[newbie] Using the rm command

2005-04-09 Thread SnapafunFrank
Hi ~ the following is in reference to Acrobat Reader only.
I have been reading about Acrobat5 and Acrobat7 and am looking at 
installing the later.

I understand that I need to remove all of Acrobat5 and that is OK by me.
The README advises: To uninstall Acrobat Reader 5.0.9, simply delete 
the directory where it was installed.
However, in doing a search :

# slocate acro
I have found that it is spread through quite a number of directories.
Though I am prepared to track them down and remove them all individually
I was wondering if there is a way to use the  rm  command to search 
and remove them all at one time ?

And even better ~ if there was a way to check everything  rm  wanted  
to remove first without having to say  Y  to every file one by one ?

Still, this is only a thought and not essential but if you know then 
please share.

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Re: [newbie] comparing mandrake based linux distributions

2005-04-09 Thread SnapafunFrank
Philippe Landau wrote:
i like PCLinux, i like Sam, i like PLF (not a distro)
but i have very little experience with them.
and most of all, i like the Mandrake mailinglists:
there are warm-hearted people here,
which is rare on technical mailinglists.
Ubuntu for example advertises humanity onto others
while encouraging a gang mentality on their mailing lists.
dissent and open discourse is not welcome there.
the PCLinux lists suffer from a lack of warmth.
and MandrakeSoft/Mandriva is too commercial for me.
comparing the products though, what do you recommend ?
i like email, web, p2p, multimedia and simple but complete.
kind regards philippe

Hmmm. I've started to play with PCLinuxOS and enjoy all things there 
to date and you can look at it as a LiveCD first.

Still, for a complete system and the most helpful list I've been on, 
then here, with Mandrake, remains unbeatable.

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Re: [newbie] PATH Oops

2005-04-04 Thread SnapafunFrank
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Sunday 03 Apr 2005 19:47, RickSisler wrote:

Mikkel L. Ellertson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

For the comfort of my eyes I wanted to read man pages in konqueror, 


Anne, Mikkel,
Does man iptables work from command-line?

Hi, Rick.  I have no problem accessing it from the command line.  It's just 
for eye comfort that I wanted to do it in konqueror.  At a pinch I could read 
it in a root console, which would certainly be easier than in a user console, 
but I don't like to do unnecessary things as root.  Perhaps I got the command 
wrong in konqueror?


Someone might have already answered to this later in the thread but I 
think want you need is:

Open a new tab or page in konqueror and in the address bar type:
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Re: [newbie] can't find /udev/hdc in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

2005-03-29 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:
My /dev/hdc is a symlink to /udev/hdc and /udev lists /hdc so that is 

Yet when I go :
# mount /dev/hdc
# mount /udev/hdc
I get the above message
My fstab entry for this is:
none /mnt/dvd-rw supermount 
0 0

and I have tried:
none /mnt/dvd-rw supermount 
0 0

so something is not working correctly:
I also have before this call:
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
Any ideas anyone ?
PS. Once I get the above resolved could someone tell what the  - -  
in the mount options mean

and also
what the  none  at the beginning actual does and of course how is 
it over~ridden.

All the reading I have done hasn't explained these two points to me 
as yet.

Your DVD is being handled by supermount. What this is susposed to do 
is when a disk is inserted in the drive, it gets mounted automaticly.
Not happening at present though it did once upon a time.
The reasion you could not mount it using the device name is because 
you do not have a fstab entry that starts with /dev/hdc, and /dev/hdc 
is not a mount point used in an ftab entry. If you had tried mount 
/mnt/dvd-rw it probably would have worked.

One thig I am a bit puzzeled about it the /udev directory. What 
version of Mandrake are you using? Did you add udev yourself, or was 
it part of the install? Was this a fresh install, or an upgrage?

I added udev by urpmi sometime after my initial clean installation 
because I was after flexibility for my flash drives. I actually followed 
a Flash USB howto that appeared to work in that particular session but 
afterward it just got to be confused so I resolved to sort it out for 
myself. ( I also installed sysfs and a couple of other requirements at 
the time.)

I'm running Mandrake10 Official ~ KDE-3.2.3 ~ Kernel-2.6.3-7 and have 
stuck with it because I needed to install the OpenGL + nvidia drivers 
for a little 3D experience.

Your reply makes sense and I will look to that shortly, but for now, 
though I can mount data cds and dvds, ( manually ) as user OK , and 
read/write the contents, ~ but I am unable to get my audio cd's playing 
anymore nor does it appear that supermount is actually working, ( I say 
'appear' because things might be going on in the background that I'm not 
privy to yet.)

At one time after I had installed udev I used to place a blank dvd in my 
writer and k3b would fire up automatically ~ not at present however.

I have been following your efforts here and gone the way of symlinks in 
my .rules file and created links to replace things like /mnt/cdrom2 in 
case my system needs to look for that instead of /mnt/dvd-cd when 
relating to /udev/hdd or /dev/hdd ( one and same device of course which 
troubles me a wee bit ~ same device listed twice ~ don't understand this 
part yet. ie. Why is the /dev directory still about when I have 
uninstalled devfsd and issued  devfs=nomount  within lilo? As yet ' 
the penny ain't dropped ' on this one.)

So a question to get me started here ~ how can I check that supermount 
is working ? eg. is there some way to log it's efforts so as to get some 
clues for troubleshooting ? )

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[newbie] can't find /udev/hdc in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

2005-03-28 Thread SnapafunFrank
My /dev/hdc is a symlink to /udev/hdc and /udev lists /hdc so that is 

Yet when I go :
# mount /dev/hdc
# mount /udev/hdc
I get the above message
My fstab entry for this is:
none /mnt/dvd-rw supermount 
0 0

and I have tried:
none /mnt/dvd-rw supermount 
0 0

so something is not working correctly:
I also have before this call:
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
Any ideas anyone ?
PS. Once I get the above resolved could someone tell what the  - -  in 
the mount options mean

and also
what the  none  at the beginning actual does and of course how is it 

All the reading I have done hasn't explained these two points to me as yet.
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Re: [newbie] re: newbie df

2005-03-28 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
On Monday 28 Mar 2005 17:09, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

Warnings well heeded.  I am almost too scared to do anything in Mandrake
now - no just kidding.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# fdisk /dev/hda
The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 4865.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
 (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/hda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Please understand my notes to your table here. Is this what you were
after? Strictly your call here.

 Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
 [ Franks approx partition sizes ] /dev/hda1   *   1
  236418988798+   7  HPFS/NTFS   [19gig ] /dev/hda2 
 2423486519623397+   5  Extended [20gig ]
/dev/hda524233186 6136798+  83  Linux
  [6gig] ~ [ This is your root partition ] /dev/hda64808
  4854  377496   83  Linux   [350MB ]
/dev/hda748554865   88326   82  Linux swap   
 [82MB ] /dev/hda831873326 1124518+  82 
Linux swap  [1.1gig ] /dev/hda933274807   
11896101   83  Linux [12gig - wow, wish I could
afford this much] ~ [ This is your /home partition ]

Partition table entries are not in disk order
I can breathe now I am out of fdisk!

OK Rosemary, I need to study this a little but for now see what I see.
You have a 40gig hard drive:
You have 7 ( note ~ seven ) partitions:
You have only 1 primary partition ~ you ought to have 3 but not
essential: more about this later.
You have only 1 ( one ) logic partition ~ you are allowed up to 16 last
I heard:
You therefore have 1 ( all you are allowed I believe ) extended
partition ~ it is within this partition that you have your logic
You have 2 swap partitions ~ no idea why you have two when one is enough
especially when one of them appears huge.
( Don't mind me rambling on here ~ I'm working out loud.)
Generally the rules here are:
No more than 4 primary partitions with only one of them being made an
extended partition in which you can have up to 16 logic ( LBA ) partitions.
You can have as many swap partitions as you like though usually one is
Partition numbering is:
primary 1 ~ 4 ( includes the extended partition )
With LBA partitions numbering 5 ~ say 16
The only partitions you have correct here are:
/dev/hda1 *  [ Your WinXP partition and the * means it is bootable ]
/dev/hda1 [ One of  your swap partitions and I say this is correct
because it appears to be of the correct size ~ Usually no more than 1.5
times your RAM size if it is under 512MB ]
Now lets take your df printf: [ printf is syntax for echo or in other words
~ what you see returned to the screen when you issue a command seeking
info. ]
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5 5.8G  1.7G  3.9G  30% /[ My rough math for
the above table isn't to far off here afterall.]
/dev/hda9  12G  170M   12G   2% /home [ You must work out what
you really will be using here because this is far to big at present  ~ 
only 170MB of 12000MB used so far.]

Your WinXP partition does not get mounted when you boot up ~ you may prefer
this but fstab has it entered.
Your hda6 partition doesn't get mounted so we need to discover which
directory this relates to. [ See below ]
Your hda8, in my opinion is just wasted space at present.
Please try this:
Go KConfigure Your DesktopPartitions  and tell me what you see
there. If there is more there than /dev/hda5 and /dev/hda9, ( should at
least be /dev/hda7 and /dev/hda8 ),
 then please make a note of what partitions are there AND what there
sizes are, ( Usually in megabytes ~ [ MB ] ), as this will save having
to work out partition sizes using the
 number of blocks reported by the fdisk command. { Went back and did
that anyway but am still curious ]
Another thing to do is to mount that /dev/hda6 partition to find out
what it is. So do as su:
# mkdir /mnt/hda6
# mount /dev/hda6 /mnt/hda6  [ If this gives you errors then stop here
and let me know what those errors are. ]
# cd /mnt/hda6
# ls
Look at any directories listed here ( other than lost  found ) and tell
me what they are please.
Not trying to crowd you so will stop here and await your replies.

Okay - first up:
during the install, I selected the partitions that Mandrake preselected - 
which is what I was advised to do, probably at linuxquestions or another 
forum, or possibly on the installation process itself

Re: [newbie] df table file

2005-03-27 Thread SnapafunFrank
RickSisler wrote:
SnapafunFrank ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

When within my system I issue the following:
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5 966M  714M  203M  78% /
/dev/hda1 966M   14M  903M   2% /boot
/dev/hda6 9.4G  5.1G  4.0G  57% /usr
/dev/hda8 9.4G  8.8G  693M  93% /home
/dev/hda91020M  312M  656M  33% /var
/dev/hda3  12G  2.0G  8.8G  19% /mnt/empty
/dev/hda4 3.4G  2.7G  712M  80% /mnt/win_h
/dev/hdb2  16M  2.3M   13M  16% /mnt/hdb2_boot
/dev/hdb5  92M   55M   33M  63% /mnt/hdb5_root
/dev/hdb6  92M   62M   25M  72% /mnt/hdb6_var
/dev/hdb7 3.1G  1.9G  1.1G  64% /mnt/hdb7_usr
/dev/hdb9 1.5G  1.4G  151M  91% /mnt/hdb9_home
/dev/hdb1  14G   13G  1.2G  92% /mnt/win_c2
I get a summary of all my partitions AND their names.
However, I'm unable to do this when I'm NOT within the system:
So, is there a file on the system that could simply give me this info by
simply reading it ?

the *df* command reports free disk space from all mounted file
systems. So take a look at /etc/mtab and /etc/fstab which will give you the
names and mount points your looking for.
For more info.. man mount, fstab and df 
Hopefully helpfull ..

Thanks for that RickS but as I stated above, the fstab on the system I'm 
trying to recover is somewhat unreliable.

( It starts that its mount point for one partition is /mnt for example. )
At present I'm even unaware of how many partitions that system has.
There are long ways of finding out but you have given me another place 
to look before I go there with tomsrtbt.

Again, your input is greatly appreciated.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] Booting in I mode - attn Mikkel/Frank - originally USB card reader thread

2005-03-27 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Hi Mikkel
Finally remembered your email and went back and tried the above.  I 
am in Mandrake after not starting ALSA.  It also hung at starting 
sendmail so delected that too.

Yes I had a problem booting a while back when following some 
instructions to attempt to get a USB mouse going.  I had the same 
problems with the boot stalling at ALSA.  I booted with mouse pugged 
in and CD1 in and selected upgrade  Can't remember all details 
now, but when got a desktop it was strange - too bigger icons etc 
and if the mouse was moved, the area under the cursor seemed to be 
obliterated.  I rebooted and got the same, noticed the new entry so 
booted to that out of curiosity.  The new entry had not been there 
before. I put the PS2 adapter on the mouse and changed the selection 
and it worked.  I have been booting to that new numbered entry ever 
since - on the rare ocassions I do boot.

When I attempted the first install of Mandrake there was an issue 
also - where it said proceeding, please wait, but nothing 
happened.  Came to the list for advice had to unplug USB devices to 
get it to install.

Wonder if this will be sent seeing as deselected 'sendmail!

 This give me some things to think about. It will probably be 
sometime Monday before I get back to you. Have a happy Easter.


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There is no rush Mikkel.  I really appreciate the time you have given 

The new entry is within lilo.conf and I may have mentioned it before ~ 
it involves the devfs=nomount append parameter.

Get back with you later. Awaiting some updated copies of some config files.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] df

2005-03-27 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
This is my df - quite different to what knoppix gave!
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ df
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5 5.8G  1.7G  3.9G  30% /
/dev/hda9  12G  170M   12G   2% /home
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$
It's the same when I am root.

There is something very wrong here when put with your fstab file I THINK!
WARNING: Do not muck about with the following  fdisk  command or you 
could corrupt your partition table and loose everything!

Please do as su :
$ su
# fdisk/dev/hda  Enter
Type the letter ' p ' and Enter ( as always ~ Quotes not included )
Highlight the table output and  Right Click   Copy 
 Paste  into your reply email to me.
[ Once you have copied the printout and whilst still within konsole: ( 
or go back to konsole later if you wish ):
 type the letter ' q ' ( Q for quit ) and press Enter to get out of 
fdisk. ]
AND as stated above ~ don't go looking around with this command ~ it 
could land you in trouble.

If you are not happy with my warnings here then please call me.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] USB card reader problem

2005-03-27 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Hello Frank
Thanks for that vote of confidence!
No joy with df ...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt
bash: /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt: No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ su
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# df /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt
df: `/home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt': No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# exit
Tried to do the attachments as requested.  The only /etc/udev/udev is 
the .conf.  I can't attach the /etc/udev/permission.d and can't see a 

The files don't all match your requests.  I've included old lilo 
seeing as it is there.  The rules is /etc/udev/rules.d

Hope this makes sense.
You missed the most important part Rosemary: Compare to two commands below:
$ df/home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt  [ Your closet command to 
my request ]

$ df/home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt  [ The correct command ~ 
notice the greater than symbol ]

This is how [ whenever it is possible to do so ] we put the output of a 
command ( in this case $ df ) to a text file instead
of printing it directly to the screen. This makes/overwrites a text file 
at the location ( path ) you choose.

An extension of this is to use two greater than symbolsand this 
will add to the text file rather than overwrite it.

Hope this becomes a useful tool for you to use.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] USB card reader problem

2005-03-27 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Hello Frank
Thanks for that vote of confidence!
No joy with df ...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt
bash: /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt: No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ su
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# df /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt
df: `/home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt': No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# exit
Tried to do the attachments as requested.  The only /etc/udev/udev is 
the .conf.  I can't attach the /etc/udev/permission.d and can't see a 

The files don't all match your requests.  I've included old lilo 
seeing as it is there.  The rules is /etc/udev/rules.d

Hope this makes sense.
My second reply to this one  sorry about that but needed to get the 
first part done.

As to your attachments, these I can use and will study them but know 
they are mostly mandrake specific generated files and do not follow the 
usual udev conventions: more for me to learn 'cause I will properly face 
this setup myself when I upgrade.

One thing stands out immediately:
Within your 00-mdk.rules file is a section for sound devices:
There is no mention here of  Alsa  at all, yet this is where things 
are usually initiated and I am surprised by  Alsa's  absence.

You might want to start a thread at newbie@linux-mandrake.com about this.
That is: alsa hangs the system during bootup and that it being missing 
from this file: Ask if this is normal?

Now back to sorting the rest.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] USB card reader problem

2005-03-27 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
On Monday 28 Mar 2005 14:47, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

Hello Frank
Thanks for that vote of confidence!
No joy with df ...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt
bash: /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt: No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ su
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# df /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt
df: `/home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt': No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# exit
Tried to do the attachments as requested.  The only /etc/udev/udev is
the .conf.  I can't attach the /etc/udev/permission.d and can't see a
The files don't all match your requests.  I've included old lilo
seeing as it is there.  The rules is /etc/udev/rules.d
Hope this makes sense.

You missed the most important part Rosemary: Compare to two commands below:
$ df/home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt  [ Your closet command to
my request ]
$ df/home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt  [ The correct command ~
notice the greater than symbol ]
This is how [ whenever it is possible to do so ] we put the output of a
command ( in this case $ df ) to a text file instead
of printing it directly to the screen. This makes/overwrites a text file
at the location ( path ) you choose.
An extension of this is to use two greater than symbolsand this
will add to the text file rather than overwrite it.
Hope this becomes a useful tool for you to use.

In fact I had tried it both ways, and have tried again.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ df  /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ df   /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt
On the first ocassion, some while ago, I got syntax error when I put the 
greater than sign in.


Well, I just tried it by highlighting and copy then pasting it into 
konsole just as you have reported it back here and on my desktop I now have
the df.txt file ( changed rosemary to frank of course.

Something else to fix because this is a great tool for sharing your 
problems AND for making text files of your files before you make 

In a previous post you sent me the output of df so I have that info at 
least and is why I have asked for the fdisk stuff.

Try cd~ing to the Desktop and see if all the directories exist as to  

It may well be that there is something different here.
*Er if either of the commands simply returned you directly to the 
prompt without doing anything then check your Desktop
the file ( df.txt ) may actually be there...*

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] df table file

2005-03-27 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:
RickSisler wrote:
SnapafunFrank ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

When within my system I issue the following:
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5 966M  714M  203M  78% /
/dev/hda1 966M   14M  903M   2% /boot
/dev/hda6 9.4G  5.1G  4.0G  57% /usr
/dev/hda8 9.4G  8.8G  693M  93% /home
/dev/hda91020M  312M  656M  33% /var
/dev/hda3  12G  2.0G  8.8G  19% /mnt/empty
/dev/hda4 3.4G  2.7G  712M  80% /mnt/win_h
/dev/hdb2  16M  2.3M   13M  16% /mnt/hdb2_boot
/dev/hdb5  92M   55M   33M  63% /mnt/hdb5_root
/dev/hdb6  92M   62M   25M  72% /mnt/hdb6_var
/dev/hdb7 3.1G  1.9G  1.1G  64% /mnt/hdb7_usr
/dev/hdb9 1.5G  1.4G  151M  91% /mnt/hdb9_home
/dev/hdb1  14G   13G  1.2G  92% /mnt/win_c2
I get a summary of all my partitions AND their names.
However, I'm unable to do this when I'm NOT within the system:
So, is there a file on the system that could simply give me this 
info by
simply reading it ?

the *df* command reports free disk space from all mounted file
systems. So take a look at /etc/mtab and /etc/fstab which will give 
you the
names and mount points your looking for.
For more info.. man mount, fstab and df 

Hopefully helpfull ..

Thanks for that RickS but as I stated above, the fstab on the system 
I'm trying to recover is somewhat unreliable.

( It starts that its mount point for one partition is /mnt for 
example. )

At present I'm even unaware of how many partitions that system has.
There are long ways of finding out but you have given me another 
place to look before I go there with tomsrtbt.

Again, your input is greatly appreciated.
The names are generated by whare they are mounted. This is controlled 
by /etc/mtab in the root partition, and is also reflected in 
/proc/mounts. The names will be different if you boot from a CD, and 
mount them, or if you move the drive to a different system. On a 
working system, the space information is calculated by the kernel.

You can get where things would normaly be mounted by looking in 
/etc/fstab on the root partition. If you had booted from a CD, and 
/dev/hda5 were mounted on /mnt, then the file would be /mnt/etc/fstab. 
(The rescue mode of the install cd has the option of mounting all the 
partition on /mnt, so that what would normaly be mounted on /mnt/empty 
would end up mounted on /mnt/mnt/empty, and so forth.

Thanks Mikkel ~ got all that and I now know that getting the names of 
the partitions that a system users has various ways of finding them out ~
but that no one file that relates specifically
to this is available to see from using another system to look in. Worth 
a try though.

