesheim, Slatkine Reprints (also in Geneva) and 
many others.

What RT is insinuating is that by publishing a facsimile, the _intent_ of 
the publisher is to monopolize the market. That is utter nonsense since he 
has no way of knowing if this is in fact the case, particularly when the 
market place reality is indicates no such monopoly exists.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Recent discoveries (Facsimeles etc.)

2003-12-05 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 12:24 PM 12/5/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'll ask Sasha Batov about this.

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02059.html

Good idea. I hope you have better luck getting hold of him than I did last 
August. Batov was working in the Leningrad Museum of Musical Instruments at 
the time. That's when I met him. The Manuscript in question was in another 
library. But as an active lutenist in Leningrad at the same time, he should 
know of this manuscript and what it was.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Facsimeles etc.

2003-12-05 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 11:43 AM 12/5/2003 -0600, Herbert Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Matanya Ophee wrote:
  Quite the contrary.  Sky writing, ..., have a very secure business model
  where the

I simply meant (with some poetic license required, perhaps) that you can't
sell tickets to a sky-writing show.

They buy the tickets to the football game, placing thousands of potential 
buyers in one location, which gives advertisers the venue to sell their 
product. Sky writers, like banner draggers, have a secure income form that, 
weather permitting of course.

  ... the street beggars in the swampy slums of Bangladesh are not part of
  this new fangled accessibility to music, yet they constitute a
  considerable portion of this thing you call mankind.

Anyone who reads National Geographic knows that very few people in the
world are unaffected by modern electronic entertainment.

Yes of course. They all own computers and CD burners.

If file swapping kills Columbia Records, RIAA, and MGM Studios, I think
that mankind as a whole will indeed benefit, including the half-starved
rat-hunters, whether or not they are part of the kill mechanism.

Be careful what you wish for. You may get it.

  What we are really talking about is the replacement of commerciality with

You're twisting my subject, and then implying that I was confused about
what the subject was.

Not at all. we are talking about the same thing.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: falce and unperfect

2003-12-05 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 07:02 PM 12/5/2003 +0100, Tony Chalkley wrote:

 maybe it would not be a bad idea for the publishers
(seeing as two of them are on the list) to explain their market (and I don't
mean by this justify their prices).  What a print run on the average
facsimile is, who buys it, etc.

Justifying the prices is part and parcel of any project. The target 
audience for any project varies. Many years ago, in a thread called How 
Much Does it Cost? right here in this group, someone complained about the 
price of a particular Minkoff facsimile. It was quite a lengthy thread and 
among others, I posted there a lengthy article about one of my facsimiles. 
I did not identify it by name at the time, but at a later time I made it 
clear that reference was made to the St. Petersburg Swan Manuscript.

Here is the story in a nut shell. It cost me, out of my own private pocket, 
$16,000.- to produce this facsimile. I printed 500 copies. The traditional 
rule of thumb in the publishing industry is that the suggested price list 
should by 7 times the cost. The reason for that is that very few copies are 
sold directly to the end users. It happens sometimes, but the distribution 
scheme in place is comprised of the publishermain distributorsubsidiary 
distributorsdealers. They all get a cut.

The cost per copy is $32.- Applying the rule, the list price should be 
$224. As you can tell from my on line catalogue, the suggested list price 
for this book is $98.- In my estimation then, there was no way I could sell 
the book at all if the price was over the watershed number of a $100.-

Now if I sell the book directly, I make a few bucks on this one copy. If I 
sell it through the distribution scheme, my average take is about 28% off 
the list price, i.e., $27.44 which is below what it cost me to produce. I 
lose money.

On the average, most of my sales are through my distributors. very few of 
them have been directly. I ceased my mail order operations in 1996, and 
only in the last couple of month I finally established a shopping cart on 
my web site. So far, I sold one copy of this book through the web site. 
Thank you friend, you know who you are.

You can easily calculate how many copies I need to sell in order to 
recuperate my investment, and that is _before_ I made in single dime on the 
deal. Unfortunately, since its publication in 1994, nine years ago I sold a 
grand total of 120 copies, most of it in the first couple of years. Since 
then, the rate of sales is about 3-4 copies every year. which is not enough 
to generate any royalties to the two editors, Tim Crawford and 
Pierre-François Goy who did a tremendous amount of work in preparing it. It 
will be many years before I cover my costs on this book, and many more 
before I see any profit at all.

That is why all this bravado about greed, monopoly, tyranny, is so hurtful 
and so unfair. And that is why there is no chance I will ever publish 
another facsimile. As soon as I did, the predators will be on it, if it is 
was sexy enough. The only think that protects me from them in the case of 
the Swan is that it is not a well known or well understood source.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Copy Rights

2003-12-05 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 02:01 PM 12/5/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
An additional reason to share facsimilia (from CG list):

  From: Matanya Ophee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I was able to remove from the market an
  edition of PD material by another publisher, which was based on my
  edition of the same piece. I have made a few editorial changes to the
  original, and also included (unintentionally of course) two mistakes.
  The predators copied all my editorial changes and my mistakes without
  credit or permission. Since then, I insure that every edition of mine
  of PD material contains a lot of editorial work and at least two

That is correct. The piece in question, Bobrowicz' Variations on la Ci 
Darem la Mano op. 6, is available from the Rischel  Birket Smith 
Collection in the Royal Library of Copenhagen. My edition of it clearly 
stated the source, and it would have been no problem for the predator to go 
there, get a copy of the original and do his own editing and his own 
mistakes. At the time, one would have needed to write to the library and 
asks for copies. Today these copies are available for download from the 
library's web site. The issue there was not the music, but MY editorial 
work. That is protected and I will continue to protect as much as I can.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: falce and unperfect

2003-12-05 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 04:26 PM 12/5/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  but the distribution
  scheme in place is comprised of the publishermain distributorsubsidiary
  distributorsdealers. They all get a cut.
  The cost per copy is $32.- Applying the rule, the list price should be
  $224. As you can tell from my on line catalogue, the suggested list price
  for this book is $98.- In my estimation then, there was no way I could sell
  the book at all if the price was over the watershed number of a $100.-
My experience with distributors and dealers is that they add 1/3 of their
cost to the price and pass it onto the next level.
So a $32 MO book would be $44 at the first distributor, and $60 at the
HYPOTHETICAL second distributor, $80 for the end user, but only if the
second distributor ever existed.

Obviously your experience with dealers and distributors  is not the same as 
mine and as that of the rest of the world in the music publishing business. 
Nevertheless,  you completely misunderstand the difference between costs of 
production and commercial discount. My $32.- dollars is what it took to 
produce the book. Period. Out of pocket expenses.

Distributors and dealers get their discounts off the official suggested 
list price. In the US, it is against the law to fix prices, but in Europe 
it is against the law to charge anything other than the price fixed by the 
publisher. IOW, my distributor sells books to their secondary distributors 
in various countries, and they in turn sell them to the shops. The discount 
structure of my distributor, the Theodore presser Company, is stated in 
their policy and if you want to know what it is, please apply to them and 
ask for their sales terms. I am sure they will be happy to oblige. It is 
based on the official suggested list price, the price that I decide what it 
will be for each individual edition.

