Linux-Misc Digest #409

2000-11-27 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #409, Volume #26   Mon, 27 Nov 00 19:13:05 EST

  Gnome and shutdown options (Alex Deucher)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy (Doc)
  Re: bash scripting question ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: another bash scripting question ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: reporting wrong info? (Jason Wagner)
  Re: ipchains vs. iptables for firewalls?? (Johan Kullstam)
  starting ssh-agent as parent of X session for SSH (doug reeder)
  Re: pam.d/system-auth dependency? (Hal Burgiss)
  Xircom  RealPort CardBus RBEM56G ??? ("Cameron")
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy ("John W. Krahn")
  Re: reporting wrong info? (Robert Clayton)
  Re: Apache problem ("John D. Peedle")
  Re: another bash scripting question (Scott Schaefer)
  Re: starting ssh-agent as parent of X session for SSH (Robert Lynch)
  network device drivers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  test page prints out but nothing else... (Nicolas Remy)
  Re: Database in Redhat Linux ("Anthony W. Youngman")
  Re: Library Question (Leo Cambilargiu)
  For a Guru: Shutdown Problem (Leo Cambilargiu)
  ELF problem in Postgresql (Leo Cambilargiu)

Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 16:49:15 -0500
From: Alex Deucher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Gnome and shutdown options

I just installed redhat 7 on my toshiba libretto.  I also added Helix
Gnome.  On my other PC, I installed redhat 7 and I have the option to
shutdown, reboot, or logout when I choose logout from gnome.  Although
on this box I'm not using Helix gnome.  Is this some limitation of
helixcode gnome, or what?  Initially my regular user account did not
have permission to shutdown the pc, but I changed that in linuxconf. 
What permissions exactly get changed when you allow a regular user to
shutdown?  Does anyone know of a way I can get these options back?


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 22:02:54 GMT

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 11:11:03 +0100, Tim Allen,

Here's what I've tried so far-- excuse the verbosity of the output, I'm
hoping someone else has already trudged through this successfully, and don't
want to give too little information:

Did you try mounting them as 720k or 360k floppies? If they only have one hole,
where the write-protect is, then they're probably 720k.

 Doc Shipley
   Network Stuff
  Austin, Earth  


From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: bash scripting question
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 23:33:49 +0100

In Robert Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Manfred Bartz wrote:
 "David Cunningham" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
   i need to execute a process and assign it's pid to a variable.
 $ pidof xchat
 [rj@localhost rj]$ /sbin/pidof mingetty
 27043 26989 604 603 602
 [rj@localhost rj]$ ps -C mingetty
   602 tty4 00:00:00 mingetty

Learn to edit, please, people.

You are probably looking for the shell construct "$!" as in:

bash$ echo ho  echo the pid is $!
[1] 3497
the pid is 3497
[1]+  Doneecho ho

Clear? ;-)



From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: another bash scripting question
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 23:34:54 +0100

 this script fails for filenames that contain multiple words, eg. a
 filename like "my file.txt" or my\ file.txt.

 how can i fix this?

By learning to use quotes. As in [ ! -s "$file" ]



From: Jason Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: reporting wrong info?
Date: 27 Nov 2000 23:10:05 GMT

:  coming off a clean boot, top reports 209mb in use!  uptime reports .16 .12
:  .17 when only root is logged in and just sitting at a prompt.

: Sounds normal to me.

I have a P5-100 that shows 0.04 0.09 0.04 when sitting at a prompt...

:  i've got a pair of 100mhz cpus in there, 256mb ram, and barely anything
:  running on the system, yet it behaves as though i'm doing some serious
:  work.

: How so?

In the sense that most of my free resources appear to be in use.  

: Probably not. Linux uses memory as it sees fit, and makes no attempt
: to keep it free. If you run the  top  command, it will show you how
: the memory is being used. Chances are that it is being used for
: buffers and cache. It gives these spaces back only if it finds
: something that needs it, so normally it should report that most of
: your memory is being used.

So its safe 

Linux-Misc Digest #410

2000-11-27 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #410, Volume #26   Mon, 27 Nov 00 21:13:02 EST

  Re: Xircom  RealPort CardBus RBEM56G ??? (I R A Darth Aggie)
  Re: REQ: DreamWeaver like program for Linux (Matt O'Toole)
  Re: RH6.2 login is now broken - how to fix? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: For a Guru: Shutdown Problem (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: Netscape 6 (Matt O'Toole)
  openmail error -7 problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Cross Plstform File Sharing (Robert Heller)
  some one please tell me how does it work - half life (linux) ??? (vedanta barooah)
  half life (linux) ??? some one please tell me how does it work - (vedanta barooah)
  RealPlayer 7 can't open audio device (Brian Goodyear)
  mp3 player with Linux support (Ralph Blach)
  Re: Where can I get a pre-built POSE for Linux ? (Kelly Price)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I R A Darth Aggie)
Subject: Re: Xircom  RealPort CardBus RBEM56G ???
Date: 28 Nov 2000 00:06:09 GMT
Reply-To: no-courtesy-copies-please

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 16:41:25 -0600,
eCbTbMMWAHA.250@cpmsnbbsa09 wrote:

+ Can anyone tell me if Linux supports a Xircom RealPort CardBus Ethernet
+ 10/100 + Modem 56 (RBEM56G-100) PCMCIA card?  I am mainly interested in
+ using it with Red Hat, and also Mandrake (both are the latest versions).

