[newbie-it] font ttf e kde 2.2.2

2002-05-29 Per discussione Biss

Su un K7 con mdk 8.2 ho provato, essendo orfano di drakfont, a installare
manualmente dei font ttf. Il risultato è che kde li vede solo da root. Da
utente sono visti dai vari programmi indipendenti da kde.

Per installarli ho fatto così:

ho copiato i font nella cartella già esistente
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF (permessi a+r)
poi ho dato i comandi:

ttmkfdir -o fonts.scale
ttmkfdir -o fonts.dir

poi sono andato a modificare /etc/X11/fs/config mettendo in cima
all'elenco la cartella dove ho messo i font.

chkconfig --add xfs
/etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs restart

Ho controllato in etc/X11/XFConfig-4 se c'era la voce unix/:-1 in
FontPath e andava bene.
Ho visto qualche risultato dopo aver riavviato il computer (stile winzozz)ma
non erano proprio quelli sperati.
Ho seguito una faq e non so bene cosa ho fatto. Spero che qualcuno sia più


[newbie-it] emacs ed ispell...

2002-05-29 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata

Questa volta prima di ricorrere alla lista ho letto il tutorial di emacs ed 
un file html sul suo funzionamento  :-). Tra un po' mi arriverà un intero 
libro su emacs (programma mostrusamente bello, da fare impallidire ogni 
altra cosa che gira su altri sistemi) ma di preciso non so quando...
Ma ho trovato poco di quello che cercavo.. acc. acc. Probabilmente ho 
cercato male e forse in fretta...

Nella scelta del dizionario di spell manca del tutto l'italiano, cè perfino 
il norvegese, e davvero non so come installare su emacs questa dizionario...

Qualcuno lo ha già fatto?

Grazie tante

[newbie-it] vmware e kernel mandrake

2002-05-29 Per discussione Beppe

buon giorno oh gloriosa mailinglist!
ho deciso di installare il virtual machine ware (vmware) ma ho un problema col 
kernel: sia il programma di configurazione che il manuale scaricato dal loro 
sito si vantano delle capacità del programma nel fare tutto in automatico... 
beh, come al solito non è così :'''(
fatto partire il programma di configurazione questo se ne esce con testuali 

None of VMware Workstation's pre-built vmmon modules is suitable for your
running kernel.  Do you want this script to try to build the vmmon module for
your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes]

che posso fare? gli rispondo yes. al che lui risponde 

What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your 
running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]

la directory che lui consiglia nemmeno esiste, in realtà quello che lui vuole 
è in /usr/include immagino... solo che se gli suggerisco quella directory lui 
si inalbera e stizzito dice 

The directory of kernel headers (version 2.4.18) does not match your running
kernel (version 2.4.18-4mdk).  Even if the module were to compile 
successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.

e qui mi pianto... premesso che non ho idea di cosa vi sto chiedendo... esiste 
un modo per fargli mandare giù il kernel mdk senza troppe complicazioni? 
qualcun'altro usa vmware? se sì cosa devo fare e cosa mi aspetta dopo?

grazie per l'aiuto ^_^

Re: [newbie-it] vmware e kernel mandrake

2002-05-29 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- Beppe [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 buon giorno oh gloriosa mailinglist!
 ho deciso di installare il virtual machine ware
 (vmware) ma ho un problema col 
 kernel: sia il programma di configurazione che il
 manuale scaricato dal loro 
 sito si vantano delle capacità del programma nel
 fare tutto in automatico... 
 beh, come al solito non è così :'''(
 fatto partire il programma di configurazione questo
 se ne esce con testuali 
 None of VMware Workstation's pre-built vmmon modules
 is suitable for your
 running kernel.  Do you want this script to try to
 build the vmmon module for
 your system (you need to have a C compiler installed
 on your system)? [yes]
 che posso fare? gli rispondo yes. al che lui
 What is the location of the directory of C header
 files that match your 
 running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]
 la directory che lui consiglia nemmeno esiste, in
 realtà quello che lui vuole 
 è in /usr/include immagino... solo che se gli
 suggerisco quella directory lui 
 si inalbera e stizzito dice 
 The directory of kernel headers (version 2.4.18)
 does not match your running
 kernel (version 2.4.18-4mdk).  Even if the module
 were to compile 
 successfully, it would not load into the running
 e qui mi pianto... premesso che non ho idea di cosa
 vi sto chiedendo... esiste 
 un modo per fargli mandare giù il kernel mdk senza
 troppe complicazioni? 
 qualcun'altro usa vmware? se sì cosa devo fare e
 cosa mi aspetta dopo?
 grazie per l'aiuto ^_^

Non ho mai installato WmWare, quindi non so darti
spiegazioni in merito, ma sta cercando i sorgenti
relativi alla versione del kernel che stai usando.
Dovresti installare l'rpm dei sorgenti (dovrebbe
automaticamente metterti tutto in /usr/src/linux);
l'rpm si dovrebbe chiamare

Ciao! Steo.

Scommetti gratis sui Mondiali con Unibet.com!

Re: [newbie-it] vmware e kernel mandrake

2002-05-29 Per discussione Marco Forti


 What is the location of the directory of C header files that match you
 running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]
 la directory che lui consiglia nemmeno esiste, in realtà quello che lu
i vuole 
 è in /usr/include immagino... 

No no, è un'altra cosa, la directory indicata dallo script di 
installazione di vmware non ce l'hai perché non hai installato i 
sorgenti del Kernel (li trovi sul 2° Cd di installazione)

Cmq io uso vmware workstation 3.1 e funziona a meraviglia (attento che 
la 3.0 da qualche problema con Mdk 8.2 ... bisogna installare qualche 
patch se non ricordo male ...)



Re: [newbie-it] emacs ed ispell...

2002-05-29 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 29.05.02 alle 13:27, il notabile Emiliano La Licata proferi' codeste parole:
 Nella scelta del dizionario di spell manca del tutto l'italiano, cè perfino
 il norvegese, e davvero non so come installare su emacs questa dizionario...

Be' in teoria ti basterebbe installare il pacchetto ispell-it (l'rpm lo
trovi con il solito rpmfind.net, controlla che la versione sia la stessa
di ispell principale) oppure installare a manina quanto trovi per
l'italiano a partire dal sito ufficiale di ispell [l'indirizzo lo trovi
sempre con rpmfind, e' scritto prima dell'elenco degli rpm]

Per utilizzarlo in emacs la cosa 'dovrebbe' essere semplice: tools -
spell-checking - selezioni dizionario in italiano; poi per usarlo
effettivamente: .. spell-check buffer.

LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] lilo.conf

2002-05-29 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi

miKe wrote:

Il 17:48, martedì 28 maggio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] 
lilo.conf, Giuseppe Ferruzzi ha scritto:

E' possibile visualizzare al boot di lilo nomi più
dettagliati per ciascun sistema da avviare senza dover
sottostare al limite delle label in lilo.config ?

basta cambiare le label

image = /vmlinuz-2.4.18
 root = /dev/hda3
 label = Slackware

Forse sono stato troppo conciso... :-(   Ripropongo la domanda in altro 
modo e spero di non essere prolisso.

Premetto che in una specifica di configurazione di lilo.conf è 
affermato che non è possibile utilizzare alle voci label più di 15 
caratteri alfanumerici consecutivi, inoltre non possono essere 
utilizzati  gli spazi ecc.  Siccome al boot di lilo i nomi per avviare 
ciascun sistema sono riportati appunto dalle label con queste 
limitazioni, chiedevo se era possibile scrivere, magari utilizzando 
comandi differenti di configurazione, e poter avviare , al boot di lilo 
, con la seguente riga di avvio di sistema  : Windows XP Professional 
anzichè un sintetico WinXP o un troncato WinXPprofession (famoso 
limite dei 15 caratteri imposto alle label suddette).  Questo ovviamente 
vale per tutti gli altri avvii di sistema al boot di lilo come per 
esempio Mandrake-Linux 8.2 che è sempre superiore a 15 caratteri e ha 
pure gli spazi  ecc.  
Questo era il limite delle label in lilo.config a cui mi riferivo alla 
domanda precedente. Forse le info di cui sono in possesso non sono 
attendibili o troppo datate ?
:-)Grazie e saluti da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie-it] emacs ed ispell...

2002-05-29 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata

At 16.23 29/05/2002 +0200, you wrote:
Il 29.05.02 alle 13:27, il notabile Emiliano La Licata proferi' codeste 
  Nella scelta del dizionario di spell manca del tutto l'italiano, cè perfino
  il norvegese, e davvero non so come installare su emacs questa 

Be' in teoria ti basterebbe installare il pacchetto ispell-it (l'rpm lo
trovi con il solito rpmfind.net, controlla che la versione sia la stessa
di ispell principale) oppure installare a manina quanto trovi per
l'italiano a partire dal sito ufficiale di ispell [l'indirizzo lo trovi
sempre con rpmfind, e' scritto prima dell'elenco degli rpm]

Scusami tanto ma ho dimenticato di dirti la cosa più importante, ispell-it 
è gia installato, tanto è vero che da console posso fare tanquillamente 
il rompicapo è appunto questo, perché da emacs in spell checking non esiste 
la voce italiano quando è già installata?
Tu dirai puoi dare ispell da console.. che ti frega che ci sia pure in 
beh in fondo è molto comodo mentre sei in emacs potere fare tutto...


Re: [newbie-it] lilo.conf

2002-05-29 Per discussione freefred

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 10:47, Giuseppe Ferruzzi, talkin' about Re: 
[newbie-it] lilo.conf wrote:

 sistema al boot di lilo come per esempio Mandrake-Linux 8.2 che è
 sempre superiore a 15 caratteri e ha pure gli spazi  ecc.

Allora direi che quello sia il limite.
Potresti usare gli underscore
windows_xp_pro, insomma
ma ora che mi ci fai pensare anche la mdk
scrive le label come mdk_kernel, insomma comprimendo.
Deve anche forse esserci una spiegazione
che sarei curioso di conoscere.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - 
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

[newbie-it] Cos che sfrutta tanta memoria (lunghetto)?

2002-05-29 Per discussione ku68

Ciao, ora faccio partire il memtest dall'avvio ma ci vorrà + di un'ora.
Nel frattempo ho aperto da applicazioni - monitoraggio-informazioni sul 
sistema - informazioni dettagliate - informazioni sulla memoria ed ho notato 
che :
total memory 255844
used memory 241340
free memory 14504
shared memory 0
buffers 20396
cached 157676
user 220944
total swap space 267868
used swap space 0
free swap space 267868

94% di memoria utilizzata.

Tra le informazioni generali c'è scritto:
release sistema operativo 2.4.18-6mdk
versione della distribuzione mandrake linux release 8.2(blue bird) for i586
tipo di processore i686

Preciso che le uniche applicazioni aperte sono kmail e informazioni sul 
sistema. Non sono un esperto ma non è che la memoria utilizzata è un po' 
troppa e che quindi aprendo un'altra applicazione manda in tilt il sistema?
In questo caso come si fa' a sapere quali sono i processi che succhiano così 
tanta memoria  da poter  eliminare?
Per esempio vorrei togliere tutto quello che riguarda il controllo delle 
batterie dei portatili si può fare?
Inoltre tra i processi attivi oltre al quelli di utente e root c'è ne sono un 
paio xfs e rpc di che si tratta? Sono indispensabili?
Ciao e grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta (e pazienza)

Re: [newbie-it] emacs ed ispell...

2002-05-29 Per discussione freefred

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 11:44, Emiliano La Licata, talkin' about Re: 
[newbie-it] emacs ed ispell... wrote:

 Scusami tanto ma ho dimenticato di dirti la cosa più importante,
 ispell-it è gia installato, tanto è vero che da console posso fare
 tanquillamente ispell...
 il rompicapo è appunto questo, perché da emacs in spell checking non
 esiste la voce italiano quando è già installata?

confesso di non conoscere molto bene emacs.
comunque, da me la voce c'e', e posso selezionarla.
ma quando provo a fare un check spell
mi dice non trova
e in effetti non c'e'
ci sono solo quello inglese e quello americano.
non so se ti possa essere utile.