So an MO book that costs $100 at the dealer- costs $67 at Theodor Presser,
i.e. MO got $45 for it- and made a $15 profit.

Bullshit calculation based on ignorant assumptions.

If the MO cost is indeed authentic (the man's tongue in notably forked
[allow me to refrain from further biological considerations]) then his take
home pay is not insignificant (his rule of thumb of 7 times the cost is
pure fantasy).

yes of course. Not insignificant. Actually when I sell the book at full 
price directly to an individual, I make a killing, greedy bastard that I 
am. A killing that occurs about one every couple of years for this 
particular book. That and a buck 95 will not even get you a cup of coffee 
at Starbuck's.

The fantasy above mentioned is used by the majority of commercial 
publishers world wide. Of course there are variations. Sometimes the price 
is 10 times cost, and sometimes it is 3 times cost. I have been using this 
rule of thumb for the last 25 years, and it was not my invention. I was 
given the secret of it by one Brian Jeffery.

However the publishers produce facsimiles not to make money. The facsimiles
make their OTHER books look trustworthy and sellable. In other words the
facsimiles are promotional material to a large degree.

So a publisher that does nothing but facsimiles, like Minkoff for example, 
is using facsimiles to promotes facsimiles?

The formula is different. Large publishers rely mostly on their popular 
music fodder to bring in the bread, but they do money losing prestigious 
editions as a service to the community, not as advertising. Publishers who 
do not do _any_ popular music, no country Western, no rock'n'roll, do not 
have the luxury of being able to afford community service and must rely on 
ALL their editions to at least break even.

Besides, the idea of expensive facsimiles used as advertising material 
is  laughable. The people who buy my classical guitar music, with few 
exceptions of course, have no interest in lute tablature in any format. And 
definitely not in facsimiles which they cannot read anyway.

But may be you have something there. I can start a program of bonus 
giveaways. You buy one copy of my Tango book, and you get the Swan 
manuscript for free. Will surely be a better use for the paper than 
macerating it into toilet paper and shopping bags.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: falce and unperfect

2003-12-05 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:03 PM 12/5/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Distributors and dealers get their discounts off the official suggested
  list price.
MO, we are not children here,

When I see grown men drawn into silly displays of foolish indulgence in 
areas they know nothing about for the sole purpose of exacting revenge from 
one who had criticized them in that past, I wonder how mature and sincere 
these people are.

and we know that this suggested list price
is a myth designed to make palatable eventual NICE PRICE!!! 20% OFF!!! 

It is not a myth, but a reaction to existing anti-trust and anti 
price-fixing laws. There is nothing better the large corporations would 
have liked then the removal of competition enhancing regulations as the 
Europeans do. We little guys, are stuck in the same groove.

Moreover, it is determined by marketing research. If the market can
bear $100 tag: then limit your production costs to $32 or less.

Thank you for understanding the dilemma. In principle, when the product is 
a dishwasher, or a car or some other utilitarian product, or even a book of 
music one has complete control on the costs, then you are of course 
correct. In the case of the Swan manuscript this was different. I proceeded 
to publish the book, of which I personally knew nothing at all, because I 
was told by its editor that this was an important book that must be made 
available to the lute community, before it disappears in another 
spectacular fire like the one that consumed a large part of the holdings of 
the library of the St. Petersburg Akademia Nauk in 1990.

I am not a lute scholar myself, and I have to rely on the advise of my 
editors in deciding what to publish and how. Had I known what I know now, 
that the market for this particular book is insignificant, I would not have 
bothered. But once I started, the only way to limit the costs was to drop 
the project. The costs were mainly imposed on me by the library. This was 
Russia after the Putch and these people were incredibly incompetent, and 
demanding. It was a take it or leave it situation. The details of this 
sordid affair were described at great length in my posting on the How Much 
Does it Cost? thread. 1995-96 I guess. With your superior investigatory 
skills I am sure you can find it in the Archives in no time at all.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: falce and unperfect

2003-12-05 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:21 PM 12/5/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd rather be a professional socialist, than an amateur

I have no idea what is a professional socialist, but I do know something 
about capitalism. I am glad you acknowledge the fact that I am only an 
amateur in that endeavor. I am proud to count among my fellow amateur 
capitalists many lute makers who charge money for their lutes, many 
lutenists performers who charge money for their performances and for their 
CDs, and many lute teachers who charge money for their teaching. Also some 
really petty amateur capitalists like Lute Societies who charge money for 
membership, and money for _their_ editions of lute music. Ore for that 
matter, other amateur capitalists who sell their paintings for money.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: falce and unperfect

2003-12-05 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 08:35 PM 12/5/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have to admit that I don't follow the discussion closely and just by
  accident jumped into this thread (MO's messages are immediatly deleted)
Likewise, a couple of dozen list messages never reached me, so I went to
check Mailarchive.

Never reached you because you declared here and elsewhere that you put me 
in your kill-file. Glad to know you finally figured out how stupid this 
maneuver is. Now that you removed me form your kill file, you can get the 
full flavor of that wind, smack in your face. As for Thomas: hiding behind 
_his_ kill file, he still does not hesitate to lob at me insults, without 
having read and considered anything that I have said. I can't imagine a 
more puerile instance of cowardice.

That's the nature of this vindictiveness of yours. Once I committed the 
faux-pas of telling you that your Sautscheck joke is stupid, you will 
forever hound me with your moralistic condescension. It does not matter any 
more what it was we were talking about here, and the lute and its future is 
the last thing that matters to you. What matters is settling accounts.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: falce and unperfect

2003-12-05 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 09:37 PM 12/5/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
MO, there is a Paul Revere Trophy for the unsurpassed excellence in e-mail
in the snail-mail for you. It is yours to keep forever. We are just non
interested anymore.

Best news I heard all day! Just keep this non-interest in my postings for 
as long as you can. Perhaps when your school-girlish acrimony will blow off 
with your phoney bluster, there will be room here for discussions for what 
really matters. Somehow I suspect that you will be able to resist the urge 
to attack me, once you get more of that second-hand whiff of wind... see 
you later, boychik.

BTW, you did notice that your buddy and chief sycophant (to borrow your own 
underhanded compliments) Michael Thames, have expressed a good opinion of 
DAS' book? Any particular reason you are not giving him the same treatment 
as you gave me on the same subject? or your high moral principles are 
easily manipulated by sycophancy?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Facsimeles etc.

2003-12-03 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 09:18 AM 12/3/2003 -0500, Doctor Oakroot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That is a book, and it was made from scratch by
  person who invested a great deal of time and money in creating it.

What a load of crap! Making a book is a manufacturing operation and, per
se, does not involve any creativity.

So is making a lute.

Incidentally, if Michael does not seem to understand the degree of 
mendacity involved in his stance on this issue, perhaps he ought to look at 
his own web page where he sells, for good money, plans of historical 

He went to museums, obtained official permission from curators, spent many 
hours in drawing these plans, and perhaps not a small amount of money in 
travel and lodging expenses. He charges $40.- per plan which is not a large 
amount of money, but certainly not one a poor lute maker in the Ukraine or 
Zimbabwe can afford. So what will be Michael's reaction if someone bought 
the plans from him and proceeded to post them on the WEB for free download 
by indigenous lute makers?

