Re: [newbie] 400MHz enough video power?

2005-04-10 Thread Tom
JoeHill wrote:
On Sat, 9 Apr 2005 18:34:33 -0400
Miark disseminated the following:

I have a Toshiba Tecra 8000 with a 400MHz processor, 192MB
RAM, and DVD drive. From within XFCE (i.e. a lightweight enviro)
I tried to play a DVD last night with mplayer, and totem, but
nothing seems to work. Is 400 MHz just too little power?

I think it depends a lot on your video card/chipset. You cannot play DVD's at
all without hardware acceleration, IIRC, no matter your system resources (though
yours are definitely on the low end anyhow).
That just isn't so. I have a GeF4, I use the 'nv' driver, 
I've never used the proprietary nvidia driver, DVD's and any other 
kind'a movies play jus' fine.  DVD's, or any videos for that matter, 
_do not_ require hardware acceleration.   Miark, do you have the PLF 
versions of your players an their dependencies installed ? 
Particularly libdvdcss2-1.2.8-3plf

400Mhz, an 192mb ram should not pose a problem other than takin 
a little longer to fill the initial cache. Miark, have you tried 
playin the DVD with mplayer on the CL  ?
 'mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device /dev/hd?'
(fwiw, I think -dvd-device might be deprecated now, but it can't 
hurt)  And don't try to play the DVD untill the light on your DVDrom 
has quit blinkin after you insert the DVD.  If that light stays on 
or keeps blinkin, the drive can't read the media.

   Usually but not always the movie is title 1. You may need to try 
2,3,4.. also.  Will other DVD's play?  I've run into maybe 1:50 
commercial DVD's that just won't play on a computer. Couldn't even 
successfully rip to .avi with (PLF) dvd::rip

 mplayer will more often play problem DVD's than xine. BUT, 
every once in a while I've encountered DVD's that xine will play and 
mplayer won't.  Those are the players I would recommend, not totem
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] 400MHz enough video power?

2005-04-10 Thread Tom
Ian wrote:
On Sunday 10 Apr 2005 19:26, JoeHill wrote:
On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 10:28:12 -0500
Tom disseminated the following:
That just isn't so. I have a GeF4, I use the 'nv' driver,
I've never used the proprietary nvidia driver, DVD's and any other
kind'a movies play jus' fine.  DVD's, or any videos for that matter,
_do not_ require hardware acceleration.
Sorry, only speaking from personal experience. DVD's or AVI's will not
play, at least not full screen anyhow, unless I'm using hardware
acceleration, ie. the nvidia driver. Like you always say, YMMV ;-)
Didn't I read somewhere that DivX files require at least a 500Mhz processor?
I'd heard that rumor too
Although that was for Windoze based systems.
   There is no reality comin from Windoze, either the users or M$
Haven't the faintest what a DVD would need, though.
 Ian, while not on DVD, I took some CD's burned with .vobs 
ripped from DVD up to my daughter an g'kids when I went up to 
Houston for Christmas. She has my old PII 350 (that I oc'd to 467 
the whole time I had it).  Mostly an experiment to see how the 
videos played, or even if they would.

Her system has ancient ram in it, from an even older P90 system 
I use to have. Rated for 66mhz I guess, it was from before the PC66 
standard was invented.  I ran that old ram at 133+. When I gave the 
system to my daughter, I had to keep it at 100mhz to match the 
default PII 350 FSB.  That ram, 64mb's (2x32), is old an 'rode hard 
an put up wet'.  The video card is an old S3 'Virge'.  Also 
previously oc'd to the limit, but not in her system. Which other 
than the ancient ram, is run at default speeds now.

   It's a system runnin Linux, an the last time I updated it for 
her, it was to 10.1, KDE, w/PLF additions. That 350, w/o 3d/accel, 
only 64mb  overan worn out ram played the .vob's just fine usin 
(PLF) mplayer.  So I gave her some $$'s to go to Wal*Mart and buy a 
DVDrom drive (ata) and some DVD's for the kids. The Cdrom was old an 
tired anyhow (also a carry over from my my ancient P90).

Installed the DVDrom, an played the DVD's for the kids. 350Mhz, 
overstretched 64mb ram, no hardware accel on an ancient 2mb video 
card.  It did take close to a minute to fill the cache an start 
playin the movie tho. (64mb, 250 /swap).  After the wait, it played 

   I suppose it is time to build another system for myself an give 
her an the g'kids this old XP3000+, no 3d/acell. Just with an old 
512mb stick of ram I've got layin around in it  ;)
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] ark rar

2005-04-08 Thread Tom
Q.H. Wang wrote:
Many thanks gangs. 

I've just installed unrar, it's working perfectly. Thanks again.
 Now 'urpmi parchive2'   and you'll be able to use it (par2) to 
repair corrupted or missing .par's  if you also have the par2 
files for the archive.

   Another hint:   'urpmi file-roller' for a good GUI for handlin 
rar's.   You will need to copy or link /usr/bin/unrar to 
/usr/bin/rar as file roller looks for a 'rar' binary.

   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Playing dvd movies on a computer

2005-04-06 Thread Tom
Robert Yu wrote:
Anne, why uninstall Xine? Shouldn't I just be able to update it?
   The Mandrake versions of mplayer and xine are not compiled to 
take advantange of the 'unfree' codecs and apps that they can't 
distribute for legal reasons.  Anne's advice was correct, uninstall 
the Mdk versions and then install only PLF versions.

   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] New Kernel installation.

2005-04-06 Thread Tom
Gonzalo Mdk wrote:
Hi all, i'm new to this list (I usually use the expert) because i
think this Q doesn't qualify for the expert list.
   Actually it does, but you'll probly get better answers here, an 
less nags to add to the(ir) community twiki ;)

I have a laptop (doesn't have a brand, is assembled in a place here in
Chile) that has ACPI support,
It might be non-standard compliant Windo$e ACPI. Even if runnin
 tom # dmidecode | grep -i acpi
Version: ASUS A7V600 ACPI BIOS Revision 1005
ACPI is supported
   says it is. That's a direct reading from the system bios' 
firmware. Unfortunately most hardware is designed for Win$ux ;(

 but when i recompile the kernel with
acpi support (i have 2.6.3-7mdk-i686-up-4GB) it doesnt work. (gives me
the following line:
No ACPI support in kernel, or incorrect acpi_path (/proc/acpi).
tom # ll /proc/acpi
total 0
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 ac_adapter/
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 alarm
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 battery/
dr-xr-xr-x  3 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 button/
-r  1 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 dsdt
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 embedded_controller/
-r  1 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 event
-r  1 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 fadt
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 fan/
-r--r--r--  1 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 info
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 power_resource/
dr-xr-xr-x  3 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 processor/
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 sleep
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 thermal_zone/
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 video/
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 wakeup
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root 0 Apr  6 14:46 wmi/
So i want to know where can i download a kernel that is for mandrake,
like, is there a place for downloading the kernel 2.6.11mdk (or
something like that), the newest version, so i can use the WIFI also.
Hope you can give me some directions 
Gonzalo Avaria
# ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support
# CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG is not set
   That's from a 'stock' /boot/config-2.6.11-6mdkK74g.  Well, OK 
it's not quite stock, I hand edited the .config (don't try that 
unless you know what you're doin. Use 'make xconfig') to enable K7 
opts, and enable preempt, an more than 880MB ram support.  None of 
the above ACPI options were changed.  The =y are built in, the =m 
are modules (mostly for laptops). As long as I can remember, ACPI 
support is built into the kernel, even 2.2.x. Note  CONFIG_ACPI=y 
There is no need to install anything or recompile Mandrake kernels 
to support ACPI (if the hardware truly does).

Yes 2.6.11 does have better wifi support, but I only judge that 
from documentation and other's reports, not experience (I don't use 
wifi).  You might try a cooker kernel and re-compile it on older 
systems.  Get,
  an don't forget to begin with 'make mrproper'. If you don't need 
to change the .config, then

Edit Makefile, an  change EXTRAVERSION = , an uncomment 
(enable) this line  export	INSTALL_PATH=/boot
Im my above example, for instance  I changed EXTRAVERSION to
   EXTRAVERSION = -6mdkK74g
to denote, K7, preempt, and  1 gig ram support differences from the 
'stock'  .config

 make oldconfig
 make modules_install
 make install
 Also make sure you don't have ACPI disabled.  IOW's, there 
should be _no_ acpi statement in your boot parameters. Either lilo's 
append= line or in grub.  Every acpi statement except =force will 
disable ACPI, either partially or completely.  =on DNGN (does 
nothin, goes nowhere), ACPI is built into any Mandrake kernels as 
the default.  If you do have a statement like   acpi=ht   remove it 
an don't forget to run 'lilo'   You need not to make any changes to 
APM, as ACPI will overide it.  You should also see extended IRQ 
support (above 15) with ACPI enabled.   Give this a read,
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Mandriva

2005-04-05 Thread Tom
Josenildo Marques wrote:
It seems our favourite distro is going to change its name to _Mandriva_
(i.e., Mandrake+Conectiva), according to an article I have just read.
The article says Mandrake bought the domains and Conectiva bought the domain
(might need to 'urpmi whois' first )
   IRRC, there might've one or two others also.  Speculation was 
that Mandrake registered those domains, shortly after the merger, on 
a just in case basis.  Search 'mandriva' on a cooker ML archive to 
get the whole discussion. IIRC, Mantiva was the favorite.

And the latest newsletter says Mandrake is going to incorporate
elements of technology from Conectiva, particularly in the area of the
smart package management software and some of Conectiva's kernel
I think that means apt-get...
  Greg already did a good job of answering this, but you could 
also search cooker to see this discussion.   And visit
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Burning 10.2 ISO

2005-04-02 Thread Tom
Aron Smith wrote:
On Friday 01 April 2005 03:06 pm, Tom wrote:
Aron Smith wrote:
I have created a lot of coasters under k3b trying to burn 10.2 I noticed
that the first disk is 699.8 Mb while the capicity is 700Mb  The md5sums
check is it because the CD-R is too small ?
   No.  Cdr's are good for =703 mb.  If you're already usin 10.2,
CD's can't be reliably burned as anything but root due to kernel
changes.  If not then, as user;
'cdrecord -v -eject driveropts=burnfree speed=16 dev=ATA:1,1,0 -dao
 name of iso'
   Adjust speed= an dev= to suit your burner
  OTOH, Warly is already testin the final 2005LE (10.2) iso's.
Should be available shortly  EPA, 2005, April 6.
  RC2, updated with cooker mirrors is the same thing, available now.
Tryed that (cutnPaste)
cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mandrakelinux-10.2rc2]$
What Mandrake version are you currently usin?  = 10.0, 10.1, 
an now 10.2 all use different daemons an methods for removable 
media. With 10.2 you'll need to burn as root to avoid serious risk 
of buffer underruns.

Do you get output when you just type
'cdrecord -help' ?  (cdrecord is installed, right?)
Does your drive show up when you type,
'll /dev/hd*'  ?   Does,
$ ll /dev/sg*
crw-rw  1 tom cdwriter 21, 0 Apr  2 08:51 /dev/sg0
crw-rw  1 tom cdwriter 21, 1 Apr  2 08:51 /dev/sg1 your user name as a member of the cdwriter group?
FWIW, the name of the file is Mandrakelinux-10.2rc2-CD1.i586.iso
Use Tab completion, or paste it in, don't rely on typin it in 
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Burning 10.2 ISO

2005-04-02 Thread Tom
Aron Smith wrote:
On Saturday 02 April 2005 09:35 am, Tom wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mandrakelinux-10.2rc2]$
What Mandrake version are you currently usin?  = 10.0, 10.1,
an now 10.2 all use different daemons an methods for removable
media. With 10.2 you'll need to burn as root to avoid serious risk
of buffer underruns.
Do you get output when you just type
'cdrecord -help' ?  (cdrecord is installed, right?)
Does your drive show up when you type,
'll /dev/hd*'  ?   Does,
$ ll /dev/sg*
crw-rw  1 tom cdwriter 21, 0 Apr  2 08:51 /dev/sg0
crw-rw  1 tom cdwriter 21, 1 Apr  2 08:51 /dev/sg1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] aron]$ ll /dev/hd*
brw-rw  1 root disk  3,  0 Apr  1 18:46 /dev/hda
brw-rw  1 root disk  3,  1 Apr  1 18:46 /dev/hda1
brw-rw  1 root disk  3,  2 Apr  1 18:46 /dev/hda2
brw-rw  1 root disk  3,  5 Apr  1 18:46 /dev/hda5
brw-rw  1 root disk  3,  6 Apr  1 18:46 /dev/hda6
brw-rw  1 root disk  3,  7 Apr  1 18:46 /dev/hda7
brw-rw  1 root disk  3,  8 Apr  1 18:46 /dev/hda8
brw-rw  1 aron cdrom 3, 64 Apr  1 18:46 /dev/hdb
Alright, then with 10.1  (this first part would also be the 
same for 10.2)

'cdrecord dev=ATA -scanbus'   will show you the scsibus numbers,
EG, somethin like 0,0,0   (which should be better than usin /dev/hdb)
cd to the directory the isos are in and
cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=ATA:0,0,0 -dao MandTab
  Now I've simplified that quite a bit, actually about bare 
minimum. You should be able to handle speed=4, use your numbers 
rather than the example 0,0,0   -dao is a must for .iso's  Specially 
needed so the md5sum of the burned CD will check.

   With the burned CD in the drive, 'md5sum /dev/hdb' should return 
(might take a minute or so) the same md5sum as the iso file has. 
With marginal CD drives, you may need to try it several times before 
it succeeds. your user name as a member of the cdwriter group?
No problem burning other CDs both audio and data
am currently using Mdk 10.1
  Includin 700mb's ?  If you can burn 650's, but not 700 you 
really need a better burner.  Mandrake gave into the 650 crowd a few 
versions ago, but has since determined it's just not worth the 
inconvenience  to the vast majority with decent burners.  If you 
can't use 700's, get a new burner. Sometimes somone redoes the iso's 
to  650 an makes them available for FTP. I think the Mdk Club use 
to also do it.  But don't hold your breath ;)

I believe if you can run 'cdrecord dev=ATA:0,0,0 -atip' with a 
blank 700mb CDr in the drive, and it returns succesfully, info about 
cdrecord, your drive and the manufacturer of the blank Cdr... then 
you should be able to burn up to 703mb.  I don't really know tho, 
even my (1997) 8432 Plextor could burn the cheapest 700's

Your other option would be to d/l, IIRC, 'boot.iso' from a 
mirror, 'dd' it to a floppy and do an install from the iso's on your 
HDD.  You'll need somebody or a tutorial that's knows more about 
that than me. I haven't done it in ages, an some changes have been 
made in the process for 10.2.  You might be able to find out from 
the cooker ML archive or  At a 
minimum you should read the 10.2 Release Notes.

 When/if you get 10.2 installed (an I'd recommend a fresh 
install saving your /home)  magicdev will no longer be there, 
supermount is used only for floppy's. gnome-volume-manager in 
conjunction with HAL and dbus is the entirely user space daemon for 
handling removable media, like CD drives. As such it can't access 
certain things reserved to root.  IE, as user:

cdrecord: Operation not permitted. WARNING: Cannot set RR-scheduler
cdrecord: Permission denied. WARNING: Cannot set priority using 
cdrecord: WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns.

The only work around is to burn as root, even with a GUI. 
You'll probly also need to run 'gnome-volume-properties' once as 
root and under the heading Removable Media, enable the first 3 (of 
the 4) options (if they aren't already).
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] back to Windows

2005-04-01 Thread Tom
Josenildo Marques wrote:
I'm going to uninstall this OS as soon as possible from my computer... I
can't stand it any longer. Linux sucks !
And I'm going to get a Microsoft Certificate and install Windows XP,
which I have never used.
Linux has no future ! And this list sucks, too ! Fare you well !
   Does this mean no more pics ;(
   I don't often approve of OT list posts, but in the case of your 
pics, I'll make an exception. I'll leave it to you to post a link.

Beautiful pics from Brazil folks. Josenildo is quite a photographer, 
besides being a knowledgeable gentleman

BTW, thanks for the 4/1 laff ;)  Now this one _is_ serious
Adding what is perhaps its most significant member to date, the Open 
Source Development Labs (OSDL) has announced that longtime open 
source opponent Microsoft is joining its ranks, giving Eric Raymond 
a seat on the Microsoft Board of Directors and agreeing to a 
sweeping intellectual property agreement this week.

OSDL said that after several hours of intense negotiations, 
officials of the center of gravity for Linux and open source had 
brokered the deal with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who downplayed 
the membership of a proprietary software maker in an open source 
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Burning 10.2 ISO

2005-04-01 Thread Tom
Aron Smith wrote:
I have created a lot of coasters under k3b trying to burn 10.2 I noticed that 
the first disk is 699.8 Mb while the capicity is 700Mb  The md5sums check
is it because the CD-R is too small ?
   No.  Cdr's are good for =703 mb.  If you're already usin 10.2, 
CD's can't be reliably burned as anything but root due to kernel 
changes.  If not then, as user;

'cdrecord -v -eject driveropts=burnfree speed=16 dev=ATA:1,1,0 -dao 
 name of iso'

   Adjust speed= an dev= to suit your burner
  OTOH, Warly is already testin the final 2005LE (10.2) iso's. 
Should be available shortly  EPA, 2005, April 6.

  RC2, updated with cooker mirrors is the same thing, available now.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Burning 10.2 ISO

2005-04-01 Thread Tom
JoeHill wrote:
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 17:06:22 -0600
Tom disseminated the following:


I'm assuming you mean *ETA*, though I'm sure the *EPA* would be concerned about
Aron's 'coasters' filling up the landfills, eh?
Anyhow, good to know about April 6th. Gonna start backin' up my home dir
tomorrow :-)
   Might be easier to get RC2 now an upgrade it
An hell yeah, T an P are only on opposites sides of the keyborad ;)
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] [HAB] Should I upgrade?

2005-03-26 Thread Tom
OOzy Pal wrote:

I am using Athlon 1.3 GHz and I would like to upgrade
to Celeron 2.4 GHz. Is it worth it. I mean will I see
a difference. Someone said the the 1.3 will perform
better with Linux do to the Cache. Please help.
Your AMD 1.3 vs. a Celery is a toss up in synthetic benchmarks. 
Which usually have nothin to do with real world performance, any OS. 
The 'someone' that cited caches is right. There's another aspect, 
which is Mboards' chipset.  Here again you're better off with the 
AMD cpu if you're usin it in conjunction with a VIA or SiS chipset 
on a decent Mboard. The cpu is no better than the motherboard. With 
Linux this is particularly true. Windoze based/designed for systems 
like nForce* an Cyrix (C-*), should be avoided.

IMO, you're on the cusp.  If you need to upgrade your choices 
are either to go with 3+ Ghz 32 bit AMD/VIA, or go for a 64bit 
system, also AMD. My impression is that 64 bit an the OS'/apps for 
it have a ways to go for maturity.  I'd venture in another year 
64bit would be a better choice.  It is afterall, inevitable.

 You really need to give specs for your current system, an how 
you use it, for more concise appraisals.  The motherboard you're 
usin is as, or more important than the cpu.  As is ram (brand, 
cas/latency, banking, etc.) and presupposes a good quality power 

Then you can also tailor Linux to your hardware. For instance, 
I'm usin  2.6.11-6mdkK74g preempt K7 gcc-3.4  (compiled for Athlon, 
preempt enabled,  4gig ram ) an find it to be much more responsive 
than 2.6.8 or 2.6.10 kernels compiled the same way. On a 3+Ghz 
Athlon, VIA KT600, 1GB 2.5CL 4-bank ram system, mildly overclocked. 
Mostly optimizations are only seen in compiling, an re-de-encoding 
of large files (which I do a lot of).

What is the purpose of life?
   42 ?
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Soundblaster 16 with Vibra chip

2005-03-23 Thread Tom
Werner wrote:
Thanks SigmaX it is working now.
A little strange though, when I installed a few days
ago, there was a message saying to use sndconfig.  I
tried under root but it would not be found.
Since then, I had replaced the NIC with a couple
different ones until I found one that would finally be
detected.  Wonder if that had anything to do with
sndconfig also not working?
No, nothin to do with NIC's. sndconfig was an old tool for 
detectin an conf'g (_only_) ISA sound cards.  Since most systems 
don't even have ISA slot(s) anymore, and the fact that probing ISA 
with sndconfig often caused lockups**, it was dropped.

