Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

2005-01-04 Thread Stacy Harim

I absolutly agree. When I was with Mike, it was so nice to just sit 
or lay there in his arms or kissing him. I enjoyed that and sex didn't 
even come into mind. It defiantly hurt more when that ended than it did 
with other men when I was AB.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 9:25 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration
  In a message dated 04/01/2005 02:51:54 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I have no idea what if feels like to be with someone as a 


I personally have found that relationships are even more 
meaningfull being a para than what they were as a AB. Things like sex 
takes a back burner so the smaller things like kisses and cuddles become 
more stronger version of affection. I feel more tuned in with Steve 
than I did with anyone in the past when I was able bodied!

Love Smurf 

Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration/sensitive

2005-01-04 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Frustration/sensitive


I'm glad you said what you said, because I portrayed you as someone who 
seems to get women a lot. I don't know why. Maybe just because you 
speak with so much confidence. I also do what you do. I am strong 
around people and they would never in a million years guess that I feel what I 
share with you all. I don't want to be weak around them or seem 
needy. I mostly do not want them to worry about me more than they already 


Re: [QUAD-L] smelly urine

2005-01-03 Thread Stacy Harim

I ate oranges one time and had a terrible accident. Someone else had 
told me that happened to them. You won't catch me drinking OJ after 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Lori Michaelson 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 12:55 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] smelly urine


For some unknown reason (of mine) soda and cigarette smoking 
isn't good for the bladder according to Craig Hospital's website. 
Lots of water is great but can keep urine to alkaline. I 
drink a huge glass of OJ in the mornings along with over 100 ounces of 
water a day.

Even by doing all the right things includingv sterile environments 
.. I still got a nasty bug 3 weeks ago. :-(


From: Eric W 
Date: 01/02/05 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
smelly urine

Maybe not 
get off Mt Dew, but add glasses of water between Dews to help 

Eric W Rudd

-Original Message-From: B. 
Kimberlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, January 
02, 2005 7:56 PMTo: quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: 
***Possible Spam*** Re: [QUAD-L] smelly urine
I wish I could figure out definitively what my problem is, other 
than I need to get off of Mountain Dew.Billy



Re: [QUAD-L] Let science explain it? Wave-Making Earth Quaking

2005-01-03 Thread Stacy Harim

Many believe that AIDS will eventually wipe out the population and that is 
what it doing in South America. If it weren't for modern medicine people 
would be dying at a much faster rate and would be like plagues that hit many 
years ago.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Lori Michaelson 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 1:09 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Let science explain it? 
  Wave-Making Earth Quaking


Billy asked:

"Did anyone see the interesting comment made by a religious leader 
in India on BBC? He said, in words to the effect, it is difficult to 
explain the presence of a benevolence deity when such seemingly 
malevolent events are wrought against innocent victims. 
Nope but no matter what they'll defend their deity to the end. 
Here's a quick read (below)on WHY it may have happened. 
Also, didya ever notice the earth is going to do whatever it wants WHEN 
it wants? Even way before pollution was an issue for it to be 
blamed upon.
In real ancient times G_D was blamed for the locust plagues and many 
more. The Old Testament reveals that. That G_D was a 
The Black Plague was another horror. People had not a clue what 
was causing it. Now we know.
Now, science can explain much of what was not understood then.
BTW, we subscribe to KnowledgeNews daily. Pretty neat 
stuff. If you don't get smarter getting old (or older) is more 
trouble than it's worth. :-)







  Our house--divided against 
On Sunday, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake 
struck the Indian Ocean, unleashing tsunamis that swamped 
coastal areas from Indonesia to Somalia. It was the most 
powerful earthquake on Earth in at least four decades, and 
one of the deadliest natural disasters in memory. What could 
cause such a quake?
KnowledgeEarth Quaking


Much about the forces at work within the Earth remains 
unknown. But since the 1960s, geologists have increasingly 
explained seismic events through the theory of "plate 
tectonics." At the core of that theory is a simple 
premise--that Earth's seemingly solid surface is actually 
fractured and adrift.
Stop the World, I Want to Get Off
Earth's surface consists of a hard shell called the 
crust, which is broken into large chunks called plates. 
Plates can hold entire continents (as the North American 
Plate does) or entire oceans (as the Pacific Plate does). 
Often, they hold bits of both.
The crust is actually a hard exterior on top of a much 
deeper layer, the mantle. Most of the mantle is made of 
thick liquid rock called magma, melted by heat from an even 
deeper layer--the Earth's core. The plates that make up the 
crust basically "float" on the mantle's magma.
That means the plates and everything on them, including 
whole continents and oceans, are in continual motion. Their 
movement is slow, ranging from less than an inch a year to a 
top speed of about 6 inches (15 cm) a year, but it's real. 
Just what drives the movement isn't clear. It could be 
gravity. It could be convection currents within the mantle. 
It could be both.
Setting Boundaries
At certain places--called "divergent plate 
boundaries"--two plates move away from each other, and magma 
bubbles up from below the surface and hardens into new 
crust. When such divergence occurs under an ocean (as it 
usually does), it's called "seafloor spreading." When it 
occurs on land, it produces a "rift valley."
At other places--called "convergent plate 

Re: [QUAD-L] Home Accessibility

2005-01-03 Thread Stacy Harim

My ideas for a kitchen will be put to work when I buy my own home. I 
am a para at the T-7 level and have a good reach. I would rid upper 
cabinets all together and have cabinets that go from the floor up.I would 
have a couple of sets. The door would open and inside would be 
shelved.Each shelf will pull out and I would have a drawer 
incorporated in them somehow.I would have a counter top in between the 
cabinets could be a little higher and I could pull my chair underneath 
it. The largest cabinet would be in the corner extending on each 
side. A spice rack would be on on the inside of one of the doors so easily 
accessible when the door is opened. Of course I would have a nice size 
kitchen to work with and possibly have an island that I could also pull my chair 
under. but now I am talking about big bucks to have the kitchen of my 


  - Original Message - 
  From: River Wolfe 
  Cc: Quad List 
  Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 2:41 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Home 
  Hello Jessica,Your father is to be commended for his 
  efforts. I am happy to answer your questions:On Jan 2, 2005, at 
  2:44 PM, Jessica Ann Gordon wrote: 1 -- what are the physical 
  obstacles you deal with every day in your  home or in public 
  and how do they affect you?I must mention that I' m a t-4 para, so 
  my answers will be a little different than some of the others.First of 
  all, ramp guidelines are too steep for everyday use. I have a ramp 
  in the middle of my home and it gets very tiring using it 20 times a 
  day. Also, the ramp into the home, trying to come in with groceries 
  etc is a pain.Hallways are too narrow, and doorways too narrow, 
  also doors, when open into the hallway are in the way alot. Pocket 
  doors are useful. My biggest complaint I believe is the difficulty 
  with storage. Kitchen cabinets are too high and lower cabinets are 
  very difficult to access. Pull out shelves and baskets help, but are 
  expensive and limit the space you have available to use. Space 
  problems are prevalent all over the house. Closets, garage storage, 
  etc... To design a universally useable storage system would be 
  awesome. The ability to open windows, and curtains would be a plus, 
  windows must be clear of obstacles so that I can get up to them to 
  open. This is practically impossible.Public obstacles are 
  similar, carpet with a heavy nap comes to mind. Clothes racks which 
  are too close together, counters too high. I know I'm missing 
  stuff. 2 -- how would your life be different if you had a home custom 
  built  to work with you and your disability? what would you 
  ask for in that home if  money were not an issue?Life 
  would be S much EASIER, less frustration and less wasted energy 
  (physical  mental), perhaps freeing up that energy for an increased 
  ability to work.I would ask for the things in #1 and: an elevator, 
  electronic everything (windows, curtains, doors, shelves, heated ramp 
  outside, garage big enough for my van, completely accessible gardens 
  outside, front loading washer/dryer, built in oven microwave, 
  refrigerator with access to freezer. Roll in shower with built in bench, 
  sauna. Totally state of the art accessible kitchen for ME  my 
  use. 3 -- how much time do you spend in your home in an 
  average day?24 4 -- what modifications did you make to 
  your living situation  following your 
  disability/accident?widened doorways, ramps, pulled up carpet, 
  lowered some kitchen counters, made two rooms into one, enlarged bathroom, 
  installed grabbars. 5 -- is there anything you would like 
  architects, engineers and  designers to know from your 
  personal point of view? keep in mind, these are the  people 
  who can make or break accessibility for us.Spend some time in a 
  wheelchair, without the pity factor. Make it a learning experience 
  for your designs. Follow up on your plans with contractors and the 
  actual installation of the design. Many people on the construction 
  site will see a plan for access and not knowing what the heck it is, will 
  change it back to the way they usually do it. IE: light switches 
  lowered, tp rack lowered, outlets raised etc...WE HAVE VERY LITTLE $ to 
  finance things.I'll write more as I think of 

Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

2005-01-03 Thread Stacy Harim

I hear you Andrea. I don't look that much different than I did 3 
years ago when I was walking and used to get hit on all the time. I never 
do anymore and I am just as outgoing as I used to be. I have never and 
will never let my disability hold me back meeting people. Just the way it 
is. I have no idea what if feels like to be with someone as a 


  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn 

Re: [QUAD-L] year day

2005-01-02 Thread Stacy Harim

Oh, I see people with tags all the time and I often wonder to myself how 
many of them actually do have a valid reason for having the tag. I had 
words with someone at the mall about it one time. A young woman 
pulled into a spot with the license plate having the wheelchair thingy on 
it. I didn’t see it but did say something to her b/c the whole parking lot 
was full and also the handy parking. She said it doesn’t matter as long as 
the tag allows her to park there. It sucks that legally she is right and 
people don't have the morals to leave the spots for someone who needs 
them.I don't care so much about having to park somewhere else b/c 
the pushing doesn’t bother me. It's the fact that there isn't enough room 
in between cars for me to get my wheelchair and transfer.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 5:48 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] .new year 
  He kidsi rocked the 1st 
  day of 2005 by going to the Outback Bowl in Tampa - Wisconsin vs Geogia, and 
  what a GREAT game and weather. I was in tank top with it almost 80 buddy and i showed up late, but bought two tickets outside for 
  $25 for both. It was amazing, hardly any wheelchairs, so i went straight 
  to 50 yardline...kinda baffling coz the disabled parking was completely full, 
  but i saw only a few chairs, mthinkin a lot of ABs got parking 
  tags!!Great start to 2005hope u peoples have prosperous 
  year!!-tony c5c6 florida 24 years post 

Re: [QUAD-L] Whack a penguin

2005-01-02 Thread Stacy Harim

LOL!!! cute.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Houston809 
  To: quadlist 
  Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 5:54 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Whack a penguin
  Subject: FW: Whack a 
  penguinClick on link 
  belowFun stuff. Click once and the penguin will jump. Click 
  again to swing thebat and see how far you can send him across the 

Re: [QUAD-L] A heavy heart

2005-01-02 Thread Stacy Harim

I know what you mean River. It's hard and sad. It's those time 
when I feel bad about how I worry over my problems which aren't very bad 
considering most of those people lost everything. I also know it's a part 
of human nature.

  - Original Message - 
  From: River Wolfe 
  To: quadlist 
  Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 5:53 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] A heavy heart
  Hi everyone,Anyone watching CNN is seeing around the 
  clock coverage of the Tsunami/earthquake, it's so devastating. They 
  estimate that 5 million people and 1 million children are displaced. 
  Women have lost their husbands and for the majority of them, the sole wage 
  earner. We have no idea the devastation that lies ahead for these 
  countries and our world. The disaster will have far-reaching effects 
  for those even in the richest of nations.I feel so helpless, 
  having little economically to give, but will pledge some. Most of 
  all, in times like this I think alot about what I would have done in my 
  walking days. As I was prepared to join the Peace Corps before my 
  accident, my instinct is to go help. BUT I CAN"T, and that 
  tears me up.1 million 

Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

2004-12-31 Thread Stacy Harim

I do have those feelings yes. I don't understand it though because I don't 
have feeling in my legs, but I do in those areas. I'm not sure to what extent 
because I haven't 'been' with anyone since I got sick.Of course I have 
experimented, but don't really have any desire to and I thinkwhen or at 
this rate if I am with anyone, that is when I will know. I do 
have a sore on the bottom of my foot and that hurts me as well. I 
don't get it. My doctor said that the nerves to your pelvic area are the 
most protected on the spine so if I were to feel anywhere, it would be 
there. I do get sporadic sensations on my legs but never in the same 
places all the time. My doctor also told me that with my disease, it makes 
things very strange. No SCI is the same, but I am very much different 
because of the way it happened. I don't know if I ever explained it but my 
spine is very atrophied because of the disease and the damage left over from the 
inflammation the spine is still very much intact. I still sweat below my 
injury level, but the swelling is quite bad and I have more spasticity than most 
spinal cord patients.

I'm having a hard time going through the holidays single. Most of my 
friends are married and/or have children. I don't have hardly any family 
and didn't have them here for Christmas and now alone for New Years. I 
find myself very left out because I don’t have anyone. One of my best 
friends pretty much only does things with other couples. Like going out to 
dinner, playing cards, etc. She helps me through the waiver program, so 
the time we spend together is when she is here helping me out with 
something. She just got in an accident and her car got totaled plus she 
got a broken arm. I can't get into her new car because it's too low and 
awkward to transfer out of, so we don't really do anything together 
anymore. It's been difficult getting through the holidays and will be glad 
when they are over. I'm just not looking forward to the next6 weeks 
while everyone is making their valentines day arrangements.

I am happy that everything is going well for you and Steve. When the 
time is right, everything will happen naturally. It's wonderful that he 
isn't pushing you into anything you are not ready to do. Keep taking it 

Sorry for the book,

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 5:05 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration
  In a message dated 21/12/2004 04:17:36 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I did 
think about going to that step, but I wasn't fixated on it. I was 
content just having the closeness at the time. It's the hugging, 
kissing, and cuddling that I miss so much instead of the act itself. 

  Hi Stacy,
  I totally agree with you, even though I'm still with Steve it's the 
  kissing, cuddles and hugs that I crave. Although we have talked a lot 
  lately about taking the relationship further, we've been together for 5months 
  now so I don't think we would be rushing into it, and his been so tolorant 
  with it all bless him! I'm abit nervous about it all though, it's going 
  to be the first time all round for me. I hope this isn't a too personal 
  question, and if it is I do apologise, but to the females especially; do you 
  still have the sexual sensations? I'm a bit worried that I won't be a 
  "proper women" if I don't feel everything 
  Happy new year folks!
  Love Smurf xxx

[QUAD-L] I got my van

2004-12-31 Thread Stacy Harim

I got my van about a month agothatwas used by another para but 
his chair was much smaller than mine. I am now trying to get the work 
done. It's killing me I have this van that I can't drive. The 
trigger on the lift to let the flap come down doesn't work, I can't pull my 
chair up to the wheel cause the hole is too small, and the seat doesn't turn 
around. ON top of it all, pushing a year later and the DMV still hasn't 
gotten to me to decide on whether or not they'll let me have my license. I 
have to get the work done to the van 3 hrs away because vocational rehab wont do 
it because the van is too old with too many miles on it. There aren't any 
mechanics or shops where I live that work with the agency that I use for the 
waiver program in my area. It feels like there isn't an end in 
sight. I know there is. I just pray after paying out so much money 
to put it on the road this is will all pay off. I don't know how I am 
surviving financially. I can't even ride in the damn thing because the tie 
downs in the back are in another little hole in the back where my chair doesn't 
fit. Say a prayer for me everyone because since my friends car got 
totaled, I am barely going anywhere and I am starting to get super depressed 
from not getting out and doing anything.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 8:37 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] the bionic man
  I drove my van for the 1st time today. I had a transfer seat, hand 
  controls, and door opener installed. The xfr seat is a bit awkward to 
  use but the other stuff is way cool. It goes up/down, back/fwd, and 
  turns up to 90 degrees. Sliding over and back is a pain but my driving 
  will be the exception anyway. I don't mind being chauffeured. 
  There are 4 magnetic switches in my tail light housing to operate the door and 
  lift. Up, Down, Stow, and Close. A battery is now much 
  more critical to my survival - oh joy. More mechanical crap that can 
  kill me. Stranded in a dark van in June, July, or August in Phoenix is 
  no place to be. I'll be keepiong my cell phone very handy from now 
  moral flabbiness born of the bitch goddess Success. That- with the squalid 
  cash interpretation put on the word success- is our national disease. 
  -William James 

Re: [QUAD-L] the bionic man

2004-12-31 Thread Stacy Harim

That is great news Dave. Good luck with the van. I'm sure 
everything will work out just fine. I hope that you put a blanket and 
gloves in there for warmth just in case. As far as the battery goes, I'm 
sure you have thought of carrying a set of jumper cables with you. I was 
told to carry cables that are lass than 8 gauges. 

