Re: [Flightgear-devel] Who turned the sun off?

2011-05-07 Thread ThorstenB
On 07.05.2011 10:20, Alan Teeder wrote:
 Ever since the atmospheric scatter patches went in I have had black sky,
 instead of blue.

 If I turn on material shaders, then there is a small area of blue close
 to the horizon, but that is the best I an achieve.

 The attached is from my TSR2 cockpit with shaders off.

Which OSG revision? Saw the same effect when I experimented with latest 
OSG trunk last week. Sky turned black when attempting to render fog. 
Since there were also other issues (text display and clouds not working) 
I reverted back to OSG 2.9.9. Not seeing any issues now.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim issues

2011-05-07 Thread ThorstenB
On 18.04.2011 23:13, Maik Justus wrote:
 By the way: I would prefer to use the old default values for the gear
 solver. The spring constants of a gear should not be a function of the
 approach fuel settings. Maybe some gears would need some tuning with the
 patch otherwise. The
 _approachWeight = _emptyWeight + totalFuel*_approachFuel;
 should be moved behind the gear solver call.

What's the status here, do we want to change this? Would anyone provide 
a patch?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] crash sort of related to sound on exit

2011-05-03 Thread ThorstenB
On 03.05.2011 19:42, Curtis Olson wrote:
 The code seems pretty definite that it would execute here, so it's odd
 that you are getting NULL there ... unless the sgmgr-find() call is
 returning null for you?  Or if like you say, somehow our source trees
 have diverged.  But I do think I'm 100% current with git.
Ha. I hadn't pulled the latest GIT update for wind-moving-clouds yet. 
fgclouds-init() was never called in earlier GIT versions, so indeed 
sampleGroup was always NULL so far. That changed with the recent FG 3D 
cloud update - hence the sampleGroup issue appeared. So, it's good 
you've found/fixed this.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim issues

2011-04-18 Thread ThorstenB
On 18.04.2011 14:51, Adrian Musceac wrote:
 On Monday, April 18, 2011 01:09:56 Heiko Schulz wrote:
 I had a fix locally but with the patch fixing the YASim issue I have now to
 begin again. I see the problem in the airfoil, but a change to this means
 that I have to change a lot of other parameters as well to keep the
 behavior 100% correct. Means a lot of tuning
 I took a quick look inside the FDM file. Unless your version is significantly
 different than mine, this patch should not affect the behaviour. There is no
 mention of cruise glide angle or approach and cruise fuel levels inside the
 The defaults provided inside FGFDM.cpp are the same as those that were
 previously hardcoded in Airplane.cpp. Maybe the problem is not at all related
 to this change?

And you also checked that approach glide angle isn't used? Otherwise, 
the new default cruise angle (0.0) might not match the original approach 
angle setting...

Anyway, we've committed the patch since it was assumed to not cause 
major differences. These bugs have been there since the beginning of 
YASim - so for 10+ years.
If it's confirmed that the patch actually caused major differences, then 
we should improve the patch. We could restore the old buggy 
behaviour by default and only use the new correct FDM configuration 
behaviour for new FDMs, e.g. add a switch, such as a new FDM parameter 
or YASim FDM version number in the xml file to enable the bugfix.

Heiko, and anyone else: if you think there is a major change, then 
directly compare the FDM behaviour with and without the patch - and let 
us know if there was trouble.

And that's the relevant patch:


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG caching

2011-04-17 Thread ThorstenB
On 16.04.2011 21:16, Anders Gidenstam wrote:
 If I'm not mistaken the particles issue has been around since we got
 particles, so it is apparently not that bad (leak and race
 condition) in practice.
Ok, thanks! I've create a bug issue as a reminder, in case someone else 
noticed the issue some day.

 Not sure, but I guess the issues with Effect objects is probably worse
 than with particles. There's a larger number of Effect objects - and
 each is connected to a texture (.rgb/.png images) - which may occupy a
 lot of memory. Just by starting at KSFO, loads of KSFO terminal textures
 - and textures of 15 different MP aircraft immediately stick in memory...
 Yes, the big textures will eat memory fast. Particle systems usually use
 small textures (the effect of the accumulation of particle system updaters
 is noticeable with wildfire, though - but you'd need a lot of MP aircraft
 passing through to generate anywhere near those numbers of particle
The effect/texture mystery is also solved - alas - explained. There is 
a global cache in simgear/makeEffect.cxx (effectMap), and it has no 
condition to ever drop anything. So, created effects always stay in 
memory until shutdown - hence also their textures. If that's used for 
scenery/MP aircraft a lot, it _might_ accumulate a lot of memory. Tim 
might know more about this :).


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] XML formating Was: [Flightgear-commitlogs] FlightGear Base Package branch, master

2011-04-16 Thread ThorstenB
Mixing spaces and tabs is really ugly - I think cleaning up such a mess is good.
Many people like tabs, but disadvantage is that everyone uses a
different tab settings. Most editors I know use 4 or 8 spaces/tab as
the default. But since it's different for everyone, I personally
prefer spaces - at least for collaborative projects. Guaranteed to be
working for everyone and looks the same with every editor.


On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Heiko Schulz wrote:
 Well, at least it explains for me the many whitespace errors when updating 
 my datas
 To be honest, I'm not happy about this.
 And I never had probelms to read the files.

   Fred wrote
Is it wise to reformat preferences.xml with
 a tab length set to 2 ?
   Well, it's better than the current mess of spaces
 and tabs. At least
   we can now read it.
  *You* can read it with your own MSVC preferences

 Yes, I know that very well. But I hate a mess - it looks
 unprofessional. I'd
 fix up the rest of the mess given half a chance.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG caching

2011-04-16 Thread ThorstenB

had another look at memory consumption. The FG multiplayer (=AI)
aircraft classes seem fine - they are created/removed as expected. But
there are problems with some of our OSG-based simgear classes: they
are never removed at run-time - hence memory is eaten up.

Problems start at simgear::Effect. Their parent objects
(simgear::EffectGeode) are still removed when the related model
disappears from the scene graph. But simgear::Effect objects stick in
memory, until exiting FG. Their reference counter shows that there
must be (forgotten) references to each of them somewhere (but they are
no longer members of the scene graph). Attached is a simple patch
logging Effect constructor/destructor calls. Shows that not a single
Effect::~Effect destructor is called at run-time - though we
continuously create new objects. Effect objects own 2D textures
(images), techniques, etc - so they have considerable memory impact.

Any suggestions on how to trace the cause?

New Effect objects are created when new MP aircraft join or new
scenery areas are loaded. So, no surprise there are issues with large
MP events/long distance flights.

Another observation: I started an MP session at KSFO (lots of MP
aircraft), then warped to the middle of nowhere (no MP aircraft).
After about 30min I dumped the scene graph. Surprisingly, loads of
osg::particles were still *in* the scene graph, referring to aircraft
specific smoke and contrail textures. I would have expected them to be
dropped from the scene graph after some time - or when we move to a
very distant position. Maybe there's another issue.

For me, this is all independent from enabling/disabling the OSG cache.
But maybe it's worse now, since we have more advanced aircraft, making
more use of effects and particles. And I guess the pretty local
weather clouds also make use of these.

diff --git a/simgear/scene/material/Effect.cxx b/simgear/scene/material/Effect.cxx
index 6517bd2..314d131 100644
--- a/simgear/scene/material/Effect.cxx
+++ b/simgear/scene/material/Effect.cxx
@@ -83,15 +83,19 @@ using namespace osgUtil;
 using namespace effect;
+static unsigned long EffectCount=0;
 : _cache(0), _isRealized(false)
+printf(%4lu Effect::Effect()\n,++EffectCount);
 Effect::Effect(const Effect rhs, const CopyOp copyop)
 : root(rhs.root), parametersProp(rhs.parametersProp), _cache(0),
+printf(%4lu Effect::Effect(..)\n,++EffectCount);
 typedef vectorref_ptrTechnique  TechniqueList;
 for (TechniqueList::const_iterator itr = rhs.techniques.begin(),
  end = rhs.techniques.end();
@@ -149,6 +153,7 @@ void Effect::releaseGLObjects(osg::State* state) const
+printf(%4lu Effect::~Effect(..)\n,--EffectCount);
 delete _cache;
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Re: [Flightgear-devel] release discussion

2011-04-16 Thread ThorstenB
On 15.04.2011 22:22, Bertrand Coconnier wrote:
 Yes, a bug fix has been committed to fix instant replay with JSBSim
 aircraft (bug #294)

 I think it should be applied to 2.2.0 as well.

Ok, thanks Betrand! That would also be on the list.
But we should decide first if and when we're going to have a release
(well, do we want one at all? :) ). No use to spend more time on the
branch, if we're not going to use it.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] props protocol problem

2011-04-16 Thread ThorstenB
On 16.04.2011 02:06, Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:
 The props data protocol ls command has a problem: there's no way to
 determine that its output is complete (unless we use a timer, which
 would mean that all ls commands would suspend the client for the time out

 I'm proposing to add a lsx command, similar to ls, but that will
 terminate its output with an empty line.

Hi Pascal,
before we duplicate commands: couldn't you detect output completion by 
reading until the prompt? When output is complete, the server prints a 
linefeed (\n) and a / (followed by an optional property path and 
). Should be easy to parse.
Ok, the prompt is only printed in PROMPT mode (obviously). There is no 
prompt in RAW mode. But then it might be better to add another output 
mode, i.e. a mode similar to RAW which completes _every_ existing 
command with a specific character sequence, such as an additional 
linefeed. Adding another command (lsx) wouldn't cost much - but then 
we should also add new versions of all other commands (getx, dumpx, 
runx, ...) for the same reason.

So, a different output mode seems a better solution? Or also possible: 
just add a new option to configure the prompt in PROMPT mode. So 
everyone can configure this to his needs.
To see what I mean, try
export PS1=FOO\nBAR\n
in your linux console - or
set prompt=#FOOBAR#
in your Win-DOS box.
Might be a better solution if you added something similar to props.cxx. 
Any other thoughts?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG caching

2011-04-16 Thread ThorstenB
On 16.04.2011 16:24, Anders Gidenstam wrote:
 On Sat, 16 Apr 2011, Anders Gidenstam wrote:

 Hmm.. I should have added that I looked at this in early September last
 year so it is not fresh in my memory.

 IIRC the current code already does the fundamentaly unsafe operation of
 adding items to a STL vector (in the loader thread) while concurrent
 traversals of the same vector are possible (by various parts of OSG
 rendering). That is NOT SAFE but a lot less risky than deleting from an
 STL vector with concurrent traversal (consider the most likely internal
 representation of a STL vector to see why).
Ok, thanks a lot Anders for these hints! I'll open a tracker issue for 
the particle issue - so we won't forget these details. Can you estimate 
on how bad this issue could get? Does it only mean a minor memory leak - 
or could it get really bad over time (maybe eat some gigabytes in a 6 
hour TGA shift? :) ).

Not sure, but I guess the issues with Effect objects is probably worse 
than with particles. There's a larger number of Effect objects - and 
each is connected to a texture (.rgb/.png images) - which may occupy a 
lot of memory. Just by starting at KSFO, loads of KSFO terminal textures 
- and textures of 15 different MP aircraft immediately stick in memory...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Valgrind logs

2011-04-15 Thread ThorstenB
On 15.04.2011 11:11, Andreas Gaeb wrote:
 The input value lists seems to fulfil both conditions (SGSharedPtr
 pointing to SGReferenced), so in theory, automatic deletion should work
 here. Still, valgrind complains. Could the problem here be related to
 calling the componentForge functor?

Remember that SGReferenced does reference counting. In theory, the root 
cause could be completely elsewhere in the code, if there were other 
references to the same InputValue. If only a single of these 
references wasn't removed, then the actual InputValue object is never 
deleted (and let's hope there are no cyclic references anywhere...).


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[Flightgear-devel] release discussion (was: Simple atmospheric scattering shader)

2011-04-14 Thread ThorstenB
On 14.04.2011 18:22, Curtis Olson wrote:
 Yeah, we should get back to that. What is the current status? I have
 spend a lot of time doing the prepatory work for an eventual release
 during my holiday, but apparently no release has happened during my
 absence. Are there still any showstoppers?

 I seem to recall James mentioned the a couple issues remained, but I
 don't recall ever hearing specifically what those issues where.  He has
 been buried by real life lately so he hasn't had the chance to jump in
 much lately.  I haven't heard much from Tim either.

The remaining issues James was working on were concerning the automatic 
build process. He was close to finishing and make Hudson provide 
_complete_ (that is including _basic_ fgdata) installers for 
Mac/Windows. There were remaining issues due to the huge size of the 
installers though - since data gets copied over the network. And then he 
got buried under a pile of RL work for a while.

The 2.2 release itself was branched in January (first sg+fg and a few 
weeks later also fgdata). And I think we've fixed all the show stoppers 
for the 2.2 branch. We've had a few more fixes on the next branch 
since, but these mainly affected new code issues, which were not yet 
part of 2.2. I think the release branch got a fair amount of testing - 
and is very stable (feels much more stable than 2.0 to me, if I may say 
:) ).

So, as far as I'm concerned, if we can manually provide Mac/Windows 
installers, we could just tag and release now (come on, let's have a new 
release to show off at LinuxTag! :) ).
The 2.2 branch may look a little outdated to git/next users by now. But 
I'd still stick with releasing the existing branch as 2.2. We've already 
committed lot's of new code to next since, so that would take more 
work/time to be ready. And we can still have another release (2.3/2.4) 
in a few months - and don't need to wait for another year again...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG caching

2011-04-13 Thread ThorstenB
On 13.04.2011 13:46, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
 To reduce memory footprint caused by model caching, I added this code to the
 begining of the main function of fgrun :

 osgDB::Registry* registry = osgDB::Registry::instance();
 registry-setExpiryDelay( 0. );

 I suspect we can control the amount of caching the same way in FG

The default expiration delay is 10 seconds. Any texture/image/... which 
isn't referenced any longer should automatically be purged after 10 
seconds. Reducing it to 0 shouldn't help too much - just save 10 seconds 
worth of memory. But it would void performance benefits when stuff get's 
dropped and then reloaded immediately, e.g. you do a sim reset or the MP 
connection has a brief drop-out (I sometimes see MP models disappear and 
reappear after a few seconds).

The real problem should be elsewhere:
* either the whole OSG caching system just doesn't work at all, i.e. it 
never purges unreferenced and expired data (I somehow doubt this).
* we somehow haven't implemented the caching thing correctly (no idea 
what we could be missing)
* or it's all our fault, our leak alone - more or less unrelated to caching.