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Re: [newbie] re: newbie df

2005-03-27 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Warnings well heeded.  I am almost too scared to do anything in Mandrake now - 
no just kidding.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# fdisk /dev/hda
The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 4865.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
  (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/hda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Please understand my notes to your table here. Is this what you were 
after? Strictly your call here.

  Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System   
[ Franks approx partition sizes ]
/dev/hda1   *   1236418988798+   7  HPFS/NTFS   
[19gig ]
/dev/hda22423486519623397+   5  Extended 
[20gig ]
/dev/hda524233186 6136798+  83  Linux   
 [6gig] ~ [ This is your root partition ]
/dev/hda648084854  377496   83  Linux   
[350MB ]
/dev/hda748554865   88326   82  Linux swap  
[82MB ]
/dev/hda831873326 1124518+  82  Linux swap  
[1.1gig ]
/dev/hda93327480711896101   83  Linux   
  [12gig - wow, wish I could afford this much] ~ [ This is your /home partition 
Partition table entries are not in disk order
I can breathe now I am out of fdisk!

OK Rosemary, I need to study this a little but for now see what I see.
You have a 40gig hard drive:
You have 7 ( note ~ seven ) partitions:
You have only 1 primary partition ~ you ought to have 3 but not 
essential: more about this later.

You have only 1 ( one ) logic partition ~ you are allowed up to 16 last 
I heard:

You therefore have 1 ( all you are allowed I believe ) extended 
partition ~ it is within this partition that you have your logic partitions:

You have 2 swap partitions ~ no idea why you have two when one is enough 
especially when one of them appears huge.

( Don't mind me rambling on here ~ I'm working out loud.)
Generally the rules here are:
No more than 4 primary partitions with only one of them being made an 
extended partition in which you can have up to 16 logic ( LBA ) partitions.

You can have as many swap partitions as you like though usually one is 

Partition numbering is:
primary 1 ~ 4 ( includes the extended partition )
With LBA partitions numbering 5 ~ say 16
The only partitions you have correct here are:
/dev/hda1 *  [ Your WinXP partition and the * means it is bootable ]
/dev/hda1 [ One of  your swap partitions and I say this is correct because 
it appears to be of the correct size ~ Usually no more than 1.5 times your RAM 
size if it is under 512MB ]
Now lets take your df printf: [ printf is syntax for echo or in other words ~ 
what you see returned to the screen when you issue a command seeking info. ]
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5 5.8G  1.7G  3.9G  30% /[ My rough math for the 
above table isn't to far off here afterall.]
/dev/hda9  12G  170M   12G   2% /home [ You must work out what you 
really will be using here because this is far to big at present  ~  only 170MB 
of 12000MB used so far.]

Your WinXP partition does not get mounted when you boot up ~ you may prefer 
this but fstab has it entered.
Your hda6 partition doesn't get mounted so we need to discover which directory 
this relates to. [ See below ]
Your hda8, in my opinion is just wasted space at present.
Please try this:
Go KConfigure Your DesktopPartitions  and tell me what you see 
there. If there is more there than /dev/hda5 and /dev/hda9, ( should at 
least be /dev/hda7 and /dev/hda8 ),
 then please make a note of what partitions are there AND what there 
sizes are, ( Usually in megabytes ~ [ MB ] ), as this will save having 
to work out partition sizes using the
 number of blocks reported by the fdisk command. { Went back and did 
that anyway but am still curious ]

Another thing to do is to mount that /dev/hda6 partition to find out 
what it is. So do as su:

# mkdir /mnt/hda6
# mount /dev/hda6 /mnt/hda6  [ If this gives you errors then stop here 
and let me know what those errors are. ]
# cd /mnt/hda6
# ls   
Look at any directories listed here ( other than lost  found ) and tell 
me what they are please.

Not trying to crowd you so will stop here and await your replies.
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Re: [newbie] USB card reader problem

2005-03-27 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
On Monday 28 Mar 2005 15:00, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

Hello Frank
Thanks for that vote of confidence!
No joy with df ...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt
bash: /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt: No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ su
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# df /home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt
df: `/home/rosemary/Desktop/df.txt': No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# exit
Tried to do the attachments as requested.  The only /etc/udev/udev is
the .conf.  I can't attach the /etc/udev/permission.d and can't see a
The files don't all match your requests.  I've included old lilo
seeing as it is there.  The rules is /etc/udev/rules.d
Hope this makes sense.

My second reply to this one  sorry about that but needed to get the
first part done.
As to your attachments, these I can use and will study them but know
they are mostly mandrake specific generated files and do not follow the
usual udev conventions: more for me to learn 'cause I will properly face
this setup myself when I upgrade.
One thing stands out immediately:
Within your 00-mdk.rules file is a section for sound devices:
There is no mention here of  Alsa  at all, yet this is where things
are usually initiated and I am surprised by  Alsa's  absence.
You might want to start a thread at newbie@linux-mandrake.com about this.
That is: alsa hangs the system during bootup and that it being missing
from this file: Ask if this is normal?

I booted with ALSA disabled - but I guess there should still be an entry?

Yes we will need to rely on someone knowledgeable with alsa things 
to help with this one but you may wish to search for  set up alsa howto .

Let us know if you find anything.
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Re: [newbie] USB card reader problem

2005-03-26 Thread SnapafunFrank
James Henry Maiewski wrote:
	I lost count of the number of times my blind experimentation (along 
with sheer stupidity (like the time I uninstalled the package 
installer DOH!).  Do not be afraid of  this.  However, the best 
advice I ever got on this list was to mount your /home directory on a 
seperate partition.  When (If!) you need to reinstall, only install 
the /root on the root partition, thus saving all your personal files.  	

	This isn't as technical as it sounds, but I would defer to someone 
better schooled in these matters to step you through it.

PS:  you might want to leave the reply to address blanc on your mail 
client (Kmail, etc).  It makes it easier for people to simple reply 
to you.

On Saturday 26 March 2005 1:20 am, Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

I also am prepared to do a
reinstall if things look too idiotic!  I don't have a lot in
Mandrake to lose.  I have saved a heap of emails relating to
Mandrake, but should be able to access them in the archive.  I'm
happy to atke advice and try fixes suggested, but not keen to have
people spending too much time on it ...
Appreciate your help


I think you will find that at present both Mikkel and I are enjoying 
time with our families, it being easter and all.

We will assist you no matter what you decide but I believe you need to 
make a choice that suits you yourself first.

Either re-install or repair.
I believe you will learn heaps more of linux if you should attempt your 
own linux installation recovery [ albeit with our assistance ] rather 
than going for the re-install.

But this must be your choice.
Should you decide to go for a rescue attempt then lets start at the 
beginning and get some tools organized whilst you are still within windows.

Try doing this: search for, download and burn to floppy the tomsrtbt 
image. You will need rawrite or possibly rawrite2 to do this within 
windows. Have a read of what you find.

While within windows send us a copy of /etc/lilo.conf ~ a copy of 
/etc/fstab [ not /etc/fstab.save ] ~ and a copy of your /etc/inittab

At present, I take it that you cannot even get to the login screen ?
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] OT - OOo in Windows

2005-03-26 Thread SnapafunFrank
Anne Wilson wrote:
Sorry for this, but I need some urgent help.  Tomorrow I have to install OOo 
under Windows for my daughter.  I'm trying to woo her, kicking and screaming, 
from her use of Lotus WordPro.  I've installed it here under Win4Lin so that 
I can look it over.  The problem I've found is that clicking on a url or 
email address makes it attempt to launch IE or OE, even if you are only 
trying to edit it.  She'll never cope with that - she'll just abandon it.  I 
can't see how to turn this off.  I'm sure it must be possible.  Can anyone 
help me, please.


ToolsOptionsOpenOffice.orgExternal Programs
Set things here and you are able to browse to your preferred program 
.exe files.

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[newbie] df table file

2005-03-26 Thread SnapafunFrank
When within my system I issue the following:
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5 966M  714M  203M  78% /
/dev/hda1 966M   14M  903M   2% /boot
/dev/hda6 9.4G  5.1G  4.0G  57% /usr
/dev/hda8 9.4G  8.8G  693M  93% /home
/dev/hda91020M  312M  656M  33% /var
/dev/hda3  12G  2.0G  8.8G  19% /mnt/empty
/dev/hda4 3.4G  2.7G  712M  80% /mnt/win_h
/dev/hdb2  16M  2.3M   13M  16% /mnt/hdb2_boot
/dev/hdb5  92M   55M   33M  63% /mnt/hdb5_root
/dev/hdb6  92M   62M   25M  72% /mnt/hdb6_var
/dev/hdb7 3.1G  1.9G  1.1G  64% /mnt/hdb7_usr
/dev/hdb9 1.5G  1.4G  151M  91% /mnt/hdb9_home
/dev/hdb1  14G   13G  1.2G  92% /mnt/win_c2
I get a summary of all my partitions AND their names.
However, I'm unable to do this when I'm NOT within the system:
So, is there a file on the system that could simply give me this info by 
simply reading it ?

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Re: [newbie] USB card reader problem

2005-03-26 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Okay - I tried this.  At the cd it said home not set so I added 
/ after looking down at the vi instructions - hope that was right, 
now thinking it should have been ~!  Anyway - rebooted and it 
stalled at ALSA again.

In windows explore2fs, now see only hda2, hda3 and hda6.  In hda2 
fstab.save shows this:

/dev/hda5 / ext3 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda9 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda6 /mnt ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto 
umask=0,user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,noauto,ro,exec,users 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount 
0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs umask=0,nls=iso8859-15,ro 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 swap swap defaults 0 0

Hi Rosemary,
 Yes, it should have been cd / and not cd. The reasion for that is 
so that your current directory is not inside the partition you are 
trying to unmount. Otherwise you would get a message about the 
partition being in use. While you could do a shutdown without 
unmounting the partition, and probably not have any problems, I like 
to play it safe when working remotely.
 End result - we have a tempary fix for one source of trouble. But we 
still have the origional problem. The next step is to see if we can 
isolate it a bit. We have a couple of ways to go here. MOre then I had 
thought we would, because of the boot menu choice you use to boot the 
system. You have said that you are not using the linux entry to boot 
the system. Was there a problem where the system would not boot when 
you used that option?

Things to try:
 Boot with the linux-nonfb option, and see if that makes a difference.
 Try the I (interactive) option when booting, and do not start ALSA. 
Does the system boot then? This should give you a system without sound.
The hit I for interactive boot is displayed as part of the boot 
messages. If you normaly have the bootsplash screen with the progress 
bar showing when booting, you will have to hit the Esc key to see the 
messages. There is a fairly long period between when the message is 
displayed, and when you actualy enter the interactive mode. It does 
several things after displaying the message, before it reaches the 
decision point. (Display message, do other things while giving the 
user time to react, then check for user responce. No user timeout delay.)

 If the system boots fine without ALSA starting, then we can work on 
getting ALSA fixed. If it doesn't, then we know the problem is 
elseware. From the way the problem apeared, I suspect that there may 
be an interupt sharing problem between the sound card and the USB 
interface, but this is just a guess at this point.

Hi Mikkel:
Rosemary has sent me directly some info which I think you ought to be 
privy to.

Her lilo.conf gives the devfs=nomount append only on the one she 
appears able to boot with. ( albeit that it stalls at ALSA later )

Her append lines also include  resume=/mnt/hda8 which is a new one for 
me, so I'm off to learn something about that one.

Hope this helps us help Rosemary, I'm learning heaps off things I did'nt 
need to know before, so am staying very interested in helping Rosemary out.

I've also started another thread  df table file  . If you get a 
chance, see if you can assist with this one please.

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Re: [newbie] df table file

2005-03-26 Thread SnapafunFrank
mike wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:

When within my system I issue the following:
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5 966M  714M  203M  78% /
/dev/hda1 966M   14M  903M   2% /boot
/dev/hda6 9.4G  5.1G  4.0G  57% /usr
/dev/hda8 9.4G  8.8G  693M  93% /home
/dev/hda91020M  312M  656M  33% /var
/dev/hda3  12G  2.0G  8.8G  19% /mnt/empty
/dev/hda4 3.4G  2.7G  712M  80% /mnt/win_h
/dev/hdb2  16M  2.3M   13M  16% /mnt/hdb2_boot
/dev/hdb5  92M   55M   33M  63% /mnt/hdb5_root
/dev/hdb6  92M   62M   25M  72% /mnt/hdb6_var
/dev/hdb7 3.1G  1.9G  1.1G  64% /mnt/hdb7_usr
/dev/hdb9 1.5G  1.4G  151M  91% /mnt/hdb9_home
/dev/hdb1  14G   13G  1.2G  92% /mnt/win_c2
I get a summary of all my partitions AND their names.
However, I'm unable to do this when I'm NOT within the system:
So, is there a file on the system that could simply give me this info by
simply reading it ?

Probably /etc/fstab and /proc/partitions would give you some info.
(on the system in question)
You could make a simple one line script like df  diskfree.txt
and make a cron job to run it. Then read the diskfree.txt file.


Thanks Mike, and I have somewhere else to look, but the system I need 
this info from cannot be booted into right now because I believe 
/etc/fstab is mucked up a little.
To that end I'm prepared to use tomsrtbt to look in on the system and 
that is why I'm trying to find out how I can glean this info.
tomsrtbt has fdisk but that doesn't tell me the 'names' of the 
partitions on the system I'm trying to restore. Still, there are ways, I 
just wondered if the info was recorded
to make my task a little easier.

Again, greatly appreciate your input.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] USB card reader problem

2005-03-23 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Frank suggested I install explore2fs and post the fstab file.
Here it is
/dev/hda5 / ext3 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda9 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda6 /mnt ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto 
umask=0,user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,noauto,ro,exec,users 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount 
0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs umask=0,nls=iso8859-15,ro 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 swap swap defaults 0 0


This is strange. You are mounting hda6 on /mnt, and then the CD-ROM is 
mounting on /mnt/cdrom. It is not normal proactice to mount anyting on 
/mnt, as you normaly have mount points for removable devices in this 
directory. In your case, your CD-ROM is mounted there, as well as your 
Windows partition. I would have to look into things a lot deeper, to 
see exactly what order things would get mounted, but I can picture all 
kinds of strange things going on here. If the Windows partition gets 
mounted before hda6, then you are probably going to lose access to it. 
I am not sure what is going to happen with the CD-ROM, but I would not 
be susprised if it failed to mount if there is not a cdrom directory 
in the base directory on hda6.

What you may want to try is to boot the install CD in the rescue mode, 
drop to the console, and run:

mount /dev/hda5 /mnt
cd /mnt/etc
mv fstab fstab.save
grep -v hda6 fstab.save  fstab
umount /mnt
What you are doing is to mount your root partition, and change to what 
is normaly the /etc direcroty. You are then renaming fstab to 
fstab.save. The grep command is cheating a new fstab without the hda6 
line in it.

If you are more comfortable using vi instead of messing around with 
grep, and renaming files, use this instead.

mount /dev/hda5 /mnt
cd /mnt/etc
cp fstab fstab.save
vi fstab
   move down to line starting /dev/hda6
   Enter i#Esc
   Enter :wq
cd /
umount /mnt
For the vi commands, do not enter the , and the Esc is the Esc key. 
Use the down arrow key to move down the hage. What you are doing is 
putting the # at the start of the line to comment it out. You do not 
realy need to make a backup copy of fstab, but I like to play it safe.

Now, I don't know if this will fix the problem you are having, and we 
will have to discover what is going on with hda6, and where it should 
be mounted. But it is one problem that I do see, so fixing it should 
not hurt. (If it is susposed to be mounted of /usr, then we have to 
get it mounted correctly before the will boot correctly!)

OK Mikkel, I did not see it that way and submit that you know more about 
this than I but I'm not clear about this and wonder if Rosemary will be 
able to follow the logic you mention.

First, I agree that hda6 as the /mnt directory is out of place, and 
wonder why the /mnt directory even has it's own partition. The 
directories inside my /mnt directory are afterall only to allow
linking to partitions and/or devices. Hence my windows partition would 
be something like  /dev/hdb1 /mnt/win  with  win  being the 
partition and not  mnt .

I now see even more issues and can understand your concern so would ask 
how we could get the result printf from her windows side that would give 
us the same result we can get
when we issue:

# df
when within our running system. eg: mine looks like this ~
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5 966M  711M  206M  78% /
/dev/hda1 966M   14M  903M   2% /boot
/dev/hda6 9.4G  5.1G  4.0G  57% /usr
/dev/hda8 9.4G  8.7G  730M  93% /home
/dev/hda91020M  303M  666M  32% /var
/dev/hda3  12G  1.3G  9.5G  13% /mnt/empty
/dev/hda4 3.4G  2.7G  713M  80% /mnt/win_h
/dev/hdb2  16M  2.3M   13M  16% /mnt/hdb2_boot
/dev/hdb5  92M   55M   33M  63% /mnt/hdb5_root
/dev/hdb6  92M   62M   25M  72% /mnt/hdb6_var
/dev/hdb7 3.1G  1.9G  1.1G  64% /mnt/hdb7_usr
/dev/hdb9 1.5G  1.4G  151M  91% /mnt/hdb9_home
/dev/hdb1  14G   13G  1.2G  92% /mnt/win_c2
From this printf we would be able to determine the correct layout for 
/etc/fstab for her hard drive, and I agree, before she gets to cdrom, 
floppies, etc.

[ An alternative is to get her up with the rescue option as you 
described above and take her step by step through
the commands she needs to get us the relevant info. ~ your thoughts ? ]

But I reiterate ~ /mnt should not be a partition on it's own ?  Your 
thoughts here also please.

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Re: [newbie] OT: How to mount a Windows partition ~ OOps ~ error ~ tar clf - . | ( umask 0; cd /mnt2; tar xvf - )

2005-03-23 Thread SnapafunFrank
riccardo wrote:
On Tuesday 22 March 2005 06:22 pm, David Anderson wrote:

I want to be able to mount hda1 and sda1 and copy files from one to
the other

~ if, I get the drift . . . you have booted from CD and neither hda1 
nor sda1 are mounted?

So ~ make an extra mount point/directory called, say :  /mnt2
[ say your file systems are Reiser type ]
mount -t reiser /dev/hda1 /mnt
mount  -t reiser /dev/sda1 /mnt2
then, cd to /mnt
finally, as root, give the command :
tar clf - . | ( umask 0; cd /mnt2; tar xvf - )
best rgds

Sorry to butt in here, and I am only a newbie so treat my thoughts with 
caution, but would not hda actually refer to the cd itself in this case?
Can't remember, but I did have some like type issue when I last did a 
hard drive back up this way. Remember having to use some other
commands to actually see the hard drive in the finish. Still, Mephis may 
be more friendly this way, so to check it out do attempt to look inside
the partition to see whether or not you recognize any of your window files.

Now off to study riccardo's commands to see what I can learn from them.
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Re: [newbie] USB card reader problem

2005-03-22 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

Dennis Myers wrote:
On Monday 21 March 2005 07:26 pm, Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

Card reader arrived today so thought I would try it out!  Big mistake!
I read instructions on a board and following that took a look using
HardDrake - don't know if this is it or not.  Instructions said to look
at hda.  It says old device file: /dev/hda  and just below  New devfs
device:  /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc.
That's when I should have posted!  Thought I would plug it in and see if
it would auto detect on reboot, but it hung at starting ALSA.  So
unplugged it and rebooted without it, but still hung at ALSA.  So here I
am in windows begging for help to get mandrake going again.
Frank I don't where I'm at with your requests because I can't get to my
emails in mandrake!
Thanks in advance

It may be hanging because it is looking for the  card reader. Try putting Disk 
1 in and booting and when you get the first screen do  the F1 enter and 
then type rescue at the prompt. When it brings up a dos like screen arrow 
to the mount partitions and enter and when done do an exit and reboot the 
computer. Let us know what happens, HTH

Frank suggested I install explore2fs and post the fstab file.
Here it is
/dev/hda5 / ext3 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda9 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda6 /mnt ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto 
umask=0,user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,noauto,ro,exec,users 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount 
0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs umask=0,nls=iso8859-15,ro 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 swap swap defaults 0 0


Nothing there Rosemary : And the fact that you can post it means you did 
not upset things when you copied your files for me.