Happy driving,

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 8:37 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] the bionic man
  I drove my van for the 1st time today. I had a transfer seat, hand 
  controls, and door opener installed. The xfr seat is a bit awkward to 
  use but the other stuff is way cool. It goes up/down, back/fwd, and 
  turns up to 90 degrees. Sliding over and back is a pain but my driving 
  will be the exception anyway. I don't mind being chauffeured. 
  There are 4 magnetic switches in my tail light housing to operate the door and 
  lift. Up, Down, Stow, and Close. A battery is now much 
  more critical to my survival - oh joy. More mechanical crap that can 
  kill me. Stranded in a dark van in June, July, or August in Phoenix is 
  no place to be. I'll be keepiong my cell phone very handy from now 
  moral flabbiness born of the bitch goddess Success. That- with the squalid 
  cash interpretation put on the word success- is our national disease. 
  -William James 

Re: [QUAD-L] the bionic man

2004-12-31 Thread Stacy Harim

You may also consider getting an automatic starter. That way you can 
have the van running and warming up before you get into it. Also that way 
you won't be pulling off the battery too hard when using your lift. They 
are only about 50 bucks,

Just a thought,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Stacy Harim 
  Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 11:25 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] the bionic 
  That is great news Dave. Good luck with the van. I'm sure 
  everything will work out just fine. I hope that you put a blanket and 
  gloves in there for warmth just in case. As far as the battery goes, I'm 
  sure you have thought of carrying a set of jumper cables with you. I was 
  told to carry cables that are lass than 8 gauges. 
  Happy driving,
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 8:37 
Subject: [QUAD-L] the bionic man

I drove my van for the 1st time today. I had a transfer seat, 
hand controls, and door opener installed. The xfr seat is a bit 
awkward to use but the other stuff is way cool. It goes up/down, 
back/fwd, and turns up to 90 degrees. Sliding over and back is a pain 
but my driving will be the exception anyway. I don't mind being 
chauffeured. There are 4 magnetic switches in my tail light housing to 
operate the door and lift. Up, Down, Stow, and 
Close. A battery is now much more critical to my survival - oh 
joy. More mechanical crap that can kill me. Stranded in a dark 
van in June, July, or August in Phoenix is no place to be. I'll be 
keepiong my cell phone very handy from now on.

moral flabbiness born of the bitch goddess Success. That- with the squalid 
cash interpretation put on the word success- is our national disease. 
-William James 

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: I got my van

2004-12-31 Thread Stacy Harim

LOL. I get like this about once a year. I make all these great 
accomplishments, but they hang over my head for a couple of months before I can 
actually touch them. It's like someone is dangling them over my 
head. I have been trying to figure out how to get the damn van since 
I got out of the hospital, now I have one, but all the obstacles. I'll be 
driving for awhile then it'll be something else. Like I got my associates, 
but don't know if I am gonna make it to the university this semester. 
Discouraging because I want to get freaking finished. I know it'll all 
work out one day, but everything has been such a fight with me. I want to 
be driving before school starts again, because for me to take public 
transportation is going to cost me 12 bucks a day and it will be 4 days a 
week. That damn thing is sitting out front and I can't do anything with 
it. I'll have to find that channel so I can watch the marathon. I 
haven't seen the twilight zone in years.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 12:14 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: I got my van
  You make me all warm and fuzzy Stacey. HELP, I'M TRAPPED IN THIS 
  (I'm watching a Twilight Zone marathon where they are trapped in a giant waste 
  can atthe carnival. Some gave up and accept their fate while the 
  sergeant fights to get out - and when he does, he finds the awful truth and 
  prefers to jump back into the waste can with the others.)
  Rod Serling = genius.
  Dave in da can.
  In a message dated 12/31/2004 9:23:47 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, 

I got my van about a month agothatwas used by another para 
but his chair was much smaller than mine. I am now trying to get the 
work done. It's killing me I have this van that I can't drive. 
The trigger on the lift to let the flap come down doesn't work, I can't pull 
my chair up to the wheel cause the hole is too small, and the seat doesn't 
turn around. ON top of it all, pushing a year later and the DMV still 
hasn't gotten to me to decide on whether or not they'll let me have my 
license. I have to get the work done to the van 3 hrs away because 
vocational rehab wont do it because the van is too old with too many miles 
on it. There aren't any mechanics or shops where I live that work with 
the agency that I use for the waiver program in my area. It feels like 
there isn't an end in sight. I know there is. I just pray after 
paying out so much money to put it on the road this is will all pay 
off. I don't know how I am surviving financially. I can't even 
ride in the damn thing because the tie downs in the back are in another 
little hole in the back where my chair doesn't fit. Say a prayer for 
me everyone because since my friends car got totaled, I am barely going 
anywhere and I am starting to get super depressed from not getting out and 
doing anything.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 
  8:37 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] the bionic 
  I drove my van for the 1st time today. I had a transfer seat, 
  hand controls, and door opener installed. The xfr seat is a bit 
  awkward to use but the other stuff is way cool. It goes up/down, 
  back/fwd, and turns up to 90 degrees. Sliding over and back is a 
  pain but my driving will be the exception anyway. I don't mind being 
  chauffeured. There are 4 magnetic switches in my tail light housing 
  to operate the door and lift. Up, Down, Stow, and 
  Close. A battery is now much more critical to my survival - oh 
  joy. More mechanical crap that can kill me. Stranded in a dark 
  van in June, July, or August in Phoenix is no place to be. I'll be 
  keepiong my cell phone very handy from now on.
  The moral flabbiness born of the bitch goddess Success. That- 
  with the squalid cash interpretation put on the word success- is our 
  national disease. -William James 
  moral flabbiness born of the bitch goddess Success. That- with the squalid 
  cash interpretation put on the word success- is our national disease. 
  -William James 

Re: [QUAD-L] the bionic man

2004-12-31 Thread Stacy Harim

OK, then with the automatic starter, the air can be going by the time you 
get in as well as the battery has less of a chance of pooping out if the van is 
running when using the lift. Again just a thought,

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 11:53 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] the bionic 
  Funny, keeping warm isn't a major task here in Phoenix. I'm 
  more concerned with the 115 degree days when the inside of the van is 160 to 
  180 and I will need to transfer to the driver's seat after I enter and close 
  the doors. A power failure will turn me into a mere grease stain on the 
  carpet. Oh well, that's part of the price for dancing too close to the 
  fire. I'd have been a pretty miserable and unfulfilled wallflower 
  though. "Nice and easy" just isn't in my genes. (And yes, I passed 
  them on 3 times.) M2HOF,
  In a message dated 12/31/2004 9:32:42 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, 

You may also consider getting an automatic starter. That way you 
can have the van running and warming up before you get into it. Also 
that way you won't be pulling off the battery too hard when using your 
lift. They are only about 50 bucks,

Just a thought,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Stacy Harim 
  Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 11:25 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] the bionic 
  That is great news Dave. Good luck with the van. I'm sure 
  everything will work out just fine. I hope that you put a blanket 
  and gloves in there for warmth just in case. As far as the battery 
  goes, I'm sure you have thought of carrying a set of jumper cables with 
  you. I was told to carry cables that are lass than 8 gauges. 
  Happy driving,
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 
8:37 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] the bionic 

I drove my van for the 1st time today. I had a transfer seat, 
hand controls, and door opener installed. The xfr seat is a bit 
awkward to use but the other stuff is way cool. It goes up/down, 
back/fwd, and turns up to 90 degrees. Sliding over and back is a 
pain but my driving will be the exception anyway. I don't mind 
being chauffeured. There are 4 magnetic switches in my tail light 
housing to operate the door and lift. Up, Down, Stow, and 
Close. A battery is now much more critical to my survival - 
oh joy. More mechanical crap that can kill me. Stranded in a 
dark van in June, July, or August in Phoenix is no place to be. 
I'll be keepiong my cell phone very handy from now on.

The moral flabbiness born of the bitch goddess Success. That- 
with the squalid cash interpretation put on the word success- is our 
national disease. -William James 
  moral flabbiness born of the bitch goddess Success. That- with the squalid 
  cash interpretation put on the word success- is our national disease. 
  -William James 

Re: [QUAD-L] Mitrofanoff Procedure

2004-12-29 Thread Stacy Harim

I don't blame those of you that are quads to fear going into the 
hospital. When I left the critical care unit after a month, I was still 
unable to move or talk. I even had C.N.A. sit with me because I couldn't 
push the call button. I often woke up to find her asleep or not in the 
room. Unfortunatly I didn't know what was going on around me enough to 
complain b/c I wasn't really sure why she was there. I look back now and 
realize what was going on that I wasn't aware of at the time. Anyhow, I 
got some pressure sores that weren't very pretty. I didn't fall completely 
but I did fall in between the bed rail and the bed while being turned to get 
cleaned up. I couldn't talk so I wasnt able to direct my care. 
Hopkins is supposed to be one of the best hospitals, but I guess that means only 
has some of the best doctor's. 

When I was finally able to start talking, I was able to speak up. When I 
got to rehab at Hopkins, they gave me a really good air mattress so turning me 
wasnt an issue. When I got into the next rehab facility I wasn't on an 
air mattress anymore. Every time I woke up in the same position I was in 
as when I fell asleep, I started complaining. It still wasn't 
working. I asked for the nurse supervisor and it worked for a little 
while.I ended up complaining to my therapists, they in turn complained and 
finally there was a sheet to be signed next to my bed that the aides has to 
initial every time they came in to turn me. The complaining and finally 
able to direct my own care freed me of problems. A lot of the aides 
weren't crazy about me because they wanted to do things there own way, but hey, 
it's my body. 

I am very fortunate and able to move my upper body so my fear is over 
now. I know this time when I go in the hospital, I am taking my alarm 
clock with me so I don't have to count on the nurses to wake me up to turn or 
whatever. I have learned my lesson.

Sorry for the story book,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Lori Michaelson 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 2:44 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Mitrofanoff 

I seem to be getting more infections every year. Unsure if 
you guys keep track of WHAT BUG you've had but I just had a culture 
result show "Proteus" (sp?). My initial symptom was fever (always 
is). The Dr first had me on Amoxicillin.

After 7 days I had a follow-up lab test despite no fever. But 
major sediment. The office called saying they were not going to 
put me on an antibiodic for, ya know, resistance. Which I totally 
agree with.Bladders with foleys are usually colonized with 
E-coli or others. I was going to go ahead with their 

But hubby insisted I call back  ask WHAT was growing. 
With my hubby knowing microbiology and bad bugs ... when he found out it 
was proteus he insisted I be on something immediately. There are 4 
bad bugsthat
microbiologists call THE BIG FOUR as they're deadly. 
Salmonella, Shigalla, Pseudemonas (certain strain) and Proteus.

I was put on a new antibiodic and it cleared stuff up.

I'm afraid to have surgery or go into hospitals because of all the 
fuck-ups on me already and recent stories of Dr fuck-ups close to home 
(family, friends, acquaintences).


From: Stacy Harim
Date: 12/28/04 
To: B. 
Kimberlin; quad; River Wolfe
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
Mitrofanoff Procedure

The down side of the suprapubic is having to still wear the bed/leg 
bag. I want to rid that all together. Also I am not 
concerned with my hospital stay this time. When I was a quad and 
unable to turn myself, I had a few but since I am able to turn myself, 
even though I just sleep on a different side each night which works, I 
don't have any fears of pressure problems.


- Original Message - 
From: River Wolfe 
To: B. 
Kimberlin ; quad 
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 
5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Mitrofanoff 
hi,I have seriously considered this surgery, as 
an indwelling foley in the meatus is so troublesome over time. I also 
really would like to swim, mithrofanoff is the only thing aside from 
intermittent cathing through meatus, that will allow me to swim 
(according to my Dr.). After some serious consideration, I am choosing 
to have a superpubic instead. My partner doesn't qualify for "family 
leave" to care for me while in the hosp and recovering at home, so we 
can't even consider the 

[QUAD-L] Re: Mitrofanoff Procedure

2004-12-29 Thread Stacy Harim

Thing is with the rehab hospital I was at, the doctors were only there for 
a few hours a day to check on daily progress of their patients. They rent 
out office space in the hospital to see those that have been discharged on one 
side of the hospital so are there if any problems but the patients would 
normally only see them for a few hours a day.

I was there for 4 months and was my room was right next to the 
recreation room. I would often wake up to hear the television on. 
When I started self cathing, I would be woken up in the middle of the night and 
have conversations with the C.N.A.'s while doing so. I heard so many 
stories of what goes on there in the middle of the night. Also a lot to do 
with while I was finally getting woken up was the fact that I started to self 
cath and I moved hallways because where I was was at the end of the hall and the 
last room to get anything. I was always late to rehab b/c I was saved for 
last and needed the most help. I was the only spinal cord injury 
there. Most could do for themselves. they had knee or hip replacements, 
most of them. I moved closer to the nurses station and had different 
nurses and C.N.A.'s in my second room. I would often get woken up by 
C.N.A.'s that looked like they had just woken up themselves before I moved 
rooms. I would get left for hours when I would only get into bed to 
cath. No one knew how to help me transfer so they didn't want to. My 
therapists gathered everyone together to show them and they only half paid 
attention. Most complained that it wasn't there job and it wasn't that 
type of hospital. Something about acute and sub acute. My argument 
was if I could do everything myself, I wouldn't be there. I had 
problems even with a therapist. My first day in therapy there, my 
therapist wanted me to lift my leg which I couldn't do b/c I wasn't strong 
enough yet got upset with me b/c after trying I asked for help. She was in 
my room one day working on transfers into my bed getting upset with me because I 
wasn't pushing enough on my arm rest. A nurse overheard that and said 
something and she was quickly taken away from me. It amazes me the people 
that have little regard for others when they do a job. 

I am stern in advocating for myself. Not only was I doing my rehab 
but also trying to find a place to live, not taking no from anyone. I was 
writing letters to my representatives and making phone calls. It all paid 
off. I'm still doing the same now to get the things I need. Advocating for 
myself had kept sores off of my ass, a place to live, rental assistance after 
fighting for almost a year after I finally did get to a place to live, and now 
finally something to drive. Now I finally have a van (I forgot to mention 
it). It is set up for someone who had a very small chair so I still am not 
able to drive it. DORS won't do the work because it is almost 10yrs old 
and has more than 40,000 miles on it. My new task is getting it made 
accessible for me and I again won't be taking no for an answer and will get the 
work done. I think I can get it done through the waiver somehow, but the work 
will have to be done in Baltimore 3 hours away.

Oh and the whole reason why I am going to school is to help people advocate 
for themselves. Many people don't know how and end up in endless no end 
situations. If I didn't speak up, that is where I would be now. If 
people don't like mebecause I am so demanding, then so be it. This 
is my life and I intend to be in control of it no matter what has happened to 

wow, I got myself worked up in this post. LOL!! I'm just 
saying, if more people spoke up for themselves no matter who it is or the 
situation they are in is, you'd be surprised at the results.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 7:29 
  Subject: Mitrofanoff Procedure
  Nurses are normally good for following doctors orders. 
  You get the doctor to sign a medical order for turning and it gets charted 
  and initialed. Trying to get a nurse or aide to perform something 
  that is not in the doctor's orders can be difficult.But you learn a 
  much better lesson of advocating for yourself, while learning the defects 
  of a bad system. Your advice should be taught as basic training when 
  entering the emergency room.WIn a message dated 12/29/04 2:43:40 
  writes:I asked for the nurse supervisor and it worked for a little 
  while. I ended up complaining to my therapists, they in turn complained 
  and finally there was a sheet to be signed next to my bed that the aides 
  has to initial every time they came in to turn me. The complaining 
  and finally able to direct my own care freed me of problems. A lot 
  of the aides weren't crazy about me because they wanted to do things there 
  own way, but hey, it's my body. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Mitrofanoff Procedure

2004-12-28 Thread Stacy Harim

I was supposed to get the surgery in January, but it doesn't look like the 
timing is going to work out. I am thinking about spring break but still 
not sure. I was told I would be in the hospital a week.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 4:58 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Mitrofanoff 
  Thanks Liz for the update on this proceedure. Having a 
  doctor that has performed a number of these precedures instills more 
  confidence in the consideration of having it done.WIn a message 
  dated 12/28/04 3:13:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes: I am a c6 and use self contained caths. I refer 
  to them as pee-n-toss. Iself cath through a stoma in my belly 
  button. There is no apparent "flap".it looks the same as it did 
  before surgery. I have some scarring but it hasfaded. My 
  doc used part of my intestine. They also may use your 
  appendix.Talk to your surgeon and tell him you want to talk to HIS 
  patients that havehad the procedure.It's a big surgery. At 
  least 10 days in the hospital. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Mitrofanoff Procedure

2004-12-28 Thread Stacy Harim

The down side of the suprapubic is having to still wear the bed/leg 
bag. I want to rid that all together. Also I am not concerned with 
my hospital stay this time. When I was a quad and unable to turn myself, I 
had a few but since I am able to turn myself, even though I just sleep on a 
different side each night which works, I don't have any fears of pressure 


  - Original Message - 
  From: River Wolfe 
  To: B. Kimberlin ; quad 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 5:32 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Mitrofanoff 
  hi,I have seriously considered this surgery, as an 
  indwelling foley in the meatus is so troublesome over time. I also really 
  would like to swim, mithrofanoff is the only thing aside from intermittent 
  cathing through meatus, that will allow me to swim (according to my Dr.). 
  After some serious consideration, I am choosing to have a superpubic instead. 
  My partner doesn't qualify for "family leave" to care for me while in the hosp 
  and recovering at home, so we can't even consider the possibility that she 
  could get time off. I don't relish the idea of having my internal organs 
  messed with unless absolutely necessary. Not to mention being in the hospital 
  for 10 days. Ironically, hospital care is the most dangerous care there is for 
  us. No turning help, BP assistance is poor, infection is twice as 
  likely...blah blah. They just don't have the time or concern that family 
  members have, and that we need.My opinion, you choose what's right for 
  you.RiverOn Dec 28, 2004, at 5:05 PM, B. Kimberlin 
  The women I have known that have had this procedure took some 
time to recuperate fully. You might want to consider the summer 
break.BillyStacy Harim 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I was supposed to get 
the surgery in January, but it doesn't look like the timing is going to work 
out. I am thinking about spring break but still not sure. I was 
told I would be in the hospital a week.Stacy- 
Original Message -From: 
Tuesday, December 28, 2004 4:58 PMSubject: 
[QUAD-L] Mitrofanoff ProcedureThanks 
Liz for the update on this proceedure. Having a doctor that 
hasperformed a number of these precedures instills more confidence in 
theconsideration of having it done.WIn a message dated 12/28/04 
writes: I am a c6 and use self contained caths. I 
refer to them as pee-n-toss. Iself cath through a stoma in my belly 
button. There is no apparent "flap".it looks the same as it 
did before surgery. I have some scarring but it 
hasfaded. My doc used part of my intestine. They also 
may use your appendix.Talk to your surgeon and tell him you want to 
talk to HIS patients that havehad the procedure.It's a big 
surgery. At least 10 days in the hospital. Do you 
Yahoo!?The all-new My Yahoo!  
What will yours do?

Re: [QUAD-L] prepay phone plan

2004-12-28 Thread Stacy Harim

What plan do you use?