I think the latter is (still) the case. I already posted some weeks ago 
that I was seeing loads of leaked objects. I managed to fix a few things 
at the time

but that wasn't all of it by far. Still looked leaky as a sieve to me 
:| and mainly affected MP models, clouds (global weather based) and SG 
animation stuff - and thousands of properties connected to these. The 
longer FG was running (or the more players joined and left) the more 
objects were leaked. And that was long before we enabled the OSG cache. 
I never ran FG for 6 hours with clouds  MP enabled though. But are we 
sure that the OSG cache itself really made a major difference now?

The thing is that we do have a lot of automatic pointers (objects with 
reference counting) in our code. It's all our classes based on OSG and 
all the SGShared... properties/classes. It's very tricky to find out if 
everything is working as expected here, since it's hard to tell when 
something should be removed. A simple mistake somewhere (like a 
non-virtual destructor in a base class), a single object which doesn't 
get disconnected - and a huge object tree connected to it never get's 
removed. It'd certainly be worth to investigate further and fix more 
leaks - but debugging these issues is painful and requires a long and 
tricky hunt. Any help would be appreciated...


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[Flightgear-devel] Joystick axis issues

2011-04-13 Thread ThorstenB

I'm having joystick issues: on start-up, all axis are in 
left-most/lower-most position (reporting -1). Only once I have moved 
each axis for the first time, do I get valid positions. Hardly 
noticeable with most planes, since -1 means throttle is idle - so full 
left-rudder/pushed-aileron has no effect. But starting the UFO is 
annoying, as it's spinning around all three axis at full speed by 
default - until I have moved all joysticks. Wasn't like this maybe a 
month or two ago. And I have tested different joysticks.

Anyone else seeing this? Test: start the UFO, keep away from joysticks, 
see what happens...

I have a local patch which fixes things for me - but I may be fixing 
local/system issues here.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] script link

2011-04-11 Thread ThorstenB
On 11.04.2011 17:29, Francesco Angelo Brisa wrote:
 well ,I will make some experiments on 2.9.10  if it finds out to
 compile easly and to be quite stable, I will make it the default
 behaviour, with 2.8.3 as stable option.
When we last discussed this (February), 2.9.9 was reported to be stable 
with FlightGear on all three platforms (Linux/Mac/Windows) with fg/next 
- no issues were reported since. But meanwhile we've updated FlightGear 
to also support the latest OSG interface (= 2.9.10). Concerning the 
OSGText issue, there is also a bug tracker entry on this:
We don't know if OSG 2.9.10 is also affected - or only = 2.9.11. Would 
be good if someone could verify.

   While, as you point out, using OSG-2.8.3 stable will
   ALWAYS works, and I know OSG-2.9.9 also works, recent
   posts indicate OSG-trunk will _ALSO_ compile, but I have
   yet to fully personally 'verify' this... But perhaps this
   should be a user 'option' to the script...
Well, OSG-trunk compiles - today. If an option to use OSG-trunk is 
really necessary (is it?), then please hide it well enough so that 
normal users won't find it. :)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] ..simgear(?) link error, undefined references to SGPagedLOD

2011-04-10 Thread ThorstenB
On 10.04.2011 13:29, Geoff McLane wrote:

 As far as I am aware we can _NOT_ presently use
 later that OSG-2.9.9 ;=((
Yes, we can. But 2.8.3 + 2.9.9 are used by the automatic download  
compile script, since these versions are known to work fine. And as we 
noticed, we have a lot of people running the FG git version right now, 
not all of them are actually FG developers or even familiar with 
building their own binaries (which is why the build script is there in 
the first place). So, it's good to have something that's stable and 
known to work for them.

 On a general note, I would ask are there any thoughts to
 modify simgear to use later, or even the trunk versions
 of OSG?
It always takes some days to adapt sg/fg to OSG changes, but right now, 
it compiles just fine, as the Hudson builds show:

I wouldn't recommend using OSG trunk to any normally advanced 
flightgear git user. Those who need it know what to do - and won't be 
using the convenience downloadcompile script anyway.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ..simgear(?) link error, undefined references to SGPagedLOD

2011-04-10 Thread ThorstenB
On 10.04.2011 15:02, Geoff McLane wrote:
 On Sun, 2011-04-10 at 14:34 +0200, ThorstenB wrote:
 As far as I am aware we can _NOT_ presently use
 later that OSG-2.9.9 ;=((
 Yes, we can.
 Huh? Then WHY does Arnt have a LINK problem with OSG-2.9.11?
I don't know. The error Arndt is seeing is a _linker_ error - not a 
compile error. Csaba has already given the reason in his earlier email: 
mismatching OSG header and library files (messed up local installation). 
Another possibility is an incomplete build after changing the OSG 
version (run make clean in sg/fg).
In any case, that's not our fault. If sg/fg wasn't adapted to the OSG 
version, you would get a _compile_ error - not a linker one.

 Yes, I know it can take 'some days', and no criticism
 is intended, but 2.9.10, the first after 2.9.9 was released
 3rd December, 2010, and others 2.9.11, etc later... maybe you
 meant 'some MONTHS' ;=))

 Both Brisa's and my script use 2.8.3 or 2.9.9, but have
 a switch for 'trunk', and would code for later if workable...
No. After getting lots of reports and complaints due to OSG-trunk 
issues, we changed the Brisa's script to stop using OSG trunk:

 When you suggest Hudson is using OSG-svn - If _NOT_ trunk
 then exactly which version of OSG-svn is used by Hudson?
OSG trunk = OSG svn. It's compiling (and linking) fine.


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[Flightgear-devel] OSG caching (was: Texture cache)

2011-04-03 Thread ThorstenB
 Maybe someone could do some tests when changing the setting
   (SGPagedLOD.hxx:56) from CACHE_NONE to CACHE_IMAGES or even to
   CACHE_ALL (then recompile/install sg+fg). Would be interesting to know
   how this changed loading times, run-time fps and memory consumption.
 After 30 minutes more of testing: It also works in practice. I have seen
 no averse side effects, and the performance drop from loading new clouds
 is now almost completely gone - the framerate drops I still see are mainly
 associated with terrain sampling.

 The actual rendering performance is, as far as I can see, not changed,
 i.e. once everything is there, it is there. But all in all this makes
 things way smoother. It should be most pronounced on single CPU machines.
I've also been using CACHE_ALL since then - not seeing any problems. But 
I haven't checked memory consumption. So, what's the status about the 
OSG caching options, should we enable these? Tim?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG caching

2011-04-03 Thread ThorstenB
On 03.04.2011 16:18, Torsten Dreyer wrote:
 Me, too. I had a few coredumps with the 4-nvidia-cards, 8 monitors
 (multithreading=automatic) setup since I had that enabled. I was not able to
 backtrace and blame it to the CACHING-Option, however. So this might just be a
 random correlation.
In fact I haven't seen any crash for a very long time now (yay!). But 
I'm not using multi-threading, as that never worked for me. FG starts, 
but the scenery doesn't look right: the surface is all black and many 
models are only visible partially. Does this work for everyone else - 
maybe depends on newer OSG versions (2.9.x)?

 How about checking a /sim/rendering/cache property at startup?
Good idea. I'll be adding this and enable it by default. Let's see if we 
get any user reports... (of course I'm thinking about the usual 
thank-you-messages from people being extremely happy with the 
improvements :) ).


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Generic Protocol Input - Float weirdness

2011-04-03 Thread ThorstenB

 though on the wire I send precisely 7 digit numbers: 3 digits
 followed by a dot and 3 decimal digits);
As you describe correctly, you're transmitting strings (= series of
ASCII characters).

For an input protocol this is the _target_ type. With int your
_string_ is parsed and converted to an _integer_. No fractions.

Keep sending strings representing integers (no dot . characters in
the string) but specify the _target_ typedouble/type, using
offset/factors as described by Torsten. FlightGear will then parse
your string, convert it to double precision floating point, and apply
factors and offset.

Make sure you're using FlightGear 2.2-pre-release or the current GIT
version to achieve double precision. FG2.0/1,9.x only supported single
precision with the generic protocol, so there was no difference
between float and double.

This is the commit which made double precision work for the generic
protocol, and it was not part of FG2.0 yet:


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[Flightgear-devel] Nasal submodules / folders and optional loading

2011-04-02 Thread ThorstenB

I've pushed an improvement to our Nasal script loading process. Should
help with some of the issues we recently discussed.

1. Nasal scripts can now be grouped into submodules stored in separate
folders (fgdata/Nasal/MyModule/*.nas). This has several advantages:

- Better structure. Things like multiplayer, local weather, ... are no
longer mixed-up in a single directory.

- Better sequence. The Nasal scripts within a directory are loaded in
random order. As soon as a script relied on other (basic) scripts, you
had to delay initialization, to be sure all dependencies are
available. The new subfolders are loaded after the base directory, and
all the basic scripts remain in the Nasal root directory. So,
submodules can now rely on all the basic stuff (like props.nas,
math.nas, debug.nas, gui.nas, ...) to be already present, and don't
need to delay anything with timers/listeners - at least not just to
resolve dependencies.

2. The submodules are also visible in the property tree below
/nasal. There are properties showing which modules are available and
which are loaded. There's also a persistent enable-flag for each
module, so loading specific modules can be optional now. We could add
a generic GUI to enable/disable specific addons. Loading can also be
controlled automatically. I've tested loading the multiplayer scripts
depending on whether the multiplayer feature is actually enabled.
Specific GUIs are also possible of course (such as a loading switch in
the local weather GUI).

Currently all module loading is done in the start-up phase. But we
could easily add listeners to the modules' enable-flags though, so
that they can be loaded any time - even if they were disabled during
start-up (without restarting fgfs).

Not loading unnecessary Nasal scripts has performance advantages (see
our lengthy 1Hz stutter / garbage collector discussion). Of course,
performance improvements would be even higher in the first place, when
more bulky/complex things were implemented in... well, I guess that
point was pretty clear now...

This is the relevant commit:

Comments welcome. If there are no objections, I'll update fgdata/Nasal
shortly, moving some initial modules to separate folders. I've tested
this locally with the multiplayer, local weather, wildfire and ATC
chatter scripts.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Efficient Nasal coding (was: Stuttering at 1 Hz rate)

2011-04-02 Thread ThorstenB
 On 30.03.2011 08:31, wrote:

How do arrays and objects count? If an object counts as one reference,
then it's very efficient to use I guess - if every key in the hash counts
as one, then certainly less so.

 Right. I believe arrays and hashs may both be implemented efficiently - so
may count as one Nasal object only. But I haven't looked into the details of
the Nasal engine itself - I just checked the discussed performance issues
and briefly looked at the garbage collector. I'm sure Andy would know all
the tricks and details, of how efficient specific constructs are :).

Can loops pile up garbage checks only for elements referenced
(theoretically) within the loop (regardless if they are actually
executed), or do they trigger the whole possible pile of Nasal to be
searched? So if someone fixes a badly written script which runs every
frame although it really doesn't need to - will that affect the load
generated by that particular script, or will it have a more general

 Garbage collection is a global thing and cannot be restricted to a local
context. It always requires a complete search. Even if usless handlers are
executing, eventually their repeated execution will also trigger the garbage
collector, which then needs to recurse through all references. The load
(delay) caused by the garbage collector will hit a random Nasal line, which
happened to be running out of certain resources. Again, Andy would
probably know the details of what exactly the conditions for triggering the
garbage collector are, and what kind of operations consume these resources -
so make the g/c happen more often.

However, I have attached a simple patch which I used to generate the
statistics. So, if you're interested in optimizing the performance of your
module, apply this locally and see how the numbers and the g/c frequency are
influenced by specific changes. You'll see how many unique objects were
found, how many references had to be searched (which is what consumes most
of the time, since every reference has to be traversed), and of course
when/how often the garbage collector runs.

diff --git a/simgear/nasal/gc.c b/simgear/nasal/gc.c
--- a/simgear/nasal/gc.c
+++ b/simgear/nasal/gc.c
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
 #include nasal.h
 #include data.h
 #include code.h
 #define MIN_BLOCK_SIZE 32
+static int g_ObjectCount = 0;
+static int g_RefCount = 0;
 static void reap(struct naPool* p);
 static void mark(naRef r);
@@ -37,6 +44,11 @@ static void garbageCollect()
 int i;
 struct Context* c;
+g_ObjectCount = 0;
+g_RefCount = 0;
 globals-allocCount = 0;
 c = globals-allContexts;
 while(c) {
@@ -74,6 +86,11 @@ static void garbageCollect()
 globals-deadBlocks = naAlloc(sizeof(void*) * globals-deadsz);
 globals-needGC = 0;
+printf( Nasal garbage collection statistics: objects: %u, references: %u\n,
 void naModLock()
@@ -226,11 +243,21 @@ static void mark(naRef r)
 int i;
+// count every traversed reference
 if(IS_NUM(r) || IS_NIL(r))
 if(PTR(r).obj-mark == 1)
+// count unique objects
 PTR(r).obj-mark = 1;
 switch(PTR(r).obj-type) {

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Replay system

2011-04-02 Thread ThorstenB
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 12:34 AM, Curtis Olson wrote:

 So, it might be a good idea to record all properties in an interval of a
 few seconds only, while only recording properties that have actually
 changed with every frame. That should allow to drastically reduce the
 amount of recorded data - and allow much longer high resolution memory
 recordings. And you could still fast-forward within the buffer, since
 you'll have a complete set of properties every now and then. It's a
 simple but effective compression method which is used in many areas.

 Pluses and minus to every approach ... determining if a property has changed
 by enough of a threshold amount to log the change would be extra work and
 could also complicate the playback, so that would have to be balanced
 against the potential pay off.  When you get away from a fixed record
 format, then you need a way to identify/tag each data value along with a
 corresponding time stamp, so you have to give some of the space savings back
 ... and I would imagine to do this efficiently (space and time) could lead
 to some pretty complicated errr sophisticated logging code.  I'm not saying
 that's bad, but this is a pretty complicated proposal I think when you start
 digging into the details.

In fact, frames of tagged values is the same method we're already
using in encoding data for multiplayer transmission. Though that
module could also do with some improvements (*yikes* it's currently
packing each 8bit string character into a 32bit value for
transmission). Also, it doesn't reduce traffic by detecting unchanged
values yet (UDP transmissions loose some data, so that's more tricky
here, though also not impossible).

Yes, the tags are additional overhead. But I'm quite convinced that
this schemes outweighs the disadvantage - if we used this to encode
changing values only. I checked our current recording data structure:
it has a huge size of 1160 bytes for every frame. Also, the fixed
structure needs to reserve space for the maximum number of
wheels/engines/tanks etc - so even if an a/c has fewer tanks/.., it
still uses up the space. And it doesn't work for aircraft which
somehow exceed the default (btw, I saw a maximum of 4 tanks and 3
wheels is configured, so that is why there are gear replay issues with
4 or 5-gear aircraft, like the Concorde...). And looking at many of
the recorded properties, I think many of them indeed will hardly ever
change from frame to frame, so this 1K structure could probably be
reduced significantly - despite extra tagging bytes.

