Ed's Storms hope

2005-07-30 Thread RC Macaulay

Ed Storms wrote in the " are things really getting too complicated?" 
opefully, my comments can generate ome discussion on 
Vortex. After all, the usual discussion of the arious scientific 
theories will have little importance if these social and economic 
problems are not solved.
I will give an example. Solid waste recycling in the USA.
Background: Alcoa has a large mine and aluminun smelter at Rockdale Texas 
just outside of Austin. They stripmine lignite coal to fire the electric power 
generating plant for their electric furnaces. The plant has whiskers from 
WW2.Alcoa wishes to deactivate the facility because its a money loser and the 
environmental issues are a nightmare plus their ground water is becoming more 
profitable to sell than use.
Recycling metals alone have become a large business and China is the big 
buyer. Consumer products like appliances, refrigerators, TV, computers, plastics 
and metals are being disposed in landfills because there is no feasible system 
in place for recycling. 
One suggestion for use of the some 60,000 acres and power plant is a 
private-public consortium corporation for a massive recylcing facility. Almost 
all the infrastructure for this puppose exists at the location from natural gas, 
water, electric power. land, open pit mining and rail service. Small recycling 
experiments have demonstrated scale of size is required to make the effort 
feasible. A multi-state effort directed toward recycling materials can reach 
acceptable cost- benefit ratios. Alcoa is open to suggestions and have 
expressed a willingness to work on a plan in lieu of mothballing the facility. A 
plan could be put together that would permit Alcoa to make money two ways while 
addressing an issue that has lingered too long without a action plan.
State and national organizations espousing an environmental agenda have been 
contacted regarding this proposal. The contact has been met with silence.this 
leaves onewondering aboutthe purpose of thesetax exempt advocates : are they in 
business to serve the public interest or they in business for another 
Ed, we have solutions for many of the nation's ills staring us in the face 
but it is difficult to have our leaders focus on the " necessary" when their 
attention is directed on where the money is.. politics!

Re: Ed's Stroms hope

2005-07-30 Thread RC Macaulay

Mike Carrell
Guess what, guys, recycling is a complex, nasty problem, not easily 
solved,as difficult as anything else in society, and screaming at the 
governmentisn't going to fix it. Like many things, market necessity is the 
driver andthings happen when it hurts enough. Yes, the government can help 
withstudies and subsidies and rules. But when the rubber hits the road, 
itstechnology, a technology whose messiness is only appreciated when you 
getserious about it.For starters, it is like unscrambling 
Mike, all so true. Brooklyn solved the problem by railcar to wesr Texas 
landfills.err.. if that is considered a solution. MacDonald's will solve the 
problem with disposable styrofoam containers when the price of plastic reachs 
their null point.
Meanwhile back at the ranch here in Texas, we have 60,000 acres of 
strip mine staring us in the face. Anyone have any ideas what to do with it. 
Talk about messy !! its like an open sore.There ain't much use for it.
My thoughtson recyclingis based on the existing infrastucture " 
on the ground". The technology for recycling exists.. albeit in bits and pieces 
in small scale enterprises.. but it exists. So much of what we face as daunting 
tasks become feasible when applying the magic of reasoned thought and 
The thought I had in suggesting recycling on a grand scale was to give 
feet to Ed's suggestion by way of example. My underlying purpose is to 
demonstrate the Vortex group has " moxie" we are underutilizing. CF 
studies are needed. Studies cost money and require teamwork. Teamwork requires 
co-operation. Co- operation requires university participation. Looking at the 
formidable task ahead is like planning a marketing program. Theperson that 
said " build a better mousetrap and people will come knocking on your 
door" failed to grasp the fundamentals of the game. The reality is " show me 
somebody that can sell mousetraps and I can build all you can sell".
CF research must be sold as an existing product.sell the " sizzle" and not 
the steak. What is the sizzle in CF? It is NOT the energy it produces, it is the 
convenience and usefulness it affords The safety and cleanliness. The recycling 
ability and the abundance. It must be sold as a prduct and not as an objection 
to hot fusion.
That is the concept that must be sold as sizzle. How to ? you ask ? 
Credibility in science. Credibility is " earned" by performance. Performance in 
CF cannot beachieved without having CF " in the fist".. unless.. the 
salemen for CF researchcan demonstrate "bona-fieds". One 
such way is to present a series of thought provoking ideas that are 
The instant acceptance the group exhibited to the idea for " recycling" 
demonstrates an abiity ofVortex touse imagination.Credible 
ideascan overcome resistanceof the leadership cadre at 
the university and government funding levelsby 
demostrating credibility in other fields of technology and need. Water, 
air,food, energy, healthcare, recycling.. the basics. Selling requires a 
marketing plan, a basic strategy.. similar to war. The object being to 
For Vortexians, anyone have any ideas for how to sell mousetraps?

Re: Today's N.Y. Time editorial

2005-07-28 Thread RC Macaulay

Ed Sorms wrote
In addition, if we believe events follow God's will, we hold no 
responsibility for what will occur. As this attitude takes hold, I 
predict that the US will drift further and further from reality while 
becoming more religious in its approach to solving problems, with each 
reaction feeding on the other.
Religion has "gone Hollywood" along with L.Ron Hubbard and John Revolta. 
The result will be similar to what the Christian 
fundamentalist predict, but in fact the future will be a self fulfilling 
prophesy of ignorant men, not the will of God.
The will of God hasn't changed. A close study of the bible will indicate to 
you thatthe individual will self fulfill his own prophecy. 
 The basic problem is how can we or anyone cause people to think 
rationally rather than react emotionally to the growing list of problems 
facing society? Or is this too big a question to answer?
The laws of human nature haven't changed. No one can "make" anyone do 
anything, evidenced by an overcrowded prison system. I have mentioned faith 
based belief systems in past posts.People on earth that have God's word written 
on their hearts sustain hope. This is a nation of hope. Can we solve the growing 
list of problems facing society? Not the with the approach we are using. The 
major task we face is one of accepting personal responsibility for oneself.
Go to any shopping mall and watch the 4 wheel drive super SUV's perform on 
pavement. An absolute necessity for today's citizen. One must be equipped to 
deal with the potholes of life.

Re: Insipid New York Times editorial

2005-07-27 Thread RC Macaulay

Jed wrote..
Ford, for example, is now offering a hybrid which gets 30 
miles-per-gallon, which is almost as good as a 1995 station wagon.
Thomas Friedman, a columnist for the Times, in today's op-ed section writes " 
virtues that propelled ( Lance) Armstrong fading in America". The article says 
the focus is fading. Interesting that he commented on oil , writing...
{And if you were President, and you had just seen more suicide bombs in 
London, wouldn't you say to your aides: " We have got to reduce our dependency 
on Middle East oil. We have to do it for our national security. We have to do it 
because only if we bring down the price of crude will these countries be forced 
to reform. And we should want to do it because it is clear that green energy 
solutions are the wave of the future, and the more quickly we impose a stringent 
green agenda on ourselves, the more our companies will lead innovation in these 
The entire Friedman article is a good piece of journalism and worth reading . 
It does not cover one of the most compelling tasks for the nation. Reformation 
of the selection process of the CEO of our major corporations. At present the 
CEO is selected by Wall Street. An example is the tragedy of Hewlitt 
Packard ( HP) . HP personifies the insanity running rampant in our leading 
corporate entities. The CEO is selected to please Wall Street's quarterly 
projections. Nothing else is important ,. Do whatever it takes to make the stock 
price rise THIS QUARTER, the future be damned. This is the mandate given the 
CEO. No wonder they demand a pay package up front with stock guaranty options. 
They know it can't be done so why not just play the game.
Compare HP ( the printer was their cash cow) and Brother ( the old 
Nippon Sewing Machine Company dating from year 
1909). Look at sales both in US and worldwide and notice 
Brother has stolen the thunder from HP plus leading HP in new technology. The 
people inside HP tried to warn the CEO ( Carly the dunce in panty hose) but 
money won over business acumen. It actually didn't start with printers, it 
started with the merge of Compaq which was insanity. Compare the HP model with 
the Dell model for understanding the difference in CEO styles. 
Examples in the energy industry ( no further need to kick a dead horse, 
Enron) are El Paso and Reliant. The CEO's do the will of their master Wall 
Street. How these two wonderful, asset rich and extremely profitable companies 
could fall to such depths is a story of seduction that is both tawdy and 
The American business model is now shaped and dictated to by Wall Street not 
Main Street. Nothing else matters. Friedman may try to put words in the 
President's mouth but nobody is listening to whatBush says anymore. 
Someone asked an old timer in Key West about the inrush of people into the keyes 
and the construction boom and when is it going to stop ?..he remarked.. 
nothin a darn good hurricane wouldn't take care of.
Which begs the question.. is this what the leaders of our nation are waiting 
for? .. the perfect storm?

Re: The Secret of Sonoluminescense

2005-07-26 Thread RC Macaulay

Mike Carroll wrote..
I've spent hours in the presence of both Dr. Hal Puthoff and Dr. 
RandellMills, but that doesn't prove anything in particular. IMO trying to 
forceZPE, Casmir, BLP and LENR into the same box by saying any of these 
is"really" another is quite futile in the present state of our knowledge. 
Allthat can reasonably be said is that physics is in a crisis similar 
to thatin the late 1800's when the accepted paradigms were showing 
theirlimitations and new phenomena and candidates were emerging. While the 
Casmireffect is well accepted as manifested in a particular family of 
experiments,its "explanation" is somewhat mundane. The BLP and LENR effects 
shake thefoundations of current physics and will require a long process of 
fittingthe pieces of what is well known into a new picture. This could 
Interesting observations. Sono refers to sound. Some time 
back I was corrected by a physicist by my stating that sound started the 
process. He was emphatic in his specific argument that sound does not travel in 
a vacuum. My response was that light travels in a vacuum and light is a mere 
manifestation of sound..not the reverse. Sonochemistry, sonofusion and 
sonoluminescence have one thing in common .. sound. Sound can produce light but 
sound does not eminate from light by nature.
Another clue to the mystery of CF. We may be looking directly at 
theprojection screeninstead of strolling behind the curtain to 
watch what levers the magician is pulling.

Re: Not what they seem

2005-07-25 Thread RC Macaulay


Yes , things are not what they seem. This statement extends to most 
Way back when I was in school we were taught crude oil came from dinasaurs 
and decayed vegetable matter and this was in the early 1940's.

I have been posting a few " ringers" . One is that the sun may be a 
transceiver. Receiving energy in a form we do not understand. This energy could 
be manifested in an event similar to an arc welder electrode touching a steel 
surface. The sun could be a giant pece of ferrite metal (iron) with solar flares 
indicating an imbalance of received energy.

Throwing another " ringer" out.

Saturn the planet with rings. Impossible ! there can be no rings around a 
planet like Saturn without voiding basic.scientific principle. UNLESS.. we 
consider there is a useful purpose for the rings. Ah ha ! The rings may be 
a manifestation of a gyroscope used to keep our local solar system in 
OR.. a more far out thought. The rings may represent a type of " hard 
drive". SETI works tirelessly seeking signals from space. They may be looking at 
the task backward. The information they seek may be " stored " on the " discs".. 
the rings of Saturn.

At some point in the search for CF and new forms of energy we must begin 
thinking creation is NO ACCIDENT of evolution hit and miss science.
. There is a use and purpose for everything. The fact that rings appear 
around Saturncould mean there is a purpose for them. 

Theory of a beginning , a big bang etc.may be leadingus astray 
like the dinasaurs with crude oil.. Creation may not be creation as we attempt 
to " typecast" it.
It may be " eternal" with no beginning and no end, only never ending 
phases. This concept is impossible to grasp because we have " time " burned into 
our thinking. We may be interpreting the bible creation account incorrectly. It 
may be the event means the earth, andNOT the entire solar system was 
created in the six time periods which are assumed to cover some 12-15 billion 
years in our time measurement system. Interjecting bible scripture into science 
discussion is necessary because it is an important written record of the past. 
If we could get past the " religion" part and concentrate on the science part we 
can study the deep insight of what what was recorded . For example, the book of 
Job is an absolute masterpiece of physics principles that have weathered the 
years unchallenged. 


Re: Article on energy in National Geographic

2005-07-24 Thread RC Macaulay

Reading the posts on this subject by the various personalities in the group 
only reinforces my belief that this body of thinkers have some special comaradre 
that borders on the unique. 
The strength of the group is not in its total agreement but it's simple 
ability to function and cohere regardless of " potshots" and " zingers". Even 
the belief systems of the members add to the marketplace of ideas 

Jealously guard this experience because it can be " fleeting" like the 
imaginary Camelot. My personal opinion is that the socalled secret of CF has 
been described in here at least three ways over the past few years without being 
fully recognized in its essential.

Hammer away !! we are getting closer each day.. with what?? 
With just a few people with ideas and a forum of openness and self discipline 
..pitted againstthe mighty and powerful with funding and 
facilities. Gosh , I love it !!..

If there is one thing the internet teaches ( by exposure..like nudity in 
all its forms..tongue in cheek and grinning.). is that, it not only 
represents a unique form of communication but that there is a deeper 
concept thatexhibits the miracle of " grouping" of individuals worldwide 
into instant forums of common interests. Science never had it so good and there 
can be no more secrets and playing "keepaway" like children. The formation of 
the enhanced dialog developing in this group is uplifting.

Jed's letter has been published and he has given us a guide for wording a 
continuious stream of letters sustaining the CF theme and keeping it before the 
world. I commend you Jed!!.Strive to weave 
into letters a sense of confidence in the authenticy of the research 
results in CF to date. Exhibit integrity in letters.Sincerity and 
longevityin the quest, the momentum, and the objective. People can read 
between the lines, The prize will announce itself later, the benefits will be 
quickly forgotten by the consuming public,but the legacy will remain. The 
legacy of some darn good times together.


Re: The Secret of Sonoluminescense

2005-07-24 Thread RC Macaulay

Grimer wrote..
Interestingly enough, seeing BR as a hydrodynamic phenomena neatly 
explains something which I've never understood before, i.e. why BR 
produces a searchlight type beam in the synchrotron.The transition 
from streamline flow in a pipe (parabolic velocity distribution) to 
turbulent flow (uniform velocity distribution) can be seen as a 
transition from isotropic micro vortices with their axes perpendicular 
to the direction of flow to vortices with their axes parallel to the 
flow direction.  Notation by Richard.. 
as neat a description of a liquid vortex as I've seenNow if BR electron 
orbits are oriented in the same manner as turbulent flow vortices then a 
collimated beam can be expected.
We recently used a "Q" beamlamp to study a new "Coanda Effect" ( double 
stacked bladed propellerwith venturi effect between blades) being tested 
in our windowed water tank. The bright lamppermitted us to watchthe 
thrust characteristics ofthe propeller.A reversevortex 
It projected from the recess in the prop hub( used for the prop 
mounting bolt) in atight straight vertical pattern downward from 
thevertically mounted3450RPM vertically mountedelectric motor 
driven unit.The vortex did appear torepeatedly " cycle" in formation 
and decay.Drat that welder of ours for not having the new equipment 
finished for our 10,000 RPM run tests to see if we can get a UV and perhaps a 
gamma event from increasing the speed. Yes! we have a RAD meter handy.
The formation of the vortex is not nearly as interesting to us as the 
"cycling". This indicates we have a capacitor event taking place. hmmm!!