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 5:45 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] prepay phone 
  I love my pay as you go plan. I use mine for emergencies only so 
  the 40 cents a minute is ok. To get more minutes, I dial #611 and enter 
  minutes wanted and a credit card number. Instant more minutes. 
  Very cool. If I don't make one call in a month, they charge me 
  $4.00. (so I call the wife and say "hey goober, phone check")
  In a message dated 12/28/2004 3:36:35 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, 
all,Well after the massive storm and a "series of unfortunate 
events" ;-) I've decided to get a cell phone. I need a 
prepay plan and a phone. There are tons of packages out there, I 
thought I'd see what plans others have and what they like. Verizon 
is out, they have terrible customer 

Re: [QUAD-L] Sad news

2004-12-27 Thread Stacy Harim

You got it Eric. Please don't be so hard on yourself. You are 
human and we as humans have the "won't happen to me attitude." You aren't 
the blame and now that he is gone, he is with you always. I am sure he 
understands that you love him and never wanted or wished any harm on him. 
I'll pray for his family and also for you Eric.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Olson 
  To: quad 
  Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 4:09 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Sad news
  Gang,With all the troops in Iraq, you never think your 
  one relative over there is going to be one of the ones not coming 
  home. My cousin, Todd Olson was killed in Iraq. He wasn't even 
  there two months. I found out yesterday. He could have been 
  killed on Christmas and I just found out yesterday. Regardless, 
  Christmas will never again be a happy occasion for his wife and four 
  kids. I feel so guilty. I never even wrote him. I never 
  prayed. I just didn't think he would be one to get killed. 
  Please don't let my cousin's death be the renewal to some bullshit 
  political debate. Just pray for his family. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

2004-12-24 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

LOL!!! True.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Houston809 
  To: Stacy Harim ; andrea murray 
  Cc: quadlist 
  Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 12:54 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration
  that’s because we all know it doesn’t take much 2 satisfy a man in the 
  bedroom. :) we come we roll over go 2 sleep.:)On 12/23/04 3:57 PM, 
  "Stacy Harim" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  It is true 
that quad men are know for their abilities in the bedroom. They are 
said to know how to really please a woman. Never heard it the other 
way around before.Stacy
  Original MessIage - From: andrea murray mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: Stacy Harim mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 3:52 
  PMSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
  FrustrationThanks Stacy, You have shared your 
  feeling about us women. I know that the men on the quid list is not 
  superficial, but they do not thank about the quad women. How we 
  feel! I just want to be held and love by a man I love. But, every 
  time I think me soul mate is found he disappeared. How do us girl 
  get good feeling about ourselfs? What do you guys want from us? We don't 
  have the thumb. Wheelchair Warrior AndreaStacy Harim 
  I'm sorry. I 
know that. I should have said most. I know also that 
you guys here on the list aren't. I apologize for saying it 
because I knew when I said it that ALL men AREN'T 
superficial.can you find in your 
heart to forgive me?,Stacy
- Original Message - 
  From: Martin T. Brown mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: Stacy Harim mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  ; Steve Oldaker mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  ; andrea murray mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 3:52 
  AMSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
  Frustration[quote] Men are 
  superficial. They just think we can't have sex, therefore 
  they can't get off. 
  [/quote]Stacy don't swing this term 
  above imposing that all men are superficial, we are 
  - Original Message - 
From: Stacy Harim mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Steve Oldaker mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
; andrea murray mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 10:05 
AMSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
FrustrationWhat my 
friend Andrea said is so true. I'm in the prime of my life at 
30. I'm not a beauty queen, but I think that I am an attractive 
person. I used to get hit on all the time. Some of 
you guys talk about how you have had girlfriends, partners, 
wives. A lot of women like men in chairs because they feel 
less threatened. Men are superficial. They just 
think we can't have sex, therefore they can't get off. 
I go out on occasion. Before I got sick I used to 
get hit on all the time and get drinks bought for me. 
Since I got sick, I haven't had someone I don't know buy 
me a drink since I got sick. Socializing and talking to 
new people is not a problem and I am a very approachable 
person. I have a good time, dance, and smile while I am 
out. We never sit at a table. We are always at the 
bar or in the general area. Never have our backs to 
people. I know the chances of meeting my soul mate in a ! bar 
aren't good, but damn, they don't even look 
twice.It's funny, we went to a 
customer appreciation party at a rest/club/bar. They had 
a DJ. My friends and I were up there dancing and some 
woman came up and started dancing with me, holding my hands 
and treating me like I was mentally disabled. Telling my 
friend who is also a girl how pretty I was. It was so 
funny. I was cracking up. Trying to pull my hands 
away, she wouldn't let me. Was pretty 
strange.Just a funny story to 
share. My Gift to 
- Original Message - 
  From: andrea murray mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: Steve Oldaker mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 10:09 
  PMSubject: RE: [QUAD-L] 
  FrustrationBilly, Sexual 
  frustration is the big problem for me too. First of all be 
  being a women with a disability is really hard to get a man 
  to just to see you as being sexual

Re: [QUAD-L] Also new to group--thoughts and questions

2004-12-24 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Also new to group--thoughts and questions

I feel the same way. I live 30 miles from the University I am transferring 
to for the Spring semester. I am 30 yrs old. Living on campus doesn't 
sound very desirable at all. I'd rather communte. Most that live on campus 
are between 19 and 22. Not my cup of tea. Plus I would miss my 
friends who live close by me here and my cat would miss me.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Houston809 
  To: B. Kimberlin ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Cc: quadlist 
  Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 9:49 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Also new to 
  group--thoughts and questions
  It truly is 
  a good thought  if I was a lil younger I’d never pass up on an 
  opportunity 2 be around all those lovely young female students. But now being 
  38 I’m not really feeling the idea of living on campus. The PCA thought isn’t 
  that scurrry I’m sure that being in college there will be plenty of future 
  nurses around. I’m pretty good at making friends and the nursing students 
  would be my 1st place 2 visit.HoustonOn 12/24/04 9:39 PM, "B. 
  Kimberlin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That is a 
great suggestion wheelchair. There is an individual at the University of 
South Florida that has made a significant impact on the school by deciding 
to live on campus. He has noticed several deficiencies and been able to 
enact changes for the benefit of other disabled students. Travel is such an 
enormous issue and is effectively nullified when living on campus. There is 
also an additional benefit of living on campus. The social life is much more 
available for one living close to the school and the ability to form lasting 
bonds of friendships is much more accessible. I'm sure there are several 
negatives, like getting reliable PCA's. But all in all this is a good 
suggestion.Billy Paul[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  as you've learned and learned dearly.. Planning is everything.IU, 
  Purdue, and Ball State have live in programs where you live on campus in 
  accessible housing while you are getting an education. This way you 
  can concentrate on you goal of getting a or multiple degrees while you 
  are receiving a 4-5 year education. Having to travel from your 
  apartment to class is too demanding. Living on campus means that you 
  have food, shelter and ready references at hand. Its always something 
  worth considering.Best WishesWIn a message dated 12/24/04 
  7:05:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: But 
  IvyTech look out 4 me I1m on my way.Houston 

Do you Yahoo!?Dress up your holiday email, Hollywood style. Learn 

Re: [QUAD-L] Social life

2004-12-23 Thread Stacy Harim

You are so fortunate to have him. I have 2 parents that love me but 
neither in a position for me to go with them if anything were to happen to 
me.My Mom is an only child so no extended family overthere and 
adopted by myDad when I was 2. I really don't have muchof a 
relationship with any of them.I have a relationship with his brother and 
his wife. My cousins are still teenagers. I'm in Maryland, 
they are in Penn. Family just wasn't an option for me when I got out 
of the hospital. I was in rehab a total of just about 7 months to learn to 
live on my own. That was just inpatient. I had another couple of months of 
outpatient after that. Most of my friends didn't stick around. The 
guy that I was dating didn't bother. We weren't that serious since we had 
just started dating, but I haven't seen him since. I have made one new 
true friend since my illness. I have brothers, but my younger one counts 
of me more than I can ever count on him. He is so irresponsible and is always in 
legal problems. I have an older brother that I haven't talked to in almost 
2 yrs. He gets weird a lot and cuts himself off from everyone. I have a 
half brother that I didn't even know until I was 23. I'm 30 now. We have a good 
relationship but I can't expect him to take me in if anything were to 
happen. Dating is pretty much a no go these days so no man to count 
on. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, but those of you in relationships, 
have children, and or a support system of family and many friends are so 
fortunate. I am happy with my accomplishments, but I did them by myself 
for the most part. I cried almost everyday in the hospital b/c I thought I was 
never going to live normally again, because I couldn't do what a lot of newly 
spinal cord injured do and live with my family until I got better enough to live 
alone. I had to go from hospital to living on my own without the 
transition. Hardest thing I have ever gone through and probably the 
hardest thing I will ever have to go through in my life.

Just want to make it clear that I in no way am feeling sorry for myself b/c 
of the adversity I have had to overcome aside from my illness. Has 
only made me stronger, but I still long for the tight bonds that other people 
have with a partner.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Lori Michaelson 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 1:20 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Social life

It's VERY hard to find true blue friends anymore. 
People just seem to not want to take the time to invest all it takes to 
take on the burdens, risks  responsibilities that REAL BONDING 

One person I know who'd fit the bill is my best friend from high 
school. While she did go on her way with getting an unwanted 
pregnancy and marriage ... we've been again in contact although now 3000 
miles away. She went thru all my hospital stay (over a yr) with me 
 my family. And we were tight before my accident.

We had a long talk one night on friendships and she too feels the 
same although she's made one or two close friends since moving to 
Milford, PA um 15+ yrs ago. If it weren't frigid there and she 
lived closer to medical care ... I might move.

I just found out this past week (during a visit w/ my eldest 
sister) that if something were to happen to my husband she 
wouldn't/couldn't do anything more than help me into an asst living 
facility. Been there, did thanks! Now I see where 
my REALfamily values are :-( I only have 2 sisters. 
Parents both deceased. Aunts, Uncles are either dead or 
decrepit. Cousins are only acquaintences.

I grew up with my parents  grandparents owning their own 
businesses in a small town. They both had hundreds of friends 
because of both criteria. Our house was NATURALLY Grand Central 
Station or The Dew Drop-Inn but with people known for dozens of 
yrs. That's all gone now.

I am extremely envious of so many I know who have offspring and 
thus extended family. Just me  my husband this past T-day and 
upcoming Christmas. He's all I'm thankful for.

C4/5 quad
Tucson, AZ


From: Greg
Date: 12/22/04 
To: Ed 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
Social life

I never found real friends at support 
groups, etc.
My only real friends have been neighbors 
and friends of my families, people I can see often, not having to rely 
on someone to take me. But for many many years I couldn't find any, 
though had many 

Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

2004-12-23 Thread Stacy Harim

It is true that quad men are know for their abilities in the bedroom. 
They are said to know how to really please a woman. Never heard it the 
other way around before.


  - Original MessIage - 
  From: andrea murray 
  To: Stacy Harim 
  Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 3:52 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration
  Thanks Stacy, You have shared your feeling about us women. I 
  know that the men on the quid list is not superficial, but they do not thank 
  about the quad women. How we feel! I just want to be held and love by a man I 
  love. But, every time I think me soul mate is found he disappeared. How do us 
  girl get good feeling about ourselfs? What do you guys want from us? We don't 
  have the thumb. Wheelchair Warrior AndreaStacy Harim 

I'm sorry. I know that. I should have said most. I 
know also that you guys here on the list aren't. I apologize for 
saying it because I knew when I said it that ALL men AREN'T 

can you find in your heart to forgive me?,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Martin T. Brown 
  To: Stacy Harim ; Steve Oldaker ; andrea murray 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 
  3:52 AM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
  [quote] Men are superficial. They just think we can't have sex, 
  therefore they can't get off. [/quote]
  Stacy don't swing this term 
  above imposing that all men are superficial, we are not.
- Original Message - 
Stacy Harim 
To: Steve Oldaker ; andrea murray 
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 
10:05 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 

What my friend Andrea said is so true. I'm in the prime of my life 
at 30. I'm not a beauty queen, but I think that I am an attractive 
person. I used to get hit on all the time. Some of you guys 
talk about how you have had girlfriends, partners, wives.A lot of 
women like men inchairs because they feel less threatened. 
Men are superficial. They just think we can't have sex, therefore 
they can't get off. I go out on occasion. Before I got sick 
I used to get hit on all the time and get drinks bought for me. 
Since I got sick, I haven't had someone I don't know buy me a drink 
since I got sick. Socializing and talking to new people is not a 
problem and I am a very approachable person. I have a good time, 
dance, and smile while I am out. We never sit at a table. We 
are always at the bar or in the general area. Never have our backs 
to people. I know the chances of meeting my soul mate in a ! bar 
aren't good, but damn, they don't even look twice.

It's funny, we went to a customer appreciation party at a 
rest/club/bar. They had a DJ. My friends and I were up there 
dancing and some woman came up and started dancing with me, holding my 
hands and treating me like I was mentally disabled. Telling my 
friend who is also a girl how pretty I was. It was so funny. 
I was cracking up. Trying to pull my hands away, she wouldn't let 
me. Was pretty strange.

Just a funny story to share. My Gift to you,

  - Original Message - 
  From: andrea murray 
  To: Steve Oldaker 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 
  10:09 PM
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] 
  Sexual frustration is the big 
  problem for me too. First of all be being a women with a disability is 
  really hard to get a man to just tosee you as being sexual. Even 
  men with a disability want a non-disability women. Like Steve if you 
  gave the slution PLEASE let me know. 
  WarriorSteve Oldaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Do I suffer 
sexual frustration? Only daily, many 

If you find 
the solution, share it with the group!


  Message-From: B. Kimberlin 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, December 
  20, 2004 8:39 PMTo: QuadSubject: [QUAD-L] 
  This is a serious question, not to insinuate that other 
  questions are not, but I recall one individual who was so 

Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

2004-12-22 Thread Stacy Harim

What my friend Andrea said is so true. I'm in the prime of my life at 30. 
I'm not a beauty queen, but I think that I am an attractive person. I used 
to get hit on all the time. Some of you guys talk about how you have had 
girlfriends, partners, wives.A lot of women like men inchairs 
because they feel less threatened. Men are superficial. They just 
think we can't have sex, therefore they can't get off. I go out on 
occasion. Before I got sick I used to get hit on all the time and get drinks 
bought for me. Since I got sick, I haven't had someone I don't know buy me 
a drink since I got sick. Socializing and talking to new people is not a 
problem and I am a very approachable person. I have a good time, dance, 
and smile while I am out. We never sit at a table. We are always at 
the bar or in the general area. Never have our backs to people. I 
know the chances of meeting my soul mate in a bar aren't good, but damn, they 
don't even look twice.

It's funny, we went to a customer appreciation party at a 
rest/club/bar. They had a DJ. My friends and I were up there dancing 
and some woman came up and started dancing with me, holding my hands and 
treating me like I was mentally disabled. Telling my friend who is also a 
girl how pretty I was. It was so funny. I was cracking up. 
Trying to pull my hands away, she wouldn't let me. Was pretty 

Just a funny story to share. My Gift to you,

  - Original Message - 
  From: andrea murray 
  To: Steve Oldaker 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 10:09 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Frustration
  Sexual frustration is the big problem 
  for me too. First of all be being a women with a disability is really hard to 
  get a man to just tosee you as being sexual. Even men with a disability 
  want a non-disability women. Like Steve if you gave the slution PLEASE let me 
  WarriorSteve Oldaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Do I suffer sexual 
frustration? Only daily, many times...

If you find the 
solution, share it with the group!


  -Original Message-From: B. Kimberlin 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 
  8:39 PMTo: QuadSubject: [QUAD-L] 
  This is a serious question, not to insinuate that other questions are 
  not, but I recall one individual who was so preoccupied with sex that I 
  felt compelled to leave the site for a short amount of time just to get 
  away from him. Anyway, does anyone else on here suffer from bouts of 
  extreme sexual frustration? I frequently attribute this frustration to a 
  lack of female companionship, but it is often very difficult to 
  concentrate on other things when I become fixated on this particular 
  subject. Any suggestions?
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [QUAD-L] Thumb sex male quads

2004-12-22 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Thumb sex male quads

Personally I have not even been hit on since my disability. I am sure 
that I would try to compensate for what I can't do. For those of you that 
say it's how we portray ourselves. I am told often by the people I talk to 
that I am so strong for overcoming such adversity and having such a good 
attitude about life and how its awesome that I am working towards my 
goals. If I could only get someone my age that isn't weird to approach me 
to find out how great of a person I am and find out that I would do my best to 
compensate for my inabilities when intimacy is involved. 

Wow, can't believe I am talking about this,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Houston809 
  To: paul ; quadlist 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 12:27 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Thumb sex male 
  U go Paul. 
  “) last yr we talked about sex a lot. And I think I was voted TOP Quad 
  THUMB SEXPERT of THE YEAR :) I’m sure you’ve done the thumb sex thing by 
  now. I can swear that I’ve cum  DAMN near BLEW the TOP of MY THUMB 
  OFF as you’ve sex is a mental thing. We as men didn’t know that prior 2 
  these injuries. So if quadriplegia taught us nothing else it taught us the 
  real meaning of foreplay and how 2 make love.On 12/21/04 4:28 PM, 
  "paul" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All,I 
have dealt with sexual frustration since my injury.Before my 
injury I had a happy and healthy sex life.After my injury I did have a 
relationship that lasted six years.I learned and enjoyed a new sex 
life,I am a C5/6 quad.It was wonderful.I talked with a urologist 
concerning erections and had some success.I learned sex is just not 
about penetration.There are many ways to enjoy sex after paralysis.The 
relationship has since turned to friendship.I miss so much just to hold 
her.I have not giving up hope that we might recapture our intamacy or 
another relationship may lay ahead with another woman.It feels good 
getting this out.I know one thing,I am going to keep on rolling no 
matter what.Happy 

Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

2004-12-22 Thread Stacy Harim

I'm sorry. I know that. I should have said most. I know 
also that you guys here on the list aren't. I apologize for saying it 
because I knew when I said it that ALL men AREN'T superficial.

can you find in your heart to forgive me?,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Martin T. Brown 
  To: Stacy Harim ; Steve 
  Oldaker ; andrea murray 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 3:52 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration
  [quote] Men are superficial. They just think we can't have sex, 
  therefore they can't get off. [/quote]
  Stacy don't swing this term above 
  imposing that all men are superficial, we are not.
- Original Message - 
Stacy Harim 
To: Steve 
Oldaker ; andrea murray 
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 
10:05 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

What my friend Andrea said is so true. I'm in the prime of my life at 
30. I'm not a beauty queen, but I think that I am an attractive 
person. I used to get hit on all the time. Some of you guys talk 
about how you have had girlfriends, partners, wives.A lot of women 
like men inchairs because they feel less threatened. Men are 
superficial. They just think we can't have sex, therefore they can't 
get off. I go out on occasion. Before I got sick I used to get 
hit on all the time and get drinks bought for me. Since I got sick, I 
haven't had someone I don't know buy me a drink since I got sick. 
Socializing and talking to new people is not a problem and I am a very 
approachable person. I have a good time, dance, and smile while I am 
out. We never sit at a table. We are always at the bar or in the 
general area. Never have our backs to people. I know the chances 
of meeting my soul mate in a bar aren't good, but damn, they don't even look 

It's funny, we went to a customer appreciation party at a 
rest/club/bar. They had a DJ. My friends and I were up there 
dancing and some woman came up and started dancing with me, holding my hands 
and treating me like I was mentally disabled. Telling my friend who is 
also a girl how pretty I was. It was so funny. I was cracking 
up. Trying to pull my hands away, she wouldn't let me. Was 
pretty strange.

Just a funny story to share. My Gift to you,

  - Original Message - 
  From: andrea murray 
  To: Steve Oldaker 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 
  10:09 PM
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] 
  Sexual frustration is the big 
  problem for me too. First of all be being a women with a disability is 
  really hard to get a man to just tosee you as being sexual. Even men 
  with a disability want a non-disability women. Like Steve if you gave the 
  slution PLEASE let me know. 
  WarriorSteve Oldaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Do I suffer 
sexual frustration? Only daily, many times...

If you find the 
solution, share it with the group!


  -Original Message-From: B. Kimberlin 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, December 20, 
  2004 8:39 PMTo: QuadSubject: [QUAD-L] 
  This is a serious question, not to insinuate that other questions 
  are not, but I recall one individual who was so preoccupied with sex 
  that I felt compelled to leave the site for a short amount of time 
  just to get away from him. Anyway, does anyone else on here suffer 
  from bouts of extreme sexual frustration? I frequently attribute this 
  frustration to a lack of female companionship, but it is often very 
  difficult to concentrate on other things when I become fixated on this 
  particular subject. Any suggestions?
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 


Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

2004-12-20 Thread Stacy Harim

I have to tell ya that I haven't had sex since before my 
illness. It isn't the sex that is lacking for me. I was seeing 
someone for a short time, but we never got to that point in our 
relationship. I did think about going to that step, but I wasn't fixated 
on it. I was content just having the closeness at the time. It's the 
hugging, kissing, and cuddling that I miss so much instead of the act 
itself. I wish that there were some advice that I could give you, but I 
still miss it all the time. No times do I miss it any less than any other 
time. I am open for some suggestions myself.