Yes. I haven't had the inclination to try the modem, but the card is
recognized, and the TCP/IP interface works like a charm.

+ If this card does work under Linux, can you help me with DETAILED
+ instructions on how to configure Linux to use/work with the card, please?

Mandrake should identify it and walk you thru the configuration. It
did that under Mandrake 7.0, and I certainly hope they didn't change

Consulting Minister for Consultants, DNRC
The Bill of Rights is paid in Responsibilities - Jean McGuire
To cure your perl CGI problems, please look at:


From: Matt O'Toole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: REQ: DreamWeaver like program for Linux
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 00:10:49 GMT

Horses for courses!  If you want to run Dreamweaver (the best WYSIWYG HTML 
editor out there), quit wasting your time, set up a Windows or Mac machine, 
and get to work!
I used to be a heavy Homesite user, and it was one of the few apps that 
kept me chained to Windows.  But now that Quanta+ is out, it's Linux all 
the way for me, baby!  Now, the only reason for me to boot to Windows is to 
run Quickbooks and Act a couple of times a week.

BTW, Quanta is included with Mandrake 7.2, so you can get it from the 
Mandrake mirrors. 

Matt O.

Dirk Groeneveld wrote:

 Referring to the problem, what about QuantaPlus (dunno where, but it's
 listed in sourceforge) or Bluefish (dunno where either, it's part of
 suse). OK, they're more like Homesite, but still better than vi.
 Dr Aldo Medina wrote:
  David Dorward wrote:
  "Stephen J. Thompson" wrote:
  Does anyone know of the above?
  You might be able to get Dreamweaver itself to run using WINE, I've had
  some success with Flash.
  Or you could use
  David Dorward
  The host doesn't exist


From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: RH6.2 login is now broken - how to fix?
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 00:53:32 +0100

In comp.os.linux.setup Moe Koenig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 26 Nov 2000 07:43:13 GMT, "Peter T. Breuer"
In comp.os.linux.setup Moe Koenig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 08:52:53 +0800, Robert Masters
: No matter how much time you spend, you can *never* be sure to have
: really found all changes and backdoors a hacker could have inserted.

Oh yes _I_ can. I have an md5 list stored on another machine (as well
as 20 other binary identical machines to compare with). It's perfectly
possible. And I can count entries in /proc to see how many processes
are running, and boot off a new kernel with my choice of shell to 
give myself a good view. COme to that, I have a copy of the / partition
at the other end of every disk ...

 You obviously have not looked into the latest kernel mods
 the friendly blackhat next door uses, yet.

Read my carets.

 Talk about a kernel patch that cloaks its presence (files will not
 show up, /proc will hide stuff), returns content of the previous,
 innocent file(s) on read()-requests (there your md5 goes...) and
 intercepts any attempt to overwrite the kernel binary used by lilo.

Nonsense. I can boot from a floppy whenever I like. The kernel
is not present to 

Linux-Misc Digest #411

2000-11-27 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #411, Volume #26   Mon, 27 Nov 00 23:13:02 EST

  Re: For a Guru: Shutdown Problem (Robert Heller)
  Re: Windows Manager and Desktop Enviroment ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  financial Freedom:-) ("Sally Rutherford")
  talk on linux6.2 (morpheus_w)
  Re: D-Link Networkcard DEF 530TX ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: mp3 player with Linux support ("Jan Schaumann")
  Re: ipchains vs. iptables for firewalls?? (Jonathan)
  dd over ethernet (Mandrake 7 User)
  Re: ipchains vs. iptables for firewalls?? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: half life (linux) ??? some one please tell me how does it work - (Glitch)
  dual boot system boots neither -- partition table corrupt? (long) (Mandrake 7 User)

From: Robert Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: For a Guru: Shutdown Problem
Date: 27 Nov 2000 20:19:12 true

  Leo Cambilargiu [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  In a message on Mon, 27 Nov 2000 21:53:16 -0200, wrote :

LC Hello All:
LC This message is about a peculiar error which I don't have any idea about.
LC OK here it is:
LC I shut down the system as recommended (ctl+alt+del which invokes shutdown
LC -h now declared in /etc/inittab)
LC Everything works well until after the KILL signal is sent and the
LC filesystem is to be unmounted.
LC I have 4 partitions plus swap which work in my system.
LC hda2 is root/
LC hda3 is swap
LC hda5 is usr /usr
LC hda6 is home/home
LC hda7 is root/root
LC For some reason /usr does not get unmounted because the "device is busy".
LC I hacked /etc/rc.d/init/halt and added  "ps aux" and "df" after the unmount
LC command to see what process was f*cking up my system's perfect shutdown
LC procedure.
LC If memory serves this is the output
LC [init]  perhaps this is the program the kernel first starts??