Re:The Secret of Sonoluminescense

2005-07-23 Thread RC Macaulay

At 04:04 pm 22/07/2005 -0500, you wrote:BlankRichard 
wrote.. Frank, a simple proof of principle of your thoughts  
on catalysis can be observed with the mixing of a  two part epoxy. 
Try mixing a cubic inch square mold  full versus a thin film layer 
on a surface.  The reaction and hardening time differs whereas the 
 cubic inch mold reaction time will be up to 12 or  more 
times faster than the thin film. This should  not be. The thin film 
should harden faster than the  cube.Grimer 
wrote.. In the example you quote it would no doubt be argued that 
the heat  of reaction for the cube can't escape as easily as for the 
thin  film and that this heat speeds up the hardening 
process. The use of 2 part epoxy as an example over concrete is used 
 because of the heat of reaction of epoxy is more obvious to  
everyone over concrete. Near identical reactive events occur  in both. 
If you identify it as a chemical reaction you have  locked yourself in 
the cloakroom.. it is a B-a and G-a event  beyond chemistry as 
defined.I see what you are saying but I think you are ahead ofne 
there, Richard. When one has been addicted to somethinglike smoking all 
one's life it is very difficult to give up the habit all at once. Likewise, 
once one sees the "light"it is very difficult to give up darkness. One has 
to forceoneself to think of the world turning around rather than the sun 
rising in the east and going down in the west.Frank
Progress, we are making progress. Firrt, onemust step out of 
the box before one can begin thinking outside the box.
In another post I readGrimer's response to Merlyn that is 
intriguing in its concept. To reinforce your thought train I will pass on an 
experience in electrical grounding surrounding high resistive loads 
starting and stopping across the line. 
Some our electronics installed at a large municipal plant were playing 
games with us. We suggested the problem was improper grounding and were 
rebuffed. Finally we rented a Dranitz power recorder to " capture" and record 
electrical events taking place on the incoming power during starting and 
stopping blowers (loads of 250 Hp 460 vac 60hz 3 phase or greater). 
The high speed strip chart recorder picked up spikes of 12,000 v at a moment of 
1/1000 sec duration. The strange part was the recorder also picked up a change 
in frequency 'blip"from below 56hz up to 71hz. No one could explain this 
event. The power company checked on their side of the transformer and the hertz 
remained 60 on the nose.After a full set of grounding rings was installed around 
the blower building the problems with the electronics went away. 
After all these years I believe I finally have to answer to the mystery of 
the momentary swing in frequency contained inGrimer's response to 

Anyone experienced with accumulators ( gas over liquid pressure systems ) 
has a few choice tales to tell about the strange shifts in gauge pressure 
that remain unexplained. Standard precision pressure gauges tend to play tricks 
while your back is momentarily turn by changing the pressure slightly. Try using 
a differential pressure gauge and compensate for the liquid head only to 
discover the differential gauge plays even sneaker tricks.Few ever noticed 
before the advent of digital readout.

All in the way of verification that Grimer is on to something 


Re: The Secret of Sonoluminescense

2005-07-23 Thread RC Macaulay

Grimer wrote..
Wrong! It has Neutral Mass. Mass is energy.And energy is 
motion^2So energy can be positive or negative as exemplifiedby 
strain energy (epsilon^2) which can be tensile strain energy or compressive 
strain energy.So mass can be positive or negative.Mass is not a 
measure of substance but a measure ofmotion relative to the environment as 
both Ing.Saviourand I have independently realised. (see his and myYahoo 
sites for details).

More! More! This is the type of physics dialog we need. Mass may not be a 
measure of substance. However the measure of motion relative to the 
environment can have a " memory' and form both good and bad habits 
instantly ( Coanda would love it). I suggest this is a clue to the struggle JLN 
has with his MAHG model.

Re: The Secret of Sonoluminescense

2005-07-22 Thread RC Macaulay

Richard wrote..
Frank, a simple proof of principle of your thoughts  on 
catalysis can be observed with the mixing of a  two part epoxy. Try 
mixing a cubic inch square mold  full versus a thin film layer on a 
surface.  The reaction and hardening time differs whereas the  
cubic inch mold reaction time will be up to 12 or  more times faster 
than the thin film. This should  not be. The thin film should harden 
faster than the  cube.
Grimer wrote..
In the example you quote it would no doubt be argued that the heat of 
reaction for the cube can't escape as easily as for the thin film and that 
this heat speeds up the hardening process.
The use of 2 part epoxy as an example over concrete is used because of the 
heat of reaction of epoxy is more obvious to everyone over concrete. Near 
identical reactive events occur in both. If you identify it as a chemical 
reaction you have locked yourself in the cloakroom.. it is a B-a and G-a event 
beyond chemistry as defined.
If we consider the heat comes from the chemical reaction, we wind up in a 
socalled English maze with no exit except back to square one. If we consider the 
heat " arrives" externally, we are still progressing thru the maze and the quest 
forB-a and G-acan 
continue.Both are demonstrable daily in the structural concrete in our 
bridges. Some fifty odd years ago, a friend tried to explain the chemistry of 
Portland cement. Finally, he threw up his hands in disgust and shouted.. its 
staring you in the face, it is compounded daily, it is the only material I know 
that gains hardness and strength as it ages except petrified wood which just 
happens to be a similar process.He stated he couldn't explain it, 
scienceand mathematics had yetto progress to an 
explanation,Which poises the question.. should we be studying 
petrification for a clue?
I have been having fun bouncing ideas in the group such as a black hole may 
act as a capacitor and the sun act as a transceiver , receiving , converting and 
re-transmitting a different form of energy. One of the interesting thoughts 
alluding to this nonsense of mineis the evidence of socalled dark matter 
and/ or dead stars. Dead silent dark star bodies may have lost the ability to 
receive an energy input. Exploding nova may be stars that receive energy and 
have the ability to convertbut not the ability tore-transmit energy 
and therefore explode in an atomic catacylism beyond one's imagination. However 
, an ever wise designer has made allowances and both the energy and matter are 
sustained and regrouped for re-use.Perhaps the task we face in the search 
for new energy sources includes formulating methods of that re-use. At some 
point in time, hopefully the next generation of youth that are in science 
programs will get past Darwin's psuedo-quackery that has degenerated 
into a cult belief system of sorts and held back the nation's Universities by 
it's teaching as science and permeated every realm of study.
While in a gibberish mood I will cast another stone in the placid pool of 
Lightning !! Lightning comes in more than 3 flavors. One of the 
flavors describe B-a and G-a and surprisingly link directly to CF. Try 
that on for size !! Of course, Grimer is never one to be left in the cloakroom 
of ideas without a goodie and surely will post the promised experiment.
Gosh , this group is interesting, I just hope our esteemed moderator 
has mercy on a poor Texas boy just trying to make do as a cowboy rodeo roper 

Re: The Secret of Sonoluminescence

2005-07-22 Thread RC Macaulay

At 12:24 pm 22/07/2005 -0700, Merlyn wrote: It is a very 
compelling theory Frank, You say the nicest things, Merlyn. 
8-) but I don't think it works out.But here comes the 
"but" ;^)--- Grimer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I 
find myself in this situation with regard to the  effect of drop in 
Beta-atmospheric (B-a) pressure  on the strength of the attraction 
and repulsion of  positive and negative charges. I am confident that 
 the explanation I have given is correct, albeit  
obscenely unorthodox, but I find I have to demand  a justification, 
an explanation, from myself (my  own worst critic) as to why. 
  To summarize the situation.  
The repulsive force between like charges is affected  by 
the drop in B-a pressure as one enters into a  material such as 
water, steel, concrete, palladium  etc.  The 
attractive force between unlike charges is  unaffected by a change 
in the B-a pressure as one  enters the material. 
 So the problem is:  
 Why are 
repulsive forces affected and attractive  forces not 
affected by the B-a change? 
THE ! 
 .and that 
really is the crux of the  matter. The force that pushes the like 
charges  apart emanates from those charges - but - the  
force that pushes the unlike charges together  emanates, not from 
the charges, but from the  charges' enveloping 
environment.  Let's, give it a name. Lets call it the 
 Gamma-aether, the Gamma-atmosphere (G-a),  for we are 
assuredly dealing with two vastly  different levels of the total 
Aether.  The need for a Gamma-atmosphere was implicitly 
 recognised in the Southampton paper by  designating the 
familiar atmosphere, the air,  as the Alpha-atmosphere (A-a)to both 
distinguish  it from the Beta-atmosphere and to provide for 
 up to 22 more enveloping atmospheres as they  become 
required. g  Now it is not that the change in 
the B-a pressure  does not affect the value of the Gamma atmosphere 
 pressure at all. It does affect it. But the G-a  
pressure is so bloody enormous that the change  brought about by a 
change in the B-a is negligible.  Anybody familiar with calculus 
will be very  familiar with thingees being negligible when 
 they are very small compared with other thingees. 
  When the B-a pressure is lowered, as it is 
 in the "FLUID PHASE" reduced B-a pressure of  a 
material such as water or metal, the  repulsion between positive 
charges is reduced.  In other words, the Coulomb Barrier 
between positive charges is lowered. This is the  
essential key to understanding Cold Fusion.   And in 
order to make progress in bringing CF to a  commercial product, 
without blowing oneself up in  the process, one would be well 
advised to take  Whitehead's good advice. 
it this way...I have a spring (coulomb force) separating 2 
steelplates (protons)Note that the space between the plates is 
open to thesurroundings atmosphere and not sealed.The force 
required to move the plates closer togetheris very precisely calculated 
in air at 14.7 psi.Now if I were to place the entire apparatus 
underwater where the pressure was raised to 100 psi wouldit make 
any difference in the force needed to compressthe spring? The 
added pressure acts equally on allsides of the plates and so cancels 
out.I don't see the repulsive force between two like chargesas 
something static, but something dynamic, a flux, aflow of substance. Now, 
clearly, the repulsive pressure this flow will exert will be proportional to 
the differencebetween the pressure of the outgoing flow and the ambient 
pressure of the field. If both pressures are the same,for example, then 
there can be no repulsion.The nature of the "attractive" force is quite 
different.It doesn't emanate from the charges themselves but fromthe 
ambient field.It is brought about by the Bernoulli pressure drop in the 
flow and counter flow between the electron (at a pressure above B-a 
ambient) and the proton (at a pressure below B-a ambient).To give a 
loose analogy which I wouldn't want to press toofar. The earth receives 
directed radiation from the sunat one average wavelength and transmits it 
isotropicallyat a lower wavelength. The higher wavelength is 
analogous to the Gamma-atmosphere.the lower to the 
Beta-atmosphere.Frank, as I understand it you see charge as 
relativeto the background (beta-aether) rather 
liketemperature.As pressure, the inverse of temperature - but 
you'reon the right trackIf we were to call protons hot at 71 
degrees andelectrons cold at 69 degrees then a hydrogen 
atomwould be neutral at 70 degrees because it 
averagesout.It would be at ambient pressure, 

Verdict so far!!

2005-07-21 Thread RC Macaulay

Ed should copyright it!! It's a " natural "sez Jed !

Meanwhile back at the ranch all uz non wizards arre left to speculate, Here 
goes another one..

The sun !. Ah so . The sun may be a "repeating" station that receives 
energy in one " form" and transmits it in another. The 
"another" has been studied and some very good science has been the result. 
Not conclusive, but good science. 
If we consider a " cycling" takes place rather than looking at the sun as 
an energy source in itself,another door may open to
trying to imagine the " form" of cycling that occurs. The energy received 
would have to be in a " form" unknown to present science.
I have read the posts onremote viewing. We could use a vision on CF. 
I suggest CF may be able to be identified in several forms, one being the 
recycling or ' recharging" the sun. To do so, the form of recharging of energy 
would have to be transmitted in a medium we do not understand. One clue to would 
be to observe solar flares as similar to what occurs with an arc welder. The 
received energy may be be manifested in this observable event.

Ina past post, I speculated that black holes may be a form of power 
factor correction capacitors. In another post I speculated the earth may 
function as a form of heat sink. Lets look at the earth in focus. Deep snow ice 
inhabits the north and south poles and a weather system is in phase ( as well as 
we can hope ). The existence of cold and snow at the poles is an anomaly. There 
should not be such an extreme temperature differential on the surface of the 
earth sphere. One expalnation I suggested is the earth can be visualized as a 
double ended vortex tube that produces cold at the ends and heat at the middle. 
Foolish and absurd in its conjecture yet we have yet to touch vortex science as 
a prelude to conceptualizing CF. Another conjecture regarding the earth sphere 
would be to consider the earth core as frozen rather than superheated where the 
core is surrounded by heated ligiud plasmaas the result of acting as a 
heat sink. This nonsense would give pause to those scientists studying 
magnetism, gravity and gyroscopes. In particular should the inner core be in a 
rotational mode. hmmm.
Cf as we use the word , may be a defense mechanism alone or itmay be 
a tapping into a " return to phase energy".
It's usefulness may ,or may not be possible. For sure we need a new 


Black Holes: Power factor correction capacitors

2005-07-20 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones made an interesting comment on a past post regarding black holes 
which gave me pause and thought. Granted that black holes remain theoretical. We 
must remember that what is observed in distant space occurred some millions of 
years ago and is not necessarily indicative of the present.
Black holes may be nature's way of " balancing the equation" or the action 
similar to a capacitor. This seeming absurd conjecture could lead to " crazies" 
thinking in terms of " the other side" but. another view may be closer to 
Grimer's writing oncompreture ( inverse of temperature)than we 
realize. Tesla stated he knew how to transmit electricity wireless.. hmmm.

How does all thsi nonsense apply to vortex? A clue may bein 
remembering the Ranque- Hilsch vortex tube design used for cooling by applying a 
high speed air vortex. Recall the tube produces heat at one end and cool at the 
other. Now consider the earth pictured as two vortex joined at the base ( two 
cones joined at the point) . If these imaginary vortex were conceived as two 
vortex tubes.. and they produced cold at the north and south pole and heat at 
the points, they would describe a weather scenario. Grimer seemingly alluded to 
this without recognizing the stimuli his comments had on others. 
A comment regarding the ancient Arabic maps triggered my search and 
produced the interesting map of Antarctic.. sans snow cover.

The question of how the mapmakers could draw a seacoast and elevations to 
an area covered in snow has been a mystery.
The answer may be no snow was present when they mapped. Consider the 
socalled migration of the pre-indian from Asia across the Bering to 
Alaska. Supposedly the land mass was fully frozen permitting the trek. Few are 
foolish to venture out in subzero temperature to explore the unknown. The better 
explanation is the land mass across the Bering was hospitable for travel 
including available food and water. Another mystery is the vanishing Anazasi 
indian in the southwestern tip of Colorado around year 1200 AD. A major century 
long weather phenomena ? I mentoned to Jones on a post that one proof of his 
observation may be that the poles are covered with snow. The earth may be act as 
a " heat sink" and the temperature changes happen in phase as natural space 
capacitors charge and dischage to maintain order out of chaos.

Whats the point of this conjecture??? Capacitors both store energy and are 
used for power correction. If a black hole exists, it has a purpose in nature. 
The black hole theory is usually depicted as a vortex. It is seething with 
energy. Vortexians are diligently searching for CF.
Perhaps any attempt to " capture " it will be met with a defense mechanism, 
and perhaps we may should look at defense mechanisms as a clue.


Fw: Toward the Next Crusade

2005-07-19 Thread RC Macaulay

- Original Message - 
From: RC Macaulay 
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: Toward the Next Crusade

Calm down Fred. You make a valuable contribution to 
Vortex and yourideas are both inspiring and thought provoking. 

At the risk of being banned from the group, permit me to 
state that personal recriminations are not necessary to makeone's point. 
The health and vitality of the group is enhanced by the different views 
expressed provided they act to teach and provoke thought. Disagreements should 
be candid without being discordant.
Forgive me if I have offended your sense of propriety in 
my views. They may not be your views..but they are candid.
There are other that also make a donation to Bill Beaty. 
My views often differ from his , however, I truly enjoy the 

  - Original Message - 
  Frederick Sparber 
  To: vortex-l 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 9:18 
  Subject: Re: Toward the Next 
  RC Macaulay wrote:
   I will not make an apology for expressing my views on cultures. Let 
  facts be submitted to a candid world !  Richard
  Fine! Do it on some chat room, not on this list.
  I'm not about to make a donation to Bill Beaty to listen to your 
  or any other way off topic Bovine Feces.
  Vortex-l was a Think Tank- knowledge poolnow it's turned into 
  a Drunk Tank-cesspool pool
  that is driving away the intelligent contributors. 

Re: Toward the Next Crusade

2005-07-18 Thread RC Macaulay

Grimer wrote..
It seems to me that the Crusader Particle would be a good name for 
the materon/epo since like crusaders of yore it carries a cross (the 
plus sign) and a sword, the negative sign.Not a politically correct 
suggestion, I know, butin the week following the London bombings I 
amgetting the feeling that a showdown between the christian west and the 
muhammadan east is onlya matter of time.
Cultures eminate from religious doctrines. The showdown began in 600 AD with 
the beginning of the doctrine of " fatalism" expounded by Muhammed. An analogy 
can be drawn by the story of the Muslin truck driver. Should the truck break 
down just over the hill on a dark road, the Muslim would leave the truck in the 
middle of the road. Anyone killed by crashing into the truck would be the will 
of Allah. However, a Christian truck driver would think.. better push the truck 
off to the side to avoid anyone running into the truck and killing 
This simple analogy is the essence of the two cultures. One fatalistic and 
one hopeful. One based on evil and one on 

Re: Toward the Next Crusade

2005-07-18 Thread RC Macaulay

Richard wrote..