  - Original Message - 
  From: B. 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 8:38 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Frustration
  This is a serious question, not to insinuate that other questions are not, 
  but I recall one individual who was so preoccupied with sex that I felt 
  compelled to leave the site for a short amount of time just to get away from 
  him. Anyway, does anyone else on here suffer from bouts of extreme sexual 
  frustration? I frequently attribute this frustration to a lack of female 
  companionship, but it is often very difficult to concentrate on other things 
  when I become fixated on this particular subject. Any suggestions?
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn 

Re: [QUAD-L] Brain Teaser

2004-12-20 Thread Stacy Harim

I got it. The trick is to look at each letter instead of reading it 
and looking at the same time.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 10:09 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Brain Teaser
  TEASERCount the "F's" in the following text:FINISHED 
  OF YEARS...(see below)Managed it ? 
  Scroll down only after you have counted them, 
  okay?How many? 3?Wrong, 
  there are 6! -- no joke.Read it again.The reasoning behind is 
  further down.The brain cannot process 
  "OF".Incredible or what ?Go back and look 
  again!!Anyone who counts all 6 "F's" on the first go is a 
  geniusThree is normal, four is quite rare.Send this to your 
  friends -- it drives them crazy. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Hello all

2004-12-19 Thread Stacy Harim

Welcome to the list. Don't feel bad about not getting to the 
list. When school is going for me I don't even reply to a lot of the ones 
that I want to reply to. I even do a lot of deleting. I just don't have 
time to read every post. I am sure that everyone understands. Just 
read and post as often as you can.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 7:00 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Hello all
  I have been reading 
  this list for about a month now. I decided I should come out and 
  introduce myself officially. I am Tracy. C5-6 quad, 27 yrs. 
  post. (car accident) I live in Texas on my own. I am curious 
  as to whether anyone knows how Smurf made it through her day alone. 
  Smurf, if you are readingI hope you got my email and that you had a 
  GREAT time alone. :^)I look forward to getting to know you guys, 
  but I'll warn you, I don't check in every day so if you ask me something and 
  don't get an answer for a few days, it is not personal. I 

Re: [QUAD-L] Medicinal Marijuana

2004-12-16 Thread Stacy Harim

It looks like Bush still has one or two advisors left under his wing. 
They already know there are benefits because it is prescribed already. A 
lot of people just buy it on the street because they can't get it legally. 
If it were made legal, the government could get this money. What is wrong 
with the way they think?


  - Original Message - 
  From: QuadPirate 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 1:43 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Medicinal 



  This is a joke, now the government won't even let 
  you study the medicinal values of medicinal marijuana without 
  their approval but they stillsupply around seven people in 
  the US under the INDPfor 20 or more years now for medicinal 
  reasonsbut they won't research the same people they're 
  supplying for some strange(Pharmaceutical companies)reason 
  This administration is failing it's people and 
  lining the pockets of big business as we suffer and it's really 
  pissing me off. As everyone has seen lately our own soldiers are 
  criticizing the incompetence of those in charge and they're 
  dumbfounded when confronted to answers andJohn McCain has 
  had enoughand is speaking out and this man's a true leader I 
  wish he was in charge!
  College Fails in Bid to Grow 
  MarijuanaBy DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. 
  Published: December 14, 
   longstanding request to grow marijuana at the 
  University of Massachusetts so it can be tested for medical uses 
  has been turned down by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
  The decision was faxed to the university on Friday and made 
  public yesterday by the Marijuana Policy Project, an independent 
  group that favors legalization of marijuana, particularly for 
  medical uses. 


  A spokeswoman for the D.E.A. said the agency would have no 
  comment beyond its order, which gave the university 30 days to 
  The dispute is over marijuana in its smoked or vaporized form. 
  Capsules of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, one of the plant's 
  active ingredients, can be prescribed in many states for cancer 
  and AIDS patients suffering nausea and appetite loss. But 
  proponents of medical marijuana argue that the inhaled form is 
  more effective and contains more than 50 active ingredients that 
  the capsules do not.
  In its order, drug agency said the lone government-licensed 
  marijuana farm, operated by the University of Mississippi, grew 
  enough for researchers. It said that 18 medical studies using the 
  drug had been approved since 2000. 
  But Dr. Lyle E. Craker, the professor of plant biology at the 
  University of Massachusetts who applied for the license three 
  years ago, said researchers complained that the government's 
  marijuana was weak and that it was hard to get permission to use 
  "We wanted to have a source independent from the government and 
  with a known potency so doctors can run clinical trials," he said. 
  Researchers would still have needed D.E.A. permission to work with 
  the drug.



Re: [QUAD-L] Chat

2004-12-12 Thread Stacy Harim

Actually they are this week. I'll let you know Thurs. Hopefully I'll 
have some hair left b/c I am ready to pull it out.


  - Original Message - 
  From: B. 
  Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 1:32 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Chat
  How did you do on your finals? I just finished mine and what a relief it is 
  to be done for a little while.
  BillyStacy Harim [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I enjoyed it. Since finals are over, I should get in there. 
It was nice meeting you Mack. Glad you could get in there.!

  - Original Message - 
  From: QuadPirate 
  Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 
  5:56 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Chat

Had a great time Dave I'll see you there!



From: David K. 
Date: Saturday, 
December 11, 2004 4:43:37 PM
Subject: Re: 
[QUAD-L] Chat

Hi Mark,

And a very fine chat it was, too. I hope tosee you 
therenext week. :)

With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 28 Years 
PostTexas, USA QuadPirate 


A few of us are in chat at
if anyone wants to join in please come by.






  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Chat

2004-12-11 Thread Stacy Harim

I enjoyed it. Since finals are over, I should get in there. It 
was nice meeting you Mack. Glad you could get in there.!

  - Original Message - 
  From: QuadPirate 
  Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 5:56 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Chat

Had a great time Dave I'll see you there!



From: David K. Kelmer
Date: Saturday, 
December 11, 2004 4:43:37 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 

Hi Mark,

And a very fine chat it was, too. I hope tosee you 
therenext week. :)

With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 28 Years PostTexas, 
USA QuadPirate 


A few of us are in chat at
if anyone wants to join in please come by.






Re: [QUAD-L] $42 magic bullets in stock at allegro medical

2004-12-07 Thread Stacy Harim

Yea, we should be the company that makes a product like the magic bullet to 
give them some competition. We'd make a killing and now we have a 
name. LOL!!

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: QuadPirate 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 1:18 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] $42 magic bullets 
  in stock at allegro medical

Ihave a new name for Magic Bullets let's call them 
Crack-Crack the crackfor your crack lol!



From: Stacy Harim
Date: Monday, 
December 06, 2004 10:49:21 PM
To: Quad-List
Subject: [QUAD-L] $42 
magic bullets in stock at allegro medical

Hey everyone. Everyone is out of stock of the magic 
bullets. They are in stock here 
for the low price of 42 bucks. I guess they are competing with 
exmed because they are the same price and everyone else is really 
high. I think everyone should know so pass it on. Those damn 
things are like crack to the sci community. 




Re: [QUAD-L] $42 magic bullets in stock at allegro medical

2004-12-07 Thread Stacy Harim

It works better for me. Magic Bullet is water based and dulcolax or 
the generic of are oil based. With those I have had little accidents the next 
day from not completely evacuating. No issues since I started using the 
magic bullet

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Brian Stocker 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 3:14 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] $42 magic bullets 
  in stock at allegro medical
  Guys, there is no magic in the bullet that I can see. 
  active ingredient 10 mg bisacodyl. I just bought 12 active 
  ingredient 10 mg bisacodyl suppositories at rite-aid for $6.00If 
  you prefer, you can buy dulcolax, a name brand with the same 
  ingredient. If you want something special, try enemeez. Nobody 
  has created docusate sodium, for rectal insertion.Merry 
  Christmas,BrianQuadPirate wrote: ROTFLMAO 
  Stacy! I have a new name for Magic Bullets let's call them Crack-Crack 
  the  crack for your crack lol!  Mark 
---Original Message---  
  From: Stacy Harim mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Date: Monday, December 06, 2004 10:49:21 PM To: Quad-List mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] $42 magic bullets in stock at allegro medical 
   Hey everyone. Everyone is out of stock of the magic 
  bullets. They are  in stock here 
  for the low price of 42  bucks. I guess they are competing with 
  exmed because they are the same  price and everyone else is really 
  high. I think everyone should know so  pass it on. Those 
  damn things are like crack to the sci community.   
  Stacy   Add FUN to your email - CLICK HERE!

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [Spinalcordinjury] Update on my buddy

2004-12-06 Thread Stacy Harim

I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I have some 
advice although our situations are a bit different. I am at T7/8 level. I 
got sick from a rare type of encephalitis that inflamed my brain and spinal 
cord. I woke up with a hurt back one day, went to the doctor's to have him 
tell me I slept on it wrong and gave me a script for muscle relaxer's. I 
went home and fell asleep on the couch and that is the last thing I 
remember. I woke up in the hospital a month later. My family was 
told that I would suffer from neurological damage. If I survived I would 
not show any signs of recover for 6 months to a year and never be 
independent. I came out of the hospital 8 months later and into my own 
place and have lived on my own for 3 years so far.When I woke up 
from the coma, I was paralyzed from the neck down. I was on the vent 
another couple of weeks after that then also had a trach. It was so much 
easier for the doctors and me. While I was on the vent, they 
didx-rays every day to make sure that fluidsweren't settling in 
since I wasn't moving at all. I eventually got rid of the trach and have a 
small scar that isn't very noticeable on my neck. Now, I am 
completely independent as far as self care goes. I go to school and 
getting ready to get my license since I just got a van. I know that my 
story is different than your friends, but I hope that it shows you that you 
can't go by what the doctors say all the time. His recovery has a lot to 
do with how he handles it. If he gives up then of course it is going to 
slow him down in his recovery. Let's pray he's a fighter and it seems that 
he has loving people around him that will motivate him and that always 
helps. I partly wanted to get better for them as well as myself. I 
will say a prayer for all of you and you now know where we are so ask away if 
you have any questions. We'll be here waiting for him when he gets 

Good luck with everything,

P.S. It's funny you mentioned the monitors 
spiking. My Mom said mine did she told me a certain person would be 
visiting or when my roommate was in the room singing some stupid song she knows 
I hate and she has a god awful voice. It's weird how we react when 

night I visited my buddy in the hospital. He isstill 
unconscious. I have not heard the word comaused yet but I guess 
that is what this is. I foundout that he broke T7, so I looked it 
up in the SCIbook from the library and it says he should be able 
topropel a wheelchair, feed himself, drive a car (withthe right 
modifications), transfer in and out ofchair. This is the good 
news.The breathing tube is out and instead he has 
atracheotomy. A friend tells me that that is easier onthe 
respiratory system than the tube. Is that true?The bandages 
are off his head and the swelling isdown. He looks like himself 
again, only a littlepuffy.His brother told me that he has some 
awareness ofwhat's going on. When his ex-wife visited, all 
hismonitors started spiking. :)I met his nurse for the 
first time and got a sensethat he might also have neurological 
damage. He had askull fracture in the accident and so far 
everyone'sbeen focused on the paralysis. This is the bad 
news.I am trying not to be scared about a really giftedperson having 
permanent cognitive losses.Did any of you have skull fractures along 
with SCI?

Re: [QUAD-L] bowel pain, hate to ask

2004-12-05 Thread Stacy Harim

I noticed that I have discomfort when my stool is loose also. I have 
no ideas as to about why

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 12:49 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] bowel pain, hate to 
  In a message dated 11/18/2004 7:35:09 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Incomplete SCI at C5, almost 11 years post. About a year or so 
agoI've started developing a burning pain in my lower bowels/colon. 
Feelslike pouring salt on an open wound. Sometimes it lasts for a couple 
ofhours, sometimes the entire day. It's usually worst when it wakes 
meup about three o'clock in the morning. I have a bowel movement 
everyother day, sometimes the pain is there the day after a 
movement,sometimes the day before. I also started having a lot of gas, 
whichcaused a lot of temporary pain when it passed. However, started 
takingSIMETHICONE a few weeks ago which seems to have helped with the 
gas,but the pain is worse than ever. The pain also seems to be worse 
whenI have loose stool. I thought maybe it was hemorrhoids, but the 
personthat takes care of my bowel program (suppository) assures me it's 
not,that she would be able to tell if I had hemorrhoids. Has anyone 
elseexperienced anything like this? I've been reading about 
syringomyeliccysts, any possibility that could be the cause? Would 
greatlyappreciate any advice.
  i blow up like a balloon in the afternoon and evening. it's all gas 
  but it hurts like hell. i'm sure something in that area will eventually 
  take my life - being as irregular as i am just can't be good for a long 
  life. any laxatives cause more pain but without them i set up like 

Re: [QUAD-L] Velcro straps liner

2004-12-05 Thread Stacy Harim

Who on the list here makes them? What do you use for the 
lining? I am sure I can sew it myself. Thanks in advance.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 9:17 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Velcro straps 
  Actually Stacy, you have to make them yourself or have someone 
  make them for you base on your chosen designs.WIn a message 
  dated 12/4/04 10:27:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes: Do any of you know where I can get the liners for the 

Re: [QUAD-L] hospital is the pits

2004-12-05 Thread Stacy Harim

How did the nueropathy cause damage to your teeth and affect your 
breathing? I'm sorry for my ignorance, but I don't have a clue. I have it 
but it only hurts my legs and butt.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 11:37 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] hospital is the 
  Hi Gale,
  I can understand being in 
  the hospital and being really burned out. I haved been in for a month 
  myself. My neuropathy is so bad that it has never been controlled by 
  meds including multipl botoxinjections,bracing, and neurotin 
  2-600mg 3x daily.The neuropathy caused my lungs to become very weak and I am 
  unable to do correct breathing and only breath from partial parts of my right 
  right lower lung and left mid lung. It caused damage to my teeth and 
  when I would go to the dentist he would be unable to perform the work because 
  my gums would not sedate, so the pain would be horrid, and I am a chicken when 
  it would come to dentist.I came into the hospital and had my teeth removed and 
  while in surgery i had a hyperthermia episode and then I ran fever for about a 
  week. People like us just don't know how to do thinks the easy way, do 
  Anyway, I hope your time 
  goes by fast, and like you, now that I am better I use my computer, and I am 
  back into the therapy and thaat keeps me busy.
  Hope you have a nice 
  Christmas with your family.
  Kathy in 

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Bored!

2004-12-04 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Message

I sympathize with you. I hope that you get that sore healed up soon so you 
can get back to your routine.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Gale See 
  Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 3:28 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Bored!
  I don't go in for my surgery until January 4, 
  2005. I am in bed trying to heal a sore on my right buttocks. You 
  can only spend so much time watching TV and working on the computer if you 
  know what I mean.
  Gale :-)
- Original Message - 
Cameron Wallace 
To: 'Gale See' ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 12:58 
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Re: Bored!

You didn't mention how your surgery went, but if a 
laptop is on your mind-I assume you feel it went well. 
I hope you're allowed to go home 

  -Original Message-From: Gale See 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, December 04, 
  2004 1:03 PMTo: Quad ListSubject: [QUAD-L] Re: 
  Hello everyone,
  I am laying in bed bored to tears trying to 
  heal the pressure sores on my backside. I have borrowed my wife's 
  laptop and through a Remote Desktop Control I am operating my regular 
  computer which is in the next room. It is very slow operating as my 
  head mouse doesn't work on the laptop, (I can get one that will work on 
  here, but I haven't got one yet). So I have to operate everything my 
  voice or "mouse grid" which is very slow and aggravating.
  However, I have ordered a new laptop with a 
  head mouse, and Bluetooth technology. Hopefully I will have this set 
  up within the next 10 days.
  I hope everyone has a great day.
  Gale :-) :-( :-)

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG 
Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.289 / Virus Database: 265.4.4 - Release Date: 
11/30/2004No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked 
  by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.289 / Virus Database: 265.4.4 - Release 
  Date: 11/30/2004

Re: [QUAD-L] Researchers Make Stem-Cell Breakthrough

2004-12-03 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Researchers Make Stem-Cell Breakthrough

Take it from someone who knows first hand. When I was paralyzed neck 
down (wasn't long) I thought the same thing. All I wanted was to be able to take 
care of myself. Now I can and all I want is to be able to live like I used 
to before paralysis.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Houston809 
  To: Greg ; quadlist 
  Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 5:00 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Researchers Make 
  Stem-Cell Breakthrough
  That’s what 
  I’m talkin about going from a quad 2 a para I cool with me :)On 
  12/3/04 4:56 PM, "Greg" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  A cure to me 
is not being able to jump up and run a mile. A cure to me is just being able 
to get in/out of my chair, dressed, bathroom stuff, all by myself. I'd take 
that just dandy...Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] Question for Quad Women

2004-12-02 Thread Stacy Harim

Hi River,

I like you have long legs. My manual is one foot plate and my legs 
fall to the sides a little bit. We adjusted the chair so they don't fall that 
bad. Invacare makes a cushion that has indents in the cushion that is 
supposed to help that. 
Worth asking about. I used a Velcro strap for awhile, but quit using 
it. could be laziness or just not caring. Be careful with that motor 
chair and gaining weight. You'd be surprised on how much exercise you get 
by pushing yourself around.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: River Wolfe 
  To: Brian Stocker ; quad 
  Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 3:37 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Question for Quad 
  Brian,That's my problem, I am "blessed" with 
  Lng legs and in order to fit this chair they had to position the 
  seat back in a bucket style. Foot rests are as low as they can go, 
  can't get a taller chair because of my van (no topper on it). If the 
  seat is dumped then my neck and shoulders go out as I slouch 
  forward. My thighs were touching the cushion when the seat was 
  dumped, BUT knees still splayed. I think it has to do with the 
  position my feet are in as well as nothing pushing my thighs or hips in on 
  the side of the chair. I jus tmight go the velcro route as W 
  suggests. The foot plate is one piece in the power chair and my 
  manual has two and I position my feet in the flexed position on the foot 
  rest. Arghh, walkies don't seem to get the importance of 
  this.RiverOn Dec 2, 2004, at 1:30 PM, Brian Stocker 
  wrote: If your knees are splayed in that fashion, as are mine, you 
  should  consider, again, if your chair is REALLY fitted 
  properly, the entire  length of your thigh should be taking 
  pressure. do your legs move in  and out freely? If so, you 
  may need to lower your foot rest or raise  your seat pan so that your 
  thighs are snug against your cushion. I am  having this problem, 
  because the wc was not fitted properly and the  adjustment is maxed 
  out. Brian River Wolfe wrote: Hi 
  everyone, I'm really enjoying my power chair but I have a 
  problem. My seating  position is less than "lady-like" 
  ie: my knees are as far apart as  possible in the sitting 
  position. The chair fits me well, but there  aren't any side 
  guards like in my manual chair. I think these guards  help 
  keep my legs together. I feel really uncomfortable sitting like 
   this, any suggestions? My brother uses a bungee cord 
  to keep his knees together when playing  quad-rugby, I really 
  don't want to resort to that ;-) Thanks, 

Re: [QUAD-L] Question for Quad Women

2004-12-02 Thread Stacy Harim

Do you know where you can find those Wheel? 


"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 5:38 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Question for Quad 
  In a message dated 12/2/04 2:37:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes: I jus tmight go the velcro route as W 
  suggests. Use the Velcro with liners that hide the strap 
  with colorful designs. Who knows... you just might create a new 

Re: [QUAD-L] Question for Quad Women

2004-12-02 Thread Stacy Harim

She has conducted herself as a lady on the list and left no impression of 
being a male. I don't know where the confusion came from. If anyone 
ever looked at her mention in new mobility, you could see her picture right 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 5:35 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Question for Quad 
  Your losing it, lol. I suspected that a long time ago but 
  glad that you mentioned that first, Lori.Actually, River is a (as 
  Lionel Ritchie sings) "Lady"WIn a message dated 12/2/04 12:40:05 
  writes: I could have sworn "River" was a male on this 
  list. Maybe I'm losing 

Re: [QUAD-L] Where is the River?