Surely Michael Thames cannot possibly claim copyright or patent protection 
of the design of a Venere lute?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Facsimeles etc.

2003-12-03 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 12:32 AM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
where did I  publicly declare that  I
intend to
rip him off  Those are you words.

They are indeed. Considering your proposal, a rip-off operation is actually 
a mild and forgiving expletive.

At no time did I say I would post the
facsimiles regardless of Albert's wishes, and quite frankly I won't, based
not so much on legality, but to respect his wishes.

You still do not seem to understand that Albert's wishes in this point are 
entirely besides the point. Many of us, scholars, publishers, performers, 
teachers, who have had occasion in the past to request permission from 
libraries, always had to accept a condition imposed by the library that the 
material will be used specifically for the purpose for which it was 
obtained, and under no circumstances one could make copies for other 
people, without the library's permission and agreement. This is not a legal 
condition, but a practical one. Those who defy the library's wishes, shoot 
themselves in the foot as they will surely black listed for any future 
material. Besides, each time this happens, the fee for bona fide 
researchers goes up. years ago I used to get copies from the British 
Library for a couple of shillings a page. Now the fee is 25 GBP per page.

Albert cannot possibly give you permission to do what you want to do, since 
this would be a violation of his agreement with the library. Neither can 
Frank Koonce give you permission to copy _his_ facsimile of the same 
manuscript. The only person who can give you such permission is the 
librarian. What's so difficult about writing a letter and asking for it?

  In the end I don't want
to piss off anymore human beings,than I have to, except you!   I asked some
alarming questions again out of my naivety which you seem to enjoy pointing

Your questions were not alarming. They were plain stupid because they 
implied scavenging the work of someone else. Let me give you a taste of 
what this sounds like:

Would you mind if I bought from you a set of plans for the Venere lute and 
posted it on my web site for free download by indigenous poor lute makers 
world wide?

 Also, concerning young guitars students,  I have noticed that hardly any
of them play baroque or ren music these, it's mostly modern.

Thank you for stating the obvious. I have been in this business for 48 
years by now and I am acutely aware of this. But this is not the forum to 
discuss this issue. I suggest you log on to rec.music.classical.guitar and 
check out their archives (on Google Groups) for the last ten years, and see 
how many times I, and many others, have discussed this issue.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Arrangements (Was facsimiles)

2003-12-03 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 10:43 AM 12/3/2003 -0500, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No, but you are believed to be a publisher of commercial ARRANGEMENTS. I do
not wish to open a second can of worms, but earlier I have expressed an
opinion that an arrangement, although it is not a facsimile, should carry
only a minimal price tag, because it is basically someone else's music,
usually from public domain.

Tying the price of an edition to its PD status or lack of it is not a 
realistic expectation. The only difference between publishing an original 
work or an arrangement (transcription etc), is the fact that the publisher 
must pay the composer a royalty on paper sales. The normal level of such 
royalties in the US, is about 10% of money taken in. So if I sell an 
original work for $10.-, my average net receipt is about $3.- and the 
composer's share in this is 30 cents.

If I sell a PD edition of the same size and list price, my costs of 
production are exactly the same, the receipt is the same, and I still must 
pay the same level of royalty to the _editor_ who did the work for me. Some 
of these editors are members of this group.

Sometimes, not very often, the editor is me. I enjoy those 30 cents I 
receive for my work.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Facsimeles etc.

2003-12-03 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 10:53 AM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I  Agree, Monkey, they cost me $20.00 to Xerox, buy a tube and ship
worldwide, not mention the cost of travel, expertise involved, in drawing
them up.  But the shocking part Mr. Monkey is there's NO COPYRIGHT
written anywhere on those plans.
  You buy one set, and that's all you pay, I don;to charge people 10% every
they make a lute.
So that means you are free to make copies and give them to your
friends. So you see I am being true to my ideals, And if you would like a
set I will send them to you free of charge.

That's very noble of you. Let me suggest that if indeed you are true to 
your ideals, you post them for free on _your_ web site. You don't know how 
to fit them on standard printer paper? I'll be happy to help you there.

And for the record, there kind of like baseball cards I trade them
for other lute plans, I've never sold a set to anyone, as a matter of fact
I've given both the Boston Museum of Fine arts and Yale copies to sell as a
donation to their foundations.  I've also given them to  4 or 5 other
lutemakers, so as not to hold a monopoly on them, like you.
I call on you to do the same! you hypocrite!

Sorry, I have no idea what baseball cards are. Outside my frame of 
reference. In 38 years in this US of A, I still do not understand what's 
happening on a baseball field and what's involved around that game. And 
what monopoly do I hold that you are referring to?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Facsimeles etc.

2003-12-03 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 01:00 PM 12/3/2003 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a good friend who runs a major library nearby and hear these same
concerns all of the time. My concern is where the need to make lute music
available and this funding crisis intersect. Some of the prices I've been
quoted to obtain a license from these libraries is really outrageous. To the
point that I don't see how any publisher can make money or break even paying
these fees. So, this licensing practice discourages lute music from being
published, especially obscure sources.

Thank you for understanding the issue. This is a vicious circle. Lutenists 
balk at having to pay for books, preferring free photocopies ripped off 
publishers editions. Libraries are thus deprived of money they consider is 
due to them, so they raise the fee for making their material available, to 
the point that publishers no longer can afford it, thus cease publishing. 
No more lute music.

All this is fine when the entire repertoire is known and exists in some 
form that can be exchanged for free. But should new material come to light, 
there is no chance it will enter into general circulation any time soon. 
Viz. the availability to the Francesco Castelfranco new discoveries. And 
this is only one of the more recent discoveries that will be a long time in 
hiding from the  lute community.

Hernan Mouro just gave us a perfect picture how this cycle killed the 
entire Argentine publishing industry. It will happen here too. Just give it 
time and enough phoney altruists.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Facsimeles etc.

2003-12-03 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 05:12 PM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
never owned a set of facsimiles of the Bach-Weyrauch myself. All I have are
those included in the Koonce edition.

 OK then those will do just fine.

You don't need me for that. You can buy this book from all the usual 
sources. In case of difficulty, you can buy it directly from the publisher at:


Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Facsimeles etc.

2003-12-03 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 07:53 PM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 05:12 PM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 never owned a set of facsimiles of the Bach-Weyrauch myself. All I have are
 those included in the Koonce edition.
  OK then those will do just fine.

You don't need me for that. You can buy this book from all the usual
sources. In case of difficulty, you can buy it directly from the publisher

I thought we were exchanging free downloads, yours for mine.  YOU

Better watch it fellow, your scatological delusions are getting ahead of 
you.  You cannot possibly expect me to commit what I consider a crime, by 
photocopying a page from a book published by a friend of mine, who happens 
to be a member of this here list, and send it to you in exchange for a 
download that does not exist yet on your web site and for which I have 
absolutely no need whatsoever. I am not a lute maker, and I am not even a 
guitar maker. I am a guitar collector. I buy my guitars from people like 
you. Just got a new one a couple of weeks ago from a young man in Quebec 
for whom I predict a great future. Name is Jean Rompré. Care to hear what 
it sounds like? go to my web site and look in GALI for Articles with Music.