Yep.  Once init dies, the system is in fact down.  You will note that it
has a PID of 1 (always!).

LC [k.something]   ditto
LC [another.something] ditto

Something like this?:

root 2  0.0  0.0 0 0  ?  SW  Nov 18   0:02 (kflushd)
root 3  0.0  0.0 0 0  ?  SW Nov 18   0:05 (kswapd)
root 4  0.0  0.0 0 0  ?  SW  Nov 18   0:00 (md_thread)
root 5  0.0  0.0 0 0  ?  SW  Nov 18   0:00 (md_thread)

LC ps aux  program to get this info up
LC bashshell executing /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt
LC df confirms that root and /usr are not umounted.
LC There doesn't seem to be any problem during the next bootup as no fsck is
LC run over a partition which 'hasn't been properly unmounted'.  But I have to
LC ask any guru out there, what could possibly be happening?

Are you logged in when you do the shutdown?  Have you set things to fire
up X11 at boot time?

It sounds like some random process is still in the process of run-down
when the umount happens.  This happens sometimes.

The system actually handles this properly: the system re-mounts 'busy'
file system Read Only, which effectively does a sync and does everything
that umount would do, except actually unmounting the file system.  This
way, when the system in fact does the halt, the file system is 'clean'.

LC thanks in advance
LC Leo Cambilargiu

Robert Heller||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /\FidoNet:1:321/153


Subject: Re: Windows Manager and Desktop Enviroment
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 02:55:17 GMT

 "DKong" == Dan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DKong Hi, Few things that I'm a little confused.  Let me attempt
DKong to tell you want I know (hopefully it's correct) and what I
DKong don't know and want to know.  If what I thought I knew is
DKong incorrect information, PLEASE CORRECT ME.

Your understanding seems to be reasonably good; only a few minor
things to "tweak."

DKong I understand that:

DKong 1) X Windows, (a.k.a. X server, X, etc.) is a graphical entity
DKong that runs on many different Unix (and many of Unix's variants,
DKong Linux included) systems.  Many programs that requires GUI needs
DKong X Windows to be running first, in order for it to run, eg.,
DKong netscape.  There are many different X Windows systems
DKong available, some are free, XFree86 in particlular, and some are
DKong commercial, Accerlerated X for example.

Strictly speaking, it should be called "X11," or "The X Window
System," or something else that doesn't put an "s" at the end of the
word "Window."  Remember that "Windows" is a trademark of Microsoft

Programs that require graphical services require that an X server be
running; the program will connect to the X server to request graphical

Linux-Misc Digest #412

2000-11-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #412, Volume #26   Tue, 28 Nov 00 04:13:02 EST

  Re: shutdown vs halt (Christopher Booth)
  Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take? ("//.././")
  RedHat and (Neil Zanella)
  End Task Command (Dan)
  Re: starting ssh-agent as parent of X session for SSH (Bernd Eckenfels)
  Re: D-Link Networkcard DEF 530TX (Noname)
  Re: RH6.2 and Athlon, Asus A7V ("Mark Jensen")
  IP Masquerading (I need help! please!) (Kevin)
  Re: Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take? (Robert Heller)
  Re: ipchains vs. iptables for firewalls?? (Patrick Schaaf)
  Newbie: difference between... (Reiner Griess)
  Re: Partitioning questions ("Min Kuan")
  Re: End Task Command (mpulliam)
  Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("the_blur")
  Re: Cross Plstform File Sharing (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: End Task Command (Joseph Holland King)
  Re: Xircom  RealPort CardBus RBEM56G ??? ("cyn")
  disable right mouse button in X ? (Joerg Sprankel)
  Re: dd over ethernet (Joerg Sprankel)
  Re: End Task Command (Johan De Wit)
  mouseconfig (Sepith)
  Re: IP Masquerading (I need help! please!) (DualIP)
  Re: Cdrecord. (Kenneth Rørvik)
  Win98 and Linux2.0.36 (Tilo Wuensche)
  Re: dual boot system boots neither -- partition table corrupt? (long) ("grep")
  Re: Where can I get a pre-built POSE for Linux ? (Stuart Bell)
  Re: RedHat and (Villy Kruse)
  Re: sendmail logging (Villy Kruse)

From: Christopher Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: shutdown vs halt
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 12:25:28 +1100

I thought that the -r was for reboot

shutdown -h now will shutdown and halt the computer now ie 0 seconds
shutdown -r now will shutdown and restart the computer now
reboot is an alias for it on my Mandrake 7.2



From: "//.././" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take?
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 23:12:55 -0500


I have a Pentium 166 with 64 meg of RAM and a separate 6 gig harddisk
for linux. I used to run Red Hat 6.0; the performance was good, although
it pages quite a bit when GIMP and Netscape are used (especially at the
same time). Recently I upgraded to Linux-Mandrake 7.2 and I noticed a
performance hit, to the point of being annoying. (I also have a problem
with no sound, but that's another issue).

