Re: [newbie] Installing updates from Mandrake Online

2004-03-28 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 28 Mar 2004 15:19, Rory wrote:
  You sure you have gcc installed?

 Well, I'll go one better than that - what's gcc??  :)  I installed Mandrake
 10.0 - 3 discs.  So, I assumed it would have installed what I needed but it
 looks like I'm wrong.  Where can I find it?  One of the discs?  I'm taking
 a look now but don't see anything.

 Does installing the Mandrake RPM and the superkaramba program both need


gcc is the GNU C Compiler you cannot compile anything without it. It is on 
your CDs. Install with your Mandrake Software Install GUI.

You do not need gcc if you are installing a precompiled RPM.

If you have installed 10.0CE from the CDs then you might like to apply the 
updates. There are a whole bunch of them now. You do not need mdkonline 
installed to update your system. Just run the Mandrake Update GUI from your 
Mandrake Control Centre. The first time you run it, it will allow you to 
select an mirror.

Okay, I just installed a tonne of stuff from development tools.  No luck.  
anyone recommend specific packages I should run to get this thing going?

Not unless you tell us what the error is.

It might be easier if you installed karamba instead of SuperKaramba.
There is a Mandrake RPM for Karamba in the contrib folder of the Mandrake 
mirrors. If you type in a root terminal
urpmi.addmedia contrib 
with ../base/

(that command is all 1 line)
Then you can install karamba using the Software Install GUI
To learn more about urpmi and installing software take a look at the TWiki in 
my signature.



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Re: [newbie] Reinstalling bad programs

2004-03-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 25 Mar 2004 00:58, Hoyt Bailey wrote:

 Thanks for the attempt but I tried to get rid of an especially ugly font
 A.D.MONO and that operation created a fault  in boot.  Since I couldn't
 fix it I had to reinstall (6 times) but things are all better now.

Its a bit late now, but I can offer some advice about AD MONO
Whenever a font is displayed as AD MONO, then it is simply because the 
requested font can not be found or used, and AD MONO is used in its place 
simply because it is the first in the font list alphabetically.  You could 
delete it, but then the next font in the list will be used in its place which 
is Actionis which is even more hideous.
The solution is to make sure you have selected fonts which are available. 
Enabling/disbling anti-aliasing also makes a difference.
I am not sure why, but this sort of problem is a *lot* less common than it was 
in previous releases.


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Re: [newbie] Problem with MK10 cd1

2004-03-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 25 Mar 2004 10:31, bmobile40 wrote:
  I've been trying to install mandrake10 for about a week now.
 I keep getting a boot failure when I try to boot from cd1. I've
 re-downloaded the iso image from 4 different locations and i still get
 the same error. I've tried boot the machine off of my fedora core 1 cd1,
 and don't have any problems, so I know my cd drive is working.
   Anyone else having this problem. It seems really odd that you'd get
 the same error with an iso downloaded from different locations.


What sort of boot failure?
If it does not recognise the disc is bootable, then you should look at how you 
are burning the CD. It has to be burned as an iso image. If when you browse 
the CD you see only 1 huge file, then it has not been burned correctly.

If however it barfs a short way into booting saying it cannot see the CD, then 
that is a known problem with some CD drives. The solution is to boot from CD2 
and switch back to 1 when prompted.


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Re: [newbie] dialup networking problem

2004-03-24 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 24 Mar 2004 12:46, Russell Butler wrote:
 Dear all,

 Sorry if this is in the archives, but I could not find anything
 immediately relevant.
 Reinstall of Mandrake 9.1, have set up shorewall(2.0) firewall and have
 local network/samba/cups running (sigh).

 Dialup works in the sense of being able to connect to my ISP, but no
 access to the net and pinging the nameserver in resolv.conf gives
 Destination host unreachable
 Previously I had found this happened when the default Drake.conf
 firewall setting was anything other than Allow everything but now no joy.

 Uninstalling shorewall completely still does not allow connection of
 browser, mail or ping to nameserver address from resolv.conf, so it does
 not seem to be just a firewall issue.

 Where can I set debug levels for the connection? Looking at syslog 
 messages doesn't seem to show anything informative. ifconfig looks OK,
 showing local eth0 address and appropriate entries for the dialup
 nameservers, but I cannot ping the latter.

 This has been going for a couple of weeks now, and  iam feeling very
 frustrated.  I had just installed win-4-lin so that I did not have to
 reboot Windows, and now I do just to ask for help about my Linux

 Thanks for any help you can give.


Two suggestions
1/ If shorewall is running when you are in dialup, then you must put the dial 
up interface into the 'net' zone of shorewall.
Edit /etc/shorewall/interfaces and add the line
net ppp0detect
Restart shorewall with 'shorewall restart' in a root terminal

2/ You may have a problem with your 'route'
When the dial up link is working enter 'route' in a terminal.
The last line displayed will show the default route to the internet. If this 
does not point to your ppp0 interface then it is not going to work.

You can force ppp0 to become the default route .
Create a file /etc/ppp/if-up.local with the contents 

#reassign default route when on dial up
route del default
route add default dev ppp0

Make this file executable. Now when you start dial up networking the script 
will reassign the route.


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Re: [newbie] (no subject) xmms

2004-03-24 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 24 Mar 2004 14:56, Tom wrote:
 Hey all, I have just recently gotten a 10 community system up an
 running  and have a question about groups and permissions/software
 installs.  When I add software as a user it works ok, but when I add it
 as root I then have trouble using it as user.  I was having trouble with
 xmms- it would play fine as root, but would start and then choke as
 user.  I assumed it was permissions,  they were already rwx for all, so
 I changed xmms to my user group. Still chokes, is it then a sound driver
 issue- does my  user need different sound privileges?

How are you managing to add software as a user?
You have to be root to install an RPM

You do need permission for a user to access any hardware device, but that is 
all sorted out automatically. You should see that /dev/sound  or /dev/dsp is 
owned by whatever user you are logged in as.

And what do you mean by choke  If you start xmms from the command line do 
you see any error message? Which driver are you using?, which xmms output 


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 10 -- Excellent...but...

2004-03-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 23 Mar 2004 07:23, John Wilson wrote:

 The second issue is more troubling.  When setting up internet connection
 sharing the wizard fscks all networking.  I can always reach the internet
 before I set it up but not after.  I admit I haven't had the time yet to
 look too deeply into it so I don't  know whether or not it's the shorewall
 installation, the transparent proxy or if it just screws up the settings
 on the NIC. What I have noticed is that the wizard insists on setting up my
 eth1 card which is the one the internet connects to as static and eth0 as
 dhcp. It should be the other way around.  This was a problem with the older
 releases up to 9.1 when it suddenly worked as I wanted it to.  Ditto with
 9.2.  10 seems to have taken a step backwards in assuming that eth0 is the
 one heading to the outside world.  Nevertheless, it's caused some headache
 and I've been wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

 It's not a big problem as I can set it all up manually if needs must.

 Incidentally, the machines installed on are an old Dell Dimension and a
 newer Sony Viao desktop.  Next victim will be my laptop :)


 (a generally very happy)


The Internet connection wizard has always assumed eth0 connects to the 
Internet. We have had many posts about this with 9.2 and 9.1.
This causes problems with shorewall especially on ADSL connections using pppoa 
where the internet connection is ppp0 and eth0 is usually the local network. 
I was hoping 10.0 might be a bit smarter. Apparently it isn't :-(

The workaround is to edit /etc/shorewall/interfaces by hand to correctly 
identify the correct interface.


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Re: [newbie] Reinstalling bad programs

2004-03-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 23 Mar 2004 12:05, Hoyt Bailey wrote:
 I have some programs XMMS, kmail,  konqueror that apparantly have some
 bad config files.  I have reinstalled them but they are still not good.
 How can I reinstall and clear everything assosciated with that file from
 the computer or at least overwrite everything.

The config files are kept in hidden files/folders in your /home
Just set konq to show hidden files and you will be able to find them.

Another useful tool is slocate and kio_locate.  (kio_locate is in the contrib 
Install those packages  (install anacron too) and then run updatedb as root.
You can then find any file on your computer to do with those apps.
For example from the command line use 'slocate xmms'   
From konqueror enter  locate://xmms/  in the url line 

A cron job will run daily to reindex the locate database (that is why anacron 
is required)


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Re: [newbie] Reinstalling bad programs

2004-03-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 23 Mar 2004 12:31, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Tuesday 23 Mar 2004 12:05, Hoyt Bailey wrote:
  I have some programs XMMS, kmail,  konqueror that apparantly have some
  bad config files.  I have reinstalled them but they are still not good.
  How can I reinstall and clear everything assosciated with that file from
  the computer or at least overwrite everything.

 The config files are kept in hidden files/folders in your /home
 Just set konq to show hidden files and you will be able to find them.

 Another useful tool is slocate and kio_locate.  (kio_locate is in the
 contrib mirror)
 Install those packages  (install anacron too) and then run updatedb as
 root. You can then find any file on your computer to do with those apps.
 For example from the command line use 'slocate xmms'
 From konqueror enter  locate://xmms/  in the url line

Sorry Typo. That should read  locate:/xmms/


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Re: [newbie] cd install failed

2004-03-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 23 Mar 2004 22:14, di di wrote:
 After inserting the first cd of mdk 10 communiy in my 12x cd rom of laptop
 presario 1275 -manufactured in 1998- the boot starts, ...but after doing
 clic over installing start loading the program and the message of looking
 for usb devices comes, then comes looking for cd rom.and here
 appears the error message No CD ROM device found.what strange??it
 wouldnt have booted if the cd rom didnt work??

 I recently installed on a newer desktop pc and everything worked


 Consigue aquí las mejores y mas recientes ofertas de trabajo en América
 Latina y USA:

Try booting from CD2


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Re: [newbie] Successful boot yet failure to find CD-ROM files

2004-03-22 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 22 Mar 2004 04:11, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
 I needed to rebuild one of our test security gateways and after
 experimenting with RedHat, Debian and Slackware, I wanted to give
 Mandrake 10.0 a try.  I was initially very impressed but I am having a
 devil of a time just installing.

 The test device is an old e-machines 400Mhz Celeron with 64 MB Ram and a
 6.4 GB hard drive.  I can successfully install RedHat and Debian from

 I first tried a CDROM install using the ISO images I downloaded and
 burned.  The system booted perfectly fine but when it tried to access
 files on the CDROM, I generated the following errors:
 4hdc: ATAPI 40x CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache, DMA
 6Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
 5SCSI subsystem initialized
 4hdc: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
 4hdc: command error: error=0x50
 4end_request: I/O error, dev hdc, sector 64
 4isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=hdc, iso_blknum=16, block=16

 I thought it might be a bad CD even though it appeared to work when I
 tried it on a different computer.  I did find that if I booted the test
 computer into the current Debian installation, I could not manually
 mount the CD.  So I downloaded the ISO again from a different site,
 checked the MD5 checksum and burned a new CD.  Same results.

 Based upon some other information I found, I tried booting from CD2
 instead -- same results.

 I tried a text installation -- same results.

 I then thought I'd mount the CD on a different computer and do an NFS
 installation.  That started to work but, after a while, it aborted with
 a signal 7.

 I tried an NFS installation in text mode -- it made it 60+% of the way
 and then aborted with a signal 7 error.

 So far I am striking out even though it appears that one of Mandrake's
 features is ease of installation.  Oh, I also tried cleaning the CD lens
 in case it was dirty.  Same problem.  Can someone tell me what I am
 doing wrong? I'd really like to give Mandrake a try.

 My apologies if this has already been asked.  I did not see a way to
 search the archives late than 2003-11.  How does one search the most
 current postings to this mail list?

 Thanks, all - John

Try booting from CD2 and then switch back to CD1 when it asks for the disc

Bear in mind this is the Community edition which means there are still bugs 
to be ironed out before 10,0 Official is released. Having said that, my own 
experience is that 10.0 is very solid and stable. I hope you like it :-)



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Re: [newbie] Are the iso's limited?

2004-03-22 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 22 Mar 2004 16:30, Paul wrote:
 On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 18:10, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
  On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 11:01, Paul wrote:
   On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 17:48, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
Pardon me if I am sounding a bit paranoid but it has been a very long
weekend testing various alternatives to RedHat.  There is a lot that
I like about Mandrake but have found some things infuriating.  I
downloaded the three iso images and did not register.  I wanted to
see if our organization wanted to further investigate the Mandrake
route before investing.
I know that the commercial packages are not available without paid
membership with Mandrake but kernel documentation and freeswan and
tripwire are certainly no commercial (well at least the gpl'd
tripwire).  What is this fourth CD? Is there some intentional
crippling for those who have not purchased a membership beyond the
commercial software / license limitations? Thanks - John
   All you are likely to need are on the 3 ISOs, when installing just
   click on 'cancel' when it asks for number 4.
   BTW, I'd recommend you use version 9.2 for evaluation purposes, 10 is
   not yet considered stable enough for commercial distribution.
   Paul M.
  Thanks but what if you want to install some of the packages on CD4,
  e.g., tripwire or superfreeswan?

 The easiest/preferred way to install software with mandrake is using

 If you go to the easy urpmi site at
 it'll give you the necessary commands. Then when you want to add
 software use the command (e.g.)

 urpmi tripwire

 this will also take care of dependencies.

 Paul M
Tripwire and Super-freeswan are in the 'main'  repository. If you user the 
Easy urpmi site to choose a 'main' Cooker source you will be able to install 
them using either the GUI or urpmi from the command line.
There is a guide to using urpmi on the Mandrake Twiki. Follow my sig.


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Re: [newbie] installing openoffice quick launch...Not finish!

2004-03-21 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 21 Mar 2004 04:40, rhein wrote:
 Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Friday 19 Mar 2004 14:50, rhein wrote:
 Alaa The Great wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:14:41 +0200
 rhein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried to install openoffice quick launch...
 when I'm in console and running the configure script I get this error
 I started the install over and a new error message asking me to install
 Since I learned that the soft has to be installed I go to rpmdrake to do
 it... So many entries I choose the main one with the dependencies...
 After I go back to my console and start over again to install the quick
 Same error message... So I go back to rpmdrake and select all the Qt3
 packages left.
 And I get the signature error message. I pass and then I get an other
 error message... end of the story.
 Could some one tell me what this Qt3 is for and give me the list of the
 packages to install?
 I promise to use rpms all the time :-)  But in this case there was none!
 By the way I don't understand why this quick launch is not coming with
 open office like under windows (Ups I said it ;-) )
 In the meantime I'm going paragliding for a change.
 Have a nice Sunday

QT is a Window toolkit. It is what KDE is based on. You did not post the exact 
error message, but I would guess it is asking for libqt3-devel

It seems Openoffice has a -quickstart feature built into the Linux version.
If you run it with 'ooffice -quickstart'  when you first start your session, 
then ooffice will run in background. The next time you start ooffice 
normally, then it will appear almost immediately. 