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - 
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] vmware e kernel mandrake

2002-05-29 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 14:26, mercoledì 29 maggio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] 
vmware e kernel mandrake, Beppe ha scritto:

 What is the location of the directory of C header files that
 match your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]

devi installare gli headers del kernel oltre ai sorgenti dello 
dovresti averli madrakizzati in un pacchetto chiamato 


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] emacs ed ispell...

2002-05-29 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 29.05.02 alle 19:27, il notabile freefred proferi' codeste parole:
 comunque, da me la voce c'e', e posso selezionarla.
 ma quando provo a fare un check spell
 mi dice non trova
 e in effetti non c'e'
 ci sono solo quello inglese e quello americano.

Se in /usr/lib/ispell/ non ci sono italian.hash e italian.aff vuol dire
che il pacchetto 'ispell-it' non e' installato.

Per tornare al problema di Emanuele, forse per poter selezionare il
dizionario in italiano bisognerebbe utilizzare change dictionary e
poi scegliere italiano.

LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] Cos che sfrutta tanta memoria (lunghetto)?

2002-05-29 Per discussione Ste

penso che tu non ti debba preoccupare piu' di tanto.Io di memoria ne ho un 
po' i piu' e mi trovo comunque nella stessa situazione. Il fatto e che linux 
( credo di ricordare ) usa il piu' possibile la ram libera per fare una 
specie di cache del filesystem. Vi copia dentro dei dati che all'occorrenza ( 
p.es. lancio di programma particolarmente esigente ) svuota o swappa.
Mi pare ci fossero gia' dei post a riguardo in lista.
Spero di non aver detto ovvieta'.



Il 19:21, mercoledì 29 maggio 2002, Lei hai scritto:
 Ciao, ora faccio partire il memtest dall'avvio ma ci vorrà + di un'ora.
 Nel frattempo ho aperto da applicazioni - monitoraggio-informazioni sul
 sistema - informazioni dettagliate - informazioni sulla memoria ed ho
 notato che :
 total memory 255844
 used memory 241340
 free memory 14504
 shared memory 0
 buffers 20396
 cached 157676
 user 220944
 total swap space 267868
 used swap space 0
 free swap space 267868

 94% di memoria utilizzata.

 Tra le informazioni generali c'è scritto:
 release sistema operativo 2.4.18-6mdk
 versione della distribuzione mandrake linux release 8.2(blue bird) for i586
 tipo di processore i686

 Preciso che le uniche applicazioni aperte sono kmail e informazioni sul
 sistema. Non sono un esperto ma non è che la memoria utilizzata è un po'
 troppa e che quindi aprendo un'altra applicazione manda in tilt il sistema?
 In questo caso come si fa' a sapere quali sono i processi che succhiano
 così tanta memoria  da poter  eliminare?
 Per esempio vorrei togliere tutto quello che riguarda il controllo delle
 batterie dei portatili si può fare?
 Inoltre tra i processi attivi oltre al quelli di utente e root c'è ne sono
 un paio xfs e rpc di che si tratta? Sono indispensabili?
 Ciao e grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta (e pazienza)

Re: [newbie-it] Cos che sfrutta tanta memoria(lunghetto)?

2002-05-29 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 29.05.02 alle 19:21, il notabile ku68 proferi' codeste parole:
 ora faccio partire il memtest dall'avvio ma ci vorrà + di un'ora.

Ti consiglio di lasciarlo andare per ben piu' di un'ora (consiglierei
una notte intera e anche qualcosa di piu' ... e' meglio fargli fare
tutti i test analizzando tutta la memoria, per escludere problemi)

 total memory 255844
 used memory 241340
 total swap space 267868
 used swap space 0
 free swap space 267868

Finche' lo swap non e' occupato credo che non debba preoccuparti.
L'occupazione della RAM che noti in realta' e' solo fittizia (in parte),
e in caso di necessita' quella utilizzata come cache per il disco
verra' liberata.

 In questo caso come si fa' a sapere quali sono i processi che succhiano così
 tanta memoria  da poter  eliminare?

dai un ps -waxuf e vedi tutti i processi attivi

 Per esempio vorrei togliere tutto quello che riguarda il controllo delle
 batterie dei portatili si può fare?

Se c'e' un'applet che si occupa di questo, basta rimuoverla.

 Inoltre tra i processi attivi oltre al quelli di utente e root c'è ne sono un
 paio xfs e rpc di che si tratta? Sono indispensabili?

xfs e' il font server e in mandrake e' indispensabile per la corretta
visualizzazione dei caratteri in X.
rpc AFAIK serve a portmap per la condivisione di dischi in NFS tra due
sistemi *nix: se non ti serve basta disattivare nfsd con drakxservices.

LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] emacs ed ispell...

2002-05-29 Per discussione freefred

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 14:10, LukenShiro, talkin' about Re: 
[newbie-it] emacs ed ispell... wrote:

 Se in /usr/lib/ispell/ non ci sono italian.hash e italian.aff vuol
 dire che il pacchetto 'ispell-it' non e' installato.

infatti ora funziona.
a questo punto, in effetti, non ne so mezza:-)

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - 
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers


2002-05-29 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Questo è per Arwan..
Forza e coraggio!!

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 17:31:09 +0200
To: Linuxc \(Mailing List\) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Finalmente è uscito un driver che riesce a far funzionare il mio modem,
lo potete trovare sul sito http://www.mbsi.ca/cnxtlindrv/index.html che
qualcuno di voi mi ha dato tempo fa. Adesso è uscita la versione 0.93
che funziona!!!

Prima la 0.92 si installava ma diceva che non supportava il chip del
modem ..mentre la 0.93 sembra che riesca a farlo funzionare senza
problemi e sbattimenti vari. Se pensate che uso linux da qualche
giorno!!  :-)

Per la cronaca il mio winmodem è di quelli preinstallati in un computer
Acer Aspire di circa 3 anni fa.

I chip che monta sono:
1: Quello più grande siglato 11229-14 Rockwell 97
2: Quello più piccolo siglato RLDL56DPFR6785-62 Rockwell 97

...a uso la redhat 7.3

Spero che questa notizia vi possa servire

Istruzioni della mailing-list: http://ml.oltrelinux.com/
Archivio della mailing-list: http://ml.oltrelinux.com/linux/


-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Cos che sfrutta tanta memoria (lunghetto)?

2002-05-29 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 19:21, mercoledì 29 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao, ora faccio partire il memtest dall'avvio ma ci vorrà + di un'ora.
 Nel frattempo ho aperto da applicazioni - monitoraggio-informazioni sul
 sistema - informazioni dettagliate - informazioni sulla memoria ed ho
 notato che :
 total memory 255844
 used memory 241340
 free memory 14504
 shared memory 0
 buffers 20396
 cached 157676
 user 220944
 total swap space 267868
 used swap space 0
 free swap space 267868

 94% di memoria utilizzata.

Aspetta.. Used memory non vuol dire che quella memoria è utilizzata in quel 
momento. Da questa devi sottrarre quella in cache e quella nel buffer che, 
usando un paragone calcistico, sebbene non sia in panchina al momento non è 
utilizzata, ma sta a bordo campo a scaldarsi (..e qui i maestri jedi mi 
ammazzano.. :-) ) pronta ad essere utilizzata per qualunque necessità venga a 
presentarsi; sommala alla free ed avrai l'ammontare di memoria pronto a dar 
manforte ai ragazzi in campo..

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] HD che frulla!

2002-05-29 Per discussione Giovanni Mazzamati

Alle 19:36, mercoledì 22 maggio 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 Alle 18:49, mercoledì 22 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
  Ho 256M di RAM e una partizione di swap di 500M che praticamente non
  viene mai usata (come si vede anche dall'immagine allegata al precedente

 Lo pensavo anch'io, poi ho dato un'occhiata a top e mi sono dovuto
Il colpevole è msec che è un link a securety.sh che a sua volta è configurato 
attraverso securety.conf

Secondo voi, quali sono i controlli che posso disabilitare, tenendo conto che 
uso questa macchina come workstation (non per lavoro ma per divertimento)?

Giovanni Mazzamati

Linux Mandrake 8.2
KDE 2.2.2 user
Registred User #183142

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potrà porne uno.

Albert Einstein

Re: [newbie-it] emacs ed ispell...

2002-05-29 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata

At 20.10 29/05/2002 +0200, you wrote:
Il 29.05.02 alle 19:27, il notabile freefred proferi' codeste parole:
  comunque, da me la voce c'e', e posso selezionarla.
  ma quando provo a fare un check spell
  mi dice non trova
  e in effetti non c'e'
  ci sono solo quello inglese e quello americano.

Se in /usr/lib/ispell/ non ci sono italian.hash e italian.aff vuol dire
che il pacchetto 'ispell-it' non e' installato.

In effetti questi file sono presenti...

Per tornare al problema di Emanuele, forse per poter selezionare il
dizionario in italiano bisognerebbe utilizzare change dictionary e
poi scegliere italiano.

Ho provato anche questo, solo che questa opzione riesce a selezionare i 
dizionari presenti nella lista di spell checking, e dunque mancando quello 
italiano, mi dice sempre no match found...
Tutto ciò è davvero molto strano perché davvero nella lista che riporta ci 
sono quasi tutte le lingue europee...

Vi ringrazio

[newbie-it] PER ANDREA CELLI

2002-05-29 Per discussione Laura ^.*

mi puoi aiutare?

Re: [newbie-it] emacs ed ispell...

2002-05-29 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 29.05.02 alle 22:28, il notabile Emiliano La Licata proferi' codeste parole:
 bisognerebbe utilizzare change dictionary e poi scegliere italiano.
 Ho provato anche questo, solo che questa opzione riesce a selezionare i
 dizionari presenti nella lista di spell checking, e dunque mancando quello
 italiano, mi dice sempre no match found...

Ops, prima di tutto scusa per il nome sbagliato .. una svista :-((
Mi viene un dubbio che sia un problema di permessi: in /usr/lib/ispell/
i file sono leggibili da tutti?

 Tutto ciò è davvero molto strano perché davvero nella lista che riporta ci
 sono quasi tutte le lingue europee...

Si' ma devi considerare che sono solo astrattamente utilizzabili (=
niente da fare se non hai installato la localizzazione ispell relativa)

LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] HD che frulla!

2002-05-29 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 29.05.02 alle 21:45, il notabile Giovanni Mazzamati proferi' codeste parole:
 Il colpevole è msec che è un link a securety.sh che a sua volta è configurato
 attraverso securety.conf
 Secondo voi, quali sono i controlli che posso disabilitare, tenendo conto che
 uso questa macchina come workstation (non per lavoro ma per divertimento)?

IMHO e' sconsigliabile modificare le voci a mano. Ma il problema del
frullamento te lo da' anche se riduci al quasi minimo il livello di
sicurezza (1)?
A naso direi che ora stai usando almeno il livello 3. Qui ci sono i
significati di ogni livello di sicurezza:
Per le esigenze che riporti non vedo la necessita' di una macchina

LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] lilo.conf

2002-05-29 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 16:47, mercoledì 29 maggio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] lilo.conf, Giuseppe 
Ferruzzi ha scritto:

 E' possibile visualizzare al boot di lilo nomi più
 dettagliati per ciascun sistema da avviare senza dover
 sottostare al limite delle label in lilo.config ?
 basta cambiare le label

 Premetto che in una specifica di configurazione di
 lilo.conf è affermato che non è possibile utilizzare alle
 voci label più di 15 caratteri alfanumerici consecutivi,

 :-)Grazie e saluti da Giuseppe.

scusa, non avevo capito...
pare che non sia possibile..
(anche se 15 caratteri..)

ma puoi sempre dettagliare in 

dove non hai limitazioni ed alle label associ una bella spiegazione


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-29 Per discussione Brian Parish

We have a slight misunderstanding here.  I'll try to be clearer
(wouldn't be difficult).

1. Write down on a piece on paper the IP address of the primary and
secondary DNS servers provided by your cable operator.

2. Click on the console icon - if you are using KDE, that's the third
icon from the left at the bottom of the screen.  Looks like a screen
with a shell on it.

3. type the following commands:

you are prompted for the root password - type it in
kwrite /etc/resolv.conf
enter the nameserver addresses like:
nameserver primary.ip.addr
nameserver secondary.ip.addr

4. Save and exit from the editor

Now if your ip address, subnet and gateway are set up as mentioned
earlier, you should have internet access.