I'm thinking of switching to some (possibly older) distribution. I have
couple choices: RedHat 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, or Corel Linux 2nd ed. (I don't
have the RH6.0 disks anymore).

What would you recommend? My priorities are: stability, performance
(with stability being slightly more important).



From: Neil Zanella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RedHat and
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 00:52:59 -0330


I have been trying to install MATLAB 5.3 on Red Hat Linux
6.2. Unfortunately MATLAB prompts me with a message that
I need an at least as recent as 1.9.7. The
package that ships with Red Hat 6.2 is 1.9.5. I
went and looked at the RPMS for Red Hat Linux 7.0 and
was surprised to find that the RPM has been taken
out of the distribution. Why did they take it out?
Also, where can I get an updated and should I go
ahead and do the upgrade myself?




Subject: End Task Command
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 04:30:18 -

Does Linux have an equivalent to MS Windows '98 command Ctrl-Alt-Delete and
then End Task so that you can reset the computer if it is stalled or
"frozen"  without completely rebooting the computer?  

Posted via CNET


From: Bernd Eckenfels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: osu.sys.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: starting ssh-agent as parent of X session for SSH
Date: 28 Nov 2000 04:53:49 GMT

In comp.os.linux.networking doug reeder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have SSH up and running on some systems, but I would like to 
 have ssh-agent run as the parent of X, so that ssh-agent can
 handle the user's keys.

With the current ssh-agent you only need to run it as a sister of the
session. (and get the envirenment variables set).

 $ ssh-agent startx

You should better set the exec ssh-agent your window manager in .xsession
since the ssh agent needs to be directly connected by sockets and
environment, both wont work with x servers in between.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: D-Link Networkcard DEF 530TX
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 04:46:11 GMT

I use Slackware 7 too. Can you give me more details on how to configure
the card?

In article 8vv89j$s9d$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
 no I actually have that card right now. I run Slackware tho, and it
 configures my 

Linux-Misc Digest #413

2000-11-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #413, Volume #26   Tue, 28 Nov 00 07:13:01 EST

  Re: New To Linux - Distributions ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("Frank Van Damme")
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy ("Tim Allen")
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: End Task Command (Glitch)
  Re: Xircom  RealPort CardBus RBEM56G ??? (Michael Keller)
  Re: Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take? (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: disable right mouse button in X ? (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: mouseconfig (Jean-David Beyer)
  KDE2.0 - weird behaviour when viewing images with XV (Martin Boening)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy (Paul Sherwin)
  Linux colors screw up SCO console (Tony Lawrence)
  IDE cd burner install advice (Lori Holder-Webb)
  Re: Icp-Vortex 6518RS Scsi Controller, SuSE 7.0 (Anton Dischner)
  Re: Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take? (Stephen Cornell)
  Re: E-mail client (LuisMiguel Figueiredo)

Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: New To Linux - Distributions
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 09:02:43 GMT


You will have a problem with your video card. This card isn;t supported
yet!, you can still use it though, you need to edit some files in order
to get X going. Under the device section you need to change the driver
it uses from vga to nv.

I recommend bying one of those IDG Dummies books, like Linux for
Dummies, I started with one, and within about 2 weeks I knew all the
directory structures and where all the init files are kept, as well as
where binary and library files are.

Mandrake is the best for a newbie, but I started with Caldera 2.3.
Mandrake was the only dist that detected all my hardware, including the
Voodoo 2 card. I now have a new PIII and I have no problem running all
the new hardware, except USB, it is supported by later kernels, but I
haven't bothered upgrading.

I use one of my linux boxes as a firewall for our 3 terminal network. I
run Debian and Windows on my main computer and slackware on the
firewall. I use windows mainly for my Web Cam, as soon as I get USB in
linux, I can ditch windows. If anyone knows how to get a Logitech
QuickCam USB going, I will be your friend forever. I realise I will need
to upgrade my kernel.

I use VMWARE, sometimes, to do windows stuff while I am in linux, mainly
for web design, 256Mb RAM will help tremendously with VMWARE, I would
say that VMWARE would run maybe a few of those games with the hardware
that you have. Directx stuff may turn around and bite you though.

Get Mandrake and use it untill you think you can move on, then get
Debian, it is the best distro, hands down.