So I guess if you want a copy of the the Bach-Weybrauch manuscript, and you 
care to tangle with a large American corporation, you'll just have to pay 
up front $24.95. You can afford it.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Facsimeles etc.

2003-12-02 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:32 PM 12/2/2003 -0600, Michael Thames [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My interest in old things also applies to Facsimiles of lute music. My
only crime has been  my naivety in  wanting to share this wonderful
experience with others, some of whom, it may not have occurred to them to
even look for such a thing.

That's nonsense. Of course there are people who may not have occurred to 
them top look for such a thing. And then there are so many others who have 
already. Albert Reyerman is not the first, and certainly not the last 
person to publish this manuscript. Old hat.

  Young guitarists, who Albert, are the future
lute players you will be selling your editions to someday.

Your naivete is far more extensive than that. There are at least 40-50 
editions of guitar transcriptions of the Bach Lute suites on the market 
today, many of which, like the well known edition by Frank Koonce, include 
a facsimile of the Bach-Weyrauch manuscript, as well as many other relevant 
facsimiles. IOW, you are not going to be doing young guitarists any favor 
of which they or their teachers do not have more than enough already. I 
assure you, young guitarists have no need for your bumbling incursions into 
a field you know nothing about.

Quite frankly, I'm not threaded by your lawyers.  And it seems by most
accounts, you wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on if I decided to post
Bach's facsimiles.

That's paranoia speaking now. Albert did not threaten you with his lawyers. 
He simple provided you the address of the German lawyers who give _him_ the 
copyright advise he needs to run his business. Relax. There is no chance 
that a German lawyer will sue you in the US. Not enough money in it...

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Facsimeles etc.

2003-12-02 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 09:56 PM 12/2/2003 -0600, Michael Thames [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Relax Montana,

That can work both ways, distorting people's names intentionally. But I 
will resist the urge to engage in this juvenile silliness.

I see you have quite alot of baggage with this issue, to go after me with
your well known guile, and considering remarks.  You truly take the prize
for vileness, your reputation precedes you.

Glad you noticed.

Again, glad to be the scapegoat for you Publishing kind of guys, but
as you say this is getting old, isn't it.
If I were your mother I'd take you over my knee and give a good
whacking!   But since this is your only source of income I'll forgive you!

That's bullshit number one. Publishing is not my source of income at all. 
It is only the source of my _losses_ over the years. If had to live the way 
I do from music publishing, this business would have gone down the drain 
decades ago. Do check my biography more carefully.

   Lets put all exchanges of pleasantries  aside, Please tell me the
crime I'm guilty of, what have I done other than ask a few uncomfortable 
questions. I've already admitted I'm stupid, and you've pointed that out
again just in case everyone forgot.
Is WANTING to post a facsimile a crime?

No it isn't a crime. And legalities have nothing to do with what Albert is 
talking about. Fairness is the issue. He invested a great deal of time and 
money in creating this book, and you publicly declare that you intend to 
rip him off. That was not a crime, but a stupid thing to do. Take example 
from your like-minded perps. There are quite a few of them around. Say 
nothing and do what you have to do. If what you did stinks, you'll have to 
live with it.

As I stated, I asked Albert's permission.

Wrong person to ask. He does not own the manuscript. He paid money for the 
permission to publish it, and this is exactly what you should do: apply to 
the library and ask for permission, and pay the fee. Then you do whatever 
you want to do. Albert even gave you the address and the name of the person 
to write to. So instead of sniffling about legalities, do what all of us 
are doing: get it DIRECTLY from the source.

   But come to think of it, as of yet I haven't heard his answer.  Just
between you and me Montana what do you think He'll say?

He already said it. Loud and clear.

  Montana, if there are 50 or so editions of the Bach lute suites why are
you uncomfortable with one more?

I am not uncomfortable at all. Even Albert clearly stated that he has 
nothing against your doing another edition. The only time I am 
uncomfortable with this, is when someone asks me to publish _his_ edition 
of the Lute Suites. I have rejected more than one such project in the past. 
You want to do a new edition of the lute suites?  be my guest. It is your 
time and money. But let's do it on a plain level field. Just like everybody 

  And please, don't be so pretentious as to know with whom I'm well
connected with in the guitar world.

Huh? I know nothing about you and I have no idea who you are connected 
with. Never heard your name before this thread. You make guitars? lutes? I 
don't recall ever hearing about your instruments from any one, and I do get 

   And above all , you can have Bach, but
keep your greedy hands off of Weiss.

Too late. I published the Moscow Weiss manuscript years before I even heard 
your name. As for Bach, you can check my on-line catalogue for my Bach 
transcriptions. You will not find the lute suites there.

Look here fellow: the issue is not me, and the issue is not Albert 
Reyerman. the issue is that the lute world is way too small. No 
instrumental discipline ever survived without publishers, and it does not 
matter if the publisher is a private person who is doing this for the love 
of the lute, or the lute society or large commercial publishers who can 
support the losing proposition of publishing lute music by publishing a lot 
of other commercial fodder. You want to join the crowd and become a 
publisher yourself?

That's commendable and I will be happy to assist you in any way I can, and 
so would Albert. But one thing you must understand: anytime you benefit by 
scavenging the work of others, the stench goes sky high. And don't give me 
this bullshit about posting this music on your web site as an altruistic 
service to the young. Your purpose is to attract surfers to your web site, 
where they can also view the instruments you have for sale. All you want is 
another advertising tool. Nothing wrong with that and we all do it. But 
please do it on your own nickel, not Albert's.

Matanya Ophee

Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

The Koenigsberg Manuscript

2003-10-30 Thread Matanya Ophee
For some reason, I am not getting mail from the list anymore, not even my 
own postings. This was posted on the

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01137.html

By Stewart McCoy.

 Dear Matanya,

 I would very much like to know more about the other lute manuscript.

So would I. According to Silinskas, that manuscript was deposited in the 
KGB Archives because, so he said, someone there decided that it was some 
kind of a CIA/Western/Bourgeois/decadent secret code. He knew about its 
existence, but never saw it himself. Even today, people shy away from any 
contact with that organization and its descendants. It is too much for us 
in the West to figure out what had happened to the Lithuanian KGB archives. 
Most probably, they are still buried deep someplace, to cover up for all 
those who used to work for the organization and are still around.

Until manuscripts are copied in some form, be it Graham hand-copying
Straloch, Chilesotti transcribing and publishing his Da un Codice
in staff notation, microfilms of Hirsch, or photographs of Welde,
the existence of that precious, irreplaceable music is utterly
precarious. Of course originals are important in their own right,
but Minkoff, SPES, Boethius, and yourself with Editions Orphée, have
all provided a safety net. If the original is destroyed, at least we
still have the music safely tucked away in our facsimiles and

This is exactly the point I made in the Lvov manuscript thread only last week.

It is desperately sad that you and Arthur, who worked together to
produce the Koenigsberg facsimile (and have thus guaranteed the
preservation of its contents) have fallen out.