OTOH, it's still available, this is from current 10.2
( errr.. I mean 2005 Limited Edition by Daffy Duck  ;)
 tom # urpmi -y sndconfig
To satisfy dependencies, the following 4 packages are going to be 
installed (1 MB):

   ** most old ISA sound cards were _real_ hardware, complete with 
onboard jumpers, at least for setting the IRQ. These always work, 
lockups during detection most likely won't happen.  Plug'n Pray ISA 
cards (popular in ready made Windoze systems) OTOH will most likely 
be problematic. Try first with P'n P set to 'no' in bios.  If that 
fails try turnin P'n P on.  If that fails, go buy a cheap PCI sound 
card that works with ALSA ;)

   IMO, the most bulletproof solution for Linux sound is AC97 codec 
compliant, integrated, 5.1 6-channel sound chip on the motherboard.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] src.rpm headaches.

2005-03-20 Thread Tom
James Henry Maiewski wrote:
On Saturday 19 March 2005 3:50 pm, Tom wrote:
   Now, James, when you installed the system did you select
Development ?  Without those additions to your system you probly
can't compile anything.
Other questions:  are you just doin all this as an exercise?
an why don't you just use Mandrakes' pre-compiled packages for
kdeutils?   IOW's, what are you tryin to accomplish?
	I have the Mandrake 6-disc set, so I have these binaries, and don't 
need to compile anything.  Having just successfully 'hatched' 
kdeutils...src.rpm (I downloaded a new one), with rpmbuild [thanks to 
all of you, and I certainly didn't intend to set off any controversy.  
I'll have to read these man pages)
  Don't pay any attention to us jawin at each other.  There 
wasn't really any controversy, just back'n forth exploration.  I 
came out of it aware of a pending change I had no idea about.  An 
usually I'm the one always warning of comming changes ;)

	Inasmuch as I doesn't really have a prayer of understanding C++, or 
the maze of linked header files, etc. (most of my programing 
knowledge in Linux and C comes from Learning C in 28 days) this was 
all an exercise.  Its genesis comes from my fondness of Kedit.  It 
seems like a really simple program, and I thought that it might be 
possible to change the behavior of its Tab key (i.e., how many spaces 
are printed when tab is presses.  So far in this exercise, I've 
discovered .kcfg files (hence Kcfgcreator, hence unsermake) and now 
rpmbuild, and kconfig_compiler, kconfigskeleton.h and kconfig.h (and 
I still haven't found anything that says main).   As expected, I'm 
not really more enlightened as concerns my original goal, but I'm 
having fun.
  As an exercise, learning is the best reason.  You should also 
 acquaint yourself with compiling a kernel from kernel-source. One 
day you might even need to.

	If you have any suggestions about books to teach the neophyte about 
program development (I know no 'object oriented' stuff, and am shaky 
on all the libs etc.)
 More than 15 years ago, with no prior knowledge, I walked into 
a scientific book store. They had one whole wall devoted to 
programming languages. I saw that most of the shelf space was 
devoted to C/C++.  I found a large paperback book that also came 
with CD's for installin a compiler, Turbo C++ (sorry I don't 
remember the name).  So I bought it an started teaching myself C++. 
It was all pretty straightforward ... at least until I got into 
hierarchies, classes, public and private, and so on. Well worth the 
effort, and quite enjoyable.  The only 'connection' I had then was 
to dial into BBS's.  Found quite a bit of resources for programming 
there, even local user groups I began to attend.

Anyhow, I believe you can find comprehensive tutorials for just 
about any programming language online these days. Along with plenty 
source examples. No real need to buy a book, and you've already got 
a C/C++ compiler (other compilers are also available).  I'll leave 
it to others with more recent experience to recommend current 
languages and such.  I've all but forgotten everything I use to know 
about C++. Still, it was a priceless experience, and greatly 
enhanched my computer, troubleshootin skills.  Go for it James
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] src.rpm headaches.

2005-03-19 Thread Tom
James Henry Maiewski wrote:
	I downloaded kdeutils-3.2.3-28.3.101mdk.src.rpm to see what I could 
see, but when I try to install it, it says everything already 
installed.  If these are supposed to go in /usr(/local)/src they are 
empty.  How is the installation of .src.rpm files supposed to work?

With an advance of thanks,
James Henry Maiewski

src.rpm's are not to be installed (tho they can be).  You can 
compile the rpms contained in the src.rpm by doin (as root)

   'rpm --rebuild kdeutils-3.2.3-28.3.101mdk.src.rpm'
the resulting rpms will then be found in
   Another example;
 'rpm --rebuild --target athlon kdeutils-3.2.3-28.3.101mdk.src.rpm'
will compile the rpms, athlon optimized, and place them in
  The src.rpm will build _all_ the rpms contained in the 
src.rpm.  So if you only want to upgrade only kdeutils rpms you 
already have installed, cd to one of the above directories and use

   'rpm -Fvh *.rpm'   ('F' being the important bit)
(this assumes you only have kdeutils* rpms in the dir)
If dependencies are needed, rpm -Fvh, will stop without 
installing an display a list of what's needed.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] src.rpm headaches.

2005-03-19 Thread Tom
Greg Meyer wrote:
On Saturday 19 March 2005 10:05 am, Tom wrote:
James Henry Maiewski wrote:
I downloaded kdeutils-3.2.3-28.3.101mdk.src.rpm to see what I could
see, but when I try to install it, it says everything already
installed.  If these are supposed to go in /usr(/local)/src they are
empty.  How is the installation of .src.rpm files supposed to work?
With an advance of thanks,
James Henry Maiewski
src.rpm's are not to be installed (tho they can be).  You can
compile the rpms contained in the src.rpm by doin (as root)
   'rpm --rebuild kdeutils-3.2.3-28.3.101mdk.src.rpm'
Not to be too picky, but technically, rpm is deprecated and rpmbuild --rebuild 
is preferred because it has been split into separate packages.

hmmm... tell me more.
# rpm --rebuild mplayer-fonts-1.0-10mdk.src.rpm
  ... snip ...
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/noarch/mplayer-fonts-1.0-10mdk.noarch.rpm
Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.1910
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ cd mplayer-fonts-1.0
+ rm -rf /var/tmp/mplayer-fonts-buildroot
+ exit 0
Executing(--clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.1910
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ rm -rf mplayer-fonts-1.0
+ exit 0
# rpm -Uvh /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/noarch/mplayer-fonts-1.0-10mdk.noarch.rpm
### [100%]
### [100%]

 Are you sugesting I should'a used 'rpmbuild --rebuild mplaTab' ?
  FWIW, the system is as current as can be (cooker 10.2)
2.6.11-2mdkK74 preempt K7 gcc-3.4  (rpm-build-4.2.3-9mdk)
the resulting rpms will then be found in
Just as a general rule it is not a good idea to compile src.rpms as root, 
because if the buildroot variable is not set, the package will actually get 
installed on your machine, so as a habit, it is safer to setup the RPM dir in 
~/ and build as user.  Mandrake is very good about this, but occasionally you 
get a 3rd party packager that forgets to set this and It's just a good habit. 
and you can bork the system.
   Two schools, an I'm in the other one ;)  'Sides the OP did cite 
a Mandrake rpm.  More important to me would be direct newbies to 
always use Mandrake rpms, src.rpms included, to procure wanted apps 
or dependencies.  More over to disdain corrupting their systems with 
anything 3rd party (includin drivers an apps, rpms or tarballs). 
Build as user all you want, but if you install closed source binary 
only taints on it, the precaution to only build rpms (or tarballs 
for that matter) as user is sort'a moot, borderin on ridiculous.

   Another example;
 'rpm --rebuild --target athlon kdeutils-3.2.3-28.3.101mdk.src.rpm'
will compile the rpms, athlon optimized, and place them in
This is cool, and might be fun to experiment to see if this has any effect on 
your system.
IME, no.  But when I ocaisionally do build from source, I 
include athlon opts just for grins.   Mostly kernels (as in 
2.6.11-2mdkK74, compiled for athlon, preempt, 4gig ram support).  I 
used Mdk's kernel-source rpm an changed the .config, mostly to gain 
preempt and support for 1gig of ram.  An then only 'cause such a 
kernel wasn't avaible from Mandrake, pre-compiled.

  The src.rpm will build _all_ the rpms contained in the
src.rpm.  So if you only want to upgrade only kdeutils rpms you
already have installed, cd to one of the above directories and use
Just one small point about your use of terminology in order to clarify, you 
are compiling the source and building the rpm packages as they are specified 
in the src.rpm's spec file, not releasing already built things packaged 
together.  It kind of sounds like they are being hatched instead of built the 
way you described it :)
   'hatched'?   not sure what you mean Greg.  The 'F' switch in 
'rpm -Fvh' will only upgrade existing packages on the system, not 
all packages included in the src.rpm.  Good example would be 'xorg' 
which would create more than a dozen packages, but only about 7 of 
which are used on my system.

   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] src.rpm headaches.

2005-03-19 Thread Tom
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Tom wrote:

hmmm... tell me more.
# rpm --rebuild mplayer-fonts-1.0-10mdk.src.rpm
  ... snip ...
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/noarch/mplayer-fonts-1.0-10mdk.noarch.rpm
Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.1910
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ cd mplayer-fonts-1.0
+ rm -rf /var/tmp/mplayer-fonts-buildroot
+ exit 0
Executing(--clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.1910
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ rm -rf mplayer-fonts-1.0
+ exit 0
# rpm -Uvh /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/noarch/mplayer-fonts-1.0-10mdk.noarch.rpm
Preparing... ### [100%]
   1:mplayer-fonts ### [100%]
 Are you sugesting I should'a used 'rpmbuild --rebuild mplaTab' ?
  FWIW, the system is as current as can be (cooker 10.2)
2.6.11-2mdkK74 preempt K7 gcc-3.4  (rpm-build-4.2.3-9mdk)
 From the rpm man page:
   Executing rpmbuild
   The build modes of rpm are now resident in the /usr/bin/rpmbuild
   executable. Although legacy compatibility provided by the popt
   aliases below has been adequate, the compatibility is not
   perfect; hence build mode compatibility through popt aliases is
   being removed from rpm.
   Install the rpmbuild package, and see rpmbuild(8) for
   documentation  of all the rpm build modes previously documented
   here in rpm(8).
   Add  the  following lines to /etc/popt if you wish to continue
   invoking rpmbuild from the rpm command line:
It then goes into a table that you can read for your self if you are 

   # less /etc/popt
/etc/popt: No such file or directory
Do I need to create this file?  an why?  rpm -rebuild is still 
very much functional, even on 10.2

   Yes, I read the man page.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Recommended DVD's for K3b

2005-03-19 Thread Tom
John or Margaret Montgomery wrote:
On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 11:44:07 -0600

 Nope!  'Big name', or well know brand names mean very little, 
more often, absolutely nothin!  Practically no brand name media are 
made by the advertised vendor. The only way to know for sure who 
actually makes the disk is to do;

   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

This is not DVD but I recall several years ago, asking a salesman about the 
differences between different CDs. His answer was - price!
Since then I have bought only on price. A few coasters have turned up but I 
could always account for them by my stupidity.
John Montgomery
Vernon BC
You managed to get a knowledgeable salesperson ;)  I quit 
botherin askin who actually manufactured the media. Mostly I got a 
blank stare. They bank on the premise that most all the public 
thinks big brand names have to be better.

   OTOH, the big brand names do _usually_ put better, more durable 
coating (the label side where the recording is actually done). This 
is important if you're fixin to handle the CD's a bunch, or store 
them for a while.  So considerin that, it's often worth payin twice 
the price to get media that's all made by the same damn manufacturer 
anyhow.  I suspect the brand names buy the cheap 'generic' CD's, 
then add the extra 'branded' coating on top of the generic 

In this sense the result is not more reliable for burnin, but 
will survive more handlin an storage.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] src.rpm headaches.

2005-03-19 Thread Tom
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Tom wrote:
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Tom wrote:

hmmm... tell me more.
# rpm --rebuild mplayer-fonts-1.0-10mdk.src.rpm
  ... snip ...
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/noarch/mplayer-fonts-1.0-10mdk.noarch.rpm
Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.1910
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ cd mplayer-fonts-1.0
+ rm -rf /var/tmp/mplayer-fonts-buildroot
+ exit 0
Executing(--clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.1910
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ rm -rf mplayer-fonts-1.0
+ exit 0
# rpm -Uvh /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/noarch/mplayer-fonts-1.0-10mdk.noarch.rpm
Preparing... ### [100%]
   1:mplayer-fonts ### [100%]
 Are you sugesting I should'a used 'rpmbuild --rebuild mplaTab' ?
  FWIW, the system is as current as can be (cooker 10.2)
2.6.11-2mdkK74 preempt K7 gcc-3.4  (rpm-build-4.2.3-9mdk)
 From the rpm man page:
   Executing rpmbuild
   The build modes of rpm are now resident in the /usr/bin/rpmbuild
   executable. Although legacy compatibility provided by the popt
   aliases below has been adequate, the compatibility is not
   perfect; hence build mode compatibility through popt aliases is
   being removed from rpm.
   Install the rpmbuild package, and see rpmbuild(8) for
   documentation  of all the rpm build modes previously documented
   here in rpm(8).
   Add  the  following lines to /etc/popt if you wish to continue
   invoking rpmbuild from the rpm command line:
It then goes into a table that you can read for your self if you are 


   # less /etc/popt
/etc/popt: No such file or directory
Do I need to create this file?  an why?  rpm -rebuild is still 
very much functional, even on 10.2

   Yes, I read the man page.

Well, on my 10.1 system, they are actualy in /usr/lib/rom/rpmpopt-4.2.2 
and if I wanted to track it down, there is probably another file 
symlinked to it, that is defined in rpmrc, but I don't feel like going 
through all the effort. There are a lot of things that can be changed 
the same way, to customize the way rpm behaves.


# less/usr/lib/rom/rpmpopt*
bash: less/usr/lib/rom/rpmpopt*: No such file or directory
# l /usr/lib/rom/rpmpopt*
ls: /usr/lib/rom/rpmpopt*: No such file or directory
# loci rpmrc   (an alias for locate -i)
   untouched by me   ???
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] src.rpm headaches.

2005-03-19 Thread Tom
James Henry Maiewski wrote:
	I thank you both for this information, but I'm not getting anything 
out of this package.  the rpm --rebuild gives: 

error: kdeutils-3.2.3-28.3.101mdk.src.rpm cannot be installed
the same happens with rpmbuild --rebuild (both as root and otherwise).
	I assume that the package is at fault and will look for another 
source.  Another question I have, is why I urpmi --install-src yield 

--install-src   looks to me like this would try an install the 
src.rpm.  You really don't wanna do that

# rpm --rebuild kdeutils-3.3.2-20mdk.src.rpm
 big snip
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-klaptop-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/libkdeutils1-klaptop-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-common-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-ktimer-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-kdessh-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-kjots-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-kdepasswd-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-kfloppy-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-kdf-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-kcharselect-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-khexedit-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-kedit-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/libkdeutils1-kedit-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-ark-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/libkdeutils1-ark-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-kcalc-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/libkdeutils1-kcalc-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/libkdeutils1-common-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-ksim-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/kdeutils-kgpg-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586/libkdeutils1-ksim-3.3.2-20mdk.i586.rpm
Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.22866
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ cd kdeutils-3.3.2
+ rm -fr /var/tmp/kdeutils-3.3.2-20mdk-root/
+ exit 0
Executing(--clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.53096
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ rm -rf kdeutils-3.3.2
+ exit 0

 That was mostly for my own curiousity, specially since Greg an 
Mikkel have some misgiving about usin 'rpm --rebuild'

All I can say is Works for Me  an always has
   As you can see the src.rpm created more than two dozen kdeutils 
packages. More than I have with a normal install.  This is why I 
cited 'rpm -Fvh' which would then only update the packages I'm usin.

   Now, James, when you installed the system did you select 
Development ?  Without those additions to your system you probly 
can't compile anything.

Other questions:  are you just doin all this as an exercise? an 
why don't you just use Mandrakes' pre-compiled packages for 
kdeutils?   IOW's, what are you tryin to accomplish?
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] src.rpm headaches.

2005-03-19 Thread Tom
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Tom wrote:
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Well, on my 10.1 system, they are actualy in 
/usr/lib/rom/rpmpopt-4.2.2 and if I wanted to track it down, there is 
probably another file symlinked to it, that is defined in rpmrc, but 
I don't feel like going through all the effort. There are a lot of 
things that can be changed the same way, to customize the way rpm 


# less/usr/lib/rom/rpmpopt*
bash: less/usr/lib/rom/rpmpopt*: No such file or directory
# l /usr/lib/rom/rpmpopt*
ls: /usr/lib/rom/rpmpopt*: No such file or directory
# loci rpmrc   (an alias for locate -i)
   untouched by me   ???

Well, my typing isn't too good today. (rom should be rpm). Fat fingers, 
and small keyboard.)

   We're hijackin this thread ;)
# loci rpmpopt
/usr/lib/rpmpopt  (symlinked to the above file)
  The lines you cited from the man page are already in 

   Mandrake put 'em there, I didn't.  I suspect you're goin on 
about 'generic' man pages that Mdk imports from other distros, 
mostly RH an Deb. Without re-writing them. All the while tho, the 
functions have already been taken care of by Mandrake.

   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] src.rpm headaches.

2005-03-19 Thread Tom
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Tom wrote:
 That was mostly for my own curiousity, specially since Greg an 
Mikkel have some misgiving about usin 'rpm --rebuild'

All I can say is Works for Me  an always has
I think the point is more that rpm --rebuild is calling rpmbuild to do 
the work. Because if this, if you do not have the rpm-build (10.1) or 
rpmbuild (old name) package installed, it will not work. Also, from what 
the man page says, it may not work in future releases of RPM. So it 
would be better to bet used to using rpmbuild --rebuild in place of
rpm --rebuild. For people just starting to build RPMs, it would 
definitly be better to get them started using rpmbuild for building RPMs.

  OK, thanks Mikkel.  I'll tryin keep an eye on it
   FWIW, out of curiousity I re-did kdeutils src.rpm with
rpmbuild --rebuild kdeutils-3.3.2-20mdk.src.rpm
  Worked the same as 'rpm --rebuild'.  BUT you're right, it's 
better to use pending changes.  I'll mend my ways ;)

   Thanks for the heads up
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] src.rpm headaches.

2005-03-19 Thread Tom
Greg Meyer wrote:
On Saturday 19 March 2005 01:59 pm, Tom wrote:
    'hatched'?   not sure what you mean Greg.

I know what you meant, but I was just making light of the fact that you used 
the word contained when describing the src.rpm.  I was trying to be funny.

The src.rpm will build _all_ the rpms contained in ...
This implies that the rpms are already there and you just have to let them 
out,, ie hatch them *cheesy grin*
No! that's exactly what I meant. You did know that src.rpms are 
actually eggs, an once you crack'em open, a mystery of rpms pour 
out! ? !  hehehe

Yeah you're right Greg, I should be more accurate and 
articulate in my wordin ...  I've probly lived in Texas too long  ;) depend on a faith in newbies to discern.  A faith I believe 
they deserve
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.6.11 upgrade.

2005-03-18 Thread Tom
JR wrote:
On Thursday 17 March 2005 07:59 pm, Tom wrote:
   OTOH, you didn't say if you need a SMP (more than one
processor), a Hi-Mem (1 gig of ram or more), or any other special

Thanks a lot. I have a fairly standard laptop setup, so I think the standard 
kernel you linked will be fine.
   Well, I had thought I implied that your chances of success with 
a 2.6.11 kernel on older Mandrake versions were questionable. That 
it would be better to wait a bit an install 10.2 if you need a 
2.6.11 kernel. OTOH, if you install the kernel with -ivh, it will go 
in along side your current kernel, which you then can always fall 
back to if the new kernel fails.

   Laptop, adds in another question mark.  Many reports on cooker 
that 2.6.11 fails on some laptops. Mostly an i686/i586 issue.  The 
only work around right now AFAIK is to try the i586 specific kernel.
(I've never had a laptop)
In explanation; while Mandrake is still primarily an i586 
architecture distro, many things like glibc and the 'normal' kernel 
are compiled for 1686 to take advantage of that optimization and 686 
specific cpu flags.  Many laptop, C(yrix)-3 processors, and some 
others are not true i686 systems. C-3's aren't even true i586.  The 
10.2 installer has been modified to blacklist these systems an 
install the i586 kernel.  'Course if you install a 10.2 kernel on an 
older Mdk version, this protection is not afforded.