On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 16:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I quess this is what it should do but most everthing else ask for root but
 konsole,choose root console and does nothing ,logout and login as root
 screen turn,s red then warning about this is a bad ideal.I stop and got out
 there to unsure.
 - Original Message -
 From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 8:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] accesss shareing
  On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 15:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thank,s Brain,I made the changes still no contection I haven,t got much
   in with linux GREEN-GREEN and you lost me on checking with the
   /ect/resolv.config didn,t understand were to do it.
  From a console, type:
  cat /etc/resolv.conf
  This will show you what's in there (maybe not much).  If you need to add
  the nameservers manually, try:
  password for root
  kwrite /etc/resolv.conf
  or use another editor of your choice.
  Come back if it's still not clear.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-29 Per discussione James Thomas

I don't know about all cable providers but all I had to do was enter my 
computer's name
that the cable company gave me and dhcpcd set the rest up for me - I 
didn't need to
input nameservers or anything.


We have a slight misunderstanding here.  I'll try to be clearer
(wouldn't be difficult).

1. Write down on a piece on paper the IP address of the primary and
secondary DNS servers provided by your cable operator.


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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-29 Per discussione Brian Parish

On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 16:56, James Thomas wrote:
 I don't know about all cable providers but all I had to do was enter my 
 computer's name
 that the cable company gave me and dhcpcd set the rest up for me - I 
 didn't need to
 input nameservers or anything.
Yes, but presumably you were connecting one machine.  This is about
connection sharing - accessing the cable connection thru another


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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT? MDK Partitioning

2002-05-29 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Wed, 29 May 2002 13:58, FemmeFatale wrote:
 I've run 8.0, 8.1  now 8.2.  Always I've accepted the default install
 partitions of root (/), swap  home.

 the one time I tried on 8.0 to make a boot, root, swap, var  other
 partitions, the boot partition was blank.  As a result the root
 directory had a  boot directory beneath it holding the boot files.  I
 was stumped.

 Is this standard behaviour or did I screw something up? *not that that'd
 be the first time I manage to FUBAR a system.*


Not sure Femme. If you told it /boot is a partition, the directory should 
have been effectively a hard link to your /boot partition. In my 
understanding, often error prone, in up to 8.1 /boot and / both needed to be 
ext2 but not under 8.2. Without knowing exactly what you tried and how you 
went about it, it is hard to tell more.


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RE: Re: [newbie] Bad floppy filecopy under KDE?

2002-05-29 Per discussione falcaraz

Also if you use krusader or nautilus you can do it without problems.

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)
- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Martes, Mayo 28, 2002 11:36 pm
Asunto: Re: [newbie] Bad floppy filecopy under KDE?

 On Tuesday 28 May 2002 23:02, you wrote:
  Just wondering - seems like I read this somewhere before...is 
 there a bug
  in the drag 'n drop filecopy to an open floppy window under KDE 
 with v8.2?
  The reason I'm asking is - I did it, from an window on 
 /home/darklord to an
  open window on /mnt/floppy and I got a complete and total system 
 wide lockup. None of the usual control alt's would work, had 
 to power down
  and backup. Of course, then I went thru the time-honored I'm 
 fsck'ed shuck 'n jive... I opened a term and did a cp 
 filename.ext /mnt/floppy and
  it worked just fine.
  Thanks in advance! ;-)
 I had the same experience but kept quiet as apparrantly , me and 
 don't mix well:o(
 Anyhow, disabling automount for the floppy-device resolved all 
 that. Had to 
 do that by manually by editing /etc/fstab/ and rebooting cause even 
 as 'root' 
 I got 'access denied' whenever I tried to change the floppy 
 Automount for the cd-rom works just fine untill now, i.e. this is 
 the first 
 time round I have allowed it in all my gnu/linux days.
 Good hunting,

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Sound Mixer

2002-05-29 Per discussione Spyros Spyropoulos


The actual problem is this:
Allthough The soundcard is configured correctly, there seems to be no sound mixer. 

When I try to play MP3's I get en error warning me to check if my soudcard is 
configured correctly (which is) or that my kernel might not have sound playback 
capabilities (??). 

How do I fix this? I use Mandrake 8.0

Welcome to the Jungle!

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Re: [newbie] Digest version of Newbie available

2002-05-29 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Wed, 29 May 2002 14:33, dfox wrote:
  First question: I have a 6 gig disk internal and it is already
  partitioned. Can I just clean one of those partitions and install linux
  on it so it is not necessary to blow away the whole disk and all my
  wonderful contents?

 Should be able to do that. I'm running 8.1 on hdb7 (seventh partition
 of second IDE drive). Other partitions were saved from earlier installs,
 although I set this up (and installed 7.2) on a new drive when my
 earlier driev had become too small to be useful.


Yeah, You probably want about half (2.5-3Gig) for a good GUI install.


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[newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-29 Per discussione Michael Adams

Had a power cut last night. I had bluefish, kwrite, Mozilla, and a terminal 
all open. The power went came back up for two seconds then died again. I 
switched the switch at the wall and chewed my nails until the power came back 
up an hour later. Mandrake started as if i had asked for a restart. No apps, 
but no corruption.

Thankyou god/s.


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Re: [newbie] Video again

2002-05-29 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Tue, 28 May 2002 23:07, Nicolas VERITE wrote:
 Robin Turner wrote:
  On Tuesday 28 May 2002 02:37, Nicolas VERITE wrote:
   USB is for photos and the MPEG low quality videos,
   FireWire (or iLink) is made for DV video.
  Ah, all is now clear!  So I can, in theory, get my camcorder to
  stream crappy video through the USB port, but if I want to do
  anything serious, I should buy a FireWire card.
  Sir Robin

 That's how I've seen many camcorders work...

 For example, in the Sony line of camcorders,
 you have the Memory Stick cards in which
 you can store photos, but also low-quality MPEG videos
 copied from your DV tape (10 to 15 sec max for around 1 MB).

 This can be usefull for video-e-mails...

Video e-mails... argh!

Our poor submarine fibre-optic cable will fry all the way from Auckland to 

 Read the docs and try... everything !
 Everything is not usefull for anybody...



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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 4:13 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was trying to share my cable connection in win2000 sstem(which turns out
 I lost my help files acouple of week,s ago) with mandrake 8.2.I installed
 to 2 card in the 2000 system went thur the auto shareing dos promting the
 system I got the card ad DNS  nothing
 IP address 192.168.01
 sub mast
 gateway  nothing
 running auto config in linux I got
 gateway 192.168.01
 ip address 192.168.01
 protocol DHCP
 start on boot yes
 I know there is are thing wrong here because it does seem to work but as I
 said I,m missing my help files.Can anyone see what needs changeing.

This may be stating the obvious, but you do know you have to either use a 
special crossover cable between the two computers, or else connect them both 
to a hub don't you?

Before you get too deep into changing configuration options just check that 
the command   'ping  ip_add_of the_other_computer'   works from a root 
terminal in Linux, and a command Window in Windows.

The reason I suggest this is because even when you have a crossover cable, if 
the network adapters default to 100Mbps then depending on the quality of the 
cable you may not have a reliable connection.  (I have seen that too many 
times to be funny :(  )

(To get a root terminal just open a normal terminal type su Enter  and then 
give the root password. No need to actually log in as root which is frowned 



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Re: [newbie] Java install error

2002-05-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 3:30 am, Angus Auld wrote:
 Greetings to all

 I have tried to install j2re 1.4.0 from Sun on my 8.2 system. I got the
 linux-i386.rpm.bin and ran the install script giving me,

 I then ran the rpm command, rpm -iv j2re-1_4_0-fcs-linux-i386.rpm.
 I then got a checksum error on /usr/java/j2re1.4.0/lib/fonts/LucindaB.

 I then tried to rpm -e the package, but I am told that it is not installed.
 However, I now have a /usr/java/j2re1.4.0folder containing lots of files
 on my system where there was none before.

 I am very new to Linux, and would appreciate some help as to how I may
 remove the
 j2re components from my system so I can hopefully reinstall correctly.


Bad luck on getting the checksum failure. I am surprised rpminst does not 
confirm the checksums before installing anything.  Unless the problem is 
actually writing on your hard drive?

You can confirm if java is actually installed with

rpm -q j2re

If it comes back and says it is not installed then you should be able to 
download the file again and reinstall. All the existing files will just get 

If it is installed then
rpm -e   whatever the last command returned

will remove it.



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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT? MDK Partitioning

2002-05-29 Per discussione Mark Van Bruggen

  On 29/05/2002,

 The following message was beamed across the Internet:

 Michael Adams wrote:
 On Wed, 29 May 2002 13:58, FemmeFatale wrote:
  I've run 8.0, 8.1  now 8.2.  Always I've accepted the default install
  partitions of root (/), swap  home.
  the one time I tried on 8.0 to make a boot, root, swap, var  other
  partitions, the boot partition was blank.  As a result the root
  directory had a  boot directory beneath it holding the boot files.  I
  was stumped.

  Well I used the ext3 (the journal one) and made /boot swap /
  on my HDD and it all went fine, boot was for boot swap for swap and
  / for the rest :)

 MDK 8.2
Mark Van Bruggen


There is always a way, it's just reality that's the problem !!


 Mark Van Bruggen 
  Microsoft OEM Certified  Phone : 07 4926 4900   
   Computer Systems Supplier   Mobile: 04 3886 4900
Internet / Computer Technician E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Rockhampton  QLD  AU  

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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT? MDK Partitioning

2002-05-29 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 09:52, you wrote:
 Michael Adams wrote:
  On Wed, 29 May 2002 13:58, FemmeFatale wrote:
   I've run 8.0, 8.1  now 8.2.  Always I've accepted the default
   install partitions of root (/), swap  home.
   the one time I tried on 8.0 to make a boot, root, swap, var 
   other partitions, the boot partition was blank.  As a result
   the root directory had a  boot directory beneath it holding the
   boot files.  I was stumped.
   Is this standard behaviour or did I screw something up? *not
   that that'd be the first time I manage to FUBAR a system.*

Just my penny's worth.

First I know nothing about mixed file systems,all mine have been in 

If you have a /boot partition created , all my experience is that 
DrakX know's exactly what to do, the only proviso I can think of is
that on the first OS install you have to manually select the partition
you have created for the /boot partition and define it from a 
dropdown list in th DrakX partition tool menu. On the second Linux OS 
install it is already designated /boot partition, in the same way as 
/swap is already designated as such, you merely select another 
partition and designate the / for this partition and that is where 
the second linux OS's binaries  are installed. 

Now, I have never bothered myself with /home  and /var  partitions, 
but I bet DrakX know's about them too and will avoid interefering 
with them.

Femme it's hard to guess what has gone wrong for you without being 
physically present as you are doing these things, but all I can say 
is that I have now done perhaps 40 or 50 dual linux , with at least 
one windows install , I always go the /boot /root /swap method and I 
haven't once had a failure to install the kernel and initrd files in 
the designated /boot partition, therefore I suspect somewhere along 
the line you are not correctly telling DrakX where the /boot 
partition is, the result is that it merely resorts to plan B and 
sticks them in the /root partition as a subdirectory of /.

I cannot remember whether you ever said that you also run at least 
one windows OS, like I do, but if you don't , then there is no 
Windows MBR for lilo, but if this is the case then just possibly in 
some way it might affect the outcome for you, it's hard to see why,
but I am trying to think of ways that may mean a difference . I don't 
really hold much truck with this possibility , after all where the 
bootloader lilo goes ought not to affect in any way the way DrakX 
decides where to put your kernels and initrd files .

The only other suggestion I can think of is that next time you have a 
try, write down a step by step ,blow by blow account of how you went 
about creating the partitions and designating them, not forgetting to 
let us know which partition tools you use etc.  I take it you are not 
having any trouble with your lilo installs.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] OS BACKUPS

2002-05-29 Per discussione John Richard Smith

I have never managed to get to grips with the linux method of OS 

It goes without saying they are big files, with the need to create 
compressed multi CD writes.

So how do you backup Linux OS's , write them to CD, and restore.

The only utility I know of is dump , it's command line, which scares 
me stiff where backups are conscerned, all that time and effort spent 
configuring your OS,  and it can so easily go wrong, but still there 
is a time for all men to learn and perhaps this is mine.