Not only sad, but actually highly detrimental to all concerned. The two 
major victims of this falling out, the second edition of the Francesco, and 
the Marco book, are still not printed and made available to all, almost 
_ten_ years after Arthur walked away from the MoLA series. If you are 
interested in the details of this affair, they are spelled out here:


  I very much
appreciate what you have both done over the years, together and
separately, to help the rest of us in our tiny world of lutes. There
is a time to work together, and a time to go separate ways. Whatever
your differences now, I hope you will both regard that particular
project as a success.

I am sure we both do. Arthur already said that it was his best work, and 
I'll take his word for it. It was also one the best things I ever did. The 
only reason I was able to understand that the mysterious Vilnius Academic 
Library mentioned by Silinskas in his letter to Diana Poulton, was actually 
the Biblioteka Akademia Nauk, was because I am fairly well acquainted with 
the Russian language. Silinskas himself, always insisted on keeping this 
information to himself, refusing to divulge it to anyone. Not to Diana, not 
to me and definitely not to Daniel Benko, the person who told Paul O'Dette 
about this. He did  not hide the notion that he considered this manuscript 
his own private property, and that he was entitled to reap whatever he 
could from his discovery. He wanted his name on it, and that is what we did 
when we published the book. As for his qualifications as an editor and lute 
scholar, you only have to look at the few transcriptions from the book he 
published with Editio Musica in Budapest to understand why I rejected him 
as an editor.

This silly campaign to deny me this little bit of credit of finding the 
actual location where Silisnkas found it, and arranging for the rights to 
publish this book, is, to put it mildly, beyond the pale. For the life of 
me, I cannot understand what is the purpose of this.

Original manuscripts - our sources of lute music - are a finite
resource. Sooner or later everything which happens to have survived
over the centuries will have been discovered. It is possible that we
have already found all we can in Western Europe, but I suspect there
are still sources of lute music yet to be discovered in Eastern
Europe. It would be tragic, if, having survived for three or four
hundred years, they should now vanish for good. The Etwall Hall Lute
Book was mentioned in the 19th century, but no-one knows where it is
now. Will that be the same fate for the other manuscript you
mentioned in connection with Koenigsberg?

Hard to tell. One day the political situation may change. All the ex-KGB 
agents still in important positions in the Lithuanian government would have 
died off, and the archives would open up. I don't expect this to happen in 
_my_ life time, and probably not even in yours.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Koenigsberg Manuscript

2003-10-29 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 01:00 PM 10/29/2003 +, Tim Crawford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  MOpheeCareful. The concordances were _mainly_ compiled by Tim Crawford,
  not by you.

TOTAL NONSENSE, Matanya. Please check your facts before making a stupid
assertion of this kind. My contribution was almost totally negligible, as
Arthur states.

My facts are the correspondence I received from Arthur Ness at the time. He 
obviously misrepresented the facts to me, as he had done continuously since 
then on many different other issues, including this scandalous assertion 
that I claimed to have discovered the manuscript.

Re: MO's attacks

2003-10-14 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 10:30 AM 10/14/2003 +0200, arielabramovich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Once I've stop taking part,

You did? what are you still doing in this thread?

  added MO's address to =
my blocked list, he keeps insulting me, even in messages posted out of =
the debate.

Which should tell you how stupid it is to put anybody's name into a kill file.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: David Harris, lutenist in the 1960s

2003-10-14 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 02:27 PM 10/14/2003 -0500, Hoban, Dick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am trying to locate David Harris, one of the founders of the Lute 
Society of America, on behalf of a member. Does any one know where he is now?

Hopefully, in a better place. He died in 1998 in Charleston SC.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: MO's attacks

2003-10-13 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 12:50 PM 10/13/2003 -0400, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thank you, Eugene!!! This should make any further debate on this pointless.

I surely would join in this congratulation! but perhaps not on the same 
parts of Eugene's post Roman is congratulating him for.

This is the part I like:

  To wantonly copy from facsimiles
  only increases a publisher's risk in printing facsimiles, making publishers
  less likely to do so in the future...and I personally don't want to have to
  pay extremely expensive fees to a holding library to access such stuff
  when publishers stop taking that risk.

Well said. According to Roman's world view it is morally acceptable to copy 
anything that is in the public domain, even if that material has been 
brought before the public through the efforts and investment of somebody 
else. It is easy to find rationales for exploiting the work of others, but 
the short-sighted instant gratification urge to do so, completely ignores 
that doing so, is to damage the entire system of access to sources we have 
lived with for decades, and replacing it with nothing of equal value of or 
utility. A data base of lute material? administered by whom? collected by 
whom? maintained by whom, and at what cost? how big a coin would you have 
to pay the editor of this material, and who would pay for it?

And what would you use for sources? The Complete Works of Dowland as 
published by Diana Poulton, or so one's else work doing the same research 
from scratch?

Wishful thinking of the kind Ariel is engaging in is easy to come by when 
you are an impressionable pipsqueek who is overwhelmed by his present 
unfavorable economic situation. But deliberate fraud of the kind Roman is 
promoting is something else altogether. In that campaign the end Justifies 
the means, including of slanderous innuendos about my private dealings with 
Russian composers, which are none of Roman's business and definitely OT for 
this list, anything goes. Problem is that the End Roman is seeking, the 
complete destruction of the print music industry, and definitely the 
destruction of those publishers who have the gall to ask for money in 
exchange for lute books, is not going to hurt Roman's prospects at his day 
job. He will continue to support his family, as he should, no matter what 
happens to the lute.

Consider this next time you kiss his poetic civil ass.

One more thing: the entire thesis would have been plausible from _Roman_'s 
point of view, if all the known lute books that ever existed and are known 
to exist today, would have been published in facsimiles that he can rip off.

Unfortunately for him and for his misguided predatory philosophy, that is 
far from being the case. We should be grateful to him and his ilk for the 
fact that the Franko University Library in Lviv, the Ukraine, refuses to 
allow anyone to have copies of the Lviv Manuscript or even to acknowledge 
its existence. Do prove me wrong, if you can.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Enlightenment Sought

2003-10-12 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 04:23 PM 10/12/2003 -0500, BobClair or EkkoJennings 

despite 30 years of experience with computers and 50 years experience 
speaking English, I find
myself unable to parse the following phrase:

  Polyhymnion is a stupid pretension to a simple Internet function

Why don't you take a look at the page in question:


As far as I can tell, it is, at best, a list of links to pages by people 
who are approved by Roman Turovsky as having an acceptable level of 
intelligence, culture, philosophical this or that, or qualify to his world 
view of himself as an elitist super hero of culture. In short, a list of 
Roman Turovsky's own list of sycophants.

There is nothing particularly unusual for a list like that, and there are 
virtually thousands like it on the Internet. What I find obnoxious, and a 
discharge of hot air, is the pretension, enunciated by RT several times in 
this group and elsewhere, that being listed on that page somehow relegates 
the listee to a special status of excellence.