This simple analogy is the essence of the two cultures. One fatalistic 
and one hopeful. One based on evil and one on good.

Ed and Jed are correct stating this group should focus on science. Cultural 
studies are a science.
Allow me to correct my wording to.. One "rooted" in evil 
and one "rooted" in good.

The subject is the difference in cultures and my opinion the two 
cultures differbecause ofreligious doctrine.

The analogy I drew regarding truck drivers came from a report by a medical 
team from Texas Medical Center Houston returning from a summer in Uganda Africa. 
They were overwhelmed by the suffering of the people and their medical needs. 
The soldiers of dictator Ida Amin had raped and infected a large segment of the 
women with AIDS, adding to an already medical nightmare.
One of the medical team overheard a native use the analogy to explain the 
difference in the two cultures. I thought it profound in its simplistic 

I will not make an apology for expressing my views on cultures. Let facts 
be submitted to a candid world !


Re: Toward the Next Crusade

2005-07-18 Thread RC Macaulay
Title: Re: Toward the Next Crusade

Evil is the root cause of despair.

  - Original Message - 
  Harry Veeder 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 9:37 PM
  Subject: Re: Toward the Next 
  A culture of despair has displaced a culture of 
  hope.Despair tends to foster a belief in fatalism.Now ask yourself 
  what is the cause of despair. HarryRC Macaulay 
  Richard wrote..This simple analogy is the 
essence of the two cultures. One fatalistic and one hopeful. One based on 
evil and one on good.Ed and Jed are correct stating this group 
should focus on science. Cultural studies are a science.Allow me to 
correct my wording to.. One "rooted" in evil and one "rooted" in 
good.The subject is the difference in cultures and my opinion the 
two cultures differ because of religious doctrine.The analogy I drew 
regarding truck drivers came from a report by a medical team from Texas 
Medical Center Houston returning from a summer in Uganda Africa. They were 
overwhelmed by the suffering of the people and their medical needs. The 
soldiers of dictator Ida Amin had raped and infected a large segment of the 
women with AIDS, adding to an already medical nightmare.One of the 
medical team overheard a native use the analogy to explain the difference in 
the two cultures. I thought it profound in its simplistic view.I 
will not make an apology for expressing my views on cultures. Let facts be 
submitted to a candid world 

Re: The summer of MAHG

2005-07-16 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote..

There are three 'coincidences' with this device which seem to make 
it different.

Therefore, even though the device was built to accomplish one 
goal, it appears closer to being the serendipitous discovery of an 
interlocking set of operating parameters - which accomplish an even 
grander goal than it was originally intended to do.

I am amazed at the insight displayed by this writing. It is difficult to 
comment one a single point without including another.
I believe the most important message delivered is the possibility that it 
may be the beginning of a door opening to...
as Jones stated.. an even grander goal.
Back when the Manhatten project was shifted into high gear it seemed an 
excitement toward discovery permeated science.

What would it take to energize such a modern day excitement ?

Interesting op-ed piece in Sunday's paper re: Three good 
reasons why $ 60 oil should worry us ( writer Paul Roberts)



2005-07-15 Thread RC Macaulay

John.Rudiger wrote on the home on LaGrange thread...
Australia was the last country in the "Western World" to ban the use 
ofHeroine as a prescription pain killer. Medical Practitioners to this 
datestill claim that heroine is one of the best drugs available (better and 
withless side effects than morphine) for chronic pain management? 
Australiafinally bent to the pressure of "International Interests" (had 
something todo with USA/Australia trade agreements) and banned its use 
because it is an"Evil" drug Sound similar to what was done in the USA 
regarding "IndianHemp" early last century?
Drugs are " cidf" (cash in da fist). The US government funded research 
in so called " medical" drugs has reached unprecedented dollar amounts. The 
designer drugs and now biogenetic research funds are the " fuel" for the Texas 
Medical Center in Houston. Much so that two of the major players ( Methodists 
and Baptists hospitals) have split and now been fighting over the 
Add Bush bill for medicare prescription drugs that bends the budget some 400 
bil..oops..make that 800 bil and we see some real money changing hands. Dare to 
go up against this " cartel" and get smashed.
Enter now the " allergy " type drugs. Few had allergies three generations 
ago. Now it is common for a test at the doctors to show that of 100 base 
allergens, a person may be allergic to more than 50. Hmmm! Does that sound like 
the modern day British tactic of subduing the Chinese 2 centuries ago with 
Last count, the numbers of researchers in medicine, heart,cancer and 
now AIDS research and the combined dollars spent in these catagories of research 
makefusion energyresearch funding seem like peanuts.
What we need is a scantily clad girlwaering a Harley shirt draped 
across the hood of a CF drag racer. Ya gotta sell the sizzles if ya 
wanta make a buck!!

LaGrange Texas

2005-07-14 Thread RC Macaulay

I live 12 miles outside of LaGrange Texas, better known for the famous Texas 
" chicken ranch" ( the greatest little whore house in Texas) where no 
politician on his way to Austin was ever turned away without be " serviced".
Alas! the ranch is long gone but the world of politics has remained. 
The only difference is the old timers traded chickens for favors and the new 
politicians trade favors for chickenfeed.

Re: Home on LaGrange

2005-07-14 Thread RC Macaulay

The two S's . Staven and Stephen present a valid solution to drugs as many 
have proposed over the decades since China woke up one morning with a drug 
problem " Opium wars" 

The wicked witch of the west caught a splash of water in the face and went 
down screaming.. you wretched child !! you've destroyed my beautiful 
wickedness.. I hate you, I hate you !! I even hate your dog...

Any attempt to thwart the flow of drugs will be met with like opposition.. 
get your bucket ready if you want to put out the fire burning the straw 


Ozone- new technology

2005-07-14 Thread RC Macaulay

Ah! Ozone..

Surely there is a better technology to use for generating ozone gas for 
disinfecting water in quanities. The systems I have seen appear stone age. 
Somebody out there has generated ozone using another technology that may fit 
what I am looking for.


Re: MAHG: How does H2 avoid..

2005-07-12 Thread RC Macaulay

Michael Huffman wrote...
My picture is of a somewhat variable elastic H atom that is able absorb 
and store some of the energy of the impact of H+H recombination but not 
enough to allow an H2 molecule to stay together until a sufficient amount of 
energy has been stored in the two individual atoms. It could well be 
that immediately after the initial dissociation, the H atoms have dropped to 
a lower energy state, "shrunk", as Dr. Mills describes it, and that it takes 
many repeated attempts at recombination before the two atoms have enough 
energy stored internally that they are able to permanently reunite. In 
the shrunken state, they are simply not elastic enough to absorb the impact 
and stay together.Another key to whether or not the two atoms stay 
together has to do with the distance traveled for them to reunite. As 
the two atoms approach each other, they are accelerating due to Casimir 
forces. With each successive attempt to reunite, a portion of the 
impact energy is internalized by the individual atoms, giving them more 
elasticity. The distance that they travel apart from each other upon 
blowing apart again is shorter, making the next attempt to reunite more 
likely for success until finally, a balance or equilibrium state is 

Interesting vision and description of H2 events by Michael. Now consider the 
atoms entering and exiting as being shaped like a vortex and the picture 
would be remarkably similar to our observationsof watervortexes 
created in our plexiglas test tank. Not nearly as random in formation and 
collapse as a casual observor would imagine.

Re: Is 2.5 Hz a Natural energy...

2005-07-12 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote..
is there any place where onemight expect to see large scale evidence 
of such an effect - in terms ofenergy being "coupled" but in a place 
where it shouldn't be?

Yes Jones.. Arctic and antarctic. Shouldn't be snowpacks that deep. Can't 

Re: Large increase in PV solar energy production

2005-07-11 Thread RC Macaulay

 Jed wrote..

The "Wind Force 12 Plan" calls for wind power to supply 12% of world 
electricity by 2020. . . . The plan calls for 1,245,000 MW total wind 
capacity, 26 times more than we now have.I have wondered if 
anyone has built a windmill like the Schauberger theme .
Shortcut to: http://home5.swipnet.se/%7Ew-58759/windmill/windmill.html

Re. The BEAP hypothesis

2005-07-09 Thread RC Macaulay

Grimer wrote..
The situation is completely analogous to the Alpha-atmospheric (A-a) 
pressure environment. The ambient atmospheric pressure is 14.7 pounds 
per square inch (psi). Any pressure below 14.7 psi is a vacuum of some 
degree. Unfortunately, long ago the electron was 
arbitrarily assigned a negative sign for its electric charge and the 
proton a positive sign which doesn't help. And I'm afraid it ain't 
possible to change them over now with causing horrendous confusion. One 
will just have to think of negative charges as being at positive B-a 
electric pressure, i.e. above external ambient, and positive charges as 
being at negative B-a electric pressure, i.e. below external 
ambient. I like the wayFrank thinks. Way back in my salad 
days a like question arose regarding " accurate" flow measurement. There ain't 
no such animal. Every measurement is " differential" measurementincluding 
the fallacy of 14.7 PSIA.

Re: Hydrogen ICE Hybrids

2005-07-07 Thread RC Macaulay

Our local county has been providing some alternate design concepts to 
TxDot's new TransTexas Corridor plan for the state ( TxDot's plan  includes 
a 1200 foot wide transportation corridor containing lanes set aside for 
rail, autos, trucks, busses plus pipeline and electric powerline 
easements).Our alternate design uses existing rights of way on the freeways. 
I have the drawings etc. in pdf if you would like me to email you. The 
alternate concept is based on a  uni-x-rail that can be adapted to mag-lev 
and/or electric rail.

- Original Message - 
From: Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 9:52 AM
Subject: Hydrogen ICE Hybrids

We are studying a small rail system for inner Atlanta called the Beltline 
Project.  The type of vehicle is wide open and we are presently looking at 
Innorail recently implemented in Bordeaux, Fr.  Here's a coworker's paper 
on it if interested:


Well, as so often happens, I opened my big mouth and asked why we don't do 
something sustainable and altruistic for the vehicles like a hydrogen ICE 
hybrid.  Everyone liked the fact that it would make world news and thought 
they could get funding from new sources for such.


Has anyone heard of any large ICEs being fueled by hydrogen?

Re: [OT] Transit Alert

2005-07-07 Thread RC Macaulay
Are you referring to contractors like Spaw-Glass Inc. Contractors of 
Nashville , now controlled by mideastern group?

- Original Message - 
From: Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:03 AM
Subject: [OT] Transit Alert

We have just been told to shut down all our contracts and send the 
contractors home.  I understand this is for all mass-transit systems in 
the US.

Has anyone heard that they suspect contractors planted bombs in London???

Re: OT July 4

2005-07-04 Thread RC Macaulay

True of Mike's writing... well said, insightful and informative. Makes me 
appreciate the company we keep here in Vortex.

What a great group.!!


- Original Message - 
From: Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: OT July 4

Well said, Mike...

Re: OT Re: July 4

2005-07-04 Thread RC Macaulay

I will pose a question to Terry.

What do the small, seemingly obscure sentences in Judges 8: 1-2   seem to 
you ?

(  a member of the tribe of Ephraim speaking to Gideon, a member of the 
tribe of Manasseh ).

 Why have you treated us like this? Why didn't you call us when you went to 
fight Midian?

But he answered them,
 What have I ( Gideon) accomplished compared to you? Aren't the gleaning 
of Ehpraim's grapes better than the full grape harvest of Abiezer?

From: Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: OT Re: July 4

From: leaking pen

bushs america is not america.

You are absolutely correct.  It is not clear that it is money which turns 
the earth, presently lubricated by oil?  Does everyone here really believe 
that it matters which man holds the office of the presidency?  The world 
agenda is set by those in power.  Neither Bog nor chaos plays any role in 
what happens.  It is all projected, planned and executed according to the 

You wanna blame someone, blame the Knights Templar.  If you know why, then 
you likely know the truth.

Re: OFF TOPIC Cultural relativity

2005-06-28 Thread RC Macaulay

Richard wrote..

 For the past two thousand years man has attempted to understand 
" Revelation", the last book in the bible. Perhaps this emerging 
generation will be given the insight of understanding this writing that 
promises a blessing to all that study the letter from Jesus Christ to 
the nations. Why did the writer use the word " study"

Leaking Pen wrote..
 closer to 1700 years. st john the divine is not to be 
confused withst john the baptist. he lived in roughly 300 ad, and was 
of a judaicendtimes cult. not a christian. he talks not of a 
second coming, butof the first coming of the messiah, as he didnt believe 
jesus was themessiah. just had to correct you 

Pen.. you missed the point. Did you read Revelation ? Did you receive a 
It is easy to debate the origin and the secretary that took the 
dictation... The African bishop Dionysius conjectured the writer was John the 
Presbyter ( not John the apostle which is clearly the secretary as confirmed by 
Justin Martyr a hundred years before Dionysius was born) whose name appears in 
other writings. Some still follow the belief of Dionysius but the external 
evidence overwhelmingly supports the traditional view that John the Apostle was 
the secretary.

Regardless, the wording is the issue. The person that put the words to 
paper took dictation direct from the angel of Christ Jesus as the writer so 
states. To present an argument over the " secretary" is irrelevant..

John the Baptist was not involved ,past being an early voice proclaiming 
Jesus has come in the flesh. The Baptist had his head served on a platter for 
daring to challenge a woman's right to marry her husband's brother .Shehad 
her daughter do an Arab version of a lap dance for hubbie # 2 in trade for the 
Baptist head, which only demonstrates times ain't changed much in the 


Re: OFF TOPIC Cultural relativity

2005-06-27 Thread RC Macaulay

Reading these posts can become addictive. Some of the insight is profound. 
Lets continue the post and include more comments.
The world is blessed with writers with insight and they have provided us 
partial answers to trends in world cultural shifts. Unfortunately, their insight 
is predicated on studying the past in hopes of providing answers for the future. 

The book " Future Shock" gave us insight into a trend we are witnessing 
today. The trend identifies what takes place when a generation is born in the 
thros of change. Their inclination is to accept change without question. 
However, as the writer predicted, unless there is continious change, they rebel 
and force change regardless of meritbecause they are in the habit.

This habit of change is in conflict with older generations in every culture 
in the world. Couple this with the rise of mega world financial systems , be 
they EXXons, WalMarts, Citibanks, GE's, Siemens, Mitsuibishis, et.al., that have 
an impact on culture yet to beunderstood. 

Fold into the batter of change a helping of mega technology and education 
for flavor, add mega world organized crime forseasoning and stir while 
blending cultures and religions, politics and reconceptualizing society 
and we have one heck of a changing scenario that defies any understanding of 
true direction. Place in the oven of old energy concepts and try to get a rise 
out of the leavening of laws of human nature.

For the past two thousand years man has attempted to understand " 
Revelation", the last book in the bible. Perhaps thisemerging generation 
will be given the insight of understanding this writing that promises a blessing 
to all that study the letter from Jesus Christ to the nations. Why did the 
writer use the word " study" ?


Re: More on the iESi CF Technology

2005-06-24 Thread RC Macaulay

Jed, This should get you to the links on the nozzles Dynaflow has 
done extensive work and testing of various nozzles as thier website indicates. 
Never could understand how they could spend that much money and effote until I 
found their website and learned they use " Uncle Fed" for research funding. A 
careful study of their papers qualify tests as " possible".


Re: More on the iESi CF Technology

2005-06-24 Thread RC Macaulay

Another link on Kowalski 

Re: proposed fusion reactor

2005-06-24 Thread RC Macaulay

What supposedly happened at ITT, my early years employer ?
- Original Message - 
From: Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: proposed fusion reactor

From: Christopher

Richard Hall knows what happened at ITT and he also said he knows about 
an event that occurred with the fusor that had to be kept secret. Maybe 
someone would like to ask him about that? While you are at it - say hello 
for me.

Which Richard Hall?  Formerly of the NSA?