One thing to consider, I am dual linux booting,and therefore have 
/boot  /root /swap partitions.  Do I create seperate backups for 
each, or one big backup file . Obviously one doesn't back up the 
/swap partiton.

Hitherto I have always used a drive image programme.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] OS BACKUPS

2002-05-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 1:18 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I have never managed to get to grips with the linux method of OS

 It goes without saying they are big files, with the need to create
 compressed multi CD writes.

 So how do you backup Linux OS's , write them to CD, and restore.

 The only utility I know of is dump , it's command line, which scares
 me stiff where backups are conscerned, all that time and effort spent
 configuring your OS,  and it can so easily go wrong, but still there
 is a time for all men to learn and perhaps this is mine.

 One thing to consider, I am dual linux booting,and therefore have
 /boot  /root /swap partitions.  Do I create seperate backups for
 each, or one big backup file . Obviously one doesn't back up the
 /swap partiton.

 Hitherto I have always used a drive image programme.


Two solutions for you John

1/ Mondo  http://www.microwerks.net/~hugo/
It is on your CD's but I think the latest version is better. It will comoress 
and copy your image to multiple CDs
Very hihjly spoken of, but I'm afraid it is command line.

2/ drakbackup  - It is in the rpm drakxtools on your CD
In a root terminal just type drakbackup and you get a nice little GUI 
complete with a wizard.
I have no idea why this application is not in Mandrake Control Centre. It was 
in there in Mandrake 8.2beta2, but somehow it got taken out again.



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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-29 Per discussione jbarron201

I have the name but my cable company ATT was awful about the ideal don,t
want it done for some reason
- Original Message -
From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

 On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 16:56, James Thomas wrote:
  I don't know about all cable providers but all I had to do was enter my
  computer's name
  that the cable company gave me and dhcpcd set the rest up for me - I
  didn't need to
  input nameservers or anything.
 Yes, but presumably you were connecting one machine.  This is about
 connection sharing - accessing the cable connection thru another


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Bad floppy filecopy under KDE?

2002-05-29 Per discussione darklord

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 05:36 pm, you wrote:

 I had the same experience but kept quiet as apparrantly , me and floppies
 don't mix well:o(


 Anyhow, disabling automount for the floppy-device resolved all that. Had to
 do that by manually by editing /etc/fstab/ and rebooting cause even as
 'root' I got 'access denied' whenever I tried to change the floppy

 Automount for the cd-rom works just fine untill now, i.e. this is the first
 time round I have allowed it in all my gnu/linux days.

 Good hunting,


Thanks for the advice, Harm - I'll try it.


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Re: [newbie] Bad floppy filecopy under KDE?

2002-05-29 Per discussione darklord

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 10:10 pm, you wrote:

 Yes there is.  IT was on expert list  it relates to copying froma
 Konqueror window to a floppy.  It will hardlock the system tight :)

Hmph. Seems like just another good reason to initiate a:

supermount -i disable


Thanks, Femme.


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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-29 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 29 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have the name but my cable company ATT was awful about the ideal don,t
 want it done for some reason


what you may want to do is setup the connection sharing and then be sure 
when you setup your firewall that you enable NAT so that all the data 
packets leaving the outer interface appear as though they're all coming 
from the same machine. I've got that running on my gateway at home and it 
works flawlessly.


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[newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-29 Per discussione Marc

   This may be a bit off topic but most likley of intrist to a few folks here.  The 
day I pulled the last of the money that I had in the stock market out. Lucky for me 
that everything else I had in the market I had pulled out several years ago before 
the whole market went way down. I really know next to nothing about the stock 
market and have very little intrest in it.
In spite of this I got to thinking about all the stuff that I had read in the past 
or so here and a number of other places about all the people , goverment agencys, 
school districts, colleges and corperations that have been dropping microsoft like a 
hot rock and all the bad press that microsoft has had a number of places around 
the world.
  It seemed to me that this was a trend that was going to continue. Also it seemed 
to me that it would start to catch on more in the home pc user market also.
What if all this diccontent with microshaft continues to grow, it seems like it 
Where will all these unhappy computer users do for there next OS.
It seemed to me that they have little to choose from but Linux and Mac but mac 
machines seem overpriced and not very avalable. That leaves very little in the way 
of options except linux.
 I thought this over a little bit more, most of these people are not computer ginuses 
and know just enough to do basic stuff in windows, they are going to need 
something user friendly with a desktop similar to windows and they are going to 
need some good customer support to get started.
  It seems to me that Mandrake Linux fills these needs better than any other Linux 
  Is Mandrake destined for great success in the next couple of years, it seems to 
me like they should be.  I looked at what Mandrake stock has done in the past 
year. It has really dropped, I have trouble understanding why. As best as I can tell 
from all this stock market gibberish mandrake seems VERY undervalued. It also 
seems to me that it has nowhere to go but up and maybe way way up.
  What do all you folks think? do all of us have a inside track on something that is 
destined to really go places? Maybe we all should be buying into Mandrake. I can 
not base any of this on stock market knowlage but just what seems like common 
sense to me.

  Sorry for something that is such a long post on something that is somewhat off 

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Re: [newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-29 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 03:22 am, Michael Adams wrote:
 Had a power cut last night. I had bluefish, kwrite, Mozilla, and a
 terminal all open. The power went came back up for two seconds then
 died again. I switched the switch at the wall and chewed my nails
 until the power came back up an hour later. Mandrake started as if
 i had asked for a restart. No apps, but no corruption.

 Thankyou god/s.

 Which file system?  Anyhow, you really should have your system 
on an UPS if power outages are any more than a very rare occurrence. 
An UPS will also keep power steady and protect your hardware from 
spikes and brownouts. While the FS can escape damage, your hardware 
sometimes can't.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-29 Per discussione shane

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 07:16 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] opened a general 
hailing frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 I have the name but my cable company ATT was awful about the ideal don,t
 want it done for some reason

yeah they think you buy a connection for a machine, not a household.  but 
heym atleast they still let multiple people use one machine.  for now.

windows XP, while X stands for cra

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606 @ http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-29 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 29 May 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 03:22 am, Michael Adams wrote:
  Had a power cut last night. I had bluefish, kwrite, Mozilla, and a
  terminal all open. The power went came back up for two seconds then
  died again. I switched the switch at the wall and chewed my nails
  until the power came back up an hour later. Mandrake started as if
  i had asked for a restart. No apps, but no corruption.
  Thankyou god/s.
  Which file system?  Anyhow, you really should have your system 
 on an UPS if power outages are any more than a very rare occurrence. 
 An UPS will also keep power steady and protect your hardware from 
 spikes and brownouts. While the FS can escape damage, your hardware 
 sometimes can't.

Hi Tom,

Just out of curiosity, how many systems can you safely run on one UPS?


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RE: [newbie] g++ problems

2002-05-29 Per discussione MELEAN Yasmin

Thanks a lot for your help. I did again the gcc installation
and know it works. 

I have long time working with linux, but now I'm the manager.
In other words, I'm a beginner :)


-Message d'origine-
De : Len Lawrence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mardi 28 mai 2002 00:34
Objet : Re: [newbie] g++ problems

On Mon, 27 May 2002, MELEAN Yasmin wrote:

 Hi, I just installed mandrake 8.2 and I have some problems.
 When I try to run g++ compiler it gives the message:

 g++ installation problem, cannot exec 'cpp0': no file of
 this type.

 Can someone help me?

Could you try locate cpp0 from the command line and see if you have it
installed.  On my 8.1 system it turns up in the directory tree under
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/...  There are versions for gcc 2.96 and 3.0.1.
The permissions are 755 and they belong to root.

Len Lawrence

[frans@amd frans]$ rpm -qf
[frans@amd frans]$

So I guess you have to install the gcc-cpp RPM, it's on your CD's. HTH,


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] OT: you privacy nuts

2002-05-29 Per discussione shane

i know there are a few of you out there.  some of you have said so (but 
won't admit it!) if only we could read your crypto.

anyway, http://www.theregus.com/content/6/25083.html

warning: this sig file has been found to be un-PC by the list nazis.  it 
may contain ideas that are hazardous to your preconcieved notions.  this 
sig file is intended for use under adult supervision.  do not read while 
operating Windows.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-29 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 29 May 2002, shane wrote:

 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 07:16 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] opened a general 
 hailing frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  I have the name but my cable company ATT was awful about the ideal don,t
  want it done for some reason
 yeah they think you buy a connection for a machine, not a household.  but 
 heym atleast they still let multiple people use one machine.  for now.
Shane! you don't really think they'd actually attempt to do something like 
that, do you? grin


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-29 Per discussione Lee

How long is a rope?

I have 4 boxes on one ups.

1200 watt supply

Just the boxes.  No monitors or anything else.  I'm probably pushing my luck, 

We have many small outages this time of year and I haven't run out of volts 


On Wednesday 29 May 2002 10:17 am, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Wed, 29 May 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Wednesday 29 May 2002 03:22 am, Michael Adams wrote:
   Had a power cut last night. I had bluefish, kwrite, Mozilla, and a
   terminal all open. The power went came back up for two seconds then
   died again. I switched the switch at the wall and chewed my nails
   until the power came back up an hour later. Mandrake started as if
   i had asked for a restart. No apps, but no corruption.
   Thankyou god/s.
   Which file system?  Anyhow, you really should have your system
  on an UPS if power outages are any more than a very rare occurrence.
  An UPS will also keep power steady and protect your hardware from
  spikes and brownouts. While the FS can escape damage, your hardware
  sometimes can't.

 Hi Tom,

 Just out of curiosity, how many systems can you safely run on one UPS?


Registered Linux user #223705

The best indication that there is intelligent life elsewhere is that they 
haven't contacted us.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance - Derek Bok

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-29 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Just to provide another datapoint:

I run three (older) boxes on one UPS rated at 300 VA, 180 Watts.   The
power supplies total 750 watts (IINM (If I'm Not Mistaken) -- 2 200s and
1 350)).   2 cpus are ~300 MHz, 3rd is 700 MHz, all AMD.  

I also am looking for protection from short outages (2-60 seconds).  UPS
is Conexant.  Includes an indicator light to show if the UPS is
overloaded -- no indication so far.  One day I will try a fourth system.

BTW, if you live near a Staples, Staples had (and might still have) a
$40 rebate running on two different brand 500 VA UPSs (Conexant and APC,
IIRC), brought the price down to $10.  Nothing fancy like a serial
output to shut down your computer, but will do quite well if you deal
mainly with short outages like I do.

Randy Kramer

Lee wrote:
 I have 4 boxes on one ups.
 1200 watt supply
 Just the boxes.  No monitors or anything else.  I'm probably pushing my luck,
 We have many small outages this time of year and I haven't run out of volts

 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 10:17 am, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  Just out of curiosity, how many systems can you safely run on one UPS?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OS BACKUPS

2002-05-29 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 12:48, you wrote:

  So how do you backup Linux OS's , write them to CD, and restore.

 Two solutions for you , John

 1/ Mondo  http://www.microwerks.net/~hugo/
 It is on your CD's but I think the latest version is better. It
 will comoress and copy your image to multiple CDs
 Very hihjly spoken of, but I'm afraid it is command line.

 2/ drakbackup  - It is in the rpm drakxtools on your CD
 In a root terminal just type drakbackup and you get a nice little
 GUI complete with a wizard.
 I have no idea why this application is not in Mandrake Control
 Centre. It was in there in Mandrake 8.2beta2, but somehow it got
 taken out again.


Thanks Derek,
I've found drakbackup and I am downloading right now Mondo.

One thing puzzles me though. I can see how these programmes can from 
the desktop so to speak create backup files , and I can see how they 
might write to disc from desktop, but I cannot see how one restores 
from CD still in the desktop. You are asking the system to write over 
it's own existance, so to speak. All other restore backup programmes 
I have ever worked with create a mini OS in memory of the basic 
hardware and load a small graphical programme into memory as well, to 
do the restore.

Can someone please explain this to me.

John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

2002-05-29 Per discussione Chris Lynch

Hash: SHA1

I have looked at Smoothwall, but I am looking for a good custom
firewall that has IDS, reporting, and preferably a Web interface, as
I am not a Linux guru by an means.