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Re: [newbie] Don't get the signature think...

2004-03-21 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 18 Mar 2004 16:38, rhein wrote:
 I installed the urpmi files (update, main and f...)... when I check in
 Rpmdrake they have a signature.
 I spend 2 hours downloading packages to run mediaplayer...
 And than I get the bad signature warning... I continue to install and
 then an other telling me files are corrupted.
 How can they be corrupted when I updated the urpmi files last night?
 I red the Madrake secure pages that one of you mailed a few days ago...
 I  still don't  get  it... Why if the  ftp urpmi files have a signature,
 the packages can still have a bad signature?
 Just one last thing, I do not work from a konsole but with rpmdrake.
 Thanks for your help

It is possible for a package to be signed with a signature not on your 
The Software sources GUI in mcc will show you what keys you have associated 
with each source.

The issue with packages not being signed or having the wrong signature has 
nothing to do with them not being able to install.

If you have trouble with corrupted packages check out /var/cache/urpmi/rpms If 
you have a corrupted package in there, then it will cause you problems. 
Delete everything in that folder.


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Re: Fw: [newbie] File Sharing

2004-03-21 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 21 Mar 2004 15:56, JRH wrote:
 snipLots of them: Apollon, MlDonkey, LimeWire, etc/snip

 I use LimeWire, which not being as good as Kazaa, is more than adequate. If
 you have hours to spare in order to wait for a download, then Overnet
 command line client is worth looking at too.

 I have major problems with Apollon, It just wont install properly, using
 the so called all in one installer. It will screw up halfway during
 installation, owing to a dependant library or application not being
 installed, but it wont actually give you too many clues as to what you need
 to install to rectify the situation!

 I finally got it to install, and then it wouldnt run.. it hadnt even
 installed giFT!

 I asked on the forums, but got the usual silence/unhelpful answers.

 So, it's binned for the time being. A friend is in the process of rolling
 me a version, from the source code.


 - Original Message -
 From: Josenildo Marques [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 3:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] File Sharing

  On Sun, 2004-03-21 at 18:03, Steve Turner wrote:
   Any file sharing software that works with Linux?
  Lots of them: Apollon, MlDonkey, LimeWire, etc.
  josenildo marques

RPMs for Apollon are in plf for 9.2 and 10.0 together with gift-fasttrack 
(Kazaa) and gift-openft (Native giFT) plugins  If you define plf as a urpmi 
source, then all the dependencies will be installed at once.
You may find the fasttrack (Kazaa) plugin is not recognised until you use 
Advanced settings to point to the location of the fasttrack plugin.

Read the config file to find which firewall ports you should open.



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Re: [newbie] is there an easy way to samba ?

2004-03-21 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 21 Mar 2004 17:02, Arthur Rosene wrote:

 i'm running 9.2.  i've got two boxes that i'm using both of them
 dedicated both to xp and mdk 9.2.  i tried samba once, awhile back.. and
 it was a very difficult thing for me.  if it had not been for a very
 kind individual on #samba to hold my hand i would not have been able to
 backup my data.  and not all of it could be backed up which really
 puzzled us both.

 just curious if there is an easy way to setup samba.  kinda like the
 simple file sharing feature of xp.  basically just know the network
 name, and if absolutely necessary, Admin login and pass.  i've never
 used webmin or swat so i'm not sure if either of these programs would do
 the trick.  just looking an easy way to share my mdk files with a xp
 machine.  i've networked xp to mdk though its been so long i've
 forgotten how to do that too.  need to research that as well.

Samba should work virtually out of the box The only thing you normally have 
to change is the Workgroup name, and add your Windows passwords.

If you install the drakwizard RPM then your Mandrake Control Centre will 
contain a set of server wizards. The Samba wizard will install samba for you 
and change your workgroup name. When the wizard closes it will remind you to 
run 'smbpasswd -a user_name'  for each Windows users who wishes to access 
their home directories on Linux. Give the *Windows* password of the user.

Alternatively install ksambaplugin  (from a contrib mirror), and your KDE 
control Centre will contain a samba server configuration panel. 

I would not recommend using SWAT to set up samba because it will erase and 
replace the existing samba configuration file together with all the helpful 
comments which are embedded in it.



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Re: [newbie] is there an easy way to samba ?

2004-03-21 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 21 Mar 2004 17:47, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 21 March 2004 17:27, Derek Jennings wrote:
  Samba should work virtually out of the box The only thing you
  normally have to change is the Workgroup name, and add your Windows
  If you install the drakwizard RPM then your Mandrake Control Centre
  will contain a set of server wizards. The Samba wizard will install
  samba for you and change your workgroup name. When the wizard
  closes it will remind you to run 'smbpasswd -a user_name'  for each
  Windows users who wishes to access their home directories on Linux.
  Give the *Windows* password of the user.

 Just remember that the windows user must have an account on your
 machine that uses exactly the same login name and password as on the
 XP box - and it's case-sensitive.

 If you also install lisa and lin-neighborhood you will easily be able
 to see the shares available, although you will have to specifically
 mount and umount.

Not quite true. The passwords may be different. That us why the smbpasswd 
command has to be given to let samba know what the windows password is.
Also the user names may be different too if aliases are used, but for a newbie 
it is less trouble if they are the same.


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Re: [newbie] installing openoffice quick launch...New message

2004-03-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Friday 19 Mar 2004 14:50, rhein wrote:
 Alaa The Great wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:14:41 +0200
 rhein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried to install openoffice quick launch...
 when I'm in console and running the configure script I get this error
 checking for gcc... no
 checking for
 checking for
 checking for
 configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
 What does it say in english??? :-)
 that you need to install the package gcc
 urpmi gcc
 should do the trick, but if you truely have no development packages
 installed at all there will probably be more missing dependencies.
 hint, if ./configure asks for a library try
 urpmi library_name-devel
 - --

 Thanks for the tip but now I have this error message:

 checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check
 your installation and add the correct paths!
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] oooqs-2.0.3]#

 what is it?
 Not easy installing a small soft!

No. That is why rpms are so nice.

Whenever a ./configure fails read the error messages carefully. They will 
usually mention a file name, or a package name. 
To find the missing package do

urpmf string
where string is the file name(or part of it) mentioned in the error message.
Then install the '-devel' version of the package which contains that file.

In this example it simply says it cannot find X Well obviously X is installed, 
so it must mean it needs 'XFree86-devel' 
Install that then try again.



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Re: [newbie] To Clarify urpmi Errors

2004-03-18 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 18 Mar 2004 10:53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I've been reading around the Internet about these errors I've been getting
 while using urpmi, and the general feeling is that it's a bug in Mandrake
 9.2. Anyway, I'd just like to clarify this before I do anything stupid...

 Basically, I've installed MDK 9.2 from the discs one and two, right after
 that I've done a 'urpmi.removemedia -a' and then updated it so urpmi
 update, contrib, etc looks to new ftp mirrors on the web.

 I get something like this:


 $ urpmi sylpheed
 blah blah... you must install these extra packages... blah blah...

 medium contrib uses an invalid list file:  mirror is probably not
 up-to-date, trying to use alternate method

 the following packages have bad signitures... blah blah... Missing
 signature (sha1 md5 OK)
 Do you want to continue installation? (Y/n)


 If I do 'y', the packages install and there seems to be no problem. If
 that's the case and there is no problem with doing this, is there any way
 to stop it from giving me this warning each time I want to install


You can get rid of the invalid list file: warning if you remove the 
file /var/lib/urpmi/list.contrib

then edit your /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg
and remove the line: list: list.contrib for your contrib source...

As for the bad signature warning check that your contrib source has a GPG 
key associated with it in the Software Sources GUI in Mandrake Control 

BTW: If you want sylpheed you might like to try Charles Edwards' version. It 
is newer than the one in contrib It can be set up as 
a urpmi source. (Good job Charles)


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Re: [newbie] installing openoffice quick launch

2004-03-18 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 18 Mar 2004 11:14, rhein wrote:
 I tried to install openoffice quick launch...
 when I'm in console and running the configure script I get this error
 checking for gcc... no
 checking for
 checking for
 checking for
 configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH

 What does it say in english??? :-)

It means you do not have a C compiler installed

Install gcc


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Re: [newbie] 10.0 online rpm repositories

2004-03-18 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 18 Mar 2004 17:16, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Thursday 18 March 2004 18:08, Alexandre Aractingi wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm about to upgrade a 9.2 system with the new 10.0 one, and I was
  wondering if there is any online repository available to configure urpmi
  Is 10.0 Community considered Cooker? Am I supposed to point at Cooker
  directories / hdlists?

 If you insist on updating via the web yesbut be in for a very very
 veery long (think days) install session.

 Downloading and burning the .iso's is the better option.

 Good luck,
Maybe on dial up, I have upgraded two systems from 9.2 to 10.0 by urpmi from 
Cooker, and it took about 2 hours.

You can use Cooker, but the last install I did was from Mandrake-devel/stable   
folder. It worked great.



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Re: [newbie] Fed up.....

2004-03-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 16 Mar 2004 22:48, David Bachechi wrote:
 You know I like the distro, and all previous versions, but this 10.0 CE
 is too freeking buggy for my tastes.

 No matter what version I install(RC1, CE), or what kernel I run(non
 frame buffer like someone said to) it freezes randomly, and gnome
 doesn't work at all(none of which of course happened in 9.2).  Guess
 thats what ya get for goin bleedin edge!

 If there is something that anyone thinks I havent/should try please let
 me know.

 I guess I will have to wait till 10 final comes out.  :(


Have you tried updating to the latest version of 10.0 stable?
Set up urpmi to use mandrake-devel/stable as a source and you will get the 
current stable version of 10.0 as packages get committed from Cooker.

For example
urpmi.addmedia stable 
with ../

(all on 1 line)
Like Cooker 'stable' changes frequently so do an 'urpmi.update -a' often, and 
use 'urpmi --auto-select'   to update to the latest version.


BTW: Could you remove the Reply To in your Thunderbird settings please
See the list etiquette page in the Wiki for why.


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Re: [newbie] Fed up.....

2004-03-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 16 Mar 2004 22:48, David Bachechi wrote:
 You know I like the distro, and all previous versions, but this 10.0 CE
 is too freeking buggy for my tastes.

 No matter what version I install(RC1, CE), or what kernel I run(non
 frame buffer like someone said to) it freezes randomly, and gnome
 doesn't work at all(none of which of course happened in 9.2).  Guess
 thats what ya get for goin bleedin edge!

 If there is something that anyone thinks I havent/should try please let
 me know.

 I guess I will have to wait till 10 final comes out.  :(


There was a typo in my last post The command to set up stable as a urpmi 
source is

For example
urpmi.addmedia stable 
with ../base/


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Re: [newbie] p2p software search

2004-03-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 17 Mar 2004 02:24, Thinker wrote:
 OK.. so I didn't have plf added.

 How exactly do I add plf as a source. I am currently running cooker but
 I would like to stabilize as soon as I can find stable 10.0 mirrors.

urpmi.addmedia plf with

urpmi.addmedia stable 
with ../base/

 Any help would be appreciated.




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Re: [newbie] Zoomed display in GUI

2004-03-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 17 Mar 2004 16:48, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 Did you run any software to let the system know you changed your grafix

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of martin brandt
 Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:38 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Zoomed display in GUI

 Im having problems displaying my GUI properly. It appears all zoomed and
 the screen follows the mouse like some Software for the visually impaired i
 have seen before. This started happening when i changed my GPU. Im running
 mandrake 9.2. Im pretty sure its a software issue, and its not my Monitor
 as i have tried another.

Did you know that if you are running KDE you can cycle through the supported 
screen resolutions with Ctl+Alt+Keypad+/-

That should make the screen viewable, then use Mandrake Control Centre to set 
up your video correctly.



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Re: [newbie] DHCPCD On boot and on ifup rather than dhclient?

2004-03-15 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 15 Mar 2004 23:21, Marc Resnick wrote:
 How would I make sure that dhcpcd is used in place of dhclient during
 ifup and boot? Specific directions would be nice, I'm a newbie when it
 comes to these things.


If you are using Mdk 9.2 there is a box in the wizard GUI to select which dhcp 
client you want to use.   dhcpcd is the default so unless it is not present 
that is the one you will use.

You could also remove the dhcp-client package and then there is no way 
dhclient could be used.
The way the scripts work is they test to see if the default client is present, 
and then test for an alternate client if it is missing


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Re: [newbie] no CD audio

2004-03-14 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 14 Mar 2004 02:44, eric jackson wrote:

 I have sound problems on both my PCs that are running Linux. I'll just
 mention one of them for now.

 I have 9.2 installed. I don't hear any audio when a CD plays. I can hear
 mp3s when they play but there is no sound from my CD. I checked Alsamixer
 and Kmix and everything appears to be fine, nothing appears to be muted.

 Any ideas?

 Thanks for any help you can give!

 Eric Jackson


Try playing CDs with Totem
It uses the IDE interface instead of the audio cable.


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Re: [newbie] Problems with MDK 10- scanning

2004-03-14 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 14 Mar 2004 10:02, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:

 Right sofar -

 Managed to get updates to work from the terminal using one of the club

 Xsane now recognises my scanner after I unpluged it and pluged it back
 in again but still does not work. Seems to be seriously broken - its a
 HP scanjet 6200C and was working fine under 9.2. The GUI just comes up
 blank and freezes.

Do you get messages like this in your syslog?

usb 2-1: control timeout on ep0out

I am getting those when I try to use my HP4100c scanner.
It seems to be a kernel bug with 2.6.3 I have raised a bug report on it.


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[newbie] kontact newsticker

2004-03-14 Per discussione Derek Jennings
The first time I installed Mdk10.0 by urpmi'ing to Cooker, Kontact worked 
Today I did a clean install (ftp from mandrake-devel/stable) hoping it might 
clear up the problems I was having with USB (it did not help), but now the 
news ticker and weather have disappeared from kontact.
The news ticker plugin is present and can be configured, but the settings do 
not stick.

Any suggestions?



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Re: [newbie] How to upgrade versions with CLI?

2004-03-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Saturday 13 Mar 2004 05:08, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:
 Here is another newbie question:

 My friend's machine I am helping with is running Mandrake 9.0.  I have
 done some security updates and stuff through the GUI.  But the machine
 is in a remote data center and so I would like to be able to update
 stuff as automatically as possible with the CLI.

 How does one go from 9.0 to 9.1 or 9.2, with or without the GUI tool?
 Is there something similar to the FreeBSD cvsup or the gentoo emerge?
 Those two are the ways I am familiar with with my own FreeBSD systems
 and a gentoo system I got.