Re: Cluster Impact Fusion (CIF)

2005-06-24 Thread RC Macaulay

Grimer wrote...This is a truly wonderful piece of experimental 
evidence. All it lacks is an explanation of what'sgoing 
Interesting observation Frank. I wasthinking aboutthe 
impact while thinking about the JLN Labs demo posted on their website 
regarding the "Coanda Effect". JLN video of a compressed air stream impacting a 
bowl shaped surface produces the Coanda effect which actuallydraws the 
flat surface toward the air stream. One of Dynaflow's research papers ( many 
posted on their website) also seems to allude to the cluster effect .
Since Vortexians are far out by nature I also considered the " flat surface" 
may be a cleverly withheld bit of information. Could it bethat the 
Coanda Effectwas present in their experiment. I don't recall 
mention of materials of the 'flat surface". Call me simple but I look for a 
reaction for each action. Perhaps an explanation is in the realm of " 

Re: More on the iESi CF Technology

2005-06-23 Thread RC Macaulay

Looking at the Russian patent drawing in the link by Dr. Arrison, the 
nozzle configuration looks like a knockoff of DynaFlow Inc patented nozzles. 
DynaFlow has the advantage of SBA grants for innovative research because they 
know how to write a grant.


Re: Methane and LENR in Ball Lightning

2005-06-21 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote, Grimer wrote..
 Professor James Tuck had access to a submarine battery redundant 
from another experiment at Los Alamos. After many attempts to 
create a ball lightning discharge -which failed- he enclosed the 
switchgear in a small cellophane box and added a low 
concentration of methane to it. When the switch was turned it produced a 
sheet of flame, a thundering roar, and removed the roof from the 
building. The film of the event showed a ball of light about 
10cm in diameter.
I saw ball lightning producedduring the 1933 hurricane in LaPorte 
Texas. The lightning was severe and while watching from an upstairs window at 
around 3 am, a bolt struck across the road into a ravine. The vertical light 
produced seemsed to fragment into vertical segments and remain in that form for 
a few seconds. I watched three or more balls near the base of the vertical bolt 
segments " float" down toward the ground and disappear into the undergrowth in 
the ravine. The actual " balls" appeared to be on fire with a trailing tail at 
the top similar to candle flame. I recall this event must have lasted 5-10 
seconds until the balls vanished. My estimate of the ball diameterwas 
volleyballsize based on the distance from my point of view ( about 500 
feet) Our home was was located about 2500 feet from Galveston bay which 
opens into the gulf of Mexico. I learned at a tender age to NEVER mention what I 
saw because of the ridicule. Later attending a special school in the US Navy, 
our Lt. Commander flatly stated I was lying. It wasn't until I saw a pic 
of a Japanese lab experiment in the 1980's that confirmed ball lightning 
that most of the physics community came around to believing. I have never met 
another person that said they had actually witnessed this type of event.
Since that time, I have considered there are many forms of whatmay 
bedescribed as ball lightning.

Re: 1/f noise was More MAHG BLP

2005-06-21 Thread RC Macaulay

Stephen , you may add to the spinning top the silver dollar 
spin.Spinning a new silver dollar on a hard clean flat surface can 
be a study in itself considering the amount of energy released across the entire 
range of spin until it is perfectly still. Even in its final throws of decay, 
the coin seems to increase its " attempt" to continue to rotate.
Once had a friend say he could hear music from the fillings in his teeth. 
Always got a laugh. We tried an experiment . He sat in another room while we had 
an AM radio playing popular music. He couldn't hear the radio from his location 
but he could tell us what melody was playing. Wasn't until years later I 
mentioned this to my dentist. He said keep it down.. he had patients mention the 
same thing and felt they were imagining things.

Re: New search engine

2005-06-18 Thread RC Macaulay

R.C Macaulay wrote..
Having mentioned in prior posts my interest in "quadratic 
computing" (  use of 4 computers rather than 2 ( parallel 
computing),Stephen Lawrence wrote...
4 computers? I don't understand.
The concept of using 4 computer in quad form rather than parallel. The 
thought being of borrowing from a qaudratic equation type architecture. Two of 
the computer being for the purpose of " mirroring" a 3 d image segment of a 
variable.These values are in analog format and must be converted to digital . 
They can be digitized by taking a " snapshot" of the image which also provides a 
time link.The third computer would handle the differential and used to " bias" 
the 4th computer which is formulating the completion of the equation.
Difficult to describe. The idea comes fromthinking of the function of 
asimple electronic process controller with proportional and reset 
plus derivitive action. One can imagine the number of computers in cluster 
that " quadratic" programmming may bypass.There are some wizzs playing with this 
concept that should get together with the guys that put XBox and Game Boy 
together. May seem in the realm of imaginary mathematics way beyond present 
levels , however, the science community is beginning to reach its limits in 
existing math formulation. Where is the next Newton ?? He may be 7 years old 
with an XBoxon each hip instead of six shooter cap pistols.

Re: [O.T].. the aliens are become my friends

2005-06-16 Thread RC Macaulay

Grimer wrote..
 107:10. Moab the pot of my hope.  Over Edom I will stretch 
out my shoe: the aliens are become my friends.

My bible reads
Psalms 107:10 
Some sat in darkness and the deepest gloom,prisoners suffering in iron 
chains, (11) for they had rebelled against the word of God.
Obviously . the magnetized coil of wire acted as it is supposed to when 
connected to electric power. 
" it rose attempting to beat a hasty EXODUS".. 
You didn't mention if the experimenter was holding the wire while drinking 
a"long neck"which could better explain seeing aliens. A long 
neck is a shape of beer bottle designed specifically to grasp and hold onto to 
keep from falling off the stool while seeing all sorts of things such as 
hamburger plates disguised as saucers etc.

Re: New Search Engine

2005-06-16 Thread RC Macaulay

Stephen Lawrence wrote
I'm over at http://www.physicsinsights.org/The 
Glue Function is a fascinating study. Did you compose these works Stephen?
Having mentioned in prior posts my interest in "quadratic computing" ( 
use of 4 computers rather than 2 ( parallel computing),
I am elated to find someone with another " piece" of the programming 
puzzle. Quadratic computing is possible whereas quantum computing is an 
imaginary concept at best. I predict the next generation of mathematics 
will make use of 3D graphics in tracing the assumed solution backwards 
thru the steps of the equation.. a kind of " through the looking glass concept." 

I think Stephen has part of the picture of this concept rolling around in 
his thought process. What amazes me is that the guys that put GameBoy and Xbox 
together have most of the3D graphics portionof the programming 
solved for quadratic computing .. they dont see it in front of their eyes.


Re: Loopy field lines

2005-06-15 Thread RC Macaulay

Grimer wrote
One can rush in and utter terrible heresies in all innocence.
Many a true word is spoken in jest. What is amazing is the stimuli stirred by 
For example, The main vortex cone produced in our glass water test tank by 
the high rotational speed of a distributor sheds mini vortices. These 
short , tight, self contained vortexes have no typical cone shaped 
configuration. They are more similar to a spiral helix. They form and decay 
within 1-2 seconds.
Loopy field lines insitu?? hmmm

Re: Electrospray Ionization (ESI)

2005-06-15 Thread RC Macaulay

Bill Beaty wrote..

"so the Triboelectric Series for cotton touchingRayon (etc.) does not 
apply. That's how "anti static dryer sheets" work"

Interesting instructions given in Exodus and Leviticus regarding the 
garments to be worn by the high priest.. linen with gold adornments. No wool or 
cotton mixed with linen. Throw in the Urim and Thurim which may be amber 

Considering the account of the helpful hand trying to steady the Arch of 
the Covenant and getting himself killed for the effort 
begs the question... did these people have access to technologyfor 
which we are searching the CF frontier?


Re: V ortex steam- dissociation hydrogen generator

2005-06-12 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote...
Taking Fred's "steam electricity" posting to the next level - can the 
self-generated electricity phenomena of steam be used in situ - to any net 
energy benefit? or stated another wayCan two wrongs (near misses) 
ever make a right?Most everyone on this forum is familiar with the RHVT 
(Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube) and with steam-dissociation (thermolysis or 
pyrolysis) which is high temperature steam splitting as a source of 
hydrogen, with or without added electrical input.Both of these are 
*inefficient processes,* in one sense. Even when concentrated solar energy 
is used as a heat source, thermolysis has never made much of an impact (as 
much as scientific logic seems to indicate that it should have). And the 
vortex tube is little more than a novelty.The RHVT is inefficient, 
sure, but that is *only* as a cooling device; and thermolysis is inefficient 
as a source of hydrogen, primarily because of *recombination* losses prior 
to separation of the hydrogen from the steam. These problems may have seemed 
insurmountable, but Can these two near misses be combined 
synergistically to overcome the weakness of each in a single 
device?The Beck Patent is a step in the right direction - but it does 
not go far enough...
Thoughtful insight Jones has, coupled with Fred's ability to keep honest 
people honest. 

Texas Genco- an ongoing saga

2005-06-08 Thread RC Macaulay

Welcome to Texas where nobody's life nor property is safe when the Texas 
Leg is in session. 

Keep you eye on the magician's sparkler. If you take you eyes off you not 
be playing according to the rules. Once upon a time there was a company called 
Houston Lighting and Power ( HLP). It was a wonderful company making money. 

The same guys that sold the king his new set of clothes got control of it 
and split it into Reliant, spun off Centerpoint and Genco and a few other 
entities we wont mention. The Texas Leg agreed the powerplants and the South 
Texas Nuclear plant was worthless and they worked a deal so the investors could 
recover their " stranded costs". A cute description for " we got stuck with 
junk" and its all the State's fault. The state puts up the bonds for sale to pay 
the power companies who in turn will raise the rates to pay the bonds. They will 
also close down the old plants because of the cost of installing pollution 
control systems.
Or rather, thats the story told the public. They actually sell the plants 
to the next guy down the ladder and they come to the state with the same 

Meanwhile Reliant and others saw a birdnest on the ground and suddenly the 
old plants would cost " much" more to shutdown after the auditors and 
CEO's finished adding numbers to cucumbers while performing wonders.

In the ongoing saga of Texas,A group of investors took Genco private 
last December for $ 3.7 bil.This week they announced theyplanned to 
sell $ 600 mil in stock in a public offering which isnear the 
$781milof cash they actually used to buy the 3.7
Bil Genco. Genco owns 11,122 megs of power capacity including 
44% of the nuke plant that costs 8-13 bil alone to build .
Goldman Sachs is part of the deal making it fun because they have a power 
trading company that just happens to be under contract for 25% of Genco's 
capacity thru 2009.

There is gold in them thar hills!! no wonder Bush is not interested in 
solving the energy and pollution problems we have. 
He and Wall Street HAVE the solution Rob everyone blind and form a 
committee to study windmills.

Re: High Efficency Therionic to Electric Heat Conversion

2005-06-04 Thread RC Macaulay

Thanks for posting the link. The Chorus motor claims are also interesting. 
I asked them for info on motor power efficency.


Re: CF Colloquium/Tribute to Dr.Mallove

2005-05-29 Thread RC Macaulay


Thanks for the post. Uplifting.


Re: Alternate Explanations for Cold Fusion ?

2005-05-29 Thread RC Macaulay


Sometimes we try to go to far in attempting to please opposition.

In the case of CF, it is only necessary to call attention to a common 
"physics demonstration of CF". That demonstration is evidenced by 

The weather experts have various explanations for them however the best 
explanation for how hailstones are created is by studying a Ranque- Hilsch 
vortex tube. In a thunderstorm, vortexes form. Some result in tornados, some 
form a type of vortex tube where the Ranque-Hilsch effect is created and 
moisture laden air is separated and exited from the vortex. The low temperature 
exit can be below the freezing temperature forming ice crystals. The high speed 
syclone rotation of the " tube" produces the characteristic shapes of hail 

Unbelievably, some of these ice particles are so huge they are fragmented 
inside the tube and exit as ball the size of grapefruit as well as ice 
fragments.Some reportedice fragmentsare described as huge ice 
boulders .

Some describe this effect as CF because of the energy produced/consumed 
cannot be explained by " natural physics".

There is so much we see daily in nature that begs the question " 
whats going on here". However,the incidents are so common the reality is 
lostin the habit of oversight.


Re: Alternate Explanations for Cold Fusion?

2005-05-29 Thread RC Macaulay

While on the subject of CF. The reports resulting from CF research tests 
indicate some otherwise unexplained energy release.This may be a reactive 
attempt by mother nature to protect her own, A Jealous and modest protective 
woman can react in strange ways. What is presently described as evidence of CF 
may only be the " wake" left by the reaction of the woman.

When the secrets for extracting a cold form of energy (CF) from the 
atom arrives it maybe from the study of lightning and the riddle solved by 
a higher form of mathematics only now in the conceptual stages.

Webelieve weknow what forms lightning. We knowthe stage 
is set duringwith weather disturbances, yet some "dry lightning" happens. 
What we believe lightning tobemay not be correct. The sheer raw 
energy release is beyond present measurement. We do not know how to identify all 
the bi-products formed by the release of such an energy burst.

What is it exactly? Or as Clinton would say .. it depends on what is .. 


Re: Disruptive Technology in the making

2005-05-24 Thread RC Macaulay

Steven mentions SBC in his comments on Vonage. Vonage is already in the USA 
as part owner of the telecon industries. Some actually believe SBC, Verizon, 
Cingular and ATT are competitors.

Lets look at them: SBC just bought ATT, Verizon( the old General 
Telephone or later GTE, Cingular is SBC and Atlanta Bell in drag. Verizon 
and Vonage are joined at the hip.The CEO's of each are hand picked by Wall 
Street ( your local friendly banker named CITI and Chase. 

The Texas leg just finished the deal allowing SBC et al to engage in 
telecon via tv without control by individual cities in Texas. This means 
TimeWarner has a REAL problem along with troubles with AOL.

Notice IBM bought a small IT company that has a lock on software for 
security for banks, credit cards, defense and security issues. The 
interesting part of this news is that the IT company was funded initially by the 
CIA.. Hmmm ??
This software is also designed for internet monitors.

As the field in telecon narrows it doesn't mean lower costs, the people 
that run the industry have a firm hand on the direction.
Keep your eyes on SBC,,, they have it going for them and they have a way of 
increasing the price. 

My Cingular wireless( SBC in drag) charges increased.


Re: test

2005-05-23 Thread RC Macaulay

Perhaps the silence can be attributed to the Bob Lazer article contained in 
the Las Vegas news.. see link 
I chuckle at this guy.
GM has spent a small fortune researching metal hydrides for storing 
hydrogen gas safely for automotive use and Bob comes up with a home made 25 ft 
particle accelerator for hydride concentration. I love it.
Look at the video of the pipe coming out of the roof of his garage. He must 
drive em nuts with his ability to attract the press.
Does it work ??
Who knows him well enough to find out. If his work on hydrides represents a 
valid technology, whoopee doo for him !!


Re: (OT) Texas jones and the Lost Ark

2005-05-20 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones wrote..

Maybe that degree of dedicatied wierdness comes with the territory. 
Oops, sorry Richard, but I was refering to the surname, not the great state 
of Texas... or as we like to say in May-he-co, Tay-hoss. 

No hay differencia en punto! Jones.

Few can laugh harder at Texas than Texans. The 
Aggies print the best jokes about themselves. Texas is actually a STATE.. 
a state ofmind.

One of my defining moments was some years ago 
outside the small town of Hebbronville in the brazada country of south Texas 
where everything either stinks, stings or sticks.

Stopped in the only place open late at night for 
a cup of coffee. Tiny cantina, two at the bar, one behind, coffee was thick as 
syrup. Sat watching. Two at the bar holding onto longnecks for fear of 
falling off their stools. No conversation, just silence.
As I looked over to the doorway that would be 
covered by a board at closing time I noticed a hand written 

"If you spit on the floor at home, do it here , 
because we want you to feel at home"

Only in Texas.. my kinda place. And what a shame 
the news cartoonists can only make fun of "W's" ears when there is so much more 
to laugh about in Texas.

Granted, we sometimes do forget to keep the 
fences mended and a few strays wander outlike 
Just shoo him back in !!


Stimulating the imagination

2005-05-19 Thread RC Macaulay

Some design problems have no solution. Some have solutions 
requiringsmall or severe compromise. Some have beautiful simplistic 
solutions.Spending countless hours dailyin the design and 
development of a reactor unit that holds hope for pretreating seawater for 
reverse osmosis (RO), I often step outside the box and look inside through 
imaginary windows to see if the components have a hope of fitting and examine my 

The VortexL group affords me quality stimuli. In turn, I am likewise 
obligated to the group  so..here goes..