2004-11-30 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Where is the River?

I was wondering the same thing. She was pretty upset. Maybe, 
hopefully just taking a break.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Cameron Wallace 
  Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 4:48 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Where is the 
  Has anyone kept in touch with 
  River? I liked reading her posts. Maybe there was not enough belief in her 
  election conspiracy worries. I was hoping to hear more of her Buddhist 
  teachings as they related to quad-hood.

Re: [QUAD-L] Hello

2004-11-27 Thread Stacy Harim

The Medicaid waiver program is still defined by the state as far as how 
many hours you get, who gives you care, and how much that agency or person, if 
allowed, will get paid. I'm a paraplegic and don't even need the hours 
that I am given where most or many on the list can't get enough hours for their 
care. Unfortunately Florida is the hardest state to get proper care that 
you need. I think the lack of response on the list is that people here 
that don't know anything about a situation like yours just do not answer. 
Your best bed is going to your state representatives and let them know your 
plight. I wish you the best of luck.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 5:01 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Hello
  Hello,My first question is why am I not 
  receiving the quad list any longer? I used to receive it 
  regularly. My next issue is I would really like to just hear from people 
  by e-mail about issues regarding the Medicaid waiver program in Florida. 
  We must do something!Next my introduction. Actually I did this 
  several years ago but here I go again. I am a C 5-6 quadriplegic having 
  survived 24 years ago. I broke my neck in a diving accident here in 
  Florida. I rehabbed at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. Living 
  with a lot of chronic pain problems is no fun as I'm sure many of you 
  know. Currently I am dealing with a lot of bizarre blood pressure 
  problems both up-and-down. I am single, male, 58, and have never 
  married. I live in my own home and have finally paid it off after 21 
  years. I am on the Board of Directors of the local Sierra Club, The 
  Responsible Growth Management Coalition, and am active in the local spinal 
  cord injury group. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Introduction

2004-11-26 Thread Stacy Harim

Andrea is right. My Mom lives in Florida. She had a stroke and other 
medical problems so she isn't able to work very many hours. They put her 
on some sort of state assistance and has a world of trouble just finding a good 
doctor. You would be better off considering the situation, but still may 
be hard for you. I wish you the world of luck.


"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: andrea murray 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:04 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Introduction
  Bill, Welcome aborad. There call me the Wheelcheel Warrior. I.m a parapalegic 
  and I have CP. FL is the hardest state in getting medicaid. Hope everything 
  work out for you.
  Happy Thanksgiving 

My name is Bill Jenkins. I'm a C-6 incomplete quad and a double 
amputee. I was injured in a diving accident in July 1968. Last 
December I moved from MI to FL and was stunned to find out the obstacles to 
getting help through Medicaid and the BSCIP. 

I look forward to hearing from all of you and learning. 
Yup. Still learning after 36 years of quad-dom. 

BillC-6 incomplete in 
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! 
  Mail - You care about security. So do we.

Re: [QUAD-L] Fw: Streamlight Challenged Hunter of the Year Selected

2004-11-23 Thread Stacy Harim

How awesome! It's amazing how people with more function don't live 
nearly a full of a life as this man. I love his quote and it seems so 
true. Thanks for sharing that Mark.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: QuadPirate 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 12:23 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Fw: Streamlight 
  Challenged Hunter of the Year Selected



From: BADF Disabled Services
Date: Monday, 
November 22, 2004 7:14:24 PM
To: Mark Jackson
Subject: Streamlight 
Challenged Hunter of the Year Selected

Congratulates George Moore, Jr. 
of Shreveport, 
2005 Streamlight Challenged Hunter of the 

Despite his disability 
George Moore has accomplished more in his lifetime than most 
people. In a situation 
where a lesser person might have given up on life, George has not only 
overcome his disability, but has also done much to help others. 
A Captain 
in the United States Air Force from 1966-1973, Moore, an F-100 Super 
Sabre jet fighter pilot (at age 26), was in his second tour of duty in 
Vietnam when he was involved in a near fatal jet crash that left him 
with burns over 70 percent of his body. He underwent 49 surgeries in 43 
months. As a result of the accident he is a quadruple amputee, having 
lost both legs and one arm, with little use of the remaining arm. 
He is rated 100% permanently and totally disabled due to 
service-connected conditions, and received the Bronze Star for his 
service to our country. 

Rather than giving up on life 
because of his injuries, Moore began life anew. After returning 
to school to earn second and third degrees, he joined the Department of 
Veteran's Affairs and worked his way through the ranks to his current 
position as VA Medical Center Director, VISN Prosthetic Service Line 
Director. His three and a half years as a patient in military hospitals 
left Moore with a keen sense of patient 
satisfaction and a high sensitivity to veteran satisfaction. His motto, 
"A winner is just a loser who tried one more time," is an inspiration to 
veterans and employees of the Medical Center. He is a hunter and fisherman 
that truly loves being in the outdoors. George hunts from a six wheel 
all terrain vehicle for water foul, deer and turkeys. 
willreceive his prestigious 
awardat the2005 Buckmasters Life Hunt Classic in 

There were many deserving 
applicants this year, and we encourage those individuals to apply again 
next season. Thank you for your participation, and again, 
congratulations George!

George Moore, 





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  1-800-240-3337 ext 203


  BADF Disabled Hunter Services, 10540 
  Daystar Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 



Re: [QUAD-L] Big problems in Florida with spinal cord injury Medicaid waiver program

2004-11-23 Thread Stacy Harim

Hi Loren,

That is a great letter, but in my opinion I wouldn't threaten them with a 
lawyer just yet. I'm sorry you have to go through that. I think 
those laws are under your governor because in my state, I can still hire my 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 8:10 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Big problems in Florida 
  with spinal cord injury Medicaid waiver program
  Hello,Has anyone else had problems with 
  this program, the brain and spinal cord injury Medicaid waiver program funded 
  through Medicaid? Previously I could hire anyone I wanted and have them 
  paid retroactive from the day that the director in Tallahassee signed their 
  paperwork which usually took three days. They then eliminated that so 
  that I had to pay them out of my pocket for three to four months until they 
  obtained a Medicaid provider number. Now at the beginning of November 
  they made it mandatory that I receive my care thru a nursing agency. 
  Please read the letter below:COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CARE?In 
  October I would often forget that I had a disability while maintaining my 
  chair on two citizen organizational boards and being an active supporter of a 
  local spinal cord injury group. My life was full of activities going to 
  parks, concerts, festivals, swimming at the local pool where there is a 
  wheelchair lift, training for two weeks for a service dog in Atlanta, a one 
  day trip to Miami for a doctor's visit, one day later a trip to Tampa for a 
  new wheelchair. My life was full, active, and looking like there was a great 
  future still ahead of me.Today I am a shut-in! What 
  happened? I broke my neck 24 years ago that is certainly not the 
  immediate problem. I have lived as a quadriplegic independently for 24 years. 
  So what changed? We have the same president does that have anything to 
  do with my change in citizenship? Somewhere in a huge bureaucratic 
  system supposedly on a federal level in Washington someone made a 
  decision. A someone I cannot locate!In October I would hire my 
  own personnel to provide my care that could sustain me in my own home and 
  drive me to places in my own vehicle 24 hours a day seven days a week. I 
  would screen them, train them, and fire them when necessary. I lived an 
  independent life that was as normal and as full as I could possibly make 
  it. Medicaid kindly paid these people $2700 per month. I added another 
  $500 and provided one a home. Change has occurred. The decision was made 
  that my care would have to be provided by a nursing agency. For $4664 
  per month providing eight hours of care per day with an extra two the every 
  other day. I will allow you to work out the math on that one after all 
  it is your tax dollar.This month I have no one to take me to a park 
  not even to do my grocery shopping. My new van equipped for wheelchair 
  transportation sets idle in the driveway. The Aids from the agency 
  cannot drive my van. I must be in bed by 9:30 PM when the aid who comes 
  at 5:30 departs leaving me alone through the night lying in one position 
  unable to even roll over what less remove myself from bed or the house in an 
  emergency. Pressure sores are a guarantee. Quadriplegics suffer from a 
  condition where in any noxious stimuli (such as lying in one position to long) 
  can cause our blood pressures to rise drastically resulting in stroke, heart 
  attack, blindness, and death as did the former Superman. At 8 AM another Aid 
  is supposed to arrive to give me breakfast, shower me, dress me, provide 
  personal care, and place me in my wheelchair. She then departs at noon leaving 
  me alone until 5:30 PM. There is also a nurse who comes every other day 
  for two hours to provide another part of my personal care at 8:00 in the 
  morning. Including weekends there will be at least six different people 
  involved in my care.My new service dog who has been with me for one 
  month must be returned as I cannot keep him in good conscience as he will not 
  receive proper care that such a valuable dog deserves or any dog for that 
  matter. He has already been subjected to verbal abuse by one Aid. It has 
  taken nine years to get this companion and all-around helper. He is an 
  absolutely beautiful dog that I have come to love greatly. All this has 
  been a very frustrating, exasperating, and heartbreaking experience. I 
  am left with the feeling that my life has just ended.Are Medicaid and 
  the healthcare industry along with our government plotting to force me into a 
  nursing home or just kill me outright from neglect?I am looking for 
  others who may be involved in a similar situation to form a coalition for a 
  class-action suit or other action that may be appropriate. Also for 
  lawyers that are appropriate for the situation.Loren 

Re: [QUAD-L] Foley

2004-11-21 Thread Stacy Harim

It must be a parent thing because I was in the hospital for 8 months after 
I got sick. That was only because I was that sick and spent extra time in 
rehab because I didn't want to go back to living with my parents. I'm not 
proud, just have my reasons. I'm getting surgery so I can cath through my 
belly button. I won't have to wear a catheter all the time anymore and 
also hopefully not as many infections. My Mom is so worried about it and 
at first didn't want me to do it until I convinced her it would be so much 
better for me health wise.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Joan 
  Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:53 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Foley
  My son who is a C4/C5 incomplete for 6 years just had a 
  super-pubic cath inserted. I tried to talk him out of it for awhile 
  because I was concerned with the surgery. Since he was in the hospital for 
  5 months after his accident with a collapsed lung, pancreatitis and sepcis 
  I just developed an allergy to hospitals and did no want him cut or stuck 
  anymore. (Forgive me, I'm sure you all have your own stories.) But he made 
  up his mind. Danny was having urinary infections about every month to a 
  month in a half. He also experience a clogged cath almost every week. The 
  nurses at the hospital where he rehabiltated taught us to care for him and 
  we both got pretty skillful at changing his cath. The super-pubic cath was 
  inserted last spring. So far no infections and no clogs. We take him to 
  his urologist once a month to have it changed, but the nurses change the 
  cath. Perhaps this would be good for your friend? This was one time I'm 
  glad my son did not listen to me.JoanFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  [QUAD-L] FoleyDate: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 18:12:53 ESTI 
  have a friend that I visit in the hills of Pennsylvania every 
  fall.He has been using an indwelling Foley for 28 years. Those 
  with indwellingFoleys know of the erosion of the skin that occurs 
  after using anindwelling. His is 
  extensive.Although still using the foley, he is having 
  problems with urine leakage andbleeding from the constant 
  irritation.What choses might he have? He lives in a 
  rural area and probably would needto goto a large city 
  or even New York State to get to a GOOD 
  yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!

Re: [QUAD-L] Virus detected

2004-11-20 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Virus detected

I had the same virus, but unfortunatly didn't know where it came 
from. Mine got caught in a scan. There is a removal tool at the 
norton site and you can clean your computer of it.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Houston809 
  To: quadlist 
  Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:57 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Virus detected
  I don't 
  know who this person is but they senta message containing a 
  virus"Your SBC Yahoo! Mail Virus Protection detected the virus 
  '"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"' in the file 
  '""', attached to the enclosed email message. We scanned the file 
  using Norton AntiVirus but were unable to clean it. Therefore, we removed the 
  content of the attachment from the message. Please contact the message sender 
  if you want to receive the attachment. They must clean the file and resend it 
  before we can deliver it to you safely.From: "Jwmjimmy" 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 09:41:23 -0500To: 
  "Quad-list" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: [QUAD-L] Joan of Arcadia deals with Injury fate

2004-11-19 Thread Stacy Harim

Thanks for the reminder. I just love that show. I make sure to 
watch it every week. That and survivor are the only commitment I make to 
television. If I can't see it, I tape it.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 10:05 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Joan of Arcadia deals 
  with Injury fate
  Hello guys.I heard that 
  tonights episode of Joan of Arcadia deals with why Joans brother was injured 
  and left in a wheelchair and why god chose him and why it wasnt someone 

Re: [QUAD-L] Wheelie why doesn't Chris's website represent/ New Fans

2004-11-19 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Wheelie why doesn't Chris's website represent/ New Fans

I missed his website address. Can someone send the link again 
please. Thanks in advance.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Houston809 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; quadlist 
  Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 11:24 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Wheelie why doesn't 
  Chris's website represent/ New Fans
  quite right Diana :) My last Maybe its not as 
  important as the other info on there. :) :) I put the :) so that everyone would no it was a joking statement. I 
  met Chris for the 1st time last week. And he not only talked about how he made 
  extra money selling products on Ebay. He showed me exactly and while he was 
  showing me. In the course of 15 minutes made over 
  $300.00 Diane there aren’t many quads around that have the extra 
   to enjoy our hobbies :) We’re barely making it 
  through life. But a good supporting parent with an abundance of wealth like Wheelies :) :) You could have a few TOYS like a 10 second 
  Drag Van :) Mansion on the 18th 
  hole, Yacht  Maybe even thinking you 
  were Elmer J Fudge millionaire. We’ll have to get Chris’s email address from 
  Wally and let him know our opinions about this website of his. :) How we’d 
  design it if we were 1 of few quad drag racers in the world :) get rid of that 
  cheesy looking hooker dancing  Nah keep the hooker ad a few more :):):):) 
  But tell important stuff about the obstacles  barriers crossed. Wally fwd 
  some of this 2 Chris so he’ll see how the FANS feel :)On 11/18/04 
  In a message 
dated 11/17/2004 4:17:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
The only quad 
  drag driver I'm aware of. I think this is importantinfo. It was my 1st 
  time going to the website and just my opinion. Maybe itsnot as 
  important as the other info on there. :)no, i 
think he is more interesting than what his van has. i had the pleasure of 
meeting him a few summers ago at a local track i use to race at pre-injury. 
i think it would be great to try it one last time. he was full of advice as 
how to make it happen but his advice was more than my savings, not to 
mention the damage that can occur to an engine while drag racing, in which 
my hubby forewarned , he wouldn't change a van engine. anyway...i think new 
mobility should do an article on him. he's pretty tough to endure that 
summer heat and l-o-n-g line ups to race again. one might wait an hour for a 
10 second adrenaline rush!diane

Re: [QUAD-L] Concepts in Con Artistry

2004-11-19 Thread Stacy Harim

Well, when I talked to the guy, I mentioned that concepts in confidence was 
charging so much and I was really surprised that they were so inexpensive and 
that is when he mentioned the price going up after the new year.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Lori Michaelson 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 1:41 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Concepts in Con 


Yup, it's express med. I told others in private 
emails. Thanks for the tip of them going up. Surprised they 
told you (or anyone) that. That's the LAST thing companies would 
want to reveal usually.



From: Stacy Harim
Date: 11/19/04 
To: Lori 
Michaelson; Quad
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
Concepts in Con Artistry

If it is express medical Lori, they are going up in January. I 
talked to them on the phone about a month ago when they sent me the ones 
that I ordered like 8 months 




Re: [QUAD-L] Concepts in Con Artistry

2004-11-18 Thread Stacy Harim

If it is express medical Lori, they are going up in January. I talked to 
them on the phone about a month ago when they sent me the ones that I ordered 
like 8 months ago and said they were selling them at the same price until the 
new year. If that is not the place, I think you should share where you are 
getting them for such a low price so the rest of us can benefit from it.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Lori Michaelson 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 4:42 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Concepts in Con 

Re: Magic Bullets and Concepts in "Confidence" (or 

Being a user of the bullets from Confidence since 1989 or so they 
were my pill.

What was it? This past earlyspring when we hear rumors 
of them having problems? I wasn't worrying cuz I had numerous 
ones. It became an issue for me around the middle of summer.

I remember W saying they'd have their poop together by August but 
people could get 50 for $59.00 w/ a Dr script.
Over a dollar a pill! Double what they were asking!

Soo, running low I began calling them and they were always 
pushing it up a month (Sept, Oct,etc) on when the backorders would be 
done. And NUMEROUS *DIFFERENT* stories I'd get on their problem, 
the 'new formula' etc - depending on who you talk to there.

So, they're STILL saying you can only get 50 with a script.

Now, I see other companies saying "The Bullet 
is Back!" I ordered 100 from a company who shall remain 
nameless. ONE HUNDRED FOR $42.95! And they work 

Concepts has been making a fortune with their little scam that 
they've drawn out forever. They can bite the bullet!




Re: [QUAD-L] magic bullet

2004-11-17 Thread Stacy Harim

Except the magic bullet is a water based suppository, but all the 
ingredients are the same.


"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Brian Stocker 
  To: THouston 
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; mack johnson 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 2:24 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] magic bullet
  I just bought a dozen 10 mg bisacodyl suppositories from 
  rite aid for $6.00. This is exactly what is in a magic 
  bullet.BrianTHouston wrote: I get them from 
   THouston  - Original 
  Message - From: mack johnson mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 6:47 PM 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] magic bullet  anyone 
  know where to get the magic bullets? the places i checked 
  online were sold 
  out. mack 

Re: [QUAD-L] magic bullet

2004-11-17 Thread Stacy Harim

express med is not raising their price until after the new year. If you 
order them and they are not in, you still get the discounted price. 42 
bucks for 50 bullets is a pretty damn good price.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dana Miller 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 7:08 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] magic bullet
  I started using those after not getting majic bullets. 
  Then someone saidExpress Medical supply had them and I ordered 50 of 
  them. They came veryfast. I checked the price of gloves, they 
  are much more expensive thanSam's. I stumbled onto them at 
  Sams! They were about $4.00 a box!They were in an area where over 
  the counter drugs were. I was amazed to seethem, should have gotton 
  a box full! Maybe next time!Dana and ?[EMAIL PROTECTED]- Original 
  Message -----From: "Stacy Harim" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
  johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, 
  November 17, 2004 2:09 PMSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] magic 
  bulletExcept the magic bullet is a water based suppository, but 
  all theingredients are the same.Stacy"People who hate you 
  do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroyyourself" - 
  Original Message - From: Brian Stockermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: THoustonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  ; mackjohnsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 
  Wednesday, November 17, 2004 2:24 PM Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] magic 
  bullet I just bought a dozen 10 mg bisacodyl 
  suppositories from rite aid for $6.00. This is exactly 
  what is in a magic bullet. Brian THouston 
  wrote:  I get them from www.exmed.net 
   - Original Message - 
   From: mack johnson mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 6:47 PM 
   Subject: [QUAD-L] magic bullet 
anyone know where to get the magic 
  bullets? the places i checkedonline  
  were sold out.  mack 

[QUAD-L] bofra virus/not a hoax

2004-11-09 Thread Stacy Harim

Hey guys, I was watching the news and those of you using MS explorer watch 
out for this BOFRA virus. There is no fix or patch out for it yet. 
This isn't a hoax I swear to you. Here is some info

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Scrotum Questions for the Guys!