I would posit that whatever excellence any one of those listed has is 
entirely independent of the fact that they are listed by Roman Turovsky.

   a simple Internet function remains a mystery,

Nothing as complicated as your extensive parsing would show.  I have only 
19 years of experience with computers, mainly as a user, and only 48 years 
experience with the English language, my third language. If my statement 
was not clear, I hope the above commentary would satisfy your curiosity.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: MO's attacks

2003-10-11 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 12:21 PM 10/11/2003 -0400, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The problem is that MO professes a set of ethics that is entirely
inconsistent with his own conduct, i. e. he is a common hypocrite.

Roman insists on repeating this accusation, without any particulars of what 
this conduct may be. Some vague statements about somebody in Moscow who 
does not like me, which does not surprise me a bit, and some obscure 
references to my less than immaculate treatment of provincial composers, 
whatever the hell that means. Of course I have given some Russian composers 
the boot, after looking at their crap. Of course I keep on receiving, in 
spite of that, reams and reams of manuscripts by Russian composers who wish 
to be included in my Russian Collection, and of course I keep on rejecting 
most of it. And there are guitarists who think that just because I 
financed, out of my own private pocket, Alexei Zimakov's trip to the US in 
1991, together with his teacher Nikolai Komolyatov, I would be doing that 
again and again because every guitarist and lutenist in Russia knows they 
have a rich uncle in the US and his name is Matanya Ophee.

Roman is very careful to avoid specifics. For two reasons: he does not know 
anything about my actual dealings with composers, and should he make one 
specific claim here that he could not substantiate, he knows I could take 
him to the cleaners.

Some explanation of this Sharomyzhnik expletive Roman used in my regard. It 
refers to a beggar who comes and asks for food. I accept this charge with 
pride and honor. It was through my begging and pleading that I was able to 
discover the whereabouts of the Koenigsberg manuscript, a place that was 
kept secret from John Ward and Diana Poulton by the fellow who found it. It 
was through my importuning  and pestering of several Russian guitarists 
that I was able to unearth the Ten Etudes of Giulio Regondi, a work that 
has now been recorded in its entirety by 4 guitarists, and is in the 
repertoire of many more. And my dealings with Russian museums to secure the 
rights for the Swan Manuscript and the Moscow Weiss, were not exactly an 
exercise in genteel diplomacy.

Should I get an inkling of who might have some other materials I am looking 
for, rest assure that I will do whatever it takes, including groveling in 
the dust at the feet of whoever has it, to obtain the music.

  I have
defended the man in private FOR YEARS,

Why, thank you. First I hear of this. And what exactly were you defending 
me against?

  until I met him in cyberspace and
realized what he really is, a soulless type, for whom poetry equals
scabrous, and his petty self-interest is the overriding factor in any issue
considered, culture included.

Same condescending piece of elitist crap we have heard from you before. You 
are the Cultured One, the Artist, the Poet, and all the rest of us are not 
in your hallowed circle. The truth of the matter is that when you met me in 
cyber space, you met me in an altercation regarding your Sautscheck fraud. 
Of course this was to you a soulless affront, mainly because I was willing 
to put into words what many of your soi-disant friends were afraid to 
pronounce. Since then, you came out as a true vindictive stalker, attacking 
me for everything and anything you can find. When my only real crime was 
that I refused to kiss your culture poetic ass.

As for my petty self-interest: can you please explain why Ariel's 
petty-self interests, so eloquently argued here, is acceptable to you, and 
my petty-self interests are not?

Why should I be reluctant to protect that in which I invested more money 
than you can imagine and many years of hard labor? what's wrong with 
arguing for maintaining the _potential_ of this publishing venture against 
the onslaught of thieves?

yes, I know. In your pervert morality, asking money for a book is wrong. 
Asking money for playing a live concert or for an instrument is not.

And why asking money for a painting is OK? why don't you share the fruits 
of your work for free? Who is the hypocrite then?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: MO's attacks

2003-10-11 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 11:31 AM 10/11/2003 +0200, arielabramovich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't play for both: fascists, and people like you. There's no price for

Interesting. When you play in Spain, do you check the political credentials 
of anybody who comes in the door? How do you know that you have not in fact 
played in front of people who still remember Francisco Franco fondly?

As for people like me, I agree with you. You have never played in front of 
me, and since there is no one in the whole wide world who is like me, I am 
one of a kind, sui generis, you have never played in front of people like 
me and never will.

You're the one with the particular moral, so let the stupid out of fashion
idealists-Marxists-whatever like me be decent and poor.

Well put. You have your morality and I have mine.

Get a life, you sound too frustrated.

Not at all. I have had along and productive life, and I am basically a very 
happy man. I do what I want to do and I do it well. Like your friend Roman 
told you, I am only trying to protect my domain, my investment in time and 
money and inspiration and creativity, against the onslaught of thieves like 
you who will find any rationale possible to defend the indefensible. Mrs. 
Minkoff is not exactly a close friend of mine. I used to be a dealer for 
her books many years before OMI came into being, and for quite some time 
she was a dealer for my editions in Switzerland and France. She is a 
colleague and a former business associate. All I know about her business is 
that some books I used to sell, like the Saizenay Manuscript, are no longer 
in print and no chance it will ever be reprinted, no matter what it says on 
her web site. The Danby manuscript, prepared for her by Tim Crawford, has 
been in the planning stage for years by now and if she is reluctant to 
throw good money after bad, and the music is NOT available to you because 
of that, you can start thinking of why this is happening, and if you and 
your feebleminded morality have anything to do with that.

And BTW, I bought from her practically every single guitar and lute book 
she ever published. When I was a dealer, I got a regular dealer's discount. 
And when I stopped being a dealer, I paid the full price. I have on hand 
some 60-70 books published by Minkoff. Some of the best purchases of books 
I have ever made in my life. They will remain in my collection a long time 
after I have gone.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: MO's attacks

2003-10-11 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:02 PM 10/11/2003 -0400, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I accept this charge with
  pride and honor. It was through my begging and pleading that I was able to
  discover the whereabouts of the Koenigsberg manuscript, a place that was
  kept secret from John Ward and Diana Poulton by the fellow who found it.
Discover? Paul O'Dette told you where it was.

Like hell he did. This is one of the big lies spread by you know who. 
Sigitas Silinskas wrote to Diane Poulton, in the mid 70s, telling her that 
the manuscript was in the Academic Library in Vilnius, and sent her a 
photocopy of the first page. It was her student Tim Crawford who identified 
that photocopy as the first page of the Koenigsberg manuscript. She wrote 
to John Ward with these news. I have a copy of her letter. No one knew 
where was the Academic Library in Vilnius, since there is no such listings 
in any directory of libraries. When I told John Ward that Silinskas offered 
me some arrangements of his from that manuscript, he told me that there is 
only one thing he wishes to see before he dies, and that's the Koenigsberg 
manuscript. On my next visit to Esztergom, Silinskas asked me to introduced 
him to Daniel Benko in Budapest. I drove him myself, made the introduction, 
and was present when Silinskas gave to Benko that piece of paper which the 
latter passed on to O'Dette. I have a copy of that too.