CF may only be the " wake" left of something during passing, or passed by. 
By wake, I mean evidence and reaction.
By reaction, I mean an attempt by nature to cover or recover.

When mother nature is unveiled, she attempts to cover her nakedness. We see 
this action take place when a field is plowed.
Weeds attempt to cover the naked soil. This may be a clue. An attempt to 
cover or recover regardless of the worth of the covering( weeds).

A hasty improvision if you will.

As an old poker playing friend once observed.. this ain't no game for a 
blind man !!

Surely the Vortex group is no place for the timid  grin


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Re: Cavitation neutrons-was; Blast from the past-

2005-05-18 Thread RC Macaulay

In reply to RC Macaulay's message of Tue, 17 May 2005 
07:15:53-0500:Hi,Hi Robin,The M.W.Youds website mentions 
patents for his device operating at 7225 RPM to achieve the result he 
reported. He mentioned gamma radiation present so we are 
careful.I found loads of stuff on his web page, but no patents. Could 
yousupply the patent number?[snip]Regards,Robin van 
This is one link that mentions patents although I cannot fit what is what. 
More details on the device was posted some time back on 
but the Greenfield link has been cut. As is the case for so much posted on 
the net.. 
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OT: Oil for Food fight/ Galloway's retort

2005-05-18 Thread RC Macaulay

Reported by the Washington Bureau written by David Ivanovich.

The US Senate received a taste of George Galloway, a member of Parliament 
from Britain.

Responding to a Senate inquiry, Galloway belittled the inquiry as " utterly 
preposterous" and challenged the Senators on
the fairness of the panel that would smear his name " without ever having 
asked me a single questiuon".

Stating " I know that standards have slipped over the last few years here 
in Washington.. But for a lawyer, you're remarkably cavalier with any idea of 

Galloway mocked investigators for an error he described as a 
"schoolboy howler".

And in a voice dripping with sarcasm, Galloway questioned the credibility 
of any information from Ramadan. " He's your prisoner, he's in Abu Ghraib 
prison. I believe he is facing war crimes, charges punishable by death. Knowing 
what the world knows about how you treat prisoners in Abu Ghraib.. I'm not sure 
how much credibility anyone would put on anything you manage to get from a 
prisoner in those circumstances",

US Senators must be careful when debating a member of Parliament , else 
they wind up on the wrong end of a Shakespearian drama. Never try to teach a 
Brit the fine art of debate or how to suck eggs.


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Re: Mile-high Solar Towers: political ramifications

2005-05-18 Thread RC Macaulay
Frank, consider the amount of energy  expended daily in the quest to reduce 
fat. People actually pay money to go to the spa and workout. Couple the 
electric power output from the treadmill to batteries and the energy problem 
solves itself. Better still ride a bicycle as we will all be riding one soon 
enough.. the most efficent form of transportation the world has seen to 

- Original Message - 
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: Mile-high Solar Towers: political ramifications

At 04:55 pm 18/05/2005 -0400, Jed wrote:

*Everything* has been paved over and replaced with
fast-food joints, convenience stores and parking lots. They cleaned up the
air and water pollution, but apparently it never occurred to anyone that 
would be good idea to leave some natural landscape or green spaces so the
kids could see trees and grass and sky instead of overhead wires, concrete
and pachinko parlors.

Surely, man is part of nature, and the Eifel tower is as natural as an ant 
Or do ants consider all those enormous anthills a blot on their landscape? 
Speaking as a civil engineer and a christian I'm all for levelling every 
hill and filling every valley. After all, it's only in the last hundred 
years or so that people have fallen in love with mountainous landscapes.

I suppose if people don't have a god to worship then they will seize upon 
golden calf - or nature - or even Elvis Presley and the Beatles.

Frank Grimer

Re: Cavitation neutrons - was: Blast from the Past -

2005-05-17 Thread RC Macaulay
Hi Robin,
The M.W.Youds website mentions patents for his device operating at 7225 RPM 
to achieve the result he reported. He mentioned gamma radiation present so 
we are careful.
Our standard gas inductors run at 3450 RPM.
We are working on a design for speeds to 10,500 RPM with VFD drive. Design 
problems with dynamic balancing , shaft bearing and mechanical seal cooling 
plague us. In the industrial world  products must survive 50,000 hours.

- Original Message - 
From: Robin van Spaandonk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 2:19 AM
Subject: Re: Cavitation neutrons - was: Blast from the Past -

In reply to  RC Macaulay's message of Mon, 16 May 2005 21:45:43
Hi Richard,
Why precisely 3450 RPM?
The cavitation products made by Hydro dynamics Inc. apparently differ from 
the device used by Knuke.  Dr. M.W Youds website has a vortex device that 
may be closer to what Knuke worked with. Youds speculated some  events' 
could occur that may be  what happened to Knuke. We keep a gieger counter 
handy when testing water vortex research devices at rotational speed above 
3450 RPM.

Robin van Spaandonk
All SPAM goes in the trash unread.

Re: Cavitation neutrons - was: Blast from the Past -

2005-05-16 Thread RC Macaulay

The cavitation products made by Hydro dynamics 
Inc. apparently differ from the device used by Knuke. Dr. M.W Youds 
website has a vortex device that may be closer to what Knuke worked with. Youds 
speculated some " events' could occur that may be what happened to Knuke. 
We keep a gieger counter handy when testing water vortex research devices at 
rotational speed above 3450 RPM.


  - Original Message - 
  Ron Wormus 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 4:52 PM
  Subject: Re: Cavitation neutrons - was: 
  Blast from the Past -
  Well I can't answer either of your queries but heres a Co 
  selling a commerical version of Knukes device.http://www.hydrodynamics.com/index.htm--On 
  Monday, May 16, 2005 5:29 PM -0400 revtec [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The 
  silence is deafening. I have been waiting impatiently for Jones or 
  someone to respond to these posts by Knuke and speculate on how a home 
  brew cavitating turbine, spiked with mere traces of fissionable 
  material, can within five seconds of operation deliver a near lethal 
  dose of radiation! Dosn't this level of performance makes the Huffman 
  machine the Mother of all LENR devices? Someone more skilled than I in 
  the "art of duplicating" needs to check this out!  Is the 
  silence on the subject due to the fact that every Vortex member with 
  facilities is doing just that?  Jeff  P.S. I 
  at least thought someone might imply that the account was impossible 
  and then back up their position with some "unasailable" 
  theorizing.   - Original Message -  
  From: "Michael Huffman" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
  vortex-l@eskimo.com Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 1:15 
  AM Subject: Re: Cavitation neutrons - was: Blast from the Past 
  -   Moin Jeff.  The 
  runaway events happened on the first model that I built. I did 
  these runs in my kitchen less than a foot away from these 
  radioactive tiles, but I had no clue that they 
  were radioactive until later. While trying to get a subsequent 
  model to do the runaway thing again, I came up with the 
  crazy idea of lacing the water, thinking that it may have 
  played a roll. I used the geiger counter quite a bit while wiping 
  down the tiles, but didn't turn it on for the 
  initial test run itself. I was in a hurry, and wanted to see what 
  would happen. Now I know.  This is all in the VG 
  archives, if you want to download all of those huge files and run 
  text searches. At Bill Beaty's website there used to be a photo of 
  the first model, torn down, and sitting on my kitchen 
  counter. One more word of warning though, if you go onto 
  Bill Beaty's website, leave a trail of breadcrumbs or make 
  bookmarks or something so that you don't get lost. Whenever I 
  visit Bill's website, I always get lost for hours, if 
  not days. It's pretty weird in there.  
  Knuke   Am Freitag, 13. Mai 2005 23:26 
  schrieb revtec:  - Original Message -  
  From: "Michael Huffman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To: 
  vortex-l@eskimo.com  Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 2:21 
  PM  Subject: Re: Cavitation neutrons - was: Blast from the 
  Past -I reread your article in 1995 vol. 1 
  , no. 1of IE which concluded  with your 
   impending success. What happened? Didn't your next model work? I 
  recall  knowing about your kitchen sheathed in yellow cake 
  tiles, but can't recall  if you told me that or if it 
  was mentioned in a subsequent article  that 
  I  am yet to rediscover. The implication was that the 
  runaway  operation was  possibly 
  caused because the experiment was surrounded by  
  radioactive walls.  I don't recall that you ever 
  indicated that you used uranium laced  water 
  to  fuel the turbine. Was it during the runaway describe in 
  the  article that  you suffered injury 
  or was it during a later experiment?

Re: Fission 'diodes' and one-way criticality

2005-05-15 Thread RC Macaulay
There is a belt  of hot water wells that traverse across Texas from 
Kilgore to Laredo. Many of these wells have a high H2S content . Along with 
the belt is lignite coal deposits. Yellowcake has been mined along the 
western extremity by Amoco in past years. Do you suppose we have a natural 
reaction taking place that results in the hot water ?

- Original Message - 
From: Robin van Spaandonk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: Fission 'diodes' and one-way criticality

In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Thu, 12 May 2005 21:23:04
The natural reactor at Oklo occurred 2 million years ago when all
the uranium on earth was of significantly higher enrichment then
it is now.
According to
this was 2 billion (not million) years ago, and the U235% then
would have been about 7.9% if I did the sums right.
Robin van Spaandonk
All SPAM goes in the trash unread.

Popular Science Jume 2007 Einstein Master of the Universe

2005-05-15 Thread RC Macaulay

If they say so, it must be true.


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Re: Popular Science Jume 2007 Einstein Master of the Universe

2005-05-15 Thread RC Macaulay

OOPS!! June 2005 issue

  - Original Message - 
  RC Macaulay 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 9:14 PM
  Subject: Popular Science Jume 2007 
  Einstein" Master of the Universe"
  If they say so, it must be true.
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Re: non-looping smot

2005-05-14 Thread RC Macaulay
Frank, When I consider a tool for analysis of the SMOT , I keep returning to 
the thought of quadratic computing. Such a system  for mathematical modeling 
would permit the answer to be loaded and the formula derived.. hehe.. the 
ultimate in  reverse engineering.  hmmm,, not so far out ..considering the 
3D graphics software available.
- Original Message - 
To: vortex-L@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 11:56 PM
Subject: RE: non-looping smot

At 06:48 pm 13-05-05 -0400, Keith wrote:
I hadn't really thought of that...a funny image, that.
All the same, it seems clear from experiment that
multiple ramps can be joined in a line. Perhaps as
you say, after many such ramps the ball will peter
out, hooking somewhere between the exit and entrance.
It would seem like frictional losses would mount
as you progressed down the line. Yet each ramp
could also been seen to be adding a certain amount
of energy, to be subtracted on the return trip.
It'd really be better to focus on one ramp, and the
critical return circuit. I suggested to Greg, with
the usual utter lack of acknowledgement, that
this would be his unique piece of IP to be patented.
The heart and soul of the SMOT. The ramp had
already been done by someone else, as I mentioned.
He claimed to have not followed up on Emil Hartman,
but someone should, probably an interesting story

If the SMOT does actually work I can see theoretical
reasons why it might. In effect one would be taking
the ball around a generalized Carnot cycle with
magnetic field stress as the analog of pressure
and gravity as the analogue of temperature. I discussed
the hierarchical nature of the Carnot cycle in
one of my previous emails.
If you think about it carefully, the magnetic field is
stretching the ball horizontally and the gravitational
field is stretching the ball vertically.
In Hoc Signo Vinces   ;-)
Also, because the two effects are acting at right
angles they are acting as virtually independent
variables like finite x and y dimensions.
I shall do as you suggest and look at Naudin's
site more thoroughly.
If the effect is real then it could depend on
the orientation of the apparatus in relation to
the fixed stars for the reasons discussed on
Ing.Saviour's web-site some time ago.
However, like the Wright brothers flight, it only
needs one legitimate example for PoP.
Frank Grimer
P.S. I have just re-read your post above and realise
that you make a very important observation:
   Yet each ramp could also been seen
to be adding a certain amount of
energy, to be subtracted on the
return trip.
If orientation in space is important then it will be
impossible to close the circle since energy will
indeed be gained in one direction but lost in the

Re: OT: Natioanl ID card

2005-05-13 Thread RC Macaulay

Hi Keith,

Yes, I noticed the report about legislation in Congress regarding the 
national ID card. In Texas, there is a bill pending that 
permits the Texas Dept. of Transportation ( TxDot) to implant a 
transponder into each new vehicle registration sticker that affixes to the 
windshield. This law should go into effect Jan 2006. 
The reported purpose is for use on Tollways. Permanent EZ tag if you 
will. However the transponder will have imbedded data identifying the registrant 
that includes everything found on you drivers liscense application ( not just 
whats on your drivers liscense). The report is that when you enter a tollway you 
will be billed for that use. BUT an uninsured vehicle can be recognized 
and sent a $ 250.00 fine for driving without liability insurance.

Now couple that with the national ID and we get a better view of where the 
Homeland Security laws are headed.
AND.. couple that with the new IRS plan to "privatize" collections of past 
due IRS taxes to Washington law firm who will receive a portion of all past due 
taxes collected similar to Texas law regarding real estate taxes "farmed out 
collectors i.e law firms"

Notwithstanding , a person can "jimmy" the transponder, an illegal alien 
wont have a liscense sticker to begin with much less insurance.

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Re: Name of the Game

2005-05-13 Thread RC Macaulay

Hi Jones,

We are in an ever increasing state of change in the world to which a 
significant factor is the computer and its manifestations like the 
internet, the X Box and an increase in worldwide scientific cumulative 

I mentioned a tiny segment of change coming in mathematics wrought by such 
seeming unrelated items like the XBox.
Back in 1990, Rice University embarked on a " parallel computing" project 
that has since moved on. The task was almost insurmountable in 1990 yet today 
XBox and Game boy has some of the software completed to handle parallel. The 
task is ,of course , to connect the software of 4 computer integral to achieve " 
quadratic computing' rather than parallel. Quantum computing has been mentioned 
,however, this is an imaginary concept whereas quadratics are now achievable 
with existing software.. albeit in bits a pieces awaiting the math minds 
assmbling such into useful tools.

There are perhaps 25 or more persons in the world that arelooking 
atthis very challenge in quadratic computing including 
youngwizards as young as 7 years old.

The youth of today are subliminally aware of change and participate 
willingly regardless of its true worth. This bothers me because it has no base 
of goodness or decency.

Whatis seen as a cultural gap is actually a restructuring of 
"classes". The wealthy and educated are moving further apart into a " 
class" that will take another generation to fully recognize.. yet it is 
presently exemplified in legislative laws passed at thedirectionof 
paid lobbyists.

Not so much wealthy individuals as wealthy organizations and the hierachy 
represented by the people that control them.. This is the new " class " 
emerging. I describe these people as .. ones that have unlimited wealth at their 
command without actually " owning " the wealth themselves. Enron's 
leaderswith Enron's resources at their command.. soon became 
obsessed with the notion they "owned" the place and were immune to 


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Re: 1997-2005 the missing SMOT years

2005-05-11 Thread RC Macaulay

Grimer wrote

Now the implication of the magnetic lines of force not being 
orthogonal to the current carrying wire is that they form a tightly wind 
spiral which starts and finished at a charged particle. In short the charge 
particle is acting as a turbine taking in Chi-aether [chi being the 
Greek equivalent of X, the unknown ;-) ]at its south magnetic pole, say, 
and pumping it out at its north magnetic pole.Because of the obvious 
reciprocal relationship between E and M as manifest by the function of 
inductors and capacitors in electrical circuits for example, I have never 
been able to understand why if a spiral electric flux in a coil produces 
a linear magnetic flux along the axis of that coil, a magnetic flux in a 
high permeability magnetic coil doesn't produce a electric flux along the 
axis of that magnetic coil.I have no idea how easy it is to produce a 
magnetic coil - or indeed if it is practical at all - but its such an 
obvious thing to do that I imagine people must have done it and found 
nothing interesting.I now realise that I am possible looking at 
things the wrong way. The electric helical flux produces an effect one 
hierarchy down, i.e. at the magnetic flux level. Therefore one might 
expect a magnetic flux to also produce an effect one stage down.But 
what is one stage down? Perhaps it is gravity. So although SMOT 
is experimentally as vacuous as a man trying to fly by flapping his arms, 
the intuition underlying it is perfectly reasonable.
Frank, the spiral ring helixobserved in a water vortex is, as 
Schauberger stated, a " reverse flow". Centrifugal and centripetal forces within 
the confines of the parabolic cone of the liquid spiral scream to us that the 
inner face " must" be smooth. It is NOT,it isringed with spirals. 
Magnetic lines of force acting on metals shavings may not show the opposing 
force like a water vortex simply because theyARE one stage 
Smot may have given us a glimpse.
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Re: 1997-2005 the missing SMOT years

2005-05-11 Thread RC Macaulay

Grimer wrote
If nothing else SMOT has made us think about the possibilities.
I have fellowship with a retired airline pilot that has weather eye. I have 
mentioned the " strange" vortices shed from the main vortex created in our glass 
test tanks.( while the main vortex is spinning) , 
In particular, the horizontal vortexes that form and " coast"across the 
bottom of the tank. I mentioned that the severe Florida hurricane last 
decade had some unexplained damage from winds that may be the result of a 
horizontal rolling wind shear similar to a Jelly roll type cake. My pilot friend 
said flying 747's for years provided him all the experience he needed in 
unexplained wind shears including some during a perfectly clear sky. There may 
be a way to visualize such activity in a magnetic field if it has spiral 
helix properties. One method may be by the use of a ultrasonic flow meter of all 
things. Hmmm , thats an interesting thought. We use these type 
meters in our systems shop. Thinking out a test I will give it a try using a 5 
HP TEFC 3 phase electric motor 480 vac under various load conditions. 
Ifsomething out of the ordinaryshows up, and is reproducible, I will 
post it.