2004-11-07 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Message

As a woman, I have sweat a little in the fold of my leg where they bend 
from sitting. It's not much, but I avoid any problems but dusting a little 
medicated powder that has corn starch in it. No problems. Good luck 
w/you doctors appt. Let us know how it goes.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Cameron Wallace 
  Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 2:35 
  Subject: FW: [QUAD-L] Re: Scrotum 
  Questions for the Guys!
  -Original Message-From: Cameron Wallace 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 
  2:11 PMTo: 'Gale See'Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Re: Scrotum 
  Questions for the Guys!
  Trya dusting ofcornstarch powder. 
  Prevents moisture and/or funk

-Original Message-From: Gale See 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 
2:08 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: 
Scrotum Questions for the Guys!

Do any of you guys have problems with your 
scrotum swelling or peeling from all the sitting we do? If so, do you 
use any sort of support system? I would appreciate any input you could 
give me as I am having problems along this line. Also, do any of you 
wear underwear. I have always worn underwear so I could tape the hose 
to my leg bag to the underwear to keep it for moving around. Any input 
regarding this.

I am going to see a surgeon on Tuesday 
regarding the possibility of having a colostomy bag put in. While I'm 
there I thought I would approach the possibility of having a supra pubic 
catheter put in as well. I am having problems the older I get 
inserting my Foley catheter due to the increased size of my prostate 
gland. Would also appreciate any input regarding this 



Re: [QUAD-L] I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaack!

2004-11-07 Thread Stacy Harim

Welcome back Linda. I'm glad everything is working well for you. I'm 
getting my surgery in January for bladder reconstruction. I'm going to be able 
to cath through my belly button. I'm excited to not have to wear a bag 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Linda Farrell 
  To: William Willis 
  Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 5:49 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] I'm 
  Hello Everyone, I'm back 
  finally! I have been gone for 5 wks in the hospital on 
  bedrest, ugh!
  It's great to be back home  talking 
  with you guys, missed you. I had a good looking plastic surgeon that did my 
  Flap. On my way home, I had to stop by Dr Robbins Office  he had to show 
  off my Butt to everyone, what a great job he did! I mooned everyone 
  there,haha! He gave me instructions.take weight shifts every 20 mins while 
  up in chair Eat or drink lots of protein Make sure my wc 
  cushion has proper amount of air. I did get a nice turning air mattress 
  to sleep on, the only problem I can't use my mouthstick to answer telephone 
  oruse on tv remote, which is a bummer. Guess I need a voice activated 
  enviromental unit. Anyone know of a real cheap one???
  I'm going back  answering some old 
  Larry, I take 2 Detrol too  get the 
  exact same effects, which is is pretty miserable. I chew a lot of gum  
  have a water piture to drink out of every few minutes.
  Here's an update, I finally had my 
  supra-pubic catheter putin, against the advice of several Drs. Well so 
  far I love it! I very seldom leak around the tube, nor from the vagina. I had 
  terrible bladder spasms before  now none.
  Friends, Linda
I take ditropan 2x day also and have for about 
a year. It not only dries me out but actually makes my tongue and mouth fell 
scalded and kills my taste buds. Thought I would get used to it, but so far, 
no luck. Detrol is useless. Larry

- Original Message 
From: ~LittleQuad~ 
To: Quad-list post 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Alternative to 

i take ditropan 1 x day, drymouth wears off after bout week of 
usedave headman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  take ditropan 2x aday.the only side effects i notice is 
  drymouth.-dave headman- Original Message - From: 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Thursday, July 
  15, 2004 12:53 PMSubject: [QUAD-L] Re: Alternative to 
  Probantheline? Does anyone take probantheline for 
  bladder spasms? Are there alternativesthat have less side effects? I 
  have been taking probantheline for over 20years and I just can't get 
  off of it because I start sweating horribly. Idon't like how it dries 
  me out. Anyone been there? Thanks 

Re: [QUAD-L] election

2004-11-06 Thread Stacy Harim

I would love nothing more than a man or woman that is respectable with 
valuable ideas and goals for this country to run for president. To have 
someone that doesn't think on one side would be the best thing for this country. 
In my own opinion, but I realize that will never happen because the majority of 
the country is either republican or democrat. It's sad that these guys that are 
basically a joke are coming out and running. Again in my own 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Lubin 
  To: Tod E. Santee 
  Cc: Quad List 
  Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 3:43 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] election
  Tod,So election 2004, 51% voted for the 
  person who won, 49% voted against.In 1992, 43.3% voted for the person who 
  won, 56.7% voted against.Going by what you suggest the ballot could 
  have said "Bush or Not Bush". So no one actually voted for 
  Kerry, 56 million people voted only because they didn't 
  like Bush and not because they wanted Kerry? Doesn't that just prove the 
  point. Only 43.3%, nearly 45 million, actually wanted Clinton for president. 
  51%, nearly 60 million people, wanted G.W Bush for president. Nader 
  might have had more votes in 2004 if the Democratic party didn't work so hard 
  to suppress voter choice by keeping Nader off the ballots in many states. If 
  they had a candidate that was actually worthy to be president what would they 
  have to fear? People would have been motivated to come out and vote for Kerry, 
  as they clearly did for Bush. Not only did more people vote for Bush, 
  the senate minority leader was dumped. In both 2002  2004 the Republicans 
  gained seats in the House and Senate. A clear indication that a majority of 
  the country is voting against values and ideas of the Democratic party. 
  Evangelical Christians alone? I doubt it. How about the military and 
  the people making more than $200,000/yr that Kerry promised to tax more to pay 
  for, among other things, abortions for anyone woman who wants one. He said it 
  in the second debate. The defining marriage amendments were only on ballots in 
  11 states, including Oregon who voted for the marriage amendment and also for 
  Kerry. At 08:32 AM 11/6/2004, Tod E. Santee wrote:
  Jim, I might suggest that 
the 19.0% for Perot was a vote against both Clinton and G.H.W.Bush -- Not 
just Clinton. That might be considered a time there was a "valid" 3rd 
Party Candidate. The Perot voters were definitely voting against BOTH 
parties. There's no way you can honestly be convinced nearly 20 
million people voted Perot only because they didn't like 
Clinton. 43.3% Bill Clinton 37.7% G.H.W.Bush 19.0% Ross 
Perot This time,  1% for Nader? Hardly a vote like 
'92. This time it was a vote for one or against the other. Jim 
Lubin wrote: 
Oh Tod, with a few minutes of 
  research, I am happy to report that dubious honor goes to Bill Clinton in 
  1992. 1992 William J. Clinton - 
  44,909,889 George H. Bush - 39,104,545 H. Ross Perot - 19,742,267 
  Votes against Clinton 58,846,812 
  2004 (Updated 11/5/2004 7:10 AM) George W Bush - 59,645,158 
  (and still counting) John F Kerry - 56,149,771 
  More people voted against Clinton than voted For Kerry! At 
  07:49 PM 11/5/2004, Tod E. Santee wrote: 
  On the flip side, given the 
turnout, Bush had more people vote against him than any 
other candidate in the history of the US. -- It's all in how 
you look at it. And, given that huge turnout resulted in a 
51-49% divide, one would be hard pressed to find anyone who could 
honestly call that a "Mandate" for the Christian or traditional 
or moral values Mr. Bush holds dear. Everyone believe their values 
are moral. That's why they value them. (Political Capital 
my A$$... He'll spend something... that's fer shur) Best! 
Tod (Electors cast their votes in Dec. -- Some Rep. electors 
are now undecided and pissed at Bush!) Jim Lubin wrote: 
Bush won the election by the largest number of votes in 
the history of the 

Re: [QUAD-L] election

2004-11-06 Thread Stacy Harim

I personally like the fact that he wanted to tax the people that made more 
than 200K a year. Those were the people that got the breaks and didn't 
need them. Who needed them were people making a whole lot less. If he gave 
the breaks to the middle class, in my opinion, would have helped society. 
The people with 200k plus already have money to spend.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Tod E. 
  To: Jim Lubin 
  Cc: Quad List 
  Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 7:56 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] election
  First, this "church crap" should stay out of ANY official campaign material 
  and debates... And I'm an Evang. Christian! 
  Evangelical Christians alone? I doubt 
it. How about the military and the people making more than $200,000/yr that 
Kerry promised to tax more to pay for, among other things, abortions for 
anyone woman who wants one. He said it in the second debate. The defining 
marriage amendments were only on ballots in 11 states, including Oregon who 
voted for the marriage amendment and also for Kerry.See, I 
  don't push my Christian agenda on anyone here or anywhere else... and neither 
  should any candidate, campaign, or elected official. I can't tell a 
  gay/lesbian they CAN'T get married because MY religion is against it... Just 
  like I can't tell women they have to keep their heads covered 
  during prayer because the Bible says so. 
  As for Nader... He shot himself in the foot when, even as his own party 
  wouldn't support him... in fact begged him NOT to run, he arrogantly went on 
  with it (as I believe he should have IF he really believed he 
  could make a difference) as if he was a real candidate. I used to 
  respect him... support him. But this time, he knew he didn't 
  count. Even with the Republican support for him and the Dems pushing 
  against him (all that proving HIS point) he resulted in a 
  less-than-zero vote percent. Pathetic! 
  As far as who was voted for and against in '92, Perot's voters in '92 were 
  voting both FOR Perot and AGAINST both Bush and Clinton. 
  So, if you want to be fair, Perot's "Against the Others" votes should 
  either be split equally (unless better data is available... I'm not searching) 
  or included fully in both "Against" counts. 
  62.3% Against G.H.W.Bush, and 56.7% Against Clinton (If ALL Perot 
  voters were voting Against Clinton/Bush) Clinton being seen as the least 
  of the evils. 
  If split to assume only half were truly voting against the major parties 
  and the rest really liked Perot, then it's 57.8% Against 
  G.H.W.Bush 42.2% Against Clintion (Still, Clinton is the least of the evils with Perot having the 
  support of 9.5% of voters.) 
  Best regards, Tod  
  Jim Lubin wrote: 
So election 2004, 51% voted for the person who won, 49% 
voted against. In 1992, 43.3% voted for the person 
who won, 56.7% voted against.snip 
  Nader might have had more votes in 
2004 if the Democratic party didn't work so hard to suppress voter choice by 
keeping Nader off the ballots in many states. If they had a candidate that 
was actually worthy to be president what would they have to fear? People 
would have been motivated to come out and vote for Kerry, as they clearly 
did for Bush.

Re: [QUAD-L] ...river

2004-11-05 Thread Stacy Harim

Well, I also have seen him on a few talk shows and him saying "I just don't 
know" one time is not going to make me believe him. I'm sure he said that 
after hearing crap about it. This is the last thing I have to say about 
any of it. Neither you or I are going to change anything by arguing about 
it. I will chime back to this list when we start supporting each other 
instead of arguing aboutan election. I just hope that there 
won'tany cuts from the bottom for those of us that need the help. 


"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Stuntman 
  To: Stacy Harim ; 'quad' ; Eric W Rudd 
  Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 6:55 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] ..river
  Stacy,He specifically said "I just don't know" as his 
  answer to the question.He did NOT say the he "didn't think they were born 
  that way".Don't let bias block your memory.Stuntman 
MessageGeorge Bush certainly seems to think that it is 
  something that just either happens to a person or they choose it. He 
  doesn't think a person is born that way. Stacy  
  "People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 
  yourself" - Original Message - 
   From: Eric W Ruddmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   To: 'quad'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 6:00 
  PM Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] ...river  
You gotta be kiddin...did someone tell you 
  to be?  Eric W Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  -Original Message- From: River Wolfe 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sent: 
  Thursday, November 04, 2004 4:53 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
  quad Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] ..river 
I certainly didn't choose to be 
  gay. -- It's not the fall that hurts.Home page 

Re: [QUAD-L] election

2004-11-05 Thread Stacy Harim

Is that just this election or the last one that he one as well? I know that 
Gore had more of the popular vote in Florida but the Supreme Court gave it to 
Bush because he got the electoral vote. It's only a question not a 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Tod E. 
  To: Quad List 
  Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 10:49 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] election
  On the flip side, given the turnout, Bush had more people vote 
  against him than any other candidate in the history of the 
  US. -- It's all in how you look at it. 
  And, given that huge turnout resulted in a 51-49% divide, one would be hard 
  pressed to find anyone who could honestly call that a "Mandate" for the 
  Christian or traditional or moral values Mr. Bush holds dear. Everyone 
  believe their values are moral. That's why they value them. 
  (Political Capital my A$$... He'll spend something... that's fer shur) 
  Best! Tod 
  (Electors cast their votes in Dec. -- Some Rep. electors are now undecided 
  and pissed at Bush!) 
  Jim Lubin wrote: Bush won the election by the largest number of 
  votes in the history of the country. 

Re: [QUAD-L] election

2004-11-05 Thread Stacy Harim

Wasn't this the biggest turn out in history for voting? I'm pretty 
sure I saw that one one the news. I could be wrong but it was something like 60 
or 61 percent and in the past it was below 50%. I am not sure exactly on 
the numbers, but I am pretty confident in saying that this was the biggest turn 
out so yea, ok Bush had more people vote for him than anyone else in 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Lubin 
  To: Tod E. Santee ; Quad 
  Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 12:10 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] election
  Oh Tod, with a few minutes of research, I am happy 
  to report that dubious honor goes to Bill Clinton in 1992.1992 
  William J. Clinton - 44,909,889George 
  H. Bush - 39,104,545H. Ross Perot - 19,742,267Votes against Clinton 
  (Updated 11/5/2004 7:10 AM)George W Bush - 59,645,158 (and still 
  counting)John F Kerry - 56,149,771 
  people voted against Clinton than voted For Kerry! At 07:49 PM 
  11/5/2004, Tod E. Santee wrote:
  On the flip side, given the 
turnout, Bush had more people vote against him than any other 
candidate in the history of the US. -- It's all in how you look at 
it. And, given that huge turnout resulted in a 51-49% divide, one 
would be hard pressed to find anyone who could honestly call that a 
"Mandate" for the Christian or traditional or moral values Mr. Bush holds 
dear. Everyone believe their values are moral. That's why they 
value them. (Political Capital my A$$... He'll spend something... 
that's fer shur) Best! Tod (Electors cast their votes in 
Dec. -- Some Rep. electors are now undecided and pissed at Bush!) 
Jim Lubin wrote: Bush won the election by the largest number 
of votes in the history of the country. 

Re: [QUAD-L] election

2004-11-05 Thread Stacy Harim

I'm sorry. I guess ABC had their facts wrong then because they 
mentioned in a few times that Gore won the popular vote.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Lubin 
  To: Stacy Harim ; Quad 
  List ; Tod E. Santee 
  Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 12:31 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] election
  Stacy, The Supreme Court put an end to the 
  recounts trying to find votes for Gore when Democrats were wanting to re-write 
  the rules of what constituted a valid vote. Bush won Florida by 537 votes, 
  giving him enough electoral votes to win. 
  At 08:11 PM 11/5/2004, Stacy Harim wrote:
  Is that just this election or the 
last one that he one as well? I know that Gore had more of the popular vote 
in Florida but the Supreme Court gave it to Bush because he got the 
electoral vote. It's only a question not a 

Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

2004-11-04 Thread Stacy Harim

It has been said time and time again that Saudi Arabia is not a direct 
threat to us. 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Lubin 
  Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 3:14 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 
  He's just a figure head. He is not personally 
  carrying out any attacks. When we catch Bin Laden all terrorism is not going 
  to end. That's why I say we'll catch him when we catch him. Efforts should be 
  focused on the people actually plaining to carry out attacks and the support 
  networks behind them. At 11:48 AM 11/4/2004, QuadPirate wrote:
  You know Jim Bin Laden took 8 
years before he attacked the WTC again so every day he's still out there is 
a threat to us.So there's no time to say we'll get him when we get him 
we need to get him before he strikes again.The thought that we have 
plenty of time is like a time bomb waiting to explode.We need him now 
not later!How can anyone argue with that?Mark 

Re: [QUAD-L] election

2004-11-04 Thread Stacy Harim

That is what John Kerry was saying all the way through the election. George 
Bush was saying it's just wrong.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Lubin 
  To: QuadPirate ; Lori 
  Michaelson ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 3:45 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] election
  At 11:39 AM 11/4/2004, QuadPirate wrote:
  I think River is very upset 
because the country just slapped her in the face because of her 
lifestyle.I'm not saying it's right or wrong it's just different.If 
the country said the disabled were limited to only marry another disabled 
person you guys might see it different because we're outcast as much as 
anyone.I've seen people damn near run into walls fearing to actually 
come in contact with me.I see nothing wrong with defining 
  that a "marriage" is a union between one man and one woman. I do agree that 
  the measure in Ohio went too far because it bans any "legal status for 
  relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, 
  qualities, significance or effect of marriage." But people thought it should 
  be left to the individual states to decide and that's how the people in the 
  state of Ohio voted. 

[QUAD-L] tony

2004-11-04 Thread Stacy Harim

It still is in Maryland Tony. Is that why you ran down to 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 5:48 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] election
  In a message dated 11/4/2004 2:39:54 PM 
  Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Have you guys ever heard of Freedom of speech?If you 
don't like our countries write of Freedom of speech maybe you should go 
elsewhere because there's nothing more American than speeking your mind 
without persecution.I think River is very upset because the country just 
slapped her in the face because of her lifestyle.I'm not saying it's 
right or wrong it's just different.If the country said the disabled were 
limited to only marry another disabled person you guys might see it 
different because we're outcast as much as anyone.I've seen people damn 
near run into walls fearing to actually come in contact with me. 
I'm with you markwhat you said was REAL 
  compassion n understanding - something the religious preach a lot of, but 
  rarely practice!!I've thought about this...what if the make ORAL SEX 
  illegal??? It has been in many states years ago...i wouldn't have a sex 
  life, and i've probably had better results than the conventional hop-on, 
  pound, hop-off approach.-tony 

Re: [QUAD-L] ...river

2004-11-04 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Message

George Bush certainly seems to think that it is something that just either 
happens to a person or they choose it. He doesn't think a person is born 
that way.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric W Rudd 
  To: 'quad' 
  Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 6:00 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] ..river
  You gotta be 
  kiddin...did someone tell you to be?
  Eric W Rudd

-Original Message-From: River Wolfe 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, November 04, 
2004 4:53 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
quadSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] ...riverI 
certainly didn't choose to be 

Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy-Stuntman For President!

2004-11-04 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy-Stuntman For President!