 Type 'arch' in a console and press Enter, it'll probly 
return 'i686'.  That only means that the cpu/cache reports itself as 
686 architecture the system might not really be i686.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Recommended DVD's for K3b

2005-03-18 Thread Tom
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Friday 18 Mar 2005 12:36, Charles Rodgers wrote:
Can't get Verbatim DVD W or RW to work with K3b.
Any recommendation for a make of DVD that is  known to work?
I presume we're talking disks?  Any of the big name dvds will work fine.  
No-name ones work, sort of, in that you will get a percentage of coasters, so 
they're not economical, but do-able if you can't get anything else.

 Nope!  'Big name', or well know brand names mean very little, 
more often, absolutely nothin!  Practically no brand name media are 
made by the advertised vendor. The only way to know for sure who 
actually makes the disk is to do;

   # cdrecord dev=ATA:1,1,0 -atip
  ^ (my device numbers, Mdk 10.2)
Cdrecord-Clone 2.01.01a01-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 
1995-2004 Jörg Schilling

big snip
ATIP info from disk:
  Indicated writing power: 5
  Is not unrestricted
  Is not erasable
  Disk sub type: Medium Type A, high Beta category (A+) (3)
  ATIP start of lead in:  -11634 (97:26/66)
  ATIP start of lead out: 359848 (79:59/73)
Disk type:Short strategy type (Phthalocyanine or similar)
Manuf. index: 3
Manufacturer: CMC Magnetics Corporation
   The vendors name is DuraBrand on that disc. CMC are a so so 
manufacturer, but work fine in my Plextor an these have a reasonably 
durable coating on them.  IIRC, my last spindle of Verbatim's was 
also actually manufactured by CMC, but with a little better coating.

   I switched from Memorex when they switched from usin discs 
manufactured by ProDisc (good media), to a no name, non-orange forum 
manufacturer in India (very poor media).  I've had hundred disc 
spindles, sold under well known brand names, where the actual 
manufacturer switched as many as 3 times within the 100 discs!

   Bottom line, there's less than a dozen media manufacturers on 
the planet  there's hundreds of 'brand' names.  -atip is the 
only way to know what you've got, and that is often subject to 
change, even when purchased in bulk.  More often than not, the 'big 
brand names' and the generic 'no-names' are made by the same 
manufacturer.  The higher priced discs usually have a better, more 
durable coating on them tho.  That's important if you want to keep 
the data on them for some time.

 More likely Charles problems stem from the GUI and or backend 
the program is usin, how well it's been adapted to DVD burning, poor 
choice of options for the backend, or the quality of his burner and 
it's laser. Specially if like media it's rebadged.  I'd put the 
media last, unless it's some junk like that unknown, non orange 
Indian manufacturers' discs I got stuck with. Fortunately only about 
the last 20 on the 100 spindle.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Recommended DVD's for K3b

2005-03-18 Thread Tom
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Friday 18 Mar 2005 17:44, Tom wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Friday 18 Mar 2005 12:36, Charles Rodgers wrote:
Can't get Verbatim DVD W or RW to work with K3b.
Any recommendation for a make of DVD that is  known to work?
I presume we're talking disks?  Any of the big name dvds will work fine.
No-name ones work, sort of, in that you will get a percentage of
coasters, so they're not economical, but do-able if you can't get
anything else.
 Nope!  'Big name', or well know brand names mean very little,
more often, absolutely nothin!  Practically no brand name media are
made by the advertised vendor. The only way to know for sure who
actually makes the disk is to do;

All of that is true, but the fact remains that big name manufacturers can't 
afford to get themselves linked to bad suppliers - they depend upon keeping 
their good name. 
 Wrong again Anne.  But that's just the facts, my opinion and 
experience that I posted.  You are welcome to add yours to your 
community twiki.  Jeez I never thought I'd be encouragin you to 
spread marginal to false opinion on your twiki, but go ahead. It's 
full of it anyhow.

 Memorex is a well known 'big name' brand that depends on the 
public's perception of their 'quality'.  Fact is they make none of 
their discs, and as I stated, the 'brand' Verbatim, that Charles was 
tryin, well they don't make theirs either.  MOF all 'big name' 
brands buy from various quality often unknown disc manufacturers. 
Decent to sometimes very poor.

The media quality is probly the last of Charles problems. More 
likely the backend, specially if it's cdrecord needs to be updated 
to the latest (cdrecord-2.01.01-0.a01.4mdk). Warly has been 
continually workin with Jörg Schilling to add DVD support for 
cdrecord. A work in progress. Or equally possible he's dependin on a 
GUI to make (often poor to just plain wrong) backend option choices 
for him. Another is burnin on-the-fly, rather than makin a proper 
image on the HDD, and then burnin from that.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Recommended DVD's for K3b

2005-03-18 Thread Tom
Charles Rodgers wrote:
On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 12:44:45 -0600,Tom wrote:

   The media quality is probly the last of Charles problems. More 
likely the backend, specially if it's cdrecord needs to be updated 
to the latest (cdrecord-2.01.01-0.a01.4mdk). Warly has been 
continually workin with Jörg Schilling to add DVD support for 
cdrecord. A work in progress. Or equally possible he's dependin on a 
GUI to make (often poor to just plain wrong) backend option choices 
for him. Another is burnin on-the-fly, rather than makin a proper 
image on the HDD, and then burnin from that.

I seem to think that your last sentence has hit the nail Tom,
particularly in view of my post reporting success.
 Masha danki! Bon bon! Now to carry the idea a little 
further... The only disdain I have for GUI's is that they separate 
the user from what's really goin on.  CD-DVD burnin is more of an an 
art than a science.  Better to learn how to do CLI burnin, than 
think that GUI's always default to the best, even decent choices.

   There's plenty on online sources, startin with the CD/DVD 
Writing How-To.  Give it a read, also check out the man pages for 
the cd/dvd record backends. If nothin else, you'll be a better GUI 
user. (tho I still favor the CL)  CD burnin is very mature, DVD 
burnin, as I said is still a 'work in progress', expect failures an 
try to follow Warly's latest efforts.  Stow away blind faith in GUI's

   Getting back to -atip.  CDr or DVDr quality, while not the whole 
ball of wax, it is still a factor to be considered.  Pioneer (yours) 
is currently a good hardware vendor, as is Yamaha, Toshiba, an 
Plextor, never re-badges, an should work with even junk poor quality 
media, whoever actually manufactured it, despite the 'brand name' 

I believe you can visually observe the quality an durability of 
the 'coating' on the media.  This is the side (the 'label' side) 
where the recording is actually done.  Not the side people are 
always fussin about keepin clean an un-scratched. Altho that's 
important too.  As you can see, there's a lot of factors, an I 
believe I've already listed most of'em.  An as you've found out, 
on-the-fly recordin a little ahead of creatin the image, is best 
avoided.  Actually _never_, even with a high horse power system with 
gobs of ram.

FWIW, I just got back from Wal*Mart.  Half mile on my electric 
scooter (disabled, MS, my only close enough to be accessible store). 
 The only damn 100-spindles they had on the shelf were frickin 
Memorex.  The same 'brand' that stuck me with about 20 poor quality 
CDr's on a previous 100-spindle.  The non-orange, Indian, coaster 
prone junk they stuck me with before. I took a chance an went ahead 
an bought 'em ($22.67). Mainly out of need, I've got'a sh!+load of 
movies backed up to burn to Cd's. Back at the house, I -atip'd the 
top one, about 30 down into the spindle, an then another 30 down. 
All Ritek sold under the Memorex name.

ATIP info from disk:
  Indicated writing power: 4
  Is not unrestricted
  Is not erasable
  Disk sub type: Medium Type A, low Beta category (A-) (2)
  ATIP start of lead in:  -12508 (97:15/17)
  ATIP start of lead out: 359845 (79:59/70)
Disk type:Short strategy type (Phthalocyanine or similar)
Manuf. index: 22
Manufacturer: Ritek Co.
  IME, Ritek, CMC magnetics, are decent.
   Taiyo Yuden and ProDisc are the better
  'Generic' never heard of manufacturers, regardless of the brand 
name banner they're sold under are best avoided.  An to stress, if 
it's important storage, consider the visual durability of the coated 
(label) side. I've bought 100-spindles for $8. They were a Staples 
generic, but were really made by CMC Magnetics. Worked fine, but the 
coating was _very_ fragile.  Only good for temporary storage an 
light handlin.

Now you can stop reading here 'cause I'm fixin to go off on a 
tangent.  BUT one I believe is of importance to newbies.  Linux, 
unlike Win$ux is 'a work in progress'.  M$ releases in long periods, 
92, 95, 98, 2000, 2003 an so on. Linux is continually changin. Every 
day.  Particularly the 'heart' of Linux, the kernel. In order to 
avoid even a taint of M$ type vulnerability, Linus, and the OSDL 
have made burnin as user verboten in 2.6.x kernels. Many distros 
have employed hacks to make user space burnin still possible. 
Mandrake along with the other majors, have dropped this pretense 
with their latest 2.6.10 an 2.6.11

 While user burnin is still possible, serious risk of buffer 
underruns are a real hazzard.  I suspect GUI's will probly mask this 
risk.  EG, (this from a very recent -dummy test with current cooker, 
10.2, 2.6.11 compiled for K7, preempt)
cdrecord: Operation not permitted. WARNING: Cannot set RR-scheduler
cdrecord: Permission denied. WARNING: Cannot set priority using 
cdrecord: WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns.
Average write speed  22.7x.
Min drive buffer

Re: [newbie] Recommended DVD's for K3b

2005-03-18 Thread Tom
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Friday 18 Mar 2005 18:44, Tom wrote:
 Wrong again Anne.  But that's just the facts, my opinion and
experience that I posted.  You are welcome to add yours to your
community twiki.  Jeez I never thought I'd be encouragin you to
spread marginal to false opinion on your twiki, but go ahead. It's
full of it anyhow.
Whatever you say, Tom.  I suppose the drive manufacturers put out lists of 
'supported disks' for the fun of it.

   Put it in your twiki
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Recommended DVD's for K3b

2005-03-18 Thread Tom
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Friday 18 Mar 2005 22:37, Tom wrote:
 The only damn 100-spindles they had on the shelf were frickin
Memorex.  The same 'brand' that stuck me with about 20 poor quality
CDr's on a previous 100-spindle.  

How odd!  I've never had a failure from Memorex.  Could it be your burning 
technique? ;-)

alias mkcdimg='mkisofs -r -o cd_image'
 Simply to make a proper image on the HDD,
   'mkcdimg name of file or directory'
alias bdcd='cdrecord -v -eject driveropts=burnfree speed=24 
dev=ATA:1,1,0 -data'
   (cdrecord-2.01.01-0.a01.4mdk, media an burner are both  48x)

  IOW's for the gui impaired, simply: 'mkcdimg whatever'
 followed by 'bdcd cd_image'
(with latest 2.6.x kernels this should be done as root)
Quick, simple, accurate an I know what's goin on
 Maybe Memorex is sellin you different manufacturer's media 
than they do to me.  MOF I'm positive about it. Since like all other 
name brands they only pass on 3rd party manufacturers media, 
whatever they can procure the cheapest. An that varies with every 
spindle you might buy, even within the spindle.

   Or is the use of '-atip' beyond the scope of your twiki ?
cdrecord dev=ATA:?,?,? -atip   (with a blank in the burner)
   ?'s determined from
cdrecord dev=ATA -scanbus
   (don't use dev=ATAPI)
  Most all the above varies from past 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, even 10.x 
versions, due to Mandrake an kernel, cdrecord and cdrdao, mkisofs an 
other improvements an changes.  Often not kept up with many, 
specially those injecting their mistaken impressions into the 
'Community twiki'.

   The _real_ twiki is here
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.6.11 upgrade.

2005-03-17 Thread Tom
JR wrote:
If a new kernel is out in a repository (official or
unofficial) you can install through urpmi or anyway

Could anyone tell me where I can find such a repository? I've followed the 
kernel upgrade / install instructions at
but the 'updates' repository doesnt have anything newer than 2.6.8. I'd like 
2.6.10 / 2.6.11

You could get 2.6.11-2mdk from
You must install it with (as root, in a console, in the 
directory the kernel rpm is in) 'rpm -ivh kern  (just hit the Tab 
key to auto-complete the rest of the package name).  The important 
bit being to _i_nstall (-ivh), rather than U_pgrade (-Uvh) the 
kernel. Since it's cooker, if there's any problem, you can always 
just re-boot an run your existing kernel.

   OTOH, you didn't say if you need a SMP (more than one 
processor), a Hi-Mem (1 gig of ram or more), or any other special 
requirements. In any of those cases, or if you just wanna compile 
from source to better ensure the kernel's compatibility with your 
older Mandrake version. You'll need the source, install with 'rpm 
-Uvh kern Tab

   Holler back if you want to compile, it's really fairly simple. 
OTOH, beware that due to Linus/OSDL security an other enhancements, 
the newest kernels will inhibit many actions that now seem 
transparent to the user, and require changes in many GUI's (CD 
burning for example).  Many processes are handled differently, an to 
tell the truth, I have no idea what impact that will have using a 
2.6.11-mdk on past Mandrake versions.

Sufficiently discouraged? Depends on how adventurous you are ;)
Or you can wait just a bit. Cooker 10.2 RC2 iso's should be 
available within a week or so
and you could install 10.2 RC2 an keep it upgraded with cooker 
media sources until it becomes 10.2 Community.  A little longer till 
it becomes 10.2 Official.

 I would never recommend vanilla sources used to 
compile a kernel. Specially if you don't know how to patch it about 
2 or 300 times to get it equivalent with Mandrake.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] another urpmi query

2005-03-16 Thread Tom
Julie Sloan wrote:
On Tuesday 15 March 2005 11:51 am, Tom wrote:
Julie Sloan wrote:
On Tuesday 15 March 2005 10:37 am, Tom wrote:
Julie Sloan wrote:
Sorry for the very long (what follows), but I've been at this point
three times now, and each time I go to and start
over with urpmi.removemedia, (then get the new sources) and then:
rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  update-menus -v -n  ldconfig 
urpmi.update -a --no-md5sum  urpmi --auto-select --noclean

hi Tom;
okay, I don't need to update the menus and all that after each large
update? I thought I read here that I should.
  Depends, as I said sometimes after large updates it's needed,
along with log out/in   But you were tryin to do all those
system 'refreshers' _before_ updating.  You got it sort'a kind'a
backasswards sweetheart ;)  At least what you posted

Uh huh.  I neglected to post the several hours of downloads that preceded 
that.  :)

the order in which I have been doing stuff is:
urpmi.removemedia (if necessary)
I'm not a fan of removing media. Use SMM to disable them. 
Particulary CD sources right after an install. Don't remove them, 
just uncheck (disable) them with SMM. You never know when you might 
wanna use your CD's rather than online sources.

   Unless there's mirror structure changes (happens, but not very 
often) there's no reason to be adding sources all the time.  Find 2, 
3, or 4 good sites, then use SMM to manage them.

rpm --rebuilddb etc
urpmi.update -a
urpmi --auto-select
rpm --rebuild, etc
   urpmi.update -a  urpmi --auto-select -v
The -v just gives more verbose ouput, often useful.  It doesn't 
hurt to then run  rpm -rebuilddbbut it's really not needed for 
normal updates.  The refreshers 'rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  
ldconfig -v  update-menus -v -n'  are really only helpful after 
_large_ updates of libs, system files (non-user stuff), and major 
updates to your DE (KDE, Gnome, an such). An this is really only 
true if you run cooker.

I figured any time I added or removed any number of programs (whether one or 
fifty) or changed media managers it wouldn't hurt to run the system 
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] another urpmi query

2005-03-15 Thread Tom
Julie Sloan wrote:
Sorry for the very long (what follows), but I've been at this point three 
times now, and each time I go to and start over with 
urpmi.removemedia, (then get the new sources) and then:
rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  update-menus -v -n  ldconfig  
urpmi.update -a --no-md5sum  urpmi --auto-select --noclean
 First of all you shouldn't be mixin all those commands 
together Julie. Certainly not 'rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  
update-menus -v -n  ldconfig' _before_ updating your media and 
gettin updates. Even then, those commands are really only useful 
_after_ large daily 'unstable' cooker updates, specially when libs, 
system files, or xorg updates are involved. And then you should 
follow with a logout from your DE (destop environment, eg KDE), 
restart the X server, and log back in.  Rarely, if ever, useful to 
do all that with 'stable' version Mandrake supplied updates (eg, 
10.1, 10.0, 9.2 .).

You do realize that --noclean is just an option to keep rpm 
d/l's after uprmi has installed them, right?  Not normally somethin 
you need to do.  A better option might be --keep. It will keep 
present software on the system, and skip the update one, if there's 
a conflict encountered, rather than stop an tell you that there's a 
problem an an some package(s) need to be removed.  But even then, 
somethin not normally needed with 'stable' version updates.
(see 'man urpmi' for better explainations ;)

As far as --no-md5sum, I don't think you wanna do that either. 
It disables protection from d/l'g corrupted packages from bad 
mirrors.   I believe what you want is to add these lines to the 
beginning of   /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg (brackets included)

  downloader: wget
  verify-rpm: 0
  That will make urpmi use wget rather than default to curl. 
wget is often better if the mirror doesn't wanna play nice, or is 
very busy.  'verify-rpm: 0'  (0 = false) disables package signature 
checking, an you just know you're gonna say to go ahead an install 
anyway ;)   Checking the signatures, specially on contrib packages 
isn't much of a big deal anyhow.  Better that you have trust in the 
mirror and/or the provider (eg, PLF, CAE, Thac, etc.)

urpmi.update -a  urpmi --auto-select -vis about all you should 
need.  If you get the dreaded in order to update, the following 
packages need to be removed message, an you're not sure that's a 
good idea (most often isn't), then run
urpmi.update -a  urpmi --auto-select -v --keep

  Now if you (make the mistake :) of upgrading somethin like 
KDE to a 3rd party's newer version than your Mandrake came with, 
then run all those commands I said (above) were only usefull for 
large cooker updates.  IMO tho, you'd be better off just runnin 
cooker than goin for those 3rd party updates. Probly less problems 
;)   YMMV

   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] another urpmi query

2005-03-15 Thread Tom
Julie Sloan wrote:
On Tuesday 15 March 2005 10:37 am, Tom wrote:
Julie Sloan wrote:
Sorry for the very long (what follows), but I've been at this point
three times now, and each time I go to and start
over with urpmi.removemedia, (then get the new sources) and then:
rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  update-menus -v -n  ldconfig 
urpmi.update -a --no-md5sum  urpmi --auto-select --noclean
 First of all you shouldn't be mixin all those commands
together Julie. Certainly not 'rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb 
update-menus -v -n  ldconfig' _before_ updating your media and
gettin updates. Even then, those commands are really only useful
_after_ large daily 'unstable' cooker updates, specially when libs,
system files, or xorg updates are involved. And then you should
follow with a logout from your DE (destop environment, eg KDE),
restart the X server, and log back in.  Rarely, if ever, useful to
do all that with 'stable' version Mandrake supplied updates (eg,
10.1, 10.0, 9.2 .).

hi Tom;
okay, I don't need to update the menus and all that after each large update?  
I thought I read here that I should.

  Depends, as I said sometimes after large updates it's needed, 
along with log out/in   But you were tryin to do all those 
system 'refreshers' _before_ updating.  You got it sort'a kind'a 
backasswards sweetheart ;)  At least what you posted

You do realize that --noclean is just an option to keep rpm
d/l's after uprmi has installed them, right?  Not normally somethin
you need to do.  A better option might be --keep. It will keep
present software on the system, and skip the update one, if there's
a conflict encountered, rather than stop an tell you that there's a
problem an an some package(s) need to be removed.  But even then,
somethin not normally needed with 'stable' version updates.
(see 'man urpmi' for better explainations ;)

I am doing --noclean so that I do not have to d/l the rpms again should I 
have to reinstall (off discs) - I am on dialup and it takes several days.  
Also I am keeping the rpms because I am fixin to install 10.0 on my laptop 
and sure don't want to have to d/l all that once again.
 OK, that's a valid reason, particulary if you move them to a 
'safe' backup location.  If you're forced to do a re-install with 
the packages left in /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/  or anywhere on your '/' 
partition,  You'll lose them. I believe you might also find that if 
an when that re-install should occur, the packages could well have 
already been obsoleted by newer ones anyhow.