Now my system IS different from yours and where I have 
/etc/udev/udev.rules [ So does yours ] you may also have 

If so could you please give me a copy of that ? What I am looking for is 
entries within the udev system such as I have in my /etc/udev/udev.rules 

# alsa devices
KERNEL=controlC[0-9]*, NAME=snd/%k
KERNEL=hw[CD0-9]*, NAME=snd/%k
KERNEL=pcm[CD0-9cp]*,  NAME=snd/%k
KERNEL=midi[CD0-9]*,   NAME=snd/%k
KERNEL=timer,  NAME=snd/%k
My thought here is that we temporarily stop this lot happening to see 
whether or not there is a problem : we would do that by commenting out 
all the lines by editing this file and placing a  #  at the beginning of 
each of these lines. It's just that I'm not sure where on your system 
this is likely to be at present. [ I believe you are using MDK10.1 ? 
whereas I'm staying with MDK10 Official for now.]

Not at home during the day but I'm sure there are plenty of helpers out 
there for immediate advise and I will be sure to check my email each night.

Can't beat going at things one step at a time.
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Re: [newbie] Fixing an application--?

2005-03-21 Thread SnapafunFrank
Marv Boyes wrote:
Hello, all. Wasn't sure how to title this post, as I've never run into 
this situation before.

The application in question is Bookcase (v.0.6.6-1; I believe the 
applciation is now called something else). It's kind of a specialized 
thing, so I'm hoping that whatever is happening to me is a generalized 
problem and has a general solution.

Basically, it won't run any more. I made the apparent mistake of 
trying to open a second data file before the first had been saved, and 
when I hit Cancel the program crashed. Now when I try to run it, I 
get the same error from the KDE crash handler that I got at the 
initial crash:
'The application Bookcase (bookcase) crashed and cause the signal 11 
(SIGSEGV).' The following is my terminal output:

Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2
QCheckBox::property( title ) failed: property invalid or does not exist
[the above is repeated seven times]
WARNING: BookcaseDoc::loadDomDocument() - unsupported collection type!
WARNING: Bookcase will probably crash at some point!
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
QGDictIterator::toFirst: Dictionary has been deleted
I went looking for some kind of configuration file, or dotfile or 
.directory that I thought might be related to the program, but 
couldn't find anything. I uninstalled the program (via RPMdrake) and 
reinstalled, but I'm getting the same behavior.

Any ideas? All guidance is greatly appreciated in advance.

As a newbie my first step would be to check whether or not your problem 
is user specific or not.

Can you log in as a different user and see if you still have the same 
problems ?

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Re: [newbie] FAT question

2005-03-19 Thread SnapafunFrank
Kaj Haulrich wrote:
On Friday 18 March 2005 11:39, SnapafunFrank wrote:

H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Friday 18 March 2005 09:47, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

Kaj Haulrich wrote:

I've just got my hands on a 160 GB external USB hard disk.
Now, this thing comes preformatted with a FAT32 (vfat) file
system. When I unmount the thing I can't reformat the drive
with a decent file system like ReiserFS, JFS, ext2 or ext3
from be it the MCC or by hand.  I can't even re-partition it
with FAT32 ?
So here it goes :  will this FAT32 file system become
fragmented over time like any other Windows file system ?
If yes, how to defrag it ?
Or, will I have to move the FS to another drive
back-and-forth in order to defrag ?
Kaj Haulrich.

I deleted the wrong message, so this is not a direct reply to
this message, but to one later in the thread...  :-(
When you were trying to work with the drive, what device were
you giving fdisk? If you unmount the FAT partition first, you
should be able to use something like fdisk /dev/sda to get
at the partition table. If you can, then it is simple to
change the drive to another file system. If you are happy
with it being one large partition, then change the type (t)
to 83 (ext2/3) and save (w) the updated partition table.
Then run mke2fs -j /dev/sda1 to create an ext3 file system.
If you have any data on the drive you want to keep, BACK IT UP
before starting this.
Please keep in mind that the drive may not be /dev/sda and the
partition may not be /dev/sda1 - it depends on your system,
and how the drive was partitioned.

Just a newbie thought : Can you do as root :
# cat /etc/fstab | grep sd
And post it back here. Be sure the device is
plugged in first.

Even easier: cat /dev/sd on the CML and hit TAB...that way
you'll see what's there.
When inserting/plugging the device the specific /dev/sd* file
gets made and also gets removed when unplugging.
Repeat after me:
TAB is my best on the command line..!;)


Here it is (on one line) :
/dev/sda1 /mnt/removable auto 
0 0

Thanks for this, it tells me that the problem I had does not matter here 
because you have sync set and not default.

One thing this newbie read somewhere is that /dev/sda? are not 
formatable ?? Can someone clarify this ?

Ah... here it is:
A key such as KERNEL=sd?1 would match KERNEL names such as sda1, 
sdb1, sdc1, and equally importantly, it will not match KERNEL names 
such as sda, sdb, or sg1. The purpose of this key is to ignore the 
/dev/sda and /dev/sg1 nodes. The device is a digital camera -* I would 
not dream of fdisking it or anything like that, so these 2 nodes are 
pretty useless to me.* The key attempts to capture the /dev/sda1 node, 
which is mountable and therefore useful!

Reverse in you case maybe?
This is within this link
I only mention it here because on other postings within this thread I 
have seen the references to  sda1  and only wondered if this is a 
first step problem.

Of course I know about the umask=0022 being stupid, but hitherto I 
haven't found a way to let it stay =0.

Each time my daughter uses the drive, I have to unmount it, edit 
fstab to umask=0 and remount.  Then she can use it.  Been nagging 
me for months with the other removables like camera, mp3 players 
and memory sticks.  -  And : whacking supermount doesn't change a 

If I ever find the daemon that changes my fstab against my will, 
I'll fetch my 9 mm Neuhausen...

Kaj Haulrich.

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Re: [newbie] FAT question

2005-03-18 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Kaj Haulrich wrote:
I've just got my hands on a 160 GB external USB hard disk.
Now, this thing comes preformatted with a FAT32 (vfat) file system.
When I unmount the thing I can't reformat the drive with a decent 
file system like ReiserFS, JFS, ext2 or ext3 from be it the MCC or by 
hand.  I can't even re-partition it with FAT32 ?

So here it goes :  will this FAT32 file system become fragmented over 
time like any other Windows file system ?

If yes, how to defrag it ?
Or, will I have to move the FS to another drive back-and-forth in 
order to defrag ?

Kaj Haulrich.
I deleted the wrong message, so this is not a direct reply to this 
message, but to one later in the thread...  :-(

When you were trying to work with the drive, what device were you 
giving fdisk? If you unmount the FAT partition first, you should be 
able to use something like fdisk /dev/sda to get at the partition 
table. If you can, then it is simple to change the drive to another 
file system. If you are happy with it being one large partition, then 
change the type (t) to 83 (ext2/3) and save (w) the updated partition 
Then run mke2fs -j /dev/sda1 to create an ext3 file system.

If you have any data on the drive you want to keep, BACK IT UP before 
starting this.

Please keep in mind that the drive may not be /dev/sda and the 
partition may not be /dev/sda1 - it depends on your system, and how 
the drive was partitioned.

Just a newbie thought : Can you do as root :
# cat /etc/fstab | grep sd
And post it back here. Be sure the device is plugged in first.
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Re: [newbie] Tux Magazine

2005-03-18 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
On Friday 18 Mar 2005 14:08, Stephen Kühn wrote:

On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 11:37, Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

On Friday 18 Mar 2005 05:11, eric jackson wrote:

I just wanted to alert people to Tux Magazine. I stumbled on a link to
it somewhere. www.tuxmagazine.com. It is a free linux magazine
distributed in PDF format aimed at new users. There is a lot of
coverage of software, again aimed at the newbie. They are also looking
for people to submit articles.  The first issue is on the website now.
Eric Jackson

Thanks for that link.  Looks just what I need to learn by doing projects.

One of the greatest means by which to learn is to attack your own linux
box. Do things with it. Turn it into a mail server. Turn it into a
webserver. A database server. Learn how to create backup scripts. Learn
how to play with crontab entries and do things on schedule. Create
simple scripts to do simple things. It's all good. Play with different
window managers and desktops. Play with themes. Learn about burning
different types of CD's. Ripping different kinds of CD's. Using
different media players - the list goes on. It's a great learning
experience and never be afraid to experiment.

To begin with I need to have some minor successes - even if they be by point 
and click'.  I want to use my system in ways that are appripriate to me - 
which are basic home user ways.  

Yes - I want to understand and be able to execute things in the CLI.  However 
it is going to take time for me to learn that.  Sorry if I am such a dumb 
kiwi who is only happy when has sheep backed against the fence.  Being a 
townie I have no idea what you refer to!


stephen kuhn
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At least we can control sheep, ever seen those aussies control their 
roo's  never laughed so hard, so at least they are great 
entertainers, but what's with feeding babies to crocs on TV yet ?

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Re: [newbie] FAT question

2005-03-18 Thread SnapafunFrank
H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
On Friday 18 March 2005 09:47, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

Kaj Haulrich wrote:

I've just got my hands on a 160 GB external USB hard disk.
Now, this thing comes preformatted with a FAT32 (vfat) file system.
When I unmount the thing I can't reformat the drive with a decent
file system like ReiserFS, JFS, ext2 or ext3 from be it the MCC or by
hand.  I can't even re-partition it with FAT32 ?
So here it goes :  will this FAT32 file system become fragmented over
time like any other Windows file system ?
If yes, how to defrag it ?
Or, will I have to move the FS to another drive back-and-forth in
order to defrag ?
Kaj Haulrich.

I deleted the wrong message, so this is not a direct reply to this
message, but to one later in the thread...  :-(
When you were trying to work with the drive, what device were you
giving fdisk? If you unmount the FAT partition first, you should be
able to use something like fdisk /dev/sda to get at the partition
table. If you can, then it is simple to change the drive to another
file system. If you are happy with it being one large partition, then
change the type (t) to 83 (ext2/3) and save (w) the updated partition
Then run mke2fs -j /dev/sda1 to create an ext3 file system.
If you have any data on the drive you want to keep, BACK IT UP before
starting this.
Please keep in mind that the drive may not be /dev/sda and the
partition may not be /dev/sda1 - it depends on your system, and how
the drive was partitioned.

Just a newbie thought : Can you do as root :
# cat /etc/fstab | grep sd
And post it back here. Be sure the device is plugged in first.

Even easier: cat /dev/sd on the CML and hit TAB...that way you'll see 
what's there.
When inserting/plugging the device the specific /dev/sd* file gets made 
and also gets removed when unplugging.

Repeat after me:
TAB is my best on the command line..!;)

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Re: [newbie] A question about RPMDrake

2005-03-18 Thread SnapafunFrank
Robert T. Yu wrote:
Another question: when I su as root, does root
priveleges apply only within the terminal or the
operating system as a whole?
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Assuming you su'ed as root within a terminal then it's only within that 
terminal unless you run things from that command line.

# kwrite
would open kwrite with root privileges allowing you to edit files only 
available to root.

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Re: [newbie] Automount USB devices

2005-03-17 Thread SnapafunFrank
Kaj Haulrich wrote:
On Wednesday 16 March 2005 16:54, Charles Rodgers wrote:

Mr G,
On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 10:44:05 -0500, you wrote:

Charles, Don't make the same mistake I did. If your camera has a
playback mode, you need to activate it and them your camera
should be detected.
I had this exact problem just the other day with a Canon
Powershot A85. As soon as it was in 'play' mode, everything
worked like a charm.

Yes, I remember your thread - I wish it was that simple :-)

I'm certainly not the right person to answer this, but on the other 
hand I've been struggling with my USB devices since 10.1 and one 
thing I know for sure : you must have udev + udevd + magicdev 
running.  Possibly hotplug and devfsd as well.

Not udev and devfsd together - I'm doing a lot of learning on this 
subject and will get back to you when I have it sorted ~ thanks to 
Mikkel for getting me started.

I've never come to grips with this.U(seless) S(illy) B(ugger).
Kaj Haulrich.

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Re: [newbie] USB Printer : HP 3550 Problem

2005-03-17 Thread SnapafunFrank
Roberto Ramsis wrote:
*Hello everyone*
I have MDK 10.0,it autodetected my usb printer HP deskjet 3550 so fine 
,but whenever i print: the printer never responds ,when i check the 
cups log it says these jobs have been completed though the printer 
never even tried to pull the paper.I checked the port it works fine 
and cups is running too.

Another thing i'm getting is some sort of a warning msg on boot ,cant 
read all of it but i GUESS it says

Warning : CUPS may not work properly.Couldnt mount loopback device to 
routing table!?

Thanks so much

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Just to start things off ~ within a new browser window type  
localhost:631  ( without the quotes ) and have a play in there. You 
usually sign in as  root  and you need the admin password to be able 
to configure things properly.

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Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.6.11 upgrade.

2005-03-17 Thread SnapafunFrank
Smiley wrote:
On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 22:00:58 +

Is there an automated process (Mandrake or otherwise) that
I can use that  will upgrade my kernel for me, or will I
have to do this manually by  compiling the new kernel ?

If a new kernel is out in a repository (official or
unofficial) you can install through urpmi or anyway the old
rpm way (rpm -ivh or using a graphical frontend); anyway,
the new kernel will be added and the old one will still be
installed unless you decide to do.


And don't forget to include the kernel-source ~ you will need it for the 
driver .

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Re: [ml] [newbie] Strange host name

2005-03-16 Thread SnapafunFrank
et wrote:
On Monday 14 March 2005 06:01 pm, Aron Smith wrote:

On Monday 14 March 2005 02:51 pm, Dave Ashmore wrote:

Aron Smith wrote:

When booting up I got this message
host brian.cede.psu found
Checking the etc/host.allow
dosn't show that name
neither does
what's going on ?

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Maybe you have ntp installed and that is a time server?

now that you mention it there is mention of ntp on the start up screen
BTW any way to read them after startup?

cat /var/dmseg?  [ its dmesg not dmseg by the way. ]

Straight after startup do :
$ dmesg
$ dmesg  dmesg.txt  [ To print your dmesg to a text file within the 
directory you are in. ]

And if'n that doesn't work then try it as root.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [ml] [newbie] Strange host name

2005-03-16 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:
et wrote:
On Monday 14 March 2005 06:01 pm, Aron Smith wrote:

On Monday 14 March 2005 02:51 pm, Dave Ashmore wrote:

Aron Smith wrote:

When booting up I got this message
host brian.cede.psu found
Checking the etc/host.allow
dosn't show that name
neither does
what's going on ?


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Maybe you have ntp installed and that is a time server?

now that you mention it there is mention of ntp on the start up screen
BTW any way to read them after startup?

cat /var/dmseg?  [ its dmesg not dmseg by the way. ]

Straight after startup do :
$ dmesg
$ dmesg  dmesg.txt  [ To print your dmesg to a text file within the 
directory you are in. ]

And if'n that doesn't work then try it as root.
Considering that this is done, with /var/log/dmesg as the output file, 
as part of the boot process, the first method should work.

True, but if you need to carry you findings within dmesg over another 
boot then saving the friendly output of dmesg as a separate file may be 
of help hence : $ dmesg  dmesg.txt

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Re: [newbie] devfs and udev

2005-03-15 Thread SnapafunFrank
Tom wrote:
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:
Thanks again Mikkel, it's going to take some absorbing on my part to 
understand what you have said above, so for now I need to do that 
and correct my system accordingly.

Will let you know how I get on. Oh, and thanks for the link.
One minor correction, I'm still using MDK10, though I don't think 
this effects things here too much.

I'm waiting to get my Athlon 64 FX together before going to MDK10.1 
as this old PIII system can only handle so much before it starts to 
get bogged down. This is the only issue I have at present ( pnp ) as 
the other things I need at present seem to be firing OK.

If you decide to share you endeavours once done then please include 
me in your notifications as I'm very interested in the outcome. For 
now, good sailing.

I can understand more of your troubles now - adding udev to 10.0 
instead of upgrading to 10.1. I am not sure how much of what I posted 
applies to what you are doing. In any case, it should be a learning 
experence on your part. As for may adventures, they will make it to 
the  The Mandrake Community Wiki site once I have them in shape to 
post. But if I keep getting other projects to work on, I may have to 
post it in parts, as a work in progress. The only bad part about that 
is that I may send people down a wrong path as I lear this myself...


   Here's what I posted to 'expert' ML a few days ago
  With an upgrade from a devfs system to one that uses udev ;
While running the new (udev) system
urpme devfs
urpmi udev
edit lilo.conf and remove _any_ devfs= statement. devfs=nomount is
  only valid if devfs is installed, an you need to remove devfs
  before installing udev

OK - I don't doubt anything you have said here except this one point MAYBE?
I have not seen a 'Blue Screen Of Death' since I left windows ! ~ that 
is until I rebooted after doing the above.

To get things back online I had to edit lilo and INCLUDE :  
devfs=nomount  to be able to start up as init5 again.

Sooo. my logic says that whatever the scripts are for booting my 
system, they contain therein the requirement to run devfs.

Though I uninstalled devfs, something else has to be reconfigured so as 
to amend the start up scripts.

Any idea what?
  in a term, su to root and run 'mcc'   Under System | Services, scoll 
down an make sure udev is running (if not start it), and that it is 
checked to start at boot.

Done, but you can be dbl-sure by running
# service udev status
udev is running  [  OK  ]
 BTW does anyone know where to find these parameters you can pass to 
the kernel at boot time  ?

You'll need source for the kernel installed, then you'll find
 ^^^  your kernel version is probly different
Give the whole file a thoro read.  All valid parameters and 
options for them are listed. EG, acpi=on  'on' is either an 
undocumented or invalid parameter option

acpi=   [HW,ACPI] Advanced Configuration and Power 
Format: { force | off | ht | strict }

 These are the only valid options for the parameter  acpi=

 Now if anything is added to the Community twiki (rather than the 
_real_ twiki  http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/wiki) it should emphatically 
note that it's only opinions an might be valid for past or current Mdk 
versions.  10.2 will add HAL, messagebus (dbus), an even 
gnome-volume-manager, more advanced kernels, et all into the mix that 
will mostly obsolete current an past advice an opinions.

IMO, the real twiki, the cooker ML archive, an Bugzilla are the 
best sources for accurate descriptions of problems, an possible 

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] devfs and udev

2005-03-14 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:
The current actually working is that I can plug in a flash drive - 
wait a moment  - and the files become accessible to and from it. That 
is sometimes! At other times I'm sure I'm doing damage because the 
device appears to be unmounted and will not have the files seen, but 
when I do mount it manually, root can see the files but user cannot, 
making me think at times that I have wiped the flash drive. Further, 
the Howto's I followed allowed me to have any device I plugged in 
recognized for what it is within /mnt - but that has never worked 
since the first reboot though all the files appear to be in place. 
The very first time I tried to test my work, this actually did work, 
and often whilst I was within that session.

( I used the

to install udev - it's quite conclusive.)

If you set up rules for udev to give specific names to USB devices, in 
place of the names the kernel gives them, you will break the 
automounting that hotplug does. You can create your own rules to 
handle the mounting in place of the standard ones. This allows you to 
control how things get mounted. For example, when you plug in a PNY 
memory stick, you can have it get mounted on /mnt/pny instead 
/dev/removable. (Don't ask for the full details yet - I am still 
playing with this.
My link above may help ?
) You can get more specific, and do things like have 32MB sticks mount 
one place, and 64MB mount in another. Basicly, you can test any of the 
tags that udev know about, and build rules based on them.

While mounting specific memory devices in specific places may not be 
real usuefull, when you start talking about USB hard drives, that is 
another story. If you have more then one partition on the drive, then 
current hotplug code will not mount it. Also, if you have requirments 
that different partitions on the drive be mounted in specific places, 
you can handle them this way. Maybe one partition needs to mount on 
/backup, and another on /opt/pictures, or something like that.

Now, as far as users being able to access files on USB storage 
devices, it depends on how you mount them. If you just do something like
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/removable, then your users will not be able to 
access the files. But if you do something like
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/removable -o umask=0, then they will have access.

Using sda1 may not be the best choice in this example, as if you plug 
in a USB PEN drive, and it uses the default device, it will get 
automounted, but I think you get the idea. If you have udev set to 
create something like /dev/pen and /dev/pen1, then use pen1 in place 
of sda1, and it will work.

Thanks Mikkel
If you follow the above link you will be able to see what I did as I 
followed it precisely.