I did not discover the manuscript, Silinskas did, but would not say to 
anyone where it was. My contribution was simply to understand that the 
words Academic Library refer to the Biblioteka Akademia Nauk, and to find a 
way to that library, during Soviet times, bypassing Silinskas. Jonas 
Tamulionis who made that bypass possible was at the time the Secretary of 
the Vilnius branch of the Soviet Composers Union and I don't need to tell 
you what a powerful position that was.

If O'Dette truly believes that he is the one who brought the news about the 
location of the manuscript to the world, he is gravely mistaken, and 
holding such a view is a cowardly insult to the memory of Diana Poulton.

You may do that to your own.
And with this you go to my kill-file.

Thank God for small favors.

  Get you quick-thrills on Classical
Guitar NG or somewhere else.

Which is why you, who doe snot even own a guitar, hangs around there?

And if you ever insult or use vulgarity against
any member of Polyhymnion

You will do what?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: MO's attacks. Final, para mi

2003-10-11 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 11:02 PM 10/11/2003 +0200, arielabramovich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My two days holiday is about to end, and I guess this debate could go on for
ever, which in any case can perfectly happen without me.

Best news I heard all day. the less you post here about your lofty 
morality, the better off this would be, IMHO.

A matter of discussion's method: you can defend your opinion without
attacking any specific individual and without taking the argument to a
personal terrain, at least in the lute world.

So now you want to control the method of debate? I have news for you. Never 
works in an unmoderated discussion group. If you do not like the way some 
people express their opinions, you may consider that some people may not 
like the way you express yours. No matter what you personally believe, 
there is no way one way of expression is more correct than another.

That's what MO has been doing, after what I had to defend myself, until I've
realized how much I was wasting my time. He was rude from the begin, and he
actually recognized that with pride.

Exactly right. When you express ideas that goes against the very foundation 
of my existence as a publisher, I will defend myself and my colleagues any 
which way I can.

On the other hand, with some other people there was quite a fair and
reasonable exchange (Eugene, for example, although we do not agree either).
Mr. Mayes just took the word to call me thief and some other things, when if
he agrees 100% with MO he could have only said that. We weren't talking
about whether Ariel  is making or not copies or trying to be the new Robin
Hood or Mao, but in general, defending a general appreciation about
something. If we can do it that way, if we can't do abstractions, let's
forget holding any future conversation about thinks in which we might

Miss Manners is not welcome in these here parts. If you can't stand the 
heat of some discussions, the door out is that away

MO has right now replied to a private mail I've sent to him. Shall I keep on

It was? sorry about that. I thought I told you specifically that I do not 
wish to communicate with you privately. I would strongly advise you to 
refrain from sending me any private mail. I would consider this as harassment

I will leave this debate now, because our perception of reality and things
is so different that I don't think we can even find a common definition for
morality or thief.

You have that right. Keep your inane politics to yourself. If you have 
anything cogent to say about lute music, I am sure you would be welcome. In 
the meantime, hasta la vista, baby.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: MO's attacks

2003-10-11 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:02 PM 10/11/2003 -0400, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And with this you go to my kill-file. Get you quick-thrills on Classical
Guitar NG or somewhere else. And if you ever insult or use vulgarity against
any member of Polyhymnion Well, don't make me hurt your feelings.

This is a practical question: if you put me in your kill file, how would 
you know who I insult and how?

So this is a test, based on Roman's declaration that he put me in his kill 

Polyhymnion is a stupid pretension to a simple Internet function, and 
anybody who falls for it is a naive sycophant of Roman Turovsky. (You see, 
I got my sycophants, you got yours).

Now let' see what happens.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: MO's attacks

2003-10-10 Thread Matanya Ophee
 the economics of book 
production, in today's world, the one we live in. If you could then offer 
me some pointers on how to produce lute books that can be sold at what 
_you_ can consider reasonable prices, I'd be delighted to listen to you.

For me the gratification comes from music, and music can't be in private =

We are not talking about the music. We are talking about the books in which 
it is contained.

Finally, if you want to carry on the discussion, be kind to write me =

Like hell I will write to you privately. This issue is a matter of public 
concern. Some people here, Roman Turovsky in particular, have been 
preaching this stupid Marxist propaganda for years. There are others who do 
not see it quite that way and there are still others who agree with me 
100%. You made it public by posting it here, and that's where it shall remain.

It is absurd for the rest of the people in the list to have to deal with =

Anyone who who does not wish to deal with this can punch the Delete key 
without reading. No one has to deal with it if they do not wish to.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: MO's attacks

2003-10-10 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 06:00 PM 10/10/2003 +0200, arielabramovich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear all,
I think I had too much.

But you keep coming for more...

  I'll ignore your comments about Marxist's propaganda. even
better: I'll ignore the whole email, and your existence.

That's your choice to make. I can also promise you that I shall not ignore 
you and your existence. Anytime you come in here with the expression of 
your petty pecuniary concerns and try to teach others about what's right or 
wrong, rest assured I will come down on you like a ton of bricks.

  I'll cheat myself,
and I'll try hard to believe that people like you doesn't exist in this
world  . You're not a rival to argue with me about politics, as you ignore
much more than what you know, but you don't even  see it that way.

What I see is that this is not a forum for the discussion of world 
politics, but lute music. Your political concerns are of no concern to me, 
and I suspect, to many others in here.

  You'll keep printing, I'll keep buying what I think is fair,
and copying what I don't think is convenient. If you go out of business, I'
ll be sad for you.
  You're right Roman, I shouldn't waist a single second with this
Clinton's fan.

What Clinton got to do with all this?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: MO's attacks

2003-10-10 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 01:17 PM 10/10/2003 -0400, Roman Turovsky
  I got it. Must be the pimp.
Reread: We all understand that MO sermon on morality is equivalent to one
given on chastity by a professional whore. What's questioned is your
immaculate business practices, specifically: procurement of materials.
Ch'ja b korova mychala, a tvoja b molchala.

And what may be these procurements of materials you may be referring to?

I would strongly advise you to be sure of your facts before you say 
anything that might turn out to be libelous. If you get my drift...

And saying nothing at all, would amount to slander by innuendo. let's hear 
it now...

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: MO's attacks

2003-10-10 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 08:16 PM 10/10/2003 +0200, Peter Paeffgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Good reliable reprints are expensive, Matanya, that's for sure.

I know that. One facsimile I did, in half tone, the Swan Manuscript from 
St. Petersburg, cost me over $16,000 to produce. In 1994. I sold a grand 
total of 135 copies of it since then. That's an average of 15 copies a 
year. No copies at all have been sold in the last 4-5 years. The editors, 
Tim Crawford and Pierre-François Goy, have worked for a long time preparing 
this edition. I can well understand their frustration on the low level of 
royalties they got in the past for this, and on the complete lack of 
royalties in the last few years.