Thinking about it, it should also be possible to join some of the
multiplayer and replay code. The replay system could use the existing
encoder of the multiplay manager to generate the data packets - but
then record them locally instead of transmitting them via UDP. During
replay, these packets could then also be decoded by existing
multiplayer code. Might be worth a thought, if someone wanted to dig
in this area.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Generic Protocol Input - Float weirdness

2011-04-02 Thread ThorstenB
 Every standby-mhz value Arduino is sending has been previously formatted so 
 that it has at most three decimals, something like that: 139.775 or 129.675.
 Problem is FGFS shows /instrumentation/comm/frequencies/standby-mhz as 
 139.7749939 or 129.6750031. There's something wrong with that and I have no 
 idea what it is. It looks like FGFS is receiving 139.775 and stores it as 
 139.7749939 (some float rounding up) ... but why? Suggestions?
It's an issue with the finite precision of floating point variables. 
Everyone is suprised when first seeing this. Only values which happen to 
be a sum of binary fractions (e.g. 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8) can be represented 
accurately. Everything else, even simple _decimal_ values such as 0.1 
or 0.775 cannot be represented exactly in _binary_. Usually this 
doesn't matter, since when you print a value to screen - or to a string 
buffer, you'll limit the precision. Something like 0.7749998175 will be 
printed as 0.775 if you limit to 3 digits. Obviously the property 
browser doesn't limit to 3 digits, but shows more, hence you see a 

See here:

Also, the properties use double floating points (64bit). You're protocol 
uses float (32bit) - so you loose some precision, which makes the effect 
slightly worse.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Replay system

2011-03-31 Thread ThorstenB
On 31.03.2011 17:01, Robert wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I'd like to share some thoughts with you on how we can improve the 
 replay system.
 Right now only the last minute is recorded at full precision. After 
 that minute we get a precision of 1 fps. And after 10 minutes we get a 
 precision of 1 frame per 10 seconds (please correct me. this number 
 may be wrong).

 Streaming the replay data to the hard disc drive always at full precision.
Streaming data to disc would be nice - but should be optional and not be 
enabled by default. It would also be nice to have an option to save a 
recorded instant replay buffer (when you haven't enabled the 
stream-to-disc feature earlier).

I can't comment on the different interpolation methods. But what would 
also help is to change the recording scheme:
Currently the valuesof a fixed set of properties is recorded at each 
frame. However, most properties rarely change. Only the a/c position and 
speed properties tend to change in every frame. Properties like gear 
position and control surfaces are almost constant (from frame to frame). 
So, it might be a good idea to record all properties in an interval of a 
few seconds only, while only recording properties that have actually 
changed with every frame. That should allow to drastically reduce the 
amount of recorded data - and allow much longer high resolution memory 
recordings. And you could still fast-forward within the buffer, since 
you'll have a complete set of properties every now and then. It's a 
simple but effective compression method which is used in many areas.

It would also be nice to support recording of custom properties. We 
already have a similar solution for multiplayer mode. If the replay 
system recorded the same properties configured in the aircraft-set.xml 
(the generic int/float/string properties), it would mean a nice 
improvement. It would also have other advantages, such as allowing 
simple tests of an aircraft's multiplayer configuration.

 p.s. I also thought that it woud be nice if the nearest tower would be 
 automatically computed in replays (as it is done in x-plane), so you 
 don't have to enter the airport code every time.
Indeed. That feature would also be nice for normal flight. I never 
understood why the tower view sticks to the initial airport. Switching 
to the departure airport's tower view doesn't make much sense after a 
long distance flight. A general use nearest tower option would be nice.

I don't think anyone is working in these areas right now. So if you are 
(or anyone else is) interested on working on these, let us know.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Fuel: Nasal errors

2011-03-27 Thread ThorstenB
On 27.03.2011 13:48, HB-GRAL wrote:
 I get an error in /Nasal/fuel.nas with current fgdata git:

Time to update fg/next. You're probably missing this commit:


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Stuttering at 1 Hz rate

2011-03-27 Thread ThorstenB

here's a few more comments/hints/warnings on Nasal and simulation
performance in general.

First of all: it's not meant _against_ anybody. It's great to have a
tiny scripting engine in FG. It's great to have an option for custom
extensions. And we're certainly seeing very nice examples (absolutely
including ThorstenIR's local weather, since he brought that up).

I'm just making a point here that the Nasal engine does have
performance issues, which we should be aware of and care about.

When evaluating simulation performance, don't get fooled by the frame
rate. What's really important to us is the worst case frame latency.
Even if the system is producing a huge average of 100 frames per
second, it can still look absolutely crappy, if only a single frame
took more than 20-30ms, since that's immediately visible to the human
eye (note to self: add a worst case latency indicator). So, we're
building a real-time system here, and 20-30ms is our timing

Nasal needs to run a garbage collection every now and then. This means
an extra delay, and may become noticeable, if it causes a frame to
violate the timing constraint. _When_ and _where_ in the Nasal code
the g/c triggers, is almost random, so you cannot attribute the g/c
delay to the point where it happened.

The effect depends on two properties: (1) how long does it take, and
(2) how often does it happen. These issues are triggered by different
properties of the code. If we can keep the delay below the limit,
everything is perfect. If we cannot, than we should at least reduce
its frequency. One stutter per minute may be acceptable. Once every
second looks absolutely intolerable (though you may still get a funky
100fps indication!).

1. The length of the delay depends on the number of references the
garbage collector needs to traverse: variables (data), but also
functions, which are just like variables in Nasal, e.g.
  var myVariable = 42;
  var myFunction = func()...
It doesn't depend on the size of a particular function or basic
variable though. The garbage collector needs to look and follow every
single reference to find out what's still in use. The delay is
proportional to the number of elements which were
loaded/initialized/created in Nasal. It hardly depends on the
length/complexity/frequency of Nasal computation though, since the
average number of references usually won't change too much.

I have instrumented the Nasal g/c to show the number of references
caused by generic Nasal scripts and by different aircraft (subtracting
the references caused by generic scripts) with current GIT:

39128   all generic stuff (i.e. fgdata/Nasal...)
 3475   UFO
 4788   c172p
 6007   SenecaII
 8283   B777-200ER
19270   F14
86122   Concorde

So, for most aircraft, the a/c specific Nasal is negligible. Time
consumed by garbage collection almost depends on generic stuff alone
(40K of references traversed in each run). Only some complex aircraft
significantly influence the g/c performance themselves, e.g. the
Concorde. It's ok if advanced models require advanced CPUs. But it's
not so nice with generic stuff, since it affects everyone and every
Currently, we load all fgdata/Nasal/*.nas at startup. Whether the code
is ever used or not, or a particular feature is disabled, doesn't
matter much. It's loaded and initialized, increases the number of
references, thus delays the g/c.
For the test above, I had _disabled_ multiplayer/wildfire/target
tracking/local weather/redout. The numbers hardly change when enabling
features though.

Since the local weather topic was mentioned: yes, it's large, but only
responsible for about 11K of references, so about 1/4 of current
generic Nasal stuff (when disabled).

2) The g/c frequency mainly depends on how much stuff is done in
Nasal, including the number of timers and the timer frequencies. So,
in contrast to (1), this very much depends on enabled features, and
strongly on specific aircraft (see Robert's email on frequency).
I also added instrumentation here to see how our generic stuff is
doing. There's several timers which run at full frame rate, even when
the related feature is disabled:


Even when they're almost doing nothing, it'd still help if they were
stopped or at least slowed down, when the related feature was
disabled. They affect garbage collection since a lot of (useless)
contexts are created and need to be cleared at some point - hence
triggering the g/c more often than necessary.

Typically many of our Nasal timer handlers look like this:
myTimer = func() {
  if (getprop(/foo/feature/enabled))
  settimer(myTimer, 0.0); // run again in next update loop

This would already improve things (20-100 times fewer contexts being
myTimer = func() {
  if (getprop(/foo/feature/enabled))

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Stuttering at 1 Hz rate

2011-03-26 Thread ThorstenB

On 26.03.2011 06:27, Robert wrote:

However, the garbage collector does a complete scan of all Nasal
objects to detect and remove unreachable elements. So, the more
Nasal data elements we have, the worse the jitter gets. Large
Nasal data structures will eventually break every CPU. And since
it's done in the context of normal Nasal calls, and not in a
separate background thread, it directly affects the duration of
our main update loop - hence frame rate. Not so nice.
Hmm. Other script languages rely on reference counting for garbage
collection, which means much more stable performance. Python does
that for example. But, well... GSoC anyone? ;-)

Python support would be a great feature I think.
Well, yes. But changing current scripts would be a huge, huge project. 
And it'd would require much more maintenance than our tiny Nasal engine. 
It's a better option to improve the existing garbage collector (i.e. use 
reference counting, improve its speed, or make it happen less often). 
But that would also be a very complex change in a very sensitive area of 
our sources.

What I am thinking about is a possibility to convert Nasal scripts to 
C or C++ and compile them as shared objects (.so .dll). Then we could 
load them dynamically at fgfs runtime. So in the end we get raw C/C++ 
performance to our modules.

Is this possible or am I dreaming of something impossible here?
Mainly dreaming. Such things may look simple at first. Easy to convert a 
simple hello world. But it's very complex when supporting all the 
features of an interpreted script language. And the funny thing is: 
you'd still need to worry about automatic garbage collection and count 
references (though that'd be a lesser issue compared to many others 
then). So, time wake up...

For the time being, we'll have to live with this. We should just be 
aware, that introducing too complex data structures and too 
heavy/complex computations in Nasal isn't a good idea. Even when their 
average execution time looks ok, they will eventually trigger noticeable 
frame rate jitters. The larger the data structures get, the longer the 
jitter. The more heavy the computation gets, the more often the garbage 
collector has to run, the more often the jitter happens...

So, it's still good to implement heavy stuff and common instruments in 
our FG core (C++), and use Nasal mainly for aircraft-specific animations 
etc. Though that may not be the direction our project is heading to 
right now...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Stuttering at 1 Hz rate

2011-03-26 Thread ThorstenB
On 26.03.2011 10:03, Tim Moore wrote:
 Reference counting doesn't provide a strong performance advantage over
 conventional garbage collection, and a reference-counting scheme can
 take an unbounded amount of time. Reference counting schemes that do
 have real-time or bounded behavior are very complicated.
Well, the issue with scanning for unreachable objects is that it scales 
with the number of data elements in memory. Even when you aren't 
touching the data structures, they still affect performance. Reference 
counting itself doesn't guarantee real-time behavior, since removing any 
reference may result in deleting large data structures. But it's much 
more predictable and can be influence in the code. When certain code 
doesn't touch anything large, then it isn't affected.
There are real-time systems which have successfully integrated a Python 
engine because of this. Though it doesn't guarantee hard real-time by 
the book, it still works very, very well, and only require few 
limitations (i.e. you have to avoid cyclic data structures, or accept 
that they are leaking).

 I don't know much about our Nasal implementation, but I suspect that
 the garbage collector could be changed to trace only a portion of
 Nasal's heap at each invocation, at the risk of increased memory use.
Hm, not sure. The garbage collector uses mark  sweep. It locks out 
any concurrent Nasal execution, marks all reachable elements, then 
removes everything unreachable, finally unlocks the engine. The 
expensive bit is the marking of all elements. It's hard to split such a 
task. You could abort the operation, but then later have to start all 
over again, to be sure that you've really traced all references.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Stuttering at 1 Hz rate

2011-03-24 Thread ThorstenB

On 24.03.2011 14:33, Robert wrote:

Timing summary fornasal.
-  mean time: 0.04 ms.
-  min time : 0.00 ms.
-  max time : 2.05 ms.
-  stddev   : 0.24 ms.

I don't think we have to dig into nasal code like Franz suggested 
(please correct me if I'm wrong) because as you can see there is no 
significant amount of time spent in comparison to this:

Timing summary for   events.
-  mean time: 1.09 ms.
-  min time : 0.30 ms.
-  max time : 37.14 ms.
-  stddev   : 4.24 ms.

you should still look at Nasal. The event manager handles timers, and 
that's almost exclusively used by Nasal. Almost all the Nasal code runs 
in timers (except for property listeners). So read events as the total 
execution time for Nasal (timers).
The timing data shown for the subsystem nasal only refers to the 
execution time of Nasal internal house keeping (i.e. some garbage 
collection), but not to the execution of actual Nasal code. Indeed 

The events subsystem is also showing a jitter on my machine (but not 
as bad).


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Stuttering at 1 Hz rate

2011-03-24 Thread ThorstenB
On 24.03.2011 23:54, Robert wrote:
 As you can see Nasal scripts aren't used at all.
No, there are several generic Nasal scripts loaded independently of any 
aircraft configuration files.
I checked my system and saw timers from the mp_broadcast.nas (which is 
also active when MP is disabled), wildfire.nas and several others. You 
also need to disable all scripts in fgdata/Nasal to get rid of all 
Nasal timers.

Also, I had a brief look at exactly which Nasal timers caused a jitter. 
And the winner is...
... well, any. Any Nasal timer, even if it's almost empty, will every 
now and then consume a much larger amount of time than normal.
Seems to be a general issue with the Nasal execution engine: could be 
triggered by Nasal's garbage collector, which every now and then needs 
to do extra work - and runs within the context of a normal Nasal call. 
It could also be a result of Nasal's critical sections: other threads 
may acquire a temporary lock to alter Nasal data structures - which may 
block the execution of Nasal timers at certain points. Hmm... Best 
practices for debugging a multi-threaded program anyone? :)

Concerning the frequency of the jitter: I guess it isn't related to the 
FDM at all. It's probably just a result of Nasal complexity. The more 
Nasal code is running, the more often/likely garbage collection / 
blocking may occur. Frame rate may also influce it: many Nasal timers 
run at delay 0 (in every update loop).