And as I have said before, during that particular session it actually 
worked exactly as explained in the above howto ~ that is until I got a 
little carried away with changing all my usb memory sticks around 
without waiting long enough for the system to catch up ~ end result - I 
corrupted my .ICEauthority file and within rescue mode had to delete 
that and start again with all my customizing. [ Still finding stuff that 
needs to be updated because of this. ]

Anyway, your comments above make a lot of sense so I'm off to check 
things out before posting this:

First up:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] frank]$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda1 /boot ext2 iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext2 defaults 0 0
#I added to following three lines but before the reboot they were the 
last three entries here
#And now to try to get user able to at least read the device contents I 
# - Comment out the next three entries
# - Copy the three entries below and edit them thus:
# - 1st go = same as for cdrom
#/udev/16MB1 /mnt/16MB vfat,ext2 user,noauto,rw 0 0
#/udev/64MB1 /mnt/64MB vfat,ext2 user,noauto,rw 0 0
#/udev/Camera1 /mnt/Camera vfat,ext2 user,noauto,rw 0 0
/udev/16MB1 /mnt/16MB auto umask=0,user,vfat,ext2,noauto,ro,exec 0 0
/udev/64MB1 /mnt/64MB auto umask=0,user,vfat,ext2,noauto,ro,exec 0 0
/udev/Camera1 /mnt/Camera auto umask=0,user,vfat,ext2,noauto,ro,exec 0 0
/udev/Works128MB1 /mnt/Works128MB vfat,ext2 user,noauto,rw 0 0
none /mnt/dvd-cd supermount 
dev=/dev/hdd,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
none /mnt/dvd-rw supermount 
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=auto,--,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda3 /mnt/empty ext2 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hdb2 /mnt/hdb2_boot ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb5 /mnt/hdb5_root ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb6 /mnt/hdb6_var ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb7 /mnt/hdb7_usr ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb9 /mnt/hdb9_home ext2 defaults 1 2
#Commented out the following line to try to get usb

Re: [newbie] devfs and udev

2005-03-14 Thread SnapafunFrank
SnapafunFrank wrote:
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:
The current actually working is that I can plug in a flash drive - 
wait a moment  - and the files become accessible to and from it. 
That is sometimes! At other times I'm sure I'm doing damage because 
the device appears to be unmounted and will not have the files seen, 
but when I do mount it manually, root can see the files but user 
cannot, making me think at times that I have wiped the flash drive. 
Further, the Howto's I followed allowed me to have any device I 
plugged in recognized for what it is within /mnt - but that has 
never worked since the first reboot though all the files appear to 
be in place. The very first time I tried to test my work, this 
actually did work, and often whilst I was within that session.

( I used the

to install udev - it's quite conclusive.)

If you set up rules for udev to give specific names to USB devices, 
in place of the names the kernel gives them, you will break the 
automounting that hotplug does. You can create your own rules to 
handle the mounting in place of the standard ones. This allows you to 
control how things get mounted. For example, when you plug in a PNY 
memory stick, you can have it get mounted on /mnt/pny instead 
/dev/removable. (Don't ask for the full details yet - I am still 
playing with this.

My link above may help ?
) You can get more specific, and do things like have 32MB sticks 
mount one place, and 64MB mount in another. Basicly, you can test any 
of the tags that udev know about, and build rules based on them.

While mounting specific memory devices in specific places may not be 
real usuefull, when you start talking about USB hard drives, that is 
another story. If you have more then one partition on the drive, then 
current hotplug code will not mount it. Also, if you have requirments 
that different partitions on the drive be mounted in specific places, 
you can handle them this way. Maybe one partition needs to mount on 
/backup, and another on /opt/pictures, or something like that.

Now, as far as users being able to access files on USB storage 
devices, it depends on how you mount them. If you just do something like
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/removable, then your users will not be able to 
access the files. But if you do something like
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/removable -o umask=0, then they will have access.

Using sda1 may not be the best choice in this example, as if you plug 
in a USB PEN drive, and it uses the default device, it will get 
automounted, but I think you get the idea. If you have udev set to 
create something like /dev/pen and /dev/pen1, then use pen1 in place 
of sda1, and it will work.


Thanks Mikkel
If you follow the above link you will be able to see what I did as I 
followed it precisely.

And as I have said before, during that particular session it actually 
worked exactly as explained in the above howto ~ that is until I got a 
little carried away with changing all my usb memory sticks around 
without waiting long enough for the system to catch up ~ end result - 
I corrupted my .ICEauthority file and within rescue mode had to delete 
that and start again with all my customizing. [ Still finding stuff 
that needs to be updated because of this. ]

Anyway, your comments above make a lot of sense so I'm off to check 
things out before posting this:

First up:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] frank]$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda1 /boot ext2 iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext2 defaults 0 0
#I added to following three lines but before the reboot they were the 
last three entries here
#And now to try to get user able to at least read the device contents 
I shall:
# - Comment out the next three entries
# - Copy the three entries below and edit them thus:
# - 1st go = same as for cdrom
#/udev/16MB1 /mnt/16MB vfat,ext2 user,noauto,rw 0 0
#/udev/64MB1 /mnt/64MB vfat,ext2 user,noauto,rw 0 0
#/udev/Camera1 /mnt/Camera vfat,ext2 user,noauto,rw 0 0
/udev/16MB1 /mnt/16MB auto umask=0,user,vfat,ext2,noauto,ro,exec 0 0
/udev/64MB1 /mnt/64MB auto umask=0,user,vfat,ext2,noauto,ro,exec 0 0
/udev/Camera1 /mnt/Camera auto umask=0,user,vfat,ext2,noauto,ro,exec 0 0
/udev/Works128MB1 /mnt/Works128MB vfat,ext2 user,noauto,rw 0 0
none /mnt/dvd-cd supermount 
dev=/dev/hdd,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
none /mnt/dvd-rw supermount 
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=auto,--,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda3 /mnt/empty ext2 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hdb2 /mnt/hdb2_boot ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb5 /mnt/hdb5_root ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb6 /mnt/hdb6_var ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb7 /mnt/hdb7_usr ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb9 /mnt/hdb9_home ext2 defaults 1 2
#Commented out the following

Re: [newbie] devfs and udev

2005-03-14 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:
The current actually working is that I can plug in a flash drive - 
wait a moment  - and the files become accessible to and from it. 
That is sometimes! At other times I'm sure I'm doing damage because 
the device appears to be unmounted and will not have the files 
seen, but when I do mount it manually, root can see the files but 
user cannot, making me think at times that I have wiped the flash 
drive. Further, the Howto's I followed allowed me to have any 
device I plugged in recognized for what it is within /mnt - but 
that has never worked since the first reboot though all the files 
appear to be in place. The very first time I tried to test my work, 
this actually did work, and often whilst I was within that session.

( I used the

to install udev - it's quite conclusive.)

If you set up rules for udev to give specific names to USB devices, 
in place of the names the kernel gives them, you will break the 
automounting that hotplug does. You can create your own rules to 
handle the mounting in place of the standard ones. This allows you 
to control how things get mounted. For example, when you plug in a 
PNY memory stick, you can have it get mounted on /mnt/pny instead 
/dev/removable. (Don't ask for the full details yet - I am still 
playing with this.

My link above may help ?

Well, it show me where you went wrong. I like

) You can get more specific, and do things like have 32MB sticks 
mount one place, and 64MB mount in another. Basicly, you can test 
any of the tags that udev know about, and build rules based on them.

While mounting specific memory devices in specific places may not be 
real usuefull, when you start talking about USB hard drives, that is 
another story. If you have more then one partition on the drive, 
then current hotplug code will not mount it. Also, if you have 
requirments that different partitions on the drive be mounted in 
specific places, you can handle them this way. Maybe one partition 
needs to mount on /backup, and another on /opt/pictures, or 
something like that.

Now, as far as users being able to access files on USB storage 
devices, it depends on how you mount them. If you just do something 
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/removable, then your users will not be able 
to access the files. But if you do something like
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/removable -o umask=0, then they will have 

Using sda1 may not be the best choice in this example, as if you 
plug in a USB PEN drive, and it uses the default device, it will 
get automounted, but I think you get the idea. If you have udev set 
to create something like /dev/pen and /dev/pen1, then use pen1 in 
place of sda1, and it will work.


Thanks Mikkel
If you follow the above link you will be able to see what I did as I 
followed it precisely.

And as I have said before, during that particular session it actually 
worked exactly as explained in the above howto ~ that is until I got 
a little carried away with changing all my usb memory sticks around 
without waiting long enough for the system to catch up ~ end result - 
I corrupted my .ICEauthority file and within rescue mode had to 
delete that and start again with all my customizing. [ Still finding 
stuff that needs to be updated because of this. ]

Anyway, your comments above make a lot of sense so I'm off to check 
things out before posting this:

First up:
[ snip ]---
OK. The USB devices are 16MB, 64MB, Works128MB whilst Camera1 is a 
Flash card from the camera.
Each of them has  noauto and three of them has ro whilst one has 
So I need a lesson here : none of them have the -o option Mikkel 
mentions ~ and what is the true meaning of noauto ?
For now I will only change the ro to rw.

As  to the naming convention mentioned by Mikkel, I believe that is 
done here:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] frank]$ cat /etc/udev/udev.rules
# if this is a ide cdrom, name it the default name, and create a 
symlink to cdrom
BUS=ide, KERNEL=*[!0-9], PROGRAM=/bin/cat /proc/ide/%k/media, 
RESULT=cdrom, NAME=%k, SYMLINK=cdrom

# create a symlink named after the device map name
# note devmap_name comes with extras/multipath
KERNEL=dm-[0-9]*, PROGRAM=/sbin/devmap_name %M %m, NAME=%k, 

# DRI devices always go into a subdirectory (as per the LSB spec)
KERNEL=card*, NAME=dri/card%n
# Flash Memory 16MB
BUS=scsi, SYSFS_vendor=M-Sys*, NAME=16MB%n
# Flash Memory 64MB
BUS=scsi, SYSFS_vendor=USB*, NAME=64MB%n
# Card Reader for MyCanonCamera
BUS=scsi, SYSFS_vendor=SIIG*, NAME=Camera%n
# Flash Memory Works 128MB
BUS=scsi, SYSFS_vendor=OTi*, NAME=Works128MB%n
Hmmm I am concerned on two things here, first my system is not 
mounting my flash drives

Re: [newbie] devfs and udev

2005-03-14 Thread SnapafunFrank
frengoGorgia wrote:
Il lun, 2005-03-14 alle 11:23, SnapafunFrank ha scritto:

Er I tried reading man: fstab and that made no sense, searched for 
'fstab howto' and 'fstab samples' and only got  enter into fstab 
the following  so does anyone know of any online howto ~ 
explanations of the /etc/fstab file ?

try looking first to 
man mount

later to

For now, the following appear to be totally different and is tying me up 
in knots. What do you understand about the following two entries taken 
from /etc/fstab :

/udev/16MB1 /mnt/16MB auto umask=0,user,vfat,ext2,noauto,rw,exec 0 0
none /mnt/removable supermount 
0 0

To me the file types are different syntax ~ which way is correct ? or 
better ? [ vfat,ext2,  or  fs=auto ( or as above fs=ext2:vfat ) ]
I thought that  none  meant that that dev was a swap partition ~ 
obviously not ~ need this explained.

none tells to mount command , to not read to a device(superblock
number) , which in swap  and supermount case is not needed to read.

Should I be using 'supermount' ?
If umask=0 sets things to 777 then why is user also included ?
And the real confusing one ~ In the same line of syntax I see 'auto' ~ 
'noauto' ~ 'exec' ? Should this not be 'auto' ~ 'noexec' and 'noauto' 
removed to allow PnP with Linux ?

first auto statement is related to filesystem-type stuff, 

noauto(auto) is a mount command parameter ,means that device will
not be mounted at boot time (or when mount -a is called) , but device  
only be mounted explicitly (on the command line for example)

noexec(exec) is a mount command parameter, Do  not  allow 
execution  of any binaries on the mounted file system.


Thanks frengoGorgia, very informative, I've got some reading to do.
Couple of questions to clear things a little:
If I want hotplug to work do I still use  none  and/or  supermount  ?
Am I correct in assuming that I must remove  noauto  if I expect the 
system to mount a device upon connecting the device, ( as in hotpluging )?
Again an assumption,  noexec  can be considered a security device 
because it would not allow autorun of inserted media, nor allow an user 
to use such ?

If the answers to these questions are within the links you have supplied 
then ignore these questions as I'm now off to read them.

Again, thanks, greatly appreciated.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [ml] [newbie] Strange host name

2005-03-14 Thread SnapafunFrank
Aron Smith wrote:
On Monday 14 March 2005 02:51 pm, Dave Ashmore wrote:

Aron Smith wrote:

When booting up I got this message
host brian.cede.psu found
Checking the etc/host.allow
dosn't show that name
neither does
what's going on ?

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Maybe you have ntp installed and that is a time server?

now that you mention it there is mention of ntp on the start up screen
BTW any way to read them after startup?

In a terminal do:
# dmesg
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Re: [newbie] Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable

2005-03-13 Thread SnapafunFrank
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Sunday 13 Mar 2005 02:35, SnapafunFrank wrote:

rikona wrote:

Hello SnapafunFrank,
Saturday, March 12, 2005, 3:21:26 PM, SnapafunFrank wrote:
S I switched back to the cheap ones and burned at speed = 1.0 and
S they then worked.
Did you ever try a compare or verify to make sure they actually have
good data?

To be honest - no ~ but the files themselves never opened no matter what
I tried, even though the full directory structures were in place and I
was able to move down through them to the files. Note: the files
themselves did show the correct file sizes when listed within konqueror
using list the detail mode.  and with the # ls -al command from konsole.

You need to be sure, if you are going to rely on this.  Check the permissions 
of the files.  If  necessary try to open them as root.  If you can't even do 
that the backup is pretty useless, I would have thought.


Thanks Anne but the above response says that I tossed the dvds I didn't 
trust. And like you have started to from now on, I'm checking the dvds 
before I consider them available for later recall.

AS to permissions, it seems that regardless of what I set or who I am 
when burning, the owner always comes back as root:root so I have to dig 
further to correct that one, though I know I set it within xcdroast 

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] /etc/hosts

2005-03-13 Thread SnapafunFrank
Derek Jennings wrote:
On Sunday 13 March 2005 05:53, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Some time ago I got this working OK and only recently discovered that
the /etc/hosts file has been re-written ~ possible still more stuff left
over from the corruption of my .ICEauthority.
Here's what I posted to assist someone at the time in regards to OOo
opening slowly:
mine reads:   localhost.localdomain   localhost   Snapafun.localdomainlocalhost   www.snapafun.conSnapafun   www.snapafun.conlocalhost
Now that's somewhat overkill and needs a clean up but it works.
End Quote:
Since this time I have installed and have running at present ADSL via
eth0. [ Dynamic with my ISP ]
I seem to recall that another entry was required here for that ~ anyone
know what that is supposed to be ?
Hopefully this exercise will speed my system up to what it was before
the .ICEauthority corruption.

/etc/hosts has nothing to do with .ICEauthority
You do not need to add anything when you go to ADSL
The /etc/hosts file is simply a list to match host names to IP addresses.
You did not need 4 separate lines, you could have just put alias1 alias2 alias3 alias4 alias5   and so on...
When you refer to a host name in for example a browser url, your computer will 
check to see if it is the hosts table before it bothers to ask a DNS server 
what the IP address of that host is.

So if you try to browse to http://www.snapafun.con  then your computer will 
immediately translate that as

Thats all the /etc/hosts file does.
You would most commonly use the hosts table to identify the other computers in 
a small local network with static addressing.


Thanks derek ~ in a nutshell and well understood ~ really simple really 
when it's explained like this ~ greatly appreciated.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
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Re: [newbie] Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable

2005-03-12 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:
Back again.
Everything seemed to burn OK and I can see the whole file structure 
when I mount the dvd disc.

However, I am unable to open any files. They are listed OK, but as 
user or root I cannot open them. I get the error message re:

An error occurred while loading file:/mnt/dvd-rw/Bash/HOWTO/Advanced 
Bash-Scripting HOWTO.html:
Could not read file /mnt/dvd-rw/Bash/HOWTO/Advanced Bash-Scripting 

It was the Could not read... bit that had me open konqueror 
from konsole as root, but the same result.

Any ideas anyone ?

It sounds like the directory structure is there, but not the data it 
points to. I don't know much about DVD writers, but I have run into 
this when burning CDs. Sometimes I can get around it by burning at a 
slower speed, but sometimes the only fix is to use a different brand 
of blank media. It shouldn't make a difference, but some drives like 
one brand of media better then another. And it may be the generic 
media that burns well, and the more expensive brand name media that 

I end up keeping a couple different brands of blank media here, 
because the burners I use don't agree on what media they like best.

Right : A bit of an update.
First, I agree with Mikkel's statement about disc brand. Some are to 
cheap and nasty to rely upon.

I switched brands and now have no problems filling up a dvd with xcdroast.
I switched back to the cheap ones and burned at speed = 1.0 and they 
then worked. However, I'm reluctant to trust them now with backups as I 
am not convinced that they will last. So. spend the buck and your 
burn won't suck ?  [ Sorry - could not resist.]

I have looked for a DVD backup howto and have not found anything suitable.
Could someone here point me in the right direction to find a direct way 
of backing up the current operating system only, and burning it directly 
to dvd ?

Traps I have discovered so far involve tar'ing things
( though this is OK I prefer not to tar things at present but look at 
splitting between dvds )
but when I :

#tar -cvzf /backup.tar.gz  /
the whole  /  partition AND all the mount points get backed up and 
this includes my slave drive, windows partition and another Mandrake 
installation from the past ~ some 60gigs worth. Something I'm not keen 
to do or try at this point.

I simply want to back up the current system with a view of formating and 
installing Mandrake10.1 onto a clean system. The dvd then could be used 
as a reference media .

And yes, I am interested in the tar way for normal system backups going 
directly to dvd for later use.

Also, selective or updated backup methods that involve simply updating 
the backup'ed files onto a dvd-rw. ( The  -  is intended here as this 
Sony 4.7GB DVD-RW is one that works for me faultlessly using xcdroast. )

Er enough for now me thinks.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
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Re: [newbie] How to install Xaw3d?

2005-03-12 Thread SnapafunFrank
Aron Smith wrote:
On Saturday 12 March 2005 03:26 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

O.k., Mikkel, you convinced me (however I don't dislike learning to compile
packages from source, in fact in future I'm thinking of getting into
Linux From Scratch)

Will be intrested in how you come out on this 


Linux from Scratch [ www.linuxfromscratch.org ] is something I myself 
would recommend for those new to Linux so do not take the following as 
anything other than a possible alternative.

In your case I suspect you are capable of digging a little into the 
Linux system so would suggest that a copy of LPIC would be more helpful. 
It is a great reference book in simple to understand language and though 
points towards certification, I am actually learning heaps using it.

So if you are leaning this way take a look here : 

Hoping this doesn't confuse.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable

2005-03-12 Thread SnapafunFrank
rikona wrote:
Hello SnapafunFrank,
Saturday, March 12, 2005, 3:21:26 PM, SnapafunFrank wrote:
S I switched back to the cheap ones and burned at speed = 1.0 and
S they then worked.
Did you ever try a compare or verify to make sure they actually have
good data?

To be honest - no ~ but the files themselves never opened no matter what 
I tried, even though the full directory structures were in place and I 
was able to move down through them to the files. Note: the files 
themselves did show the correct file sizes when listed within konqueror 
using list the detail mode.  and with the # ls -al command from konsole.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] How to install Xaw3d?

2005-03-12 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

 You should realy find the development package for the Xaw3d library.
To compile the package yourself, you will need to install a LOT more
source. Basicly, you need the X source. You also need more help then I
can give you to do it that way. While it would be a good learning
experence, it probably isn't one you are ready for yet. (I am not 
sure I
am ready for it, and I have a fair amount of experence building from

O.k., Mikkel, you convinced me (however I don't dislike learning to 
packages from source, in fact in future I'm thinking of getting into
Linux From Scratch).