In article ybiT5.13365$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
  "Mike" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I am thinking about downloading and installing Linux for the first
time.  I
 am very familiar with Windows/DOS environments but from what I have
 heard/seen of Linux so far I have a feeling I am going to be pretty
 but I think I would like to try it any way.

 I have found huge lists of Linux Distributions, and I am not sure
which one
 to get.  Bascially I use my computer for Windows based games (such as
 Alert 1/2, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, CC Tiberian Sun, and a few
 DirectX and OpenGL based games) and the only application I use heavily
 Microsoft Office 2000.  Can I run these things in a particular Linux
 distribtion, if so which one?

 I have an Athlon 700, 256 RAM, Geforce 2 GTS system as well.

 Can any one recommend a distribution for me?  Prefereably one that is
 novice-medium level of "difficulty" too...



Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Frank Van Damme" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 10:10:22 +

In article uZIU5.5831$[EMAIL PROTECTED], "the_blur"
the_blur_oc@*removespamguard* wrote:

Really fine drawings. I don't know anything about art, but you sure can
hold a crayon in your hands.

One remark: Tux was never meant to be taken serious. It reflects the
character of the linux community: just a stupid picture, don't think too
much about it, it's part of the fun. Your penguinos look good, very good,
but they're too serious. Does making your penguins humorous sound like

Never underestimate the power of Linux-Mandrake
7.2 on an AMD K7 800 / 128.


From: "Tim Allen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 10:47:17 +0100

// Short version: How I can specify different sector numbering  cluster
sizes when mounting a disk, like we do with block size?

Well, I'm 

Linux-Misc Digest #414

2000-11-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #414, Volume #26   Tue, 28 Nov 00 10:13:02 EST

  Re: E-mail client (Sebastian Hans)
  Re: Where can I get a pre-built POSE for Linux ? (Peter da Silva)
  Re: Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take? (Gerald Willmann)
  Re: End Task Command (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: mp3 player with Linux support (Jeff McWilliams)
  Lprng printer scripts (Neil Cherry)
  Re: Help on rescuing my linux os on my PC (NorbertSchmidt)
  HOW TO free up 60 MB of disk space. (Robert Kiesling)
  Which distribution should I get? (also: will my modem work?) ("Alex Stoll")
  Re: Partitioning questions ("Alex Stoll")
  Libraries (Tim Jarrett)
  Re: Newbie: difference between... (Andrew Purugganan)
  What RealPlayer version do u have? (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: Problem compiling kernel (Reiner Griess)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Mike Raeder)

From: Sebastian Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: E-mail client
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 13:41:56 +0100

LuisMiguel Figueiredo wrote:
 I just asked that because i don't know  any e-mail clientd beside pine...
 I was just looking for suggestions based on experience,

The answers you'll get on any question of that kind will mainly be
answers based on personal preference.

xterm -e mutt



sebastian hans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  `\O/'  don't panic
student of comp sci - technical university of munich  \-^-/  ...just RUN
i'm a .signature virus! copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter da Silva)
Subject: Re: Where can I get a pre-built POSE for Linux ?
Date: 28 Nov 2000 12:32:41 GMT

Stuart Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From the posts I've seen - 2 in this sub-thread - that makes me half a

"Oi, you there, get back in line! How I'm supposed to storm the
 bleeding Bastille with only half a mob, I don't know. Bloody
 rabble today, got bleeding discipline..."

And that because I complained about his 3000+ line posting without the
use of invective or profanity.

"Roight, if you're going to post 3000 line messages, I want to
 see some bleeding invective there. Profanity, too, if your
 bleeding lillywhite fingers can be bothered. Bloody poor
 excuse for a mob, you are."

What's _your_ problem with TWO people complaining about such a post?

The fact that you were complaining, in public, when the poor blighter hadn't
done it before. A polite note in email out of the light of his peers is much
more productive, the way you mob put things it sounded like he was making a
habit of posting uuencoded mpegs of snuff porn to net.suicide.

Rev. Peter da Silva, ULC.   WWFD?

"Be conservative in what you generate, and liberal in what you accept"
-- Matthew 10:16 (l.trans)


From: Gerald Willmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take?
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 13:48:30 +0100

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, //.././ wrote:

 I have a Pentium 166 with 64 meg of RAM and a separate 6 gig harddisk
 for linux. I used to run Red Hat 6.0; the performance was good, although
 it pages quite a bit when GIMP and Netscape are used (especially at the
 same time). Recently I upgraded to Linux-Mandrake 7.2 and I noticed a
 performance hit, to the point of being annoying. (I also have a problem
 with no sound, but that's another issue).
 I'm thinking of switching to some (possibly older) distribution. I have
 couple choices: RedHat 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, or Corel Linux 2nd ed. (I don't
 have the RH6.0 disks anymore).
 What would you recommend? My priorities are: stability, performance
 (with stability being slightly more important).