As far as --no-md5sum, I don't think you wanna do that either.
It disables protection from d/l'g corrupted packages from bad
mirrors.   I believe what you want is to add these lines to the
beginning of   /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg (brackets included)
  downloader: wget
  verify-rpm: 0

Oh, good.  I was wondering about using wget instead of curl.  As to the 
--no-md5sum tag, I believe I learned that here also.  This morning I began 
another thread asking why --no-md5sum, but no-one's answered yet.  :)
Well that's the reason's a bad idea. The md5sums are 
checked against the (synthesis)hdlists to avoid corrupted package 
d/l'g.  Doesn't happen often, but it can, and there's really no good 
reason to disable it.  It works like this, Mandrake has a central 
internal server (Paris) that only a few 'primary' mirrors are 
allowed to mirror, then other mirrors mirror those primary ones, and 
some mirrors, particularly the further from Europe you get, mirror 
the mirrored mirrors.  an so on.

Best to leave the default md5sum checking enabled, an to ignore 
the usual advice to use a mirror closest to you.  Better to use 
north to central Euro mirrors 'closer to the original source'. 
Here's a link for cooker mirrors which shows their current status.

Now I'm not sayin to use cooker sources, but if the mirror is 
up to date for cooker, and no connection problems, it's almost 
certainly good to go for present an past Mandrake versions also 
mirrored there.  Just back up the ftp URLS in a browser till you 
find your Mandrake version, or use EZ urpmi, after checking to see 
which sites are in good shape.

Some other tips.  Make an alias in /etc/bashrc
 alias smm='' (quote marks included)Then 
typin 'smm' as root in a terminal (you're there to do urpmi anyhow) 
will run Software Media Manager. Here you can easily switch mirrors 
by en/disabling them with just a mouse click.   Also, you can use 
more than one mirror site for updating an d/l'g (I generally keep 2 
or 3 of my best ones enabled).  urpmi will update from them in the 
order you installed them as sources. That way if a needed package is 
missing from one of the mirrors, urpmi will go get it from an 
enabled mirror that does have it.

 Don't go too overboard tho. Even usin 
(which you should as you're on dialup), having multiple mirrors 

Re: [newbie] devfs and udev

2005-03-15 Thread Tom
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:
Thanks again Mikkel, it's going to take some absorbing on my part to 
understand what you have said above, so for now I need to do that and 
correct my system accordingly.

Will let you know how I get on. Oh, and thanks for the link.
One minor correction, I'm still using MDK10, though I don't think this 
effects things here too much.

I'm waiting to get my Athlon 64 FX together before going to MDK10.1 as 
this old PIII system can only handle so much before it starts to get 
bogged down. This is the only issue I have at present ( pnp ) as the 
other things I need at present seem to be firing OK.

If you decide to share you endeavours once done then please include me 
in your notifications as I'm very interested in the outcome. For now, 
good sailing.

I can understand more of your troubles now - adding udev to 10.0 instead 
of upgrading to 10.1. I am not sure how much of what I posted applies to 
what you are doing. In any case, it should be a learning experence on 
your part. As for may adventures, they will make it to the  The 
Mandrake Community Wiki site once I have them in shape to post. But if 
I keep getting other projects to work on, I may have to post it in 
parts, as a work in progress. The only bad part about that is that I may 
send people down a wrong path as I lear this myself...

   Here's what I posted to 'expert' ML a few days ago
  With an upgrade from a devfs system to one that uses udev ;
While running the new (udev) system
urpme devfs
urpmi udev
edit lilo.conf and remove _any_ devfs= statement. devfs=nomount is
  only valid if devfs is installed, an you need to remove devfs
  before installing udev
  in a term, su to root and run 'mcc'   Under System | Services, 
scoll down an make sure udev is running (if not start it), and that 
it is checked to start at boot.

Done, but you can be dbl-sure by running
# service udev status
udev is running  [  OK  ]
 BTW does anyone know where to find these parameters you can pass 
to the kernel at boot time  ?

You'll need source for the kernel installed, then you'll find
 ^^^  your kernel version is probly different
Give the whole file a thoro read.  All valid parameters and 
options for them are listed. EG, acpi=on  'on' is either an 
undocumented or invalid parameter option

acpi=   [HW,ACPI] Advanced Configuration and Power 
Format: { force | off | ht | strict }

 These are the only valid options for the parameter  acpi=

 Now if anything is added to the Community twiki (rather than 
the _real_ twiki it should 
emphatically note that it's only opinions an might be valid for past 
or current Mdk versions.  10.2 will add HAL, messagebus (dbus), an 
even gnome-volume-manager, more advanced kernels, et all into the 
mix that will mostly obsolete current an past advice an opinions.

IMO, the real twiki, the cooker ML archive, an Bugzilla are the 
best sources for accurate descriptions of problems, an possible 
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas 

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Re: [newbie] any question

2005-03-04 Thread Tom
Kaj Haulrich wrote:
On Friday 04 March 2005 01:18, JoeHill wrote:
On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 15:34:55 +0100
Stefan Tulak disseminated the following:
I've installed mandrakelinux for one month and I'm very
Shite, I never got that kinda stimulation out of it.

Very funny comment indeed, Joe  :-(
I Know it may come as an incomprehensible shock to most Americans 
here, but not everyone living on this tiny planet received the 
divine blessing of being brought up in the English/US/Redneck 
tongue. Of course that's a big mistake by the Lord. I'll admit that 
for sure.  And I can't for the sake of me understand why he didn't 
let Mr. Gutenberg print the Bible in English rather than in 
Latin/Greek/Hebrew/Whatever ???
  Well look at the fix Luther got himself into with 'The 
Church' when he tried to get the Bible printed in German.

That aside, I feel ashamed when a non-rap-redneck-speaking newcomer 
(NRRSN for the Americans) to this list formulates his joy of 
becoming a member of the free community, and he is received by 
ridiculing comments about misspelling and mis-syntaxing.

A few years ago this list was friendlier.
Sorry for my bad English..
Kaj Haulrich.   
 Well said Kaj.  Just what I was also thinking, an I also 
believe Stefan is owed an apology.  BTW, your English is more better 
than most of us English/US/Redneck's   ;)
   Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Menudrake crashes when starting

2005-02-23 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday 22 February 2005 06:04 pm, hackhound wrote:
  If you run
  update-menus -v
  in a terminal as root and then as a user do you see any error

 Running update-menus -v as both root and as a user does not
 generate any errors.  However, I did notice that both stop at:
 update-menus[14731]: Running method:
 /etc/menu-methods/simplified/kde3 and I have to hit Enter go
 get back to a prompt.

 That's just what you should need to do.  OTOH, if you don't 
wanna be bothered with that, then run 'update-menus -v -n'.  The 
-n switch will get you back to the prompt without hitting 
Enter.  Particularly useful if you run update-menus with an 
alias, an specially if you include other commands.  EG,

alias upall='rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  ldconfig -v  
update-menus -v -n'

 Also, you should log out and then back into your desktop 
after running update-menus

 I am still getting the segmentation fault when I launch
 menudrake, sigh.


  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] /dev/pts ???

2005-02-19 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday 18 February 2005 10:32 am, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
 Ivica Bogdanovic wrote:
  Does any body knows what is /dev/pts I got it in the fstab
  and during the boot it says no device or already 
  mountedwhen i open /dev/pts folder i got 3 devices inside
  marked with 0,1,2.I am suspecting on my sky star 2 card
  because it is the only hardware that isnt setup on my system
  but can any body tell me what is this device

 What version are you running? If you are running 10.1, did you
 do an upgrade? Off hand, I would say that the entry is left
 over from upgrading. I know 10.1 with udev doesn't use the pts
 file system. I will check 9.2 later.


 I started to answer this thread in the beginning but wasn't 
sure of why I have# none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
(disabled by commenting out) in /etc/fstab.  The advice on cooker 
was to remove the line as 'pts' are no longer used.  IIRC this 
was early on in 10.1 development at the time of switching from 
devfs to udev.

   So I believe you've got it right Mikkel, those that upgraded to 
10.1 should either remove the line, or comment it out.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] [Installation] Error on booting from cd - Unable to mount root fs

2005-02-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday 15 February 2005 07:52 am, riccardo wrote:
 On Tuesday 15 February 2005 01:01 pm, James Nunnerley wrote:
  Can anyone assist with what the problem is likely to be?


  ~ maybe a module. such as Reiser file system is not loading?

 best rgds

   More likely SATA, an WD could be part of the problem also

search 'sata' on both bugzilla and cooker
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Dumbest test I've ever seen

2005-02-02 Thread Tom Karen Pino

Kaj Haulrich wrote:

  Don't bother looking here :

And here I thought the Aussies were bright  :-(

Stephen and Franki : don't you have asylums down under ?

Kaj Haulrich.
  I had to look into this "bad test".  I am sorry, but as a disgruntled MS user I see nothing wrong with this test.

I recently had to use IE to get a boarding pass for Karen (learned why
folks want to counterfeit using IE). Removing the "mining" cookies
with Ad Aware really screwed up both Windoze and my Netscape 7.1. Took
me 3 weeks to straighten out every thing.

What does this have to do with this test? There are a lot of us out
here that are not happy the the wonderful features of MS. The reason
that most got MS is because it is easy to get. We got it because that
was the platform that had the features that we needed. In 98 linux did
not have what we need in anywhere near the easy use that we need. Did
not have, do not have, the time to get that deep into comp sci, nor the

Judging by this test, MAC sounds great (it was my preference in 98 but
just didn't meet our needs). MS sounds like it has the advantage of
costing the most and very little else.

To us, ignorant consumers, it boils down to how much time are we
spending on the learning curve and maintaining the system. Looks to me
like the Linux systems come out pretty damned good in this test.

It would be nice if the folks doing the tests knew more about how the
linux systems work in relation to security. I think it is unreasonable
to expect it though. Linus is an "underground, radical and possibly
communist" system. It is not mass marketed compared to MS or even
MAC. To expect writers to know anything about linux is asking too
much. I am impressed that linux was included and I think you should be

I have found, this is my observation and oppinion, that linux users are
rightfully sarcastic about MS and, for no reason that I can see,
awfully defensive about linux.

When somewhere in the area of 472 percent of computers use MS, it seems
to me that linux is doing real well. It is improving. This is
something that no one, except MS, claims about Windoze.

This "test" is just some bunch of well meaning folks that are suprised
to fine that linux is competitive. Give them a break and they may come


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Re: [newbie] Dumbest test I've ever seen

2005-02-02 Thread Tom Karen Pino

Kaj Haulrich wrote:
Don't bother looking here :
And here I thought the Aussies were bright  :-(
Stephen and Franki : don't you have asylums down under ?
Kaj Haulrich.

I had to look into this bad test.  I am sorry, but as a disgruntled MS user I 
see nothing wrong with this test.
I recently had to use IE to get a boarding pass for Karen (learned why 
folks want to counterfeit using IE).  Removing the mining cookies with 
Ad Aware really screwed up both Windoze and my Netscape 7.1.  Took me 3 
weeks to straighten out every thing.

What does this have to do with this test?  There are a lot of us out 
here that are not happy the the wonderful features of MS.  The reason 
that most got MS is because it is easy to get.  We got it because that 
was the platform that had the features that we needed.  In 98 linux did 
not have what we need in anywhere near the easy use that we need.  Did 
not have, do not have, the time to get that deep into comp sci, nor the 

Judging by this test, MAC sounds great (it was my preference in 98 but 
just didn't meet our needs).  MS sounds like it has the advantage of 
costing the most and very little else.

To us, ignorant consumers, it boils down to how much time are we 
spending on the learning curve and maintaining the system.  Looks to me 
like the Linux systems come out pretty damned good in this test.

It would be nice if the folks doing the tests knew more about how the 
linux systems work in relation to security.  I think it is unreasonable 
to expect it though.  Linus is an underground, radical and possibly 
communist system.  It is not mass marketed compared to MS or even MAC.  
To expect writers to know anything about linux is asking too much.  I am 
impressed that linux was included and I think you should be too.

I have found, this is my observation and oppinion, that linux users are 
rightfully sarcastic about MS and, for no reason that I can see, awfully 
defensive about linux.

When somewhere in the area of 472 percent of computers use MS, it seems 
to me that linux is doing real well.  It is improving.  This is 
something that no one, except MS, claims about Windoze.

This test is just some bunch of well meaning folks that are suprised 
to fine that linux is competitive.  Give them a break and they may come 

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Re: [newbie] /dev/dsp gone??

2005-01-29 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday 29 January 2005 03:42 pm, Alan Ianson wrote:
 I am running the 10.2b1 and after rebooting I have no sound,
 although sound was working fine on the first boot up. I don't
 see any /dev/dsp for some reason. How do I recreate that file,
 or what do I need to do to get sound back?

Better asked on the cooker list. You shouldn't be usin cooker 
without also monitoring the cooker ML, changelog, and bugzilla as 
a minimum.  Anyhow,

   IME, a week or so ago I needed to install 'aumix' and run it to 
reset the sliders from -0-. Previously all that was needed was to 
watch with cooker updates was that Kmix didn't mute.  IIRC, a 
kernel or KDE update did me in.

   OTOH, a search of the 'expert' archive might be useful. A 
recent discussion, USB and Sound problems on 10.1 not on 10.0 
revealed that Theo (no relative of mine) got sound back by runnin 
'alsaconf'.  IIRC, he got USB back too

   I implore you tho to research first. Specially the cooker, 
CHRPM ML archives, and bugzilla

   As to /dev/dsp, aumix ... mine on current 10.2 is
 tom # ll /dev/dsp
crw-rw  1 tom audio 14, 3 Jan 29 14:46 /dev/dsp

 tom # aumix -q
vol 100, 81, P
pcm 100, 100
line 100, 100, P
mic 100, 100, P
cd 100, 100, P
igain 100, 100
line1 100, 100, P
dig1 100, 100
phin 100, 100, P
phout 100, 100, R
video 100, 100, P

   I never needed 'alsaconf', but you should run 'draksound' an 
follow the suggestions.

Advice; since you've got 10.2b1 you've probly got broadband an 
cooker media sources.  Update daily an contribute back to the 
lists, bugzilla what you can. Often that can be just stayin 
current an votin for bugs already reported, but not yet resolved. 
newbie to guru input.  Don't be too quick tho, often bugs are 
fixed before the community even reacts with bugzilla's or posts.

Sometimes not ;)
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Hope for mandrake 10.2 include QT 3.3.4

2005-01-27 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday 27 January 2005 08:30 am, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Thursday 27 January 2005 06:10 am, Lanman wrote:
  Greg Meyer wrote:
   On Wednesday 26 January 2005 08:48 pm, Teddy Widhi wrote:
  I wish on the next release of Mandrake 10.2 including QT
   3.3.4. its the bug fix and backward compatibility for QT
   3.3.x. Ok Thank you.
   Then you should post this message to cooker where the devs
   hang out, not in newbie where the, well, newbie's hang out.
  Hey Greg! Speak for yourself, eh? There's nothing on me
  that's Hangin' Outand I suspect that this is also true for
  most of the list members! I keep it ALL nicely tucked in, OK?

 I used to hang out..but the ladies all laughed at me

  Grin! Snicker!

 Jeez, why not just answer the man's question?
qt 3.3.4 is already in 10.2

 ~ $ cat /etc/mandrake-release
Mandrakelinux release 10.2 (Cooker) for i586

~ $ frpm qt3

   (alias frpm='rpm -qa | grep -i')

  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] 10.1 missing icons

2005-01-26 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday 25 January 2005 09:58 pm, Stephen Kühn wrote:
 On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 11:21, Mike Adolf wrote:
  I was doing the QT designer tutorial, it directed me to
  browse to locate an icon called tabwidget.png. This icon and
  others used in the tutorial are not in my installation of
  10.1, which includes the development packages. All
  autoupdates were also run during installation.  Is this an
  oversite on the part of the release makers? Does any body
  have these icons or know where to get them.  Goolging
  produced a couple of locations such as:
  which I also do not have.

 Have you tried kfind = tabwidget.png to see if it might be
 living in a different location?

~ $ locate -i tabwidget |grep png

 (This is on a 10.2 system, but 10.1 should be the same)
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Swap partion

2005-01-24 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday 23 January 2005 03:29 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote :

  I always prefer to put /swap as the first partition (hd?1) on
 a drive. R/W's slow as much as 40% the further down a partition
 is on a drive, regardless of the drive's rpms, size, number of
 disks, age, etc. 

 This puzzles me : I've always believed that a harddisk had its
 first cylinders at the center.  This should give a slower
 radial velocity.  Furthermore, if the read/write arm has its
 idle position at the perimeter it should travel a longer
 distance to the swap partition.

 But maybe I got it all upside/down  ?

 Kaj Haulrich.

 Sort'a.  HDD, the sectors on the outer perimeter are passing 
under the r/w arm at a faster speed than the inner rings.  First 
partitions are on the outer rings.  Now it is just the opposite 
with CD drives, which are recorded from the inner ring to the 
outer edge.  Anyhow, back to HDD's, I believe the track location 
(inner/outer) has a much bigger effect than distance the r/w arm 
has to travel.  r/w arms move so quickly back'n forth they'd put 
a humming bird's wings to shame.  Also, today's large drives have 
multiple platters and r/w arms.  Which BTW, 'park' by the outer 

  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] copying from a ntsf partition to Linux

2005-01-23 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday 23 January 2005 07:59 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

 On Sunday 23 Jan 2005 13:12, Angus Auld wrote:
  Is it safe to copy files from my NTFS xp partition over to my
  Mdk10.1?? I have heard it said that it isn't safe to write to
  a NTFS from Mdk, but is it safe to go the other way?

 Copying is no problem, but do not move (mv).  Remember that
 moving a file involves deleting it on the ntfs partition.  Keep
 that in mind and you'll be OK.


   I have no experience (no Win$ux), but that pretty much mirrors 
my understanding. Just one item left, if you make a tarball, say 
a backup of your /home directory... can you extract the contents 
of the tarball on a ntfs partition directly into a Linux (ext_, 
ReiserFS, XFS, JFS, etc) partition?  Similarly, can rpm's stored 
on ntfs, be installed from there?

   I would think dual-boot newbies with no separate /home 
partition, might find this a lifesaving alternative to save 
their /home files and configs.  Much the same with /boot, /etc, 
or /var.  Directories I regularly backup (un-tar'd) to a 
ReiserFS /stor partition.  Some rpm's I save too, just in case I 
need to --force them in again to replace (corrupted or deleted) 
files.  Specially helpful for kernels.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] urpmi update, kdebase problems

2005-01-23 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday 22 January 2005 04:38 pm, Julie Sloan wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Saturday 22 January 2005 10:32 am, Julie Sloan wrote:
 I copied /home to a CD, will reinstall 10.0, and hopefully
 during the reinstall will set up a storage partition or two.
 I'm dualbooting WinXP and Mandrake; have the Win on the
 original harddrive and Mandrake on its own, separate, hd.  I
 can see into windoze from Mandrake but cannot write to it.
  Actually you seem to have alot'a snap for a newbie.

 I hope I've learned a little bit in six months??  But a lot of
 what you say from here on looks like alphabet soup on the first
 pass  :)  So I'll read it again, slower...

If most of us admitted it, we had to, or thought it wise to 
re-install linux about a dozen times in our first six months ;)

  In the
  re-install, make a separate /home dir this time ;)  Also,
  IME, one real big /stor dir is better than many.

 Why one real big /stor dir? 

   User needs and preference. I have 4 stor partitions. I often 
encounter running out of space on one, when there's room on 
others. Use of dirs (folders) to separate movies, sound, 
pictures, essential backups, and misc would'a been more efficient 
on one humongous size drive.

 Wouldn't it be better to have new 
 downloads (from unknown sources; I don't mean rpms) go to a
 separate partition to isolate them just in case, and to have
 certain types of large files, for instance MP3s, default to
 their own space?

 Choice of partitions and file systems is a matter of 
preference and user experience.  Basically for partitions, 

/   this is the root directory (not to be confused with 'root' 
user).  It's the top level mount point, that all other 
directories come under. Even if they are on separate partitions. 
Everything on Linux is a file, partitions are put on mount 
points. To illustrate, type 'l /*' in a console and scroll up.  
Even better, type 'tree  /less'  (you'll probly need to 'urpmi 
tree' first)

/home   it's a good idea to have this on it's own partition, 
mostly for reasons you've already discovered.  It can be a bad 
idea when a small HDD (13gig) is used for Linux tho. IE, 
inefficient use of limited disk space. When I first began with 
linux it was on a 256mb HDD. I used one big 'ol / and a swap 
file.  / is the only absolutely mandatory partition

/swap   almost imperative, altho a swap file can be used instead 
(as above).  General advice is to make it the same size as 
installed ram, if that is at least 512mb.  For smaller amounts of 
ram, double the size of the /swap partition, eg ram=128, make 
swap at least 256. So for ram=256, /swap should be 512. MOF, IMO, 
512 is about the minimum. It's what I have now, an next install 
I'm gonna double it. For laptops that suspend to ram, /swap 
should always be at least 30% more than installed ram, if not 

/boot   while this preference is outdated, IMO it's still a good 
idea to put /boot on a separate partition. Use of ext3 is an 
added precaution when other partitions use a journalled 
filesystem.  IIRC, it's still mandatory for XFS.