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Re: [newbie] MS Messenger

2004-03-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Saturday 13 Mar 2004 13:05, Paul Smith wrote:
 Dear All

 Is it possible to communicate with users of MS Messenger under Linux?

 Thank you a lot in advance!


Yes Some IM clients like Gaim use plugins which 
communicate directly with MSN servers, while others like Psi make use of the Jabber instant messaging system which 
supports gateways into third party IMs like MSN,Yahoo etc

You do not say which version of Mandrake you are using, but if you are using 
Mdk 9.2 you will need an up to date version of Gaim since MSN keep changing 
their protocol to lock out non MSN clients.
Charles Edwards maintains nice up to date versions here Follow the (urpmi) instructions and  you can use your 
Mandrake Software Install GUI to install them



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Re: [newbie] samba is not accessible

2004-03-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 09 Mar 2004 03:15, David Sexton wrote:
 can any one tell me why I cant access my samba server I keep getting the
 followingerror below. I also will put in my smb.conf file.  thanks


 \\testserver is not accessible You might not have permission access  this
 network resource. Contact the administrator of the server to find out if
 you have access permissions.

 The network  path was not found.

First of all.
Are you running a firewall on your Linux box? By default Mandrake sets up the 
shorewall firewall to block access from the Internet to the Linux server, and 
*also* block access from the local network to the Linux server.
If you want to run Samba on a firewalled box you must open up ports 
137,138,139 from the local network to the server.

 # Uncomment this if you want a guest account, you must add this to
 /etc/passwd # otherwise the user nobody is used
 ;  guest account = pcguest
 # Allow users to map to guest:
 map to guest = Bad User

You have a linux account called 'Bad User' do you?
If so then you ought to put quotes around the name in this statement since 
Linux regards a space as delineating parameters. I would have thought using 
spaces in user names would have all sorts of nasty implications.

 # Share Definitions
 == [homes]
 comment = Home Directories
browsable = yes
available = yes
read only = no

In order for Windows users to see their home directory on the Linux server you 
must open a root terminal in Lux and enter
smbpasswd -a user_name
where user_name is the name of a user with a Linux AND a Windows identity
when prompted give the **Windows** password for that user.




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Re: [newbie] Problem with sharing ADSL on mdk 10

2004-03-07 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 07 Mar 2004 10:02, Klemens Arro wrote:
 REDIRECTloc 3128tcp www -

Did you remove this line Klemens?

Because that line definitely *will* interfere with browsing.
It intercepts all requests on port 80 and hands them to a Squid proxy server.

(Don't forget to restart shorewall after any change)

 Yes, my internal ethernet subnet is
 I configured windows but it didn't help, I even allowed pinging (from
 MCC) but i still can't ping my box.
 And dhcpd daemon is running and is configured (with DHCP configuration
 I liked to get it work like mdk 9.x had (DHCP auto configuring windows).

 Actually whole MCC firewall and internet connecting is weird: first
 button Internet connection is always empty, even if i fill there
 something and I click ok, next time it is empty again. second button
 manage connection don't show my Internet access (ppp+). third, always
 after changing firewall rules it asks me my Internet connection (there
 is written, if adsl, put ppp+) but there is list only (i can't change
 it) and no ppp+, only eth0 and eth1 (so I have used always eth0, this is
 connected to ADSL modem).
The shorewall configuration GUI in Mandrake sucks. That is why so many people 
dislike shorewall. You are much better off configuring shorewall directly in 
the text files. (Or using the webmin module)

Flash of inspiration!!
Rereading the above paragraph gives me an idea.  You are using ppp over 
ethernet yes?  Here in the UK we use ppp over atm so I have no personal 
experience with pppoe, but my understanding is that a ppp connection is made, 
and then an ethernet connection runs over the top of that, and you make your 
connection to the ethernet. Yes?  In that case your /etc/shorewall/interfaces 
file should show eth0 as 'net' and eth1 as 'loc' , and your masq file should 
reference eth0.
Perhaps someone who uses pppoe could comment on that.

 (Sorry about my bad English skills ;))

Your English is just fine. (Where is domain .ee ? )



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Re: [newbie] Spamassassin - Cannot create lockfile

2004-03-07 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 07 Mar 2004 17:58, Chris wrote:
 While looking through my syslog I found the following entry:

 Mar  7 04:20:47 dhcppc0 spamd[24012]: bayes: lock: 24012 cannot create tmp
 lockfile /etc/mail/spamassassin/bayes.lock.dhcppc0.24012 for
 /etc/mail/spamassassin/bayes.lock: Permission denied

 I'm assuming from the line below, I have thousands of these, that SA writes
 an entry for each rule it runs against a message?

 Mar  7 06:10:43 dhcppc0 spamd[1785]: Subroutine
 RM_usd_onllovetodate_uri_test redefined at
 /etc/mail/spamassassin/, rule RM_usd_onllovetodate, line 8,
 GEN69 line 35.
 Mar  7 06:10:43 dhcppc0 spamd[1785]: Subroutine WLS_URI_7258_uri_test
 redefined at
 /etc/mail/spamassassin/, rule
 WLS_URI_7258, line 8, GEN69 line 35.

 And lastly, probably a dumb newbie question, there is no problems caused if
 I deleted all the .gzip log files in /var/log is there?


It looks like you are using spamassassin site wide with everyone using the 
same settings. I say this because if your users had a 
~/.spamassassin/user_prefs file then by default it would try to use a lock 
file in that folder.

Your system is trying to use a lock file in the site wide settings 
folder /etc/mail/spamassassin which of course does not have write permission 
for users.

The solution is to either put the line 
bayes_path /path/to/file

in the  /etc/mail/spamassassin/ file where the path points to a 
directory with 666 permissions, or else create a ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs 
file in each users home. The advantage of doing this is that each user will 
have customised spamassassin settings and their own Bayes database.

Refer to the Postfix guide on my home page for suggestions of how to set it 



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Re: [newbie] Spamassassin - Cannot create lockfile

2004-03-07 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 07 Mar 2004 21:13, Chris wrote:
 On Sunday 07 March 2004 02:53 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
The solution is to either put the line
bayes_path /path/to/file
in the  /etc/mail/spamassassin/ file where the path points to
a directory with 666 permissions, or else create a
~/.spamassassin/user_prefs file in each users home. The advantage of
doing this is that each user will have customised spamassassin
settings and their own Bayes database.
Refer to the Postfix guide on my home page for suggestions of how to
set it up.
   Derek, I'm the only user on the system.  Below is a cut from my in /etc/mail/spamassassin
   # Enable Bayes auto-learning
   auto_learn  1
   bayes_path /etc/mail/spamassassin
   bayes_file_mode 0777
   bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam 0.1
   bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 10.0
   Shouldn't that work?
  No because  /etc/mail/spamassassin is owned by root and spamassassin runs
  as the user the mail is being delivered to.

 Guess I'm either too dense to get it or something.  So, if I were to create
 a dir called bayes in my etc/mail/spamassassin for the bayes path and set
 the bayes_file_mode to 666 vice 0777 would this solve the problem?  I do
 have a lockfile created when I run sa-learn.

 So, if ya need to kick me in the head to get me to understand, by all means


That would not help because msec would come along and change the perms back to 
660. You could always use drakperm to override msec, but my experience with 
msec is that its best not to try to fight it. Just set the path 
to /home/chris/something and there is no problem.

If you want to learn more about msec check this out



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Re: [newbie] Spamassassin - Cannot create lockfile

2004-03-07 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 07 Mar 2004 22:42, Chris wrote:
  That would not help because msec would come along and change the perms
  back to 660. You could always use drakperm to override msec, but my
  experience with msec is that its best not to try to fight it. Just set
  the path
  to /home/chris/something and there is no problem.
  If you want to learn more about msec check this out

 Ok Derek, does this look any better?  If not I guess maybe I'd just better
 go bury my head somewhere.

 bayes_path /home/chris/.spamassassin
 bayes_file_mode 0666
 bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam 0.1
 bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 10.0

Yes that looks fine. Hopefully your logs will agree.



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Re: [newbie] New Linux User - Need Help with Sound in New 9.2 Install

2004-03-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Saturday 06 Mar 2004 01:22, David B. Carter wrote:
 Derek Jennings said:
  The modprobe snd-cs-4236 loads the driver. But it will not load on the
  boot unless you configure /etc/modules.conf. That is what alsaconf is
  supposed to do for you, but for some reason alsaconf is unable to detect
  If you go to
  You will see an example modules.conf configuration for your driver.
  You could try copying this into your /etc/modules.conf

 I haven't had a chance yet to try your suggestion, but I tried following
 the instructions on the ALSA page a few days ago when I was using RedHat
 9, and I had no luck. Of course, I used the sample config exactly as is. I
 didn't try setting any of the options (port, irq, dma, etc.) because I had
 no idea what to put. Is there any way to determine what IRQ, DMA, etc. the
 card is currently using so that I can specify those values in modules.conf
 when the driver loads?


Given that your soundchip was not detected on installation, or that alsaconf 
fails to detect it, then I suspect you may may a problem with IRQ conflicts.
If you type 'dmesg' in a terminal you will see all the boot messages. If you 
scroll up you may see some clues.

The command 'cat /proc/interrupts'  will tell you how IRQs are currently 

Things that can resolve interrupt problems are :-
1/ Boot with 'noapic'  - In Mandrake Control CentreBootBootloader tick the 
'Force No APIC' button  This fixes a lot of these sorts of problems.

2/ In your BIOS disable any onboard devices you do not intend to use - This 
often causes IRQ lines to be allocated differently.

3/ In your BIOS select PnP Operating System =No

4/ If your BIOS allows manual selection of IRQ lines, try allocating a line. 
If no selection is possible try moving a PCI board to a different slot. 
Sometimes IRQ lines are allocated according to slot number.

If you have your /etc/modules.conf file configured then the driver will load 
if the card is detected during boot. dmesg will document that happening.




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Re: [newbie] 'URPMI auto-select' while logged in to KDE?

2004-03-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Saturday 06 Mar 2004 21:02, Thinker wrote:
 I am following the advice given by Derek Jennings for updating 10.0rc1
 to full 10.0 release status.

 My question, before I 'urpmi --auto-select' is this..

 I am currently logged in to KDE and I am sure several other things are
 running. Should I get out of KDE and stop what services I can BEFORE I
 attempt to update everything?

 What is the safest environment to be in when updating?



Well I do it while logged into KDE, and without stopping any services.

If you are worried then do a backup before proceeding.

Note: If there is a preexisting config file in /etc which conflicts with the 
config file from a new package the old config file will be left in place and 
the new one will be suffixed .rpmnew

You should review these files after install is complete to see if there is 
anything new which needs configuring.


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Re: [newbie] Problem with sharing ADSL on mdk 10

2004-03-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Friday 05 Mar 2004 22:45, Klemens Arro wrote:
 Thanks, but it didn't help, shorewall started but I still can't share my
 As for the question, no I didn't put it there, Mandrake Controll Center
 internet connection sharing tool put it there.
 Here is /etc/shorewall/interfaces:
 net ppp+detect
 loc eth0detect


 net Net Internet zone
 loc Local   Local


 loc net ACCEPT
 fw  net ACCEPT
 net all DROPinfo
 all all REJECT  info



Nothing to do with your Internet sharing but you should remove these 2 lines
 ACCEPT  net fw  udp 137,138,139 -
 ACCEPT  net fw  tcp 137,138,139 -

If these lines are present, and you are running Samba (Windows networking), 
then anyone on the internet could access your Samba file shares.

 ACCEPT  loc fw  udp 137,138,139 -

Again nothing to do with your problem, but if you want to add any other 
features to your Linux box you should open up the appropriate port here.
Ports you might like to open are :- 
22 - ssh service
631 - CUPS print server
1 - Webmin configuration
 ACCEPT  loc fw  tcp 137,138,139 -

This line has nothing to do with Internet sharing. I do not know how it got 
in, but I suggest you remove it.
 REDIRECTloc 3128tcp www -

 ACCEPT  fw  net tcp www


You only need one of these lines. The other can be removed.
I assume your internal ethernet is on the subnet?

None of the comments I have made above would stop shorewall from working, and 
you say that shorewall now starts, so it looks as if Internet sharing is 
actually working.

Your problem may be that you have not configured the Windows clients 
correctly. If you have not started a DHCP server on the Linux box (to 
allocate IP addresses to the Windows machines), then you should be using 
static addressing on the Windows clients. (IP addresses manually configured)
You should also configure the Windows clients to use the Linux box as the 
Default Gateway, and you should enter the IP addresses of your ISPs DNS 
servers in the DNS configuration of your Windows clients.

BTW: By default shorewall inhibits 'ping' so do not be surprised if you cannot 
ping the Linux box from your Windows clients.




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Re: [newbie] New Linux User - Need Help with Sound in New 9.2 Install

2004-03-05 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Friday 05 Mar 2004 09:20, David B. Carter wrote:
 Derek Jennings said:
  On Friday 05 Mar 2004 01:58, David B. Carter wrote:
  Hi all, I just subscribed to the list today in hopes of finding some
  with my problem. I'm a new Linux user who's only been playing with it
  a couple of weeks. My first install was RedHat 9. I spent lots of time
  reading and experimenting, and I finally got it set up pretty well
  the sound wouldn't work. Now I just barely isntalled Mandrake 9.2 and I
  have the same problem.
  My computer is a Dell GX1 desktop that has been upgraded to a 1Ghz
  CPU. It's got 128MB RAM, 10GB hard drive, and the sound is an onboard
  Crystal CS4236B-KQ chip. When I start up 9.2, it says it's loading Alsa
  0.9.6, but, when I get into KDE, I get no sound from XMMS. KMix and
  alsamixer both show that everything is unmuted and turned up, but no
  sound. My problem is that I'm such a Linux newbie that I don't know
  to go from here.
  What further info do I need to provide in order for someone to help me?
  Thanks. I feel stupid because I've read all kinds of stuff the last two
  days trying to find and answer, but I can't seem to make much sense of
  Welcome to the list.
  You say there is no sound in xmms, but is there other sound?
  Can you hear the KDE log on sound?
  The CS4236 should (I think) load the snd-4236 ALSA driver by default.
  You can confirm which driver is in use by refferring to the hardware list
  Mandrake Conytrol centre.
  If it is just xmms affected then check the xmms output plugin
  (Right Click on xmms and select Preferences)
  Try with the ALSA output plugin.
  With some sound chips it is necessary to configure the alsa output plugin
  select 'AdvancedMmap mode disabled'
  If that does not work try the OSS output plugin.
  You might also like to try setting up your KDE sound
  In KDEControl CentreSoubdSoundSystem select the ALSA sound system.