I downloaded libXaw3d7-devel-1.5-13mdk.i586.rpm,
copied into ~/tmp and there did:
# rpm -i libXaw3d7-devel-1.5-13mdk.i586.rpm
. Now, when I run `$ ./configure'
from Emacs CVS source dir, there are all `yes':
  Does Emacs use -lXaw3d? yes
  Does Emacs use -lXpm?   yes
  Does Emacs use -ljpeg?  yes
  Does Emacs use -ltiff?  yes
  Does Emacs use -lungif? yes
  Does Emacs use -lpng?   yes
  Does Emacs use X toolkit scroll bars?   yes
. Your help was important as usual. Thanks.
P.S.: What do you think about Linux from Scratch?
I am glad I could help. It is how I give something back...
While I think it is a good thing to learn to compile packages 
yourself, and build your own RPMs, I also think it is a good idea to 
start with smaller packages, and work your way up. Trying to learn too 
many different things at once can be a real headache.

When installing RPMs, it does not matter where the file is when you 
run install. The directories rpm uses for temp files, and such are 
determined by the system configuration of rpm. (The exception to this 
is source RPMs installed by the user - the user's configuration file 
overrides the system settings.) So you could have installed from the 
download directory.

Linux from Scratch looks like fun. I wish I had the time to play with 
it. But right now, most of my spare time is devoted to learning the 
ins and outs of Mandrake. I have a lot of things to learn yet, 
especially with the changes in 10.1 and mastering udev. But I think my 
next project will be trying to solve how I locked up the USB subsystem 
on this box. If I run lsusb, it just locks up right now... :-(

I'm struggling with udev also in that I have got it working at times but 
something is making it unreliable. I suspect that devfs is still in 
there somewhere and I have learnt elsewhere that udev and devfs do not 
work side by side. Let us know how you succeed as I'm sure you will.

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[newbie] keyboard numbers no go

2005-03-12 Thread SnapafunFrank
Have got a strange thing happening recently that no amount of MCC use 
seems to fix.

Basically, though the Num Lock LED is lit, I am unable to use the number 
pad part of the keyboard ~ it did once work fine with this distro.

The odd key here activates my system when in this stat (eg. the 5 key 
sometimes acts like a right click over the active window and the 0 key 
activates the Edit drop down menu ) all the while whilst the Num Lock 
LED is shinning bright.

The only two keyboard layouts available to me are US English and US 
International ( something I have never had to play with ) but switching 
between these two and leaving them set until the next reboot ( I need to 
save power here ) makes no difference.

Any ideas anyone ?
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[newbie] devfs and udev

2005-03-12 Thread SnapafunFrank
I understand that devfs and udev ought not be running at the same time, 
but how do I stop devfs ?

Within MCC I have stopped devfsd and unchecked it re boot up at start 
up, but still it runs.

Question: I'm not even sure if devfsd and devfs are the same thing ~ 
anyone ?

Here's what I see using:
$ top
 214 root  15   0  1872  624 1424 S  0.0  0.1   0:00.99 devfsd
 282 root   6 -10800   12 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.07 udevd
Are all the above statements correct ?
If so, then how do I turn devfs off and have it stay off through reboots 
? ( It must be a simple edit of some file but I'm unaware of which one.)

And of course the 'insight' question. Any ideas of the effect of leaving 
devfs turned off ?

The current actually working is that I can plug in a flash drive - wait 
a moment  - and the files become accessible to and from it. That is 
sometimes! At other times I'm sure I'm doing damage because the device 
appears to be unmounted and will not have the files seen, but when I do 
mount it manually, root can see the files but user cannot, making me 
think at times that I have wiped the flash drive. Further, the Howto's I 
followed allowed me to have any device I plugged in recognized for what 
it is within /mnt - but that has never worked since the first reboot 
though all the files appear to be in place. The very first time I tried 
to test my work, this actually did work, and often whilst I was within 
that session.

( I used the

to install udev - it's quite conclusive.)
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[newbie] /etc/hosts

2005-03-12 Thread SnapafunFrank
Some time ago I got this working OK and only recently discovered that 
the /etc/hosts file has been re-written ~ possible still more stuff left 
over from the corruption of my .ICEauthority.

Here's what I posted to assist someone at the time in regards to OOo 
opening slowly:

mine reads:   localhost.localdomain   localhost   Snapafun.localdomainlocalhost   www.snapafun.conSnapafun   www.snapafun.conlocalhost
Now that's somewhat overkill and needs a clean up but it works.
End Quote:
Since this time I have installed and have running at present ADSL via 
eth0. [ Dynamic with my ISP ]

I seem to recall that another entry was required here for that ~ anyone 
know what that is supposed to be ?

Hopefully this exercise will speed my system up to what it was before 
the .ICEauthority corruption.

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Re: [newbie] urpmi database blocked

2005-03-11 Thread SnapafunFrank
Aron Smith wrote:
On Thursday 10 March 2005 10:56 pm, Tahir Abdullah wrote:

Thanks Aron
When I tried to follow the three steps on the web-site following error
comes urpmi database locked
WHat is this problem.

a reboot will fix this (inelegent  and there is probably a better way)

The second problem is whenever I send mail from my  hotmail. It goes twice
How can I fix it?

best solution is to not use hotmail
but  leaving the reply to field blank usually works

I appreciate any guidance.
Hotmail's great for sending photos. Click here to find out more:


urpmi will be locked if it is in use ~ possibly still trying to contact 
one of your media sites which is not responding.

Google ( I prefer www.vivisimo.com ) for urpmi.unlock and install it ~ 
you may already have it ~ try 'urpmi.unlock' at the root prompt.

If not you may need to manually download it and install it using rpm -Uvh .
Unless you are doing a kernel rebuild there is no need to reboot your 
system ~ you will learn more by fixing such problems by working through 
them and you'll find that there are many here that will always assist, 
especially is you give details to your problems.

Hope this helps.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
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Re: [newbie] scribus users, pls help. pasting text longer than 1 page.

2005-03-10 Thread SnapafunFrank
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Wednesday 09 Mar 2005 08:06, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Wednesday 09 March 2005 05:40, Fajar Priyanto wrote:

Hi all,
I tried to make an article using Scribus. First I typed the article in
text editor, then copy paste it in scribus. The article is kind of longer
than 1 page, so the rest of the article isn't visible. The second page is
Can I make scribus to automatically put the rest of the article in the
second page?

No, you can't. You can resize the frame to fit your single page...which' ll
make your fonts smaller (or flatter) or split the text over 2 frames.

That's a serious problem, IMO.  There is a real need for the ability to link 
frames and enable flow between them.  Perhaps subscribing to the Scribus 
mailing list would be in order - there may be others working around this and 
requesting improvements.

Scribus is so promising, and I understand that it is a rapidly developing 
project, so maybe this is on the way.


Back again.
Everything seemed to burn OK and I can see the whole file structure when 
I mount the dvd disc.

However, I am unable to open any files. They are listed OK, but as user 
or root I cannot open them. I get the error message re:

An error occurred while loading file:/mnt/dvd-rw/Bash/HOWTO/Advanced 
Bash-Scripting HOWTO.html:
Could not read file /mnt/dvd-rw/Bash/HOWTO/Advanced Bash-Scripting 

It was the Could not read... bit that had me open konqueror from 
konsole as root, but the same result.

Any ideas anyone ?
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Re: [newbie] file size limit

2005-03-10 Thread SnapafunFrank
Duncan Anderson wrote:
Trygve Seljeflot wrote:
I'm usin fish in Konqueror, smaller files is no problem.

OK, well I think that uses scp. Try using the command line. At a bash 
prompt, try setting the ulimit:

ulimit -f unlimited
Then use scp, or run konqueror from the shell prompt.
I think that should work. (I stand to be corrected, though.)
I wonder if KDE imposes some limits?
I'm running kde and the limit is unlimited ~ so not kde.
I don't use it. I use WindowMaker.

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Re: [newbie] scribus users, pls help. pasting text longer than 1 page.

2005-03-10 Thread SnapafunFrank
SnapafunFrank wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Wednesday 09 Mar 2005 08:06, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Wednesday 09 March 2005 05:40, Fajar Priyanto wrote:

Hi all,
I tried to make an article using Scribus. First I typed the article in
text editor, then copy paste it in scribus. The article is kind of 
than 1 page, so the rest of the article isn't visible. The second 
page is

Can I make scribus to automatically put the rest of the article in the
second page?

No, you can't. You can resize the frame to fit your single 
page...which' ll
make your fonts smaller (or flatter) or split the text over 2 frames.

That's a serious problem, IMO.  There is a real need for the ability 
to link frames and enable flow between them.  Perhaps subscribing to 
the Scribus mailing list would be in order - there may be others 
working around this and requesting improvements.

Scribus is so promising, and I understand that it is a rapidly 
developing project, so maybe this is on the way.


Back again.
Everything seemed to burn OK and I can see the whole file structure 
when I mount the dvd disc.

However, I am unable to open any files. They are listed OK, but as 
user or root I cannot open them. I get the error message re:

An error occurred while loading file:/mnt/dvd-rw/Bash/HOWTO/Advanced 
Bash-Scripting HOWTO.html:
Could not read file /mnt/dvd-rw/Bash/HOWTO/Advanced Bash-Scripting 

It was the Could not read... bit that had me open konqueror from 
konsole as root, but the same result.

Any ideas anyone ?
My sincere apologies ~ left clicked wrong thread ~ will transfer this to 
the correct thread.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable

2005-03-10 Thread SnapafunFrank
SnapafunFrank wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Tuesday 08 Mar 2005 10:42, SnapafunFrank wrote:

On Friday 04 Mar 2005 09:54, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Just a possibility I've found while vivisimo~ing ( another other than
google ), Apparently, I need to turn off all the goodies I got 
on my system - that is, supermount, hotplug and the like.
Frank, I've been away, so I don't know if you've got this sorted 
yet.  I
can say, though, that I have turned off nothing at all on my system 
am getting a correct burn from k3b.


Thanks for taking a look Anne.
Not sorted yet, though I have tried. XCDRoast gets about 3-4% into a
burn then stops ~ another dvd_coaster anyone. Whereas k3b does the prep
work and without burning anything, it to stops ~ yet another 

It seems that something is not configured properly on my system so any
clues as where to start looking are most welcome. In fact, if anyone
finds a good howto burn tutorial for mdk10 that includes
troubleshooting, I would be most grateful.
The only things I can think of right now are to check your set-up for 
things like -
Have you got the latest dvd-tools package for cdrecord?
Have you run XCDRoast's setup as root so that it knows about your 
XCDRoast, on my system, defaults to CD size burns and I have to 
select 4.7GB from the drop-down box on the burn page.
I don't remember where to check similar settings on k3b, but I'm sure 
they will be there.

Not much help, but it might spark something off for you.
- -- Registered Linux User No.293302 (http://counter.li.org/)
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?  Mandrake at all 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Thanks Anne
Sorted it with xcdroast ~ one needs to download proDVD and place it as 
directed to allow xcdroast to burn more than 1gig. Working like a 
charm now and have got my first 4gig DVD done.

Will look to what k3b requires next free time because my mates are not 
interested in anything but flashy GUIs and k3b seems more to their 

I'll try by the weekend to get something up for submitting to TWiki in 
how to deal with this one on systems similar to mine. But I believe 
that 10.1 might be working straight out of the box?

Can anyone confirm this for sure, ie. you have burned to DVD-R disc 
burning more than 1gig per session.

Now back to backing up properly.
KiwiTux? ( Am I allowed to use this as a signature - don't want to 
step on any toes and google cannot find anything at present. )

Back again.
Everything seemed to burn OK and I can see the whole file structure when 
I mount the dvd disc.

However, I am unable to open any files. They are listed OK, but as user 
or root I cannot open them. I get the error message re:

An error occurred while loading file:/mnt/dvd-rw/Bash/HOWTO/Advanced 
Bash-Scripting HOWTO.html:
Could not read file /mnt/dvd-rw/Bash/HOWTO/Advanced Bash-Scripting 

It was the Could not read... bit that had me open konqueror from 
konsole as root, but the same result.

Any ideas anyone ?
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable

2005-03-08 Thread SnapafunFrank
Anne Wilson wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Friday 04 Mar 2005 09:54, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Just a possibility I've found while vivisimo~ing ( another other than
google ), Apparently, I need to turn off all the goodies I got running
on my system - that is, supermount, hotplug and the like.

Frank, I've been away, so I don't know if you've got this sorted yet.  I can 
say, though, that I have turned off nothing at all on my system and am 
getting a correct burn from k3b.

- -- 
Registered Linux User No.293302 (http://counter.li.org/)
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?  Mandrake at all levels
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Thanks for taking a look Anne.
Not sorted yet, though I have tried. XCDRoast gets about 3-4% into a 
burn then stops ~ another dvd_coaster anyone. Whereas k3b does the prep 
work and without burning anything, it to stops ~ yet another dvd_coaster.

It seems that something is not configured properly on my system so any 
clues as where to start looking are most welcome. In fact, if anyone 
finds a good howto burn tutorial for mdk10 that includes 
troubleshooting, I would be most grateful.

I have tried all the following:
http://fy.chalmers.se/~appro/linux/DVD+RW/-RW/  ( The discs I am using 
are dvd-r )

http://k3b.plainblack.com   ( Signed up for this one but no feedback yet 
to my new thread. )

and of course all my forum wanderings, justlinux, linuxquestions, etc.
I have installed stuff as a result that I never knew existed - but to no 
avail as yet.

Basically what I'm looking for is stuff that relates to where to look 
for troubleshooting a system that is not playing ball.

I need to clean a partition so as to sandbox 10.1 to take a look at. I 
thought it would be straight forward to burn 4gigs to a dvd ~ just my luck.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable

2005-03-08 Thread SnapafunFrank
Anne Wilson wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Tuesday 08 Mar 2005 10:42, SnapafunFrank wrote:

On Friday 04 Mar 2005 09:54, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Just a possibility I've found while vivisimo~ing ( another other than
google ), Apparently, I need to turn off all the goodies I got running
on my system - that is, supermount, hotplug and the like.

Frank, I've been away, so I don't know if you've got this sorted yet.  I
can say, though, that I have turned off nothing at all on my system and
am getting a correct burn from k3b.

Thanks for taking a look Anne.
Not sorted yet, though I have tried. XCDRoast gets about 3-4% into a
burn then stops ~ another dvd_coaster anyone. Whereas k3b does the prep
work and without burning anything, it to stops ~ yet another dvd_coaster.
It seems that something is not configured properly on my system so any
clues as where to start looking are most welcome. In fact, if anyone
finds a good howto burn tutorial for mdk10 that includes
troubleshooting, I would be most grateful.

The only things I can think of right now are to check your set-up for things 
like -
Have you got the latest dvd-tools package for cdrecord?
Have you run XCDRoast's setup as root so that it knows about your hardware?
XCDRoast, on my system, defaults to CD size burns and I have to select 4.7GB 
from the drop-down box on the burn page.
I don't remember where to check similar settings on k3b, but I'm sure they 
will be there.

Not much help, but it might spark something off for you.
- -- 
Registered Linux User No.293302 (http://counter.li.org/)
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?  Mandrake at all levels
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Thanks Anne
Sorted it with xcdroast ~ one needs to download proDVD and place it as 
directed to allow xcdroast to burn more than 1gig. Working like a charm 
now and have got my first 4gig DVD done.

Will look to what k3b requires next free time because my mates are not 
interested in anything but flashy GUIs and k3b seems more to their flavour.

I'll try by the weekend to get something up for submitting to TWiki in 
how to deal with this one on systems similar to mine. But I believe that 
10.1 might be working straight out of the box?

Can anyone confirm this for sure, ie. you have burned to DVD-R disc 
burning more than 1gig per session.

Now back to backing up properly.
KiwiTux? ( Am I allowed to use this as a signature - don't want to step 
on any toes and google cannot find anything at present. )

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] urpmi query

2005-03-06 Thread SnapafunFrank
Graham Watkins wrote:
Hi Y'all,
Recently, while attempting to 'urpmi' a new program, I got the 
following  message at the command line:

unable to access hdlist file of eslrahc, medium ignored
I presume this means that a source has become messed up somehow.  What 
do I have to do to get it put right?

If I were to see this , this is what I would attempt first:
1. # urpmi.removemedia eslrahc
2. I would then browse to Charles site www.eslrahc.com and click on your 
actual distribution version. At the top of the page is the suggested 
link for adding eslrahc back onto you urpmi . but read on first.

Though mine is Mandrake 10 and would look like this :
urpmi.addmedia eslrahc http://www.eslrahc.com/10.0/ with hdlist.cz
I would add the switches ' c ' and ' f ' like so :
urpmi.addmedia -c -f eslrahc http://www.eslrahc.com/10.0/ with hdlist.cz
I have found that when I have any problems with any particular media, 
this way seems to always put things right.

Using the two switches as above as become standard practice for me when 
I update my own onboard downloaded rpm directory because it doesn't have 
a hlist to start with.

Hope it helps.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] Un-suspend and non-working USB devices

2005-03-06 Thread SnapafunFrank
Derek Jennings wrote:
On Friday 04 March 2005 23:07, Paul Kaplan wrote:

Is it possible to set this for different message classes?  That is, can I
leave it as my address for personal e-mails, but change it for messages
sent to the list?

PS - When sending to the mailing list, please do not have Reply-To: set
to your address.

You do not need a Reply To set for *any* emails unless you are sending from 
one address and want the replies to go to another.

If there is no Reply To then replies will go to whoever sent the mail. In 
the case of your personal mails that will be you, in the case of list mails 
that will be the list.

. and you usually.

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Re: [newbie] Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable

2005-03-04 Thread SnapafunFrank
SnapafunFrank wrote:
 Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable
I have read the threads at k3b on this matter but am still unable to 
use k3b with confidence. Have 4 dvd-r coasters already.

So hopefully someone here can assist in getting me to burn dvd's 

I'm running Mandrake 10 official at present.
So far I have:
plus these also in case I've missed something:
I have also checked to be sure that the read only option is unchecked.
So I still get the dreaded  Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable  
even though I have done permissions as per the forum on k3b and 
changed them back again. I have also attempted to direct things with 
k3b-setup by trying to include the path  /usr/bin/dvd+rw-format  but 
it doesn't appear to stick.

I have also uninstalled versions that appeared not to match and 
installed packages specifically for Mandrake10 only.

k3b appears to start up more friendly as user [ using the CLI ] than 
it does as root, so I'm not sure what to make of that at present. ( 
Two logged strings as opposed to dozens as root. More GUI problems as 
root I think.)

So how do I get to burn data dvd's to dvd-r discs? - Er... hopefully 
using k3b?

What was happening to start me on the upgrade path was that k3b was 
writing nothing to the dvd-r disc but somehow cooking it anyway whilst 
xcdroast would get 3-4% along with the burning then simply stop and 
after a while eject the dvd suggesting it was done.

As said above, hopefully someone here knows where I'm messing up.
Just a possibility I've found while vivisimo~ing ( another other than 
google ), Apparently, I need to turn off all the goodies I got running 
on my system - that is, supermount, hotplug and the like.

So I have a thought, ( ouch! ), is it possible to insert a blank dvd 
disc, allow k3b to open ( as it dose automatically at present ), close 
k3b and then umount the /mnt/cdrom to achieve the desired effect of 
other services leaving this disc alone for the time being ?

The idea here, I think, is to give growisofs, from the dvd+rw-tools 
package, exclusive access to the dvd writer. That way I can learn to use 
growisofs to burn data to the disc and if'n that works then go back to 
getting a GUI like k3b fired up and working. While all this is going on, 
I have, of course, to stop anything else on my system from trying to 
lend a  helping hand .

If the above thought is not the way, how about looking at making a group 
such as 'burndvd' ? Would I be able to exclude which ever group/s 
supermount, hotplug and the like belong to from accessing that and 
thence give only growisofs permission for access ?

I'm getting in a little deep here and would appreciate any suggestions 
at all.

Have enough dvd coasters already.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] printer - yext not printing as preview shows

2005-03-04 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Printing out the Rute tutorial is about 1000 pages idf you must have a dead
tree copy it would be cheaper to buy it

I am in NZ so postage costs negate that option.  Also I only need a couple of 
chapters for now.  Printed a couple a year or two ago.  Going to a larger 
town/city next week to see what's available.


Er I live in Whangarei, you anywhere this way? Cause I have already 
killed some trees and made a full copy of rute about a six months ago. 
You're welcome to borrow it.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Forum - OT

2005-03-04 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
On Friday 04 Mar 2005 21:09, Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

On Friday 04 Mar 2005 01:23, riccardo wrote:

On Thursday 03 March 2005 12:01 pm, Christopher Taylor wrote:

nice not to have to re-install and loose all  the data.