Further separate partitioning is mostly for production servers 
and for their unique security concerns. When attempted by newbies 
it can cause files that are needed to boot, to not be available 
during init.  Sort'a fatal ;

File systems; Journalled is the way to go. Your choice but 
I've never had any problems with ReiserFS. Till now ... 2.6.10 
kernels, and maybe newer ones have some issues with reiser, 
particularly on sata HDD's.  I expect it to be cleared up tho. If 
this concerns you, use ext3.  It's nothin but the old reliable 
ext2 Linux has used forever, with journalling capability tacked 
on.  It's sort'a slow and clumsy tho.

  As to 'see' into Win$ux, that why I left it at
  'complicated'. M$ ntfs FS's (and there are several versions),
  can be read by Linux, but write support is (intentionally by
  M$) dangerous and not supported. I'm not even sure if a
  tarball stored on ntfs can be transferred to Linux.

 Yes it can - is how I got a modem driver when linux wasn't
 recognizing my conexant last summer.  D/L'ed it into WinXP 
 then cp'd it into Mandrake.

 BTW, when you re-install I recommend ReiserFS.  And make a
  separate /boot partition (~50mb's, ext3).  Ratio of '/' to
  '/home' will depend on how much total space you have, but
  IME, 8gig for '/' and 12gig for /home is plenty ... specially
  if you set aside storage space.  For small Linux 'only'
  drives (13gig), I believe putting everything one big 'ol '/'
  partition, with a suitable /swap partition is best use.

 Thanks for the suggestions.  I have 200G total on two drives,
 but 80 of that has Win$ux spread all over it.  If I make a,
 say, 20G partition on the 120G drive, (where my crippled
 Mandrake 10.0 is now) then move (?) the 4G of WinXP OS into it,
 could I reformat that 80G into storage space?  The thought of
 it is pretty daunting; I am very new to this and know

Re: [newbie] urpmi update, kdebase problems

2005-01-22 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday 21 January 2005 04:13 pm, Julie Sloan wrote:
 What is your choice? (1-4) 4
 To satisfy dependencies, the following 556 packages are going
 to be installed (1088 MB):

 I am on dialup.  22Mb takes an hour and a half.  Do I need 1088
 additional Mb??

   It's not 1088 'additional' mb. MOF, it's not even 1088 mb's.   
1088 is the installed diskspace required, but since you're 
updating (replacing) packages, the the difference in disk space 
used is minimal.  Also, 1088 represents the uncompressed size of 
the packages. Since the rpm's are compressed, your d/l would be 
roughly 40% of 1088, or 400 to 450 mb's.

That's still way too much for dialup.  I suggest you, beg 
borrow, or steal some 10.1 CD's, or re-install 10.0, saving /home 
if you can.  If /home's not on a separate partition now, and you 
have enough diskspace on a storage partition, just copy your 
entire /home directory to that partition.  Then copy it back in 
after a re-install of 10.0, overwriting the install /home.  This 
probly isn't practically feasible if your storage area is any 
type of Windoze file system.  It's possible, but much more 
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] urpmi update, kdebase problems

2005-01-22 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday 22 January 2005 10:32 am, Julie Sloan wrote:
  If /home's not on a separate partition now, and you
  have enough diskspace on a storage partition, just copy your
  entire /home directory to that partition.  Then copy it back
  in after a re-install of 10.0, overwriting the install /home.
   This probly isn't practically feasible if your storage area
  is any type of Windoze file system.  It's possible, but much
  more complicated.

 I copied /home to a CD, will reinstall 10.0, and hopefully
 during the reinstall will set up a storage partition or two.
  I'm dualbooting WinXP and Mandrake; have the Win on the
 original harddrive and Mandrake on its own, separate, hd.  I
 can see into windoze from Mandrake but cannot write to it.


Actually you seem to have alot'a snap for a newbie.  In the 
re-install, make a separate /home dir this time ;)  Also, IME, 
one real big /stor dir is better than many.  CD backup of /home 
was a good idea on your part.  This advice comin from an old 
idiot with 4 /stor[1,2,3,4] partitions spanning 3 PATA/SATA mix 
of drives with a total of 280gig.

As to 'see' into Win$ux, that why I left it at 'complicated'.
M$ ntfs FS's (and there are several versions), can be read by 
Linux, but write support is (intentionally by M$) dangerous and 
not supported. I'm not even sure if a tarball stored on ntfs can 
be transferred to Linux.  Maybe someone here with actual 
experience can comment. I haven't used anything M$ in years.

   BTW, when you re-install I recommend ReiserFS.  And make a 
separate /boot partition (~50mb's, ext3).  Ratio of '/' to 
'/home' will depend on how much total space you have, but IME, 
8gig for '/' and 12gig for /home is plenty ... specially if you 
set aside storage space.  For small Linux 'only' drives (13gig), 
I believe putting everything one big 'ol '/' partition, with a 
suitable /swap partition is best use.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] kde/urpmi mess

2005-01-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday 12 January 2005 12:20 am, SnapafunFrank wrote:
 Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 January 2005 19:44, Brett Lyon wrote:
 After a recent routine update (urpmi.update -a;urpmi
 --auto-select), I get this when calling K3B (from
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] brett]# k3b
 k3b: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/
 undefined symbol:
 Before the (blind) upgrade, K3B had been running great
 for months.
 When I trace back all the packages that ultimately
 provide I find that a)they are all so
 embedded in the core of KDE that an upgrade would be a
 hefty undertaking and that b)now neither URPMI nor
 drakconf work for any kind of directly KDE-related
 (only) upgrade anyway (they both hang immediately), so
 it would be a lot of plain old rpming or making.  Can
 anybody suggest a way to begin troubleshooting this?
 /var/log/messages, urpmi,  (etc.) shows nothing
 system info:
 MDK 10.1 OE,, P4 2.66GHz, 512MB
 KDE 3.2.3
 I tried:
 Other wierd things are happening too, like my konsole
 schema is gone, kicker crashes, xtraceroute hangs,
 etc.  kde + urpmi = big mess.  How can a proficient
 beginner avoid these non-productive time-wasters while
 staying updated?
 Thanks for any tips,
 Strange.  I just upgraded 161 MB worth of KDE and xscreensaver
 coming up today, but my k3b works OK.  I noticed your command
  : urpmi.update -a;urpmi --auto-select
  ^   a space is needed here
  urpmi.update -a; urpmi --auto-select

 and this semicolon shouldn't be there. Instead it is :
 urpmi.update -a  urpmi --auto-select

 The difference between using ';' or '' is that the double 
ampersand says to the system, 'run this next command only if the 
previous one is successful.'  Use of ';' doesn't use this 
precaution. Obviously '' should normally be preferred when the 
subsequent command(s) relies on the prior one(s).

 My suggestion :  try again if your update is older than one
  day. You might be able to get all the new stuff as of today.
 Kaj Haulrich.

 Not sure, but it sounds like you tried to update with kde
 running. I tried this once and ended up reinstalling from
 scratch. Did the update one step at a time in the order
 required for kde with xserver closed down and have had no
 problems since. As I said - not sure if this is your problem or

 I run cooker. I update KDE almost daily, sometimes several 
times a day. Always with KDE and X running.  In the past I've 
updated 'final' or 'community' or 'official' Mandrake versions, 
always from within KDE.  I have no idea who or when this 
fallacious advice originated, ie, logout from KDE and/or X to 
update.  It simply isn't so.  

 This isn't Win$ux folks.  What _is_ often needed is to update 
the system after the updates are installed, eg, I use an alias 
(as root),  'upall'
alias upall='rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  ldconfig -v  
update-menus -v -n'

Then log out and back into KDE to fully realize the updates.  
It's a good idea to use Ctrl+Alt+BkSp while logged out to 
restart the X server. Specially if updates were to X. If you're 
setup to auto-login to KDE, this step will auto log you back into 
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Odd experience

2005-01-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday 11 January 2005 11:33 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 January 2005 02:31 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  Sounds like something with bittorrent. What did the error
  message say ?  What torrent were you downloading/uploading ? 
  Did you set your firewall to open for torrents ?
  Kaj Haulrich.

 It does, doesn't it? The error message was something about time
 out, bad info on file or somesuch. It was Lokitorrent, and it
 was a movie. :-)

 Yes, I had done a service shorewall stop (I know, I should set
 it to open the individual ports). So the 6xxx ports should have
 been open. Besides, I've d'/led other bittorrent files this
 way, no problem.

 I still don't see what it did to my /home directory that the
 reiserfs couldn't handle. :-(

   Three ideas; you ran out'a disk space or ram/swap or failed to 
limit upload rate. Another consideration is you need to be very 
careful on movie torrent sites.  Most are uploaded (the torrent 
file) by really clueless Winblow$ users.  Some are redirects to 
WaReZ sites.  Some are malicious, not a worry for Linux, as they 
are targeted to fsck'up Win$ux boxes.

   Using these cautions, I haven't encountered too many bad 
torrents.. yet. But if seeds disappear, a bad torrent could still 
tryin keep messin with you.   IMO, torrents are the least 
desirable way to get movies.  Without the 'bad' problems, some 
are only an archive of corrupt .rars, with no par files for 
repair.  Avoid 'cam' movies too.  Many Windoze user torrents are 
erroneously encoded (aspect ratio), and you'll need to use 
mencoder to fix 'em. 

So next time you try a torrent, monitor memory use (top), and 
monitor the d/l directory's partition for disk space (df) from 
early on. 'kdirstat' is also useful for this.  Also check your 
~/.xsession-errors file to make sure it's not inflating rapidly.

If you want further opinion, you'll need to send me the 
torrent file.  
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Re: winmodems

2005-01-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday 11 January 2005 08:19 pm, Ana Paula Samodossi wrote:
 Thank you all for your suggestions. I think I ll be switching
 to an adls connection in a few months, thanks for all guys!!

  When you do go for adsl, holler back Ana, with the hardware 
required. Often your ISP will provide it. Sometimes both 
ether/nic and USB alternatives.  Avoid USB.  If they only offer 
USB, that doesn't mean you're stuck with it. Also state the ISP, 
as somebody here probly already uses them and has experience to 
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Translate errors with cdrecord?

2005-01-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday 12 January 2005 08:30 am, David Reynolds wrote:
 Okay, I need to back up some of my data and, more importantly,
 burn my 10.1 ISOs before I reinstall (to fix the libgcc error
 my machine developed on the last install). However *because*
 libgcc failed, there are a whole host of programs I can't
 install, so I'm back to the CLI for cdburning.

 When I try to check my cdrom burner I get this:
 # cdrecord -scanbus (really, cdrecord --anything)

   Should be 'cdrecord dev=ATA -scanbus' on a 10.1 system. If that 
returns x,x,x as your burner, then burn the iso's with

'cdrecord -v -eject speed=16 dev=ATA:x,x,x -dao name_of.iso'

 -dao is most important for iso's. x,x,x should be whatever 
numbers the -scanbus query returns. Make sure your drive supports 
disk-at-once. 'cdrecord dev=ATA:x,x,x -checkdrive'  ... you 
should see 'SAO'  (SAO == dao).  For speed= ,use no more than 1/3 
of your burners rated speed, or the media you're using, whichever 
is smaller, for best results.  EG, 52x burner with 48x media, use 

  Check the md5sum of the iso before (this is actually a first 
step) and after burning. To check the CD, use  'md5sum /dev/hd?'  
where ? is the letter for your burner.

All of that is after you d/l (or from CD's) fresh
   . and do a 'rpm -Uvh --force *gcc*' to see if you can't fix 
gcc. Ignore my version numbers, that's current 10.2, but make 
sure you're using the same versions as already installed.  
--force in this case will only replace packages and files.  IMO, 
it's about the only proper use of --force.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Bittorent info found

2005-01-11 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday 10 January 2005 09:43 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 If you have the bittorent GUI installed
  -- file transfer
   Bittorent GUI
 when the window pops up another window behind it also pops up
 this second window has the info for bittorent

Yes, but not just in the GUI.  I've given up on the GUI 
because it's simpler and easier to use bittorrent on the CL --max_upload_rate 20 name_of_the.torrent

   Even simpler if you use an alias for all but the torrent file, 
eg, 'bt name_of_the.torrent' and use Tab completion.  Then 
you'll see the torrent start, download rates, and current seeders 
and peers, progress, etc.  It's also quicker to resume if you 
need to stop it for any reason.   Most all of this is recent 
improvements in 'bittorrent'. (bittorrent-3.9.0-2mdk)
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Burning music CDs

2005-01-11 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday 09 January 2005 02:57 pm, Anders Lind wrote:
 On Sun, 9 Jan 2005 10:46:13 -0800

 Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Assuming you are starting a new project each time
  go toFile select Newproject --audio CD project
  Then drag and drop the .wav files into the box below
  (at least that's how it works for me)
  Hope this helps

 But if he is doing just a CD-copy, without encoding for example
 mp3-files with XMMS to wav, then he just needs to use the CD
 copy format...I haven't actually tried doing this with K3B for
 myself, however I have burnt music-CD's for my neighbour and
 for my mother with K3B without any problems (And with XCD-Roast
 as well)


 Most GUI's do CD copy 'on the fly'.  IMO a poor choice. 
Better to write to disk (HDD), then burn.  I use a simple 
'cpaudiocd'  This requires you have a CDrom to read, an a 
separate burner.

alias cpaudiocd='ripacd  normall  bacd  
 rm -f /home/tom/wav/*'
alias ripacd='cdparanoia -vB 1- /home/tom/wav/'
alias normall='normalize -m /home/tom/wav/*'
alias bacd='cdrecord -v -eject driveropts=burnfree speed=24  
 dev=ATA:1,1,0 -sao -pad -audio /home/tom/wav/*.wav'

IME, the resulting copy is often better than the original and 
will play in even the cheapest junk player.  -sao is very much 
needed in the above cdrecord command when copying CD's that are 
at or very near the 80 minute limit.  speed=24 is 1/2 speed for 
my burner and the media I use.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Bittorent info found

2005-01-11 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday 11 January 2005 09:54 am, Anders Lind wrote: --max_upload_rate 20 name_of_the.torrent
 Even simpler if you use an alias for all but the torrent
  file, eg, 'bt name_of_the.torrent' and use Tab completion. 
  Then you'll see the torrent start, download rates, and
  current seeders and peers, progress, etc.  It's also quicker
  to resume if you need to stop it for any reason.   Most all
  of this is recent improvements in 'bittorrent'.

 Tom, have you used Azureus. ... IMO the best BT-client out


Nope, sort'a set in my ways ;)

  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] KDE upgrade

2005-01-01 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday 01 January 2005 10:25 am, Keith Powell wrote:
 After several frustrating hours of failure, I am afraid I will
 have to ask!

 In Mandrake 10.1 Official, I am trying to upgrade KDE to KDE3.3
 which is on disk4 of the Download Edition. But my attempts have
 been a complete failure. I have tried everything that I can
 think of, using urpmi.  None work.  :(  I also can't get
 Install Packages to find the new KDE on disk4. Tried all sorts
 of add media as well.

 So, PLEASE someone, in plain language, how does one install
 KDE3.3 from disk4? I don't need to keep KDE3.2. I can't find
 the answer in twiki or the archives.

 Very many thanks for any help.


Here's how I did it (then).   I put in CD4 and cd'd to the 
KDE3.3 directory.   There I ran 'rpm -Fvh *.rpm' which returned 
some missing dependencies.  Mostly libjack* IIRC. I already had 
online 10.1 sources set up, so I used those to get the deps. You 
might be able to use your CD sources.

That upgraded KDE packages I already had from the many from 
the 10.1 CD install. (which is what 'rpm -Fvh' does, see 'man 
rpm'). After the upgrade was finished, I ran 'upall' as root;
[ alias upall='rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  ldconfig -v  
update-menus -v -n' ]

Then logged out, back into KDE, using Ctrl+Alt+Bsp to re-start 
the X server while I was logged out. If you are setup to auto 
login to your desktop, this will bypass the login next step.

For my experience and opinion: _Don't do it_!  If you really 
want KDE3.3, setup cooker sources and use urpmi to update to KDE 
3.3.2, (complete cooker 10.2)  You'll be better off.   KDE3.3.1 
shipped with 10.1 is alpha an buggy quality, IME. Cooker is 
currently stable. Do it NOW while cooker is slow for the holidays 
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Shutdown problem

2004-12-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday 11 December 2004 03:50 pm, RickSisler wrote:
 Also drawing from your experience,
 wouldn't *dmidecode* be of use in this case to see what a bios
 supports ?

 The reason I ask, IIRC ..was of a post about what the bios
 reporting information, on this list or the expert list ..
 arrgh ..can't find the link now 8( sorry for asking another

 Thanks Tom,
 you helped me find out my MB supported local apic for 9.2, thru
 lurkin, since I was having stability problems then.

 As I understand it 'dmidecode' just reads what is programmed 
into the bios chip by the vendor.  Since much hardware is 
designed and marketed for Windoze, it may not be entirely 
accurate.  EG, dmidecode returns that the motherboard supports 
ACPI and APIC.  All this probly means is M$ non-standard and 
non-compliant ACPI and APIC is supported.  I haven't run Win$ux 
in years and not since W98, but I do know for a fact ACPI wasn't 
standards compliant then, and was handled in software thru a 
registry hack to work with Winblows.

About all you can do with Linux is to try trial'n error to see 
if your hardware will get along with the various bios 
capabilities that dmidecode reports.  Complicated with the 
variables of different bios manufactures and bios settings. The 
combo of bios, hardware, and OS configuration variables can be 
very problematic, almost completely overwhelming.

   As always, hardware is a moving target, best researched prior 
to purchase an use, the latest and greatest avoided, and (rave) 
hardware reviews on prominent Web hardware sites taken with a 
grain of salt.  Specially when the testbed OS is Windoze.  LKML, 
cooker, and other distro development ML's are helpful as is 
Google/linux and as such should be given the greatest weight.

 FWIW, currently I'd look for an Award bios board, with a VIA 
chipset. Next would be SiS, last would be nForce*, as a starting 
point.  Intel chipsets, I only have my own research to go by as I 
haven't used Intel in quite a while (P3 - BX was the last one). 
Seems the latest ones (about 6 months old) are best supported 

 There's only one, more certain solution.  Don't use desktop 
or laptop hardware. Buy expensive production server kit designed 
to run Un*x ;)
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Shutdown problem

2004-12-10 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday 10 December 2004 08:53 am, Keith Powell wrote:
  In /etc/lilo.conf try editing the append-line, especially the
  apic thing. Remove it completely or set it to apic=ht or
  Kaj Haulrich.

 Thanks, Kaj.

 apic=off  has solved it.

 The append line was already  apic=ht,  so I first changed it to
  noapic and then  apic=noapic. Neither had any effect.

For proper and valid kernel parameters give   
  kernel-parameters.txt   a thorough read.  You'll need to have 
kernel-source installed, as it contains the file.  eg,
Or you might Google for the file for your kernel.

Many of the parameters I see in various ML posts are not valid 
(possibly undocumented) and are ignored by the kernel, ie, 'no 

   APIC, advance programable interrupt control. If your system 
works better with 'noapic', then what this really means is you 
have non-compliant and/or deficient hardware bordering on the 
'designed for windoze' variety.

   Disabling ACPI and/or APIC is best avoided when not absolutely 
necessary, to deal with sloppy, sub-standard hardware.  Tho in 
fairness, other popular distros do disable them by default.  If 
your system can't use these advanced features, don't kid youself 
with believing that optimization for i586, i686, or K7, compiling 
with PREEMPT and such, will provide any benefit. 
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Shutdown problem

2004-12-10 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday 10 December 2004 07:30 pm, RickSisler wrote:
 Kaj Haulrich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  On Friday 10 December 2004 21:47, Tom Brinkman wrote:
   On Friday 10 December 2004 08:53 am, Keith Powell wrote:
 In /etc/lilo.conf try editing the append-line,
 especially the apic thing. Remove it completely or set
 it to apic=ht or noapic.