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Texture cache

2011-03-23 Thread ThorstenB
On 22.03.2011 23:54, Tim Moore wrote:
 5, maybe worst: osg plugins which load 3d models seem to load textures
   directly and store them... somewhere. So no caching, if two models use
   the same texture it gets always loaded, no matter what.
 This should not be true in general; the images should be cached and
 the texture objects should be too, unless some parameter is animated
 so the texture can not be shared. Now, I notice that cacheing is
 turned off for a class of models that includes AI models and may
 include models created through Nasal
 (simgear/scene/model/SGPagedLOD.hxx, line 53); I don't know what the
 rationale is for that and that may be the cause of the current

The particular line disabling the OSG cache has been there from the very 
first commit (3 years ago to the day). So there is a chance, it was 
never really considered - or there was an issue with OSG library itself 
at the time. On my machine it seems ok to enable the cache - everything 
looks normal with FG.
Maybe someone could do some tests when changing the setting 
(SGPagedLOD.hxx:56) from CACHE_NONE to CACHE_IMAGES or even to 
CACHE_ALL (then recompile/install sg+fg). Would be interesting to know 
how this changed loading times, run-time fps and memory consumption. 
Just make very sure to use a well controlled environment for any 
performance tests (especially no live weather...).


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Stuttering at 1 Hz rate

2011-03-23 Thread ThorstenB

I've pushed an update to sg/fg/fgdata which enables a (so far well 
hidden) feature of our subsystem manager to capture timing statistics.
It''s now configurable at run-time. Use Debug - Toggle Subsystem 
Statistics to enable/disable. It prints min/max/average and 
std-deviation for each of FG's subsystems to the console. The statistics 
interval is configurable via /sim/timing-statistics/interval-s
Since there are a lot of submodules in FG (most of them are very 
friendly and don't consume much time), you can restrict the output to 
modules exceeding a certain minimum execution time - or a certain jitter 
(hey!). Use /sim/timing-statistics/min-time-ms and 
/sim/timing-statistics/jitter-ms to configure the filters (in 
milliseconds, obviously).
Should help finding performance and jitter issues if they were caused by 
one of our internal subsystems.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Stuttering at 1 Hz rate

2011-03-23 Thread ThorstenB
On 23.03.2011 23:42, Csaba Halász wrote:
 I have found that feature earlier:)
 Also I have actually removed some subsystems, but to no avail.
 Let's see if somebody can produce other results.
Yes, let's see what people come up with :).
I actually see one submodule which produces some jitter. But I'm not a 
And my new machine is *very* fast... :)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Instant replay and JSBSim aircraft

2011-03-23 Thread ThorstenB
On 23.03.2011 23:22, Bertrand Coconnier wrote:
 Attached is a patch that fixes this bug (#294 in the bug tracker). As
 far as I could test, it restores the functionality of the instant replay
 while keeping the restart feature (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) functional.
 Furthermore I have implemented the 2 methods suspend() and resume() in
 JSBSim.cxx so that the FDM is actually suspended during the replay.

 However this bug fix is not really elegant because the original code is
 not so elegant itself (see explanations above).

Thanks a lot Bertrand! Using the suspend/resume feature of the subsystem 
still is elegant, I think.
During replay, we really don't want the FDM to do anything - preferably 
it shouldn't even notice that anything has changed at all. So, 
suspending the FDM and disabling its callbacks is a good idea. At least 
easier than disconnecting/reconnecting the property callbacks.

It fixes all the issues I have seen and replay works fine now - so I 
pushed it to git. But are the JSBSim.* files officially maintained in 
the JSBSim repo (so the patch also needs to be proposed over there) - or 
are these files owned by FG now?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG version (was Auto-hiding the cursor)

2011-03-22 Thread ThorstenB

On 22.03.2011 00:08, HB-GRAL wrote:

  I just noticed though, that a number of wiki pages again returned to
  recommend the use of latest OSG-svn*sigh*. I don't know why people keep
  recommending that...

Because it is valid;-)  Maybe not trunk, thats always dangerous, but
2.9.9 seems to work for OSX.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up. Glad that 2.9.9 works fine after all 
then. With latest OSG-svn I was specifically referring to the latest 
sources from the OSG subversion trunk - which shouldn't be the 
standard for any FG git user (unless you really, really know what you're 

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Stuttering at 1 Hz rate

2011-03-22 Thread ThorstenB
On 22.03.2011 05:24, Robert wrote:
 Ingame (insim) I notice a small stutter that happens once every second.
 Did anybody of you guys notice the same thing?
 What can we do about it?
 I thought it might be something like a timed task. (reading from hard 
 disc + malloc)?
 Please, could someone tell me where I can find this function in the 
 source files?
I don't see this issue here. Are you sure this isn't caused by another 
software on your machine? Some background service (indexing, virus 
scanner)? I don't think you'd be successful just by looking at the code. 
You could test if the effect happens with different planes, i.e. try the 
ufo. If it depends on the plane, try disabling specific instruments 
(modify the XML files), until you found the instrument causing the 
effect. Also check the plane's specific Nasal code: try to disable timer 
related tasks there, and see if this changes the effect.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Instant replay and JSBSim aircraft

2011-03-21 Thread ThorstenB
not sure if anyone else had a chance to test the instant replay with
JSBSim aircraft - but it indeed seems like a general issue to me. It's
triggered by JSBSim doing a trim operation once playback has
finished - which produces an output like this (with the F16 in this

  Trim Results:
  Altitude AGL: 15  wdot: -1.83e+08 Tolerance: 1e-03  Failed
   Pitch Angle:-19  qdot:  9.33e+07 Tolerance: 1e-04  Failed

  Trim Statistics:
Total Iterations: 61
wdot: 0 average: 0  successful:  0  stability: 3.5272
qdot: 0 average: 0  successful:  0  stability: 3
Run Count: 1201

Soon afterwards, the entire sim locks up since the FDM numerics go
wild. I can avoid this issue by suppressing the re-trim when replay
has finished (by forcing needTrim = false; in the code). All works
well for me then - but it completely kills the needTrim feature in
JSBSim, which was probably implemented for a reason...
The trim is triggered since the FDM still has its property listeners
connected during replay - so it thinks the aircraft position changes,
which sets the FDM's needTrim flag. Might be a good idea to
disconnect the FDM property ties during a replay - but JSBSim
currently doesn't allow to reconnect the ties (bind method is not
implemented). And the basic problem here probably is just that
something with re-trimming an aircraft doesn't work properly.

Any ideas on what could go wrong when the FDM tries to trim an already
trimmed aircraft?


On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 12:48 PM, ThorstenB wrote:
 I'm seeing an issue with the instant replay feature which seems to affect
 JSBSim aircraft. The actual replay works, but once replay is finished, the
 sim locks up or goes wild when trying to resume normal flight. Looks to me
 as if the FDM was somehow messed up by the replay. The FDM's update is
 suspended during replay - but I suspect there may be an issue with the tied
 properties, which still allow the FDM to see the replayed movements. YASim
 aircraft seem to be fine though.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Quiet

2011-03-21 Thread ThorstenB
Quiet?? Who said quiet? :-)

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] OSG version (was Auto-hiding the cursor)

2011-03-21 Thread ThorstenB
On 21.03.2011 21:04, HB-GRAL wrote:
 Just to report: It’s a OSG 2.9.9 issue on OSX, was going back to 2.9.7
 and all works fine. Also the keyboard input.

 (I am a victim of the wiki too now :-P , I wrote myself months ago 2.9.7
 is needed and someone changed requirement for OSX 10.6 to OSG 2.9.9.
 Don’t know the reason for this, but beside that, I guess the nightlies
 based on 2.9.9 are also not working correctly ?)

Until some weeks ago, there was a standard recommendation in the wiki to 
use latest OSG-svn when running FG git (actually in several places in 
the wiki). But using the bleeding edge OSG sources causes issues, since 
OSG development is pretty active and they have frequent changes. There 
is no way we could keep up/test those changes on weekly/daily/hourly 
notice. And sometimes OSG itself is also introducing new bugs in their 
code (like this probably: Recently 
we've seen many people reporting issues due to unstable OSG - both, in 
the tracker and on the mailing list.
Also, we found that any normally advanced FG git user doesn't even 
need to run the very latest OSG sources. Those very few who actually 
need it (i.e. in order to adapt FlightGear), know anyway what to do (hey 
Tim! :) ).

So, after some discussion we decided to recommend the latest _stable_ 
OSG release by default (which still is OSG2.8.3). And for those, who 
really want to be a guinea pig and test the OSG-developer versions, we 
found that 2.9.9 was the latest (at the time) which was working with 
Linux/Mac/Windows (reported by several people on irc including 
Tim/James, I think). That's why the wiki was changed (default: 2.8.3, 
and 2.9.9 for keen developers). And it was me updating the OSG wiki page:

Personally, I prefer to stick with OSG stable (2.8.3) - which works 
great for me. There are still enough issues in FG git itself to worry 
about... ;-)

I just noticed though, that a number of wiki pages again returned to 
recommend the use of latest OSG-svn *sigh*. I don't know why people keep 
recommending that...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Instant replay and JSBSim aircraft

2011-03-20 Thread ThorstenB
Hi all,

I'm seeing an issue with the instant replay feature which seems to 
affect JSBSim aircraft. The actual replay works, but once replay is 
finished, the sim locks up or goes wild when trying to resume normal 
flight. Looks to me as if the FDM was somehow messed up by the replay. 
The FDM's update is suspended during replay - but I suspect there may be 
an issue with the tied properties, which still allow the FDM to see the 
replayed movements. YASim aircraft seem to be fine though.

But maybe that's a local problem here only, since no one else reported 
this yet. Would be nice if s.o. could double-check... I've tested this 
with the 747 and F16 - using latest GIT.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] File sizes in fgdata, clean up needed?

2011-03-18 Thread ThorstenB
On 18.03.2011 17:50, HB-GRAL wrote:
 Today I checked the current fgdata/Aircraft folder for sizes. It’s about
 4,3 GB here. Nice.

 Some of this files are .gz already, when I .gz the rest I get another
 100 MB, or in other words I get two MiG-15 or another p51d.

Nice statistics! Maybe this motivates some of us to be a bit more 
considerate before committing something to the repo.

However, remember that dropping any file from the repository wouldn't 
help at all now: a git repository never shrinks - it can only grow... 
It's an especially bad idea to drop files and resubmit a 
smaller/compressed version in a futile attempt to shrink the repository.
git contains a complete history of every file. If you dropped files and 
resubmitted a smaller version, the local fgdata directories may at first 
appear smaller - but if you checked the total size (that is including 
the hidden .git folders) you'll see that the total size was actually 

And another warning: the complete history issue also affects personal 
git branches on gitorious. So, if an a/c designer adds 19 versions of an 
image file to his private branch and then placed a merge request to 
fgdata/master - then the merge will actually copy the history of all 19 
file versions to the master branch - even the history of files which 
were already dropped on the private branch. So, in such cases it's a 
good idea to not actually git merge the complete personal branch to 
our master - but to simply take a copy of the latest version of the 
a/c files and to submit them to master using a fresh commit (I think 
that's what our fgdata-merge-committers do anyway - at least I hope 
so...). Or maybe any git expert knew if there was a 
git-merge-without-history command?

Indeed, fgdata/master is becoming way too big though. But we can only 
solve this by splitting our current repository - and then push the 
different parts to fresh git repositories. Splitting fgdata was planned 
anyway. The new --fg-aircraft options was the first step to make this 
possible. I'm just not sure what the status of splitting fgdata is though...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Serial Connection is broken in Windows binary

2011-03-07 Thread ThorstenB
On 07.03.2011 22:49, Roberto Inzerillo wrote:
 I'm getting results with Arduino and FGFS, at least in a Linux
 environment, that's good. But I will just shortly mention there's
 something broken in the Windows binaries.
You mentioned using \n as a line separator in an earlier email. One 
common source of trouble when moving between Windows and Linux (or Mac) 
are line feed issues. Maybe the fgfs parser is confused by the encoding 
it gets from your port/driver. Windows uses CR LF (\r\n) as a line 
feed, Linux/Mac uses LF only (\n). A serial port can be configured to 
convert the line feed encoding, i.e. Linux may convert CR LF to LF, 
a Windows driver may do the opposite. I remember configuring (disabling) 
this auto-conversion property for a serial port years ago - when I used 
python for an RS232 interface on Windows and Linux. fgfs probably 
expects \n only - even when running on Windows. Just an idea. Other 
than that: I have no idea... ;-)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Texture efficiency

2011-03-03 Thread ThorstenB
On 03.03.2011 09:47, wrote:
 The total time to load a configuration is really proportional to

 (number of objects) x (texture size of a single object)
So maybe the textures aren't really shared. What's worse - and slightly 
related: I ran a memory analysis some weeks ago, to identify true 
memory leaks (that is memory leaks triggered at source code locations 
which over time increase indefinitely). I found that the MP aircraft and 
clouds are a major cause for FG memory leaks. The more MP aircraft were 
loaded and unloaded (obviously not properly unloaded though), and the 
more clouds were displayed (and also not properly unloaded), the higher 
the number of leaking memory elements gets (and the higher FG's memory 
consumption gets). Another huge memory leak is caused by properties. The 
leaking properties may be a result of the other leaks though (they might 
still be referenced by leaked clouds or MP aircraft models), though 
there could also be a separate issue.
I only checked the number of memory elements - so not sure which leaks 
will actually hurt memory consumption the most. But at least it was 
pretty obvious that we have some bad issues in these areas.

I'm currently busy with other stuff. But checking on what's going wrong 
with loading/unloading clouds and MP models may be worth a closer look.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Texture efficiency

2011-03-03 Thread ThorstenB
On 03.03.2011 20:51, Torsten Dreyer wrote:
 I'm currently busy with other stuff. But checking on what's going wrong
 with loading/unloading clouds and MP models may be worth a closer look.
 There was a fix for a MP memory leak approx. two weeks ago:
Hi Torsten,

ha!! Yes, I'm getting older, maybe I'm already starting to forget 
things? :-)
But no, this patch only fixed a leak I found in the MP communication 
module. The analysis showed more leaks - but unfortunately I couldn't 
see any obvious fixes for these. There are remaining leaks related to 
the actual model objects (e.g. objects from OSG derived classes) for 
clouds and MP planes. Maybe something with the osg reference counting 
doesn't work there as expected...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Telnet lag?

2011-02-27 Thread ThorstenB
On 27.02.2011 15:48, Geoff McLane wrote:
 On Sun, 2011-02-27 at 14:06 +0100, Roberto Inzerillo wrote:
 Well, it works ... but the telnet connection is very slow
 and that slows down every intercation, it makes it far less than realtime
 I quickly added some 'timing' to my telnet access,
 through a perl script, and find :-

 39 accesses took 15.57 secs, av 0.4 secs per access...

a look at the sources shows that a fixed polling interval is used for 
telnet - default is 5Hz. So it cannot process more than 5 commands per 
second. That's why it's slow. There's better methods of implementing 
socket communication instead of polling, but I haven't looked into the 
module and don't know why this was chosen. The polling interval is 
configurable though - so you can speed it up. Use:
 fgfs . --telnet=medium,direction,HZ,localhost,PORT,style

Use HZ to select the polling frequency (e.g. 100) and PORT for the 
telnet port (e.g. ). The other parameters are unused (it seems) when 
using the telnet protocol. Probably there for historic reasons (?). 
Maybe Curt knows. Remember you have to specify 6 parameters separated by 
a , - otherwise you cannot configure the polling frequency. So call 
something like
 fgfs . --telnet=foo,bar,100,foo,,bar


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Logos and licensing

2011-02-27 Thread ThorstenB

On 27.02.2011 21:18, Gene Buckle wrote:

I for one, do NOT welcome our new Vichy FlightGear Overlords.  Zey hav
vays of makingink you comply.
Until you mouth-breathing back-biters understand the concept of no harm,
no foul, I don't want to have a thing to do with you.