~ guess it is un-neccessary to lose any Data . . . ever  :-O
. . . have CRON Daemon do frequent backups of /home directory, using
RSYNC script  . . . like :-
# use rsync to backup /home to /dev/hda6
mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda6 /mnt
# df
rsync -avr --delete --delete-after /home /mnt
umount /mnt

best rgds


Just copy and paste that into shell using an editor?

Further question.  Have been looking at cron directories (I think anyway!).  
Have a long list of /etc/rc or etc/cron.daily   /etc/cron.hourly   and so on.

With regard to the above script - do I navigate to the appropriate line 
eg /etc/cron.daily   then insert the script?

I know this sounds basic to experienced users, but it is like speaking a 
foreign language to me.


I missed this one Rosemary... Did you get it sorted or would you care 
for an instructing for vim ?

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[newbie] Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable

2005-03-03 Thread SnapafunFrank
 Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable
I have read the threads at k3b on this matter but am still unable to use 
k3b with confidence. Have 4 dvd-r coasters already.

So hopefully someone here can assist in getting me to burn dvd's ?
I'm running Mandrake 10 official at present.
So far I have:
plus these also in case I've missed something:
I have also checked to be sure that the read only option is unchecked.
So I still get the dreaded  Unable to find dvd+rw-format executable  
even though I have done permissions as per the forum on k3b and changed 
them back again. I have also attempted to direct things with k3b-setup 
by trying to include the path  /usr/bin/dvd+rw-format  but it doesn't 
appear to stick.

I have also uninstalled versions that appeared not to match and 
installed packages specifically for Mandrake10 only.

k3b appears to start up more friendly as user [ using the CLI ] than it 
does as root, so I'm not sure what to make of that at present. ( Two 
logged strings as opposed to dozens as root. More GUI problems as root I 

So how do I get to burn data dvd's to dvd-r discs? - Er... hopefully 
using k3b?

What was happening to start me on the upgrade path was that k3b was 
writing nothing to the dvd-r disc but somehow cooking it anyway whilst 
xcdroast would get 3-4% along with the burning then simply stop and 
after a while eject the dvd suggesting it was done.

As said above, hopefully someone here knows where I'm messing up.
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Re: [newbie] kernel and Nvidia don't work

2005-03-02 Thread SnapafunFrank
Dennis Myers wrote:
On Tuesday 01 March 2005 01:52 pm, Ron Hunter-Duvar wrote:

On February 28, 2005 22:13, Dennis Myers wrote:

Has anyone had a problem with getting the Nvidia drivers to work with the
-24 kernel? I can not get an install on this and it does not give a real
reason in the logs. This is the installer log print

I've gotten the 6629 NVidia driver working fine with the -24 kernel with a
GeForce FX 5200 board on my new computer.
And I had the hand-patched 6111 NVidia driver (see list archives for
details) working with the -12 kernel and a TNT 64 board on my old computer.
But I can't get the TNT 64 board to work with the -24 kernel, with either
the hand-patched 6111 or the (unpatched) 6629 NVidia driver. Either one
installs fine, and X comes up fine, but any attempt to start an OpenGl
program results in a Segmentation Fault. I haven't made any great effort to
resolve this, just went back to the nv driver.
Sorry I can't be more help.

Huh, now the -12 kernel and/or 6111 driver will not work either. Same error 
message. I have been all over the internet looking for answers and tried them 
all. Thanks for everyone's suggestions, but no soap. Guess it's time to clean 
house and try again. I have really no sense when it comes to  installing  
kernels side by side.  Up Up and away.

Just a thought. I have 6111 installed OK but it is against a 2.6.~ 
kernel and I understood at the time that that is what was required for 
the OpenGL stuff to work. As I said, just a thought.

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Re: [newbie] various issues - apology

2005-03-01 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Hello listers,
Thanks to all who replied to my post.  I'm sorry - I was  pretty  unreasonable 
on reflection.  I have been frustrated at one or two things, and also on 
night duty, which does nothing for my tolerance!  I do aplogise for sounding 

Just for interest I had no problems going from win 98 to winXP but mainly 
because I also went from a ten year old computer with 200mhz processor and 64 
mb RAM, to 2Gig and  256!  But I certainly found computing a weird world when 
I first started.  

The reality is, I have only booted to windows once in the last week and that 
was to print a letter head with a scanned logo for some work I do.  I am 
learning my way around the various programmes I use, and it isn't actually 
going to hurt me to use Kmail rather than thunderbird.  However I do want to 
get the webpage printing sorted because need the Rute tutorial in hard copy 
to refer to.  I'll look at the printing suggestion you made Anne.

Hope you got Mozilla handy 'cause I'm not sure if Firefox can handle 
this site but have I got it easy for you

Go to this site : http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz [ note the *.gz 
bit - Mozilla can handle that  - let me know if Firefox can please ] ...

At the very top left of this page is this link.. 

Download that - unzip it - and you have a pdf file to print to hard 
copy. Warning, I have done this myself with rute and that is a book 
sized printout.

Tried the above link in konqueror and not only did it open the site page 
but when I did a simple left click on the pdf link, konqueror offered to 
open it for me there and then .. ( it's downloading as I write this.) So 
from pdf to printer is a snap - Er... I have xpdf and Acrobat5 
installed. The later gives me more printing layout options, though if I 
were to dig further there would likely be something in kprinter that 
would do enough to satisfy my requirements.

Sort of supports my earlier posting in this thread ... I must use what 
is available first, then experiment with the latest and greatest.

Hope you get Rute sorted.
I think the main problem is that I want to run, before I can walk properly, in 
linux!  A bit of patience is in order ...  

A big bonus is that I don't ever lose my internet conection in linux.  I don't 
know whether that is the hardware modem or the OS, but it's a big improvement 
on before.

Anyway  thanks all.  I'm not giving up.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] various issues - apology

2005-03-01 Thread SnapafunFrank
SnapafunFrank wrote:
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Hello listers,
Thanks to all who replied to my post.  I'm sorry - I was  pretty  
unreasonable on reflection.  I have been frustrated at one or two 
things, and also on night duty, which does nothing for my tolerance!  
I do aplogise for sounding off.

Just for interest I had no problems going from win 98 to winXP but 
mainly because I also went from a ten year old computer with 200mhz 
processor and 64 mb RAM, to 2Gig and  256!  But I certainly found 
computing a weird world when I first started. 
The reality is, I have only booted to windows once in the last week 
and that was to print a letter head with a scanned logo for some work 
I do.  I am learning my way around the various programmes I use, and 
it isn't actually going to hurt me to use Kmail rather than 
thunderbird.  However I do want to get the webpage printing sorted 
because need the Rute tutorial in hard copy to refer to.  I'll look 
at the printing suggestion you made Anne.

Hope you got Mozilla handy 'cause I'm not sure if Firefox can handle 
this site but have I got it easy for you

Go to this site : http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz [ note the 
*.gz bit - Mozilla can handle that  - let me know if Firefox can 
please ] ...

At the very top left of this page is this link.. 

Download that - unzip it - and you have a pdf file to print to hard 
copy. Warning, I have done this myself with rute and that is a book 
sized printout.


Tried the above link in konqueror and not only did it open the site 
page but when I did a simple left click on the pdf link, konqueror 
offered to open it for me there and then .. ( it's downloading as I 
write this.) So from pdf to printer is a snap - Er... I have xpdf and 
Acrobat5 installed. The later gives me more printing layout options, 
though if I were to dig further there would likely be something in 
kprinter that would do enough to satisfy my requirements.

Sort of supports my earlier posting in this thread ... I must use what 
is available first, then experiment with the latest and greatest.

Hope you get Rute sorted.
I think the main problem is that I want to run, before I can walk 
properly, in linux!  A bit of patience is in order ... 
A big bonus is that I don't ever lose my internet conection in 
linux.  I don't know whether that is the hardware modem or the OS, 
but it's a big improvement on before.

Anyway  thanks all.  I'm not giving up.

Another update ; It's 660 pages long whew.
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Re: [newbie] various issues - apology

2005-03-01 Thread SnapafunFrank
et wrote:
Travis Crook wrote:
On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 06:50 -0500, Kenneth Rhodes wrote:

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 23:45 +1300, SnapafunFrank wrote:

SnapafunFrank wrote:

Hope you got Mozilla handy 'cause I'm not sure if Firefox can 
handle this site but have I got it easy for you

Go to this site : http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz [ note the 
*.gz bit - Mozilla can handle that  - let me know if Firefox can 
please ] ...

At the very top left of this page is this link.. 

Download that - unzip it - and you have a pdf file to print to 
hard copy. Warning, I have done this myself with rute and that is 
a book sized printout.


Tried the above link in konqueror and not only did it open the 
site page but when I did a simple left click on the pdf link, 
konqueror offered to open it for me there and then .. ( it's 
downloading as I write this.) So from pdf to printer is a snap - 
Er... I have xpdf and Acrobat5 installed. The later gives me more 
printing layout options, though if I were to dig further there 
would likely be something in kprinter that would do enough to 
satisfy my requirements.

Sort of supports my earlier posting in this thread ... I must use 
what is available first, then experiment with the latest and 

The link works in Firefox and Epiphany as well.  :)

Opera too!

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you all do know that as root urpmi rute will install rute,, adn just 
typing 'rute' in a cli will start rute

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses]

Yeah, but Rosemary was talking of printing it, possibly from within 
windows, so the pdf file seemed to be the way to go.

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Re: [newbie] various issues

2005-02-28 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Maybe I am being unecessarily  negative about linux.   But it does seem 
that one has to work inordinately hard to achivee some basic functions.   I 
have reverted to Kmail simply because I can't get links to browser to open 
from Tbird.   It seems this may a Tbird problem rather than Mandrake or 
linux.  Nonetheless - fixes suggested, other than command line, which is 
beyond me as a newbie, don't work.  I guess of course, that it's possible   
that I am entering text incorrectly.
At the moment I understand why linux has the reputation that it has.  I *do* 
appreciate all the help I've had.

Wondering about going back to windows 

I've been where you are now Rosemary and I can tell you I did  go back 
to windows , that is until I hit their first freeze at about 5minutes 
in wanting to format a simple word document.

It then dawned on me that though Mandrake was not going along as easy as 
some of the stuff I was used to, at least it was going along AND I was 
able to fix things there and then.

So do pop back to windows for a look see and while it is loading try to 
recall why it was you needed to look at something different.

Isn't Linux now worth the effort ?
Example: Thunderbird won't cross link but kmail will - beats Outlook 
Express injecting you with a virus then abandoning you by reverting to 
the dreaded BSOD from where there is only usually one come back.

Bye Bye all loaded pages I haven't yet read. ( Thankfully I now use 
Mozilla both here and in Windows - so when that system crashes I still 
have a decent history bar (F9) to get my unread pages back. )

Bottom line, use the apps that work in Linux for now and stick to 
configuring one preferred app at a time. You get to learn Linux and end 
up with the exact app you want.

Coffee fix required me thinks.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] Re: various issues

2005-02-28 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mr. Geek wrote:
Russell Butler wrote:
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Maybe I am being unecessarily  negative about linux.   But it 
does seem that one has to work inordinately hard to achivee some 
basic functions.   I have reverted to Kmail simply because I can't 
get links to browser to open from Tbird.   It seems this may a Tbird 
problem rather than Mandrake or linux.  Nonetheless - fixes 
suggested, other than command line, which is beyond me as a newbie, 
don't work.  I guess of course, that it's possible   that I am 
entering text incorrectly.
At the moment I understand why linux has the reputation that it 
has.  I *do* appreciate all the help I've had.

Wondering about going back to windows 
Hi Rosemary, I hear your frustration. The curve is pretty steep at 

A couple of points about CLI : Don't forget the Tab completion in the 
shell. If you start typing a link or a command, then hit Tab, it will 
show you the possible completions, and as you work along will fill 
everything in, correctly, because it only allows correct syntax.  Not 
a cure-all, but stops a lot of typos.

The other feature of the konsole shell that I find can avoid typos is 
to highlight something you know you want to type, for instance a file 
found by locate then do Edit (from the menu in the top border) - Copy
If you then do shift-insert it will paste the copied data into your 
shell. Can also work eg from browser links. I use it setting up my 
urpmi sources from http://easyurpmi.zarb.org/.  Saves a lot of 
potential errors.

Saw this link a couple of days ago on MDK Expert list:

Have a look, it may solve your T'bird/Firefox linking problem. 
Certainly worked for me, and (I hope) not too complex for a newbie.


Actually, as long as you have the gpm package installed, you can 
select (ie; highlight) text from virtually anywhere, move your mouse 
into your shell, and either click (do not rotate, but depress) the 
wheel on your mouse or simultaneously click both left and right 
buttons at the same time. Whatever you had previously selected will 
now show up in your shell.

Mr. Geek
Registered Linux User #190712
And a working example of that to get you using it because it is just 
great and easy: Open your konsole and :-

$ slocate some file name you know exist someplace on you system
As stated above : place the I bar cursor at the end of the last 
directory that contains the file name you want to go to : left click 
depress and hold : move the I bar to highlight the whole file name [ all 
the way to the left of the page ] : release left click.

Now without doing or moving anything :
Type  cd  and hit the space bar once : click the middle mouse button : 
and hit the enter key :

Because you are inside a CLI your typing will default to the current 
command prompt automatically and your pasting will also default to the 
same command prompt line. No typo's:

Now this example is only a exercise and I leave it to you to find the 
many uses it has when you are within the CLI.

Enjoy, man, isn't Linux fun at times.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] Beware, Firefox is a spyware :)

2005-02-26 Thread SnapafunFrank
Fajar Priyanto wrote:
Not really surprising? :)

Very so so micro$oft
Tell me, what do you see when you click on the link  Learn more about 
this threat ... 

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[newbie] Keyboard mayhem

2005-02-19 Thread SnapafunFrank
Since I tried to get my flash drive auto mounted and ended up corrupting 
.ICEauthority resulting in having to recover my system by deleting that 
file and once ' in ' again, I have had number pad problems.

Basically none of the numbers type - the Num Lock key still turns the 
LED on and off - the plus ( + ) and zero ( 0 ) keys  Select All  
within current document and the  Enter  key is the only one that works 

Any Ideas anyone ?
Running MDK10 Official and KDE 3.2.3 - Mostly all updated.
And yes, I have tried MCC and changing keyboard layouts to no avail.
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Re: [newbie] NTP

2005-02-18 Thread SnapafunFrank
Derek Jennings wrote:
On Friday 18 February 2005 05:19, Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 17:53, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

Thought I had installed NTP using software installer but this is what I
get in terminal.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ ntpd -q
bash: ntpd: command not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$ which ntp
which: no ntp in
/r osemary/bin) [EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]$

It doesn't appear to have installed.
I'll try looking at log files if I can work out how to find them

 This is because ntpd in in the /usr/sbin directory, and that is not on
the path of a normal user. You would have to use /usr/sbin/ntpd -q
instead. I am not sure, but I suspect you have to be root for it to
actually change the system time.

Hmmm - it is in /etc  and has ntp.conf there.  Instructions say to add a
line to that file but I can't find how to get into it - I am a newbie! 
Been looking at linux command pages but stuck.
Solong as I don't boot to windows the time is fine anyway!


Rosemary, Mandrake has a GUI to set up ntp so you do not need to edit text 
files if you do not want to.
Install the package drakwizard and then open Mandrake Control Centre. You will 
see a new section called 'Server' in there is a wizard to set up ntp for you.

And for future reference. If you do ever need to edit system files you must do 
it as root user. A simple way to become root user is to hit Alt+F2 end type 
kdesu konqueror in the box that will appear.
This opens a copy of konqueror file manager as root user. Edit your files from 


Here's a slightly easier way ( at least for me ) to edit any file as root.
Seeing as how you're now getting to grips with konsole, simply sign in 
as ' su ' and at the command prompt do :

# kwrite [ substitute kwrite for any text editor you prefer - the ' 
 ' allows you to run whatever you have called ( in this case kwrite ) 
without locking up the command prompt for ' su ' ]

Within the editor opened as ' su ' you can now browse to the file you 
wish to edit - edit it -don't forget to save your changes - don't forget 
to close the editor once done ( leaving it open while you duck out for a 
coffee could see a curious mate corrupt your system thinking they were 
simply playing with a common editor ).

Note: sometimes you'll see heaps of error messages and the like flash 
by in konsole whilst the app is loading - don't be concerned as this is 
usually some conflicts with not having configured most apps as su. The 
app should still open in  un-customized  mode and be just as usable as 
you would use it as ' user '.

Should things not seem to finish in konsole once you close the app - 
just do the Ctrl+C thing as you would to end a normal running command.

Enjoy and in your case - enjoy how it is you can control things from now on.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] GwenView

2005-02-18 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 08:26, Anne Wilson wrote:

After my moaning on the expert list about having to use win4lin to print
photos, Angelo pointed
me at GwenView.  At first sight this is yet another album-creating photo
management application, but it's remarkably flexible, thanks to a number of
plugins.  Today I have for the first time used it to print a batch of 24
photos, four to a page.  There is a good print wizard where you can see
exactly which photos you're going to print.  Inevitably there was going to
be some cropping, and I was a little apprehensive about this, but as the
wizard progressed I found that I could move the cropping on each photo
individually, to make the best result.  That is very neatly done - the same
effect as on my windows app, but neater.  Finally, the printout - the
results are good - better than the previous set of the same pictures,
produced on the other app. Best of all, I printed all 24 photos in one
print job, whereas the other app could only handle one page at a time.
10/10 to the developers.  If you like photo work, try this app out.  (Yes
I'll put a copy of this on the TWiki under Desktop Apps g)

Do you think a newbie could learn it.  I muck about with photos in Windows.

I hope so Rosemary, 'cause I'm looking at things now.
What the plugins are and where to find them eludes me at this time but 
I've twigged that to get plugins sorted I will NOT be installing 
gwenview by urpmi.

I believe I need to compile it from source with the kipi option ( 
--enable-kipi ) having first installed the libkipi0, and for safety, 
I'm installing the libkipi0-devel also. Both these by urpmi anyway.

I went here to find that out. http://gwenview.sourceforge.net/overview
I will possible need to wait for the TWiki posting to find out what the 
traps are 'cause the home site seems devoid of Documentation at present. 
( Or I haven't looked hard enough yet.)

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] GwenView

2005-02-18 Thread SnapafunFrank
SnapafunFrank wrote:
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 08:26, Anne Wilson wrote:

After my moaning on the expert list about having to use win4lin to 
photos, Angelo pointed
me at GwenView.  At first sight this is yet another album-creating 
management application, but it's remarkably flexible, thanks to a 
number of
plugins.  Today I have for the first time used it to print a batch 
of 24
photos, four to a page.  There is a good print wizard where you can see
exactly which photos you're going to print.  Inevitably there was 
going to
be some cropping, and I was a little apprehensive about this, but as 
wizard progressed I found that I could move the cropping on each photo
individually, to make the best result.  That is very neatly done - 
the same
effect as on my windows app, but neater.  Finally, the printout - the
results are good - better than the previous set of the same pictures,
produced on the other app. Best of all, I printed all 24 photos in one
print job, whereas the other app could only handle one page at a time.

10/10 to the developers.  If you like photo work, try this app out.  
I'll put a copy of this on the TWiki under Desktop Apps g)


Do you think a newbie could learn it.  I muck about with photos in 


I hope so Rosemary, 'cause I'm looking at things now.
What the plugins are and where to find them eludes me at this time but 
I've twigged that to get plugins sorted I will NOT be installing 
gwenview by urpmi.

I believe I need to compile it from source with the kipi option ( 
--enable-kipi ) having first installed the libkipi0, and for safety, 
I'm installing the libkipi0-devel also. Both these by urpmi anyway.

I went here to find that out. http://gwenview.sourceforge.net/overview
I will possible need to wait for the TWiki posting to find out what 
the traps are 'cause the home site seems devoid of Documentation at 
present. ( Or I haven't looked hard enough yet.)