 Kaj Haulrich.
Thanks, Kaj.
apic=off  has solved it.
The append line was already  apic=ht,  so I first changed
it to noapic and then  apic=noapic. Neither had any
   For proper and valid kernel parameters give
 kernel-parameters.txt   a thorough read.  You'll need to
   have kernel-source installed, as it contains the file.  eg,
  s.txt Or you might Google for the file for your kernel.
   Many of the parameters I see in various ML posts are
   not valid (possibly undocumented) and are ignored by the
   kernel, ie, 'no effect'.
  APIC, advance programable interrupt control. If your
   system works better with 'noapic', then what this really
   means is you have non-compliant and/or deficient hardware
   bordering on the 'designed for windoze' variety.
  Disabling ACPI and/or APIC is best avoided when not
   absolutely necessary, to deal with sloppy, sub-standard
   hardware.  Tho in fairness, other popular distros do
   disable them by default.  If your system can't use these
   advanced features, don't kid youself with believing that
   optimization for i586, i686, or K7, compiling with PREEMPT
   and such, will provide any benefit.
  Tom, does that mean, that an empty append line defaults to
  booting with both enabled ?
  Kaj Haulrich.

 as Tom said,you'll need the kernel sources installed
 and the place to look for default kernel info is in:

 $ cd /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/

 *linux* should be a symlink but YMMV..
 which contains the default configs for many different kernels.
 So for example, mine is:

 # uname -sr

 since we're in the proper dir..
 we grep the file for apic :
  # cat defconfig |grep -i acpi
  # Power management options (ACPI, APM)
  # ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support
  # CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG is not set

 Then also grep for apic:
 # cat defconfig |grep -i apic

 I got this info from Thomas Backlund from lurking the expert
 list earlier this year.

 So it would seem *yes* Kaj, it is on by default.


I appreciate the addition Rick.  Let me take this opportunity 
to add a caution to your post, but more so to previous replies I 
sent in this thread. 

  ** Unless you know what you're doing, don't edit kernel config 
files by hand and then compile a kernel **

I do, but then I'm a reckless idiot ;   Many of y'all have 
run 'make menuconfig' or 'make xconfig' and noticed that when you 
changed somethin, some, sometimes many other options either were 
greyed out (disabled), or became enabled.

This automatically protects you against setting conflicting 
compile options, and/or automatically presents others 
appropriately.  This protection is not afforded if you edit 
kernel configs manually.

   Still as Rick has very well illustrated, you should take a look 
and get familiar with the kernel options, features, and 
capabilities which are Linux. The very heart of your system, and 
a good place to begin diagnosing peculiar problems. A little 
knowlege in this basic area will lead you to other involved 
processes, like various init functions that have a lot to do with 
booting up, or shutting down, and everything in between.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Shutdown problem

2004-12-10 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday 10 December 2004 09:37 pm, care free wrote:
 I wonder if it is acpi=on or set you acpi on in your bios


   According to past and present kernel-parameters.txt,  acpi=on  
is _not_ a valid option.  
acpi=  [HW,ACPI] Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
   Format: { force | off | ht | strict }
force -- enable ACPI if default was off
off -- disable ACPI if default was on
noirq -- do not use ACPI for IRQ routing
ht -- run only enough ACPI to enable Hyper Threading
strict --  Be less tolerant of platforms that are not
 strictly ACPI specification compliant.

See also Documentation/pm.txt, pci=noacpi

acpi_sleep= [HW,ACPI] Sleep options
Format: { s3_bios, s3_mode }
See Documentation/power/video.txt

acpi_sci=   [HW,ACPI] ACPI System Control Interrupt 
 trigger mode
Format: { level | edge |  high | low }

acpi_irq_balance[HW,ACPI] ACPI will balance active 
 IRQs default in APIC mode

acpi_irq_nobalance  [HW,ACPI] ACPI will not move 
 active IRQs (default)
default in PIC mode

acpi_irq_pci=   [HW,ACPI] If irq_balance, Clear listed 
 IRQs for use by PCI
Format: irq,irq...

acpi_irq_isa=   [HW,ACPI] If irq_balance, Mark listed IRQs 
 used by ISA
Format: irq,irq...

acpi_osi=   [HW,ACPI] empty param disables _OSI

acpi_serialize  [HW,ACPI] force serialization of AML 

acpi_skip_timer_override [HW,ACPI]
Recognize and ignore IRQ0/pin2 Interrupt 
For broken nForce2 BIOS resulting in 
XT-PIC timer.

 This is the mesg about ML/twiki type opinions and advice I'm 
tryin to make known.  acpi=on   doesn't exist or is purposely 
neglected and undocumented.  In either case it's almost certain 
to be ignored by the kernel and have no effect, or possibly an 
unintended one.

 Be concerned about ACPI tho. It's becoming most important on 
current systems where more than the original 15 IRQ's and IRQ 
sharing is needed.  IMO, if you need to add 'acpi=any of the 
options listed in kernel-parameters.txt' to your kernel, what 
you really need to add is better and standards compliant hardware 
to your system.  The facts are available before you purchase, 
only opinions afterwards.

 APIC isn't all that big a fsck'n deal. Nice to have, might 
add a slight touch of performance to ACPI IRQ handling.

 This thread is the last of me being an ogre about advice and 
opinions as gleaned from ML's and twiki's when it's contrary to 
past and current developer's and maintainer's documentation.

 Probly why after years, I hardly post anymore.  
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] cdredord trouble

2004-12-08 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday 07 December 2004 01:47 pm, Vegard Lundby Rekaa wrote:
  On Tuesday 07 December 2004 04:50 am, Vegard Lundby Rekaa 
  Also, typing cdrecord -scanbus gives this result
  Try 'cdrecord dev=ATA -scanbus'

 Heres the result of cdrecord dev=ATA -scanbus:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] vegard]$ cdrecord dev=ATA -scanbus
 Cdrecord-Clone 2.01a28-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C)

 1,0,0   100) 'LITE-ON ' 'LTR-48126S  ' '2QS5'
 Removable CD-ROM 1,1,0   101) '' '' '' NON CCS Disk

  1,0,0   100) 'LITE-ON ' 'LTR-48126S  ' '2QS5' Removable
 CD-ROM is my burner (hdc) . Although it says nothing about my
 cd-reader (hdd) Sony CDU5211

 Feeling pretty clueless!!
 Regards Vegard

 I should have asked last time, what Mandrake version?

 No idea about 'NON CCS Disk'.  Try looking around here,

 What does 'cdrecord dev=ATA:1,0,0 -checkdrive'  return? 

 You might also try it for your CDrom, dev=ATA:1,1,0
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] cdredord trouble

2004-12-08 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday 08 December 2004 10:20 am, Vegard Lundby Rekaa wrote:
   I should have asked last time, what Mandrake version?
   No idea about 'NON CCS Disk'.  Try looking around here,
   What does 'cdrecord dev=ATA:1,0,0 -checkdrive'  return?
   You might also try it for your CDrom, dev=ATA:1,1,0

 hello again.

 I should have told you the first time.. sorry. Running mdk10.0
 with kernel 2.6.3-7mdk.
 It seems like hdd is the problem. But I can not say what is
 wrong. The commands you gave me are below.

 Thanks for helping!!!
 Best regards from Vegard

 'cdrecord dev=ATA:1,0,0 -checkdrive'  gives this result:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] vegard]$ cdrecord dev=ATA:1,0,0 -checkdrive
 Cdrecord-Clone 2.01a28-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C)

 Vendor_info: 'LITE-ON '
 Identifikation : 'LTR-48126S  '
 Revision   : '2QS5'
 Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
 Using generic SCSI-3/mmc   CD-R/CD-RW driver (mmc_cdr).
 Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16

 Seems like your burner is ready to go. I can't help with 
GUI's cause I don't use them, but on the CL just specify your 
burner as   dev=ATA:1,0,0 10.x uses ATA, not ide-scsi

EG to burn an .iso
cdrecord -v -eject driveropts=burnfree speed=16 dev=ATA:1,0,0 -dao 

If you've got an .iso handy, test the above but with the 
-dummy option added (see below).  You'll need to put in a blank 
CDr, but -dummy will prevent writing anything to it.

   If you don't have an .iso handy, make one.
mkisofs -r -o cd_image /path/to/a/dir/with_suitable_data_files

   Then try, 
cdrecord -v -eject driveropts=burnfree speed=24 dev=ATA:1,0,0 
-data -dummy cd_image

(in the above examples adjust speed= to 1/2 your burners rating)

 'cdrecord dev=ATA:1,1,0 -checkdrive'gave this result:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] vegard]$ cdrecord dev=ATA:1,1,0 -checkdrive
 Cdrecord-Clone 2.01a28-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C)

 cdrecord: Cannot do inquiry for CD/DVD-Recorder.
 cdrecord: Success. test unit ready: scsi sendcmd: no error
 CDB:  00 00 00 00 00 00
 status: 0x4 (CONDITION MET/GOOD)
 cmd finished after 5.471s timeout 40s
 cdrecord: The unit seems to be hung and needs power cycling.

  I dunno.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] cdredord trouble

2004-12-07 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday 07 December 2004 04:50 am, Vegard Lundby Rekaa wrote:
 Also, typing cdrecord -scanbus gives this result

Try 'cdrecord dev=ATA -scanbus'

  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Asus motherboards

2004-12-04 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday 03 December 2004 11:18 am, Keith Powell wrote:
 I am very pleased that you say the Asus motherboard and the
 on-board Ethernet chipset both work well with Mandrake. I will
 use that, rather than my SMC card.

 Why I asked is because, if I remember correctly, there have
 been comments on the list in the past, that there are problems
 with some on-board Ethernet chipsets. I may have mis-remembered
 though. Fortunately those comments don't apply in this

The onboard 3c940 uses the sk98lin driver. This driver did not 
work well with the 3c940 in _early_ inceptions, but it should be 
fine with Mandrake 10.0 (and newer) and 2.6.x kernels used. I 
don't know if current 2.4.x kernels support it.

I have an Asus A7V600 with the same onboard NIC. At the time, 
the sk98lin driver (9.x IIRC) was alpha quality and provided poor 
thruput. So I used a d-link NIC I already had. This is no longer 
a problem tho, the 3c940 is well supported.  In any event, should 
you choose to, the onboard nic can be easily disabled in bios.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Xlib: extension 'GLX' missing on display ':0.0'.

2004-12-02 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday 02 December 2004 09:49 am, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Thursday 02 December 2004 10:29 am, Vegard Lundby Rekaa 
  I'm running mdk 10.0. Will I encounter the same problem I
  could experience with 10.1?

 Yes, in order to get GLX running with a video card that has an
 nvidia chipset, you have to run the binary nvidia drivers
 available from either the Mandrake commercial packs, Club or
 directly from nvidia.  You are using the free GPL driver called
 nv, that does not support 3D acceleration.

This is the last time I'll try to correct this misinformation. 
The OSS 'nv' driver does indeed support GLX. What it does not do 
is DRI (direct rendering).  This has been the case for a few 
years now.  Mandrake 9.1 IIRC.

 tom $ less /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section Module
Load dbe # Double-Buffering Extension
Load v4l # Video for Linux
Load extmod
Load type1
Load freetype
Load glx

Section Device
Identifier device1
VendorName nVidia Corp.
BoardName NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)
Driver nv
 tom $ glxinfo
name of display: :0.0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: No
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.2
server glx extensions:
GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_visual_info, 
GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_OML_swap_method, 
GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig
client glx vendor string: SGI
client glx version string: 1.4
client glx extensions:
GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample, 
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, 
GLX_MESA_swap_control, GLX_MESA_swap_frame_usage, 
GLX_OML_sync_control, GLX_SGI_make_current_read, 
GLX_SGI_video_sync, GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig,
GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group
GLX extensions:
GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample, 
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, 
GLX_SGI_make_current_read, GLX_SGIS_multisample, 
OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project:
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.1)
OpenGL extensions:
GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_ARB_imaging, GL_ARB_multitexture,
GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_ARB_point_sprite, GL_ARB_shadow,
GL_ARB_shadow_ambient, GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp,
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_ARB_texture_env_add,
GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar,
GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat,
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_ARB_window_pos, GL_EXT_abgr, 
GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, 
GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract, 
GL_EXT_copy_texture, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, 
GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_EXT_packed_pixels, 
GL_EXT_polygon_offset, GL_EXT_rescale_normal, 
GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, GL_EXT_shadow_funcs,
GL_EXT_stencil_two_side, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, 
GL_EXT_texture, GL_EXT_texture3D, GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp,
GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_texture_env_combine,
GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3, GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, 
GL_EXT_texture_rectangle, GL_EXT_vertex_array, 
GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3, GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once,
GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3, GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat,
GL_INGR_blend_func_separate, GL_MESA_pack_invert, 
GL_NV_blend_square, GL_NV_point_sprite, 
GL_NV_texture_rectangle, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap,
GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp, GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp,
GL_SGIS_texture_lod, GL_SGIX_depth_texture, GL_SGIX_shadow,
GL_SGIX_shadow_ambient, GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays
glu version: 1.3
glu extensions:
GLU_EXT_nurbs_tessellator, GLU_EXT_object_space_tess

  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] CD-burning

2004-11-26 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday 25 November 2004 04:44 pm, Anders Lind wrote:
 Hello friends,

 I have experienced something strange, after upgrading to 10.0
 from 9.1 my CD/DVD-writer has stopped being reckognised as a
 SCSI-device, cdrecord -scanbus gives me this info:

 scsidev: 'ATA'
 devname: 'ATA'
 scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
 Warning: Using badly designed ATAPI via /dev/hd* interface.
 Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
 cdrecord: Warning: using inofficial libscg transport code
 version (warly-scsi-linux-sg.c-1.80-mdk '@(#)scsi-linux-sg.c 
 1.80 04/03/08 Copyright 1997 J. Schilling'). scsibus1:
 1,0,0   100) '_NEC' 'DVD+RW ND-1100A ' '1.80'
 Removable CD-ROM 1,1,0   101) *
 1,2,0   102) *
 1,3,0   103) *
 1,4,0   104) *
 1,5,0   105) *
 1,6,0   106) *
 1,7,0   107) *

 there are no /dev/sg after what I can see in the treesystem and
 no /dev/scd0 either, interestingly enough it seems that

/dev/scd*  is no longer used. 2.6.x kernels no longer use scsi 

 Make sure you are using udev by running (you might need to do 
a 'urpmi udev' first)

 tom # service udev status
udev is running   [  OK  ]

   if not, run 'service udev start' and try again.

Then 'urpme devfs'  and remove any  devfs=mount  statement 
from lilo.conf  (or you can change it to  devfs=nomount )

 X-CD-Roast seems to reckognise the burner as a burner but
 refuses to burn with it. Gnometoaster just give me the
 errormessage to do the scanbus. I suspect I am missing
 something somewhere, but I am not sure what...or maybe I do, it
 seems also that I have a append = hdc=ide-scsi in lilo.conf
No, remove that from lilo.conf and run 'lilo' after all the 
above edits.

 as well, I am at a loss here


 Run  'cdrecord dev=ATA -scanbus'  You might see it 
recommended to use 'dev=ATAPI' but that is deprecated already. 
'dev=ATA' is the more correct form.  Eg, here's mine;

 tom # cdrecord dev=ATA -scanbus
Cdrecord-Clone 2.01-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 
1995-2004 Jörg Schilling
Note: This version is an unofficial (modified) version with DVD 
Note: and therefore may have bugs that are not present in the 
Note: Please send bug reports or support requests to 
Note: The author of cdrecord should not be bothered with problems 
in this version.
scsidev: 'ATA'
devname: 'ATA'
scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2

  Warning: Using ATAPI via /dev/hd* interface. Use dev=ATA:X,Y,Z 
or dev=/dev/hdX

Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
cdrecord: Warning: using inofficial libscg transport code version 
(warly-Mandrakelinux-scsi-linux-sg '@(#)scsi-linux-sg.c   
1.83 04/05/20 Copyright 1997 J. Schilling').
1,0,0   100) 'TEAC' 'DV-516E ' '3.01' 
Removable CD-ROM
1,1,0   101) 'PLEXTOR ' 'CD-R   PREMIUM  ' '1.05' 
Removable CD-ROM
1,2,0   102) *
1,3,0   103) *
1,4,0   104) *
1,5,0   105) *
1,6,0   106) *
1,7,0   107) *

 Notice my burner is 1,1,0   So; 
cdrecord -v -eject speed=24 dev=ATA:1,1,0 ...

  is my basic form for burning CDr's.  speed= can be omitted 
and your burner should try an use it's fastest speed, but I'd 
suggest you use 1/2 of the lesser; your burner's speed or the 
media you use.  My burner is 52x, and I use 52x media, so I burn 
at 24x.  Notice from the Warning: that I could also use the 
form 'dev=/dev/hdc'  (burner is primary on the 2nd IDE channel).
I'd recommend usin 'dev=ATA:X,Y,Z'

   You might also have somethin like this in /etc/modprobe.conf

# This file is autogenerated from /etc/modules.conf using 
# generate-modprobe.conf command

install scsi_hostadapter /sbin/modprobe sata_via; /bin/true

You could have this if you'd done a fresh install. Since you 
upgraded you can try running 'generate-modprobe.conf'  That will 
try to convert your existing modules.conf (2.4.x kernels) into a 
suitable modprobe.conf (2.6.x kernels).  Backup your existing  
modprobe.conf  first.

  Either way you might need a line like this with the appropriate 
driver for your burner. (Mine is  'sata_via'  for an IDE/SATA 
combo VIA mobo). I'm not positive on this, as my SATA drive also 
uses SCSI emulation.  IOW's, the modprobe.conf line above might 
not be needed on your system.  So if you don't have it, try a 
test burn without it.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Do newest flat screen (non-LCD) monitors work on Mandrake?

2004-11-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday 12 November 2004 05:40 pm, Wojciech Podgórni wrote:
 Hello everyone!
 I have a hardware question for you. My aunt is buying a
 Plug'n'Play flat screen monitor for her Mandrake 10.0 computer
 and I am worried if it would work on that system. The rest of
 the hardware is quite old - GeForce 256 DDR video card, old
 Pentium Celeron motherboard, slow processor (but much RAM),
 etc. The problem is that Mandrake hardware database is quite
 incomplete and it lacks some of the newer hardware. The
 question is:
 Is Mandrake going to work with the newer Plug'n'Play monitors
 such as SAMSUNG 17 - 793 DF ? Should I expect any problems?
 Thank you in advance for any answer.
 Wojciech Podgórni

I have a Samsung 19 -191N.  It works very well with either 
the generic LCD driver, or lately they (Xorg) added many Samsung 
vendor specific drivers.  I'm also using it with a GeForce card, 
and the opensource 'nv' driver.  I've had it quite a while, it's 
great! I'd say the only important item would be to run the 
monitor at it's 'native' (vendor suggested) resolution. For mine 
that's 1280x1024 @ 75Hz
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] error

2004-11-04 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday 02 November 2004 07:18 pm, Elliot Somers wrote:
 I am trying to install mdbtools-0.5-1.i386.rpm I am running
 mandrake 10.0. the error that came up was
 mdbtools-0.5-1.i386 (due to unsatisfied
 That it cannot install because it cannot find
 I have the libreadline4 package installed in my system so I
 don't know what it's talking about. Any help I'd appreciate.

 Dunno, you should have it.  FWIW, this is on a 10.1 system

tom $ rpm -q --whatprovides /lib/

 You might try installing the devel package.  It could be that 
on 10.0, the lib files were packaged separately in -devel

tom # urpmi -y libreadline4
The following packages contain libreadline4:

  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] User Agent

2004-11-04 Thread Tom Karen Pino

Carroll Grigsby wrote:
On Monday 01 November 2004 10:40 pm, Tom  Karen Pino wrote:



Ok, so I use windoze (although I can't see why one would us IE).  Why do 
you want to appear to use IE at all and 5 in particular?

The usual reason is that there are many websites which use the browser id 
string to determine if you are using IE or not; if you aren't, you are denied 
access. There are also others which restrict access to either IE or Netscape. 
Now, if you are 100 per cent linux, you are left with three choices: Lie to 
them, go somewhere else, or install Windows. Well, it turns out that the 
first choice is often quite effective because many other browsers can access 
many of those sites with no problems at all. Now -- who's the bigger liar 
here? Me, or the MS guy who convinced the website admin that he would have 
all sorts of problems if he allowed non-MS browsers to access his website? 
Banks, in particular, are among the worst offenders in this regard (but there 
are lots of other sites guilty of the same stupidity). Not to be all 
doom-and-gloom, I saw a report on the web within the past few days that there 
is a growing trend in the Windows community to move away from the crap MS 
browsers to Firefox and Mozilla.  Perhaps that will force some of those 
dullhead webmins to rethink their stance.