*« Bravo, vous avez gagné 1 point Godwin.*
Vous pouvez aller le découper au burin
sur votre écran... »
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So, we haven't solved the issues with trademark law - but at least 
fulfilled Godwin's law. Congratulations.

Another discussion on this list turning ugly/personal/offending eventually.

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[Flightgear-devel] New instrument: TCAS

2011-02-25 Thread ThorstenB

I just pushed a new instrument to next: we now have a TCAS device.
It's a new module providing aural alerts for conflicting traffic. It's
also able to drive TCAS displays, since aircrafts' threat-levels are
exposed to the property tree. The existing wxradar instrument is
updated accordingly, and now has an option to display traffic in
TCAS-style (colorful diamonds/circles showing the traffic's
threat-level). The TCAS is implemented in the FG core and requires
minimal performance - so should be fine even at busy airports.

And it works with AI and multiplayer traffic. As expected, AI pilots
are well-trained, so they always respect TCAS advisories: when you get
a climb! climb! alert in your cockpit, you'll also see conflicting
AI planes dive to safety (or vice versa). And since you're a
responsible pilot, I trust you'll also know what to do... :)

There's more info on its features and installation in the wiki:

I've tried to stick as close as possible - well... reasonable :) - to
the TCAS II standard. The traffic detector shouldn't be too far off.
However, I've simplified the advisory code a bit. A TCAS II only
provides vertical advisories (so it's either up or down...), but
there's still a long list of variations and exceptions in the
standard. Also, determining/predicting an optimal evasive movement for
conflicting aircraft isn't always easy. Well, should be good enough
for most situations as it is now. I might still add a few more
advisories later - as well as improve the MP support.

The TCAS and new display is already installed on the 777 now. And the
cockpit is also extended with an ATC/TCAS panel (more switches!) -
huge thanks to Syd Adams for another nice modeling job! A good area
for test flying the TCAS is EHAM - with lots of AI traffic. Give the
AI pilots a hard time by interfering with their nicely aligned
approach sequence.

The default TCAS voice samples in fgdata are temporary stubs only
(artificial voice). Hopefully we can replace them by more realistic
sound samples soon. But you can also provide custom voice samples for
an aircraft (which is also possible for the GPWS now, see GPWS in
the wiki).

Hope the new instrument works for everyone (well, Hudson compiled
it!). And hopefully this won't trigger a new multi-player sport
(proximity flying to trigger TCAS alerts) - otherwise just use the
ignore pilot buttons.
Fly safe!


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgfs on Android source request

2011-02-20 Thread ThorstenB
On 20.02.2011 15:40, Curtis Olson wrote:
 I know there is one android/flightgear app that serves as a remote 
 control for flying FlightGear via your android phone--perhaps that is 
 what you found?  It uses the network interface which provides good 
 separation of application licensing. 
Yes  no. It's an app particularly marketed as a flightsim for Android - 
named FlightGear. Pictures promoting the app show the infamous 
ProFl*Sim package. It also has a link to the profl*sim website (e.g. 
FlightGear dot us). So, it's another activity of the ProFl*Sim scammers. 
They certainly haven't ported FG to Android, so it's either a complete 
hoax - or they indeed try to sell the Android remote control (pretending 
it to be a full flightsim). My guess is the latter (since it saves them 
work of creating a hoax application first).

This site offered the FlightGear (ProFl*Sim) package for Android until 
a few hours ago:

Now it just says This app is unfortunately no longer available on the 
Android market.. Ha...

Partially it's still visible in google's cache:


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgfs on Android source request

2011-02-20 Thread ThorstenB
On 20.02.2011 16:18, George Patterson wrote:
 This site offered the FlightGear (ProFl*Sim) package for Android until
 a few hours ago:
 Anything like this one?

No, Alni is the good guy :). He's the original author of the remote control:

Also, Alni's offer is for free - and doesn't pretend to be a full 


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgfs on Android source request

2011-02-20 Thread ThorstenB

On 20.02.2011 17:27, Michael Sgier wrote:

let me know if anyone can buy it and show the source. I really was 
surprisedi never would have given this guy such programming knowledge.

In fact i'd want to look at that but am currently stuck at native c++ 
glut via Android's

NDK. Probably it would need to use the glut android port.

Forget it. They haven't ported anything. It's a hoax. The user comment 
that Curt found said it all. The app merely takes you to their website - 
so you can buy another scam product. You don't want the source code of 
such a trivial app.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Simgear and OSG out of sync?

2011-02-16 Thread ThorstenB
On 15.02.2011 13:41, Tim Moore wrote:
 I've checked in fixes for this change in osgDB:DatabasePager to the 
 SimGear and FlightGear next and releases/2.2.0 branches. 
Still doesn't compile with OSG = 2.8.5. We also need the patch that 
Bertrand sent yesterday, i.e. the #ifdef logic for the 
_readerWriterOptions attribute is still incorrect (inverted):

diff --git a/simgear/scene/model/SGPagedLOD.hxx 
index a9e55d9..4e25931 100644
--- a/simgear/scene/model/SGPagedLOD.hxx
+++ b/simgear/scene/model/SGPagedLOD.hxx
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public:

  virtual ~SGPagedLOD();
  osg::ref_ptrosgDB::ReaderWriter::Options  _readerWriterOptions;

  = Fixes the compile for any OSG version without 

 By the way, I committed the changes to releases/2.2.0 and then merged 
 that branch into next. This is the way fixes should move between the 
 two branches. Please don't commit a fix to next and then cherry-pick 
 it to the release branch. It is very messy to have the same change 
 committed on several different branches.

Hmm. On the other hand this means applying all (experimental) patches to 
the stable release/2.2 branch first.
I'm not a git expert, but generally I like the opposite approach of 
applying patches to a project's experimental (master / next / ... ) 
branch first. And only after the patch proved to be ok and stable for 
everyone, eventually move it to the stable release branch. Reduces the 
risk of (temporarily) breaking a release branch (like we did now :) ).


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nasal getprop: property /accelerations[0]/pilot[0]/z-accel-fps_sec[0] is NaN

2011-02-16 Thread ThorstenB
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 8:05 PM, Andreas Gaeb wrote:
 Hi Henri,

 I think I found the error, it was in JSBSim's FGForce class. I've
 proposed a fix on the JSBSim-devel mailing list.

 Best regards,

Hi Andreas,

had a look at the patch you suggested on the JSBSim list

However, I looking at the code it seems calling these InitMatrix in
the FGForce constructor shouldn't be necessary. The FGMatrix33
constructor in fact does initialize the matrix to 0 (see
FGMatrix33.cpp, i.e.
  data[0] = data[1] = data[2] = data[3] = data[4] = data[5] =
data[6] = data[7] = data[8] = 0.0;

. And the FGForce constructor will automatically call all its members'

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nasal getprop: property /accelerations[0]/pilot[0]/z-accel-fps_sec[0] is NaN

2011-02-16 Thread ThorstenB
 Hi Andreas,

 had a look at the patch you suggested on the JSBSim list

 However, I looking at the code it seems calling these InitMatrix in
 the FGForce constructor shouldn't be necessary. The FGMatrix33
 constructor in fact does initialize the matrix to 0 (see
 FGMatrix33.cpp, i.e.
  data[0] = data[1] = data[2] = data[3] = data[4] = data[5] =
    data[6] = data[7] = data[8] = 0.0;

 . And the FGForce constructor will automatically call all its members'

... Oops, wasn't finished typing... :)

Anyway, you maybe you can double-check if that patch really changed
anything concerning initialization. If it really did, then I suspect
there must be something else going terribly wrong (memory
corruption?), which could explain why the FGMatrix33 constructors
weren't executed properly.


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[Flightgear-devel] Scenery: airport tower positions

2011-02-13 Thread ThorstenB

there are two fixes concerning the tower positions at EDLL and EGLL in
the bug tracker (see attached files EDDL.twr.xml and EGLL.twr.xml).
Can someone update the scenery / TerraSync database with these files
please - and take care of these issues:

?xml version=1.0?
?xml version=1.0?
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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Scenery: airport tower positions

2011-02-13 Thread ThorstenB
On 13.02.2011 14:59, Martin Spott wrote:
 Will check. Last time I looked at the proposed change for EDDL it
 seemed to me that the requested 'fix' was inappropriate because the
 tower positions was correct. Therefore I'm a bit cautions when people
 submit Scenery-related bug-reports and declare their own reports as
 Accepted at the same time, without review from any other person  ;-)

Ok, thanks Martin!
You're right, the original position mentioned in the tracker wasn't 
quite correct. But the current FG tower position is still wrong.
However, it's just the view position which needs to be adapted - the 
visible tower model is already placed correctly.
I checked the coordinates with Google Earth (not sure that counts as a 
proof though :) ). The position in the files attached in the tracker 
match the Google positions (which in the case of EDDL match the model 
EGLL is still missing a visible tower model. Anyone interested in taking 
care of England's main airport?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Use of included xml files from Instruments-3d/* from an aircraft located outside of $FG_ROOT

2011-02-13 Thread ThorstenB

On 14.02.2011 07:58, Hal V. Engel wrote:

When working on this from an aircraft that is not located in $FG_ROOT 
(IE. my clone of fg-data using fg-aircraft=my fgdata clone/my 
aircraft) I was getting file not found errors. At first I though that 
perhaps I had a typo or something similar in my code but after looking 
things over very carefully I couldn't find the problem. So as a test I 
modified the aircraft-set.xml for the same aircraft in $FG_ROOT and 
tested with it and it didn't have the problem. I did some more testing 
and found if I run the aircraft from my development copy of fgdata it 
works but only if the xml file I am including in the aircraft-set.xml 
file is located in the same tree as the aircraft. So it does not find 
it in the $FG_ROOT directories like it should based on how the 
fg-aircraft stuff has been explained. Is this a bug or I am not 
understanding how this should work?

It should work - and does for me. But remember the fg-aircraft option 
does not support multiple fgdata clones. Neither should you give it the 
path to a specific aircraft directory. You need to provide a directory 
path, which contains one or multiple aircraft sub-directories.

It should look like this:
and /home/foo/bar/MyAircraftRepository should contain directories like

Otherwise, post some more details on what your command-line and the 
directory structure of the separate aircraft repo looks like.

And yes, as discussed on the list before, the fg-aircraft option 
requires better checks and error messages, since more people have had 
trouble with providing the correct directory structure (especially since 
incorrect structures seem to work at first - but then really don't).


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] sound via simgear

2011-02-11 Thread ThorstenB
On 11.02.2011 16:41, Curtis Olson wrote:
  In addition in an external fly-by you could hear the sound moving 
 from one speaker to the other which was really cool.  Now that I think 
 about it we may have lost that positional capability in the fly by so 
 I don't know if positioning the sound inside the cockpit is working 
 any more either?
It should work. We do have a bug report that the Doppler-effect isn't 
working on some systems (maybe depending on hardware devices). But no 
one has mentioned a problem with the 3D sound yet. And it works for me.
However, it does depend on a/c designers: cockpits are more fun, if 
different sound sources are actually located at different positions - 
rather than using the same audio position for each effect (copypaste).


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[Flightgear-devel] Testing FG 2.2.0

2011-02-08 Thread ThorstenB
On 08.02.2011 20:40, Torsten Dreyer wrote:
 No sweat - 2.2.0 is not affected. This is because of the TankProperties
 I'll try to come up with a solution but that might not be before the weekend.

And, always seeing the positive side, this might be a great opportunity 
to have more people testing the current 2.2.0 branch. We're preparing 
for the release - and since GIT/next has already moved ahead, it is no 
longer a valid test case for 2.2.0.

Switching branches is easy and quick - of course, thanks to GIT :).

To create a new local 2.2.0 branch (needed for simgear and flightgear):
 git checkout -b releases/2.2.0 origin/releases/2.2.0

You can then switch between the next and 2.2.0 branches by:
 git checkout next
 git checkout releases/2.2.0

Remember to keep each branch updated using git pull.
Finally, rebuild normally (e.g. make  make install for simgear and 

Yes, there's also an advanced method using separate, cloned repositories 
- if you want to be able to run both versions without the need of 
switching and recompiling. See the flightgear-devel archives...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] JSBSIM Aircraft Crash at Reset

2011-02-06 Thread ThorstenB
Hi Betrand,

thanks for your patch. Only one comment on your patch though...

On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 1:08 PM, Bertrand Coconnier wrote:
 * I would rather make tied_properties a list of SGPropertyNode* rather
 than a list of strings (same as above : internal JSBSim stuff)
I don't really like the use of simple pointers here, as property
objects sometimes are being worked on/merged/deleted. I remember
debugging several issues where modules obtained direct pointers to
properties and then kept using these though the original object was
already deleted/merged/recreated in other parts of FG. Results in ugly
heap issues...
This may not be an issue here (right now), but if we don't want to use
the path name (strings) as a reference, we should probably rather use
a SGSharedPtrSGPropertyNode instead - i.e. the SGPropertyNode_ptr
typedef. This guarantees that the reference is still valid when trying
to untie the property later on.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] JSBSIM Aircraft Crash at Reset

2011-02-06 Thread ThorstenB
On 06.02.2011 15:07, Jon S. Berndt wrote:
 That works. Sort of. But it's trying to patch JSBSim.cxx which we no longer
 have in JSBSim standalone.

Patch looks good and is pushed to FlightGear/next now (so our 
JSBSim.cxx is also updated now). Thanks Betrand!

PS: I've made several reset tests, all look good now. Also, no 
side-effects with the previous patches were reported, so I'm also 
pushing the patches to FG/2.2 now (trying to remember the entire patch 
sequence... :) ).