Has anyone heard of Wolverine?  I found this one while searching for
other firewalls, and this one came up.  It appears that the
developers are trying to make a Watchguard-like firewall with the
2.4.x kernel.  Has anyone tried this distro?  Any thoughts?  Any
other ideas for a firewall?  I really do not want to have to take a
Red Hat or Mandrake 8.x distro and turn it into a firewall, as I
don't know what to have and not to have installed.



- -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of FemmeFatale
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

et wrote:
 boy I don't know if stuff has changed or what, but used to be
 SINGLE  Network firewall mean only one lan and one external
 interface no 
 wonder you have a problem with SINGLE NETWORK on MULTIpul eth 
 interfaces... have you ever considered useing only eth0 for the
 inside  lan as the gateway  ( and eth1 as the (dhcp?)
 outside lan?  and maybe consder a complete distro custom setup as a
 firewall machine  to get all these other ETH2, ETH3,
 ppp0,ppp1,ppp2, running at the same  time?

That or consider Smootwall for your needs

- -- 

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- - Source: Dilbert

Version: PGP 7.1
Comment: Public Key Signature for Chris Lynch


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

2002-05-29 Per discussione Chris Lynch

Hash: SHA1

I agree with you on the name of the product.  But, why include routed
or gated if you don't intend the product to be used in a network that
I have designed?  The firewall just sits before my private edge
router, and is the last hop before the Internet.

Like I said.  I can manage the firewall remotely from another
segment, but not a single device can get to the Internet, except the
firewall itself.

Here is the bastille-firewall.conf file from my firewall:

# the configuration values should be whitespace-delimited lists of 
# appropriate values, e.g.
#   TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES=80 smtp ssh
# lists Web (port 80), SMTP mail, and Secure Shell ports
# This script is suitable for workstations or simple NAT firewalls;
# you may want to add more output restrictions for serious servers

# 0) DNS servers. You must list your DNS servers here so that
#   the firewall will allow them to service your lookup requests
# List of DNS servers/networks to allow domain responses from
# This _could_ be nameservers as a list of ip-address/32 entries
#DNS_SERVERS=a.b.c.d/32 e.f.g.h/32
# If you are running a caching nameserver, you'll need to allow from
# so named can query any arbitrary nameserver
# (To enable a caching nameserver, you will also probably need to
#  add domain to the TCP and UDP public service lists.)
# To have the DNS servers parsed from /etc/resolv.conf at runtime,
# as normal workstations will want, make this variable empty
# Please make sure variable assignments are on single lines; do NOT
# use the \ continuation character (so Bastille can change the
# values if it is run more than once)

# ISPDrake: Allow all DNS reply if host is a DNS server else this
variable is set with resolv.conf value

# 1) define your interfaces
#   Note a + acts as a wildcard, e.g. ppp+ would match any PPP 
#   interface
# list internal/trusted interfaces
# traffic from these interfaces will be allowed 
# through the firewall, no restrictions
# list external/untrusted interfaces
#PUBLIC_IFACES=eth+ ppp+ slip+# SAFEST
# list internal/partially-trusted interfaces
# e.g. if this acts as a NAT/IP Masq server and you
# don't want clients on those interfaces having 
# full network access to services running on this
# server (as the TRUSTED_IFACES allows)
# Please make sure variable assignments are on single lines; do NOT
# use the \ continuation character (so Bastille can change the
# values if it is run more than once)

# ISPDrake: Fixed TRUSTED_IFACES, no routing beetween interfaces

# ISPDrake: search for the public and external interface in backend
# When ADSL type is pppoe or pptp, the public interface must be ppp0


# 2) services for which we want to log access attempts to syslog
#   Note this only audits connection attempts from public interfaces
#   Also see item 12, LOG_FAILURES
#TCP_AUDIT_SERVICES=telnet ftp imap pop-3 finger sunrpc exec login
linuxconf ssh 
# anyone probing for BackOrifice?
# how about ICMP?
#ICMP_AUDIT_TYPES=echo-request# ping/MS tracert
# To enable auditing, you must have syslog configured to log kern
# messages of info level; typically you'd do this with a line in
# syslog.conf like
#   kern.info   /var/log/messages
# though the Bastille port monitor will normally want these messages
# logged to a named pipe instead, and the Bastille script normally
# configures syslog for kern.* which catches these messages
# Please make sure variable assignments are on single lines; do NOT
# use the \ continuation character (so Bastille can change the
# values if it is run more than once)

# translate perl list in right shell executable list

# 3) services we allow connections to
# FTP note:
#   To allow your machine to service passive FTP clients,
#   you will need to make allowances for the passive data
#   ports; Bastille users should read README.FTP for more
#   information
# public interfaces:
# TCP services that public hosts should be allowed to connect to
# UDP services that public hosts should be allowed to connect to
# internal interfaces:
# (NB: you will need to repeat the public services if you want
#  to allow internal hosts to reach those services, too.)
# TCP services that internal clients can connect to
# UDP services that internal clients 

Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-29 Per discussione Dave Conroy

Hi Marc,

Wednesday, May 29, 2002, 1:45:41 PM, you wrote:

M It seemed to me that they have little to choose from but Linux and
M Mac but mac  machines seem overpriced and not very avalable. That
M leaves very little in the way  of options except linux.

Consider how you're doing the analysis of value. Running a business,
it's important to factor in not only the capital expenditure on the
equipment itself but also the long term usage and short/mid term
training factors relating to staff.

I use Win2000 day to day, I have a Apple PowerBook G3 running pure OSX
and play around with Mandrake. I have a slight emotional attachment to
Mac's but I don't let that influence my maths.

Mandrake may save me £500 short term, but the projected on going
support and staff training costs would be too much for most small to
mid sized enterprises. People don't know Linux. Windows is expensive
up front, but has lowish support costs as most people are familiar
with it (yes, there is a cost issue re. potential virus problems,

Mac's are easy to use, people like them and so use them more (in my
experience of business buying anyway). They cost more, generally, than
a equally/more powerful Win box.

I'd love to recommend Macs but as a hard nosed business type I'd have
to recommend Windows boxes for most people. Linux ... not even in the
running for most people who have to worry about support and training.

Just 2c's worth and I await friendly flames ;-)
With best wishes,


David Conroy MSW
Consultant, Trainer  Management Coach
International Coach Federation, ID 1006660

Voluntary sector support: http://www.coaching-lab.com
Coaching via e-mail: http://www.e-coaching-only.com
Coaching for women: http://www.womens-life-coach.com
Web development/hosting: http://www.turnkey-coach.com

ICQ 127865569  Phone/Fax +44 (0)1225 314694

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

2002-05-29 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Try out the following. At worst, you'll need to do a search at
http://www.google.com/linux to find them.

SME server at www.e-smith.org



Those out to do.

- Original Message -
From: Chris Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 12:01 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

 Hash: SHA1

 I have looked at Smoothwall, but I am looking for a good custom
 firewall that has IDS, reporting, and preferably a Web interface, as
 I am not a Linux guru by an means.

 Has anyone heard of Wolverine?  I found this one while searching for
 other firewalls, and this one came up.  It appears that the
 developers are trying to make a Watchguard-like firewall with the
 2.4.x kernel.  Has anyone tried this distro?  Any thoughts?  Any
 other ideas for a firewall?  I really do not want to have to take a
 Red Hat or Mandrake 8.x distro and turn it into a firewall, as I
 don't know what to have and not to have installed.



 - -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of FemmeFatale
 Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 7:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

 et wrote:
  boy I don't know if stuff has changed or what, but used to be
  SINGLE  Network firewall mean only one lan and one external
  interface no
  wonder you have a problem with SINGLE NETWORK on MULTIpul eth
  interfaces... have you ever considered useing only eth0 for the
  inside  lan as the gateway  ( and eth1 as the (dhcp?)
  outside lan?  and maybe consder a complete distro custom setup as a
  firewall machine  to get all these other ETH2, ETH3,
  ppp0,ppp1,ppp2, running at the same  time?

 That or consider Smootwall for your needs

 - --

 Good Decisions You boss Made:

 We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
 character from Peanuts.

 - - Source: Dilbert

 Version: PGP 7.1
 Comment: Public Key Signature for Chris Lynch


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OS BACKUPS

2002-05-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 4:44 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 12:48, you wrote:
   So how do you backup Linux OS's , write them to CD, and restore.
  Two solutions for you , John
  1/ Mondo  http://www.microwerks.net/~hugo/
  It is on your CD's but I think the latest version is better. It
  will comoress and copy your image to multiple CDs
  Very hihjly spoken of, but I'm afraid it is command line.
  2/ drakbackup  - It is in the rpm drakxtools on your CD
  In a root terminal just type drakbackup and you get a nice little
  GUI complete with a wizard.
  I have no idea why this application is not in Mandrake Control
  Centre. It was in there in Mandrake 8.2beta2, but somehow it got
  taken out again.

 Thanks Derek,
 I've found drakbackup and I am downloading right now Mondo.

 One thing puzzles me though. I can see how these programmes can from
 the desktop so to speak create backup files , and I can see how they
 might write to disc from desktop, but I cannot see how one restores
 from CD still in the desktop. You are asking the system to write over
 it's own existance, so to speak. All other restore backup programmes
 I have ever worked with create a mini OS in memory of the basic
 hardware and load a small graphical programme into memory as well, to
 do the restore.

 Can someone please explain this to me.


Well in the case of Mondo the first CD in the set it creates is a bootable CD 
with its own mini Linux distro on it.  You just boot from that CD and then 
you can restore partions,directories or the entire installation.  Trouble 
with Mondo is it needs 7 CD's for my system so I cannot be bothered running 
it very often.

Your post reminded me to take a closer look at drakbackup which I had not 
looked at since the 8.2beta2.  Drakbackup makes an incremental backup to ftp, 
or a Directory (local or NFS) at present. It does not backup to CD, and it 
only backs up home directories, the /etc directory and other directories you 
specify.  The thinking there is you can restore the other folders by 
installing again from your install CD's so you only need to backup the 
'volatile' data.
Drakbackup can be run from the GUI or the terminal, although I have not been 
able to get it to run in a cron job yet.


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Re: [newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-29 Per discussione et

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 10:51 am, you wrote:
 How long is a rope?


roflmao,,, I was gonna offer a 35Kw standby gen as my secondary UPS, and I am 
sure an entire automobile dealership and a cargo airline can stay up for a 
reallly long time
  Hi Tom,
  Just out of curiosity, how many systems can you safely run on one UPS?

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Re: [newbie] Samba - Half there?

2002-05-29 Per discussione Anne Wilson

Sorry that I sent this to your address, instead of the list - I forgot 
to change the 'Reply to' address.


I have been thinking hard and reading all I can, and I wonder if
the problems are a lot deeper rooted.  For instance:

What I'm trying to achieve is that the filesharing and ICS should be 
transparent to the kids - they shouldn't need to know which OS I'm running.

Currently, we run a MS peer-to-peer network, with my W2K box acting as 
gateway.  I have read that it is notoriously difficult to set up Samba 
if NETBUI is installed (which it is on the W98 m/cs), and one should get 
rid of it if at all possible.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be possible, as without it the W2K 
machines and the W98 machines cannot see each other.

TCP/IP is on all m/cs, and is properly set up, as the W98 m/cs connect 
to the Internet from my W2K m/c over TCP/IP.

I wonder, too about m/c names.  Under the peer-to-peer setup, no name 
server is required.  I don't see how a hosts list can be set up when two 
m/cs have static IP addresses and the other two have dynamic (provided 
by my m/c).  We haven't used either DNS or WINS.  This sets me to 
thinking about host names on Mdk - I haven't set this up, I think, and I 
guess I need it?  How can Samba recognise and authenticate a m/c without 
DNS?  And how could I set up DNS with m/cs that don't have a static IP

I have a feeling that there are lots of things like this that I will 
have to set up.  I forgot that this will not be peer-to-peer, but in 
fact I will be using this m/c as a server - and I didn't specify that at 
installation.  Yet I was offered the ICS option?

Just thinking aloud, but would welcome your comments.


PS I just got your smb.conf file, and I'll check it out.  Again, pinging 
is a problem, as I don't have a static address.  I think this is 
possibly the root of the problem and I don't know what to do about it.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-29 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 09:17 am, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Wed, 29 May 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:
   Which file system?  Anyhow, you really should have your
  system on an UPS if power outages are any more than a very rare
  occurrence. An UPS will also keep power steady and protect your
  hardware from spikes and brownouts. While the FS can escape
  damage, your hardware sometimes can't.