 I apologize for misleading everyone, I have loaded 9.2 on two different
 machines in the last 48 hours, and I must have been thinking of the other
 one (which is not working either, but that another story for another day)
 when I said that ALSA is loading on startup. In reality, on this machine,
 my sound hardware was not automatically detected during the install, and,
 therefore, there are no sound drivers being loaded at all right now. I
 have some ALSA packages installed on the system, but nothing is being

 Thanks for the suggestions so far. Any further ideas would be greatly

OK In that case install alsa-utils  (and newt if not already installed)
Then in a terminal become root (with su) and enter
A text based GUI will configure your sound modules and write a 
new /etc/modules.conf file for you.
Alsaconf will not copy your existing nonsound module config to the new file so 
**it is ESSENTIAL** to make a backup first and copy the configuration of your 
non sound modules back again afterwards.

If the sound module still does no load correctly, then I would suspect an IRQ 
conflict is preventing the sound hardware being identified. That might 
explain why it was not detected during install.


BTW: You still have Reply To set in your Squirrelmail email settings. It is 
not necessary and is a PITA 
(OptionsPersonal Setting)


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Re: [newbie] New Linux User - Need Help with Sound in New 9.2 Install

2004-03-05 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Friday 05 Mar 2004 12:27, David B. Carter wrote:
 First on the reply-to issue... I took it out once, but I must have not
 saved the changes. Sorry. Do I have to take it out of all identities? I
 would think it only needs to be changed in the one I use for list
 postings. Anyway, thanks for the heads up. Hopefully it won't be a problem
 for this message.

 As for alsa-utils, someone else asked me about that, but it is not
 currently on my system, and when I use RpmDrake to tell me what new
 packages are available for install, it's not listed there either. Do I
 need to just download and compile from the ALSA website, or is there
 another source to get mdk rpms from? If I do need to get it straight from
 ALSA, do I need to uninstall the current ALSA-related RPMs before doing

 Thanks. Sorry I'm so clueless...

alsa-utils is on the install CDs.
If it does not show up in rpmdrake then it may be already installed.
Or else maybe you only have 1 CD (I am not sure which one it is on)

If you cannot locate it just go here using konqueror

and click on alsa-utils and it will install.


Yes your Reply To is fine now. The only circumstance Reply To is ever useful 
is if you send from one email account, but want replies to come back to  a 
different one.


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Re: [newbie] making 10.0rc1 into 10.0 release via cooker.

2004-03-05 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Friday 05 Mar 2004 14:52, Thinker wrote:
 On Mar 5, 2004, at 4:07 AM, Derek Jennings wrote:
  If you cannot wait a few weeks then use urpmi to bring your system up
  to the
  current Cooker, and you will have 10.0

 So.. you are saying that I can reinstall with the 10.0rc1 disks I made
 a few weeks ago and go to the cooker and update that to what is the
 10.0 release now? I would really like to know how to do that. I know
 you are going to point me to the uprmi web site, but I have not had
 much luck hitting the correct server or the correct number of servers
 to make the update process run smoothly. Any additional guidance on
 servers and what to and what not to check would be appreciated.

  It is all explained in the TWiki.

 Where can I look this information up in the TWiki?



urpmi.removemedia -a
will remove your current urpmi sources

urpmi.addmedia cooker_main 
with ../base/

(all on 1 line) will add Cooker as a urpmi source for the main distro

urpmi.addmedia cooker_contrib 
with ../base/

will add cooker contrib

urpmi.addmedia updates 
with ../base/

will add Mandrake 10.0 updates source

urpmi urpmi

will update urpmi itself. That will suck in a whole lot of packages.

urpmi --auto-select

will update all the remaining packages on your system.

If it barfs over anything then remove the package causing grief and install it 
again when upgrading is complete.

urpmi kernel-

will install the new kernel.
Reboot to start using it.

So far I have done this for 2 systems.

**BUT** I would not recommend this procedure for recent Linux users. If it 
goes wrong you may not know how to recover the situation.

When online mirrors for 10.0 are available remove the cooker sources and 
replace them with 10.0 sources.

Have fun


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Re: [newbie] New Linux User - Need Help with Sound in New 9.2 Install

2004-03-05 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Friday 05 Mar 2004 16:26, David B. Carter wrote:
 David B. Carter said:
  OK. I installed alsa-utils (and it dependency - pciutils) from the FTP
  address you gave above. It installed fine. When I ran alsaconf, it said
  that no PnP sound cards were detected and asked me if I wanted it to
  probe for ISA cards. I said OK and picked the CS4236 drivers so it
  would not probe for everything on the planet. Then it asked me if I
  wanted it to test all DMA and IRQ combinations. I said OK and it
  started to probe. It immediately locked up the mouse, and the Caps Lock
  and Scroll Lock lights on the keyboard started blinking, and it hasn't
  shown any signs of responsding for about 20 minutes now.
  OK, I went back and rebooted the system and repeated the same procedure
  but told it not to try all possible DMA/IRQ combinations. Same result. :(
  Any ideas?

 At the urging of someone else who's not on this list, I tried a

 modprobe snd-cs-4236

 I'm not even 100% sure what that does, but, after unmuting several of the
 main channels (master, pcm, cd, etc.) in alsamixer, I now get CD audio!!
 Still no audio from digital audio files in XMMS (even after switching to
 the ALSA output plugin).

 Any ideas how to proceed? Thanks.

The modprobe snd-cs-4236 loads the driver. But it will not load on the next 
boot unless you configure /etc/modules.conf. That is what alsaconf is 
supposed to do for you, but for some reason alsaconf is unable to detect your 

If you go to

You will see an example modules.conf configuration for your driver.
You could try copying this into your /etc/modules.conf



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Re: [newbie] Unable to mount root fs

2004-03-04 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 04 Mar 2004 06:08, Ketan Mukadam wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have just installed Mandrake 8.0 on my newly bought system. I also
 have Win2K installed on a partition.

 Everything was working fine, until few days ago when i tried to boot
 into Linux, it gave me a kernel panic saying unable to mount root fs.I
 was surprised, since i havent changed any partition or done anything
 with the installation.So i again reinstalled Mandrake 8.0,it got
 installed properly...but yesterday when i saw the login window i saw
 almost 20 icons [penguins] corresponding to different users [i made only
 one user]and all these users seem to be the various services in
 linux.also there used to be a button from which i could shutdown the
 machinebut now its not there...i can only logout.[i can do a
 shutdown from command prompt]Just wanted to know why the behaviour
 is changing every few days without my meddling anything in the system

 Thanks in advance for any help


Hmm This question does not seem to have much in common with the previous 
thread. Can I point your attention Ketan to the list etiquette
In particular item 3.

Now your question.
Mandrake 8.0 is **very** old  It does not support the latest journalling file 
systems. It only supports ext2 file systems which are vulnerable to 
corruption if you power down your system un cleanly.
So if you have been pressing the reset button or just switching off, then you 
could have a corruption.
It may be Mandrake 8.0 supports the Reiserfs  file system which is a lot more 
robust (I cannot remember)

I would recommend getting hold of a later version of Mandrake. We are just 
about to go to version 10.0 which is a whole lot better than 8.0, and 
supports journalled file systems such as ext3 reiserfs and xfs.



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Re: [newbie] Real Newbie question

2004-03-04 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 04 Mar 2004 01:13, JoeHill wrote:
 On Thu, 4 Mar 2004 00:08:02 +

 Derek Jennings disseminated the following:
  Erm the lines  I am extremely new to Linux and
  have tried to install GLib ring alarm bells in my head.
  The Glib library is one of the most fundamental libraries on your system.
  If you mess with it you are almost certain to break your system.
  (Trust me I have been there)

 Are you maybe getting glib and glibc mixed up? In any case, doing 'urpmi
 libglib-devel' will definitely error out if the wrong version of glib is

 ...but ya, installing any package like glib from somewhere other than
 'official' Mandrake channels or from the CD's is to be avoided.

 Adrian, what is the version of glib you have installed?

 In a terminal, do:

 rpm -qa | grep glib

 You should see libglib1.2-1.2.10-11mdk and libglib2.0_0-2.2.3-1mdk or
 thereabouts (assuming you are running 9.2).

 Or was it even an RPM you installed from this Linux Format mag?

 What is the app you are trying to build with ./configure? Like Derek
 suggested, there may be Mandrake packages for it, which would save you a
 lot of time and trouble.

Sorry Yes you are correct. I saw Glib and thought glibc.
But I still would not advise a brand new newbie to mess with compiling Glib  
when there is a perfectly good RPM package.

Compiling apps can be fun and instructive, but for newbies there are 
considerably easier ways of getting the applications they want.



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Re: [newbie] 2 Problems with my firefox navigator

2004-03-03 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 03 Mar 2004 13:25, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 03:39:44AM -0500, Anand S Bisen wrote:
  IT has something to do with security too , two of my banking sites
  explicitly says that they dont support netscape/Mozilla and they only
  support IE as a matter of fact. I have installed IE using crossover just
  for my banking needs.

 Isn't this the height of idiocy? We're concerned about security; you
 must use IE to access your online banking features.



It is often possible to fool these IE only sites into letting you in, either 
by accessing the site through a web page that comes *after* they do their 
browser check, or by spoofing your Browser ID to look like you are using IE.

Opera allows you to to easily switch browser IDs just by hitting F12

Konqueror SettingsBrowser Identification allows you to change ID per web site

Mozilla-Firefox ( and I assume Mozilla) has the User Agent Switcher 
extension you can install

Unfortunately sometimes it is still not possible to persuade a site to let you 
use it.


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Re: [newbie] Real Newbie question

2004-03-03 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 03 Mar 2004 23:45, JoeHill wrote:
 On Wed, 3 Mar 2004 23:20:12 -

 Adrian Earnshaw disseminated the following:
  I am extremely new to Linux and have tried to install GLib. I have
  followed the instructions in the install file but when I try to
  ./configure any programs that need GLib it tells me it's not installed
  properly or it's the wrong version. The GLib is from this months Linux
  Format magazine so it's upto date.

 Probably you need the development libraries.

 as root:

 urpmi libglib-devel

Erm the lines  I am extremely new to Linux and
have tried to install GLib ring alarm bells in my head.

The Glib library is one of the most fundamental libraries on your system. If 
you mess with it you are almost certain to break your system.
(Trust me I have been there)

If you are new to Linux it is best to stick to RPM packages built for the 
Mandrake release you are using. There are gazillions of them. You will not 
get bored.

Have a read of the Twiki site in my sig and learn about using urpmi to install 
apps on line.



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Re: [newbie] Default Versus Flat Lists On Download CD's - Was Scribus

2004-03-02 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 02 Mar 2004 09:40, Keith Powell wrote:
 On Monday 01 Mar 2004 11:04 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Did scribus need and dependencies ?
  just out of interest.

 Hello John.

 I have only briefly tried Scribus, as I am just starting to find out about
 it, having read an article on it in Linux Format magazine. So I haven't
 given it a really good test, yet. However, from what I have found, it
 appears to work OK. I only installed the program and libscribus.

 On the site from where I downloaded it, there was a list of another 16
 libraries which it said Scribus requires and which are not installed on my
 machine. I haven't downloaded these, but will do so (as it says they are
 needed), so that the installation is complete.

 For information, the missing libraries are:,,,,,,  libqcc s .so.1,,,,,,,,

 I can't find any of them on my CDs.



These are files not packages. To search for the package they belong to, use

urpmf libICE   and so on.

Leave out the version number since you may have a higher version than 
If they were *required* then they would have been installed along with the 
scribus RPM (if they were not already)



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Re: [newbie] Spamassassin..... (help!)

2004-03-01 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 01 Mar 2004 05:23, Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas wrote:
 On Sunday 29 February 2004 16:55, Derek Jennings wrote:

 Tks, Derek! but ONE more question!
 (see below, pls)

  On Sunday 29 Feb 2004 19:40, Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas wrote:
   I've been using spamassassin for a while, but I must have missed
   some detail on the config process!
  It is not spamassassin setting the lock file. it is procmail
  Any procmail recipe that starts with
  will not create a lock file. You do not need a lock file when piping your
  mails through spamassassin. The lock file is there simply to stop
  procmail and kmail trying to use a mail spool file at the same time. You
  only need to set it when actually writing to a mail spool file.
  A procmail recipe starting with
  :0 :
  will use the default lockfile.
  The default lockfile name will be the same as the mail folder used with a
  leading '.'
  A procmail recipe in the form
  :0 : lockfilename

 Can I use:
 :0: /home/user/some_dir/.lock_file ?

 or it has to use the default mail box (~/Mail) for kmail?



 Ricardo Castanho

The lockfile can be called anything you like so long as the 'other' 
application using the mail spool knows its name, or else there is no point 
using a lock file at all. In the Kmail account setup for local mail spool 
accounts you can define the name of the lockfile in use.



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Re: [newbie] Strange sound problem

2004-03-01 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 29 Feb 2004 23:40, Mike Adolf wrote:
 When trying to play DVDs, video is fine but no audio on both Xine and
 mplayer. So I tried just a CD with Xine, but still no sound.  Kscd,
 however, plays fine and responds to adjustments in both aumix and kmix. 
 What do I look for?


Audio CDs are played by KSCD using the analogue audio cable from your player 
directly into the sound card. It does not actually use the sound driver at 

Are you getting other sounds, KDE log on sound for example, or can you play 
files with xmms?

It may be you simply have one of your mixer inputs muted.

If no luck plz provide details of your sound card, and which driver you are 



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Re: [newbie] How do I backup KMail filters/settings?

2004-02-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 29 Feb 2004 02:15, J Adam Latham wrote:
 Hi, All ...

 Today I had to reinstall my user directory, which I had backed up on a
 disc. But when I unpacked the contents of that backup (which included my
 Mail dir) I was disappointed to discover that my KMail settings
 (identities, networks, filters etc) were not backed up ... Also, any sub
 directories ( their msgs) in my local folders were gone ... (Which means,
 say, the folder Work was still there but not, say, Work - Bob, Work -
 Susie, or whatever ... )

 I had assumed (naively) that this info was stored either in my Mail dir or
 in some hidden file in my home dir ... Obviously not.

 Can someone please let me know where this info is saved, and how I can
 include it in backups so that I don't have to recreate all my settings

 Any/all help is appreciated ...


Your mail settings are stores in ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc
It looks like you did not include hidden files in your backup.