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] JSBSIM Aircraft Crash at Reset

2011-02-05 Thread ThorstenB

probably spotted the cause for the reported reset crash: it's the same 
as already reported before - targeted by this earlier patch:

This patch unties all JSBSim properties prior to reset. However, it's 
not quite sufficient and misses some JSBSim properties.
Problem is that JSBSim can also tie properties outside the /fdm/jsbsim 
branch - using property paths which can be configured in 
aircraft-specific configuration files.
For example, the configuration of the 747 (in Systems/failures.xml) 
causes JSBSim to bind the following additional properties:


These properties aren't untied by the earlier patch - so still result in 

I'm currently testing a different patch for the same issue: instead of untieing 
all properties below the /fdm/jsbsim (only), I added a list to JSBSim's 
FGPropertyManagager, so it keeps track of all the properties it has actually 
bound. It can then use this list to untie all its properties - no mattere where 
these are located in the property tree.

This patch seems to fix the issue for me. I'll do a few more tests and 
(hopefully :) ) propose this a new patch...



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] JSBSIM Aircraft Crash at Reset

2011-02-05 Thread ThorstenB
On 05.02.2011 16:21, ThorstenB wrote:

 I'm currently testing a different patch for the same issue: instead of 
 untieing all properties below the /fdm/jsbsim (only), I added a list 
 to JSBSim's FGPropertyManagager, so it keeps track of all the 
 properties it has actually bound. It can then use this list to untie 
 all its properties - no mattere where these are located in the 
 property tree.

New patch pushed to flightgear/next:

This will be overwritten by the next JSBSim update, however it's a 
short-term fix and candidate for our pending 2.2 release.
So, please test if you still see reset issues with JSBSim aircraft. If 
we find it's an improvement (maybe/hopefully the final fix for this 
issue), then we'll be pushing this to the 2.2 branch also. But remember, 
none of the reset fixes is part of the 2.2 branch just yet.

The long term fix needs to be part of the JSBSim repository of course. 
Jon, Erik: please check if you want to use this patch or have some other 
solution to the problem.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] JSBSIM Aircraft Crash at Reset

2011-02-05 Thread ThorstenB
On 05.02.2011 18:54, henri orange wrote:

 I get an error at build

 screen-dump.cxx:(.text+0x276): undefined reference to 
 `osg::Referenced::signalObserversAndDelete(bool, bool) const'
 /usr/local/lib/libsgmisc.a(PathOptions.o): In function 
 `simgear::makeOptionsFromPath(SGPath const)':

You're having some local problem with mismatching osg header files and 
libraries. Probably compiled against osg 2.8.3 or 2.9.11 include files - 
and tried to link against 2.9.10 libraries (or vice versa). Or maybe the 
osg libraries are missing altogether.
You were using FG commit 133cfbfa7f4ec62ddc97bd93d4a50fec81b52362 before 
(previous email). There were only two git updates since then - none 
affected any osg interface, neither any makefile.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Patch for fix animation in Fokker-50 AI model

2011-02-03 Thread ThorstenB
On 03.02.2011 10:54, Alexey Varjat wrote:
 It's pure animation fix:
 - Gears and lock bars (up and down just after take off/before landing)
 - ruder
 - ailerons
 - elevators
 - flaps
 - propellers (0 rpm while stands for both engines, low rpm for one
engine and stopped blades for second one during taxing (speed=15
kts, high rpm for both engines speed  16kts)

In GIT now. Thanks Alexey!


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Patch for fix animation in Fokker-50 AI model

2011-02-02 Thread ThorstenB
On 30.01.2011 14:01, Alexey Varjat wrote:
 Please find attached patch for fix animation in existing Fokker-50 AI
 model (fgdata/AI/Aircraft/Fokker-50/*xml).

Thanks Alexey, looks good to me: the AI Fokker 50s now have their gear 
extended when on ground (much better than seeing them hovering 
along...). Could you post one or two lines on what else the patch 


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Helicopter view Panning ?

2011-02-01 Thread ThorstenB
On 01.02.2011 13:09, henri orange wrote:
 Hello devel members,

 Is it just me ?
 With git today,  i  have lost the panning feature with Helicopter view.

My fault. Checked the wrong axes when I fixed an issue with tower- and 
chase-view panning. Fixed in latest GIT.
Thanks for the report.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Cmake with MSVC10

2011-01-31 Thread ThorstenB
On 31.01.2011 20:19, Alan Teeder wrote:
 With current Simger GIT and OSG SVN I am seeing this.

So, OSG 2.8.3 (stable release), OSG 2.9.10 (latest dev release), or OSG 
SVN (bleeding edge) up to rev11995.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Fix for bugs #47 and #184

2011-01-30 Thread ThorstenB
On 30.01.2011 14:55, Bertrand Coconnier wrote:
 Please find attached a patch that fixes bugs #47 and #184. It restores
 functionality of command line arguments --vc, --roll-deg, --pitch-deg,
 etc. Note also that this patch has also a positive side effect : it
 restores functionality of the 'airspeed (kt)' cell of the 'Position
 Aircraft in air' dialog box. Though in most cases, the engines are not
 started, and the aircraft is just thrown into the air with correct

 I have only tested it for JSBSim models. So further tests might be needed.

Great, would be awesome to have this part of FDM integration fixed! I'll 
do a few tests and then push to next.
Everyone else please test and report new issues (JSBSim and YASim).
If nothing new is reported, we should also patch the 2.2.0 branch.

Thanks Bertrand!


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] git work flow question

2011-01-25 Thread ThorstenB
On 24.01.2011 22:49, James Turner wrote:
 Perhaps another approach would be to do out-of-source builds.  I think 
 automake/conf should support that, although it's been a while since I've 
 tried it.
 Cmake is very good at out-of-source builds :)
Hmm. The out-of-source builds alone don't really help with switching 
branches. Changing branches back and forth still results in all 
differing sources getting new timestamps. So the next make triggers a 
rebuild of all affected sources/objects anyway. make isn't smart 
enough to notice that the older object files were generated from (older) 
sources, which had identical content to the current (newer) sources. 
So it's all the same if you maintained one or two sets of objects.

You'll also need to keep git from touching any _sources_, so maintain 
two sets of matching sources and their objects. Using two completely 
separate repos helps - or the magic feature to create two separate 
source checkouts from one repository, which James mentioned.

Could some git guru (git-goroo? ;) ) enlighten me, on how I can create 
two checkouts from one repo? That would actually be very useful - 
especially now that fgdata is branched. I don't want to pull another 
fgdata repo... and I don't feel brave enough to switch fgdata branches, 
since its release branch is already stripped (= switching affects 
thousands of files...).


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] NaNs when resetting JSBSim

2011-01-24 Thread ThorstenB
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Andreas Gaeb wrote:
 ok, I found the cause for this one. FGPropagate's members
 LocalTerrainRadius, SeaLevelRadius and VehicleRadius are not initialized
 in the constructor but only later in InitModel(). FGInitialCondition

Andreas, thanks a lot for debugging this! Any help with investigating
such issues is very welcome!
We had already invested quite a bit of effort into resolving this
issue (and other related tricky problems have only recently been fixed
by James - and since there were obviously several different causes,
all resulting in the same kind of exceptions, we now know why this
thing proved to be so difficult). If these patches finally fix the
infamous NaN on reset bug, then that's really, really great for the
upcoming release.

And everyone else: please test  report any further issues happening
upon reset.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] MSVC and C99

2011-01-24 Thread ThorstenB
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 8:43 PM, Olaf Flebbe wrote:

 MSVC implements proper initialization of static variables.

 If you do not explicitly initialize a global static variable, it is
 initialized to 0 by default, and every member that has pointer type is
 assigned a null pointer. 

Ok, thanks. So, yes, MSVC officially doesn't support C99, it isn't
even fully C90 compliant, but still, MS was obviously reasonable
enough to at least comply with some of the very basic rules (Hmmm, why
does this actually surprise me about MS? :) ).
But now that we all know about the initialization rules we should
quickly forget these again - as we all agreed - and keep using
explicit initializers anyway. Better style. Easier readable. Always
works. ;)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] git work flow question

2011-01-24 Thread ThorstenB
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 9:01 PM, Curtis Olson wrote:

 If I do a build of the next branch,
 then switch to the releases/2.2.0 branch, I still inherit all the build
 object files from the other branch.  So then I have to do a complete make
 clean; make for simgear and flightgear each time I want to jump from one
 branch to the other

I don't have a GIT answer to your question - but I'm surprised you
need to make clean. Switching branches results in all
changed/switched source files getting fresh timestamps - so the normal
make dependency rules trigger a rebuild for the affected objects. And
unless the branches diverge too much, it should be much quicker than a
full rebuild.

I'm curious though if there was a better GIT workflow (you're never
finished with learning about GIT...).


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] NaNs when resetting JSBSim

2011-01-23 Thread ThorstenB
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Andreas Gaeb wrote:

 IIRC, gcc has a default initialization routine that sets new variables
 to zero unless they are explicitly initialized like
 int a=1;

Yes, but that's only the case for global and static variables. The start-up
code initializes the memory section for all global/static variables to zero
(the bss section). However, this does _not_ apply to dynamic memory -
hence, it doesn't work with dynamically created objects (as the JSBSim
instance in our case). Sometimes, heap memory _may_ be zero at the beginning
of a program - but there is no way one could rely on this. So, member
variables should be initialized manually in the constructor.

 If the initial value in this example is not zero, it has to be stored in
 the executable, increasing its size. When initializing to zero, the zero
 is not stored in the executable, it seems.

Right, linkers move non-zero global/static variables into a different memory
section than zero/uninitialized vars. So they only need to store a binary
image for the section of non-zero global variables - and just add code to
initialize the bss section to zero.

 - in the prologue of the main function, the stack is initialized to zero
 (this even seems not to be the case when using -O3...)

- gcc default initialization means putting the variable on the stack
 which is assumed to be zero because of the above
 - after a reset, new instances will not be created in fresh stack
 memory, but in sections that were freed when deleting the old instances
 - these sections were indeed freed but not zeroed
 - the new instances contain pieces of the leftovers of the previous

No, the JSBSim object is created on the heap memory - not on the stack. Only
local variables (including local static objects) are on the stack. Heap
isn't initialized, neither stack. So member variables have random values -
unless explicitly set. Most compilers provide warnings for uninitialized
local variables (on the stack), but unfortunately I don't know any compiler
(yet) producing warning for uninitialized member variables.

  Definitely a good idea! Uninitialized members easily cause random (=very
  ugly) problems - and such issues are a pain to debug. I'm strongly in
  of initializing all variables/members in the constructor. And especially
  in a case like this, where few objects are created: even if initializing
  certain member wouldn't be necessary, it doesn't cost us much except a
  bytes of code - but no run-time performance at all.
 Though I'd also be in favor of this, it might be quite a lot of code to
 be added. Maybe it is an alternative to begin every constructor with
 something like
 memset(this, 0, sizeof(this))

Oh, please no! :) A few extra code lines don't matter - just add these
please. Even if there were 100 member variable initializers. Such a memset
would be highly compiler-/platform dependant - and we cannot allow this.
Also, the memset would destroy other data such as the object's vtable,
which is initialized by default (and stores the pointers to the object's
virtual methods). And it's better to rely on the compiler being smart: if
you add 100 initializers for member variables to be zero, it's possible that
the compiler does something similar to a memset (but without destroying
other data). So, even performance doesn't matter.

 I was looking for something explaining when it is safe to rely on gcc's
 default initialization, if ever. Details on the difference between the
 member initialization list and assignments in the constructor code might
 also be helpful.

See above: never rely on initialization of member variables. Otherwise
dynamic objects won't work.

btw, all of the above is specific to gcc. Have the NaN issues been
 observed with other compilers?

Windows/MSVC should have the same problem.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] NaNs when resetting JSBSim

2011-01-23 Thread ThorstenB
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 3:44 PM, Geoff McLane wrote:

 And I am not so sure MSVC even zeros static variables,
 unless specifically set to NULL/0, unlike as suggested
 for gcc, thus say :-

 static char * cp;
 void func() {
if (cp == NULL)
cp = malloc(val);
 can also be a problem...

Are you sure? Initialization of global variables is required by the C99
standard - and I think was already part of C90 (ANSI C).
Ok, few compilers are fully compliant - especially not C99, but all
compilers I know at least comply with this rule (admittedly, I know nothing
about MSVC... :)) ).

C99 says
If an object that has static storage duration is not initialized explicitly,
— if it has pointer type, it is initialized to a null pointer;
— if it has arithmetic type, it is initialized to (positive or unsigned)
— if it is an aggregate, every member is initialized (recursively) according
to these rules;
— if it is a union, the first named member is initialized (recursively)
according to these

I mainly use gcc and a number of weird compilers for embedded systems -
which all comply with this rule.
But you're right, personally I also prefer to explicitly initialize all
variables (i.e. int foo=0; instead of int foo;) since it's more clear,
better style and it doesn't cause issues when a global variable needs to be
moved into a local context.
It'd still be interesting to know if MSVC really doesn't comply with the
rule above - this could certainly be a source for several MSVC-specific FG
issues (just guessing here...).

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] NaNs when resetting JSBSim

2011-01-23 Thread ThorstenB
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Jon S. Berndt wrote:
 I'd like to find a way to reinitialize an instance of JSBSim in FlightGear
 without having to destruct it and reinstantiate it. A couple of years ago I
 changed the construction process and separated out a reset/reinitialization
 feature to permit a sim to be reset, bypassing the loading of aircraft
 models. That saved a lot of time. I think that process should be looked at
 for resetting JSBSim in FlightGear, too.

Of course, you can provide a reset method, which removes the need to
create a fresh instance whenever the sim is reset. But then again, you
could also call the same reset method in the constructor - and the
members would also be initialized for fresh objects - still allowing
the current scheme. So it doesn't change much for the initialization
of variables - it still needs to be ensured that no uninitialized
variables are used - and that no values from a previous simulator
life (= last update loop before reset) are used in the first update
loop after the sim's reset, since the reset may have changed
absolutely anything (location/winds/pressures/temperatures/...).

But yes, a reset method would give more flexibility and maybe help
with other issues (such as the property tie/untieing) - which is yet
another discussion... :)

Well, to return to something more practical after all this theoretical
talk about initialization and compilers (alsways fun on a
rainy/foggy/chilly afternoon *brr* :) ) could you Jon, or another
JSBSim expert please double check the particular issue that Andreas
spotted concerning last_hook_tip / last_hook_root ?
It indeed looks as if these weren't initialized but their values
possibly used in calculations of the first few update loops. Not quite
easy to spot though.

And anyone else interested in FDMs and their FlightGear integration:
there is more to do! Just check the bug tracker for FDM issues:
Mainly issues concerning FDM start-up (i.e. feeding initial values for
speed/pitch/roll/... into the FDMs doesn't work properly). Most affect
YASim, some JSBSim or both.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] current git FG OSG bulds on latest debian lenny

2011-01-22 Thread ThorstenB
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Harry Campigli wrote:

 If so what is the best version of OSG to install as I have seen numous
 posts here and on forums pertaining to changes of OSG of late?.