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OT: Stock market churning

2005-05-10 Thread RC Macaulay

Is it my imagination or is there a churning going on with Wall Street. The 
seesaw is too balanced as if a giant computer program has control of the 
game. It fluctuates at near 150 back and forth weekly.

Some opinions have it that IF the Dow drops below 10K there is NO 

Some opinions have it the Dow will creep up to just below 11K before the 
summer doldrums bring it back to near 10K.

Some opinions have it there is a horrible correction looming after the 2nd 
quarter's reports are in.
In Texas, near retirement age peopleare selling their California 
homes for 2 plus mil, moving to Texas near Kerrville into a 
biggerbrand newhome for 250K and banking the difference as 
retirement . A mil and 3/4 will give you a fairly good retirement posture.

While I watch the discussions on " outsourcing" the reality is the nation 
simply cannot afford a drop in the Dow and expect to sell the Social Security 
reform package that permits investments in the equities market.
Harvard has money in the stock market could we afford to lose 
Harvard and Yale? Between these two , they supply the Government with the 
brainpower and the Presidents of our nation. eeerrr, well by 
way of Texas.
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Re: Watch Me Try to Get Home (Train Hell's a comin' to Paradise)

2005-05-09 Thread RC Macaulay
RICK, Thats peanuts, Houston spent  a Bil on a 9 mile toy train. BushTexas 
and BushFlorida have it going. Texas has a 180 Bil tollway starting .. see 
www.corridorwatch.org to learn how the smart money does it.
Cintra of Spain won the  bid to construct the first section. Gov. Perry 
signed the  contract but cant reveal the terms saying it is confidential. 
The  deal was put together back when Bush was the GUV.
Bro Bush in Florida playing copycat.
- Original Message - 
From: Rick Monteverde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 4:13 AM
Subject: Watch Me Try to Get Home (Train Hell's a comin' to Paradise)

They just approved an excise tax increase here for transportation. They 
want to build a train - $2.6 billion or something like that. $100mil/mile.

Terry - do you think technology is at the point where we could build a 
system of road sensors and car-mounted computers/displays to monitor and 
control traffic on major corridors? I'm thinking of a system that tracks 
and coordinates individual auto speed and spacing as well as routing - I 
don't mean automatic control of vehicles, but a display showing the driver 
parameters, like 'stay within the green bars' for speed and spacing, see 
the tolls for various routes, that sort of thing. Choose to drive the 
'bad' direction on a corridor at a 'bad' time and you rack up tolls. Speed 
or impede traffic, drive in the orange or red zone on your display and you 
rack up tolls or even fines. Drive off-hours etc. for no tolls or 
restrictions, maybe even win movie tickets g. Surely there's been 
studies and proposals for systems like this. Somebody hitting the commute 
hard every day in prime time should pay $hundreds per year for their 
yearly auto license fee, those who don't use the syste!
m much pay some minimum, maybe much lower than the average fee is now. 
Distributes usage fees fairly.

They're going to ram that stupid train down our throats here and we're 
going to $choke on it, but people aren't going to abandon their cars to go 
ride it. This is a disaster. Why do we have to resort to 150 year old tech 
when we might be able to use the new stuff to turn our existing highways 
into a well orchestrated transportation system that has at least the same 
if not better effect on congestion than a train, lets people stay in their 
cars, costs far less to install, and pays for itself or maybe even *makes* 
money for itself and other programs?

- R.

This interactive map:
shows near live traffic if you click on cameras at the top.  It's a part 
of the $1/4 B traffic management system originally built for the '96 
Olympics and expanded upon since.

I work near the junction of 400 and 85 and live 17 miles NE.

Re: Robert Carroll

2005-05-04 Thread RC Macaulay
From reading Carroll it is apparent he had a humor to temper his intellect. 
As time goes by I am coming to realize that CF will emerge just as I am 
considering the major movement will occur as the result of new mathematics 
rather than physics alone. Carroll relied upon his math wisdom and skills to 
lead him in much of his work.

Way back in the 1950's I enjoyed a fellowship with some remarkable minds.. 
alas there are all since passed. Carroll reminde me of some of them Since 
that time the closest I have come to such an association has been VortexL.. 
Clapping hands.!!!

I suggest that Carroll recognized the complexity of the math required to  
crack the code of CF.
Again, we discussed this way back in the 1950's and concluded a  machine 
would  be needed to handle the complexity.
Now I realize the machine would be a computer. The existing software is 
insufficent to deal with the task which is why I suggested a form of 
quadratic computing. I have read about the arguments for  quantum 
computing and the ridicule surounding it. Should the word quadratic be 
used in lieu of  quantum we may have already be in motion toward the 
Looking at kid's computer games like  game boy  etc I notice the software 
people have already worked across some of the major steps toward  
quadratics. I envisioned the software in four sections. The first is the 
base with two varaible and a differential bias to load weight of balance 
between the two variables.

NOW!! hold onto your hat because this gets near the edge.. the two variables 
are 3D which means their analog values must be converted to digital  on the 
fly which is how game boy performs. The idea of using  3 D collectors 
similar to a parabolic mirror  as each of the two variables provide the 
infinite measure which in turn can be calibtrated ( biased) like a 
proportional and reset controller. The complexity comes from  how to 
differentiate. My experience with derivative features in a controller lead 
me to consider the problem has again, already been solved by industry 
evidenced by the numerous industrial controllers with programmable features.

Carroll is one of those people you would like to  have spent relaxed time 

- Original Message - 
To: vortex-L@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 2:30 PM
Subject: RE: Robert Carroll

I have started reading Carroll's stuff. He is certainly a man after
my own heart if the following gem is anything to go by.
  If the reader detects a note of sarcasm in the above statement,
  it is only because it was meant to be so. Our present level of
  scientific knowledge is about that of the kindergarten dropout.
  Consider the fact that the aberration of light from celestial
  objects is well known. There is no corresponding evidence that
  such an aberration exists in the law of central forces by which
  a satellite system such as the sun and its planets is established.
And a bit lower down the opening page, this -
  The oddest of all the oddities concerning the human animal
  is his apparent lack of predisposition toward the truth.
  The statement: in any argument, the loudest voice prevails,
   has nothing to indicate that truth is involved. It is
  useless to speculate what might have been. Leibniz was a
  rival of Newton, both in mathematics and in physics. He
  ridiculed Newton's concept of space with the statement:
  There is no space where there is no matter.
Amen to that, I say - but then seeing as I realise that matter is
held together from without and not from within, I would say that
wouldn't I.  grin
If nothing else, it looks as though Carroll's stuff will be a
wonderful source of quotations.
Frank Grimer

Re: Shell and Arie DeGeus

2005-05-03 Thread RC Macaulay

Thanks Mark Goldes for making mention of the connection with DeGeus 
and Shell. As I recall the news article , Shell emphasized the point that 
Shell was spending their research money on hydrogen.

Looking at the background of Shell's new US head, I see he has worked with 
the "right" people .. like GE etc.

Why do I get the feeling the winners have already been decided before the 
game is played  grin


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Re: English articles are not nonsense

2005-05-03 Thread RC Macaulay
Jed, So much language is lost in translation yet the English language has 
become the language of the world of business, air travel and encroaching 
into science as a  universal medium for the exchange  of ideas via the 
Picking up on your  color comment, in Rev.21:19 , the writer observed the 
foundation of the walls were made of 12 different  colors of stones ( 
jewels). Half of these colors have never been identified. Hmmm. If there are 
3 primary colors why mention four times that ?
- Original Message - 
From: Jed Rothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-L@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 11:28 AM
Subject: English articles are not nonsense

Standing Bear wrote:
Russian grammar is different than
ours in many ways, including the omission of common nonsense words that we 
call 'articles' like 'the' in many cases...
Actually, English articles have a specific meaning: they indicate whether 
you are talking about one specific instance or general instances. It is a 
common misconception that English articles, number, and French word gender 
are nonsense or dispensable. They have no meaning, but they provide 
essential cross checking to reduce errors in communication. They function 
somewhat like parity bits. Take two French words which sound similar but 
are of different genders. The use of le or la earlier in the sentence 
acts as a clue or heads-up for the listener. If he has trouble hearing the 
sentence because he is in a noisy environment, he backtracks, replays the 
sentence in his mind, and checks whether there was a le or la.

You can always have a language without articles, number or gender. We get 
along fine without gender in English. Japanese has none of these things, 
yet Japanese people communicate perfectly. But of course they have other 
techniques to reinforce meaning, cross-check and reduce ambiguity.

Incidentally, yesterday someone mentioned the distinction between green 
and blue. The most common Japanese color word, ao, is both blue and 
green. So when you are driving with a Japanese person and he tells you the 
traffic light has turned blue, he means green. When Americans first 
learned Japanese, I expect some of them wondered whether Japanese people 
are colorblind. Not at all. They have dozens of other words for colors 
which describe fine gradations between various shades of blue and green. 
The most common pair after ao are: sora-iro and midori which mean 
sky-color (blue) and leaf-color (green).

- Jed

Re: Spiral helixes

2005-05-02 Thread RC Macaulay
The first lesson given in art is  there are 3 primary colors. Interesting 
the ancient Americans used the same word for green and blue, mystified that 
learned white people would use two different words to describe what they 
considered to be the same  color.
On the disbursing of light an entire different focus ( pun intended) may 
be necessary.
Studying the structure of light  as a 3 braided component can give one a 
headache. BUT , again nature comes to the rescue of science in revealing 
the structural form of a chambered nautulus.
Hmm.. lets consider the structure of the chamber that uses a spiral and a 
parabolic function as a clue. Is this chambered type structure similar to 
how light is disbursed?
Light is absolutely fascinating in its ability to disburse yet be measured 
in length. One can wonder if the measurement therefore is truly linear in 
its math function or an abberation.
I wonder how Duke University's FEL program is faring. Perhaps the next 
generation of visionaries have began mapping  their strategies. For sure , 
the computer math software is lagging. Rice University had a great parallel 
computing work started and lost sight. Quadratic computing software for 
theoretical math computations is vital to explore the next generation of 
physics. Every opportunity I have to voice this need is received with a  
blank stare during my visits to Houston.
- Original Message - 
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 6:39 AM
Subject: Re: Spiral helixes

At 09:40 am 02-05-05 +, Grimer wrote:
I was curious as to what would happen if I made a
plait of three strings and drew one of them out. I
used a fairly stiff plastic string, poly-something,
and loosely plaited the three strands.
The ends of each strand were marked so that I would
know which one to pull and which two to hold.
I was expecting the two which were left to be coiled
around one another but to my surprise they were
completely separate.
Jones mentioned the structure of DNA. I wonder if
there is some connection.
Frank Grimer
et plectentes coronam de spinis

To further my investigation into the three dimensional
structure of a braid I loosely platted three stiff wires
together. The plait was too stiff to draw one of the
strands out so I cut a
strand into sections with snips so that the short pieces
fell away from the braid. Sure enough, two completely
separate strands were left.
These strands had the structure of a sine wave which
rotated along its length.
I remember reading once a complaint that the rotational
polarization of light tended to be overlooked. I can now
understand why. Presumably the speed of the 3 platted
sine waves is differentially attenuated in the same way
that the speed of blue, yellow and red light is
differentially attenuated in refraction. Whilst on the
subject of visible radiation it is worth noting that
three separate colours are needed to make white light
and that we have three sets of cones for the detection
of visible light.
 The experimental evidence suggests that among the cones there
 are three different types of colour reception. Response curves
 for the three types of cones have been determined. Since the
 perception of colour depends on the firing of these three types
 of nerve cells, it follows that visible colour can be mapped in
 terms of three numbers called tristimulus values.
 Colour perception has been successfully modeled in terms of
 tristimulus values and mapped on the CIE chromaticity diagram.
A coincidence? I very much doubt it.
Frank Grimer
dixitque Deus fiat lux et facta est lux

Re: BLP implementation path

2005-05-02 Thread RC Macaulay
There are credible sources that also question BLP supposed claims. Granted 
they have moved the subject ahead but the due diligence remains in  stage.
A recent interview carried by the Houston Chronicle with the new head of 
Shell Oil USA is revealing. The new head stated that Shell is spending money 
on hydrogen technology.. emphasizing the point. hmmm. These people have the 
money to set the rules for the game over the next 10 years. Perhaps GM and 
Ford understand this better than Toyota.
- Original Message - 
From: Standing Bear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: BLP implementation path

On Thursday 14 April 2005 15:15, Mike Carrell wrote:
In the current discussion of a post-peak-oil world, the usual 
have been worked over thoroughly, and found unsatisfactory. An important
factor is perceptions of the future. While expansion and a better future
are seen as possible, people will dream, hope, invest and work to make it
real. If that perception turns to gloom and doom and no light at the end 
the tunnel, the collapse of international commerce and investment markets
may be swift.

A workable road map to a better future will help. This drives the workers
and supporters of LENR technology, but it seems a bit beyond reach at the
moment. There is a likely alternative in Black Light Power. For those 
who have not studied it I will give a sketch of its features and status,
with links to specific data.

After a decade of RD, with publication of theory and experiments,
privately funded Black Light Power has entered a phase of negotiation 
a number of potential product development partners who are doing serious
due diligence studies of the BLP technology, including replication of
critical effects in their own laboratories. Many 'new energy' comapnies
have made this claim. All I can say is that I have credible sources and 
own analysis of what has been presented in publications and on the BLP
website. Papers on key aspect of BLP technology have been published in 
Journal of Applied Physics and other senior technical journals in the US
and abroad.

Mills has been very active in refining his theory and developing
visualizations of the orbitsphere elctron model to aid third party
consultants retained by managements of prospective partners. He has
recently lectured to audiences in Holland.
...goes on to long letter...
Good use for it.  Another use may be to utilize it for rocket propulsion.
There was a government funded study that stopped short of testing
the power of this rocket.  Then nothing.  Probably working now and
highly classified.  This just may have been the real ticket for actual
operation of the recently cancelled single stage to orbit shuttle, one of
the 'X' series, X43 or something...could look it up but some of you know
of this anyway.  What we need is a good single stage to orbit shuttle.
Would'nt this be nice if it worked?
Standing Bear

Re: Spiral helixes

2005-04-30 Thread RC Macaulay
Indeed !! Frank. For the use of a better word  we use  component
Watching video of some of the large forest fires over the recent past, I was 
fascinated with the video shots that captured the occasional  fire storm 
or chimney vortexes  created along the sharp inclines of mountain slopes as 
the fires intensify. The suuden updraft vortex of flame shoot skyward at 
something above mach 10 if my calculations are close. The amazing part is 
there appears to be NO inertia at the start of the event.   The visible 
spiral flame appears to form the vortex and move without any hesitation 
caused by an enertia... hmmm .. gravity cancelled. There are recorded 
accounts of witnessing of these type events during WW2 bombing of London and 
the  fire storms  reported.
Perhaps science must displace the terms light and  gravity with something 
more descriptive. I am beginning to suspect gravity is merely a function of 
 light or at least a manifestation thereof. The examples of 3 strand helix 
in nature may often be clues to deeper insight into the complex. The DNA 
spiral helix may actually be  braided rather than  twisted which could 
give the people in drug research an entire new focus.
Consider the studies in  bending light. If light were actually composed of 
3 components then one or more component may pass through any mass, be it 
earth or whatever, while one or more component may be blocked. BUT.. and 
a very big BUT.. that component(s) blocked may reform at a point beyond the 
block and lend the appearance to an obligue observation as a  bend. 
Assigning properties to a gravitational constant has been shot with danger 
way to long in theoretical physics.
Light may indeed play an unseen role( pun intended).
One must maintain a humor when discussing subjects of this nature or risk 
the tar brush. Only Vortexians are immune.