A convenient way to do a backup to CD or ftp/ssh is drakbackup
It is in the drakxtools RPM  (get the latest version of the updates mirror)



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Re: [newbie] shorell setup

2004-02-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 29 Feb 2004 14:46, Josenildo Marques wrote:
 Hello !
 I haven't used any firewall so far and as I read posts that show a
 concern over this way of protection, I tried to set up Shorewall. In
 DrakFirewall, I unchecked 'everything - no firewall' and checked all the
 other options as I am not sure yet which services are activated or
 disabled. The thing is I cannot either browse the Internet or get
 e-mails even having all options enabled.
 Could someone lend me a hand ?

The Mandrake Firewall GUI is pretty simple and often screws up configuration.

A common mistake the GUI makes is to get the interface connected to the 
internet wrong. It will assume eth0 is connected to the net.

Take a look at the file /etc/shorewall/interfaces

At the bottom you will see something like :-

net eth0detect
loc eth1detect  (it may be called masq instead of loc)

If you connect via DSL (ppp over atm), or dial up, then replace eth0 with ppp0

If you are not doing internet connection sharing then you do not need the 
second line.

Then restart shorewall with
'shorewall restart' in a root terminal




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Re: [newbie] Spamassassin..... (help!)

2004-02-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 29 Feb 2004 19:40, Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas wrote:

 I've been using spamassassin for a while, but I must have missed some
 detail on the config process!

 It's configured system wide. And as I use procmail and kmail, the
 spamassassin insist on putting the lock file at ~/Mail/ (kmail directory).

 How can I change this? I have set two directories for spamassassin
 ~/.spamassassin (with the dot) and ~/spamassassin (no dot).

 The user_prefs is read correct as well as my sa-learm --spam/--ham and

 Any help?

 []s Ricardo Castanho

It is not spamassassin setting the lock file. it is procmail

Any procmail recipe that starts with 

will not create a lock file. You do not need a lock file when piping your 
mails through spamassassin. The lock file is there simply to stop procmail 
and kmail trying to use a mail spool file at the same time. You only need to 
set it when actually writing to a mail spool file.

A procmail recipe starting with 
:0 :
will use the default lockfile.
The default lockfile name will be the same as the mail folder used with a 
leading '.'

A procmail recipe in the form
:0 : lockfilename
will use the named lock file.

Hope that is clearer



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Re: [newbie] Four Desktops

2004-02-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 29 Feb 2004 19:55, Weiers Coetser wrote:

 This is my third request for assitance and I've appreciated the input that
 I've received every time.

 I don't know if the following scenario is a posible one:

 Lets say I've divided my work into four categories. I would like to use one
 of the four KDE desktops for each of these four categories.

 At the moment I find that when I place a folder on my desktop it shows up
 on all four the desktops. This gives my desktop a very cluttered feel and I
 don't really see the purpose of having four desktops in this case.

 The same is true when I open several programmes. If I opened Open Office
 Writer on Desktop one, I can still see the bar for that document at the
 bottom, even if I am on Desktop two. If I have six or seven documents open
 at the same time, I find it difficult to navigate my way between the

 Is it possible to change a setting that each of the four desktops function
 almost independently. Eg. I can put all my MP3 files on Desktop 1 and run
 the MP3 Player from there. Then I place all my written documents on desktop
 two, and all my spreadsheets on desktop three.

 I hope my question makes sense. If it does not, can somebody please explain
 again why there are four desktops in KDE.

If you rightclick in the bar at the top of  a window and select To Desktop 
you can select if that window is shown on all desktops, or send it to a 
specific desktop.
When you have a window just as you want it right click in the bar and select 
AdvancedStoreWindow Settings, then it will always appear just like that and 
on that specific desktop.



(BTW: I am using KDE 3.2 on Mdk10.0 your KDE 3.1 might be slightly 
different. )


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Re: [newbie] wirless net working

2004-02-27 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Friday 27 Feb 2004 11:19, Walt Frampus wrote:
 I am attempting to get my internal wireless, Broad com 54G working on my
 Compaq presario 3000. I am using Mandrake 10 RC1 with the 2.6 kernel. I
 am ashamed to say that it works fine in winXP Any ideas? I know wireless
 seems to be a problem in linux.


will enable you to use your Windows drivers under Linux.


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Re: [newbie] Printing Problems HP 5L - Open Office Calc

2004-02-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 23 Feb 2004 20:52, Weiers Coetser wrote:
 Hi, I am as newbie as can be.

 I set up a sizeable spreadsheet with Open Office and neglected to toggle
 print selected sheet only option.

 Ended up printing 8 copies of the whole spreadsheet (11 sheets) =
 approximately 90 pages.

 I tried everything to try to stop the printjob.
 But it was not registered in the Print Manager.
 Swithched the computer off. Swithced the printer off. Rebooted into Win XP.
 The moment I returned to Linux the printer started printing.

 1. How do I stop a printjob if I am not happy with it.
 2. How do I set OpenOffice to only print the selected sheet by default, in
 stead of the whole document?

 (I hope I did not hi-jack any threads. I did do a search of the archives,
 but did not find something that seems to answer this particular questions)

There are lots of ways to manage print jobs.
Assuming you are using KDE and CUPS :-

In konqueror press the 'services' button in the tool bar dividing the pane.
The left pane will then show 'Print System Browser'  You can stop jobs in 

Or Right click on your 'Quick start' bar select 
Panel MenuAddSpecial ButtonPrint System

Or in any browser



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Re: [newbie] DrakeConf is uninstalled

2004-02-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 23 Feb 2004 12:55, Brandon Rife wrote:
 I absently mindedly uninstalled drakconf, at least that's what I think
 its called.  It's the Mandrake app that corresponds to the
 Configuration/Configure your computer menuitem.  At this point I'm
 still very dependent of the GUI to get things done in Linux, especially
 configuration related stuff.  If some kind soul would give or point me
 to instructions ofn gettting this app back via the console I'd much
 appreciate it.  I'm running MDK 9.2.

open a terminal
su to become root

urpmi drakconf

you might have to urpmi drakxtools and rpmdrake as well depending on how much 
you have barfed of your system


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Re: [newbie] Printing Problems HP 5L - Open Office Calc

2004-02-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 23 Feb 2004 22:25, Steve Kaufman wrote:
 Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Monday 23 Feb 2004 20:52, Weiers Coetser wrote:
 Hi, I am as newbie as can be.
 I set up a sizeable spreadsheet with Open Office and neglected to toggle
 print selected sheet only option.
 Ended up printing 8 copies of the whole spreadsheet (11 sheets) =
 approximately 90 pages.
 I tried everything to try to stop the printjob.
 But it was not registered in the Print Manager.
 Swithched the computer off. Swithced the printer off. Rebooted into Win
  XP. The moment I returned to Linux the printer started printing.
 1. How do I stop a printjob if I am not happy with it.
 2. How do I set OpenOffice to only print the selected sheet by default,
  in stead of the whole document?
 (I hope I did not hi-jack any threads. I did do a search of the archives,
 but did not find something that seems to answer this particular
  There are lots of ways to manage print jobs.
  Assuming you are using KDE and CUPS :-
  In konqueror press the 'services' button in the tool bar dividing the
  pane. The left pane will then show 'Print System Browser'  You can stop
  jobs in there.

 I don't understand this at all. I don't see a button dividing any
 pane. Help

Well it depends on how your view options are set up in konq
In this screenshot
notice the vertical row of icons in the divider between the left and right 
panes of konq?





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Re: [newbie] Who tried Thunderbird 0.5?

2004-02-22 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 22 Feb 2004 23:45, Steve Kaufman wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Monday 23 February 2004 02:34, Christophe Rhein wrote:
 Are the links in a mail opening properly in Firefox for exemple?
 How is the junk mail working?
 Thanks for your help!
 ps: is there a filter on this list because some messages that I
 posted are not in my mailbox?
  Christophe - no-one seems to know why sympa has hiccups like this -
  but they happen from time to time.  A couple of weeks ago I was
  complaining loudly about the same thing, but it's settled down again.
  The only answer is to swear at sympa and post again - although there
  are a number of words that should be avoided in the subject line
  because sympa thinks you are giving it a command.  You could always
  re-send the message with a different subject line, to see if it
  - --

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 Well I thought all was well but I don't see any printers when I try
 to print from either firefox or thunderbird but I see them from
 other apps. 1 is on parallel port and one is on lpd

 Any thoughts. I can see the printers from kmail and konqueror


In Firefox select FilePrintProperties
Change the print command to 
kprinter --stdin

and you will get the same CUPS print dialogue you get with other applications.



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Re: [newbie] My daily question ... this time, re spamassassin

2004-02-21 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 21:24:15 -0600
Chuck Mattsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, I'm tearing my hair out and I have little enough to spare, so hope
 someone can point me in the right direction.
 I simply want to set up Evolution to use spamassassin on incoming mail. 
 I've been to the spamassassin site, have Googled for others' accounts of
 getting the two to talk (which, everyone assures, is easy), and a
 number of other routes, but I keep, as usual, just getting little pieces
 of information from here, there and everywhere, and I end up with about
 50 windows open and smoke coming out of my ears as I stare at snippits
 of info about .foward .procmail-something or other, blah, blah, blah.
 For a newbie, is there /any/ site you're aware of that will walk me
 through the setup, start to finish, without assuming I've been using
 Unix of Linux for years, and just step me through it?
 I /LOVE/ the speed and stability I'm getting here running Linux, but
 it's so frickin' complicated setting up anything that I'm about ready to
 shake hands with Bill again, so I can at least get /something/
 Anyone? TIA
 Chuck Mattsen ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... Mahnomen, MN
 Registered Linux User #346519

I am not an Evolution user, but am going to try to help you anyway.

First make sure you have the latest version of Spamassassin from Charles Edwards' 
download site
To be able to install Charles's packages using your Mandrake Software Install GUI open 
a terminal, enter su to become root user, then
urpmi.addmedia eslrahc with 

This will add Charles' site as a software source for your system. Then use the Install 
GUI to add spamassassin, perl-Mail-Spamassassin, and spamassassin-tools packages. They 
will replace any existing prior version.

Now in your Evolution
Select ToolsFiltersAdd

Write a decent name for the filter. Then beneath the If choose Add and select Pipe 
Message to Shell Command. In the field to the right type in the command 
/usr/bin/spamassassin . Then choose does not return and select 0. Beneath Then set 
up what is going to happen to the letter classified as spam. In my setup I first move 
the letter to a folder named Spam and then set the status of the message to Read.

I have chosen to have the letter moved instead of deleted right away because the spam 
filter does make mistakes. Therefore it is in general a very bad idea to delete 
letters without looking at them first. However, moving the spam away from the inbox 
allows me to pay less attention to spam.

(The above text came from with some slight 

Thats it!
Hope it works


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Re: [newbie] My daily question ... this time, re spamassassin

2004-02-21 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sat, 21 Feb 2004 11:33:48 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 21:24:15 -0600
 Chuck Mattsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Okay, I'm tearing my hair out and I have little enough to spare, so hope
  someone can point me in the right direction.
  I simply want to set up Evolution to use spamassassin on incoming mail. 
  I've been to the spamassassin site, have Googled for others' accounts of
  getting the two to talk (which, everyone assures, is easy), and a
  number of other routes, but I keep, as usual, just getting little pieces
  of information from here, there and everywhere, and I end up with about
  50 windows open and smoke coming out of my ears as I stare at snippits
  of info about .foward .procmail-something or other, blah, blah, blah.
  For a newbie, is there /any/ site you're aware of that will walk me
  through the setup, start to finish, without assuming I've been using
  Unix of Linux for years, and just step me through it?
  I /LOVE/ the speed and stability I'm getting here running Linux, but
  it's so frickin' complicated setting up anything that I'm about ready to
  shake hands with Bill again, so I can at least get /something/
  Anyone? TIA
  Chuck Mattsen ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... Mahnomen, MN
  Registered Linux User #346519
 I am not an Evolution user, but am going to try to help you anyway.
 First make sure you have the latest version of Spamassassin from Charles Edwards' 
 download site
 To be able to install Charles's packages using your Mandrake Software Install GUI 
 open a terminal, enter su to become root user, then
 urpmi.addmedia eslrahc with 
 This will add Charles' site as a software source for your system. Then use the 
 Install GUI to add spamassassin, perl-Mail-Spamassassin, and spamassassin-tools 
 packages. They will replace any existing prior version.
 Now in your Evolution
 Select ToolsFiltersAdd
 Write a decent name for the filter. Then beneath the If choose Add and select 
 Pipe Message to Shell Command. In the field to the right type in the command 
 /usr/bin/spamassassin . Then choose does not return and select 0. Beneath Then 
 set up what is going to happen to the letter classified as spam. In my setup I first 
 move the letter to a folder named Spam and then set the status of the message to 
 I have chosen to have the letter moved instead of deleted right away because the 
 spam filter does make mistakes. Therefore it is in general a very bad idea to delete 
 letters without looking at them first. However, moving the spam away from the inbox 
 allows me to pay less attention to spam.
 (The above text came from with some 
 slight modification)
 Thats it!
 Hope it works
BTW: I just installed Evolution and followed the instructions above for setting up 
SpamAssassin and it worked.
The only thing I would add is that you might like to select
ViewMessageDisplayShowFullHeaders  so you can see the headers added by SpamAssassin 
to reassure yourself it is actually working.