I have a P75 w/ 64 megs at home which I just switched from RH 4.0 to Suse
6.4 (Suse b/c of its support for German telekom's DSL). Didn't notice any
performance hit and would recommend using a recent distro/version. What
would decrease performance is using one of those heavyweight desktops, ie
gnome or kde. I use wm2 (any simple wm will do) plus tkdesk and am
perfectly happy. 

PS: perhaps also try switching X from 32 to 16 bit color


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Subject: Re: End Task Command
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 13:07:29 GMT

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 04:30:18 -, Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does Linux have an equivalent to MS Windows '98 command Ctrl-Alt-Delete and
then End Task so that you can reset the computer if it is stalled or

Linux-Misc Digest #415

2000-11-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #415, Volume #26   Tue, 28 Nov 00 12:13:03 EST

  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("the_blur")
  lilo's parameters line too long ("Migue")
  Re: Library Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: End Task Command ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: End Task Command ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Which distribution should I get? (also: will my modem work?) (Rod Smith)
  Re: Cdrecord. (aflinsch)
  Re: Cdrecord. (aflinsch)
  Re: Cdrecord. (aflinsch)
  How to send AT commands to modem and view results? ("trebor")
  [Fwd: cannot connect to linux] (ekk)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Mav)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("Frank Van Damme")
  Re: half life (linux) ??? some one please tell me how does it work - (vedanta 
  Re: simple alias question (Wayne Pollock)
  Re: XTI o TLI (Warren Young)
  installing omniORB (after src build)? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Problems with Lucent WaveLAN IEE (Edu)
  Re: How to send AT commands to modem and view results? (Ron)
  Re: Netscape 6 (Dirk Groeneveld)
  Re: Cdrecord. ("Federico Baraldi")

From: "the_blur" the_blur_oc@*removespamguard*
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 10:14:04 -0500

 Really fine drawings. I don't know anything about art, but you sure can
 hold a crayon in your hands.

 One remark: Tux was never meant to be taken serious. It reflects the
 character of the linux community: just a stupid picture, don't think too
 much about it, it's part of the fun. Your penguinos look good, very good,
 but they're too serious. Does making your penguins humorous sound like

Hehe, I'm just following SOP to design a proper animal graphic. First, I
draw pennguins. Lots of penguins, then I'll start stylizing them into
graphic images, then I'll refine..refine and refine... and then start over
for another pinguino.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: lilo's parameters line too long
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 15:44:17 +0100

Thats is my problem , the command line for lilo is too long and kernel don't
understand it .

¿ How can I put thats line ?

cat /etc/lilo.conf

append="smart2=0x6000 sim710=addr:0x9000,irq:11 console=ttyS1,9600
#   initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.12-20.img

[root@indalo /root]# cat /proc/cmdline
auto BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=4801 smart2=0x6000 sim710=addr:0x9000,irq:11
[root@indalo /root]#


Subject: Re: Library Question
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 13:54:24 +

Leo Cambilargiu [EMAIL PROTECTED] did eloquently scribble:
 Modules are used by the kernel. They are effectively shared libs for the
 kernel and contain code used for device drivers, file system types and
 different executable formats...

 Do you know were I can find information on a mechanism which allows
 insertion of code like a modules or an object file to an executable during

 I understand Postgresql 7.0.3 (my version) allows it as a user may expand
 the current functionality by adding functions from object files which can
 be written in C.  I am currently looking through the source but... 

'fraid not...
I suppose the sources to ldd might point you in the right direction.
Netscape also uses a similar method (plugins), so searching the Mozilla
source tree might give a more detailed explaination?

Also The Gimp and XMMS use plugins...
(The documentation for them DO, I think, give info on how to create your
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | "I'm alive!!! I can touch! I can taste! |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|  I can SMELL!!!  KRYTEN!!! Unpack Rachel and|
|in|  get out the puncture repair kit!"  |
| Computer Science | Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf  |


Subject: Re: End Task Command
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 15:00:46 +

mpulliam [EMAIL PROTECTED] did eloquently scribble:
 Linux is superior to Windows 98 in that you can kill and
 restart errant programs one by one and it won't crash the
 rest of your system or force you to restart the whole thing.

Unless you kill init

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a|
|  | graphical 

Linux-Misc Digest #416

2000-11-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #416, Volume #26   Tue, 28 Nov 00 14:13:01 EST