Quick update - the plugins are listed within this doc.  
http://extragear.kde.org/apps/kipi/  - enjoy.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] Web Page Design Software

2005-02-17 Thread SnapafunFrank
Graham Watkins wrote:
BJ Tracy wrote:
Hello All,
Well my plans are moving ahead and I need to know if there is a user
friendly web page design software package for linux that those of you
have used and like.  I'm using Mandrake 10.0.
B.J. Tracy

I like Arachnophilia although if you are a complete novice regarding 
html, Mozilla Composer may suit you better.
If you installed openoffice then do:
Alt+F2 Type  ooffice  ( without the quotes ) - select Run and once 
OOo is up and running go File New Html Document . Enjoy

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Re: [newbie] Web Page Design Software

2005-02-16 Thread SnapafunFrank
BJ Tracy wrote:
On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 06:34, John Layt wrote:

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 21:31, David G Stevenson wrote:

Slighty OT:
Yes, your original poster simply wanted GUI editor. I just wanted to
suggest an alternative to PHP which people tend to forget in favour of
the current 'popular' choice. I do feel that while languages come and go
and others evolve, Perl just seems to carry on being a darn good work
horse especially when there is lots of data to crunch in the background.
Then again, I am just an old timer that grew up on Perl and Oracle :-)

All so true, as a programmer on the Big Iron, I know that a good old COBOL job 
can do in 1 minute what some of these new-fangled 4GL environments take 10 
minutes to achieve :-)  The 4GL takes 1 tenth of the time to write however.

Of course, the ASM guys in the next pod over would normally chime in about 
this point in any conversation to remind us that they can run it in about 10 


Thanks to all of you.  What I'm trying to come up with is a multi page
web site with pics (real estate) and a way people can contact me.
Thanks again,

Did you install OOo with MDK10... It has a reasonable WYSIWYG html 
editor - no need to worry about syntax.

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Re: [newbie] supposed thunderbird download

2005-02-15 Thread SnapafunFrank
riccardo wrote:
On Tuesday 15 February 2005 03:45 pm, Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

Download manager says
thunderbird was downloaed.  What has happened?

~ perhaps, it is handy to install :
. . . that way, you could command :  updatedb
and, then, command : locate  thunderbird
best rgds


Ahh... Yes, but
If you want to find anything anywhere on a system, and I include other 
hard drives - etc, then using the updatedb command won't be of any use.

I use slocate and the only way for me to see other file systems, 
including my dual booted WinMe, is to use slocate -u  to compile / 
update the database.

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Re: [newbie] easyurpmi

2005-02-15 Thread SnapafunFrank
RickSisler wrote:
Rosemary McGillicuddy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Hello all,
Decided to have a look at this and see if I could figure it out.  Now I'm 
stuck.  This is the last few lines of my terminal

...retrieving done
examining hdlist file [/var/cache/urpmi/partial/hdlist.plf-free.cz]
writing list file for medium plf-free
examining pubkey file of plf-free...
...imported key caba22ae from pubkey file of plf-free
built hdlist synthesis file for medium plf-free
found 0 headers in cache
removing 0 obsolete headers in cache
write config file [/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg
bash: /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg: Permission denied
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]#
Can anyone help please - many thanks

Hi Rosemary,
Were you trying to look at the file ?
In order to do that, you can use the less command,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# less /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg 

use the arrow keys to scroll up or down and type q to quit.

What are you trying to do?
If you wish to view the media you have available using urpmi then issue 
the following:

# urpmq --list-media
If you get back that urpmq is not a command then you have yet to 
complete your urpmi installation.

Get the urpm.. tool working and there'll be not stopping you.
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Re: [newbie] Installing programmes

2005-02-14 Thread SnapafunFrank
Noel McG. wrote:
- Original Message - 
From: SnapafunFrank [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: newbie@linux-mandrake.com
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Installing programmes


Noel McG. wrote:

I am trying to install a programme called Mambo


on a linux box. I needed  Apache, PHP and MySQL  on first apparently.
I loaded them from Mandrake CD's and got Apache running and a page up in


browser. I did not get as far as enabling PHP or MySQL.  However when I
tried to Mambo in /var/www  I found the I was unable to extract the
compressed files to it. 'Permission not allowed to write to this folder.
Create a new folder' well more or less. I then logged in as Admin and the
same thing happened.
Now I also have a LAMP programme, xampp,
http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html  that seems easier to


up.  So I removed Apache, PHP and MySQL  from the system and tried to
install xampp, the set up instructions gave a sequence [tar xvfz
xampp-linux-1.4.11.tar.gz -C /opt] to enter once logged in as su root.  I
did this and it came up with cannot find file.  The tar is on the



Did you cd to the desktop containing the file first ? ie:
$ cd ~/Desktop
$ tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.4.11.tar.gz -C /opt
$ cd /opt/xamp[TabKey] - There is usually a README file within the
uncompressed directory to advise before you continue.
$ ./configure ( if required )
$ make ( if required )
Change to root:
$ su
# make install ( if required )


I don't mean to over simplify things believing you are unaware of the
procedure, it's just that it is easier to include the lot whilst I got
the time.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!

I have now got Mambo installed in /var/www/  and Xampp in /opt/.   I am not
sure if Mambo is working however xampp is and in a terminal window starting
xampp brings up this
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.4.11...
XAMPP: XAMPP-Apache is already running.
XAMPP: XAMPP-MySQL is already running.
XAMPP: XAMPP-ProFTPD is already running.
XAMPP for Linux started.
I am told that I now need to create a database in MySQL for Mambo and run an
install script[?]
The instructions give '$ mysqladmin -u db_user -p create Mambo', db_user has
to be changed to a suitable name for the system.This come up 'no such
msql command'
I have tried changing to /var/www but still get the same thing.
Any thoughts please.  Thanks.

Can't help you from here Noel, but keep posting you successes because I 
am about to go this way myself, so will need to learn ~ great timing for 
this thread for me.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
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Re: [newbie] importing keys

2005-02-13 Thread SnapafunFrank
Anne Wilson wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Sunday 13 Feb 2005 09:22, Aron Smith wrote:

Does anyone know how to import the key signatures for Charles Edwards site?
I keep getting warnings

Get the .asc file from his site, then
rpm --import http://www.eslrahc.com/10.1/CAE.asc
- -- 
Registered Linux User No.293302 (http://counter.li.org/)
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?  Mandrake at all levels
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


You seem to be 'double' posting at the moment Anne ?
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] Installing programmes

2005-02-12 Thread SnapafunFrank
Noel McG. wrote:
I am trying to install a programme called Mambo http://www.mamboserver.com/
on a linux box. I needed  Apache, PHP and MySQL  on first apparently.
I loaded them from Mandrake CD's and got Apache running and a page up in a
browser. I did not get as far as enabling PHP or MySQL.  However when I
tried to Mambo in /var/www  I found the I was unable to extract the
compressed files to it. 'Permission not allowed to write to this folder.
Create a new folder' well more or less. I then logged in as Admin and the
same thing happened.
Now I also have a LAMP programme, xampp,
http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html  that seems easier to set
up.  So I removed Apache, PHP and MySQL  from the system and tried to
install xampp, the set up instructions gave a sequence [tar xvfz
xampp-linux-1.4.11.tar.gz -C /opt] to enter once logged in as su root.  I
did this and it came up with cannot find file.  The tar is on the desktop.

Did you cd to the desktop containing the file first ? ie:
$ cd ~/Desktop
$ tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.4.11.tar.gz -C /opt
$ cd /opt/xamp[TabKey] - There is usually a README file within the 
uncompressed directory to advise before you continue.
$ ./configure ( if required )
$ make ( if required )
Change to root:
$ su
# make install ( if required )

Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?  I find it odd that when logged in as
admin or su that I seem denied access to some files/folders.
Incidentally I am very new to this so things need to be spelled out step by
Thanks for any help.

I don't mean to over simplify things believing you are unaware of the 
procedure, it's just that it is easier to include the lot whilst I got 
the time.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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2005-02-10 Thread SnapafunFrank
In looking around my system I tried the netstat -atuv command and found 
the following:

tcp0  0  

It appears that my system is somehow connected to 
www.aboutwebservices.com and I have no idea at present in how this is 
possible. ( There are no other established connections.)

Any thoughts ?
Running MDK10 Linux-2.6.3-7 kde-3.2.3 and using a Linksys WAG54G Gateway 
( wired only at present) ADSL connection.

I now own the  Real World Linux Security 2nd Edition  but only just so 
will get started on reading it, it's just that if this is a vunerabilty 
then maybe I should, with your help, deal with it now ?

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] Back to the forgotten beginning ~ lilo

2005-02-09 Thread SnapafunFrank
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
SnapafunFrank wrote:
Basically, I have two hdd's with the now slave having suffered my 
first attempts at Linux and of course, the last 9x going [ WinMe }.

I can boot into WinMe without any hassles whatsoever but am unable to 
get lilo.conf right to boot into the old linux9.1 OS I have also 
installed on that hdd.

Latest attempt:
other=/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/part2   [ My boot partition on 
this hdd ]
  append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent

I have tried  other=/dev/hdb2  ( my boot partition on this drive ) 
and tried also  other=/dev/hdb2  [ WinMe starts out as  
other=/dev/hdb1 ]

I have made sure that vmlinuz and initrd.img exist on that boot 
partition still.

I added the  table=/dev/hdb  but still no go.
So someone want to slap me over the wrist for being dump here somewhere?

Dumb question time - Is this lilo.conf you are working with on the 
second hard drive? Was the drive /dev/hdb when you installed Linux on 
it, or did you just have the drive with Linux on it in the machine 
when you installed it, and added back the Windows drive? Or do you 
have both Linux and Windows on the first drive, and you are trying to 
boot a second Linux install from the second drive?

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you folk but hopefully I can make 
up for it now.

First my lilo.conf [ Note: this is on my master hdd and is booting 
Mandrake10 Official and then of course my WinMe which is on the slave hdd.]

# File generated by DrakX/drakboot and reconfigured by SnapafunFrank.
# WARNING: do not forget to run lilo after modifying this file
   append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
   append= noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
   append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
   append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
   append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
   append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
   append=failsafe noapic acpi=ht devfs=nomount
   append=failsafe noapic acpi=ht devfs=nomount
   append=failsafe noapic acpi=ht devfs=nomount
   append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
#   label=linux90
#   table=/dev/hdb
#   image=/boot/vmlinuz
#   root=/dev/hdb5
#   initrd=/boot/initrd.img
#   append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
#   vga=788
#   read-only
Hope someone is suitably impressed ~ I can boot the lot seen here (other 
than the system on the slave hdd) albeit that except for linux263, the 
others are only to text consoles at the moment because I have yet to 
compile the new nVidia drivers as I have done for the 2.6.3-7 kernel.

And oh yeah - haven't convinced Jan yet so the default is still Windows 
- got to get my LAN started so that she can play her cards on Linux 
without probably knowing it initially. No, she ain't dumb, I'm just 
being a little sneaky is all.

Anyway, back to my problem.
I do not believe that starting out with  image=/boot/vmlinuz  will not 
work because there is nothing in that to tell lilo to find the image on 
the slave (hdb) drive. Please correct me if'n I'm wrong here!

To explain how I got WinMe to work you need

Re: [newbie] Back to the forgotten beginning ~ lilo

2005-02-09 Thread SnapafunFrank
Steve Jeppesen wrote:
On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 00:24:04 +1300
SnapafunFrank [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Big SNIP to focus on problem- made by Frank

#   label=linux90
#   table=/dev/hdb
#   image=/boot/vmlinuz
#   root=/dev/hdb5
#   initrd=/boot/initrd.img
#   append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
#   vga=788
#   read-only

End of first big SNIP
Bit of a SNIP here - Frank 
You are correct that image=/boot/vmlinuz probably wouldn't work on
your system because that is typically a link to which ever kernel
version is installed.  Your system appears to be setup to not use
such a link, so you would just have to show it as
then you would also need to modify initrd=/boot/initrd.img to
point to what ever version of initrd you would be using, like your
other entries in lilo.conf do.
if you were to copy vmlinuz, initrd, config, etc. (not exactly sure
off the top of my head which files you need to copy out of /boot -
anybody know off hand?) from your 9.1 install IRC to which ever
partition that controls your bootup, then instead of;
append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
how about this;
append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
other than that, I would tend to suspect that maybe root=/dev/hdb5
may need to have a different partition number instead of 5.
Hope I am not too confusing!

It isn't that it is confusing because it raises question that my 
technical logic trips up and that is what may make things confusing. 
Keep the input coming as it is most helpful.

 Brought over from another reply 
I still don't know how you installed Linux on the second drive. But 
there are a couple of things you could do. One would be to something 
like this:

*** I had this hdd drive only to start with and successfully got dual 
booting with it before consigning it to be slave when I went to update 
to Mandrake10. ***

*** Now everything Mikkel writes here has finely woken me up to what 
needs to be done and I look forward to the challenge because Mikkel has 
'hit the nail on the head', so to speak.

As Mandrake 9 was installed whilst the slave was the only hdd on my 
system then of course everything in the config files  points  to hda 
and of course will need to be changed. So where do I start and what do I 
look for once I have booted into this system ?
[ This is an exercise only for me and not a mission critical requirement 
so I will, hopefully with the help offered here, take this one step at a 
time and if it is worthwhile and others agree, I will post it to the 
TWiki as a possible system recovery idea.]

Anyway, with sleeves rolled up I venture forth.
Here are the files I need to investigate that I know about to date - 
please add others as you think of them. I'm of course referring to the 
hdb files only here.

mkdir /boot-9
mount /dev/hdb2 /boot-9
Use this in lilo:
image=/boot-9/vmlinuz  label=linux90
 append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent
Add a line in /etc/fstab to mount boot-9 in the future.
(Coppy the line for /boot, and change
 /boot to /boot-9 and /dev/hda2 to /dev/hdb2)
Now, if /dev/hdb was /dev/hda when you installed MDK9,
then you will have to edit /etc/fstab on that version,
and change everything that refers to /dev/hda to /dev/hdb.
Another way to do it is use:
Then, in 9.0, change /etc/lilo.conf so that it installs in the MBR of 
the second drive.

Hmmm Not sure I can do this without actually having MDK9 running at 
the time otherwise to my way of thinking, it will install directly to 
the master MBR surely?? Even then I'm not sure how to control running 
/sbin/lilo to be sure it actually installs onto the hdb MBR.

boot=/dev/hda becomes boot=/dev/hdb.
What happens then is when you pick linux90, you get a second boot 
Again, if you installed 9.0 when the drive was the first hard drive,
you have some editing to do. Both in /etc/fstab, and /etc/lilo.conf.
You will also need to run lilo when in 9.0 to update the boot loader 
on the second drive.

Can you boot 9.0 now, or do you need instructions
on how to mount the partitions, and make the changes?
I haven't gone this way yet Mikkel because I think things will only fall 
over until all changes to config files are made.
I do like your idea of having the second logon screen option and will 
venture that way first once files are changed.

One thought also

[newbie] Back to the forgotten beginning ~ lilo

2005-02-08 Thread SnapafunFrank
Basically, I have two hdd's with the now slave having suffered my first 
attempts at Linux and of course, the last 9x going [ WinMe }.

I can boot into WinMe without any hassles whatsoever but am unable to 
get lilo.conf right to boot into the old linux9.1 OS I have also 
installed on that hdd.

Latest attempt:
other=/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/part2   [ My boot partition on 
this hdd ]
  append=noapic devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent

I have tried  other=/dev/hdb2  ( my boot partition on this drive ) and 
tried also  other=/dev/hdb2  [ WinMe starts out as  other=/dev/hdb1 ]

I have made sure that vmlinuz and initrd.img exist on that boot 
partition still.

I added the  table=/dev/hdb  but still no go.
So someone want to slap me over the wrist for being dump here somewhere?
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] KwikDisk

2005-02-04 Thread SnapafunFrank
Angus Auld wrote:
- Original Message -
To: newbie@linux-mandrake.com
Subject: [newbie] KwikDisk
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 14:30:04 -0800

I've never been able to start  KwikDisk. It tries to start and then just
hangs. Is there a  patch that fixes it,or is it just me?  I suppose PPC users
have a lot more bugs...?

When I start KwikDisk, it just shows an icon in the taskbar, and needs to be 
right clicked and run from there.
Could you have overlooked the icon in the taskbar?
I'm not familiar with the PPC version of Mdk though, so hopefully someone who 
is can help you further.
Best regards to you. :-)
Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around 
in awareness. -- James Thurber

~Linux Laptop, Powered by Mandrake 10.1~
~Reg. Linux User #278931~


I second you Angus. It defaults to the task bar.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] No 192_168_1_1 yet

2005-02-03 Thread SnapafunFrank
UPDATE: By stopping my fiddling with things and entering only what was 
absolutely required, I succeeded and was able to access my ADSL gateway 
and am now sending this through that connection. Lesson: Try the 
absolute defaults first and leave the options till later.

Thanks for all the responses. Tip: set the start IP to if 
you have apache installed.

Now for some downloading fun.

SnapafunFrank wrote:
Brought myself a Linksys WAG54G Gateway/Router and having got the 
info I need from my ISP decided to give it a go.

Basically I get  Page not available - or some such  when within 
Mozilla I go for the address.

Here's what I've done to date.
Using MCCHardwareHardwareEthernetcardRTL-8139Run config 
toolADSL Connection . I'll stop there because I think something 
is missing at about this point. [ The dialogue's do take me through 
to the  Congratulation  screen, by the way. ]

The things MCC offers me are all ADSL stuff that I thought I would 
need to configure from within the ADSL unit itself - so when did I 
configure the Ethernet card itself? I remember trying to once before 
but MCC went on about being sure it was connected to something first?

So right now, I am unable to access the ADSL modem - I have the ADSL 
manual all printed out and ready to 'Rock'n'Roll' , so any 
suggestions on how to get there would be appreciated.

Running Mandrake 10.0 Official, Linux-2.6.3-7, - er... Shorewall is 
running at present?
I have tried with option addresses and without, deleted all 
connections and did things over - got no idea what it is I'm missing.

# lspci
00:0e.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 
RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)

My Windows option is WinME and though I have it working OK, it also 
failed on this same point.

The ADLS configuration should have a note that it is not for use when 
you are using a router. It is not what you need in this case. What you 
have to do is configure a normal DHCP Ethernet connection. The router 
will then set the network address, gateway, default route, and DNS for 
you. Once you have that working, you should be able to see the WEB 
interface of the router. One thing you should double check is that the 
address realy is for the router. The best place is the 
router's manual, but you can also check by running /sbin/route -n in 
a terminal window. The last line should have the gateway address as 
something other then This should be the Linksys router.


Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

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[newbie] Monitors

2005-02-03 Thread SnapafunFrank
OK. I have adsl alive and well for now.
What I'm looking for though, is a monitor that might well have a applet 
in the task bar that monitors traffic flow in simple readable form and 
that allows me to reset it say once a month. I'm on a 4GB limit per 
month and need to know when I'm getting close - if I ever do.

Any suggestions?
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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[newbie] No 192_168_1_1 yet

2005-02-01 Thread SnapafunFrank
Brought myself a Linksys WAG54G Gateway/Router and having got the info I 
need from my ISP decided to give it a go.

Basically I get  Page not available - or some such  when within 
Mozilla I go for the address.

Here's what I've done to date.
Using MCCHardwareHardwareEthernetcardRTL-8139Run config toolADSL 
Connection . I'll stop there because I think something is missing at 
about this point. [ The dialogue's do take me through to the  
Congratulation  screen, by the way. ]

The things MCC offers me are all ADSL stuff that I thought I would need 
to configure from within the ADSL unit itself - so when did I configure 
the Ethernet card itself? I remember trying to once before but MCC went 
on about being sure it was connected to something first?

So right now, I am unable to access the ADSL modem - I have the ADSL 
manual all printed out and ready to 'Rock'n'Roll' , so any suggestions 
on how to get there would be appreciated.

Running Mandrake 10.0 Official, Linux-2.6.3-7, - er... Shorewall is 
running at present?
I have tried with option addresses and without, deleted all connections 
and did things over - got no idea what it is I'm missing.

# lspci
00:0e.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 
RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)

My Windows option is WinME and though I have it working OK, it also 
failed on this same point.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

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Re: [newbie] man, man, man

2005-01-24 Thread SnapafunFrank
Dan Gordon wrote:
On January 23, 2005 07:44 pm, Michaël Van Dorpe wrote:

Quick question: when I type 'man man' in Konsole, and I don't want
to read it, but instead I want to go to 'man rpm', how do I do that?
The only way I found to do that now was starting a new Konsole
session... there surely must be a better way, no?