There are lots of funky stuff you can do to tune spamassassin, but I think you will 
find it does a pretty good job straight out of the box


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Re: [newbie] My daily question ... this time, re spamassassin

2004-02-21 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sat, 21 Feb 2004 11:33:48 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 21:24:15 -0600
 Chuck Mattsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Okay, I'm tearing my hair out and I have little enough to spare, so hope
  someone can point me in the right direction.
  I simply want to set up Evolution to use spamassassin on incoming mail. 
  I've been to the spamassassin site, have Googled for others' accounts of
  getting the two to talk (which, everyone assures, is easy), and a
  number of other routes, but I keep, as usual, just getting little pieces
  of information from here, there and everywhere, and I end up with about
  50 windows open and smoke coming out of my ears as I stare at snippits
  of info about .foward .procmail-something or other, blah, blah, blah.
  For a newbie, is there /any/ site you're aware of that will walk me
  through the setup, start to finish, without assuming I've been using
  Unix of Linux for years, and just step me through it?
  I /LOVE/ the speed and stability I'm getting here running Linux, but
  it's so frickin' complicated setting up anything that I'm about ready to
  shake hands with Bill again, so I can at least get /something/
  Anyone? TIA
  Chuck Mattsen ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... Mahnomen, MN
  Registered Linux User #346519
 I am not an Evolution user, but am going to try to help you anyway.
 First make sure you have the latest version of Spamassassin from Charles Edwards' 
 download site
 To be able to install Charles's packages using your Mandrake Software Install GUI 
 open a terminal, enter su to become root user, then
 urpmi.addmedia eslrahc with 
 This will add Charles' site as a software source for your system. Then use the 
 Install GUI to add spamassassin, perl-Mail-Spamassassin, and spamassassin-tools 
 packages. They will replace any existing prior version.
 Now in your Evolution
 Select ToolsFiltersAdd
 Write a decent name for the filter. Then beneath the If choose Add and select 
 Pipe Message to Shell Command. In the field to the right type in the command 
 /usr/bin/spamassassin . Then choose does not return and select 0. Beneath Then 
 set up what is going to happen to the letter classified as spam. In my setup I first 
 move the letter to a folder named Spam and then set the status of the message to 
 I have chosen to have the letter moved instead of deleted right away because the 
 spam filter does make mistakes. Therefore it is in general a very bad idea to delete 
 letters without looking at them first. However, moving the spam away from the inbox 
 allows me to pay less attention to spam.
 (The above text came from with some 
 slight modification)
 Thats it!
 Hope it works
Whoops small mistake. The command to use in that filter is
/usr/bin/spamassassin -e
(I missed off the '-e' before)


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Re: [newbie] My daily question ... this time, re spamassassin

2004-02-21 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sat, 21 Feb 2004 08:59:04 -0600
Chuck Mattsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's one of the sites I had chanced upon and have my filter set up
 that way (with the exception of marking spam read)
 Thing is, and maybe I'm just under the wrong impression here, I thought
 this would run all incoming mail through spamassassin, adding headers --
 whether or not it classified as spam, just whether the score was
 non-zero or not -- but I see no evidence that anything's being
 processed.  No headers, nothing moved (which is okay, since I've not yet
 received anything really spammy), nada.
 I feel like I'm missing some -- probably/hopefully simple -- setup step
 Chuck Mattsen ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... Mahnomen, MN
 Registered Linux User #346519

When you defined the filter, the first pop up asked what did you want to apply the 
filter to. If you select 'incoming', then the filter will be applied on all incoming 

Then the filter itself will 'pipe' all mails through spamassassin. SpamAssassin will 
add lines in the header which will look something like this for a 'non spam' mail

X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-4.2 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00,RCVD_IN_LEVEL3,
RCVD_IN_SORBS autolearn=no version=2.63

This tells you which tests the mail triggered in Spamassassin and the final score. A 
'spam' mail will have the mail body replaced with text describing what is wrong with 
the mail. The original spam mail will become an attachment.

Calling spamassassin with the -e parameter will cause spamassassin to exit with a 
return code of '1' whan a mail is spam.
The evolution filter is set up to move any mail where spamassassin returns 'non zero' 
to the spam folder.

BTW: This will not work if your Evolution is set up to read mail from IMAP folders, 
for the simple reason that with IMAP the mail stays on the remote host. To use 
SpamAssassin with IMAP you should be looking at putting it on the remote mail server.


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Re: [newbie] building a binary from source rpm

2004-02-21 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sat, 21 Feb 2004 09:07:22 -0500
Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On February 21, 2004 09:01 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  On Saturday 21 February 2004 14:36, Lanman wrote:
   Can someone give me a quick review on building a binary rpm from a source
   rpm? I haven't had to do it in such a long time, that I can't remember
   all the steps. The src rpm is for Mandrake Cooker.
  rpm --rebuild x.src.rpm should do that.
  Good luck,
 Thanks HarM ! I knew it was something simple, but I just couldn't remember.
 Registered Linux user #190712
 Hey MOM? Can we go to the Microsoft
 Museum today? I hear their going to
 have a live demonstration of the
 Blue Screen of Death! The wax dummy
 of Bill Gates is supposed to be finished!

Hasn't the 'rebuild' function been moved out of rpm into the 'rpmbuild' package?
See man rpmbuild.


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Re: [newbie] PC locks up solid. NOT FIXED HELP PLEASE can't survive in LINUX this way

2004-02-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings
 be appreciated.
 What info would be helpful from LINUX?

 Linux user number 344404

Whenever anyone complains of lockups like you describe, the most common cause 
has usually been found to be memory.

Now I know you will say it works perfectly in Windows, but the fact is Linux 
uses memory differently to Windows. Whereas Windows only uses as much memory 
as the active applications need, Linux will use *all* the available memory as 
a hard disc cache, so problems in the upper reaches of memory will show up 
much more on Linux.

If you install the memtest86 RPM you will find on rebooting there is a new 
entry in your Lilo boot screen. Select it, and it will immediately run a 
continuous memory test.

You should be able to run that test all night long without a single error.
Any failures, then start looking at your Bios settings.




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Re: [newbie] PC locks up solid. NOT FIXED HELP PLEASE can't survive in LINUX this way

2004-02-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 19 Feb 2004 21:25, Steve Kaufman wrote:
  Thanks Derek. I hope I'm always open to learning new things. Now Iall I
 have to do is figure out how to load and run the RPM. Have to switch back
 to Linux and try.

It's on your install CD. Just search for it using the Mandrake Software 
Installer. Running it is just a matter of selecting memtest in the Lilo boot 



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Re: [newbie] Setting up printers

2004-02-18 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 18 Feb 2004 10:27 am, Christophe Rhein wrote:
 Me again,

 We tried to setup a Epson 600 via parallel port ... the notebook recognizes
 the printer and installs the driver... When printing a page nothing

 We tried then a HP Deskjet 845C (USB connection) and same thing happened.
 Nothing comes out from the printer. (The USB port works fine a USB Flash
 Any ideas?
 Thank you

Did you run the Printerdrake GUI in Mandrake Control Centre?



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 10 RC1 !

2004-02-18 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 18 Feb 2004 3:15 pm, Lanman wrote:
 Yes, Boys and Girls; It's not only out, but it's amazing! When I tried the
 Beta2 version on my laptop, my NIC wouldn't stay up, and the system kept
 locking up during boot-up, when it was checking for new hardware - as in

 Also, Beta 2 ran slow on my laptop, while it ran my CPU in circles on my
 PC's! Beta 2 was at least 40% faster than Windows 2000 or XP Pro. No

 But RC1 is Smokin' on the laptop, and I mean fast! They've outdone
 themselves folks! Just finished the install, and everything is detected -
 even the Winmodem that will never work in Linux. It may not work, but it is
 being recognized for a change!

 Everything in KDE ( 3.2.6! ) is working as advertised, and actually does
 what it's supposed to do. No glitches, crashes, and it even accepted some
 of the KDE 3.2.1 RPM's re-worked by Voidstar for 9.2 .

 I'm in love again! If this thing keeps working like this for the next few
 days, I doubt that it will be giving me problems in the foreseeable future.

 Oh, did I mention that cdbakeoven-1.8.9-5mdk.i586.rpm installed perfectly?

 Hey Microsoft? Start getting afraid! Very afraid! You guys are toast!

 Let the downloading begin!


And if anyone wants to join in the bittorrent the link to the torrent file is 

If you do not know what bittorrent is see here



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Re: [newbie] Install and than no desktop Why???

2004-02-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 17 Feb 2004 6:11 pm, Christophe Rhein wrote:

 Le Lundi 16 Fvrier 2004 12:13, Derek Jennings a crit :
  On Monday 16 Feb 2004 9:42 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I installed some packages from the Mandrake 9.2 discovery pack and then
   most of my desktop is gone... The menus are changed, softares are gone
   and I can not access as root. What shall I do?
   Same thing happend when I tried to install my printer driver.
   Thak you for your help
  Hit Ctl+Alt+F1  to get a text console. Log in as root
  update-menus -v
  will restore your menus
  Ctl+Alt+F7 takes you back to X
  Your menus will now work OK
  Define yourself urpmi sources for 'updates' 'contrib', and 'plf'
  Run your Mandrake Update GUI to get the latest updates.
  In particular make sure you update the 'rpm' package, or else you will
  lose your menus again.

 Thanks for your help but why does the desktop change like this?
 I went to the link you gave me at the bottom of your mail but I didn't get
 it! What shall I do to limit the damage?
 Thank you

Its a bug!
The rpm package on the update mirror fixes it, but in order to get the update 
you have to define an update source. That 'Easy urpmi' page gives you the 
instruction to define a source.

Go to
Tick the boxes for 'contrib', 'updates', and 'plf' and choose a mirror from 
the drop down list for each one. Press the button and you will see three 
command line commands to be entered.

To save you the trouble here are the commands to use :-

urpmi.addmedia contrib with 

urpmi.addmedia plf with

urpmi.addmedia --update updates with 

(Each of these 3 commands is on a single line)

To enter the commands open a terminal window and type su enter to become 
root user. Then copy/paste the first command into the terminal by 
highlighting with the mouse to copy to clipboard and press the mouse wheel to 
So long as you are online you will then see a file being downloaded which is a 
database of the contents of the online software repository.

Repeat for the other 2 sources.
You can then run Mandrake Update GUI to get your updates, or the Mandrake 
Install GUI to install software from the online sources.
The 'contrib' source has 100's of applications not on your CDs, and the 'plf' 
source contains all those packages that are illegal in certain countries with 
weird laws.

This French language guide may help you



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Re: [newbie] Witch package to update???

2004-02-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 17 Feb 2004 8:59 pm, Christophe Rhein wrote:
 I followed your instruction (I didn't understand a thing but it worked)
 What I don't get is this

  You can then run Mandrake Update GUI to get your updates, or the Mandrake
  Install GUI to install software from the online sources.
  The 'contrib' source has 100's of applications not on your CDs, and the
  'plf' source contains all those packages that are illegal in certain
  countries with weird laws.

 What I did:
 I opened the RpmDrake 9.2 and I selected the buggs. But which one solves
 the desktop bug??
 Thank you

Like I said. It was the package called 'rpm'
Yes its confusing I know, but there is an RPM package called 'rpm'



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Re: [newbie] error message with rpmdrake

2004-02-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 17 Feb 2004 9:07 pm, Christophe Rhein wrote:

 I'm updating with rpmdrake some buggs and I get this error message:

 medium contrib uses a invalid list file: mirror is probably not up to date,
 trying to use alternate methode

 And then when I click OK nothing happens...
 What is wrong

You are finding all the bugs today :-)

That one is caused by a file on the contrib mirror being incorrect. 
It is only a warning, you can carry on and continue to install packages and 
ignore the warning.

If you want the warning to go away permanently remove the file 

and then edit the file  /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg and remove the line reading :-

list: list.contrib

Those files can only be edited by root user. An easy way to manage files as 
root user is to open a terminal, enter su enter to become root, then type :


And a konqueror file manager will run as root. To edit a file right click and 
select kedit to open the file in a text editor.



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Re: [newbie] error message with rpmdrake

2004-02-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 18 Feb 2004 3:26 am, Job Evers wrote:
 On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 21:08:19 +

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The easyurpmi page should offer you more than one mirror for contrib.
  I had the same problem, so I removed the mirror and selected one of
  the other mirrors - problem gone g

 Any suggestions on which mirror to choose?  I've gone through a bunch and
 keep getting the same error.

I should not say this, but the rediris mirror in Spain is great.
It is never congested and has really high throughput. Trouble is, if I keep 
telling people about it, it will become as bad as the others.



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Re: [newbie] No rpm package in my list

2004-02-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 17 Feb 2004 10:28 pm, Christophe Rhein wrote:
 Well I'm sorry to go back with this but I have no rpm package on my list in
 What shall I do?

Then you have already installed it. No problem


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Re: [newbie] Looking for a program similar to Hotmail Popper

2004-02-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 17 Feb 2004 11:39 pm, Paul Smith wrote:
 Hotmail popper runs under Wine,

 Indeed, Hotmail Popper runs under Wine. Unfortunately, the connection to is refused. Could somebody here please help me with overcoming
 this difficulty?

 Thank you a lot in advance!


Ermm  Why not use  Windows Applications under Windows, and  Linux applications 
under Linux? Gotmail works just fine for me



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Re: [newbie] Switch Window Managers

2004-02-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 18 Feb 2004 6:03 am, Job Evers wrote:
 I am debating changing from KDE/Gnome to some other, lighter, window
 manager.  If you ever wanted a chance to brag up your favorite window
 manager now is the time.  I don't know what options exists, nor do I know
 the advantages of one over another.  The more input the better.

 If/when I do decide to switch, I'll probably be back asking how to install



I used to favour fluxbox. (In contrib), but I will bring joy to Joe Hills 
heart by saying that I now prefer pekwm.( No Mandrake RPMS unfortunately, but 
source here 

It is FAST FAST FAST, and the tabbed windows are cool.
Combine pekwm with rox (RPMS in contrib), and in my opinion you have a great 
desktop for a low end computer.

My pekwm desktop screenshot is here



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Re: [newbie] Looking for a program similar to Hotmail Popper

2004-02-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 18 Feb 2004 12:22 am, Paul Smith wrote:
   Indeed, Hotmail Popper runs under Wine. Unfortunately, the connection
   to is refused. Could somebody here please help me with
   overcoming this difficulty?
 Ermm  Why not use  Windows Applications under Windows, and  Linux
 under Linux? Gotmail works just fine for me


 Because, it seems that Gotmail does not allow to send e-mails from Hotmail
 accounts. It only allows Hotmail mail download. Am I right?


True, but you can always create a hotmail identity in whatever mail agent you 
use. Your mails can appear to come from Paul Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
even though you could be using a different ISP account.



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Re: [newbie] Spamassasin questions

2004-02-16 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 16 Feb 2004 12:07 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Sunday 15 February 2004 06:05 pm, Erylon Hines wrote:

 -Well, it does run it's tests on each message, but even on dial-up I don't
 -notice a slowdown that I would consider significant.  My wife gets
 hundreds -of messages a day, and the download process doesn't irritate

 I can live with it, but it is at least 3 times slower than before.

 -I can't figure out how one daemon is slowing a game, unless you are set
 to -download mail automatically when it arrives on your mail server. 
 Maybe you -can try setting the client to only download messages when you
 request it to -do so???  Are you running with procmail or just with
 Kmail (the way I do -it). I seem to recall that if SA is pipe through
 spamc that it is much -faster than spamd, even though spamd must be
 running for spamc to work. And -you have SA called by the Kmail filter
 system and have it set to not check -messages greater than 250KB in size?

 I'm not sure either, but I killed spamd and it played fine. It *could* have
 been coincidence - I've seen greater ones. grin

 I'm running with Kmail only. I don't have pipe through spamc or spamd,
 its pipe through spamassassin. Is that wrong?

 Yes, no large messages checked. (don't get that many anyways).

 PS I know there's a special place in Hades reserved just for spammers! :-)

If in kmail you pipe through 'spamc', then you must have the spamd daemon 

But if you pipe through 'spamassassin', then spamd is not used and you can 
safely stop it.
The difference is that spamd is written in C and will be faster for a high 
volume mailserver than 'spamassassin' which is written in perl.