- Original Message - 
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: Spiral helixes

At 10:40 pm 28-04-05 -0500, you wrote:
Observing the vortex produced in a clear plexiglas tank of water by a high 
speed rotating member facing down with a clockwise rotation I notice the 
cone of the vortex is at the surface and counterclockwise  due to the 
vortex curling 180 degrees from the face of  the rotating member up to the 
surface. The diameter of the vortex remains near constant until it 
approaches the water surface when it expands to the familiar parabolic 
form. a measured amount of air can be induced at the member due to vacuum. 
The air allows the many shed vortices to become visible in the water that 
move in many directions.

A water vortex is made up of many spirals some of which appear to be 
flowing opposite from the main bands.
These spirals remind me of a model of a DNA molecule.. hmmm.

Reading a recent research paper where light was  frozen reminds me of 
what happens when a water vortex is disturbed.. it collapses.
Thinking of the frozen light experiment, I try to imagine what is taking 
place. I have considered the event may be similar to impinging on  a water 
vortex...  IF light is actually in spiral helix form and interrupting 
( impinging) the helix may be what causes the light to freeze. If light is 
actually composed of 3 components it could better explain why sunlight can 
heat a surface after traveling the distance through space at near absolute 
zero temperature.

The water vortex may reveal one of the  capacitor properties of water. 
If water and light have 3 components and are spiral helix in form  there 
may be a way to  interrupt or impinge on one of the bands  to  trigger 
the capacitor.
Looking at Ecclesiastes 4;12 I read a sentence made by the Teacher..  a 
cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
may offer a clue.

Some of the most unseeming comments expressed in this group have led to 
stimulation of thought which is the real worth of
the VortexL.


Hi Richard,
I think your point about the third dimension is crucial.
We have always to consider, not only A and B, but also
the interaction term AB. In the real world 2 + 2 does
not equal 4 since to the extent that adding represents
something physical, there is always an interaction term
which has some real value. Often, of course, this
interaction is so small that it is below the threshold
of measurable (though not intellectual) perception.
To take a simple example of what I mean, if we have two
gold coins and we bring them together then they have
lost some gravitational potential energy and gained some
internal energy (inverse inertia).
Indeed, even in the symbolic representation of 2 + 2 = 4
one can see that there is a loss of information (negative
interaction) in going from the LHS to the RHS of the
Your a cord of three strands is not quickly broken
quote is interesting. Could this have referred to a
braid or plait I wonder
  Braiding of fiber yarn creates a strand

Spiral helixes

2005-04-28 Thread RC Macaulay

Observing the vortex produced in a clear plexiglas tank of water by a high 
speed rotating member facing down with a clockwise rotation I notice the cone of 
the vortex is at the surface and counterclockwise due to the vortex 
curling 180 degrees from the face of the rotating member up to the 
surface. The diameter of the vortex remains near constant until it approaches 
the water surface when it expands to the familar parabolic form. a measured 
amount of air can be induced at the member due to vacuum. The air allows the 
many shed vortices to become visible in the water that move in many directions. 

A watervortexis made up of many spirals some of which appear to 
be flowing opposite from the main bands.
These spirals remind me of amodel of a DNA molecule.. hmmm.

Readinga recent research paperwhere light was " 
frozen"reminds me of what happens when a water vortex is disturbed.. it 
Thinking of the frozen light experiment, I try to imagine what is taking 
place. I have considered the eventmay besimilar to impinging 
on a water vortex... " IF" light is actually in spiral helix form and 
interrupting( impinging) the helixmay bewhat causes the light 
to freeze. If light is actually composed of 3 components it could better explain 
why sunlight can heat a surface after traveling the distance through space at 
near absolute zero temperature.

The water vortex may reveal one of the " capacitor" properties of water. If 
water and light have 3 components and are spiral helix 
informthere may be a way to " interrupt or impinge onone 
of the bands to " trigger" the capacitor.
Looking at Ecclesiastes 4;12 I read asentence made by the Teacher.. " 
a cord of three strands is not quickly broken".
may offer a clue.

Some of the most unseemingcomments expressed in this group have led 
to stimulation of thought which is the real worth of 
the VortexL.


Blank Bkgrd.gif

OT: Leaking Pen asked and answered

2005-04-27 Thread RC Macaulay

Leaking pen wrote

im wiitiggg.hmm, not so quick on the reply when 
youve been called on what youvesaid, and are out of wiggle room, it 
seems.On 4/25/05, leaking pen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote: Seems antiquity is loaded with examples of engineering 
and architectural works that have us thinking that perhaps the people 
of that age were intelligent beings and had not degenerated which 
seems to contradict the Darwinian theorists. 
again, how is the assumption that ancient people were degenerates 
darwinian? and... since according to this supposed thought, 
people are naturally smarter now, it wouldnt be degenerated, as nothing 
had yet been generated, yes no?  On 4/25/05, Stephen A. 
Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
  RC Macaulay wrote:Leaking Pen 
wrote and i notice, you still havent 
answered my question. you might want   to stop jabbing 
that strawman in the corner, the discussion is over   
HERE. Asked and answered.  
  If you folks continue to snip this heavily you're both going 
to start  yelling incoherently in another post or two. 
  LP asked:   how... does that 
refute darwinian theory? And RCM 
said:no demonstrable experimental proof can be 
structured to examine his   [Darwin's] theory. 
  At this point LP said RCM hadn't answered the question. 
Was there  another question, or did he overlook the answer, or did 
he feel the  response was incomplete or off-topic? Dunno; you 
both snipped so  heavily the lurkers can't tell. 
  At this point it seems to me that LP could talk about 
longitudinal  studies of restricted ecologies (e.g., those on 
islands), or examples of  artificial selection, or the contrast 
between Lysenko and Darwin, or the  flaws in the intelligent design 
theory, or some such. Or he could  attack the link between the 
assertion of nonfalsifiability (which is  what RCM's statement 
really amounted to) and the claim that something  specific refuted 
Darwinian theory and his use of the term "religious  theory". 
But just asserting that the question hasn't been answered  without 
even reposting it is a little weak.
Leaking Pen apparently took offense to aobservation I made in my post 
and asked me to keep bias out of the science 
discussion. My observation 

"The evidence that remains have us thinking that perhaps the people 
of that age were intelligent beings and had not degenerated
which seems to contradict the Darwinians theorists."

This is not a bias statement, it is an observable comment on the 

Darwin's theory became a religion and has never become a scientific fact 
because no evidence of a "half" species has ever been found. The pyramids 
are fact since they are in evidence.
The parody is that the ancients demonstrated abilities that are in evidence 
yet as a people have been discounted as uneducated.. yet Darwinianism is taught 
in US schools as "fact" and we are considered " educated", yet are in conflict 
with understanding how the ancients were able to accomplish these remarkable 
works without being " educated".

To give Darwin his due.. I have observed drunks in Texas saloons 
"morph" from alligators to buzzards.


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Re: Pyramid water pump

2005-04-24 Thread RC Macaulay

Seems antiquity is loaded with examples of engineering and architectural 
works that have us thinking that perhaps the people of that age were intelligent 
beings and had not degenerated which seems to contradict the Darwinian 
Jones.. look at the ceiling construction.
Back to Egyptian pyramids.. The scope of teh work and technology required 
leaves me wondering how much of ancient history is missing.. we actually know or 
understand so little. Take the library of Alexandria in Egypt that was sacked 
and burned in later BC. The Greeks recorded the library contained 70,000 years 
of records. The Egyptians scoffed at Grecian works and architecture explaining 
they ( Egypt) has a history eons before Greece existed.
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Re: Pyramid water pump

2005-04-24 Thread RC Macaulay

Leaking pen wrote..
how... does that refute darwinian theory? at the point that 
humanstook control of the environment, we no longer had to adapt as much 
tosurvive, therefore one WOULDNT assume that we are simply 
moreintelligent than previous humans, we simply know 
more.take your personal biases OUT of a science discussion, 
Leaking pen.. words mean things, there is a difference in meaning between " 
refute" and the word "contradict" as used in my post.True , this is a 
science discussion where nimble minds meet to examine and refute.
However, when a person like Darwin, thatwas NOT a scientist passes off 
religious theory as science ashe has done so with help of many that 
believe in his religion, he represents a contradiction to science for the simple 
reason that no demonstrable experimental proof can be structured to examine his 
You must be carefulthat you discernbias from thoughtful discourse 
in a science discussion.. 
You have my permission to wipe the egg from your face.
Blank Bkgrd.gif

Re: Mountainside solar towers

2005-04-19 Thread RC Macaulay

This thread may being growing legs of its own. Consider the updraft tube 
need not be lengthy nor have a diameter greater than
40-50 meters. based on 6:1 ratio. Schauberger once studied a variation of 

A vortex can be induced at the base which would supercharge the draft. 
Hmmm.. I need to run a test on a tiny scale mockup to study the spin. A 
reverse vortex may give better performance on a downdraft configuration.

Proper selection of the shape of the top of the riser tube can be important 
in that on an updraft tube ,the shape of the top acts as a ejector. Steam 
injection may make for instability.. or create the mother of all tornados.

Here Jed.. stand over here while we start this jalopy up...  


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Re: Mountainside solar towers

2005-04-18 Thread RC Macaulay

Robin writes,
BTW there are some low mountains in central Australia, in themiddle 
of the desert, that run more or less east-west, and havesteep sides. Perhaps 
not as high as one might like, but it wouldmake a good start.
The combination of solar and wind energy can be harnessed for the wind 
turbine.Compensating for the height( change in elevation) an incline actually 
improves the combination. Add vortex energy and Australia is a natural. 
Considering that west Texas, like Australia,has an abundance " dust 
devils" or tiny twisters thatimpulse daily,
One could study the " trigger" that permits the formation of these dust 
devils. The incredible amount of energy released is amazing.
There have wind farms in west Texas in droves. The tax benefits and the 
Federal money involved has caused a feeding frenzy across the US for large array 
wind generators. The insanity of the projects make me turn my head as I pass 
some of them. Here we have the wind farm at the top of the plateau and the 2500 
foot inclined radical change in elevation beneath and adjacent tothe wind 
towers. Engineering science blinded by the dollar.
Oh well, they say Texas and Australia have a lot in common
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Re: Mountainside solar towers

2005-04-18 Thread RC Macaulay


The cost of construction of a windfarmis partially offset by tax 
incentives. The cost of maintenance is high. Notice how many towers are out of 
service at any time. The stress of the windshear as the prop passes the pylon 
isa cause of blade fatigue.
Jed mentioned there is no better way to capture the wind with present-day, 
off the shelf technology. True and the incentives exist to keep building them 
although there is a better, more efficent, less expensive and lower maintenance 
wayusing available technology. That should count for something.

The technology is available, albeit it in bits and pieces... to use 
inclined updraft tubes for electric power generation. The base of the 
tubecould beconfigured similar to the shape of a chambered nautilus 
and have an offset turbine shaft that fully captures the cross section of the 
opening while achieving null on the backside of the rotation. to lower drag. 
Seems more feasible than building a 3500 ft tall solar wind tower at 500 mil 
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Re: water into wine

2005-04-18 Thread RC Macaulay

Hmmm.. the link Pliliplaven link that Grimer posted showing the graphs has 
me intrigued.
In my mind's eye, I keep seeing a spiral, perhaps a helix pattern in lieu of 
a seeming random of the imaginary shown in graph 6.
Look carefully at graph 5 again, do I see a part of a spiral? Or could 
this be a helix with three events ,one of which being the elusive Frank 
senses. Water and light brings to mind the red throated hummingbirds so busy 
outside this time of year. They can change the throat colors ( by adjusting the 
feathers?) supposedly for mating and macho purposes.. but what if we are getting 
a glimpse of a useof color we are not fully aware of? Watching a 
hummingbird accelerate from scratch can puzzle one trying to understand this 
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Re: Npbody wants it is what Martin says,too

2005-04-15 Thread RC Macaulay

Your post is whats called a reality based observation because its so 
true and real.

Mentioning DEC brought back some of the 1970's to me. We bought our 
first "computer" in 1972, a DEC PDP-8L. Plan was to use it in a design study and 
demo for bidding a portion of a North Sea project for a crude oil metering/ 
proving station.
" Splat" !!! went the idea because the senior instrument people at 
Phillips were old timers that grew up using pneumatic instrumentation and 
considered electronics something out of a Mad magazine.
Alas, Digital went the way of all flesh, later folded into Compaq and 
disappeared somewhere between the water cooler and the elevator in Compaq Center 
Houston. Ironic that HP did the same for Compaq.

A nation that rises like the US, hasbeen gifted with men 
ofenergetic inspiration, The average age of a democratic form of a 
republic is never more than 200 years. It is interesting to speculate " where" 
in the world the next burst of energy will arise. I considered China as the next 
powerhouse but have tabled that thought because China lack the essential for 
greatness due to it being mired in socialism likethe USA.

Surprisingly, it may come again to the USA with its seething 
discontent over the Iraq war and the political regime that has captured 
Washington. These operators areDems or Repsdepending on the 
weather.It will take some radical events to trigger such an event 
which is looming as we watch with energy , banking and dont forget Wall 

It is possible that if the Dow, Nasdeq and SP fallbelow a 
trip point, say below 10,000 ( Dow) we may see some interesting buttons pushed. 
The last time it dropped below that figure I had a real concern they wouldn't be 
able to stop it until it fell into the 3500 range. This time around my intuition 
is screaming.. They better not let it fall below 9000 over the next 90 day or 
June 30 reports may cause a slide nobody on earth wants. China is doing 
their part to prop it but with the bunch we have doing the thinking and leading 
for us.. I wouldn't count on China.


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Re: Mountainside solar towers

2005-04-14 Thread RC Macaulay
Sensible , moreso than the solar tower at 3500ft tall.
Combine the idea with several  inclined updraft tubes along the face of 
the mountainside for wind turbines and you have a winner.
- Original Message - 
From: Horace Heffner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: Mountainside solar towers

In the right locations it should be possible to build solar towers at a
very low cost per kW.  The right location consists of a south facing
mountainside in a sunny location.  The mountain almost entirely eliminates
the structural support problem, and the south facing mountainside should
offer better solar collection than a flat surface.  The cross sectional
area could affordably be very large.  Given that rise would exist in the
mountainside solar collector, the base would thus serve a dual purpose as
heat collector and rise column, and funnel up to a purely rise column.  A
steep mountainside should make for less expensive real estate as well.
The above applies to the northern temperate zone.  In the southern
temperate zone a north facing mountainside would be the right location. 
an equatorial zone multiple faces might be used for solar collectors,
possibly with rise columns located on multiple sides of a mountain.

Horace Heffner

Re: Mountainside solar towers

2005-04-14 Thread RC Macaulay

Adding to Horace's thread, the draft tubes could be simple 36 ft diameter 
corrogated drainage culvert mounted on the incline in length sections as long as 
the incline.

A converging cone of less than 15 degrees with a cone shaped prop 
configuration positioned in the converging cone that
adjusts( necessary for proper speed efficency)outward 
from the convergence would drive the generator. Interesting effects could 
be developed by use of a diverging cone of not greater that 7 1/2 degrees in 
that it would provide the ideal " Gibson formula" venturi throat. Placing 
small parabolic segments near the converging cone would induce a vortex that 
would continue through the inclined draft tube and discharge out the diverging 
cone. Adding moisture ( steam) into the inlet wouldincrease the flow via 
differential temperatures May make a weathermaker on the leeward side of 
the mountain. Be cheaper than building a 3500ft solar tower.
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Re: Gas tax

2005-04-14 Thread RC Macaulay

Stephen Lawrence suggestion on gas tax presupposes integrity in government 
which cannot exist because the political animal cannot be tamed or constricted 
by money. Money unleashes the beast. The beast must be starved.