Ok if you are asking what i think just simply hit the Q key
Dan Gordon

And if you simply type  man:  in konq you will start out with a linked 
index to all things 'man'

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Re: [newbie] Sorting out fstab

2005-01-23 Thread SnapafunFrank
Lukas Ruzicka wrote:
Supermount could be the problem because the vanilla kernel doesn't use 
this feature. Nevertheless I could not mount even devices, where the 
supermaount had been turned off.

At least you're not alone.  Some time ago there was a thread about 
the ghost in the machine.  It turned out the culprit was 
supermount.  This devil have plagued us for years now.  In 10.1 is 
worse than ever, if I may have a say.  To me it seems that this ghost 
has a will of its own, randomly changing /etc/fstab.  For example my 
fstab changes in unpredictable ways whenever I insert a floppy, an 
USB device like a mp3 player, a scanner or a camera.  More often than 
not I have to edit fstab by hand in order to get things right again, 
but the ghost returns after a short while.

I guess this is the penalty we have to pay for using an otherwise 
fine distro.

Kaj Haulrich.

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I have had other problems to deal with that I believe stemmed from this 
so now that I am back and have read all the great feedback to this 
thread can I ask what is probably a silly question?

Is there any way we can limit supermount to looking after  static  
devices only [ such as cdrom ] and not go after removable devices?

Further to the feedback :
1. From what I have read all over the place you cannot run devfs and 
udev together.

2. Are there any other such anomalies I should be looking at ? eg 
hotplug and/or supermount  When I first started setting up to get 
the USB stuff working I used the Flash Memory USB Howto  and whilst 
within that session things appeared to stay predictable, upon rebooting 
however, it seems that udev is attempting to take over the 'planet' and 
now if I  $ ls  /udev  I get to see all the devices this operating 
system sees and has on standby. [ Very similar to the  $ ls /dev printf 
but that list is missing my USB endeavours.]

3. What caused my system to 'hang' and finally  kill this user  by 
corrupting the .ICEauthority file was when I was removing / swapping 
flash drives and seeing  removable2  unload / load correctly. I did 
this three times successfully but on the fourth time removing the flash 
drive, /mnt/removable2 did not update to removing itself as it did 
before. My system slowly developed the hanging when required to work 
state until I could not work with gui any further. I logged out and 
found my .ICEauthority problem when I attempted to log back in ~ though 
logging in as a different user was without problems.

4. So how do I tidy this mess up so as to try to understand how to get 
either supermount trained and tamed and/or udev performing as it ought 
to ? I believe I still have a conflict somewhere but have no idea where 
to start looking.

Please keep the great feedback above a-coming - greatly appreciated and 
is helping me learn.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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[newbie] Sorting out fstab

2005-01-19 Thread SnapafunFrank
I'm trying to get udev working functionally so am revisiting my previous 
attempts from scratch to put my house in order.

First port of call is the fstab file and within that I believe I may 
have some problems.

From my notes to myself:
Revisiting my /udev.
Entry in /etc/fstab is:
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
However the  sysfs  is highlighted red inside konsole when I open 
fstab with:

# vim /etc/fstab
Which suggest to me that something is amiss ? [ I have uppercased that 
and other red highlighted entries as follows: ]

none /sys SYSFS defaults 0 0
none /mnt/removable SUPERMOUNT 
0 0

none /mnt/removable2 SUPERMOUNT 
0 0

/dev/hda7 swap swap SWAP 1 2
So, do I have a problem ?
My understanding of such highlighted stuff is that something is usually 
broken, but that usually relates to links within file systems and may 
not be the case here.

Anyone onto what I'm about here?
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Re: [newbie] Re: OpenOffice question

2005-01-18 Thread SnapafunFrank
Anne Wilson wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Tuesday 18 Jan 2005 19:46, Charles Lee Ying wrote:

try looking in  ~/.openoffice/, it may have been stored in your home

No, I've searched the whole of my /home.  I think the original template that I 
made has been saved in place of the supplied label template, wherever that 
is.  It's not really a problem now, as I have re-created it and saved it 
correctly to my home directory, but I'm still curious as to where that 
original template might be.  They're certainly not easy to find.  I wonder if 
they are saved in some sort of compressed file.

- -- 
Registered Linux User No.293302 (http://counter.li.org/)
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?  Mandrake at all levels
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


From my reading your stuff on this forum I know you are better at this 
than I so maybe a simpler approach may be the answer?

# updatedb
# slocate *.stw
or maybe
# slocate *.stw | grep the_name_or_part_of_you_recall
At least I find this way for this old salt works.
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Re: [newbie] udpate KDE using urpmi?

2005-01-13 Thread SnapafunFrank
Ben Miller wrote:
On Wednesday 12 January 2005 12:42 am, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Is it possible to update KDE using URPMI? I've searched and haven't found 


syntax fo do that. 



I have done this but two things.
1. Do it from within init level 1 (? the text only mode )
2. You must install the packages in the correct order.

Thanks for the advice. What's the syntax? Is there a preferred method for 
upgrading KDE?

= Ben

All I did was to download all the components first and follow Howto's 
that I found on the web, having first saved ( by highlight, copy and 
paste ) info from html pages into text format so as to be easily 
readable once I had closed my X session. [ I simply logged out of the 
session and logged back in at the prompt, then used rpm -Uvh 
kde-base-3.x.x , etc. ] 

Rather than simply restart X, I rebooted to ensure that my defaults 
would be taken up. [ Carry over from Windows I think but it worked fine. ]

I must reiterate however, that you must install the first two or three 
packages in the right order!
( If I recall correctly, there is first up a package that is not named 
kde - I think it was arts.)

There are also some other things that you may need to update first, like 
the QT package for example.

I have included an attachment, if it is permitted on this forum, that is 
one of the docs I used, along with the READMEs of course.

Take your time because this one cannot be hurried.
Prepare well and good luck.
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

Title: Chapter 4. Installation instructions
Installation instructionsPrev NextChapter 4. Installation instructionsThese are the generic installation instructions for the K
Desktop Environment.  Please complement your reading with the
come along with the package.  Please read them carefully and try to
help yourself out if anything goes wrong.  If you need further
assistance, consider joining the KDE mailing lists
(see our web site instructions for joining the KDE
lists) or newsgroups.4.1.  To the would-be converts4.2.  Available package formats4.3.  Prerequisites4.4.  Description of the base packages4.5.  Installation instructions for the different package
formats4.6.  Post-installation procedures4.7.  Should I remove old version xyz before installing a new
one?4.8.  How do I start KDE?4.9.  Is it possible to install KDE in a user directory?4.10.  startkde fails with can not connect to X
server.  What is wrong?4.11.  KDE on AIX?4.12.  KDE on a laptop?4.13.  I have a neomagic chipset in my laptop, is there anything special I should do to run KDE?4.14.  I do not like the default KDE directory after installation.  How
do I move it without breaking anything?4.15.  What files can I delete from my KDE install directory?  Can all the
*.h, *.c and *.o
files be safely removed?4.16.  Will I lose my current settings when I upgrade KDE?4.17.  I upgraded KDE and it seemed to go fine, but when I start it,
I get a blank grey screen, and nothing happens.  There are errors in
the console about DCOPserver.  What's going on?4.18.  Compiling kdebase gives me a bin/sh: msgfmt: command
not found error!4.19.  How do I uninstall KDE applications compiled from
scratch?4.20.  What is up with GIF support?4.21.  How do I install KDE themes?4.1. To the would-be convertsSo you have heard the rumors. Or you have seen the screenshots.
And you are dying to get hold of KDE.  But you know next to nothing
about this whole alternative OS business.  Don't worry!
You only need to do some (well, maybe not some) reading, that's
all!KDE does not run on Windows® 95/98/NT or OS/2 (yet).  To run
KDE, you need to have a UNIX® system. Please refer to Q: 2.2.  for more details.Decide on a platform and set it up for your system. This
FAQ can not help you with this, since KDE runs on many UNIX® platforms. Finally, you are ready to commence the KDE installation.
Please start reading from the next section.  To get KDE, please
refer to Q: 3.1. .  Last but not least, if
you encounter any problems while installing KDE, please do not
hesitate to make use of the KDE mailing lists and newsgroups.  But do bear this in mind: no
question is too silly to ask, but some are too silly to answer,
especially when they are already answered in this FAQ.Good luck and have fun!4.2. Available package formatsYou can find several kinds of binary and source packages for
different distributions and operating systems on the ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/.  The
binary packages are not made by the KDE Team, but by the
distributors themselves, or some dedicated individuals. Please refer to
KDE Package Policy
Explained for information about the KDE Package Policy. The
only official release is the source tar.bz2
packages. Please refer to the READMEs and
INSTALLs in the several binaries directories. For
a list of the available

Re: [newbie] udpate KDE using urpmi?

2005-01-13 Thread SnapafunFrank
Ben Miller wrote:
On Wednesday 12 January 2005 12:42 am, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Is it possible to update KDE using URPMI? I've searched and haven't found 


syntax fo do that. 



I have done this but two things.
1. Do it from within init level 1 (? the text only mode )
2. You must install the packages in the correct order.

Thanks for the advice. What's the syntax? Is there a preferred method for 
upgrading KDE?

= Ben

Sorry. Add to my previous reply, that rpm -Uvh is an option.
However, using urpmi you will need to do:
# urpmi.addmedia -f -c mykde  file:// path to your rpm packages you 
downloaded here  ( mykde can be anything you like by the way.)

If this seems to fall over then do first:
# urpmi.update -a
This will clean up your headers and allow the addmedia to work.
Once you are ready to install from text console, then be sure that the 
package order is followed by listing the name of the package fully. eg:

# urpmi kde-base-3.2.2 [ and so on ]
If you are not sure whether or not you require other packages, download 
them anyway to the same directory and urpmi will find them if needed.

Again, sorry about the urpmi exclusion in my previous reply, it's late 
and I ought to be in bed.

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Re: [newbie] kde/urpmi mess

2005-01-13 Thread SnapafunFrank
Tom Brinkman wrote:
On Wednesday 12 January 2005 12:20 am, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Kaj Haulrich wrote:

On Tuesday 11 January 2005 19:44, Brett Lyon wrote:

After a recent routine update (urpmi.update -a;urpmi
--auto-select), I get this when calling K3B (from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] brett]# k3b
k3b: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libartskde.so.1:
undefined symbol:
Before the (blind) upgrade, K3B had been running great
for months.
When I trace back all the packages that ultimately
provide libartskde.so I find that a)they are all so
embedded in the core of KDE that an upgrade would be a
hefty undertaking and that b)now neither URPMI nor
drakconf work for any kind of directly KDE-related
(only) upgrade anyway (they both hang immediately), so
it would be a lot of plain old rpming or making.  Can
anybody suggest a way to begin troubleshooting this?
/var/log/messages, urpmi,  (etc.) shows nothing
system info:
MDK 10.1 OE,, P4 2.66GHz, 512MB
KDE 3.2.3
I tried:
Other wierd things are happening too, like my konsole
schema is gone, kicker crashes, xtraceroute hangs,
etc.  kde + urpmi = big mess.  How can a proficient
beginner avoid these non-productive time-wasters while
staying updated?
Thanks for any tips,

Strange.  I just upgraded 161 MB worth of KDE and xscreensaver
coming up today, but my k3b works OK.  I noticed your command
: urpmi.update -a;urpmi --auto-select

 ^   a space is needed here
 urpmi.update -a; urpmi --auto-select

and this semicolon shouldn't be there. Instead it is :
urpmi.update -a  urpmi --auto-select

The difference between using ';' or '' is that the double 
ampersand says to the system, 'run this next command only if the 
previous one is successful.'  Use of ';' doesn't use this 
precaution. Obviously '' should normally be preferred when the 
subsequent command(s) relies on the prior one(s).


My suggestion :  try again if your update is older than one
day. You might be able to get all the new stuff as of today.
Kaj Haulrich.

Not sure, but it sounds like you tried to update with kde
running. I tried this once and ended up reinstalling from
scratch. Did the update one step at a time in the order
required for kde with xserver closed down and have had no
problems since. As I said - not sure if this is your problem or

I run cooker. I update KDE almost daily, sometimes several 
times a day. Always with KDE and X running.  In the past I've 
updated 'final' or 'community' or 'official' Mandrake versions, 
always from within KDE.  I have no idea who or when this 
fallacious advice originated, ie, logout from KDE and/or X to 
update.  It simply isn't so.  

This isn't Win$ux folks.  What _is_ often needed is to update 
the system after the updates are installed, eg, I use an alias 
(as root),  'upall'
alias upall='rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  ldconfig -v  
update-menus -v -n'

   Then log out and back into KDE to fully realize the updates.  
It's a good idea to use Ctrl+Alt+BkSp while logged out to 
restart the X server. Specially if updates were to X. If you're 
setup to auto-login to KDE, this step will auto log you back into 

I do not doubt anything you have said here, and in fact I strive for the 
day when this is works fully for a dumb arse like me. It is just that 
when I update kde from rpm packages FULLY, I have yet to succeed with a 
successful installation without first logging out of X session.

AGAIN. I do not doubt you, it may well be that within text console, I 
have to be more observant and careful, therefore suceed this way. Time 
will tell I hope because I am through with playing with Linux, I now 
need to keep this box stable and in production for myself. Oh... I 
forgot, what is Windows again??

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] kde/urpmi mess

2005-01-11 Thread SnapafunFrank
Kaj Haulrich wrote:
On Tuesday 11 January 2005 19:44, Brett Lyon wrote:

After a recent routine update (urpmi.update -a;urpmi
--auto-select), I get this when calling K3B (from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] brett]# k3b
k3b: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libartskde.so.1:
undefined symbol:
Before the (blind) upgrade, K3B had been running great
for months.
When I trace back all the packages that ultimately
provide libartskde.so I find that a)they are all so
embedded in the core of KDE that an upgrade would be a
hefty undertaking and that b)now neither URPMI nor
drakconf work for any kind of directly KDE-related
(only) upgrade anyway (they both hang immediately), so
it would be a lot of plain old rpming or making.  Can
anybody suggest a way to begin troubleshooting this?
/var/log/messages, urpmi,  (etc.) shows nothing
system info:
MDK 10.1 OE,, P4 2.66GHz, 512MB
KDE 3.2.3
I tried:
Other wierd things are happening too, like my konsole
schema is gone, kicker crashes, xtraceroute hangs,
etc.  kde + urpmi = big mess.  How can a proficient
beginner avoid these non-productive time-wasters while
staying updated?
Thanks for any tips,

Strange.  I just upgraded 161 MB worth of KDE and xscreensaver 
coming up today, but my k3b works OK.  I noticed your command :
urpmi.update -a;urpmi --auto-select
and this semicolon shouldn't be there. Instead it is :
urpmi.update -a  urpmi --auto-select

My suggestion :  try again if your update is older than one day.  
You might be able to get all the new stuff as of today.

Kaj Haulrich.

Not sure, but it sounds like you tried to update with kde running. I 
tried this once and ended up reinstalling from scratch. Did the update 
one step at a time in the order required for kde with xserver closed 
down and have had no problems since. As I said - not sure if this is 
your problem or not.

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Re: [newbie] udpate KDE using urpmi?

2005-01-11 Thread SnapafunFrank
Ben Miller wrote:
Is it possible to update KDE using URPMI? I've searched and haven't found the 
syntax fo do that. 


I have done this but two things.
1. Do it from within init level 1 (? the text only mode )
2. You must install the packages in the correct order.
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Re: [newbie] Problems with ./configure (2)

2005-01-09 Thread SnapafunFrank
Rodolfo Medina wrote:
I understand that giving as root a command like
urpmi.addmedia thac http://rpm.nyvalls.se/10.1/RPMS/ with ./hdlist.cz
, an urpmi repository will be set up in my system,
and after that the urpmf command will hopefully be able to find, e.g.,
that the gconf-2.0.pc subpackage belongs to the libGConf2_4-devel
Is that right?
Now, instead of using this 'urpmi.addmedia' command,
is maybe there a web site with a search field where I can type
and get 'libGConf2_4-devel' as search result?
I couldn't do such a search neither at
nor at
, and not even simply using google.

Then there are old codgers like me who simply open up www.vivisimo.com 
and enter  libGConf2_4-devel  into that search field.

You usually find these things on the like of www.rpmfind.net or 
www.rpm.pbone.net that also have their own search tools.

I just did a search on www.rpm.pbone.net for   gconf-2.0.pc  and the 
very first item of three pages was in fact  libGConf2_4-devel 

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[newbie] kernel-source-2.6-10

2005-01-05 Thread SnapafunFrank
In the past, whenever I wanted to compile a `new` kernel, I would first 
up do:

# urpmi kernel-source-2.6-n
Then do:
# urpmi kernel
The kernels were not the latest release and of course rpm's were available.
Because of my usb concerns I thought I would `install` kernel-2.6-10 - 
knowing I would have to compile from linux-2.6.10.tar.bz2.

So first thing, read the README at least, and straight off I'm lost, 
though later it looks like my usual one step at a time approach will get 

Here's were I'm lost:
- If you install the full sources, put the kernel tarball in a
  directory where you have permissions (eg. your home directory) and
  unpack it
OK - no prob with that.
Do NOT use the /usr/src/linux area! 
Again, no prob, sort of covered that, I thought.
- Make sure you have no stale .o files and dependencies lying around:
   cd linux
   make mrproper
  You should now have the sources correctly installed.
Huh! But I've only unpacked the bz2 file into my home directory - how 
can anything be installed at this point?

Just in case I'm having a braindead week :
BUILD directory for the kernel:
  When compiling the kernel all output files will per default be
  stored together with the kernel source code.
**[ Fair enough ]**
  Using the option make O=output/dir allow you to specify an alternate
  place for the output files (including .config).
kernel source code:/usr/src/linux-2.6.N
build directory:/home/name/build/kernel
** [ Possibly not something I might require but better remember, just in 
case ] **

  To configure and build the kernel use:
  cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.N
** WOAH - WAIT UP- where in blue blazes did the directory 
/usr/src/linux-2.6.N come from - yes. I have directories for previous 
versions here but certainly not this one yet.

So right now I have the bz2 file in my /home/frank/src/ directory, have 
it unpacked and I thought ready to go?

So I go back and re-read things and find:
 If you install the full sources. 
Right back at the beginning. The only file I have found is the bz2 file, 
how can I have already installed the full sources. I thought they were 
part and parcel of the bz2 file and as yet had to be installed.

Lost - braindead - BOTH.  Any one want to do the rear seat kicking here?
Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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Re: [newbie] Any 'Wine' expert out there?

2005-01-03 Thread SnapafunFrank
deedee E wrote:
On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 09:17:04 +, Anne Wilson wrote:

On Monday 03 Jan 2005 05:29, deedee E wrote:

On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 13:43:43 +, Anne Wilson wrote:
Windows systems for security reasons. These days VBS is about the
only reason anyone can give for keeping MSWord. OOo Writer does
everything else MSWord does and then some.

Just curious - I used to import Word documents in to Lotus WordPro.
Formatting and everything was fine unless someone had embedded a 'drawing'.
That was diabolical.  Do 'drawings' import OK in OOo?

This is still a problem -- but the problem is in the Word document. 
AFAIK, nothing can get around it, not even Word itself. If an 
embedded graphic takes a full page, then things seem to go 
correctly. However, if the embedded graphic is inline, even 
anchored, Word may move it around. All one has to do is open the 
Word document (using Word on the machine the document was created 
on (!!!)) and make a change (almost any change can have an effect, 
e.g., deleting a word is enough). Then, scroll through. Frequently 
you will see that graphics have changed their position (and that 
can affect pagination and so on).

Also, Word almost never embeds a graphic, but links to it. So when 
exchanging Word documents, it is important that you get it with the 
graphics embedded. A linked graphic is not really in the document, 
but is calling or linking to another file on the system. As soon as 
you try to change the Word document, the graphic can disappear 
altogether if you don't also have the file that the graphic is 
linked to.

Registered Linux User #327485
Visit WordStar  GNU/Linux
Also, see WordStar Users Group Community

I discovered this 'moving around' also when putting together 'bunny' 
manuals for work. Linux at home, M$ at work.

If the formatting of the document you wish to produce will allow it then 
make the document using Calc/excel, include the drawings, pictures, 
screen shots, etc, within the same directory for convenience, and you 
will find heaps less movement . A little more fiddling with having to 
merge cells, etc, but you will be able to find your drawings at least 
close by, most times - right where they should be.

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!
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