The cash outlay for the Koenigsberg Manuscript was not as high, as the 
micorfilms were supplied by the Vilnius Library in exchange for printed 
copies of the book, and the information about the location of the 
manuscript, were secured from a local Lithuanian composer, Jonas 
Tamulionis, in exchange for a subscription of the American Journal of 
Succulents and Cacti and the publication of some of his music in the 
Russian Collection V. Moreover, the editors, Arthur J. Ness and John M. 
Ward, have donated their services to the project. If I counted the hundred 
of hours I personally spent in the dark room preparing the plates from one 
of the worst microfilms I have ever seen (before computers and scanners and 
Photoshop), at the standard rates for this kind of work, it was just as 
expensive to produce, particularly as it was a hard cover edition. 
Technically speaking, I made a lot of money on this book, money I lost 
entirely as soon as I got into the MoLA series. It all evens out.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: MO's attacks

2003-10-10 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 10:01 PM 10/10/2003 +0200, arielabramovich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The whole =
political discussion came because of some very particularly agressive =
messages posted by MO.

In other words, since you had no reasonable retort on the merits of the 
issue, you brought in world politics. Makes perfect sense, I guess.

   If some really poor institution would ask for my service and I agree =
with what they do (I wouldn't play for free for a fascist small gang), I =
would then play for free. I've done it several times, and I can tell =
interesting stories about that experiences.

Again, you are not unique. But let's suppose that a fascist small gang 
offered you a really big honorarium, the kind that would allow you to buy 
the entire Minkoff catalogue and not bat an eye, would you play the gig?

And suppose it was a big fascist gang and _they_ offered you an honorarium 
which would have allowed you to buy Minkoff, would you then take the gig?

No need to answer. As George Bernard Shaw once said, we are not discussing 
who you are, we are only discussing the price.

   Quite a difference. What Cezar produces is hundred per cent product of =
his effort,

A printed book by Minkoff is also 100% a product of their efforts. The raw 
material is different.

and on the other hand I do have options, while with many of =
the books I don't, in many ocassions.

As Gordon told you, you always have options. Except that the options of 
going straight to the source are far more expensive than buying the book.

   And what about all the other unlucky with no libraries near from =

Have heard of the Post Office? asking for copies by mail?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: looking for a lutar - forwarded

2003-10-07 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 01:15 PM 10/7/2003 -0400, David Rastall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To my mind it's just a guitar with a lute-like body and pegboard.  So it 
was in vogue for a while in 19th-century Germany, it probably doesn't hold 
much interest for those who are interested in the renaissance or Baroque 
lute.  Why should it?

It should not. You are right about that. But this is not the purpose of the 
original poster. Besides, it could interest those who are interested in the 
renaissance or Baroque lute, by the same token that they are interested in 
baroque guitar, vihuela and other historical instruments. There is no 
particular redeeming attributes for one historical period over another. The 
German movement is far enough removed in time to qualify for historical 
relevance, just as is the cognate Swedish lute from which it sprang. What's 
the difference between a century ago, or three centuries ago? only time.

Tuning? we have heard here of lutes tuned in e. Single stringing? we know 
about lute-like instruments with single stringing. Construction methods? 
metal frets against tied frets?

These are all technical details which you can find all over the historical 
spectrum. What really matters is the music. If you are interested _only_ in 
renaissance or Baroque music, then that is what you should play. No argument.

But if one is interested in the repertoire of the Swedish lute and the 
German laute, an instrument that still survives today, there can be no 
pretension that this is an inferior repertoire, played on an inferior 
instrument, solely on the basis of the distance in time from us. History is 
anything that happened before yesterday.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: vallet

2003-10-06 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 04:38 PM 10/6/2003 +0200, arielabramovich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

don't enjoy stealing books


I don't think photocopying for personal use is dishonest

Photocopying a book without permission of the owner is stealing. Stealing 
is dishonest. It is also illegal. The only reason you can steal books by 
copying, is that the laws against the practice are not enforceable easily.

  (not more than the
use of someone else's intellectual production for personal benefits)

To use someone else's intellectual property for personal benefit without 
permission is also stealing. And it matters little of the personal benefit 
is monetary or otherwise.

, and I
would have no reason to do it if I could buy all the books I need.
About your sentence concerning the right of charging whatever you want for
whatever you offer/have,
I must say some as simple as this: the fact that that's the way some things
are in the world we live, doesn't make them necessary fair, morally
acceptable or simply good for everyone.

That same sentiment can work the other way around. The more people steal 
books from Minkoff, the less incentive the company has to produce new ones, 
or to reprint the old ones once they run out. It has been a constant 
complaint in this list of why several important lute books have gone out of 
print and are no longer available, and why some new projects have been held 
up forever. By stealing a book you are not only committing a crime, but 
also committing a grave offence against the lute scholars who collaborate 
with Minkoff in the production of its lute books, many of them are members 
of this list.

I don't know what's the impression I can give you with my deficient use of
the English language, but I find a bit underestimating the advice about the
possibility of not buying the book if I disagree with the price.

Very good and sensible advice. Pay attention to it. If you can't afford the 
price of a lute by a good maker, if you can't afford the price of the 
computer you want, if you can't afford that snazzy new car, or a new 
present for your significant other, you do not buy them. Period. There is 
no reason why printed books should be in a different category.

I find actually quite curious the fact that many people perfectly understand
why a gifted and well known lute player gives up professional life because
of the critical situation we all have to deal with,

That is not what Rob said. He gave up the lute because of his own personal 
circumstances. To what extent these personal circumstances are related to 
the critical situation the lute world find itself in, a critical situation 
that has changed little in 400 years, is not something you can, or have the 
right to stick your nose into.

  but don't necessary feel
any empathy with a colleague making an observation about another absurd
aspect of this small market.

We do not find empathy with you, because you are not the first newbie to 
come and cry about the price of books. This subject has been re-hashed in 
this list so many time in the past, it becomes a bit of a nuisance to read 
the words of an innocent who thinks there is some parallel between lute 
books and Kazaa.

There are some people here who will understand your plight and sympathize 
with you, but the majority of sensible lutenists understand by now how 
destructive to the discipline is the exchange of freebies.

However, if someone does has some music in pdf, fronimo or django, I would
appreciate if he/she can send it to me.
Of course, I'm be happy to share with all of you the whole material I have.
What I'd rather avoid is to keep on going with discussions that aren't
necessary interesting for everyone,

They are very interesting to those of us who care about the future of the 
lute and the support it may or may not get from publishers. There is more 
at stake than the instant free gratification you desire. Generations of 
lute scholars have spent hundreds of hours in finding the material, 
preparing it for publication, making them available to all. The least you 
can do is bow your head in shame and say thank you to them. Without them, 
there would not be anything for you to steal.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: vallet

2003-10-06 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 04:50 PM 10/6/2003 -0400, Roman Turovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

MO, your own business practices are so far removed from being kosher, that
your moralization is nothing more than a joke that outlived its punch-line.

Yes I know. I admit it and I hang my head down with abject shame. I am just 
a low down snickering greedy capitalist who actually has the gall the ask 
for money in return for printed books. How can I ever atone for this 
grievous sin?

oops... Yom Kipur just passed... too late.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794

Re: Baroque pitch

2003-09-24 Thread Matanya Ophee
At 09:30 AM 9/24/2003 -0700, Howard Posner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if
the latest Grove's has some detailed article on pitch.

There is. By Bruce Haynes and Peter R. Cooke. There was also an extended 
articles on the subject in most previous editions of Grove's.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax: 614-846-9794