The OSG 2.9.x are developer releases. I think 2.9.11 isn't even released
yet, so that's the bleeding edge of OSG sources from SVN - which currently
cannot be used with FG (some pushed an incompatible interface to the OSG SVN
repo a short while ago).
Unless you really intend to mess with new OSG features, it's probably best
to go for the latest _stable_ OSG release (currently 2.8.3). Otherwise go
for an official developer release (i.e. 2.9.10).

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] NaNs when resetting JSBSim

2011-01-22 Thread ThorstenB
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 10:36 PM, Andreas Gaeb wrote:

 I've been looking a bit into the NaN issues. A way to produce them on my
 system is to reset JSBSim aircraft, although it happens only about every
 fifth time on average, and there are at least two different places in
 the code where the NaN finally surfaces, both of which are not the root
 cause. For the analysis, I used gdb to run the git version with

Excellent! It's a really annoying and persisting problem - though several
related issues were already fixed. Would be great to finally rid this issue
(it's bug #222

For one of the locations (FPE caught in SGIntersect.hxx:754) I could
 trace the problem down to JSBSim.cxx. The data members are only
 initialized to zero the first time an instance of FGJSBSim is created.

Uh, ugly! Why (and where?) are these members only initialized when the first
instance is created? Or are they never initialized and it's just because
memory often happens to be 0 when the first instance is created?

 The minimal solution for this one is to explicitly set to zero those
 data members which will be used later without explicit initialization,
 in this case last_hook_tip[] and last_hook_root[], see attached patch.
 Though it probably wouldn't hurt to initialize all members.

Definitely a good idea! Uninitialized members easily cause random (=very
ugly) problems - and such issues are a pain to debug. I'm strongly in favour
of initializing all variables/members in the constructor. And especially so
in a case like this, where few objects are created: even if initializing a
certain member wouldn't be necessary, it doesn't cost us much except a few
bytes of code - but no run-time performance at all.

So this is about what I found out until now, I'll try to keep looking
 further into this. Can anybody point me to some documentation about how
 initialization of class members is supposed to happen the right way?

Not quite sure what you mean with the right way. Would be good to
initialize all members in the constructor - with sensible data. I personally
prefer proper C++ initializers (where possible), since it's a lot easier
to spot if and which members are initialized, i.e. something like:

MyClass() :

Thanks for looking into this issue!

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] --fg-aircraft and multiplayer..aircraft not found?

2011-01-20 Thread ThorstenB
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 4:56 AM, Jacob Burbach wrote:

 Was just playing around a bit on MP and noticed that aircraft located
 in directories specified with --fg-aircraft do not seem to get picked
 up by multiplayer. The pilot list shows them as aircraft not installed
 in the pilots list, and you just get the good old yellow glider. Once
 I copied or linked the aircraft in question to $FG_ROOT/Aircraft or
 $FG_ROOT/AI/Aircraft, they are then found. Anyone else notice it a feature, a bug, or just some mistake on my end

It didn't work with MP initially - but that was fixed months ago. I'd been
using this with MP a quite a lot afterwards. And I guess you're using a
recent build, so it should work, though I haven't tested it in recent weeks.
There is a missing feature with the $FG_ROOT/AI/Aircraft: the AI/Aircraft
models have to be in FGDATA - these don't work with --fg-aircraft yet, only
the main models do. Also, only a single --fg-aircraft command-line
argument is supported.
If it's still not working for you, then which OS are you running (you have a
proper filesystem supporting directory links, so probably not Windows ;) ),
what's the exact command-line and also how does the directory structure in
your --fg-aircraft directory look, i.e. are you using an Aircraft

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] --fg-aircraft and multiplayer..aircraft not found?

2011-01-20 Thread ThorstenB
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 6:22 PM, Jacob Burbach wrote:

 Oh...but previously we had discussion (December?) in regards to IO
 permissions 'not' working if you used an Aircraft directory directly
 and had to use only a directory 'containing' an Aircraft directory.
 This must be a fairly recent change then I guess?

I'm not aware of any IO permission discussions. But I'm also _not_ using an
Aircraft subdirectory. It's been like this for a while now (at least since I
started using it last September). Fix for multi-player aircraft was pushed
in November. Try if it works for you after removing the subdirectory.
Indeed, the directory structures are a bit confusing - a directory
check/error messages would help here.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] VATSIM support?

2011-01-19 Thread ThorstenB
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:41 PM, jack.w wrote:

  Looking over the wiki page and info.  Is Sb747 and AVC limited to MS
 windows based machines?  Or is there a Linux version as well?  Is source

Only the sources of Reed's FlightGear interface (SquawkGear) is available,
but not those of SquakBox (SB747) aren't - due to licensing issues with
VATSIM. At least the author says he has promised VATSIM not to disclose
the sources. What's worse, SB747 is no longer maintained. It works for now
as it is, but has several drawbacks: apart from not being open source, it
annoyingly always reports a 747 aircraft to VATSIM. So even if you flew an
Airbus or a small Cessna on FlightGear - you'll show up as a 747 on VATSIM.
And yes, SB747 is Windows only. People running normal Linux or some obscure
platform (such as Macs :-b ) need to run the Windows software in a virtual
machine - or use Wine. Both works.
Yes, it'd be great if there was an open source FG adapter to VATSIM - it
could also be a single utility then and a lot easier to install. But I guess
that's not going to happen too soon.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Heads up: bugfix with some impact (probably)

2011-01-17 Thread ThorstenB
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 8:07 PM, Torsten Dreyer wrote:

 Hi all,
 I just pushed a bugfix to SGMisc::normalizePeriodic(min,max,value).
 The method allways returned zero for values less than min instead of
 normalizing these values into the given period.

Excellent catch! As so often: when complex things work, then simple things
fail (such as a max/min range check)...

 I think this should also go into the 2.2.0 branch - if I only knew how

 I think so, too. Try this for simgear:

# create local 2.2.0 branch
git branch releases/2.2.0 origin/releases/2.2.0

# switch branch
git checkout releases/2.2.0

# merge current next into 2.2.0 release (ok right _now_, since there are no
simgear commits _yet_
# which mustn't go to the release - otherwise pickapply patch manually)
git merge next

# push local branch to remote branch...
git push releases/2.2.0:releases/2.2.0

# back to next (don't forget! :) )
git checkout next

It should work. However, admittedly I have slightly messed up my first
attempt to push to the FG/2.2.0 branch yesterday. So maybe I shouldn't start
teaching GIT today... :)

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] VATSIM support?

2011-01-15 Thread ThorstenB
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 4:39 PM, jack.w wrote:

 Is this a feature in the latest git version?  There have been discussions
 over the years on hooking into the IVAO and VATSIM communities.  Was not
 aware that the connection had been made.

 Giving a talk in March at UC Davis on using FlightGear in my full scale 747
 sim and Linux.  Would like to include a few words on this feature.

 Could someone point me to the relevant code or any writeups or discussions
 on the topic

This is not a feature of FlightGear itself, but a separate utility/setup
that makes the connection (via SquawkGear and SquawkBox - the latter
provides the actual (and approved) VATSIM interface). I've also tested it -
and, yes, indeed it works.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] AI traffic performance update

2011-01-11 Thread ThorstenB
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 8:33 PM, Vivian Meazza wrote:

 I haven’t seen an problems so far, although I’m not sure why my aircraft
 was instantiated at one end of the runway, while the whole of KLM was taking
 off from the other. Perhaps we have a mismatch in the runway selection code,
 but that would have nothing to do with this update.

Not quite sure about the sim itself, but I believe the sim isn't waiting for
valid METAR before selecting the start-up runway (or it has a timeout and
doesn't always wait long enough).
AI traffic always waits for valid METAR, no matter how long it takes, to
avoid an immediate change of active runway. I guess that's why the sim and
AI traffic sometimes select the different runways - and why the AI traffic
is instantiated with some delay after start-up. Could be solved by waiting
for METAR before selecting the sim's runway - which may mean a longer
start-up delay though...

I would call this a good update.

Good :).


 -Original Message-
 *From:* []
 *Sent:* 10 January 2011 20:55
 *To:* FlightGear developers discussions
 *Subject:* [Flightgear-devel] AI traffic performance update


 I've pushed a tiny update for AI traffic to flightgear/next. It improves
 performance at airports with busy AI traffic by avoiding repeated
 elevation/scenery checks for stationary aircraft. On my system this means a
 considerable frame rate improvement at EHAM (many AI aircraft parked at a
 gate). The improvement takes effect a short while after you started or got
 close to an airport. Once the parked AI aircraft have positioned and checked
 the scenery elevation, frame rate should improve.

 As a side effect, the update also changes (but doesn't fix) the behaviour
 of a bug (#221) concerning multiple aircraft occupying the same parking
 position: such models no longer climb upwards to infinity, but just remain
 idle and stacked on-top of each ( Bremer Town Musician's 
 style ). A bit 
 better than before.

 Unfortunately Durk isn't available for review. So let me know if you
 noticed any new problems related to stationary AI aircraft. Likewise if you
 see improved performance. If there are no new issues and it turns out to be
 an improvement for more people, we might add this to the release branch too.
 Otherwise we'll need to wait for Durk's AI expert advice.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Latest git results in massive NAN errors with Tu154B

2011-01-10 Thread ThorstenB
I successfully flew the TU154b now at KSFO, LOWI and EDDF - but
experienced no NaNs and no crash (neither did the sim, nor the plane -
I'm especially proud of the latter :) ). But yes, I needed to use the
chicken's auto start to get anything working at all. Absolutely
amazing cockpit, incredible detail, incredible number of switches...
Anyone else seeing these issues?


On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 5:18 AM, Jacob Burbach wrote:
 Probably best to just post on his Tu154 thread on the forum, pretty
 sure he monitors that.

 On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 12:10 PM, ThorstenB wrote:
 I'm not seeing any NaN issues with the TU154b.
 Hmm, could be on my end, you never know. Did you try a few times, at
 some different airports though? I can load a couple times out of a
 dozen, but mostly just crashes out with NAN stuff. I frequent LOWI,
 EDDF, LIMC, LSZS, etc...and have trouble at those as recently as a few
 hours ago. I will do more testing soon, need to make sure (again)
 build is clean and also do a new debug build.

 Though I'm not able to start it - well, not within 10 minutes at least. :)
 If your using newest version or svn then just press the 's' key and
 then wait until it is finished. ;)

 There is a minor issue with incorrect property name though. I've
 attached a patch.
 Anyone in contact with the TU154b designers? There's no email in the
 README. Maybe s.o. can forward the patch.
 Probably best to just post in the Tu154 thread on the forum, pretty
 sure Yurik keeps an eye on that.


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[Flightgear-devel] AI traffic performance update

2011-01-10 Thread ThorstenB

I've pushed a tiny update for AI traffic to flightgear/next. It improves
performance at airports with busy AI traffic by avoiding repeated
elevation/scenery checks for stationary aircraft. On my system this means a
considerable frame rate improvement at EHAM (many AI aircraft parked at a
gate). The improvement takes effect a short while after you started or got
close to an airport. Once the parked AI aircraft have positioned and checked
the scenery elevation, frame rate should improve.

As a side effect, the update also changes (but doesn't fix) the behaviour of
a bug (#221) concerning multiple aircraft occupying the same parking
position: such models no longer climb upwards to infinity, but just remain
idle and stacked on-top of each ( Bremer Town Musician's
style ). A
bit better than before.

Unfortunately Durk isn't available for review. So let me know if you noticed
any new problems related to stationary AI aircraft. Likewise if you see
improved performance. If there are no new issues and it turns out to be an
improvement for more people, we might add this to the release branch too.
Otherwise we'll need to wait for Durk's AI expert advice.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Latest git results in massive NAN errors with Tu154B

2011-01-09 Thread ThorstenB
I'm not seeing any NaN issues with the TU154b. Though I'm not able to
start it - well, not within 10 minutes at least. :)
There is a minor issue with incorrect property name though. I've
attached a patch.
Anyone in contact with the TU154b designers? There's no email in the
README. Maybe s.o. can forward the patch.

--- a/TU154B/engines.nas	2009-05-14 21:11:09.0 +0200
+++ b/TU154B/engines.nas	2011-01-09 17:42:10.0 +0100
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 var eng_1_handler = func{
 settimer( eng_1_handler, ENGINE_UPDATE_PERIOD );
-if( getprop( engines/engine[0]/egt_degf ) == nil ) return;		
+if( getprop( engines/engine[0]/egt-degf ) == nil ) return;		
 if( getprop( controls/engines/engine[0]/cutoff ) == nil ) return;
 if( getprop( engines/engine[0]/n2 ) == nil ) return;
 var pwr = getprop(tu154/systems/electrical/buses/DC27-bus-L/volts);
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 # EGT delivery to fdm property tree
 setprop( fdm/jsbsim/propulsion/engine[0]/egt-degc, 
-		getprop( engines/engine[0]/egt_degf ) * 0.55 - 17 );
+		getprop( engines/engine[0]/egt-degf ) * 0.55 - 17 );
 if( getprop( tu154/switches/startpanel-cold ) == nil ) return;
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
 if( getprop( engines/engine[1]/n2 ) == nil ) return;
 # EGT delivery to fdm property tree
 setprop( fdm/jsbsim/propulsion/engine[1]/egt-degc, 
-		getprop( engines/engine[1]/egt_degf ) * 0.55 - 17 );
+		getprop( engines/engine[1]/egt-degf ) * 0.55 - 17 );
 if( getprop( tu154/switches/startpanel-cold ) == nil ) return;
 var pwr = getprop(tu154/systems/electrical/buses/DC27-bus-L/volts);
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 if( getprop( engines/engine[2]/n2 ) == nil ) return;
 # EGT delivery to fdm property tree
 setprop( fdm/jsbsim/propulsion/engine[2]/egt-degc, 
-		getprop( engines/engine[2]/egt_degf ) * 0.55 - 17 );
+		getprop( engines/engine[2]/egt-degf ) * 0.55 - 17 );
 if( getprop( tu154/switches/startpanel-cold ) == nil ) return;
 var pwr = getprop(tu154/systems/electrical/buses/DC27-bus-L/volts);
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Re: [Flightgear-devel] 2.2.0 Release branches

2011-01-08 Thread ThorstenB
On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 8:44 PM, Roland Haeder wrote:

 I have an FPE to report and a small fix (I already mentioned the FPE in
 IRC chat).

 The fix is included, with some white-space cleanup.

The FPE patch is a duplicate, since Curt has already committed a
similar fix for this FPE on December 20th:

I guess you just need to pull latest GIT.

I'm pushing the other changes with additional include files now. Thanks!