 Just out of curiosity, how many systems can you safely run on one

 I've got a Tbird oc'd to 1.55 gig, Cdrom, CD-RW, 2 HDD's, 17 
monitor, and a Altec Lansing subwoofer sound system IOW's a real 
power hog.  I've got an old APC BackUPS 500 that'll keep it all 
runnin for ~15 minutes when the power goes south.  The batteries are 
original, and I've not needed to replace 'em, or seen a drop in their 
performance.  Just as important, maybe more so tho, an UPS feeds 
clean power to the system, no spikes or drops. Very important for 
sensitive electronics reliability and performance.

It's only a 500VA UPS, but plenty for a single desk top system.
Price was $123 some 5 years ago.  They make other UPS systems that 
can handle multiple systems, even up to multiple rack servers. 
'Course they cost more $$'s.  APC is the preferred brand, but there's 
other good ones.  They're heavy, so buyin one locally (I got mine at 
Wall*Mart) is probly a better option than buyin online and payin 
lot'sa shipping.

FWIW, since I asked, after 3 experiences with XFS, I'm back to 
good 'ol tried'n true ReiserFS for all my Linux partitions. Sort'a 
way OT, I got a 350W inverter for $47 from Wally World a few months 
ago. It'll run a 19 TV for 5 to 6 hours off the battery in my Chevy 
... and then the truck still starts like nothin was drainin it. It's 
magic!! So after I have to shut down the computer when the power goes 
out  at least I can still watch TV by candle light  ;)
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] HOw to make Mandrake 8.1 broadcast XDMCP protocol

2002-05-29 Per discussione Michael . Hughes

I would like my Mandrake box to broadcast the XDMCP Protocol, but I cannot
seem to figure out how to make it do this.

Can anyone provide me with a way to do this.

Thanks MIke

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] XFS vs. ReiserFS (OT resurrected)

2002-05-29 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 29 May 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 FWIW, since I asked, after 3 experiences with XFS, I'm back to 
 good 'ol tried'n true ReiserFS for all my Linux partitions. Sort'a 
 way OT, I got a 350W inverter for $47 from Wally World a few months 
 ago. It'll run a 19 TV for 5 to 6 hours off the battery in my Chevy 
 ... and then the truck still starts like nothin was drainin it. It's 
 magic!! So after I have to shut down the computer when the power goes 
 out  at least I can still watch TV by candle light  ;)


Now you've got me wondering. I had been using Reiser and hadn't had any 
trouble at all, but a few months back I bought a brand new Dell and when I 
loaded Mandrake on it I chose XFS as opposed to Reiser. Mostly because of 
what I'd been reading here on the list. as I understood it Reiser was 
concerned mostly with the metadata of the files and not the entire file 
itself, whereas XFS looked after the entire file. header and content 
together and was able to recover both if necessary. 

am I wrong in my understanding?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-29 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 11:13 am, Dave Conroy wrote:

 Mandrake may save me £500 short term, but the projected on going
 support and staff training costs would be too much for most small
 to mid sized enterprises. People don't know Linux. Windows is
 expensive up front, but has lowish support costs as most people are
 familiar with it (yes, there is a cost issue re. potential virus
 problems, etc).


It's only a matter of time before lot'sa people will need to 
unlearn Windows, and learn somethin else.  Specially with M$'s new 
fangled SA programs (price gouging scams), and the horrific security 
holes that all M$ OS's and software feature.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Samba - Half there?

2002-05-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings

 What I'm trying to achieve is that the filesharing and ICS should be
 transparent to the kids - they shouldn't need to know which OS I'm running.

Quite right. A Samba server will look just like an NT server to the other 

 Currently, we run a MS peer-to-peer network, with my W2K box acting as
 gateway.  I have read that it is notoriously difficult to set up Samba
 if NETBUI is installed (which it is on the W98 m/cs), and one should get
 rid of it if at all possible.

True: Samba does not work over NETBEUI  The Windows computers must have the 
TCP stack installed, and there should be a binding between TCP/IP and 'Client 
for Microsoft Networks' service  in the Windows Network Control Panel. It 
does not matter if you remove Netbeui or not.(Right click on the TCP/IP 
protocol in the Windows Networking control panel, and select 

 Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be possible, as without it the W2K
 machines and the W98 machines cannot see each other.

Take a look at that binding. 

 TCP/IP is on all m/cs, and is properly set up, as the W98 m/cs connect
 to the Internet from my W2K m/c over TCP/IP.

 I wonder, too about m/c names.  Under the peer-to-peer setup, no name
 server is required.  I don't see how a hosts list can be set up when two
 m/cs have static IP addresses and the other two have dynamic (provided
 by my m/c).  We haven't used either DNS or WINS.  This sets me to
 thinking about host names on Mdk - I haven't set this up, I think, and I
 guess I need it?  How can Samba recognise and authenticate a m/c without
 DNS?  And how could I set up DNS with m/cs that don't have a static IP

Samba does not need the hosts table or DNS to find Windows computers. The 
Windows machines will respond to a broadcast poll and identify themselves 
with the name you define in 'Identity' in the Windows Network Control Panel
You only need a hosts table or DNS lookup when you want to refer to a remote 
machine with a meaningful name instead of an IP address. So for example
'ping micky' requires the host name Micky to be either in the /etc/hosts 
table, or able to be looked up in a DNS server, or searchable in the 
localdomain.  It is_permissable to have 1 machine with a static address while 
the others are dynamic so long as the static address is known to the DHCP 
server so it does not award the same IP address to someone else, and so it 
can resolve searches to that host.  You are best off however just defining 
your Linux computer to use DHCP and let your Win2k machine serve an IP 
address to it. You should also define the win2k machine to be the 'default 
gateway' for the Linux computer, and set your ISP's DNS server addresses so 
that the Linux computer can resolve names on the Internet.
A convenient GUI to set this all up in is 

 I have a feeling that there are lots of things like this that I will
 have to set up.  I forgot that this will not be peer-to-peer, but in
 fact I will be using this m/c as a server - and I didn't specify that at
 installation.  Yet I was offered the ICS option?
You did not select Internet Connection Sharing did you?
You select that if the Linux machine is the gateway. You are using Win2k as 
the gateway aren't you?

BTW: Did you see this 

It should help you access Windows shares from Linux which is a lot easier 
than the other way round. Note komba2 is recommended.


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Re: [newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-29 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 29 May 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 09:17 am, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  On Wed, 29 May 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:
Which file system?  Anyhow, you really should have your
   system on an UPS if power outages are any more than a very rare
   occurrence. An UPS will also keep power steady and protect your
   hardware from spikes and brownouts. While the FS can escape
   damage, your hardware sometimes can't.
  Just out of curiosity, how many systems can you safely run on one
  I've got a Tbird oc'd to 1.55 gig, Cdrom, CD-RW, 2 HDD's, 17 
 monitor, and a Altec Lansing subwoofer sound system IOW's a real 
 power hog.  I've got an old APC BackUPS 500 that'll keep it all 
 runnin for ~15 minutes when the power goes south.  The batteries are 
 original, and I've not needed to replace 'em, or seen a drop in their 
 performance.  Just as important, maybe more so tho, an UPS feeds 
 clean power to the system, no spikes or drops. Very important for 
 sensitive electronics reliability and performance.
 It's only a 500VA UPS, but plenty for a single desk top system.
 Price was $123 some 5 years ago.  They make other UPS systems that 
 can handle multiple systems, even up to multiple rack servers. 
 'Course they cost more $$'s.  APC is the preferred brand, but there's 
 other good ones.  They're heavy, so buyin one locally (I got mine at 
 Wall*Mart) is probly a better option than buyin online and payin 
 lot'sa shipping.
 FWIW, since I asked, after 3 experiences with XFS, I'm back to 
 good 'ol tried'n true ReiserFS for all my Linux partitions. Sort'a 
 way OT, I got a 350W inverter for $47 from Wally World a few months 
 ago. It'll run a 19 TV for 5 to 6 hours off the battery in my Chevy 
 ... and then the truck still starts like nothin was drainin it. It's 
 magic!! So after I have to shut down the computer when the power goes 
 out  at least I can still watch TV by candle light  ;)

Ok then...thanks for the input. that pretty much settles it then. at least 
for now I'll setup a medium sized UPS to attach the main server and my 
desktop workstation to to guard against sudden outages brought on by the 
daily T-storms that we've been getting in Pennsylvania these last few 
weeks. It's been great though and I'm not complaining. I keep backups of 
data, and would gladly sacrifice an FS for a farmers field full of corn.

How about it Randy K.? you guys down your way getting any of these storms 
or are they petered out till then get to that end of the state?


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Re: [newbie] accesss shareing

2002-05-29 Per discussione Seraph

I'm new here, but one thing that I found that worked was to put my LAN on a
seperate subnet. I put what should have been an internal class c subnet to a
class b. It fixed the packet colissions I was having. My cable company had
the same setup where they only allowed one ip that was to be unshared and I
was to purchase each aditional ip. efore I got a router that did it all for
me, to simplify my life. I had 2 nics in my server and shared the connection
from it to a hub and then the other boxes all set manually on the class c
range IPs w/ the class b subnet. It was the only thing I found that worked
to both have internet and see each other. With the internal on the same
subnet as teh external, I was only ale to see the internal lan from my
That was just my experience, but I hope it helps.


 On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 16:56, James Thomas wrote:
  I don't know about all cable providers but all I had to do was enter my
  computer's name
  that the cable company gave me and dhcpcd set the rest up for me - I
  didn't need to
  input nameservers or anything.
 Yes, but presumably you were connecting one machine.  This is about
 connection sharing - accessing the cable connection thru another


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Re: [newbie] XFS vs. ReiserFS (OT resurrected)

2002-05-29 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 12:43 pm, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 Now you've got me wondering. I had been using Reiser and hadn't had
 any trouble at all, but a few months back I bought a brand new Dell
 and when I loaded Mandrake on it I chose XFS as opposed to Reiser.
 Mostly because of what I'd been reading here on the list. as I
 understood it Reiser was concerned mostly with the metadata of the
 files and not the entire file itself, whereas XFS looked after the
 entire file. header and content together and was able to recover
 both if necessary.
 am I wrong in my understanding?

Heck if I know!! ;)  All I know is I experienced some little 
gremlins here'n there with XFS, and I don't with Reiser.  Mostly file 
transfer problems to vfat partitions, and occasional FS error 
messages while shutting down.  Probly specific to my hardware, or my 
keyboard/mouse/chair interface ;)
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] XFS vs. ReiserFS (OT resurrected)

2002-05-29 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 29 May 2002 13:32:37 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Heck if I know!! ;)  All I know is I experienced some little 
 gremlins here'n there with XFS, and I don't with Reiser.  Mostly file 
 transfer problems to vfat partitions, and occasional FS error 
 messages while shutting down.  Probly specific to my hardware, or my 
 keyboard/mouse/chair interface ;)

I know Civileme is a vocal proponent of XFS.
On the other-hand I am in league with Tom and use reiser exclusively and
have done so since 7.2 when it became possible to use same as /.

Running cooker as well as building some of my own programs I am oft
times in the position of needing to use the hammer and chisel approach
to either unfreeze or reboot my system.
Reiserfs has yet to betray me or take revenge for my miss-handling of


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Re: [newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-29 Per discussione Randy Kramer

daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 How about it Randy K.? you guys down your way getting any of these storms
 or are they petered out till then get to that end of the state?

We had a good downpour a few nights ago, and some rain, but not all that
much, and not enough to end the drought concern.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-29 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 29 May 2002, et wrote:

 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 10:51 am, you wrote:
  How long is a rope?
 roflmao,,, I was gonna offer a 35Kw standby gen as my secondary UPS, and I am 
 sure an entire automobile dealership and a cargo airline can stay up for a 
 reallly long time

Ed! where the heck ya been man! seems like it's been forever since I've 
seen you post here.

so, what are you saying grin?


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[newbie] Samba Issue?