Last year a seemingly nebulous bill passed as an " adder" to some law. The 
wording simply stated some feel good need for " jobs creation". Buried deep in 
the understanding of this adder permitted the IRS to " farm out" collections of 
past due taxes to private collectors.

Enter a new realm of " privatizing". Law firms are opening offices in 
Washington in droves to get some of this " easy money"
Supposedly there are 9 billion dollars in " low hanging fruit" to be 
plucked off the money tree for an estimated cost of collection of 1 billion. 
Why? You say, doesn't the IRS spend the 1 billion to collect the 9?.

Well , it seems there is more like an estimated 350 billion in potential 
taxes that can be " wrung out" of the system using the proper scare tactics. 
Remember one is guilty till proven innocent in tax court.

Add to this, the transfer of confidential records from IRS files to " law 
firms" and the ingredients for a "witches brew" are ready for the kettle. The 
entire process can be "offshored" to India.

The collection " agent" get a percentage of the take as an inducement. in 
other words, a protection racket.


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Re: ...water into wine...

2005-04-14 Thread RC Macaulay
Frank, We believe UV plays a crucial role in the  recharge process 
but .. some  enhancer  is working behind the scenes in the great 
Shakesperian drama.. perhaps we are watching part of the third act while the 
first has not yet been played out.

Duke University has the socalled ultimate FEL lab and has been at it since 
moving the  gun and the  scientists over from Russia in the 1990's. Their 
work is funded by DOD with a cloak covering by NSA so the chances of looking 
up their skirt is nil. However, they know much more than is announced which 
is crumbs. Their work in UV only begins to cast a shadow over some of their 
advances in the spectrum sciences portion of particle physics.They have had 
the time, money and the best resources available yet silence is the only 
thing coming out of N.C.

- Original Message - 
To: vortex-L@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: ...water into wine...

In Mike Carrell's BLP implementation path post of
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 he writes:
   The BLP process uses certain catalytic ions to
   induce atomic hydrogen atoms to collapse to a
   lower state, called hydrinos. A cascade of
   collapses [but not a runaway chain reaction] to
   many lower states is possible, with yields of
   still higher energy at each stage. At even the
   first stage, the energy yield per atom is greater
   than that necessary to isolate a hydrogen atom
   from a water molecule. This opens the door to
   ordinary water as a fuel, which has been
   demonstrated, as O++ is one of the catalysts.
   The energy from the reactions is primarily as
   deep UV radiation, hence the name Black Light
   Power. Further details and tutorials are available
   a the website, www.blacklightpower.com.
It seems to me that there could be a connection here to
Chaplin's isomeric clusters.
Also, I believe UV is more intense in the upper atmosphere
so it may be there that the water capacitors primarily get
If one is seeking to regenerate water to it's original state
after cold fog kinetic energy extraction then blacklight
experience suggests that UV is the best place to start.
Frank Grimer

Re: Laddermill wind generayor

2005-04-14 Thread RC Macaulay

Kelvar properties include " cold flow" which shoots the material down for 
use for cable.


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Re: water into wine

2005-04-13 Thread RC Macaulay

Jones suggested trying microwaves at the resonant frequency of water( 
22Ghz) to aim down the hollow shaft.

Hmmm. That would take a calibrated tube diameter. We had thought of 
installing thin wall tubing inside the hollow shaft coming in from the top, but 
surrendered the idea in favor of bringing a tube in from the bottom of the 
containment vessel that we would use for feeding O3+ isotopesand 
exotics into the base of the vortex instead of the top through the hollow shaft. 

The task becomes intriguing in that when a vortex is induced by the high 
speed rotating member, the base of the vortex is inverted and the vacuum in the 
zone plays an interesting role in that it permits feeding powders as well as 
gas/liquid chemicals


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Re: Uploaded Energy Overview ( Pastel Exhibit Japan)

2005-04-13 Thread RC Macaulay


Thanks for sharing the link to the Japanese pastel art exhibit. My 
wife has taught pastels for some years and presently teaching an ancient art 
form " encaustics" a wax-oil mix heated after application.

Very good work shown in the exhibit by the Japanese artists.., that can 
show us something of their skills, talents and their culture.

Thanks again


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Re: water into wine

2005-04-12 Thread RC Macaulay

The thought of water having properties in the order of a capacitor begs the 
question of HOW or what exactly triggers the discharge. Thinking of the energy 
discharged across the duration of a hurricane or tornadois astounding 
because anactual buildup of energy occursas the storm 
What is the triggering mechanism, and what is the mechanism that " dampens" 
the intensity until the vortex collapses to calm?
A hurricane in its awesome power DOES NOT discharge like a capacitor.. it 
continues to maintain and increase charge as it progresses.
The mechanism may NOT be the obvious.It may be a minor temperature 
differential but it may be something much more elusive yet staring us in the 
face with a smile as nature often does. 
I have often considered the migrating geese and their ability to remain 
airborne for extended time. The V formation and the 
"honking" could be more than a subtle clue. The V formation provides 
the trigger to create vortexes the geese use to remain aloft with little energy 
consumption. The Geese may use infrared sensors in their beaks to locate the 

BUT!! why the honk? Is there more to the sound than 
we realize beside geese talk for company on a long vacation?
Do sonics play a role in triggering or sustaininga vortex? In our 
tests of " shapes" that induce water vortexes, it seems the size of the shape is 
not important, it is the configuration ..we usevery small parabolic shapes 
yhat can induce the generation of a vortex which in turn can release a 
great amount of energy. Segments of parabolas have concentrating features as 
demonstrated by a rock group using amplifiers and parabolic speakers. Light 
sources concentrate at the base of a mirrored parabola regardless of the 
direction they enter. 
SL and sonifusion use sound to trigger the SL energy release.. but.. 
is it sound or light that is the triggering mechanisn?
Could it be the sound acts like a fuse in a horwitzer and the 
resultant UV light be the gunpowder that produces the SL effect?
The SL effect can repeatedly cycle as long as a bubble and sound are 
present. A hurricane magnifies over water and decays over land.( Tornados 
form over land as well as water). but are we sure it is the land mass that 
stalls the winds that actually diminishes the energy release and it collapses 
like a discharged capacitor.

We have clues to finding Mr. Nobody (some describe him by hisinitials 
CENR)..He could be anywhere.. may even be lurking in this group..Only the 
shadow knows.


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Re: water into wine

2005-04-12 Thread RC Macaulay

As our applied research continues on an inductor that generates higher 
rotational speed vortexes up to 10,000RPM, one of our tasks include designing a 
hollowshaft unit that will permit firing a UV laser light directly into the 
center cone of the vortex together witha sonic gun that can shoot 
sound down the hollow shaft .

As the movie Dirty Harry ..Danny Glover.. says " I gotsta know"


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Re: water into wine

2005-04-11 Thread RC Macaulay

FW Lew, interesting gif 's shown on your link. 

You mention reversing the rotation of a vortex. We have a plexiglas test 
tank used for observing the generation of a vortex by a mixer.. see www.gasmastrrr.com for a view of the vortex 
pattern induced by a 3450 RPM rotating member.

Using a 3 phase motor permits us to reverse the phase and observe counter 
or clockwise rotation of the vortex . Being in the northern hemisphere we 
notice a difference in the spiral of the vortex when clockwise rotation is 
inducing the vortex.
The dynamics of the " seething" cauldron of mixing motion produced in the 
glass tank demonstrates the energy released. The vortex produced actually causes 
some of the plexiglas bottom to vanish by electron action.

. A visual of the spiral vortices spun off the main vortex columncan 
be seenbecause the entrained air permits the vortices to be visible. 
We have a large tank with viewing windows for tests of larger HP units ( 5- 100 
HP) that we use for our continued applied research in testing " shapes" 
ofvarious vacuum induction producing units. Some of the test logs are 
For example. Aeration of wastewater in a small plant 
bybubbling compressed air into the basin uses  a set of 20HP blowers to produce 
the required air volumeto transfer oxygen in sufficent quanities to aerate 
the basin over a 24 hour time frame.

We tested an air induction unit of 5HP and achieved better oxygen 
transfer rate results than with the two 20HP blowers. The air induction feeder 
mixer literally lifted the bottom solids up into the spiral vortex and 
recirculated the entire basin water past the rotating member as it feed air at 
velocity shear of 105 f/p/s. Attempts to calculate the oxygen transfer 
rate we recorded via a DO analyzer was a waste of time because the empirical 
data developed over time that was used to derive the math formula was in such 
conflict with the DO recordings.

These years of data collected by tests of various shapes are beginning to 
mature into some interesting new ideas on ultrahigh speed rotation for 
inducing vortexes. Our tests to date on these high speed units have been 
hindered by failures of the mechanical drives. Speeding up the rotation past 
3450 RPM up to max of 10,000 RPM using sheaves and VFD drive control has 
brought us a whole new set of problems with premature failure. 

In thr real world of industrial products, a manufacturer like us must first 
demonstrate the device will run without failure for the time it takes to 
amortize the investment. As in the case of stockbrokers, the users want to 
overcome the cost in under two years and in more and more cases they want a max 
of 6 months recovery of costs.

All of which makes life most exciting to the designer while the 
vortex mystery play moves to the next act.


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Re: CF

2005-04-11 Thread RC Macaulay


Vorts never move, grin a plaeasnt diversion for science merely 
stimulates the group.

For example.
Next generation windmills.

A tower the height proposed for wind electric power generation by the 
Australians would be overkill. Harnessing the vortices shed by a tower in the 
shape of a bowling pin may produce as much electric energy as a tower 5 times as 
high. Consider that vortices produce heat that can be detected by an infrared 
sensor similar to the Eastec wedge flow meter or a flock of migrating geese for 
that matter. An optimum shape could be configured that captures wind 
energy efficently. A variation could be applicable to capturing ocean tidal 
and/or wave energy.
Way back when.. Schauberger proposed such a wind generator, there has been 
at least some advance in technology applicable to the original design. With the 
money NASA spends on wind tunnel tests, radical shapes for capturing the energy 
of wind for conversion to electric power is within reach.

Would someone like to take on the task?


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Re: water into wine

2005-04-10 Thread RC Macaulay

Thanks Frank and Jones, I often use the GSU physics website for 

From the series of posts on this thread I suggest water has the ability to 
mimic the energy storage abilitylike a capacitor has the ability to 
store an electric charge. From our work using vortex mixing some interesting 
observations have been logged over the years that suggest this ability of water 
to store energy. The totalenergystoredseems toarrive 
from other than hydrostatic or induced head unless the energy stored has a 
cumulative property of its own.

Weoften use " shapes" upstream of the regime to induce a 
vortexahead of themixing regime or channel. In some 
installations this induced vortex seems toreleaseenergy on its own 
which greatly assists the mixing. The standard formula used in mixing is 
by calculating for G (the mixing velocity gradient) estimated as the 
square root of the horsepower of the mixing motor divided by the volume of the 
mixing regime timesthe viscosity of water assumed as 
The superior mixing results using " these vortex inducing shapes can be 
demonstrated by introducing dye with the chemical and observing the downstream 
Granted that horsepower is horse hockey and torque is what a mule 
has in his rear, the formula for input horsepower vs mixing intensity simply 
doesn't " hold water" pun intended.

Frank's math goes a long way to addressing the mystery


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Re: Experimental challenge

2005-04-10 Thread RC Macaulay

I choose not to get into a p*iss*ng contest with Keith and Ed over 
religious beliefs. I stated my thoughts.

As for the state of the nation, I suggest that Washington is the place 
where it is not nearly as important to win as it is to make sure the other 

As for laws of the land, the NY attorney Eliot Spitzer has carried the 
water for the US Justice Dept in pursuing Wall Street and the Insurance 
companies.He hasn't been able to penetrate the banking industry which means its 
only showtime.

As for the Presidency, Look back to LBJ and the war in Nam and the 
resultant Hippie culture revealed so well in the finger that Bill gave us all on 
TV. The office was always a figurehead position, a bully pulpit.. but.. even 
that has given way to the lobbyists power demonstrated in the pure raw power of 

When the leaders of our nation degrade the office of presidency to 
thepresent state, the nation responds with Enron, etc Monkey see, monkey 
do.That is what we are witnessing today. This presidency has transcended the 
finger with .." money alone talks" and whatever it takes to get by one more day. 
Forget the future!

Sometimes I believe the best weathervane is Warren Buffett. Consider AIG 
moved all their cash to Barbados and made a deal with Buffett. Eliot Spitzer 
can't touch Buffett without bringing down the house of cards described as " 
Follow the money.. Buffett bought Geico. Using Geico, General Re was 
General Re is in the"funny money" business. General Re made a deal with 
AIG's funnymoney affiliate. With these two units alone ,we are talking 75 
trillion dollars in derivatives. What you bet that Buffett has already converted 
a large portion into currency offshore? How ? you ask.. by printing more 
derivatives. Even Al Greenspan admitted he doesn't understand them, they are 
outside the framework of the security statutes and out of control of the 
Poor Eliot Spitzer lifted the lid, got a smell and .. there is large chasm 
in the middle of the road ahead. I was in business the last time it happened in 
1973. LBJ tried to run the Nam war on credit. Bush is making the same mistake 
..but this time we are talking "real money".

So where do I stand on politics? There is no place left to stand.


Explanation of derivatives.

You want to borrow some money... don't go to a bank, go to someone else 
that wants to borrow some money. You give him an IOU for a billion dollars and 
he gives you one. Take the IOU to a public stock corporation that needs to 
show a big profit in order to increase share value. Trade a billion dollars in 
derivatives (IOU's)to them for a 100 milion in worthless stock so they can 
show a 900 million dollar book profit. The stock goes through the roof and 
the public stock corporation dumps the derivative on the world market. The world 
market for derivatives is controlled by people that know how to play the great 
game. If you want towatch the masters of the game .. study Fortis.. this 
is where Buffett got the idea for General Re.
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Re: water into wine

2005-04-09 Thread RC Macaulay

Frank, I have been studying the posts on this thread with ever increasing 
interest. Finally, a simple like me DID grasp your simplified math and " 
shazzam" I saw another side.


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Re: AWEA estimate of global power needs

2005-04-08 Thread RC Macaulay

In the never ending game of musical chairs the ownership of Texas power 
plants has an interesting history. Houston Lighting and Power Company ( Old 
Houston Electric Company owned by Stone and Webster) partnered with City of 
Austin ( Austin Power) andCentral Power and Light (CPL, now AES)to 
build the South Texas Nuclear plant near Bay City Texas. The plant was being 
built by Brown  Root ( now KBR) for an estimated cost of 1 billion dollars. 
BR failed to complete the project and Bechtol had to step in and finish it 
for a small increase in cost of addn 4- 
13billion ( nobody knows the true figure but 
Reliant's claim against the true costs rose over the years, what with lawyers 
and lobbyists running up the costs).

Meanwhile back at the ranch, HLP morphed into Reliant Energy ( now in 
big trouble with the State of California forholding thier thumb on the 
meat scales)and the musical chairs began in earnest in the US power 
industry. The power companies took their problems to the local lobbyists and had 
the State pass the " stranded cost bill" which means the State would allow the 
power companies to increase rates the amount to recover the cost of" dumping" 
the old obsolete polluting power plants that would cost more to clean up than 
they were worth. So, in effect, with the state floating the bonds to provide the 
cash to buy the plants( bonds would be paid from the increase revenue yearly, 
everybody won except the rate payer.

In Texas, where no good deed ever goes unpunished, the power 
companiesgot their money and plus"sold" theplantsthey 
were" stuck with" ( stranded to the public)to anyone with the money 
and desire. Enter several " front " companies spun off from Reliant 
Energy..including Genco and Centerpoint.

Who is Genco? Why, they are the people that just bought 44% of the South 
Texas Nuclear plant last week. HL P once owned that equity and were the 
most vocal about never being able to recover the cost of a nuke plant. Austin 
Power bought out Central Power's ( now AES) interests.

When doing business in Texas watch the magician wave his wand and remember 
W got his start here as the GOV when " the tune stranded costs" was put to 
music. Poor Enron, Dynegy, El Paso etc. just thought they could take cards in 
the game.

Tricks of the trade are catching and the great game is being played out 
nationwide. Thats the state we are in with electric power production in the USA. 
Its all about " capturing revenue streams" using somebody else's money.

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