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] 2.2.0 Release branches

2011-01-08 Thread ThorstenB
On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Roland Haeder wrote:

 Thanks for including the missing include lines. Jester gave me them in
 IRC so please credit him. :)

Too late! Sorry Jester, well done anyway :).


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] git for dummies

2011-01-07 Thread ThorstenB
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 6:58 PM, Curtis Olson wrote:

 I make a small test edit to a file (src/GUI/MapWidget.cxx).
 I run git checkout next to return to the pristine unchanged branch that
 tracks the head on gitorious --- but here is the output:
 $ git checkout next
 M src/GUI/MapWidget.cxx
 Switched to branch 'next'
 $ git branch
 * next
 next is the current branch, but the change I made in the mychanges branch
 to MapWidget.cxx is still visible.

 What am I missing?  Why is a change that I made in one branch being shown in
 a different branch?
The change you made is _not_ in any branch yet. It's just a local
change in your filesystem. git doesn't automatically add any changes
to a branch. Maybe you just edited the file for a temporary test. Or
you find out the change doesn't work at all and want to revert it
immediately. You need to explicitly add any change to a branch -
otherwise the change isn't in git.
So, only when you run git add MapWidget.cxx; git commit is your
modified file added to the current branch.
Running git checkout somebranch won't touch modified files in your
filesystem. I actually really like this feature: you can make local
changes and then quickly change branches to see how the changes work
with different branches. When you're happy, you switch to the branch
you want to commit it to and finally add and commit the change to git.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] git for dummies

2011-01-07 Thread ThorstenB
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 7:48 PM, Curtis Olson wrote:
 So what happens if I'm messing around with my WildCrazyIdea-I-WantToTry
 branch over lunch, and suddenly I get a phone call and have to jump back to
 doing something serious with FlightGear and need to quickly switch back to
 my RealWork branch.
 Do I have to commit my CrazyIdea branch changes --- no matter what
 intermediate state of weirdness they are in --- before I can switch back to
 the RealWork branch?
If you want git to take care of switching these files, then yes,
you'll need to commit them to some branch. I'm not familiar with this
stashing option. What I'd do is either commit the changes to the
current branch - or, in case the changes are just too experimental and
I really don't want to modify the current branch, I just create a new
branch git checkout crazyidea. The new branch is identical to the
former current branch then. So I can just addcommit the experimental
changes to the new crazyidea branch and then switch back to the
former working branch - or to some other stable branch... And you can
always remove the crazyidea branch again - if the idea turns out not
to be so good after all, or you just wanted something temporary.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] map question

2010-12-30 Thread ThorstenB
The F14 disables the first menu item from the 5th menu

ext_stores.nas = setprop(sim/menubar/default/menu[5]/item[0]/enabled, 0);

Not sure which menu item originally was at this location.
Quite bad. Harded coded hacks like this just always break... ;)


On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 6:26 PM, Curtis Olson wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:18 AM, James Turner wrote:

 On 30 Dec 2010, at 16:01, Curtis Olson wrote:

  I see the built in flightgear map dialog is activated in the 777-200ER,
  but disabled (grayed out) for the F-14b.  I can't find the mechanism or
  place where this is set.  How can i control the availability of the map

 That's weird - I wrote the dialog, and originally added it to the
 'Autopilot' menu - next to the route manager. When the menubar was recently
 cleaned up, it was moved tot he 'Equipment' menu - which I wholeheartedly
 agree with, since the Autopilot menu is disabled on the C172, for example.

 As far as I know, the menu item is 'just' a regular entry in the Equipment
 menu, so I would guess the f14 would be disabling it - but that seems quite
 unlikely too. We should probably find out if it's deliberate or accidental.

 I've been grepping for Map, map, dialog and haven't turned up anything yet
 that seems to connect.  Any suggestions what keywords I should even be
 grepping for?  I haven't been able to find any promising references in the
 f-14b tree.
 Curtis Olson: - -

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] map question

2010-12-30 Thread ThorstenB
Oh, this actually shows a larger problem. Obviously it isn't too
uncommon for aircraft to disable or override specific menu items -
mainly affects menu items for the radio stack and autopilot.
Unfortunately all of this is done using fixed menu item positions -
e.g. 5th menu, 3rd item... So any change of the menu item ordering
currently breaks lots of planes. And obviously the recent menubar
overhaul has done just that.
We'll need to adapt all the aircraft using such hacks to the changed
menu structure. And might need to think about a better solution to
avoid future problems of this kind.
I did a quick grep to find potentially affected aircraft (couldn't
verify if their menus are all broken now, but that's the ones
overriding or disabling specific menu items using fixed positions):


= All the aircraft above override the radio and/or autopilot dialogs.
Except for the MiG15, which just disables one dialog (like the f14).

So, what do we do? Adapt all the aircraft above - or revert the menu
item ordering?


On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 6:37 PM, ThorstenB wrote:
 The F14 disables the first menu item from the 5th menu

 ext_stores.nas = setprop(sim/menubar/default/menu[5]/item[0]/enabled, 0);

 Not sure which menu item originally was at this location.
 Quite bad. Harded coded hacks like this just always break... ;)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] map question

2010-12-30 Thread ThorstenB
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:47 PM, Citronnier - Alexis Bory wrote:
 Yes, it was intended to disable the stock Fuel and Payload  menu. I'll
 adapt the code to follow the new ordering. It should be in git very soon.

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:52 PM, Scott Hamilton wrote:
   Actually this might not be so bad, as I think your grep may have returned
 some false positives.
   The A380, 747-400 and 737NG800 only add an aircraft specific menu and add
 Pushback to the Equipment menu, they don't disable any existing menu

    However giving menu items an alias name or unique id is still worth
 doing, and a way to check if an alias is present before adding new items
 would be nice as well.

Please wait before committing any related changes! There is also a bug
report to track this problem:

I still vote for keeping the original menu ordering in the Equipment
menu for the upcomming release, otherwise we have another
incompatibility - and a very unnecessary one. It's very simple to
avoid this issue for this release (keep fuelpayload/radio/autopilot
menu items in original position).
And it may still affect more planes (those not in GIT). Also,
currently we have no clean solution for this issue. So any change now
would require adapting the aircraft now, and then again for the next

I think it's better to keep the original ordering for now, then
provide a proper solution (i.e. option to override/disable menu items
via symbolic names) for the next release. Aircraft then only need to
be changed once.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FPE while in-flight

2010-12-20 Thread ThorstenB
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Roland Haeder wrote:
 I got another FPE with GIT version while in-flight with the A380 (recent
 updates of fgdata). I flew with auto-pilot turned on from EDDL to EHAM
 and suddenly the FPE happens:

I had a look into some of these FPEs. However, there's tons of places
where FG runs into such problems. May be caused by
incorrect/incomplete FDM configurations (e.g. affects specific
aircraft only), due to computation on unused/uninitialized data (e.g.
since a feature is disabled but the associated computation is still
executed), due to plain programming bugs - or even used deliberately
(...we don't need a division-by-zero check here since FPEs are
disabled anyway...). And it affects the FG core - but also aircraft
specific Nasal scripts.
So, unfortunately, divisons-by-zero, processing with infinity or
NaN (not-a-number) values isn't really uncommon for FG. And since
the FG default is to ignore any FPE (i.e. not to use the
--enable-fpe option), few people care (I guess).
Personally I don't like ignoring such exceptions, since it often hides
real programming errors. So, yes, I think it'd be great if someone had
a look into these issues, finds all the bad computations and fixes
them. However, since everyone (?) else in FlightGear keeps FPEs
disabled, it may turn out to be a Sisyphean task to rid _all_ such


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New release

2010-12-11 Thread ThorstenB
 On 11.12.2010 09:16, Durk Talsma wrote:

Firstly, what is the next version number going to be. My initial
thought would be 2.1.0, but it also makes sense to call if 2.2.0
(thanks for the suggestion, James), so that we can reserve 2.1.0. for
bugfixes on the current version, or at least move toward a versioning
system like that (i.e. the next series could be 2.2.0 for stable, and
2.3.0. for development).

 +1! A scheme which covers stable/unstable (GIT) versions seems a very good
idea. Many people are using the GIT version, so it'd be good to have a
specific version for such builds. But bugfixes should only affect the third
version number then, i.e. a bugfix for the 2.0 stable should be 2.0.1. It
sill makes sense to move to 2.2.0 now - stable release versions should be

 Seconly, do we want to maintain our current aircraft selection, or do
we want to include a (partially) updated selection from our git
repository, or -alternatively- do we want to strip the entire
selection down to just single aircraft, and make the others
downloadable from our main website. I know that James turner is
working towards an infrastructure that should enable this, but I'm not
sure whether we are already comfortable enough to just use one single

 The new system allowing multiple aircraft dirs works great. However, it
seems not too many people have used it so far.
And at some point after the release, we wanted to split FGDATA into several
smaller repositories (I know Tim has already been working on this), so we'd
be introducing a new system for 2.3 (GIT) / 2.4 (future stable) anyway. So
it might be better to stick with the current system for this release and not
have another unnecessary intermediate. And we'd get a lot of GIT users
testing the new directory and distribution system with 2.3.0 - so that would
be rock stable for 2.4.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FPE in yasim::Atmosphere::calcStdDensity

2010-12-08 Thread ThorstenB
On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 11:14 PM, Roland Haeder wrote:

 I use the following call to start FGFS:
 --aircraft=aircrane --enable-fpe

Thanks, that actually always reproduces it.

 And the temperature at EDDL can now really be at 0 deg. Celsius because
 of winter time. :)
Yep, looked like a mix-up of Kelvin vs Celsius at first. But that's
not the problem. It doesn't depend on season or environmental
temperature. The specific calculation failing doesn't even use the
actual temperature. So the aircrane always crashes when using

The trigger is a missing configuration setting in the FDM description.
The YASim FDM seems to rely on a valid cruise and an approach
configuration. Several things are not properly initialized unless both
configurations are present in the XML file. The aircrane only provides
an approach configuration. This results in stupid default values
being used, so it eventually starts calculating with a temperature of
0 Kelvin (where the classic laws of aerodynamics, gas and pressure
seem to fail...).
Adding the following configuration to aircrane.xml fixes this issue:

  cruise speed=84 alt=0
control-setting axis=/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle value=1.0/

That's a configuration I copied from a different helicopter. Maybe
helijah/Heiko can comment on the correct FDM settings for the

The underlying problem with YASim should also be fixed. Not nice when
missing config settings result in the FDM going wild. In fact, this
could explain a number of issues why specific YASim aircraft run into
infamous NaN problems (few people use --enable-fpe to abort on
floating point exceptions, so divisions by zero result in
Not-a-Number results). There maybe more config options (and
aircraft) where YASim goes mad when settings are missing...


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FPE in yasim::Atmosphere::calcStdDensity

2010-12-08 Thread ThorstenB
On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:12 AM, Heiko Schulz wrote:

 Not really, as I or helijah is not the author of the aircrane-fdm.
Oh sorry, didn't want to credit the wrong person! :) (maybe a
copypaste problem since you're credited in the readme).

 But Maik Justus, the author of it, told me once ( and it is described in the 
 data/docs/ReadMe.yasim as well, I think) that the approach-speed and 
 cruise-speed is ignored for helicopters. It is only important for the 
 gear-behaviour. How, you can read here:

I'm not an FDM expert. Maybe the speed has no meaning. But right now,
YASim uses the given cruise altitude. And when the cruise section is
missing, YASim doesn't initialize any cruise settings - including the
cruise temperature _cruiseT. And since its (stupid) default is 0
(Kelvin) this triggers the exception (Airplane::solveHelicopter calls
Atmosphere::calcStdDensity(_cruiseP, _cruiseT)) )


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] GPWS-implementation on the 733 failed- can someone help?

2010-11-30 Thread ThorstenB
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Heiko Schulz wrote:

 Thorsten B has done a huge amount of work on the GPWS in
 the past few months, my impression is that with the latest
 Git code, it's working better than at any point in its
 history - with the caveat, assuming you have configured it


 We just followed ThorstenB's wiki tutorial for implementing the GPWS...
 And that's our question: it seems something changed, but not in the wiki.
 And we are just asking for help to get it working again

Yes, I kind of adopted the GPWS. And there haven't been any recent
changes, so the wiki description should still be correct (unless there
was a mistake from the beginning...).
Have you tested the GPWS with the latest 777-200 (in GIT since
Sunday)? It's definitely working there. If it wasn't working for you,
then we need to look at some FG problem (like the recent sound or
directory access issues). If the 777 GPWS is working for you, then
it's related to aircraft configuration. I'll be testing and looking at
the 733.

And those interested in a full-blown GPWS integration could check the
777-200 now. It has a new gpws Nasal wrapper to provide functionality
like flap-, gear- and G/S-override buttons. It also shows how to allow
lower flap settings for landing (by default, the GPWS requires full
flap extension), connection of the master warning light, and how to
connect the PFD, i.e. to display the PULL UP TCW (time critical

Admittedly, the GPWS in FlightGear is a bit complicated. The main
reason is that the original author chose to simulate an actual
hardware device (a specific type made by Honeywell). All inputs and
outputs match the real counterpart - even the binary encoding of
digital I/O. And yes, the configuration parameters (category-1...) are
also identical to the real device. It just doesn't get any more
realistic than this. But while this may make integration/configuration
a bit more complicated than usual, I still think his work is really
And remember about FlightGear: it's not a game - it's a real sim! :)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] GPWS-implementation on the 733 failed- can someone help?

2010-11-30 Thread ThorstenB
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 7:54 PM, Heiko Schulz wrote:

 I had a look into, even ported the related subsystems over to the 733, but no 

 Scott (working on the A380) noticed the same with the wiki-tutorial and the 
 GPWS. Interesting to know and maybe a hint: A380 and 733 are both JSBsim.

Right, that is related to the problem. Depending on configuration the
GPWS relies on a specific altitude source which is only available for
YASim right now.
You could switch the category-8 parameter to 3 (instead of 2) -
and the GPWS will work with JSBSim and other FDMs. However, please
wait before pushing any ac changes, since this solution isn't good
The point here is that the GPWS needs a pretty accurate altimeter
source for main-gear-above-ground-level, otherwise the important final
callouts 20.10 make no sense. Since there is no such FDM
source (except for YASim) we'll need to hook it to the radio altimeter
instrument - which isn't available as a GPWS default source yet. I'll
be changing and testing something here - and hopefully push something
later this week (also a Wiki update, if required).
Thanks for the report!

And to reiterate: everyone, please report if you notice something
wasn't working. Just add something to the tracker. Yes, reports there
are monitored and bugs fixed (eventually) - even if some issues cannot
be fixed on the same day :).


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