2002-05-29 Per discussione Pauljames Dimitriu

Here is a problem I'm having and I'm not sure if it's
a Samba issue or a Linux issue:

I have a bunch of users that connect to a shared
folder and upload shared files.  The problem here is
the read / write permissions:  Whenever anything gets
put up on the server, the other users do not have
access to this file.  Subsequently, when the author
tries to bring it over via Network Neighborhood in
Windows, the file is marked as read only.

Is this a samba issue or a Linux issue?  What would be
a correct solution?



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Re: Re: Re: [newbie] Tv Card

2002-05-29 Per discussione Misael M.

This is my hardware
Pentium 4
Tv card chipset=Brooktree
Is a PCI TV card

Im in Mexico we use NTSC. When I try to watch tv I get the noisy screen like if 
there was not transmition. XawTV doesnt found any channel in any frequency. I tried 
other apps and I get the same screen. This tv card works fine in windows.

You Wrote:

mobo= MOtherBOard, chipset is the chip used as controllers on the MoBo, ALi 
Is Acer labs, Via is VIA technoldeges, Intel you know, Brooktree is the 
chipset (and drivers) for the Video card.

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 09:37 am, you wrote:
 Yes, it works under windows. what is Mobo?
 I think brooktree is the Chipset, and is a pci tv card.

 You Wrote:

 nope no need to mount anything. do you dual boot? does it work under
 windows? what Mobo and chipset do you have (known problems with Ali and via
 chipsets, and pci tv cards)

 On Monday 27 May 2002 10:57 pm, you wrote:
  I have already changed this settings but Im unable to watch tv.
  Do I have to mount this divice?
  Any ideas?
  You Wrote:
  left click on the picture box, and turn off overlay, and turn on ntsc
  (not pal) edit channels to suit you, save and close, this assumes the USA
  On Monday 27 May 2002 04:15 pm, you wrote:
   On Monday 27 May 2002 10:55 am, Misael M. wrote:
I have a Brooktree Tv card but I cant watch tv in my linux box.
xawtv does not found any channel.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
   try scantv  or look for their site for a config template (~/.xawtv).



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Re: [newbie] OT Journaling, gotta love it

2002-05-29 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 29 May 2002, Randy Kramer wrote:

 Just to provide another datapoint:
 I run three (older) boxes on one UPS rated at 300 VA, 180 Watts.   The
 power supplies total 750 watts (IINM (If I'm Not Mistaken) -- 2 200s and
 1 350)).   2 cpus are ~300 MHz, 3rd is 700 MHz, all AMD.  
 I also am looking for protection from short outages (2-60 seconds).  UPS
 is Conexant.  Includes an indicator light to show if the UPS is
 overloaded -- no indication so far.  One day I will try a fourth system.
 BTW, if you live near a Staples, Staples had (and might still have) a
 $40 rebate running on two different brand 500 VA UPSs (Conexant and APC,
 IIRC), brought the price down to $10.  Nothing fancy like a serial
 output to shut down your computer, but will do quite well if you deal
 mainly with short outages like I do.
 Randy Kramer

actually Randy, there is not only a Staples near where I live, but also an 
Office Max and another tech store that I can't remember the name of at the 
moment. all of which I'm forbidden to enter under pain of immasculation. 


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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-29 Per discussione shane

friendly flames?  like friendly fire?  :)

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 09:13 am, Dave Conroy opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Mandrake may save me £500 short term, but the projected on going
 support and staff training costs would be too much for most small to
 mid sized enterprises. People don't know Linux. Windows is expensive
 up front, but has lowish support costs as most people are familiar
 with it (yes, there is a cost issue re. potential virus problems,

a few recent studies show that linux has a lower total cost of ownership 
than windows.  i do _not_ recall if this was with virus factors figured in.  
the very few groups i know that have made the change found it is more 
difficult (by far) to teach a person from scratch than to teach them to use 
a different OS.  one person actually commented that his biggest problem was 
teaching ppl to click once rather than double click to start things from 
the desktop.  if that is your biggest problem.

also remember, with the new MS forced upgrade system, you buy everything, 
every release, use it or not.  the (very) long term cost of using windows 
is a lack of innovative products and a monopoly that wants to bleed you 
dry.  i would rather retrain people, but like you said, just an opinion.  

 Just 2c's worth and I await friendly flames ;-)

I knew I'd been living in Berkeley too long when I saw a sign that said 
free firewood and I said who is firewood and what did he do?

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-29 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 18:13, you wrote:
 Mandrake may save me £500 short term, but the projected on going
 support and staff training costs would be too much for most small to
 mid sized enterprises. People don't know Linux. Windows is expensive
 up front, but has lowish support costs as most people are familiar
 with it (yes, there is a cost issue re. potential virus problems,

Not realy surprising.
My 10 year old daughter gets taught how to type MsWord docs at primary 
school. So the taxpayers (us!) are paying for the training.
Count that in and your costs aren't that low anymore.

Good Hunting,


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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-29 Per discussione David

shane said onto me:  
 |one person actually commented that his biggest problem was 
 |teaching ppl to click once rather than double click to start things from 
 |the desktop.  if that is your biggest problem.

tell me about it..
which, IIRC, under kde/konq can be set to either single or double click anyway

David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
Mandrake  8.2  Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.5claws
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Homepage: www.davidlsteiner.com

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[newbie] Rfbdrake

2002-05-29 Per discussione ashley.bowyer

Can someone please point me in the right direction to find this program on
my version of 8.2?  Thank You

kind regards,


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Re: [newbie] Samba - Half there?

2002-05-29 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 29 May 2002, Anne Wilson wrote:

 Sorry that I sent this to your address, instead of the list - I forgot 
 to change the 'Reply to' address.
 I have been thinking hard and reading all I can, and I wonder if
 the problems are a lot deeper rooted.  For instance:
 What I'm trying to achieve is that the filesharing and ICS should be 
 transparent to the kids - they shouldn't need to know which OS I'm running.
 Currently, we run a MS peer-to-peer network, with my W2K box acting as 
 gateway.  I have read that it is notoriously difficult to set up Samba 
 if NETBUI is installed (which it is on the W98 m/cs), and one should get 
 rid of it if at all possible.
 Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be possible, as without it the W2K 
 machines and the W98 machines cannot see each other.
 TCP/IP is on all m/cs, and is properly set up, as the W98 m/cs connect 
 to the Internet from my W2K m/c over TCP/IP.
 I wonder, too about m/c names.  Under the peer-to-peer setup, no name 
 server is required.  I don't see how a hosts list can be set up when two 
 m/cs have static IP addresses and the other two have dynamic (provided 
 by my m/c).  We haven't used either DNS or WINS.  This sets me to 
 thinking about host names on Mdk - I haven't set this up, I think, and I 
 guess I need it?  How can Samba recognise and authenticate a m/c without 
 DNS?  And how could I set up DNS with m/cs that don't have a static IP
 I have a feeling that there are lots of things like this that I will 
 have to set up.  I forgot that this will not be peer-to-peer, but in 
 fact I will be using this m/c as a server - and I didn't specify that at 
 installation.  Yet I was offered the ICS option?
 Just thinking aloud, but would welcome your comments.
 PS I just got your smb.conf file, and I'll check it out.  Again, pinging 
 is a problem, as I don't have a static address.  I think this is 
 possibly the root of the problem and I don't know what to do about it.
Hi Anne,

I've been loosely following this and I'm curious why you haven't tried 
setting up a Mandrake box to do the gateway/firewall/file serving duties 
for the other machines on your LAN. That is how many of us here are doing 
it. I had many of the same questions you're asking when I first started 
home-networking, and realized quickly that not only did I not want a p2p 
network, but that I couldn't see how windows was going to talk to Mandrake 
with out something like Samba. thus began the journey.

It took about a month to get everything squared away, but once it was all 
setup and working it was well worth the effort. I should mention that 
there are many here now that helped me a lot to get things up and working. 
couldn't have done it without them.

At present I've got a Mandrake 8.2 machine takin care of the server 
duties. (all of them - the poor bugger is working very hard!) in addition 
I've got a mandrake workstation connecting to this LAN, one XP 
workstation, and one Win98 workstation. it all works very nicely. O, and 
this includes printing as well. that was a real PITA, but I was able to 
get it working.


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Re: [newbie] Bad floppy filecopy under KDE?

2002-05-29 Per discussione FemmeFatale

darklord wrote:
 On Tuesday 28 May 2002 10:10 pm, you wrote:
  Yes there is.  IT was on expert list  it relates to copying froma
  Konqueror window to a floppy.  It will hardlock the system tight :)
 Hmph. Seems like just another good reason to initiate a:
 supermount -i disable
 Thanks, Femme.

Well IIRC it had nothing to do with Supermount in that instance.  It was
purely a coincidence that was brought up in the thread.  Its a Konq. bug
in itself apparently.  Disable supermount, try it anyway.  If i'm wrong,
let us know.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Rfbdrake

2002-05-29 Per discussione Vincent Colombo

In the menu, go to

Networking - Remote Access - Virtual Network Connection

Here you'll be able to control someone's system or allow someone to
control yours.


On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 15:59, ashley.bowyer wrote:
 Can someone please point me in the right direction to find this program on
 my version of 8.2?  Thank You
 kind regards,

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[newbie] winex install fail

2002-05-29 Per discussione Jerry

got my handy dandy copy of WineX and went to install it, using both
methods (1--./configure make depends  make make install
2--./tools/wineinstall) both give the following errors:

make[2]: *** [caps.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/yup/wine/dlls/d3dgl'
make[1]: *** [d3dgl/libd3dgl.so] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/yup/wine/dlls'
make: *** [dlls] Error 2

Compilation failed, aborting install.

looked in the dir /home/yup/wine/dlls/d3dgl, contents:

[root@c327911-b d3dgl]# ls
caps.c  d3dgl_main.c d3dgl.spec  Makefile prim.c   texture.c
CVS/d3dgl_private.h  light.c Makefile.in  state.c

i see in the dir /home/yup/wine/dlls an executable called make_dlls
do i need to run that first?  is that what it needs or is there some
other problem?  i'm kinda lost at how to interpret error messages.


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[newbie] windows2000 shareing access

2002-05-29 Per discussione jbarron201

Tryed this thing last night 
and never got it just started fooling with it today and saw remote access 
configuration .What is rdesktop? install it with urpmi rdesktop?ip 
address,config should be right by the help acouple of guys gave me last night 
could this be my problem?

Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-29 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 11:13 am, Dave Conroy wrote:

 It's only a matter of time before lot'sa people will need to
 unlearn Windows, and learn somethin else.  Specially with M$'s new
 fangled SA programs (price gouging scams), and the horrific security
 holes that all M$ OS's and software feature.
 Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

a) won't happen soon enough

b) won't happen.

Why? Because linux will never be a desktop OS for the masses IMO. 
Requires too much tech knowledge and most just want their machine to
work.  Shrugs, My opinion.  I know its come a long way but its still got
a longer way to go yet.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2 problems.

2002-05-29 Per discussione Mark Van Bruggen

  On 30/05/2002,

 The following message was beamed across the Internet:

 Hash: SHA1

 I have looked at Smoothwall, but I am looking for a good custom
 firewall that has IDS, reporting, and preferably a Web interface, as
 I am not a Linux guru by an means.

  Checkout IPCop, it is one step ahead of smoothwall and has nice
  people on the email groups.

  It was originally based on Smoothwall 0.9.9 but has grown some since
  then... :)


Mark Van Bruggen


There is always a way, it's just reality that's the problem !!


 Mark Van Bruggen 
  Microsoft OEM Certified  Phone : 07 4926 4900   
   Computer Systems Supplier   Mobile: 04 3886 4900
Internet / Computer Technician E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Rockhampton  QLD  AU  

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Re: [newbie] OS BACKUPS

2002-05-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Are you running the Beta version of drakbackup Jerry?

I'm running version 1.0 from drakxtools-1.1.7-98.1mdk and it does not offer 
CD backup, but I notice the changelog says some 'unstable features' were 
removed in January to satisfy Mandrake QA

Sorry no idea about toto.