How about he screws up about 1/4 of what he says. When he addresses 
people, the mistakes he makes when he is address a topic or an issue. It's 
more like he has no freakin idea what he is going to say or how he is going to 
say it. 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Boyd 
  Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 6:41 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 
  Enemy-Stuntman For President!
  Your assessment of President Bush’s speech 
  impediment seems notto have effected the voting public’s mandate to keep 
  him four more years.Maybe you could offer your expertise in the 
  rehabilitation of his 
  11/3/04 6:53 PM, "Stacy Harim" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  yea, bush can't make a complete sentence 
without hesitation or stuttering if it isn't written by his speech writers 
and rehearsed.Stacy"People who hate you do not win unless 
you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
- Original Message - From: 
  Boyd Jenkins mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
  November 03, 2004 7:31 PMSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 
  Enemy-Stuntman For President!I’m the first to admit that Stuntman 
  makes a lot of sense. I eventhink that Wheel makes pretty good sense 
  most of the time, butone needs to be a bit more specific. Your 
  charge that Bush “didn’t make sense,” requires somewhat more than your 
  generality to make it so. I don’t know you as wellas I thought, if 
  your denigration of Bush is just a randomly-tossedopinion of a 
  disgruntled democrat. Enlighten me.BoydCaveat: 
  EVERYBODY makes sense some of the 
  makes sense all of the 
  11/2/04 4:23 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why is it that Bush 
didn't make sense, but Stuntman 

Re: [QUAD-L] election

2004-11-03 Thread Stacy Harim

You are right. The people that voted for Bush, especially in Ohio, 
voted on moral grounds and not on the economy. I am pretty upset about it 
myself, but what can we do. Bush has to face a lot of very angry democrats 
right now and needs to realize that he needs to do more. The Senate 
however has many democrats in it and now will affect the bills that are getting 
signed. I don't see a lot of Bush's ideas getting through them. People 
were saying that they don't think that Kerry would be able to take over in the 
middle of a war, but the people voted many democrats into office. I find some 
peace in that. I'm so glad the election is over and we can get back to quad 
related stuff. I’m so sick of hearing about this election. It's not you 
all. It's mainstream media, friends, family, etc. I just say it's only 4 
more years and I can only pray that good ol' Jed doesn't run next. It 
would be more like an Empire than a democracy at that point.


"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: River Wolfe 
  To: quad 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 2:17 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] election
   I hate this country right now. Regardless of what some 
  of the JERKS on  this list may want to believe, the election was again 
  stolen by the  BUSH EMPIRE. Today, I went for a CAT SCAN 
  and it was all I could do  to even talk to the people there. 
  This is election is a PERSONAL  indictment against GLB people, as you 
  may or may not know many so  called Christians voted solely because of 
  their fear of ME AND MY  PARTNER. Based on what they feel are 
  their VALUES. How could people  not give a crap about the WAR, 
  Economy, social security, health care  and social justice, in favor of 
  keeping my partner from receiving  rights to have access to me in the 
  hospital, our house if I die, my  funeral, paid family medical leave 
  if I get sick and so forth ? How  can I not HATE so called 
  Christian Americans? I really think Jesus  was a cool guy and I 
  believe he would NOT support the current war  criminal we call 
  president. Bush has started a culture war not unlike  those in 
  most Islamic counties, ironic isn't it? REVOLUTION 

Re: [QUAD-L] election

2004-11-03 Thread Stacy Harim

You are looking at the seats and not the states.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Lubin 
  To: Stacy Harim ; quad 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 3:57 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] election
  Bush won the election by the largest number of 
  votes in the history of the country. The Republicans gained a larger majority 
  in both the House (234) and the Senate (55).At 11:55 AM 11/3/2004, 
  Stacy Harim wrote:
  You are right. The people 
that voted for Bush, especially in Ohio, voted on moral grounds and not on 
the economy. I am pretty upset about it myself, but what can we 
do. Bush has to face a lot of very angry democrats right now and needs 
to realize that he needs to do more. The Senate however has many 
democrats in it and now will affect the bills that are getting signed. I 
don't see a lot of Bush's ideas getting through them. People were 
saying that they don't think that Kerry would be able to take over in the 
middle of a war, but the people voted many democrats into office. I find 
some peace in that.

Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

2004-11-03 Thread Stacy Harim

Yea, Reagan put us further into debt by building up nuclear weapons. 
Only reason why Russia backed down because they couldn't afford 
it.The whole star wars thing. really!!! I 
don't have any respect for a president that barries the nation into debt.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: QuadPirate 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 1:44 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 

Stuntman you got your wish and for what it's worth I hope 
Bushgoes down in history as a great leader because we need one now 
more than ever.

I hope we can putall this Political stuff behind us and get 
back to quadtalk.

Viva La Bush!



From: Stuntman
Date: Wednesday, 
November 03, 2004 11:24:42
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
Who's the President?
I think it is a great day for America.Back by 
POPULAR DEMAND...President George Bush!Kerry has conceeded (which 
did honestly surprise me).Gore was responsible for driving a wedge 
into this nation 4 years ago.When he tried to change voting laws 
"after the fact" he cast a shadow that has now been cleared 
away.President Bush gathered 3.5 million more popular votes than did 
Kerry, which should settle this dispute once and for all. Kerry 
showed more class this morning than he has in months.He really did 
put America first. I know many of you one issue voters must be 
sad.Please don't be.You may be surprised by how much more 
President Bush might do now that he isn't going to be distracted by 
running for a re-election. For an example, look at all the good 
President Reagan did in his second term.I'm waiting to see just what 
kind of tax reform he wants to make happen.One thing is for sure, we 
won't have career soldiers leaving the service in mass. We need them 
to keep taking the fight to the Terrorists. Creating Jobs isn't 
part of the President's job description.Protecting our country 
is.Now that it is over, can't we all just come together and put 
America first?If we do, maybe that neighborly feeling can set us 
all free.Stuntman I've learned more from the reading of 
Stuntman than I ever learned from any  of Bush's speeches or 
presentation. And Bush has alot more resources then  
Stuntman. Why is it that Bush didn't make sense, but Stuntman does. 
Someone is  pulling our  leg. Stuntman for 
President! W-- It's not the fall that hurts.Home 



 IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - 

Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

2004-11-03 Thread Stacy Harim

Thanks for the sarcasm wheel. As a matter of fact I am special. 
In many ways! 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 8:52 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 
  In a message dated 11/3/04 7:48:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes: I have been independent since started to follow 
  politics. I registered as an independent when I turned 18. 
  Your Special, lol.W

Re: [QUAD-L] election

2004-11-03 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] election

Are these sarcastic comments possibly bringing out the true colors of you 
guys? I have not made one remark about or to anyone personally for their 
feelings about this election. Great that I am upset and wheels mark about 
I am special because I made a comment about being registered independent because 
he was separating democrats and republicans.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Boyd 
  To: Stacy Harim ; quad 
  ; River Wolfe 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 10:17 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] election
  11/3/04 1:55 PM, "Stacy Harim" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Snip I am 
pretty upset about it 

Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

2004-11-03 Thread Stacy Harim

Thank you Dave. You seem to be the only gentleman on this list these 
days. I can't believe the personal stabbing going on on this list these 
days. Voicing your opinion is one thing but to make snide rude comments to 
people for what they believe is ridiculous. I'm sure that the people 
whatever political views that they take are for more than just one reason. 
I know personally I didn't vote for Kerry for just one reason. If I were to do 
that, I wouldn't even show up to the poles. I liked what he had to say on 
many issues. To think that I or anyone on this list would vote on one 
issue is underestimating out intelligence. The last 2 comments that came 
my way because of what decisions I make and what I feel hurt my feelings. 
I have nothing but respect for everyone on this list no matter their political 
views and I would say that I was sorry for making my comments, but I am 
not. That is the way I feel and I am sorry that you feel that way about me 
because of the comments.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: David K. Kelmer 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 9:51 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 
  Hi Stacy,
  I agree with you and Wheels,with no sarcasm, when I say you are 
  With Love,
  CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 28 Years PostTexas, 

Thanks for the sarcasm wheel. As a matter of fact I am 
special. In many ways! 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 
  8:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 
  In a message dated 11/3/04 7:48:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes: I have been independent since started to follow 
  politics. I registered as an independent when I turned 18. 
  Your Special, 

Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

2004-11-03 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

So OK. Let every president go ahead and spend beyond their means and 
never mention the damn deficit ever again is what you all are saying. That 
is just silly. I can't believe that people care more about what is 
overseas than what is in our own country. I don't know about you all, but I 
don't like being in the bottom of the population as far as classes go. Yes 
I am doing something about it, but it will eventually take me to middle class if 
I am lucky where I will be paying more taxes and will never see a relief as long 
as a Bush holds the white house. I don't see it ending after this one. It's 
going to be Jed next. I just think that the problems at home should be 
focused on before we worry about everyone else. Our only concern for the 
time being should be Bin Ladin. You all have a damn field day with me 
now. I am so over this. I am insulted with the last few posts that 
have come through this list from people that I have had so much respect 
for. Sometimes people's feelings should come into account.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Boyd 
  To: Jim Lubin ; Stacy Harim ; QuadPirate ; Stuntman 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 11:46 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 
  Economics 101. It’s something we all sat 
  through fightingto keep our eyes open. But I admire your patience Jim, 
  forwalking some of us through it again.I suspect however, that 
  your patient description on the process was lost on some of the more 
  knowledgeable elite among us who would posture such infinite wisdom in 
  thevitriolic castigation a great, gentle and noble man who had the 
  vision and determination to neutralize the world threat posed by the 
  Kremlin.History will record his leadership in terms most 
  laudable,including “the whole star wars thing.” Really!! And I doubt 
  seriously that it matters very much whether or not you respecta 
  president that “barries the nation into debt.” Whateverthat 
  means.Boyd--On 11/3/04 
  6:07 PM, "Jim Lubin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  At 03:33 PM 11/3/2004, Stacy Harim 
Yea, Reagan put us further into debt by 
  building up nuclear weapons. Only reason why Russia backed down 
  because they couldn't afford it. The whole star wars thing. 
  really!!! I don't have any respect for a president that 
  barries the nation into debt.Could someone please explain what the big deal is about 
national debt? I don't get it. The government gets it's income from taxing 
the people. When the government has a surplus it means it's taxing people 
too much. When the government is in debt it sells bonds which allow people 
to invest and have a stake in the country. Having a debt lowers the value of 
the US$ which means other countries can afford to by products manufactured 
in the US. When the country had a surplus the US$ was at an all time high 
against other currencies and the nation was in a recession. National debt 
does not equate to personal debt. Jim

Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

2004-11-03 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

And there was a surplus when Clinton was in office and more jobs. And 
don't blame it on 911 because even before 911 there were more jobs when Clinton 
was in office.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Boyd 
  To: Jim Lubin ; Stacy Harim ; QuadPirate ; Stuntman 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 11:46 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 
  Economics 101. It’s something we all sat 
  through fightingto keep our eyes open. But I admire your patience Jim, 
  forwalking some of us through it again.I suspect however, that 
  your patient description on the process was lost on some of the more 
  knowledgeable elite among us who would posture such infinite wisdom in 
  thevitriolic castigation a great, gentle and noble man who had the 
  vision and determination to neutralize the world threat posed by the 
  Kremlin.History will record his leadership in terms most 
  laudable,including “the whole star wars thing.” Really!! And I doubt 
  seriously that it matters very much whether or not you respecta 
  president that “barries the nation into debt.” Whateverthat 
  means.Boyd--On 11/3/04 
  6:07 PM, "Jim Lubin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  At 03:33 PM 11/3/2004, Stacy Harim 
Yea, Reagan put us further into debt by 
  building up nuclear weapons. Only reason why Russia backed down 
  because they couldn't afford it. The whole star wars thing. 
  really!!! I don't have any respect for a president that 
  barries the nation into debt.Could someone please explain what the big deal is about 
national debt? I don't get it. The government gets it's income from taxing 
the people. When the government has a surplus it means it's taxing people 
too much. When the government is in debt it sells bonds which allow people 
to invest and have a stake in the country. Having a debt lowers the value of 
the US$ which means other countries can afford to by products manufactured 
in the US. When the country had a surplus the US$ was at an all time high 
against other currencies and the nation was in a recession. National debt 
does not equate to personal debt. Jim

Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

2004-11-03 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

I don't consider that getting on my case because you didn't say anything 
rude. You didn't say anything to me belittling by using sarcastic remarks and I 
respect that.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: THouston 
  To: Stacy Harim ; Jim Lubin ; 
  QuadPirate ; Stuntman 
  Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 12:26 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 
  Not to get on your case, but 
  the job surplus was a superficial hiring of extra employees, especially in the industries, to cover up creative book-keeping by CEOs milking the 
  employees' 401s and pensions plans which happened to come to light in March 
  2000. Neither the cover up or the outing of crooked CEOs was related to 
  policies of Bill or Geo W. The outing was the consequences of greed go 
  wild and eventually caught the attention of the SEC.
- Original Message - 
Stacy Harim 
To: Jim Lubin ; QuadPirate ; Stuntman ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Boyd 
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 
11:07 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 

And there was a surplus when Clinton was in office and more jobs. 
And don't blame it on 911 because even before 911 there were more jobs when 
Clinton was in office.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Boyd Jenkins 
  To: Jim Lubin ; Stacy Harim ; QuadPirate ; Stuntman ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 
  11:46 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the 
  Economics 101. It’s something we all sat 
  through fightingto keep our eyes open. But I admire your patience Jim, 
  forwalking some of us through it again.I suspect however, that 
  your patient description on the process was lost on some of the more 
  knowledgeable elite among us who would posture such infinite wisdom in 
  thevitriolic castigation a great, gentle and noble man who had the 
  vision and determination to neutralize the world threat posed by the 
  Kremlin.History will record his leadership in terms most 
  laudable,including “the whole star wars thing.” Really!! And I 
  doubt seriously that it matters very much whether or not you 
  respecta president that “barries the nation into debt.” 
  11/3/04 6:07 PM, "Jim Lubin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 03:33 PM 11/3/2004, Stacy Harim 
Yea, Reagan put us further into debt by 
  building up nuclear weapons. Only reason why Russia backed down 
  because they couldn't afford it. The whole star wars 
  thing. really!!! I don't have any respect for a 
  president that barries the nation into 
debt.Could someone please 
explain what the big deal is about national debt? I don't get it. The 
government gets it's income from taxing the people. When the government 
has a surplus it means it's taxing people too much. When the government 
is in debt it sells bonds which allow people to invest and have a stake 
in the country. Having a debt lowers the value of the US$ which means 
other countries can afford to by products manufactured in the US. When 
the country had a surplus the US$ was at an all time high against other 
currencies and the nation was in a recession. National debt does not 
equate to personal debt. Jim

Re: [QUAD-L] back pain in paras

2004-11-01 Thread Stacy Harim

It's probably cuz that part of your back is taking on a lot of 
strain. I get lower back pain myself.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 4:40 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] back pain in 
  Hey,I'm a para, and 
  I've recently been getting a lot of back pain at the top of my back - no where 
  near my injury site. I've also been getting tingerling on the left side 
  of my back which comes and goes. Does anyone else have this problem, or 
  does anyone know how why I've been getting it?Cheers 
  maties!Love Smurf xxx 

[QUAD-L] will the pattern continue??

2004-10-31 Thread Stacy Harim

I have mixed feelings about this but I wonder what will happen Tues. 
There has been common ground on the Redskins winning or losing their last home 
game right before the election. If they win that game then whoever is in 
office stays in office and whoever is opposing will win if the skins lose that 
game. If the pattern continues like it has since Roosevelt was in office 
Kerry will win. I don't know how much faith I have in that, but I wonder 
what will happen.

Now about the game. I swear the ref is a democrat because he made a 
ridiculous call in the last couple mins of the game. I don't know the 
position, but it's the guy that runs back and forth during the play. The 
rule is if he moves, he needs to be set before moving forward. He was set 
for like a 1/2 sec and the ref threw the flag. Coles went in for a 
touchdown when that flag was thrown but the skins didn't get it b/c of that 
stupid call. The guy had nothing to do with the play at all and anyhow the 
skins lost. I'm pretty sad about that. If the cost is losing the game for 
Kerry to win then I am happy.

A pretty sad Redskins fan today

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

Re: [QUAD-L] Brook Ellison story

2004-10-26 Thread Stacy Harim

It certainly touched me. It was only 3 and 1/2 years ago for me, but 
when the doctor was telling the parents that she possibly would have brain 
damage, that did it for me and tears flooded my eyes. I can only imagine 
how my Mom felt when she was told that same thing. It was a great movie 
and one I will watch many times. I’m so glad that I caught it.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:04 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Brook Ellison 
  I saw it too, Bobbie. Actually, I watched it twice, back 
  to back showings on AE.Knowing what really goes on in ER, CCU, 
  ICU and Rehab, we know that much cannot be shown to the general public 
  especially on television.Inspite of some earlier comments that I read from 
  reviews saying it was too fluffy, I also found it compelling, true to life 
  and inspirational for those who want to know what its like to break one's 
  neck.I'm personally glad that they took the story this way. I'm sure 
  that it will be replayed again in the near future. Consult AE 
  Network's website for additional showings.WIn a message dated 
  10/26/04 1:41:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  I thought when I signed on to read posts from the q-list, that it would be 
  dominated by the Brook Ellison movie. I was EXTREMELY touched by the 
  movie, and was impressed how a vent quad was depicted. Even though I'm C 
  5,6 I got a better perspective of how much more challenging it is with a 
  higher level SCI. It also flooded me with memories of my family, how 
  each adjusted in their own way and time. And when they showed the seen 
  when she first entered the rehab, WOW did THAT bring back emotions of 31 
  years ago. Yes, it did make the mom look as though she did 
  EVERYTHING herself for ALL those years, which WE all know is quite 
  impossible. But over all, I loved the movie. What did all you 
  think, that saw it, of how it was portrayed? Did it bring back memories 
  for any of you guys? 

Re: [QUAD-L] Brook Ellison story

2004-10-26 Thread Stacy Harim

The ae channel store.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dana Miller 
  To: quad 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 7:13 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Brook Ellison 
  I'm pretty sure the AE channel sells videos etc. of their 
  movies. Theyhave a web site which I think is just Good luck. 
  I slept thrumost f every showing and what I 'did' see was always the same 
  scenes. ugh.Dana and ?[EMAIL PROTECTED]- Original 
  Message -From: "River Wolfe" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
  Tuesday, October 26, 2004 1:13 PMSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] Brook Ellison 
  storyBobbie,I tried my darndest to tape it, and thought I 
  had succeeded, but alas Ifailed. My hope is that it will air again 
  soon, or I can purchase itsometime soon. I REALLY would like to own 
  that movie for a number ofreasons :-)We had our atty over and two 
  friends to sign and witness our documents( living will, powers of atty and 
  wills) last night. FINALLY. We haveput it off too long and felt the 
  upcoming vote on the Ohioconstitutional amendment was a good reason to GET 
  IT DONE. So, Imissed this important movie but it was well worth 
  it.Peace and Justice,RiverOn Oct 26, 2004, at 12:55 
  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi 
  All, I thought when I signed on to read posts from the q-list, that 
  it would be dominated by the Brook Ellison movie. I was EXTREMELY 
  touched by the movie, and was impressed how a vent quad was depicted. 
  Even though I'm C 5,6 I got a better perspective of how much 
  more challenging it is with a higher level SCI. It also 
  flooded me with memories of my family, how each adjusted in their own 
  way and time. And when they showed the seen when she first entered the 
  rehab, WOW did THAT bring back emotions of 31 years ago. Yes, it did 
  make the mom look as though she did EVERYTHING herself for ALL those 
  years, which WE all know is quite impossible. But over all, I loved 
  the movie. What did all you think, that saw it, of how it was 
  portrayed? Did it bring back memories for any of you guys? 

Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote votevote

2004-10-24 Thread Stacy Harim

Next time you are this way Mark, you should let me know. I'm getting 
my van next week and should have it on the road within a couple of months. 
The DMV needs to get a move on and I am sure it will need some stuff done to it, 
but let me know b/c I might be able to get up that way. It's only a couple of 
hours drive from here.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: QuadPirate 
  Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 7:17 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote 
  vote vote vote vote vote votevote

Doing good Sherry,
I went to the state capital on Wednesday myself and handed out 
ouraward to Chris Baldwin that works with the Passages program 
that gets money needed to help assist pwdget out of nursing homes. 
The money pays for security deposits for rent and utilities or needed 
or even furnitureif you need it.
It helped me when I left because after my accident my stuff got 
lost, stolen or sold by my live in that showedher true colors 
after about a month.
I did get my guitars back from a pawn dealer, she told him I told 
her to do it to pay some bills but he just gave them back to me about 6 
later which shocked me but at least let me know there was still 
some good people left in this world.
Damn I went way off topic lol!
It still stings even 5 years later.

But we had a great turn out at the capital even though the Governor 
dodged us again about signing the Micasa bill, he sent a represenative 

instead stinking coward!



From: Sherry
Date: Saturday, 
October 23, 2004 17:57:31
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote votevote

That would 
be me Mark..nice to see you again.
No telling 
where ya saw me, I've been around the block a few times on the 
tube...and various media's from then and since :)
How ya been 
btw? (((hugs)))

{{The best to you,}} Sherry 
' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly 
Oddquads chat room

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 
  3:50 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote 
  vote vote vote vote vote vote vote votevote

I remember now Sherry and believe I caught apiece of 
you speaking on tort reform about 2 years ago 
I can't remember what I was watching but I do remember 
seeing it.



From: Sherry
Saturday, October 23, 2004 13:09:29
Subject: Re: 
[QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote 

"I am both 
impressed and intrigued. May I inquire as to the field of 
expertisefrom which you conveyed information of interest to 
that august body? Thisforum is honored indeed, that you 
would share your thoughts and advicewith 

Thank but no need to be, I 
am just me. I have been on q-list for going on 4 
years or so now. I just pop in and out 
The other night, I saw my Quad 
List folder was full, and did a bit of catching 

I lobby against tort 
reform. As well as a few other 
citizenrights issues. In weeks of late, 
the powers that be have changed that heading to liability reform 
..( I won't go into explaining why there :) 
Anyway, I am a victim of medical 
practice..( How I was injured) 
Thus why.

"You offer 
compelling suggestions that suggest 
everyone might agree on that which distinguishes fact from 

I am surprised daily, that is usually not 
the case, 

Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote votevote

2004-10-24 Thread Stacy Harim

I'm glad Mark saw you. Just maybe it'll keep an email away from 
someone who accuses you of lying which clearly you aren't. Good for you 
for speaking for a good cause from time to time.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Sherry 
  To: QuadPirate ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 6:57 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote 
  vote vote vote vote vote votevote
  That would be me 
  Mark..nice to see you again.
  No telling where 
  ya saw me, I've been around the block a few times on the tube...and various 
  media's from then and since :)
  How ya been btw? 
  {{The best to you,}} Sherry 
  ' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly 
  Oddquads chat room
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 3:50 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote 
vote vote vote vote vote vote votevote

I remember now Sherry and believe I caught 
  apiece of you speaking on tort reform about 2 years ago 
  I can't remember what I was watching but I do remember seeing 
  From: Sherry
  Date: Saturday, 
  October 23, 2004 13:09:29
  Subject: Re: 
  [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote 
  "I am both 
  impressed and intrigued. May I inquire as to the field of 
  expertisefrom which you conveyed information of interest to that 
  august body? Thisforum is honored indeed, that you would share 
  your thoughts and advicewith us."
  Thank but no need to be, I am 
  just me. I have been on q-list for going on 4 years or so 
  now. I just pop in and out sporadically.
  The other night, I saw my Quad List 
  folder was full, and did a bit of catching up.
  I lobby against tort reform. As 
  well as a few other citizenrights issues. In 
  weeks of late, the powers that be have changed that heading to 
  liability reform ..( I won't go into explaining why there :) 
  Anyway, I am a victim of medical 
  practice..( How I was injured) 
  Thus why.
  "You offer 
  compelling suggestions that suggest everyone 
  might agree on that which distinguishes fact from 
  I am surprised daily, that is usually not the 
  case, especially TV ads.
  "Indeed, I’m told that much 
  of the Legislature’s time is spent distinguishing the one from the 
  Again, only a few 
  actually. State wise they do a bit moreso than 
  federally. The spin always comes from getting "their laws' 
  passed regardless. ( one they sponsored, co-sponsored, 
  promised..etc.) Or re-elected.
  But I thank you, and nice to meet you 
  {{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell 
  for a Heavenly cause"
- Original Message - 
Boyd Jenkins 
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 
2004 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote 
vote vote vote vote vote vote vote votevote
On 10/21/04 4:22 AM, "Sherry" 
wrote:I have traveled to Dc, spoken 
publicly to congress many a time, am a matter of record of 
the congressional library, and indeed, have met both 
candidates.I am both impressed and intrigued. May I inquire as to 
the field of expertisefrom which you conveyed information of 
interest to that august body? Thisforum is honored indeed, that 
you would share your thoughts and advicewith 
us.What rhetoric you may see in ads/ TV needs to be 
balanced with thought. Facts, not pablum. 
Vote for whomever...But make it aninformed 
vote...on the things that really matter.You 
offer compelling suggestions that suggest 
everyone might agree on that which distinguishes fact from 
pablum. Indeed, I’m told that much of the Legislature’s time is 
spent distinguishing the one from the other,for they bring with 
them much of both.Please continue to honor us with you 

Re: [QUAD-L] Flu Shot

2004-10-24 Thread Stacy Harim

Now those are only for healthy people. I am assuming that anyone 
getting a shot really needs one. By the hospitals standards you have to be 
sick and if you are sick you are not able to get the spray. When I say 
sick, I mean repertory problems. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I 
mean you could tell them that you are healthy but then you will most likely have 
to pay for it. If you have the money, great, your in luck.


"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 6:17 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Flu Shot
  Ask for the nasal spray. It works just as well. Ask the 
  Congress and you local pro Football team. But that's another 
  subject, lol.WIn a message dated 10/22/04 12:22:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes: Quite a year Tod! Go figure lol!I 
  called my Dr about getting my shot yesterday and our local hospital is 
  notgetting any shots you have to wait in line at the health department 
  on Nov3rd and hope you get one.Unbelieveable! 

[QUAD-L] also found true at snopes

2004-10-24 Thread Stacy Harim


When in England at a fairly large conference, 
Colin Powell was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for 
Iraq were just an example of empire building by George Bush. He 
answered by saying that, "Over the years, the United States has sent 
many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for 
freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked 
for in return is enough to bury those that did not return." It 
became very quiet in the room. 


"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

Re: [QUAD-L] Halloween costumes

2004-10-24 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Message

That's great. I wish I had a jump suit or a stripped outfit.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve 
  Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 7:24 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Halloween 
  I haven't done this yet, but I will 
  someday. My ideais simple and ideal for someone in a larger 
  wheelchair, especially one with a headrest.
  Find some clothes that look like prison 
  attire, make a skull cap out of aluminum foil for your head and make an 
  aluminum foil cord from your skull cap to the back of your chair. If you 
  are like me (C4 quad), my arms are already strapped down on my arm 
  rests. You can add leg straps for effect if desired. This makes a 
  pretty good prisoner about to be electrocuted.
  My other idea that would be much more 
  involved is Lincoln sitting in the chair at the Lincoln Memorial. Good 
  for a tall, dark haired chair jockey.

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 6:00 
Re: [QUAD-L] Halloween costumes

No, it wouldn't. You can make it as 
simple or as elaborate as you want. The simplest was would to wear bunny 
ears  nose and use an eye lines pencil to draw 

  Very good ideas folksI've been wanting to do 
  the Energizer Bunny for years.but it would be a lot of 

Re: [QUAD-L] Halloween costumes

2004-10-23 Thread Stacy Harim

lol That wasn't very nice.Is thatwhy I can't find a man? 
If I had the materials, I think a life guard would be great. Could 
make my chair into the stand. 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 3:56 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Halloween 
  In a message dated 10/23/2004 3:26:05 PM 
  Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
always just go as a person in a wheelchair. LOL. Lame joke, 
sorry :-)LoriStacy.BRILLIANT IDEA!!! 
  Dress as a Duckyou could be a "Lame Duck" lolsick 

Re: [QUAD-L] Electoral College... (Sorry Sherry)

2004-10-22 Thread Stacy Harim

I personally think that they should go strictly by popular vote period and 
do away with electoral votes. It should be as simple as candidate A got 
58,000 (ex.) and B got 48,000.Then candidate A wins. That 

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Tod E. 
  To: Quad List 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:23 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Electoral College... 
  (Sorry Sherry)
  Hi All, 
  You know... I been curious... 
  In an election as close as this one reportedly is, what do you 
  think will happen if "Candidate A" gets the necessary 270 
  electoral votes but, no matter how many recounts are allowed, it 
  turns out (in every recount), that "Candidate B" actually won the 
  popular vote? 
  Do you think the system will change? Be forced to change? That 
  people will eventually let it die and begrudgingly 'accept' Candidate A 
  without organizing to change the system? 
  Is anyone here from Colorado? * I'm curious about the 
  proposition/measure on your ballot that will divide electoral 
  votes based on numbers/percentages of votes cast for the candidate...rather 
  than allowing a 49% -- 51% vote allow the 51% "winner" to take All 9 of 
  the state's electoral votes. 
  * What do you think about it applying to THIS election? 
  * What about that the CO State Contitution says that The Legislature 
  determines how votes are carried BUT this measure came to the ballot through 
  the Voter Initiative Process rather than through any true 
  Legislative Action by CO elected officials? 
  Is it OK if I stir up a hornets' nest here? I can't participate 
  much... but I love watchin' them suckers go at it! LOL 
  Best to All! Tod 

Re: [QUAD-L] Inmates paying $$ for their time

2004-10-22 Thread Stacy Harim

I think a portion of the money they make while in jail should go towards it 
as well. I know it's not much, but why should they keep all of their wages if 
they work within prison or on work release. We shouldn't have to foot 
100%. As it stands now, we as tax payers keep the jails there, but 


"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 1:39 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Inmates paying $$ for 
  their time
  My husband, Pete, told me he read about a proposal. Instead of 
  tax payer footing the entire amount for Inmates, that the Inmates them selves 
  should pay a percentage for their stay in jail. Either with money they have in 
  the bank upon arrests or garnishing their wages after release.
   What do all of you think of this proposal?
   Just curious, 

Re: [QUAD-L] beds

2004-10-21 Thread Stacy Harim

Those of you that have these nice beds, how do you afford them? I 
talked to voc rehab and they aren't able to help because I already have a 
bed. It's a twin hospital bed and when I get dressed, my legs like to flop 
off of the sides. I'm so ready for a big girl bed. Insurance won't 
buy a double either and truthfully I want to do away with the hospital bed all 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 5:56 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] beds
  "hospital" beds come in bigger sizes then twin. I got my mattress from's the best 
  mattress I've bad shoulder doesn't hurt while in bed. If it's 
  in pain while I'm up , which it is but I get my new chair tomorrow, anyways 
  once I lay down the pain goes away.and they sell beds.too.

Re: [QUAD-L] Re : back

2004-10-18 Thread Stacy Harim

I agree about the doctors offices. My Neurologists office is the one that 
surprises me the most. I wonder how many people with spinal cord injuries 
he treats and I am in a manual chair and have to back in and manuver. I can't 
imagine those in power chair and especially those with power chairs that have to 
haul a vent around. I think that doctors offices should be more 
accessible. Larger room and lower tables.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 11:32 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Re : back
  I don't post often but do offer some limited advice on 
  occassion. I am able bodied, my son John had the brainstem stroke and I 
  am a caregiver for him. One of his other caregivers has the same symptoms as 
  you and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis. You may want too get 
  checked out for that. also I have a bulging disk in my back and so does John 
  and they can give a lot of pain. I go to the Chiropractor and have mine put 
  back in place. Since most Dr's offices are not truly handicapped accessible 
  (btw) I think we should talk on that topic for a while it is hard to get him 
  into the examing room and then he never gets a good exam, it's almost 
  like the Dr's are afraid to touch you anymore.Carol in KY mother of John, 
  3 yrs post stroke

Re: [QUAD-L] RE: Bush plays the game of being.....

2004-10-14 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] RE:  Bush plays the game of being.

That was a snip off of another email. LOL You know better. I 
don't have any children. Had to do the school thing first. 30 and 
still no kids. My belief for me is that I personally want to be married before 
kids and we all know that I can't keep a man.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Boyd 
  To: Stacy Harim ; Stuntman 
  Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 1:38 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] RE: Bush plays the 
  game of being.
  I realize that there’s nothing funny about 
  your situation, but are we to understand from these figures that your 
  first sexualexperience at age nineteen (19), poduced triplets prior to 
  your twentieth (20th) birthday?Or perhaps you adopted one and had 
  twins. Adopted twoand had one? Adopted all 
  10/13/04 1:04 AM, "Stacy Harim" 
By the time I was 19, I 
  had three children. I didn't even have sex for the first time until I 
  was 19. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Bush plays the game of being Christian

2004-10-13 Thread Stacy Harim

Still not judging here so I hope that people are not labeling me as 
judging. I stated the facts. I tried to do a search on the 
statistics on blacks and whites collecting government assistance to compare to 
the numbers that you pulled up, but came up empty handed so far so I will not 
speculate, but I think that we would be surprised. 
There are more whites in the population so that should mean that there 
would be far less blacks collecting, but I don't know what we would find if we 
got the statistics on what race is on government assistance. 
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 9:56 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bush plays the game 
  of being Christian
  IN REPONSE TO:"I never mentioned color in 
  my post because I know it's not just black women that do it, however they are 
  the majority when it comes to that. I realize what you are saying, but 
  it's wrong no matter what color you are and having all these children knowing 
  you don't have an honest way to support them."US Census 
  2000Total population: 281,421,906Total responses to 
  race: 274,595,678, African American: 
  34,658,190 White 211,460,626 
  Hispanic: 35,305,818 The percentage of African 
  Americans on government assistance is higher than the other races, this is 
  true. However, if you consider the population at whole, is the African 
  American percentage actually higher than whites on government programs? 

Re: [QUAD-L] Political Garbage, False Logic .... Reaction to: Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

2004-10-13 Thread Stacy Harim


I'm curious to know what made you swing over to Bush's side.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Stuntman 
  To: QuadPirate ; Stuntman 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:51 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Political Garbage, 
   False Logic  Reaction to: Communist Party Endorsement 
  There are many problems with embryonic stem cells including 
  tumors and cellular rejection that are no problem when using ones own 
  adult stem cells. Therefore the justification for spending money on 
  research for the one with more known problems instead of the one with 
  fewer problems has a logic problem behind it. This is above and beyond 
  the ethics involved.Kerry is using this as a campaign issue even though it 
  shouldn't be.He is promising the moon.Doesn't mean a 
  thing.StuntmanStuntman Bush has banned 
  Federal money on The majority of stem cells I never said there was 
  a ban on research. My problem is his way of thinking. For 
  example, did you know more embryos are lost by a natural pregnancy 
  than in vitro fertilization? In vitro fertilization has a 
  better success rate than natural conception so should we ban 
  natural conception because it's killing more embryos than ivf? 
   This position he has is not scientific it's personal so I think I 
  would let the scientist be the judge instead of Bush and that's 
  not Junk science that s responsible science.  I 
  could care less what Kerry thinks about this subject this is my 
  opinion and I'm not voting for Kerry btw.  
  Mark   ---Original Message--- 
   From: Stuntman Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 9:53:31 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Political Garbage,  False Logic  Reaction 
  to: Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards 
   There is no ban on embryonic stem research. There is no 
  scientific proof at this time that it works better than  adult stem 
  cells. Do you want real science funded or "junk science". 

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Infection and swelling

2004-10-13 Thread Stacy Harim

Can your doctor set you up with home health to keep you out of the 
hospital. We have that option here if covered.

"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:49 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: Infection and 
  Hi all,i just have a question, I have an infection in 
  my elbow and my whole arm has swelled up. I am on 2 antibiotics and the doc 
  has drained it once with a needle, which has helped a little. Tomorrow I have 
  an Dr's apt and he may have to put me on an IV which means being hospitalized 
  for 3 to 4 days. I don't do the hospital well at all, in fact it feels like a 
  jail sentence. Has anyone else here ever had any strange infections? I would 
  appreciate any suggestions. 

[QUAD-L] Fw: So Close to a Big Win on a Difficult Day

2004-10-13 Thread Stacy Harim
Title: Action Network Newsletter


"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 
- Original Message - 
From: Christopher Reeve Action Network 
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:22 AM
Subject: So Close to a Big Win on a Difficult Day





Dear Stacy,Today I write you with 
a heavy heart, but I want to thank you for all of your efforts this 
year. We at the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation are deeply 
saddened and shocked by the sudden death of Christopher. I am sure 
you join us in extending our condolences to the entire Reeve Family. 
Should you wish to send a message to the Reeve family, you may do so 
our website. Christopher was our leading advocate and 
was extremely proud of the Action Network. His legacy will continue 
through your hard work and commitment to advance medical research 
and quality of life programs.I was fortunate to be with 
Christopher in his final hours, and he was still hopeful that with 
your help the day will come when Congress passes the Christopher 
Reeve Paralysis Act (CRPA). We even procured three new co-sponsors 
in the House of Representatives: Representatives Luis Gutierrez 
(D-IL), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), and Pete Sessions (R-TX). In an 
effort to end the year with a win for the Action Network, we 
redirected our efforts last week to advance one vital component of 
the legislation–-collaborative, multi-disciplinary 
research.On October 7th the House of Representatives passed 
the Research Review Act, H.R. 5213, by a recorded vote of 
418-0.The bill calls on the National Institutes of Health 
(NIH) to draft a report on ways they have encouraged the use of 
multidisciplinary research teams (like those outlined in the CRPA) 
to advance treatments, develop new therapies, and collaborate on 
clinical trials with respect to spinal cord injury and paralysis 
research.Christopher was making calls to Congressmen just 
last week urging their support.A vote on the bill was 
expected in the Senate Monday night. Unfortunately, an unidentified 
Senator prevented passage of the legislation. It has been rumored 
the bill was blocked in response to the coverage of Christopher’s 
death being focused on stem cell research.However, we will 
not be deterred. We have made great advances this year, and 
your voices (calls, emails, letters, editorials) have been heard in 
Washington. We will continue to update you on those issues important 
to the Action Network and the disability community. 
Congratulations and thank you,Michael 
Manganiello Sr. VP, Christopher Reeve Paralysis 


  500 Morris Ave • Springfield, NJ 
  07081 (800) 225-0292 





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