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Re: [newbie] Spamassasin questions

2004-02-16 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 16 Feb 2004 4:11 am, Erylon Hines wrote:
 On Sunday 15 February 2004 06:21 pm, Chris wrote:
  Being a newbie to spamassassin also, just set it up over the past week
  using CPAN to upgrade to the newest version.  I've got actually two
  filters setup for spamassassin, one being size is less than 25000,
  filter action is to pipe through spamc, the other is X-Spam-Flag
  equals Yes, move to folder Spam  Not sure if screenshots are allowed on
  the list so if what I've said above isn't clear let me know and I'll send
  you the screenshots.

 And that is the way to do it.  Be sure to setup filter rules for your
 mailing lists in Kmail, and have them placed before the SpamAssassin rule
 so that SA won't check them. After that, you should be good to go, but
 again, I'll mention (copied into /etc/mail/spamassassin). 
 Also, adding the following two rules into
 /home/your_user/.spamassassin/user_prefs is an extremely good move, I
 think, because it really does catch a lot of the sneaky spams that would
 otherwise get through.  As I mentioned in another post, I have my score set
 at 4.0, and I've only had one false positive since November.   That low of
 a score may be a bit radical for anyone else, but it works for me.  I'd
 also like to give a special thanks to Derek Jennings:;
artid=15 for his Bayes rules example, which is what I use in my own
 /user_prefs as well, plus I've added these two lines:

 score HTML_10_202.0
 score HTML_20_302.2

 I'm hoping all this is of help,


Thanks for the plug Erylon. That page is actually a bit out of date now, but 
is still useful to understand how user_prefs work. You can find a more up to 
date version of my user_prefs down the page in here  which also contains 
details of how to configure Spamassassin to use DNS blacklists as supplied by 
Bryan Phinney
When you add DNS blacklisting to Spamassassin **very** few spams get through, 
although I must say in the last few days a lot more Spams are arriving 
without being detected by any DNS blacklist. I am wondering if these could be 
from computers recently infected with MyDoom? 



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Re: [newbie] Need help upgrading from Mandrake 9.0

2004-02-16 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 16 Feb 2004 10:19 am, Sweeney, Stephen wrote:
 Hi All,

 I recently got broadband installed and I wanted to update my Mandrake 9.0
 installation to the very latest of... well... pretty much everything -
 Including KDE, Open Office, etc.

 My problem is that I don't fully understand the use of urpmi yet. I did the

 Set up some mirrors and hdlist locations
 Logged out of KDE (I understand that you can't / shouldn't update KDE
 within KDE)
 Did ctrl-alt-f1 from the login prompt for a terminal
 su to root
 Ran init 1
 Did urpmi --auto-select and left it to it (after confirming to get the

 Problem is it didn't actually DO anything to my sytem. I think what I told
 it to do was download all the packages and nothing else.

 I therefore have two requests,

 1) Can someone please provide me with mirrors I may need to update properly
 from 9.0 to 9.2.

 2) Give me correct urpmi command.

 Thanks very much,

 Stevie :)

There is a guide for using urpmi to do an upgrade in the Twiki at

You do not say what urpmi sources you set up, but you need a minimum of 'main' 
and 'updates'  sources, but you might as well add 'contrib' and 'plf' at the 
same time while you are at it. And of course you must delete **all** your 9.0 

Instead of urpmi --auto-select
do urpmi urpmi  first.  The urpmi package is different between 9.0 and 9.2 so 
do that one first.  It will install about 70 other packages at the same time.
Then for the remaining packages use
urpmi --auto-select --no-verify-rpm

You need the --no-verify-rpm because the way RPM signatures is checked changes 
between 9.0 and 9.2 and you will not have the signatures on your keyring yet. 
When install is complete if you refresh the urpmi sources, then the 
signatures will get imported automatically.




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Re: [newbie] Looking for Derek Jennings!

2004-02-16 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 16 Feb 2004 12:20 pm, lanman wrote:
 Hey Derek; I was just looking at your sire for the interesting info you
 had about the Atmel wireless setup. Do you have any info on PCMCIA gear
 and how to configure them?

 I'm looking at adding a wireless card to my Asus Delgatto laptop ( what
 the hell, it's got everything else, might as well go the last step! ),
 and since GVC carries Atmel powered wireless gear for next to nothing,
 I thought I'd give it a go.

 Any ideas or suggestions?


My experience with Atmel based wireless is entirely USB.
The atmelwlan driver does support PCMCIA, but my experience with the USB 
flavour was not great (which is why I promote the alternative at76c503 
driver) How well the PCMCIA flavour works I do not know.

I know Prism2 PCMCIA cards work in Mandrake so long as you remember to install 
the prism2-utils utils package, but it is not entirely straightforward. IMO 
the easiest PCMCIA cards I have used have the orinoco chipset. Anything 
orinoco based will work straight out of the box and will even be configured 
by the drakconnect GUI  (but use the latest version off the update mirrors)
Orinoco based products are Avaya, Lucent, Melco/Buffalo, and many others.

I also believe that anything Cisco based will work out of the box as well, but 
I have no personal experience.

Whatever you buy check carefully exactly which chip set it uses. Many 
manufacturers have a habit of changing chipsets without changing the product 



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Re: [newbie] Looking for Derek Jennings!

2004-02-16 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 16 Feb 2004 1:03 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Monday 16 February 2004 13:20, lanman wrote:
  Any ideas or suggestions?

 Don't know if your card has the same chipset but here's how I did it with a
 Belkin vers2 card that has atmelchips on it.

 It can't be that different, can it?:)

 Good luck,

Actually Harm the Belkin F5D6050 version 1 is also Atmel (usb 
vendor/product=d5c/a002) and will work virtually out of the box with 
Mandrake with the at76c503 driver supplied in Mandrake. The version 2 Belkin 
requires a later version (0.11) of the at76c503 driver.

The only difference between version 1 and version 2 is the usb/vendor codes 
for some bizarre reason.

I used to use the atmelwlan driver you mention on your site, but rejected it 
because it was unreliable. Pulling out the usb cable and reinserting it again 
would screw up the connection, and if power is supplied to the USB interface 
when the computer is powered off (As many desktops will do), means you had to 
pull out the usb cable before powering up, or else the firmware will not 
load. Plus the fact that it did not fully support iwconfig means you need to 
mess about with configuration utilities like lvnet which are not supplied 
with Mandrake despite the driver being installed by default.



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Re: [newbie] Spamassasin questions

2004-02-16 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 16 Feb 2004 7:57 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Monday 16 February 2004 05:48 am, Derek Jennings wrote:

 -If in kmail you pipe through 'spamc', then you must have the spamd daemon
 -But if you pipe through 'spamassassin', then spamd is not used and you
 can -safely stop it.
 -The difference is that spamd is written in C and will be faster for a
 high -volume mailserver than 'spamassassin' which is written in perl.

 Hi Derek! Well, I put spamd in /etc/rc.d/rc.local so that its running, then
 piped through spamc. Its back to its former speed now. I'm assuming this is
 okay, right?


If you are using Charles Edwards' spamassassin RPMs then you do not need 
anything in /etc/rc.d/rc.local just start the spamassassin service in 

I would not expect spamc/spamd to be that much faster than spamassassin, so 
you had better check it is actually working by looking for the X-spam header 
it puts in the mails. 
If you check /var/log/mail/info  spamd logs how long each mail takes to 



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Re: [newbie] Network down

2004-02-16 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 16 Feb 2004 9:55 pm, Lexx wrote:
 On Monday, February 16, 2004 8:36 PM,

 H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] was rumoured to have said:
  On Monday 16 February 2004 20:58, Lexx wrote:
  After a trouble-free couple of weeks my network has decided to die.
  I tried
  # service network restart
  to try to boot it back to life and wlan0 comes up OK but I can no
  longer browse the internet (Mozilla) or use email (Ximian).
  When I ping my network it is unreachable.
  There are no packets being exchanged.
  # ifconfig brings up the wlan0, so it is seen by linux.
  What diagnostics can I run and any clues how to get back online?
  What can cause this? Everything was working great last night.
  Many Thanks
  What is the output of ifconfig and iwconfig too?
  Good luck,

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] xxx]# service network restart
 Shutting down interface eth0:   [  OK  ]
 Shutting down interface wlan0:  [  OK  ]
 Shutting down loopback interface:   [  OK  ]
 Setting network parameters: [  OK  ]
 Bringing up loopback interface: [  OK  ]
 Bringing up interface eth0: [FAILED]
 Bringing up interface wlan0:[  OK  ]

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] xxx]# ifconfig
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
   Interrupt:20 Base address:0x1000

 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:78 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:78 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:5788 (5.6 Kb)  TX bytes:5788 (5.6 Kb)

 wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
   UP BROADCAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:21 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:1080 (1.0 Kb)

 wlan0:9   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   UP BROADCAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] xxx]# ping
 ping: unknown host
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] xxx]# ping
 connect: Network is unreachable

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] xxx]# iwconfig
 lono wireless extensions.

 wlan0 IEEE 802.11-DS  ESSID:  Nickname:saphire
   Mode:Managed  Channel:xx  Access Point: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
   Bit Rate=11Mb/s
   RTS thr=1536 B   Fragment thr=1536 B
   Encryption key:off
   Power Management:off
   Link Quality:0  Signal level:5  Noise level:0
   Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
   Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

 eth0  no wireless extensions.


 Not sure that actually helps much

Lexx Your DHCP is not working. You are not getting an IP address for wlan0

Remember last time this happened it was because you ran drakconnect and your 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 file lost its Wireless parameters.

It looks as if the same thing has happened again since wlan0 appears to have 
encryption disabled.



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Re: [newbie] Desktop shortcuts

2004-02-15 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 15 Feb 2004 12:06 pm, Paul Smith wrote:
 Dear All

 Could someone here please teach me how to create desktop shortcuts?

 Thank you a lot in advance!

Depends on which Window Manager you are using

If it is KDE 
Right click on the desktop select 'Create NewLink to Application'
In the 'Execute' tab provide the command to start the app, and fill in the 
other boxes as you think fit.  If you click on the 'gears' icon you can 
select an icon for the link.



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Re: [newbie] Erased mounting points of my IDe devices

2004-02-15 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 15 Feb 2004 11:33 pm, Teilhard Knight wrote:
  On Sunday 15 February 2004 15:33, Teilhard Knight wrote:
   I had to move my IDe devices (2 HDs, 2 burners and a DVD-ROM), and
   consequently Mandrake detected that and asked me to do a simple
   actualization of the configuration. But because I have very short
   time to fiddle with my computers (5), I keep being a newbie in
   spite of my wishes, and I screwed up.
   The thing is, at certain point I was asked for mounting points of
   the devices, and I made the mistake to strike erase them all.
   Is there an easy way to create them again and have a link at the
   dektop? I was thinkong in re-installing (over the old
   installation), but I invested some pain to configure my wireless
   internet access with the guidance of Derek, and I am fearful to
   screw it.
   What do you advise me to do?
  Have you tried Mandrake Control Center  Mount Points ?  It should
  detect the partitions on the hdds, but you will have to try to
  remember which partition held what.  There are also wizards for
  getting the cdroms and dvd drive back, in the same section.

 Thanks so much, Anne. I think I am going to get me some icons for my drives
 in the KDE root desktop. As for now, I am relieved they are there on the
 user's desktop.

 Teilhard Knight
 The Extraterrestrial

The reason your root desktop has no links is to discourage you from using it.

As I am sure you aware logging in as root is a bad thing  Not only does it 
compromise your computers security, but it means a slip of the mouse could 
cause serious damage to your system.

Any time you want to do something as root you can do it from within a user 
desktop. Just open a terminal and enter 'su' to become root user. Any 
application started within that root terminal will also run as root. So for 
example type 'konqueror ' in a root terminal to get a root instance of 



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Re: [newbie] How to setup sending the mails in Kmail

2004-02-12 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 12 Feb 2004 12:25 pm, Christophe wrote:
 I installed the linuxant driver and know I can connect at 14000 bps (I
 test before upgrading to the full version)...
 My problem is that I tried to setup Kmail under mandrake 9.2 and
 impossible to send my mails but I can get them.
 Is there a special setup for linux because using my infos from windows
 are not working.
 Shall I contact my service provider (hope not because I have to talk in
 Turkish... and I'm not got at it :-(  )  or is it a common problem?
 Thank you

No there is nothing special about using a Linux client.
So long as your ISPs server gets what it expects, then it will work.

Some ISPs require authentication when sending, others do not. - If 
authentication is required enter it in your Kmail 'Send' settings

Some ISPs will only let you send immediately after logging in to check for 
received mail. - In that case tick the 'Send messages in Outbox after check' 
button in Kmail setup.

You can check that you can get through to your ISPs mail server by opening a 
terminal and typing

telnet your.isps.mail,server 25
(insert the domain name of your ISPs mail server)

You should see a response back looking something like :-

$ telnet 25
Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP server (InterMail vM. 
201-229-121-137-20020806) ready Thu, 12 Feb 2004 13:13:37 +

If that does not work you either have entered the name of the server wrong, or 
your DNS lookups are not working in which case you will not be able to browse 
the Internet either, and I am sure you would have mentioned it if you 




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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 on a 64MB RAM box

2004-02-12 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 17:14:42 + (GMT)
Tadimeti Keshav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I wonder if I can install and run Mandrake 9.1 on a
 machine with a Pentium 200 MMX, 64MB RAM and 10 GB
 I believe the processor and RAM will limit the
 usability of the machine. Can I install MDK without
 KDE/GNOME? My experience has been that MDK would
 install KDE whether you want it or not. 
 What I want is a lean installation with Window
 Maker/FluxBox as window managers and the ability to
 play sound and connect to the internet.
 sound = the box has a soundblaster 16 compatible.
 BTW, does MDK 9.1 have a PPP program to connect to the
 internet (other than the excellent KPPP). 
 wvDial gave me a lot of headaches.
 I tried FreeBSD 5.1(Slack was plain too tough).
 But sound needs a kernel compile and I have reached a
 dead end with linking failure. (the .o files wouldn't
Yes you can install Mdk 9.1 on a 200MHz Pentium with 64MB of RAM

As you knw it will not be very fast.
You can install without KDE or Gnome. In the package select screen there is a tick box 
for individual package selection. In there you can select Window 
Maker/Enlightenment/IceWM/Blackbox or XFce.  Fluxbox is not on the CDs but is 
available for download from a 'Contrib' mirror  (although mirrors for 9.1 are fairly 
hard to find now)

When selecting packages to install try to avoid anything beginning with 'k' since 
running any KDE application requires loading the KDE libraries which will slow you 
down quite a lot. There are fast light weight alternatives for most applications yoou 
might need.