On Wednesday 29 May 2002 10:35 pm, Jerry wrote:
 I ran drakbackup in /usr/sbin from a root command prompt and it did give
 me the option to backup the entire system or parts.. and option for
 cd-rom.. but it's saying i need to install toto.   i did a search in the
 8.2 disks for toto, looked on rpmfind.net for toto, ... nothing  anyone
 know what this toto is?  are we not in kansas anymore ?  lol thanks


 On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 10:30, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Wednesday 29 May 2002 4:44 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
   On Wednesday 29 May 2002 12:48, you wrote:
 So how do you backup Linux OS's , write them to CD, and restore.
Two solutions for you , John
1/ Mondo  http://www.microwerks.net/~hugo/
It is on your CD's but I think the latest version is better. It
will comoress and copy your image to multiple CDs
Very hihjly spoken of, but I'm afraid it is command line.
2/ drakbackup  - It is in the rpm drakxtools on your CD
In a root terminal just type drakbackup and you get a nice little
GUI complete with a wizard.
I have no idea why this application is not in Mandrake Control
Centre. It was in there in Mandrake 8.2beta2, but somehow it got
taken out again.
   Thanks Derek,
   I've found drakbackup and I am downloading right now Mondo.
   One thing puzzles me though. I can see how these programmes can from
   the desktop so to speak create backup files , and I can see how they
   might write to disc from desktop, but I cannot see how one restores
   from CD still in the desktop. You are asking the system to write over
   it's own existance, so to speak. All other restore backup programmes
   I have ever worked with create a mini OS in memory of the basic
   hardware and load a small graphical programme into memory as well, to
   do the restore.
   Can someone please explain this to me.
  Well in the case of Mondo the first CD in the set it creates is a
  bootable CD with its own mini Linux distro on it.  You just boot from
  that CD and then you can restore partions,directories or the entire
  installation.  Trouble with Mondo is it needs 7 CD's for my system so I
  cannot be bothered running it very often.
  Your post reminded me to take a closer look at drakbackup which I had not
  looked at since the 8.2beta2.  Drakbackup makes an incremental backup to
  ftp, or a Directory (local or NFS) at present. It does not backup to CD,
  and it only backs up home directories, the /etc directory and other
  directories you specify.  The thinking there is you can restore the other
  folders by installing again from your install CD's so you only need to
  backup the 'volatile' data.
  Drakbackup can be run from the GUI or the terminal, although I have not
  been able to get it to run in a cron job yet.
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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT? MDK Partitioning

2002-05-29 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Tue, 28 May 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:

 I've run 8.0, 8.1  now 8.2.  Always I've accepted the default install
 partitions of root (/), swap  home.
 the one time I tried on 8.0 to make a boot, root, swap, var  other
 partitions, the boot partition was blank.  As a result the root
 directory had a  boot directory beneath it holding the boot files.  I
 was stumped.

Just curious, Femme...why would you have any need of a boot partition?

 Is this standard behaviour or did I screw something up? *not that that'd
 be the first time I manage to FUBAR a system.*

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RE: [newbie] Rfbdrake

2002-05-29 Per discussione ashley.bowyer

I don't seem to have this option.  Do I need to install an additional rpm?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vincent Colombo
Sent: Thursday, 30 May 2002 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Rfbdrake

In the menu, go to

Networking - Remote Access - Virtual Network Connection

Here you'll be able to control someone's system or allow someone to
control yours.


On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 15:59, ashley.bowyer wrote:
 Can someone please point me in the right direction to find this program on
 my version of 8.2?  Thank You

 kind regards,



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Re: [newbie] DosEmulator

2002-05-29 Per discussione Chris Ames

Thank you both. I don't have a Win system anymore. I got tired of it crashing 
on me several times a day. I may need to get a new processor. Ah well. 

I'm going to play around with it and see what happens. I'd like to 
familliarize myself with as much of Linux as I can, kinda the same way I did 
with Windows. Here's hoping.


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Re: Re: Re: [newbie] Tv Card

2002-05-29 Per discussione et

have you tried turn capture to off? I get no picture (in MDK 8.2) until I 
change the capture setting  from overlay to grabdisplay or off... I guess 
it has to do with my video card and drivers

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 04:11 pm, you wrote:
 This is my hardware
 Pentium 4
 Tv card chipset=Brooktree
 Is a PCI TV card

 Im in Mexico we use NTSC. When I try to watch tv I get the noisy screen
 like if there was not transmition. XawTV doesnt found any channel in any
 frequency. I tried other apps and I get the same screen. This tv card works
 fine in windows.

 You Wrote:

 mobo= MOtherBOard, chipset is the chip used as controllers on the MoBo, ALi
 Is Acer labs, Via is VIA technoldeges, Intel you know, Brooktree is the
 chipset (and drivers) for the Video card.

 On Tuesday 28 May 2002 09:37 am, you wrote:
  Yes, it works under windows. what is Mobo?
  I think brooktree is the Chipset, and is a pci tv card.
  You Wrote:
  nope no need to mount anything. do you dual boot? does it work under
  windows? what Mobo and chipset do you have (known problems with Ali and
  via chipsets, and pci tv cards)
  On Monday 27 May 2002 10:57 pm, you wrote:
   I have already changed this settings but Im unable to watch tv.
   Do I have to mount this divice?
   Any ideas?
   You Wrote:
   left click on the picture box, and turn off overlay, and turn on ntsc
   (not pal) edit channels to suit you, save and close, this assumes the
   USA (bellsouth.net).
   On Monday 27 May 2002 04:15 pm, you wrote:
On Monday 27 May 2002 10:55 am, Misael M. wrote:
 I have a Brooktree Tv card but I cant watch tv in my linux box.
 xawtv does not found any channel.
 Does anyone know how to fix this?
try scantv  or look for their site for a config template (~/.xawtv).


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[newbie] dangerous computers

2002-05-29 Per discussione et

I have been in very dangerous places before, but I never expected to loose an 
apendage to a computer before,,, but last night, the big server just up and 
bit off one of my toes.. thats right, I had the cover off and spun around in 
my chair to pick up a tweezer, and that sharp edge got me (good thing I 
keep Duct tape around) 

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Re: [newbie] dangerous computers

2002-05-29 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

make sure you disinfect the wound.you wouldn't want to catch a 'virus'

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 05:43 pm, you wrote:
 I have been in very dangerous places before, but I never expected to loose
 an apendage to a computer before,,, but last night, the big server just up
 and bit off one of my toes.. thats right, I had the cover off and spun
 around in my chair to pick up a tweezer, and that sharp edge got me
 (good thing I keep Duct tape around)

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Re: [newbie] dangerous computers

2002-05-29 Per discussione Miark

Bill Winegarden [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 make sure you disinfect the wound.you wouldn't want to catch a 'virus'
He didn't say he was working on a M$ server ;-)


 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 05:43 pm, you wrote:
  I have been in very dangerous places before, but I never expected to loose
  an apendage to a computer before,,, but last night, the big server just up
  and bit off one of my toes.. thats right, I had the cover off and spun
  around in my chair to pick up a tweezer, and that sharp edge got me
  (good thing I keep Duct tape around)

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[newbie] Greetings everyone

2002-05-29 Per discussione Igor Scerbina

Hi , My name is Igor Scerbina, I recently installed Mandrake linux OS
and am interested in learning as much as i can.

I am currently having trouble setting up my cmi8338 sound card. It plays
the error sounds but doesn't want to play any of my audio Cd's.

I would greatly appreciate any help.

Thanks Igor Scerbina 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Bad floppy filecopy under KDE?

2002-05-29 Per discussione Carlos Arigós

El Mié 29 May 2002 09:25, escribió:
 On Tuesday 28 May 2002 10:10 pm, you wrote:
  Yes there is.  IT was on expert list  it relates to copying froma
  Konqueror window to a floppy.  It will hardlock the system tight :)

 Hmph. Seems like just another good reason to initiate a:

 supermount -i disable


 Thanks, Femme.

Hola, a todos.

I have solved all that stuff changing filesystem from vfat to auto. No 
problems anymore. (Just copy and paste, no drag and drop.)

Here is the entry from fstab:
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0

el charlie

Carlos Arigós
Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Linux MDK 8.2 Kmail 1.3.2
---Atención: Usted ha movido el mouse.
---Windows se reiniciará para que los cambios sean aplicados.
9:26pm up 32 min, 2 users, load average: 0.79, 0.40, 0.18

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Re: [newbie] dangerous computers

2002-05-29 Per discussione et

na,,, it was so dead it was stirile... but don't say I was having sex with a 
dead thing, just cause the computer had already fsk'd me, by toasting an old 
scsi (540meg, with a adaptec 1542C Isa scsi card) hard drive that had my 
wife's most current resume on it.  

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 08:56 pm, you wrote:
 Bill Winegarden [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
  make sure you disinfect the wound.you wouldn't want to catch a

 He didn't say he was working on a M$ server ;-)


  On Wednesday 29 May 2002 05:43 pm, you wrote:
   I have been in very dangerous places before, but I never expected to
   loose an apendage to a computer before,,, but last night, the big
   server just up and bit off one of my toes.. thats right, I had the
   cover off and spun around in my chair to pick up a tweezer, and that
   sharp edge got me (good thing I keep Duct tape around)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Greetings everyone / CD volume

2002-05-29 Per discussione Miark

Hi Igor,

 I am currently having trouble setting up my cmi8338 sound card. It plays
 the error sounds but doesn't want to play any of my audio Cd's.

Have you checked Sound Mixer or aumix to see if the CD volume is up high
enough to hear?


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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-29 Per discussione Michael Viron


As you said Linux has come a long way, but I do not think that it is that
far away from being an option for the desktop.  Keep in mind that Corel
Linux OS (before Corel spun it off as Xandros (http://www.xandros.net/)),
hid virtually all configuration behind the scenes (including partitioning)
and featured a desktop that looked very close to MS.

Mandrake also is very close.  Just about everything you could possibly want
to configure can be done via GUI programs.  Want to install something?
There is rpmdrake (specifically created by Mandrake), as well as Gnome and
KDE equivalents.  Want to browse the web?  You can choose from Netscape,
Mozilla, Konquerer, etc.  Want to configure your system?  You can do it via
Mandrake Control Center, Linuxconf, or any one of a number of GUI based
configuration tools.  Want to read e-mail?  Try K-Mail, Evolution, or any
of the other GUI items out there.

This is a far cry from Slackware 2.x and 3.x, which pretty much required
you to hand-compile everything, and which had no way of knowing whether a
dependency was installed or compiled without running a configure from the
command line.  Heck, the default kernel in Slackware 2.x and 3.x did not
include networking by default, so if you even wanted to access the internet
you had to recompile from scratch -- configuring it via a text based
question / answer.

In mandrake (as well as several other distros), the dependencies (for the
most part) are take care of automatically.

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion.

But, believe me, things could be a lot more tech oriented then they are now.


Michael Viron
Project Manager / Primary Developer, General Education Online
Core System Administration Team, Simple End User Linux

At 03:44 PM 5/29/2002 -0600, you wrote:
Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 11:13 am, Dave Conroy wrote:

 It's only a matter of time before lot'sa people will need to
 unlearn Windows, and learn somethin else.  Specially with M$'s new
 fangled SA programs (price gouging scams), and the horrific security
 holes that all M$ OS's and software feature.
 Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

a) won't happen soon enough

b) won't happen.

Why? Because linux will never be a desktop OS for the masses IMO. 
Requires too much tech knowledge and most just want their machine to
work.  Shrugs, My opinion.  I know its come a long way but its still got
a longer way to go yet.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Bad floppy filecopy under KDE?

2002-05-29 Per discussione darklord

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 05:18 pm, you wrote:

 Well IIRC it had nothing to do with Supermount in that instance.  It was
 purely a coincidence that was brought up in the thread.  Its a Konq. bug
 in itself apparently.  Disable supermount, try it anyway.  If i'm wrong,
 let us know.

And another use says its because the floppy drive is auto-mounted and if I 
just change that in /etc/fstab it will work okay. I'll try both routes and 
see what happens. ;-)

Thanks as always for your help!


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Re: [newbie] Greetings everyone

2002-05-29 Per discussione Rodrigo

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 22:04, you wrote:
Hello Igor,
Is your sound card an onboard sound card ?
Which application do you use to play your audio cds ?
Can you play mp3 or wav files ?


 Hi , My name is Igor Scerbina, I recently installed Mandrake linux OS
 and am interested in learning as much as i can.

 I am currently having trouble setting up my cmi8338 sound card. It plays
 the error sounds but doesn't want to play any of my audio Cd's.

 I would greatly appreciate any help.

 Thanks Igor Scerbina

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