-- cmg

I have no problem with lying to sites like that at all.  I was just 
baffled by someone wanting to have people think the were using IE.

I have used Netscape from the beginning on this machine.  I found that 
if I updated (late 98 thru 2000) Win98, Netscape was screwed every 
time.  IE is a crappy browser.  MS is out to control the net. 

I have no personal need to go to sites that insist on IE so I don't.  I 
find this solution very interesting.  Thank you for explaining.
Have fun,

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Re: [newbie] cdrom busy....not umounting

2004-11-01 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday 31 October 2004 01:34 pm, Bill Winegarden wrote:
 I'm running LM10 Community on an Inspiron 9100. A fresh install
 is working 98%. However, the cdrom does not seem to want to let
 go of any cdrom once I view it's contents in Konq.
 As root, I get the error

   Does 'eject /dev/hdc' get the CD out?

 umount: /mnt/cdrom: device is busy

   This is the problem

 It seems that supermount may not be operating correctly. fstab

 /dev/hda5 / reiserfs notail,noatime 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto
 umask=0,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,noauto,ro,exec 0
 0 /dev/hda2 /mnt/win_c ntfs umask=0,nls=iso8859-1,ro 0 0
 /dev/hda7 /mnt/win_d vfat
 umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0 none /proc proc
 defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

 Does anything seem out of place?

 Bill W.

Did you try exiting from all konqueror instances first?

   You're _not_ using supermount.  'auto' in your fstab for this 
device means auto file system detection, not auto mount.  
Somethin is holding on to the device. Run 'lsof /mnt/cdrom' to 
find out. (You might have to 'urpmi lsof' first).  If lsof just 
returns to a prompt, nothin is using /mnt/cdrom at that time.

FWIW, I don't remember when 'magicdev' began, or whether 10.0 
used it.  See if '/usr/bin/magicdev' is present by running 
 'which magicdev'.  I've had some intermittent problems with CD 
drives being 'busy', usually after somethin like ripping a DVD 
with dvd:rip. 'fam' (an xinitd process) is most often the 
culprit. Since it's not a separate service, you'll need to kill 
it's pid. It will still run again 'on request'.

I hate to say it, but sometimes only a reboot will free the CD 
drive. Magic device in 10.1 is better, but still has occasional 
glitches like yours.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] What is mandrakelinux-release-10.1-1mdk.i586.rpm?

2004-11-01 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday 31 October 2004 02:49 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Sunday 31 October 2004 12:43 pm, Sevatio wrote:
  The only file in the 10.1 OE's update folder is:
  mandrakelinux-release-10.1-1mdk.i586.rpm.  What is that rpm
  used for?

 To update the file /etc/mandrake-release

   To be more concise, it changes the word 'Community' to 
'Official'.   NBFD  ;)

tom $ cat /etc/mandrake-release
Mandrakelinux release 10.1 (Official) for i586

  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] User Agent

2004-11-01 Thread Tom Karen Pino
Derek Jennings wrote:
On Monday 01 November 2004 17:08, Marc wrote:

On Monday 01 November 2004 10:58 am, Derek Jennings wrote:

On Monday 01 November 2004 16:53, Marc wrote:

Does anyone here know how to modify the user agent ID in any of the
popular browsers, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox or Konqueror to make things
appear that I am using a Windoze machine running IE . I know that in
most Linux browsere there is a quick easy way to change it in
preferances but that seems to still leave some tell tale evidance at
the end of the user agent string. I need to change things to appear
EXACTLY as a windoze machine would.
   Thanks In advance

Opera - Hit F12
Firefox/Mozilla - Install the extension -User Agent Switcher
Konqueror - SetupBrowser Identification

  Thanks Derek but that still leaves tell tale evidence that I am using a
linux machine trying to pass it self off as a windoze machine at the end of
the user agent string.  I need to actually find the user agent and edit it
to appear exactly as a windoze machine running IE.

The User Agent Switcher in Firefox allows you to define your own string.
Doesn't that do what you need?
Also I'm pretty sure you can customise konqueror's user agent strings. I'm 
kust not sure where that data is kept.


Ok, so I use windoze (although I can't see why one would us IE).  Why do 
you want to appear to use IE at all and 5 in particular?

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[newbie] Parts

2004-11-01 Thread Tom Karen Pino
Hi all,
I am going to start building a computer for linux.  I have an old tower 
that I think will work (it may be too awkward).

I would like some recommendations on components.  Chipset?  Sound card?  
Video card?  Modem (dial up is what I need in this remote area)?

Anything anyone can think of that would be helpful would be great.  I 
want to make this as easy as I can on myself.  Will probably get stuff 
on e-bay and anywhere else that I can find it cheap but want a machine 
that will not have problems with linux.

Peripherals can wait.
Thanx in advance,

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Re: [newbie] (OT) Reguarding reply-to and the gmail address

2004-10-31 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday 30 October 2004 03:50 pm, Amy wrote:
 Then I suppose it's time to bug the gmail team. Very weird
 though, considering it's let me select a blank field for the
 replyto address. Oh well, I'll bug them about it now. Thanks
 for checking for me though. ^_^

 Well, I replied to the list just by replying to your post 
Amy.  The Reply to: problem is not just the responsibility of 
the original poster. It is also the responsibility of those that 
reply, to do so properly.

 FWIW, I use Kmail and simply tapped the 'L' key to reply to 
the list.  The 'R' key would've replied only to you Amy.  If I 
chose to use a mail client without this simple feature, the 
responsibility to reply properly is still mine.

 Several replies stating:
  not fixed, still goes to Amy

 So that is both Amy's problem and those who don't properly 
reply.  Complaints about top posting, lack of snipping, spam, and 
'reply to' . only serve to generate more bandwith waste.

  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] (OT) Reguarding reply-to and the gmail address

2004-10-31 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday 31 October 2004 08:24 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 31 Oct 2004 14:04, Tom Brinkman wrote:
   FWIW, I use Kmail and simply tapped the 'L' key to reply
  to the list.  The 'R' key would've replied only to you Amy. 
  If I chose to use a mail client without this simple feature,
  the responsibility to reply properly is still mine.

 The fact that Mandrake mangle the reply-to makes us lazy ;-)

 Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the 'L' key only work if
 you sort mail into folders and set the 'list' parameter in the
 folder properties?


  No, keyboard tasks are the default. I don't sort mesg's by 
folder. If you look on the drop down menus on the tool bar, the 
keyboard commands for Message and Edit are shown for each item.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Digital camera kills MDK 10.1

2004-10-28 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday 28 October 2004 02:42 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Thursday 28 October 2004 00:21, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  Well H.J. my palm are WET.  I know the feeling of messing
  around in /boot and lilo !
  Right now I installed the kernel, with no evident
  errors. But the camera still behaves like in the -12 kernel.
   So no go here.  Next, I'll try to install the 2.4 kernel.
   Hopefully that'll change things to the better.
  Kaj Haulrich.

 Are you running devfs or udev?
 It should show at bootime if you're running devfs as udev will
 then be disabled.

You can check anytime...

 tom # service udev status
udev is running  [  OK  ]

 you can check for devfsd with 'service devfsd status' 
which will return a usage: warning.  This means devfs is not 
being used.  To be on the safe side, you can put 'devfs=nomount' 
in your bootloader (lilo's append line).
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Digital camera kills MDK 10.1

2004-10-28 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday 28 October 2004 05:15 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 ..there's even smaller which
 fit on a credit card CD (50Mb) like the FreeSoftwareFoundation
 membership cardhint, hint, nudge, nudge! ;)

Had one for years ;)   BTW, did you get the (free to members) 
book the Free Software Foundation sent out recently, Free 
Culture?  Interesting reading an I'm only about 10% into the 

For those that don't know what we're talking about, visit   and please consider becoming a Associate 
Member. Your MandrakeLinux is Linux (the kernel), but the rest of 
it (99%) is GNU software. They need your support just as much as 
the Mandrake Club does.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Digital camera kills MDK 10.1

2004-10-27 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday 27 October 2004 02:00 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 Oct 2004 19:16, Ron Hunter-Duvar wrote:
  Yes, and upgrade _should_ give you exactly the same end
  result as a clean install. There should be no difference
  other than the upgrade being faster (due to not having to
  reinstall packages that are already up to date).
  But history has shown repeatedly, at least for Mandrake, that
  this is _not_ true. Perhaps Stephen Kuhn, Hoyt Bailey, or
  others will pitch in here with their personal experiences
  (based upon which I have never even attempted a version
  upgrade, always a clean install).
  I also suspect the first response back from any bug report
  will be Have you tried a clean install of 10.1 Official?

 sigh You're probably right, but after 2 installs of it I just
 can't bring myself to start yet again - at least not just at
 this moment.


 IIRC the only anomaly you reported Anne was cpufreq errors in 
boot logs.  I meant to respond, sorry.  I had the same. Cpufreq 
is used for laptops to control power usage and heat thru 
manipulating processor speed.  On a desktop, just 'urpme cpufreq'

As to the Digital camera kills MDK 10.1 deal, I don't have a 
USB camera (mine's serial), but I suspect the problem might be 
solved by tryin a different kernel. I believe Stew said much the 

I know reverting to from -12mdk solved boot up 
problems checking (Reiser) FS's after I added an SATA drive into 
a mix of IDE drives a few weeks ago. With the system 
went crazy, but all is well with -10mdk.  I've got a hunch the 
'camera' problem is similar.  Just a suspicion tho
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Digital camera kills MDK 10.1

2004-10-27 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday 27 October 2004 03:59 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
      I know reverting to from -12mdk solved boot up
  problems checking (Reiser) FS's after I added an SATA drive
  into a mix of IDE drives a few weeks ago. With the
  system went crazy, but all is well with -10mdk.  I've got a
  hunch the 'camera' problem is similar.  Just a suspicion tho


 Tom, do you have any idea as to where I can fetch kernel ?

-10mdk is the kernel that 10.1 CE was released with.  So if 
you've got 10.1CE CD's you've got it. I went lookin for -10 on 
the mirrors, specifically 'kernel-source' but didn't find it. In 
my situation I'm still tryin to figure out why it makes such a 
difference with my SATA/IDE mix.

   Sorry, like I said, it's a hunch
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] Comparing md5sums in 10.0

2004-10-26 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday 26 October 2004 04:56 am, Adolfo Bello wrote:
 On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 10:18 +0100, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Then, making sure the CD you just burned isn't mounted:
  in terminal,
  dd if=/dev/scd0 bs=2048 count=n | md5sum -
  (note the   -   on the end, don't leave it off.
  change the /dev/scd0 to whatever device setting your
  drive is on your system.
  and where   n   is the number of sectors calculated above.
  All 3  md5sums should agree,
  ie, the published, your iso file, and the CD.
  If they don't agree you have either a duff write,
  or duff iso file.
  Hope this helps you,

 `md5sum /dev/scd0` works fine here, no matter if the CD is
 mounted or not.


  Yes, but in newer Mandrake versions the CD drives are seen 
as dev=ATA:0,0,0   I use 0,0,0 for example only, 
'cdrecord dev=ATA -scanbus'  will return the actual numbers.  The 
ATA device (burner) is linked to the numbers. EG, on my system 
dev=ATA:1,1,0  = /dev/hdd So 'md5sum /dev/hdd' returns the 
md5sum on the CD.

 BUT, it will not be correct unless you use the -dao option 
when burning the iso to CD.  I burn on the CL using,
'cdrecord -v -eject driveropts=burnfree speed=16 dev=ATA:1,1,0 
-dao  name_of.iso'   _Do_Not_ use options like -pad or -data.
For speed I suggest 1/3 of the lesser capability, your burner or 
media speed.  My Plextor is 52x, media is 52x, so I use speed=16

Actually I use an alias,
alias biso='cdrecord -v -eject driveropts=burnfree speed=16 
dev=ATA:1,1,0 -dao' 

So simply 'biso name_of.iso' does the job!  ... and I always 
check the md5sum of the burned CD.  As always, I disdain the use 
of GUI apps for burning any kind of CD's, but particularly 
for .iso images. Use the CL and you'll know exactly what is going 
on. Y'allsMMV  ;)
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] virus

2004-10-26 Thread Tom Karen Pino

Russell W. Behne wrote:
Friday at 18:39, Tom  Karen Pino wrote:

To anyone this may concern,
I received this notice from my ISP today.
A message which was sent to you by Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been
identified by our virus filter as being contaminated with a virus. For
your protection, the original message has been placed into the
greymail quarantine area. To review the text only portion of the
message, you may log into your greymail area and click on the
message(s) in red.
I do not know that this has to do with Russell W. Behne, but I also
get things that claim to come from me inspite of increased security at
rangeweb and constant attention to security by my security guy (me) to
virus and spyware crap (have never had a virus).  The subject line is
Re: Hello.

Hi Tom,
	No, that message isn't from me. I never use the word `Hello' on
the Subject: line. Someone obviously spoofed my email address. If you
can bounce a copy to me I'd appreciate it. And if anyone knows how to
find out who actually did it, and how to get even with them, I'd
appreciate that too.

I was sure that this was spoofing.  Most of the crap that we get is.  
The perp probably gets the names from the archives.

Sorry, I can't send a copy as the ISP will not even let me look at this 
stuff.  The little I can see is also limited by my security system so I 
just delete the stuff.

I, too, would love to know how to trace these things and perhaps send 
them a present.

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Re: [newbie] virus

2004-10-26 Thread Tom Karen Pino

Russell W. Behne wrote:
Saturday at 21:06, Randall D. Hobbs wrote:

Yeah, you're right there. I've had people email me asking why I sent them a 
virus... I only had to say I'm running Linux, so I can't send you a virus. 
That and check out the headers - that's what tells the truth. I recently 
had about 10 viruses come into my inbox, and the funny thing is, they were 
all supposed to be FROM me TO me. Doing a little checking, I found out that 
one of my contacts had gotten a virus, and of course it was spoofing 
everything. What happens is, the virus raids their address book, and randomly 
sends out viruses to everyone in that address book, and it picks a random 
user from the address book to spoof from. It took all of about 30 seconds to 
figure out where it was coming from - I ended up going over to her office and 
cleaning up the system, and the emails disappeared. Funny how that works...

How can you know exactly who it came from? I realize that such mostly
comes from infected windoze boxes, and I'm thinking that someone out
there who has my email in their address book has a virus which has been
spoofing my address, like the one Tom  Karen Pino got. The question is

I would like to know this too.  I keep getting things from our address 
and I know that it cannot be from this computer.  We have to use a 
password that is changed regularly to send to the ISP.  This is not kept 
on the computer as I am too paranoid.

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Re: [newbie] virus

2004-10-26 Thread Tom Karen Pino

Tom  Karen Pino wrote:

Russell W. Behne wrote:
Friday at 18:39, Tom  Karen Pino wrote:

To anyone this may concern,
I received this notice from my ISP today.
A message which was sent to you by Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been
identified by our virus filter as being contaminated with a virus. For
your protection, the original message has been placed into the
greymail quarantine area. To review the text only portion of the
message, you may log into your greymail area and click on the
message(s) in red.
I do not know that this has to do with Russell W. Behne, but I also
get things that claim to come from me inspite of increased security at
rangeweb and constant attention to security by my security guy (me) to
virus and spyware crap (have never had a virus).  The subject line is
Re: Hello.

Hi Tom,
No, that message isn't from me. I never use the word `Hello' on
the Subject: line. Someone obviously spoofed my email address. If you
can bounce a copy to me I'd appreciate it. And if anyone knows how to
find out who actually did it, and how to get even with them, I'd
appreciate that too.

I was sure that this was spoofing.  Most of the crap that we get is.  
The perp probably gets the names from the archives.

Sorry, I can't send a copy as the ISP will not even let me look at 
this stuff.  The little I can see is also limited by my security 
system so I just delete the stuff.

I, too, would love to know how to trace these things and perhaps send 
them a present.
I just got another one.  Later I will call the ISP and see if I can get 
the thing forwarded here.  Nothing that they will allow me to see is of 
any use.  I just get a message that  This message contains inline 
images or attachments, and can not be displayed from this interface.  
They will not forward virus containing messages to my inbox.

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Re: [newbie] virus

2004-10-26 Thread Tom Karen Pino

Tom  Karen Pino wrote:

Russell W. Behne wrote:
Hi Tom,
No, that message isn't from me. I never use the word `Hello' on
the Subject: line. Someone obviously spoofed my email address. If you
can bounce a copy to me I'd appreciate it. And if anyone knows how to
find out who actually did it, and how to get even with them, I'd
appreciate that too.

I was sure that this was spoofing.  Most of the crap that we get is.  
The perp probably gets the names from the archives.

Sorry, I can't send a copy as the ISP will not even let me look at 
this stuff.  The little I can see is also limited by my security 
system so I just delete the stuff.

I, too, would love to know how to trace these things and perhaps send 
them a present.
Called  They may be able to forward this stuff but not 
from the help desk.  I wasn't real thrilled at the idea of having on my 
machine anyway.  I doubt that it would have caused me a problem.  Tried 
to update virus protection and am already up to date with norton.

I did, by the way, mention SPF and gave them the pobox address.  Never 
heard of it (nor had I).  Hopefully they will forward that to whomever 
needs to look at it.  Sound good to me as far as my 10 minutes of 
looking goes.

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Re: [newbie] Security maniac ?

2004-10-23 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday 22 October 2004 06:30 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 I just followed Tom's advice and upgraded to the present
 cooker, including the (separate) install of the new kernel. 
 Everything seem to work perfectly.  So, now I supposedly run
 the upcoming 10.1 Official - right ?

  Yes, and if you did it after last Thurs., you have a few 
updates.  Now cooker hasn't unfrozen quite yet, but will soon. So 
delete your cooker sources and switch to 10.1 mirrors now.

 Just after that I received the usual alert from Mandrake about
 security updates.  OK.  But when comparing those update
 versions to my cooker versions, mine seems to be newer.

 Can anyone explain ?  - Tom ?

 Kaj Haulrich.

   The newer files almost certainly have the security (and 
bug) fixes.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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[newbie] dvd:rip - sound tracks

2004-10-23 Thread Tom Brinkman

 No problem using dvd:rip to rip and trancode DVD's to .avi 
files I can burn to CDr's.  MOF, I'm surprised how well it all 
works, and the .avi CD's are near DVD sound and video quality.

My question is about DVD's with multiple sound tracks. 
Ususally two in english, and one in french.  Is there an easy way 
to tell before transcoding which english track is the movie sound 
track, and which is (usually) a track that describes the making, 
production of the movie?  I invariably get it backwards and have 
to stop and transcode the other english track.

For example, the DVD I'm rip/transcoding now has three tracks, 
0: en - ac3 48000 6Ch, 1: fr - 48000 6Ch, and 2: en - ac3 48000 
6Ch.  When I started the transcoding process, I guessed that 
track 2: was the movie sound track. It was on a previous DVD I 
processed. But, a while into the transcode 2nd pass proccess, I 
used mplayer to preview what had been completed (about 80mb, 5%) 
of the .avi file created so far.  Sure'nough, it was the 
commentary track. So I had to cancel and re-start trancoding 
using track 0: Two hours wasted again  ;(
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] virus

2004-10-23 Thread Tom Karen Pino

Randall D. Hobbs wrote:
On Friday 22 October 2004 07:39 pm, Tom  Karen Pino wrote:

A message which was sent to you by Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been
identified by our virus filter as being contaminated with a virus. For your
protection, the original message has been placed into the greymail
quarantine area. To review the text only portion of the message, you may
log into your greymail area and click on the message(s) in red.
I do not know that this has to do with Russell W. Behne, but I also get
things that claim to come from me inspite of increased security at rangeweb
and constant attention to security by my security guy (me) to virus and
spyware crap (have never had a virus).  The subject line is Re: Hello.
I am surely not trying to cast any doubt on anyone here.  I do think that
this my be something that would need the attention of everyone on the list.
This may be a breach of security at my ISP.  I am not calling them this
weekend.  Have been sorting cattle for shipment all day and ship tomorow
and Tuesday.  Am not up to interigation.
Decided I did need to send this to you good folks, though.
By the way, got an e-mail from my son today from his Linux machine.  He
will probably be inflicting himself on you directly.  I he is happy with
his machine, mine will be heading that way very soon.