  Re: half life (linux) ??? some one please tell me how does it work - (Jean-David 
  Re: D-Link Networkcard DEF 530TX (Graham Vincent)
  Re: End Task Command (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: What RealPlayer version do u have? (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: [Fwd: cannot connect to linux] (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: half life (linux) ??? some one please tell me how does it work - (Lori 
  Re: lilo's parameters line too long ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: half life (linux) ??? some one please tell me how does it work - (Jim Chisholm)
  Re: starting ssh-agent as parent of X session for SSH (Sven Mascheck)
  Re: lilo's parameters line too long ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  [Behind socks5] Check if a host is up ("Anthony")
  Re: [Fwd: cannot connect to linux]
  Re: [Fwd: cannot connect to linux] (ekk)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("the_blur")
  Re: [Fwd: cannot connect to linux] (ekk)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Robert Kiesling)
  Have you seen this problem ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: Jean-David Beyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: half life (linux) ??? some one please tell me how does it work -
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 12:12:08 -0500

vedanta barooah wrote:
 Glitch wrote:
  vedanta barooah wrote:
   i downloaded a 35.5 mb tarball of half-life full version from -  i have only a 28k dial-up connection and you can
   understand how long it took me :-( . but it does not seem to work ...(
   i am not able to figure out how to put it to work..) i will be greatly
   thankfull if someone would show me how to do it. some good url would
   be usefull.
  and you want us to do this w/o even knowing what the problem is? You
  must think we are very good.
  how about providing some error messages?
 i dont know how to install, that stuff. (or) which file should i execute.
 :) thanx'

Well, to begin with, what is "half life (linux)"? Is it some
particular distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system?

The list of files you posted seems strange to me. Of course, I did not
download Linux; I used the Red Hat Linux 6.0 CD-ROM (now obsolete) and
it seems to me it contained a lot more files than you listed, even if
I ignore all the source RPMs and the additioal optional and evaluation

Furthermore, the presence of a .dll arouses my worst suspicions, since
Linux uses .so as the suffix for dynamically loaded libraries. .dll is
the suffix for a brain-damaged imitation used by another operating

 .~.   Jean-David Beyer   Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\  Registered Machine73926.
/( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^  12:05pm up 2 days, 19:33, 2 users, load average: 2.08, 2.07,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Graham Vincent)
Subject: Re: D-Link Networkcard DEF 530TX
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 06:24:01 GMT

I need the same thing for Slackware 7

"Matthew Haley" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 In article 8vm8gs$cbf$[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  i have a D-Link DEF 530 TX, and i need a driver for Red HAt,
  I use 6. 2 Zooe

 insmod via-rhine

The 530 TX has the rtl8139c chip in it - use the rtl8139.o module. You may need 
to select this module when you build the kernel if it is not already available 
with the standard install.

Put "alias eth0 rtl8139" or similar in your conf.modules file and reboot.




From: Jean-David Beyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: End Task Command
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 12:16:19 -0500

 mpulliam [EMAIL PROTECTED] did eloquently scribble:
  Linux is superior to Windows 98 in that you can kill and
  restart errant programs one by one and it won't crash the
  rest of your system or force you to restart the whole thing.
 Unless you kill init
I never tried it and do not wish to, in case I succeed. Can you do a
kill -9 to it? Or does the kernel trap that and prevent you from doing

 .~.   Jean-David Beyer   Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\  Registered Machine73926.
/( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^  12:10pm up 2 days, 19:38, 2 users, load average: 2.10, 2.10,


From: Jean-David Beyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: What RealPlayer version do u have?
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 12:22:59 -0500

Andrew Purugganan wrote:
 My RealPlayer (free) has expired and has been nagging me to upgrade. When
 I go check out RealPlayer Basic 8 they only have Win, Mac, and Unix
 versions. Does this mean I can grab the Unix version? I am currently on
 Mandrake 6.0 Venus with a 2.2-13mdk kernel.

Linux-Misc Digest #417

2000-11-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #417, Volume #26   Tue, 28 Nov 00 15:13:02 EST

  Re: Win98 and Linux2.0.36
  ignore test (vasant)
  Test Ignore (vasant)
  Re: Problems with Lucent WaveLAN IEE (Jeff Liebermann)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy (Martin Gregorie)
  Conway's Game of Life for KDE? ("Eric")
  slocate and NFS ("Steve Wolfe")
  Linux/Linus reference... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  How Removing an installed application? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  On Enlightenment's dragbar (JCA)
  Migrate a running process from machine A to machine B (Snoopy)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("the_blur")
  Memory leak (Pim)
  Re: Migrate a running process from machine A to machine B (Harvey Taylor)
  3 NICs in a RH6.1 box ("Sylvain Drapeau")
  Xircom  RealPort CardBus RBEM56G ??? ("Cameron")
  via82cxx (Doug Angus)
  Re: Software RAID ("Deanna Bonds")
  Re: Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take? ("Gerald Pollack")

Subject: Re: Win98 and Linux2.0.36
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 13:30:37 -0500

1) first, get a grip , and put down that hammer!! :) .