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Re: [newbie] Will any thing change with mandrake

2004-02-10 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 10 Feb 2004 6:58 pm, hugenots wrote:
 well there is one question maybe going same direction

 MD is fine for desktop PC, but is it wise to chose it as any kind of
 sever? what I mean is ftp, mail, web!?

 force, my friend, is violence!
  hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have never understood why people think Mandrake is a desktop distro, and 
RedHat is a server distro.

Granted I have a lot more Mandrake experience than RedHat, but my personal 
observation is that Mandrake makes a better server distro.
For instance I do not see any equivalent in RedHat of the 'Server wizards' 
(Install the drakwizard RPM and they appear in Mandrake Control Centre)

Nor as far as I can see does RedHat have anything like msec  which will 
routinely secure your system.

I think also Mandrake came out with Samba3 well before RedHat.

All the server apps you could possibly want are included, mostly with sensible 
defaults already set up in their configuration fiiles.
Mandrake also gives you several choices. For example both Apache1.3 and 
Apache2.0 are included, as is Samba2 and Samba3.
For mail servers Mandrake defaults to Postfix which is more secure than the 
Sendmail RedHat defaults to.  (Sendmail is included too)



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Re: [newbie] Sound error in artsmessage

2004-02-10 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 10 Feb 2004 7:13 pm, Lexx wrote:
 This is my first email from my (now online) Linux machine! w00t! w00t!

 Anyway, I've never had sound on this box and it may be down to not
 having a soundcard, (which I haven't checked yet). Lately I've been
 getting this error when I open KDE:

 Error - artsmessage
 Sound server fatal error: cpu overload, aborting.

 I'm assuming it's trying to create sound and failing. Can anyone shed
 any light on it for me please and, more importantly help me stop the

 Many thanks

 Registered Linux User
 No. 316991

This is a common problem.
Assuming your sound card is supported by the ALSA sound system,this is what to 

Install alsa-utils, alsamixergui (and newt if it is not already installed)

Make a backup copy of /etc/modules.conf
In a root terminal run

A text based GUI will set up your sound card and write a new /etc/modules.conf 
file. (Thats why you need to back up the old one!)
Copy the lines from the old modules.conf into the new which are not related to 

In KDE Control CentreSoundSoundSystem select ALSA Sound System
Log out and log in again. KDE should no longer complain.

Rin  KMenuMultimediaSoundalsamixergui  Set your mixer levels and save them

Thats it.



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Re: [newbie] Mail Config?

2004-02-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 09 Feb 2004 4:38 am, Hoyt Bailey wrote:
 I need to configure my mail system and I want to include spamassassin in
 the mix.
 I figure there are a number of ways to accomplish this.
 What I would like are some suggestions.  What programs are best to use with
 Or what programs do you use witn spamassassin?


If all you want to do is provide mail for a single user (or small group of 
users), then all you really need do is run spamassassin as a filter in your 
mail client. No need for a mail server if you do not need one.

The Sylpheed-claws mail client has a Spamassassin plugin (install the 
sylpheed-claws-spamassassin-plugin RPM)  I have not used it myself, but I'm 
sure you could work it out.

It is also quite easy to configure kmail to run spamassassin as a filter. 
Check out this post from the archives[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg148384.html
(You will need to install perl-Mail-Spamassassin)

BTW: Charles Edwards has some lovely up to date RPMS for both Spamassassin and 
Sylpheed-claws at
If you have not already done so, then add him as a urpmi source.



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Re: [newbie] Mail Config?

2004-02-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 09 Feb 2004 4:38 am, Hoyt Bailey wrote:
 I need to configure my mail system and I want to include spamassassin in
 the mix.
 I figure there are a number of ways to accomplish this.
 What I would like are some suggestions.  What programs are best to use with
 Or what programs do you use witn spamassassin?


I should have also mentioned in my last post :-

If you want to go the whole hog and install a Postfix mail server with 
Spamassassin, procmail, fetchmail, IMAP and Clam-AV there is a HOWTO on my 
home page. But its quite a lot more work than just setting up kmail to use 


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Re: [newbie] Connecting a network

2004-02-08 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 08 Feb 2004 1:30 am, Lexx wrote:
 Got the network up and running tonight.
 I went into DrakConnect to change the hostname and now it doesn't connect
 Is changing the hostname that drastic?

 It was userhost or something like that - the default, what ever that is.

 Any ideas how I get it back to how it was?
 Do you need any more info?

 Lexx (Now you see him, now you don't)

Hello again Lexx :-)

Changing the Hostname is not usually that dramatic. More likely something else 
got changed in the process.
Take a look at /etc/sysconfig/network
You should have something like

HOSTNAME=Lexx.localdomain  (The domain name is not essential, but helps if you 
run a mail server)
GATEWAY=   (or whatever the IP addy of your router is)

After any change 'service network restart' will restart networking.

The other file to do with networking is /etc/resolv.conf
It should contain something like :-
search localdomain
nameserver ip_add_of_isps_DNS_server_1
nameserver ip_add_of_isps_DNS_server_2

You will find the IP addresses of your ISPs DNS servers on the support pages 
of your ISPs web site.  It should also appear in your Routers set up 



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Re: [newbie] How to access my documents ?

2004-02-08 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 08 Feb 2004 6:04 pm, Christophe wrote:
 I just installed linux discovery pack on my notebook and I want to
 access my documents on my windows XP c drive.
 How shall I procide on  the Mandrake 9.2?
 Thank you

Mandrake will normally automatically mount your Windows drive as
You should be able to just browse there.
Note because MicroSoft regard NTFS file system as a Trade Secret Linux 
cannot write to it. So it will be mounted as read only.
If you want to share data between Windows and Linux, then create a FAT32 file 
system. Linux can both read and write to FAT32



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Re: [newbie] How to select the default window manager

2004-02-01 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 01 Feb 2004 4:15 am, Lee B. wrote:
 When using VNC KDE always loads. I would like to try IceWM and use it
 with VNC. Perhaps if I set the default window manager to be IceWM,
 then VNC will load it? If so, can someone tell me how to set the default
 window manager?


You should have a hidden file in your home directory called ~/.vnc/xstartup
This file controls how the vnc session will start
Put the line
in there and vnc should start IceWM



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Re: [newbie] Syslog

2004-01-29 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 29 Jan 2004 1:59 pm, Mike Begin wrote:

 I want to setup a Mandrake 9.2 box to work as a Syslog server on our
 network and do not know where to start.  I know how to configure my
 routers/switches, but need help with Mandrake.  Anyone have any good docs
 or websites?  Thanks for the help.


Take a look at /etc/sysconfig/syslog

Starting syslog with the -r option allows logging from remote machines.

In the remote machines look at /etc/syslog.conf
The right hand column gives the destination for the log, so


will send everything to a remote logger.



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Re: [newbie] Ready for upgrade?

2004-01-28 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 28 Jan 2004 4:04 am, Hoyt Bailey wrote:
 Mandrake 9.2:
 I now have connection to the internet and before I try to improve anything
 I think I should upgrade.  I have some questions as to how to prepair for
 this.  I know that some of you have done this recently.
 1. How long does it take on a dialup system?
 2. Is there an upgrade program like getright or simular that can be used?
 3. What should I do to get ready for this?

 # 3 is the biggest concern.  I.E. Should I uninstall the program currently
 installed before installing a new version? How does the system know what
 programs to download or do I have to do each rpm by itself? I need as much
 verbage as you are willing to write.


1/ It will take a gazillion years on dialup. There are a lot of updates for 
9.2 However you can do it in small steps at a time. Implement the important 
upgrades first and do a few each time you connect. The most important package 
to upgrade is the 'rpm' package because that one causes your KDE menus to 
disappear if you do not upgrade it.

Through Mandrake Club it is possible to download a set of ISOs with the 
updates already included. Some linux CD suppliers will also sell you for a 
small sum a CD containing the updates

2/ Yes of course there is. In Mandrake Control CentreSoftware  there is the 
Mandrake Update GUI which will manage your updates for you. You can filter on 
security updates, bugfix updates, and normal updates. You can select which 
packages you want to update. Where upgrading one package demands the updating 
of another. The other packages will get included in the update automatically.

Before you can do the updates you need to define an update source. The easiest 
way to do that it to go to and select an 
update source for 9.2
Tip: The nearest source is not necessarily the fastest
Tip: The rediris source in Spain is *really* fast
The web page will give you the text to type into a root terminal.
Tip: To get a root terminal type su  in a normal terminal.
Tip: To copy paste in Linux highlight with mouse to copy. Press mouse wheel to 

Do *not* follow the advice on the web page about doing urpmi.removemedia -a
It will screw up your CD sources if you do.

When you define a source it will download a file listing the packages 
At a later date you might like to come back and define sources for contrib and 
plf Then you will be able to install lots of extra software online.

3/ You do not need to uninstall anything. Just run the Mandrake Update GUI. It 
will first of all check to see if there any new updates. Then select the 
update types you want to check for. Then read the descriptions of the 
available updates and decide if you want them. If you do tick the box, and 
then press the Update button when you think you have ticked enough.
It will remove the old versions and replace them with the new ones.
The only problem you will have is it will be slow because you are on dial up.
I suggest just updating 1 or 2 packages each time.

See here



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Re: [newbie] 9.2 urpmi db behaviour questions

2004-01-27 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 27 Jan 2004 12:13 pm, Angus Auld wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 12:25:29 +
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.2 urpmi db behaviour questions

  On Tuesday 27 January 2004 02:20, Angus Auld wrote:
   Greetings, I have 9.2 installed and updated/config'd
   for the most part. It was a looong weekend downloading
   all the updates on my dialup. ;-)
   I seem to be encountering something that seems odd
   with the urpmi db. There are some packages listed as
   installable, which I know are already installed. The
   packages show as being 0bytes in size. Anyone know
   what is going on here? I have tried rebuilding the the
   db with rpm --rebuilddb.
   Also, concerning urpmi. I get the following warning
   everytime I install a software package with urpmi:
   There was a problem during the installation:
   medium contrib uses an invalid list file:
   mirror is probably not up-to-date, trying
   to use alternate method.
   If I just click OK, the installation goes fine. I tried
   deleting my contrib source and using a different one,
   but the same warning keeps appearing. Anyone else
   having this happen? What might I try to fix it?
   TIA for your time/help.
   Best regards.
  Angus, as always Derek answered this a few weeks ago :
  Go to  /var/lib/urpmi and remove the offending file listfilename.
  That's all. Next time you update the annoying message is history.
  Kaj Haulrich.

 Thanks Kaj, I must have missed Derek's post on this.
 He certainly is on top of things, and a credit to this list.
 As are you, and all of the many others here. :-)

 Best regards to you.


Hey you will make me blush.
I was just repeating what I read on the expert list.

I read some additional info on the expert list on this subject recently.
Apparently the problem can come back unless you edit /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg
Find the stanza for contrib, and remove the linelist: list.contrib



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Re: [newbie] Got NTP installed, ntpd is running...

2004-01-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 25 Jan 2004 5:36 am, JoeHill wrote:
 ...and seemingly communicating with NTP servers (Stratum 2):

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/joehill$ntpdate
 25 Jan 00:29:57 ntpdate[10642]: adjust time server offset
 0.034102 sec

 So, now what? Will my clock be set automagically, or is there something
 else I need to do?

 Followed this howto (, I love you):

 Seems I now have an NTP server running, but do I also need a client?

No Just run the NTP daemon on all your client computers, but set them up to 
use your local time server as their source. Bear in mind the ntp daemon will 
not even try to change your time until it has been running for 15 minutes, 
and then will slowly pull in the local time until it matches the reference.
(To make that quicker you can enable the 'step-tickers' by putting the name of 
your time servers in /etc/ntp/step-tickers , then when the ntp daemon starts 
it will immediately set to the time of the source in the step-ticker)

You could also have configured the ntp server simply by running the ntp wizard 
in Mandrake Control CentreServer so long as you had the latest drakwizard 
installed from the update mirror.
(The ntp wizard in the drakwizard on the CDs will fsck up your Timezone)



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Re: [newbie] Linux Driver Install Issues

2004-01-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 25 Jan 2004 12:26 pm, Lexx wrote:

 Something else that may be relevent is during boot in verbose I notice this

 Bringing up interface eth0 - FAILED

 Is this going to cause me problems?

 Thanks again

If you have a built in Ethernet on your computer, then it will come up as 
eth0, and will be assumed to be the interface connected to the Internet.
If you do not intend to use this interface, then :- 
MandrakeControlCentreNetworkDrakConnectConfigure Local Area Network
and unselect 'Start on Boot'

Alternatively if you do not have a built in Ethernet, then this will be the 
Wireless dongle.
As my web page points out, by default the atmelwlan driver will try to grab 
the wireless dongle, and will call it ethx, but it will fail to configure it 
correctly, and so fail.

Disabling the atmelwlan driver allows the at76c503 driver to grab the dongle, 
and it will be named wlan0

Once you see wlan0 appear in the logs or in response to an iwconfig command, 
then you will know that the driver is working, and it is only a matter of 
getting the configuration file right.



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Re: [newbie] Linux Driver Install Issues

2004-01-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 25 Jan 2004 1:54 pm, Lexx wrote:

 OK, I'm looking at the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory now and
 there is not a file called ifcfg-wlan0. I do have a file called
 if-up-wireless and a ifcfg-eth0, although I think that is the hub and
 not the dongle.


ifcfg-wlan0  will not exist. You have to create it.

There will be a similar file for each network interface on the computer.
Normally the drakconnect GUI will create the file. But because drakconnect 
will not work with usb wireless devices, you have to create it by hand.



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Re: [newbie] Linux Driver Install Issues

2004-01-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 25 Jan 2004 1:16 pm, Lexx wrote:
 On Sunday, January 25, 2004 12:47 PM,
 Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] thus spoke:

 Yes, I looks like I have (under HardDrake) two USB Root Hubs (HUB A and HUB
 B respectively) and an unknown USB device (which will be the dongle).
 I ran dmesg and got this output (edited)
 Unfortunately my FDD has now decided not to work, so I cannot copy the file
 and paste it here in full.


 hub.c: new USB device 00:07.3-1, assigned address 2
 usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x1371/0x13) is not claimed by any active

 Many thanks

OK You have a new variant of the CnetUSB611
You have the model 'G' version which requires a newer version of the driver 
than came with your Mandrake 9.2.

I'll quickly compile it and send it to you separately.

This driver will be compiled for the latest kernel version 
kernel- which is available from any Mandrake update mirror such as 
this one.

If you have no networking in Linux you can download it into a FAT32 partition 
with Windows, then in Linux just click on the rpm with konqueror and it will 
When you reboot you should then be running the new kernel.
( uname -r  in a terminal will confirm your kernel version)


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