Hi Tom. I wouldn't seriously worry about it - lots of these viruses nowdays 
are spoofing their from addresses anyway, and trying to track down the real 
culprit isn't always easy. The best thing to do is to keep YOUR machines 
updated (if you're on Windows, install adequate virus protection and don't 
intentionally open any attachment that comes through, even if it shows to be 
someone you trust), and if you're having doubts about the integrity of your 
own machine, then go the extra mile to make sure it's not. If you're 
wondering about someone elses PC, well, let them take care of that - it's 
their problem (someone will let them know about it sooner or later, and it'll 
no doubt be someone who has a little more time on their hands).

Most of us on this list run strictly Linux, or at least a dual boot system 
where they hide out in Linux as often as they can, learning it as they go. I 
myself have been on nothing but Linux for the past 5 years or so (except for 
one of my systems at work which I'm required to run XP on, but hey, if it was 
easy then it wouldn't be work), and frankly, viruses don't even catch a 
second look from me. Give it some time - I'm sure you and your son will be 
the same way...


I keep getting things from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I am well aware 
that I did not send this and so assume that a lot of the spam I get is 
from a bogus adress.

We bought this computer, our first, 6 years ago.  I have files, saved 
through reformatting, from 3 months in to working with Win98.  My 
experience prior to that was with just DOS machines.  I realize that all 
Windaze dose is to work dos for you.  A rather silly thing if you ask me.

That said, I must say, that I have not been tempted to upgrade to a 
newer Win version.  I abelong to a Win list and have come to the 
conclusion that 98, maybe 98SE, are the pinacle of Win developement.  I 
would like a newer computer that is a bit faster but 98 is doing the 
job.  When we do it will be linux.

My son, poor guy, decided that he needed to improve and so went to 
2000 and ME (I think that ME was to convince people that they needed 
XP).  He wants nothing to do with Windoze what so ever.  He still does 
have an ME machine but I got email from him off his linux machine 
(kmail).  He did not get his system straightened out throught the 
information that I ineptly got from this list but he did find some other 
resourses on his computer (documentation) that has helped greatly that 
he found through some of the (undoubtedly grabled) info that I tried to 
give him over the phone.  He has been rooting through your archives 
also.  Seems to think that there is good stuff there.

I have had the guts to try Mandrake Move.  Yes had to change my bios 
settings to boot from the CD.  Was impressed with the speed working off 
a CD.  I do have a 3 CD version (download I think of 9.2) and have a 
some what older machine that needs only a couple of things to work that 
may well get that loaded on to it in the next few months. 

Back to the virus stuff.  I just seent that in because I thought that it 
was information that someone may want.  I have never had a virus because 
we do not have our adress all over the web and I had Norton system Works 
installed when we bought this thing and I keep it updated and actually 
run it.  We also have Spybot Search and Destroy.  Between that and not 
installing MS Outlook and using Netscape 7.1 with fairly high security 
settings, we seem to do all right.  Our ISP seems to have a good filter 
too which is a fairly new development. 

The biggest security risk we have is a 13 year old with the normal lack 
of descretion in where he goes

Re: [newbie] Where have all the kernel source gone ?

2004-10-22 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday 21 October 2004 05:32 pm, Margot wrote:
 Dan Gordon wrote:
  On October 21, 2004 05:19 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Yes, Dan.  Go to and get some cooker
  sources. There you will find and its source
  rpm.  This will be in 10.1 Official, I believe.
  Ahh ok I never thought to look on cooker,  silly me ;-)
  But wont that put 10.1 into a cooked sorta state,  I dont
  wana wreck things too quick.
  Thanks Anne
  Dan Gordon

 Dan  Anne,

 Up until yesterday, cooker was the correct place to find 10.1
 updates, but (as per Warly's message about 12 hours ago) the
 10.1 Community mirrors now carry the updates for 10.1

 Don't use the cooker sources any more unless you want to end up
 running cooker!

 You can still get away with updating 10.1 CE to Official 
using a cooker mirror. Probly for a few more days to a week.  
Yes, there's been a few updates past 10.1 OE on the mirrors 
(yesterday) but they were minor.  IIRC, kdepim*, lm_sensors,
and a few minor packages. Most likely updates that will be 
available for 10.1 OE anyhow.

BUT, do it _now_!  Cooker will unfreeze and begin 10.2 
development shortly.  As to Dan's misgivings, using 
kernel and kernel-source from a cooker mirror will not pose a 
problem on a 10.1 system.  This kernel has been in use for quite 
some time and is well tested.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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[newbie] virus

2004-10-22 Thread Tom Karen Pino
To anyone this may concern,
I received this notice from my ISP today.
A message which was sent to you by Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been identified by 
our virus filter as being contaminated with a virus. For your protection, the original message has 
been placed into the greymail quarantine area. To review the text only portion of the message, you may 
log into your greymail area and click on the message(s) in red.
I do not know that this has to do with Russell W. Behne, but I also get things that claim to 
come from me inspite of increased security at rangeweb and constant attention to security by my 
security guy (me) to virus and spyware crap (have never had a virus).  The subject line is 
Re: Hello.
I am surely not trying to cast any doubt on anyone here.  I do think that this my be 
something that would need the attention of everyone on the list.  This may be a breach 
of security at my ISP.  I am not calling them this weekend.  Have been sorting cattle 
for shipment all day and ship tomorow and Tuesday.  Am not up to interigation.
Decided I did need to send this to you good folks, though.
By the way, got an e-mail from my son today from his Linux machine.  He will probably 
be inflicting himself on you directly.  I he is happy with his machine, mine will be 
heading that way very soon.

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Re: [newbie] Problem with my web site

2004-10-19 Thread Tom Karen Pino
I know absolutely nothing about this.  Thought that you may like the 
information that I use Netscape 7.1 on a Win98 system and have the same 
result as you describe.

Bryan Phinney wrote:
I have just noticed a very troublesome problem with my web site and was hoping 
that someone here could point me in the right direction.   I am using 
Postnuke CMS version .750 Gold,  MySQL server and PHP 4.3.8.  The site 
displays in IE, Opera fine but whenever I hit it from a Mozilla browser, 
including Firefox, Mozilla or Netscape, I get a really strange corrupted 

Another interesting item, if you go to the site as the root site using  You get the corrupted display within Mozilla.  If you 
go to which is an alias for the same directory, 
the site comes up just fine.  It is really bugging the crap out of me.

If anyone uses php, apache, and wants to take a look and make suggestions, I 
am all ears and would really appreciate the help.

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Re: [newbie] [URGENT]OpenGl

2004-10-08 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday 08 October 2004 10:25 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Friday 08 October 2004 16:09, Sevatio wrote:
  Derek Jennings wrote:
   On Friday 08 October 2004 05:39, Kassem Nasser wrote:
  Hi all ,
  I am using currently Mandrake10.0 and I was trying to run
   an OpenGL program when I got the following error:
  Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0
  And by the way anybody knows any mailinglist specific for
   OpenGL. Can any body help me out
  Best Regards,
   It means that the GLX module is not loaded.
   There are a number of reasons why this might be.
   1/ You are using a video driver that does not support GLX
   such as 'vesa'.
   2/ You have a GLX capable video driver such as 'nv', but
   GLX is disabled in your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file  (Look
   to see if the line Load glx is commented out )
   3/ You have GLX enabled but it is the wrong library. For
   example if you are using the closed source 'nvidia' driver
   you must also be using the Nvidia GLX module too.
   What to do :-
   Look at the log file /var/log/XFree86.0.log  it will tell
   you precisely which modules loaded and why anything failed.
   Tell us which driver you are using. It will be listed in
   the file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 in the Device section. 
   The glx module should be listed in the module section.
   Tell us what video card you have.
  What's the line one should use so that it loads the nvidia
  glx driver

 Load /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/

 but first the nvidia driver has to be downloaded and compiled
 if you have not already done so. Also the nvidia glx driver has
 to match the release number of the nvidia kernel module.

 So your video card is Nvidia?


The proprietary 'nvidia' driver is _not_ needed for OpenGL 
support.  The GPL 'nv' driver actually has better GL* support.
I have a GeF4 usin the 'nv' driver.  Usually the problem is that 
the line   Load glx   has been commented out (ie, disabled) in 
whatever XF86config file the system is usin. Removing the '#' 
from the line and re-starting X should fix this if the hardware 
supports GLX.

tom $ glxinfo
name of display: :0.0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: No
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.2
server glx extensions:
GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_visual_info, 
GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_OML_swap_method, 
GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig
client glx vendor string: SGI
client glx version string: 1.4
client glx extensions:
GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample, 
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, 
GLX_MESA_swap_control, GLX_MESA_swap_frame_usage, 
GLX_OML_sync_control, GLX_SGI_make_current_read, 
GLX_SGI_video_sync, GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig,
GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group
GLX extensions:
GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample, 
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, 
GLX_SGI_make_current_read, GLX_SGIS_multisample, 
OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project:
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.1)
OpenGL extensions:
GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_ARB_imaging, GL_ARB_multitexture,
GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_ARB_point_sprite, GL_ARB_shadow,
GL_ARB_shadow_ambient, GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp,
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_ARB_texture_env_add,
GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar,
GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat,
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_ARB_window_pos, GL_EXT_abgr, 
GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, 
GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract, 
GL_EXT_copy_texture, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, 
GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_EXT_packed_pixels, 
GL_EXT_polygon_offset, GL_EXT_rescale_normal, 
GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, GL_EXT_shadow_funcs,
GL_EXT_stencil_two_side, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, 
GL_EXT_texture, GL_EXT_texture3D, GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp,
GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_texture_env_combine,
GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3, GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, 
GL_EXT_texture_rectangle, GL_EXT_vertex_array, 
GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3, GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once,
GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3, GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat,
GL_INGR_blend_func_separate, GL_MESA_pack_invert, 
GL_NV_blend_square, GL_NV_point_sprite, 
GL_NV_texture_rectangle, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap,
GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp, GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 10.1 Isos

2004-10-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday 06 October 2004 05:31 am, Alexander Ruoff wrote:
 I have a problem with the Iso-Images I have for 10.1. I
 downloaded them with Linux and burned them with K3B. However,
 when updating the 2nd CD failed. First I thought that it must
 be something related to the update from 10.0 to 10.1 and made a
 clean install but than the 2nd as well as the 3rd CD failed. I
 downloaded two new Isos with Windows and burned them with Nero,
 but again, the 2nd CD failed.

 I managed to install 10.1 nicely within a couple of hours
 installing everything via urpmi (it was fun even though time
 consuming due to the fact that I needed gcc to compile the
 855wrap and had to remember all the names of the software I

 Anyway, I still want to find out why those Isos I made didn't
 work or if this problem happened to some other people as well?


 In the directory you d/l'd the iso's to, run 
'md5sum -c name_of_the_md5sum.asc'.  You did also d/l the md5sum 
file right?

 If that's OK's the d/l'd iso's, after burning check with 
'md5sum /dev/hdc'  (assuming hdc is your cdrom).  If the md5sums 
then don't match, you have a problem burn**. Most likely 
asscociated with the GUI you used (k3b).

  **If you have a separate Cdrom and burner, try checking (and 
installing) from the burner.  They are often better readers than 
CDroms, DVDroms.  Don't use a CD-RW, use CD-R media.

Windoze apps like Nero, and Linux GUI's like k3b often corrupt 
the iso by misuse of cdrecord parameters. If you suspect this, 
then burn the iso file with somethin like
  'cdrecord -v -eject driveropts=burnfree speed=16 dev=ATA:1,1,0 
-dao  Name_of_file.iso'on the command line.  You'll probly 
have to adjust your speed and dev from mine.  The most important 
bit is -dao.  Do not use parameters like -data or -pad.

Bottom line is until you get the iso's to match md5sum before 
and _AFTER_ burning ... you don't know if you have bonafide CD's.
If you still have an install problem, hopefully it'll be fixed by 
10.1 Official ;)
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 mouse lockup

2004-09-26 Thread Tom Karen Pino
Sorry about the HTML.  Just reformatted and for got to change from the 
default (send in both).

Tom  Karen Pino wrote:
This all sounds interesting.  There are a couple of problems.
Many of these problems are due to my ignerce.  As in what is urpmi?  I 
looked that up and am now really confused.  However, Lorin seems to 
get something out of the fine info I am gleaning from you fine folks.

This last caused confusion to both of us.  Lorin has the advantage of 
a linux system (even if it doesn't seem to work right).  He has 
installed rpm drake which sounds handy.  He looked up gpm and rpm 
and seemed to understand that.  It seems that the libgpm stuff was not 
installed because of  a failure to auto detect his mouse.  He thinks 
that he got it installed.  The mouse still does not work and he seems 
to have screwed up the number key pad being used as the moving force 
for his cursor.  He can figure that out I am sure.

I do not think that the urpmi stuff will help him yet as he is not 
online as the modem has not been detected either and he wants to 
figure out the mouse problem first.

I went to the easy urpmi site and can't understand what they ae 
talking about.  Remember that I am using Win98 (be kind).  What the 
devil do they mean by type this in a console (I can wrap my brain 
around the as root part).  Console?

Lorin is also getting a notice on loading that loading default keymap 
failed.  Does this have anything to do with the mouse problem or is 
it some other problem altogether?
Your in ignerce,

Dennis Myers wrote:
On Wednesday 22 September 2004 09:20 pm, Tom  Karen Pino wrote:

Hi All,
Update on mouse problem.  He reinstalled the system.  Now the menu that
drakconf brings up works.  The mouse does not.  Has error message.
While loading shared library:  cannot open shared object
file: no such file or directory.
What does he do now?
Just call us ignernt,

try installing the gpm rpm and associated libraries . Urpmi should do it for 
you. HTH : )

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Re: [newbie] OT Apologys

2004-09-23 Thread Tom Karen Pino

I currently am using nothing but macroshaft. I use 98 and have a
Display adapter that is Intel 740. It is listed on the disc for 98 and
NT. It allows for the higher resolution on my machine. Do not know if
it is compatible with 2000. If you think it would be, email me and I
will send you the file.

It is a shock when I reformat and have to start up on the wonderful
default stuff that comes with 98. Just about enough to make your eyes
bleed until this "adapter" is installed. The best I can do then is 640
x 480.

aron Smith wrote:

  On Wednesday 22 September 2004 11:20 pm, Rob Blomquist wrote:
On Wednesday 22 September 2004 9:22 pm, aron Smith wrote:

  Hate to bring it up but i have another system dual booting Mandrake 10.0
and windows 2000 the display 180 X 1024 in linux is great (jetway 17 LC
monitor) the best resolution I can get in Win$ux is 800 X600
is there a Generaic driver out there I can use ? If so what is the name
so I can chase it down?

I hate to say it, but there is one known solution to all Windoze problems.

As root type rm -Rf "Winsnooze partition" replacing Winsnooze Partition
with the actual folder it is mounted in.


Couldn't resist.

  Feel that way myself  but need winblows for my gps


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Re: [newbie] 9.1 mouse lockup

2004-09-23 Thread Tom Karen Pino

This all sounds interesting. There are a couple of problems.

Many of these problems are due to my ignerce. As in what is urpmi? I
looked that up and am now really confused. However, Lorin seems to get
something out of the fine info I am gleaning from you fine folks.

This last caused confusion to both of us. Lorin has the advantage of a
linux system (even if it doesn't seem to work right). He has installed
"rpm drake" which sounds handy. He looked up gpm and rpm and seemed to
understand that. It seems that the libgpm stuff was not installed
because of a failure to auto detect his mouse. He thinks that he got
it installed. The mouse still does not work and he seems to have
screwed up the number key pad being used as the moving force for his
cursor. He can figure that out I am sure.

I do not think that the urpmi stuff will help him yet as he is not
online as the modem has not been detected either and he wants to figure
out the mouse problem first.

I went to the "easy urpmi" site and can't understand what they ae
talking about. Remember that I am using Win98 (be kind). What the
devil do they mean by "type this in a console" (I can wrap my brain
around the "as root" part). Console?

Lorin is also getting a notice on loading that "loading default keymap
failed". Does this have anything to do with the mouse problem or is it
some other problem altogether?
Your in ignerce,

Dennis Myers wrote:

  On Wednesday 22 September 2004 09:20 pm, Tom  Karen Pino wrote:
Hi All,
Update on mouse problem.  He reinstalled the system.  Now the menu that
drakconf brings up works.  The mouse does not.  Has error message.

While loading shared library:  cannot open shared object
file: no such file or directory.

What does he do now?
Just call us ignernt,

  try installing the gpm rpm and associated libraries . Urpmi should do it for 
you. HTH : )

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 mouse lockup

2004-09-22 Thread Tom Karen Pino
Hi All,
Update on mouse problem.  He reinstalled the system.  Now the menu that 
drakconf brings up works.  The mouse does not.  Has error message.

While loading shared library:  cannot open shared object 
file: no such file or directory.

What does he do now?
Just call us ignernt,

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Re: [newbie] 10.1 community on bittorrent = slow

2004-09-21 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday 20 September 2004 09:04 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Monday 20 September 2004 07:05 pm, Scott Mazur wrote:
  The ISOs could be distributed to many more reliable mirrors
  where highband width is a planned feature easily accomodated.

 and extremely expensive.

 Yes, prohibitively so.   Fact is, for those that don't have 
highspeed connections or don't wanna fool with the torrents

Websites like cheapbytes and others do, and they're some of 
the first to grab the CD's.  EG, Cheapbytes has 10.1 CE 5 CD sets 
available right now.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 mouse lockup

2004-09-21 Thread Tom Karen Pino

This is what he did and got no response at all.

Frans Ketelaars wrote:

  On Tuesday 21 September 2004 07:01, Tom  Karen Pino wrote:
Called Lorin and he gave this a try.  He got to the menu and could
not get any of it to work with the enter key or a number of other key
strokes (linux commands, I assume).

I assume that this means that the install of his 9.1 is screwy in
some way and he should reinstall.  If this assumption is correct and
I am not having a MS moment, should he reformate his HD or just

Or is there something else that we are over looking here?

He really liked that menu.  Too bad it won't work.

Brian Parish wrote:

  On Mon, 2004-09-20 at 09:42, Tom  Karen Pino wrote:

Welcome Tom,

Can't provide you with exact settings for this mouse, but have him
try this:

At the boot manager prompt (I assume he's installed with lilo),
press Esc to get the boot prompt, then type:

linux init 3

That will boot the machine without starting X - i.e. command line
only. Login as root and then type:


That will produce a menu including mouse selection - probably under
hardware.  It's been a while since both 9.1 and using this interface
for me, so I'm unable to be more specific.

Hopefully that will at least get a start on fixing the problem.


You can select the mouse configuration with the up and down arrow keys. 
The tab key lets you then select 'OK' or 'cancel'. If 'OK' is 
highlighted you can press 'enter' and you should at least get a bit 

Good luck!



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Re: [newbie] 9.1 mouse lockup

2004-09-20 Thread Tom Karen Pino

Called Lorin and he gave this a try. He got to the menu and could not
get any of it to work with the enter key or a number of other key
strokes (linux commands, I assume).

I assume that this means that the install of his 9.1 is screwy in some
way and he should reinstall. If this assumption is correct and I am
not having a MS moment, should he reformate his HD or just reload?

Or is there something else that we are over looking here?

He really liked that menu. Too bad it won't work.

Brian Parish wrote:

  On Mon, 2004-09-20 at 09:42, Tom  Karen Pino wrote:
  Welcome Tom,

Can't provide you with exact settings for this mouse, but have him try

At the boot manager prompt (I assume he's installed with lilo), press
Esc to get the boot prompt, then type:

linux init 3

That will boot the machine without starting X - i.e. command line only. 
Login as root and then type:


That will produce a menu including mouse selection - probably under
hardware.  It's been a while since both 9.1 and using this interface for
me, so I'm unable to be more specific.

Hopefully that will at least get a start on fixing the problem.



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Re: [newbie] 9.1 mouse lockup

2004-09-20 Thread Tom Karen Pino

Called him this evening and he tried this - no luck. We were hoping it
would work as it is simple but this way it will be more educational.

Marc wrote:

  I had similar problems with 10.0 and I think the problem may have also 
been there on 9.1 and 9.2, can't remember for shure that was a while ago.
  I found that if I did not move the mouse at all from the time bootup started 
until the login screen was fully displayed the problem would not appear at 
all if I did move the mouse to soon the problem would be intermittant. I 
don't know if that will work for your son but it is so easy it is worth a 



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