2) Set the new hdd to use lba , and  comply with win98's request.  Lilo can
handle lba , and so can the linux kernel .
3) use some tool to create a 20 mb ext2 primary partition at the begining of
the drive.
4) use fdisk to make a win98 fat32 partition , as big as you want ( suggest
1 gig for os, and apps install into a large extended partition's drive )
5) Install win98.
6) use fdisk to prepare the extended partition ( grab the whole remaining
area ) , and then put in logical drives for windows to access .
7 ) Reboot, use a tool like partionMAgic to set the 20 Mb ext2 primary as
active. Install the stock 2.036  , and set the 20 mb as the /boot partition.
8) Play with lilo till you can dual boot, and check that   win98 doesn't go
postal .  Using partition Magic or something else , mark the win98 boot
partition ( primary ) as bootable, but leave the linux partition as active .

9) now that win98 is ok, get your old disk with the customized kernel , and
copy the kernel and it's map file over to the /boot partition . Do not move
the libraries just yet.
10) Edit lilo.conf to point to the custom kernel. Install it.
11 ) Shut down, and reboot using your custom linux hdd. mount the new hdd,
and copy to the big drive all the necessary files , but LEAVE THE /BOOT
12 ) On your new hdd, edit /etc/fstab so that it points to the correct
partitions. Remember that the partitions that you see as hdbX or hdcX will
at final boot up look like hdaX .

Reconnect just the new drive ( set bios to lba ofcourse ) and boot.  you
should see LILO.

What did I just outline ?

You have to reinstall everyting, except for linux where all you need is a
bootable system.
It's a large hdd, which needs to use lba , perhaps and since windows won;t
change its stance, we let it do as it pleases and fit the other OS to handle
the resulting situation.

You made a 20 mb partition at the begining in which the linux kernel resides
( 1024 cylinders! ), so that the kernel can be booted.
You made a second partition from which win98 can be booted.
You divided up the hdd for use by win98 and linux.
Installed linux so that the boot files are accessable.

Then you copied over the customized kernel files , and told lilo where to
find it. Since the next step is to change the rest of linux's data so that
it is current with the custom built one, you boot the custom built one, and
copy the necessary files to the new hdd . Then , you fix fdtab so that the
mounts points match up.

That's it.

Just remember to use cp , and not dd . Why ? because if you dd a partition
of 1 gig into a 5 gig extended partition, it will write into the first 1 gig
of the 5 gig partition. Now you can't access the remaining 4 gigs!. That's
why you use cp, along with the option I thhink "-p" to preserve the

Not pretty , a bit involved , but I've been down this path before, when I
made a copy of my gateway ( 500mb hdd ) onto a 2 gig drive , as a backup.


Tilo Wuensche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi, I got a new computer with a bigger harddisk. For some reason I need my
 Linux System (modified RedHat5.2) with kernel 2.0.36. Now for an other
 I need Windows or one big program for Windows respectively.
 I configured my harddisk in normal. i.e. CHS, mode and copied my Linux to
 harddisk. Because of very small h-value my bootable section (1024
 is to small to fit all the Win98 stuff at it. So I need a logical
partition to
 install the Win98 program. The system fits into the boot partition. I
 up. Win98 tells me for some reason it wants to have LBA accessing. I
 to configure the Win98 partitions in Linux (I shouldn't do). I fooled
 a bit and installed the logical device as Win95 32 (LBA). If I use any

Linux-Misc Digest #418

2000-11-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #418, Volume #26   Tue, 28 Nov 00 18:13:02 EST

  8.13. How Can I Enable or Disable Core Dumps? (Don Secrest)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Edward Rosten)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Edward Rosten)
  Re: Linux/Linus reference... (Paul Kimoto)
  Strange SBlive Prob
  Re: How to send AT commands to modem and view results? (M. Buchenrieder)
  XSCREENSAVER (Gotzon Berrojalbiz)
  Kernel parameters ("Nils Magnus Eide Englund")
  Re: [Fwd: cannot connect to linux] (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy ("John W. Krahn")
  Re: Migrate a running process from machine A to machine B (Snoopy)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: IDE cd burner install advice (D'Arque Bishop)
  netscape6 with qt-support (Dirk Groeneveld)
  Filesystem problems: bdflush, update, kflush, kupdate questions (David)
  Re: End Task Command ("Garry Knight")
  AUMIX configuration (Gotzon Berrojalbiz)
  Re: Linux colors screw up SCO console (Olaf Zaplinski)
  Re: Grub set up? (Olaf Zaplinski)

Subject: 8.13. How Can I Enable or Disable Core Dumps?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Don Secrest)
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:09:56 GMT

I used to get a core dump when a program crashed, but recently
I no longer get coredumps.  I had a seg fault recently and wanted a
core dump.  So I looked at the FAQs on my slackware cdrom.  It told me
to use ulimit if I use bash shell, or limit if I use tcsh.  It also
told me to consult the man pages.  I use tcsh so I typed man limit.
No man page.  So I typed man ulimit, and I got a man page.  It
contained a list of program names including ulimit and said these are
obsolete programs, no longer used.
 Well my slakware cdrom is two years old, so I decided I
needed a recent FAQ.  So yesterday Nov. 27, 2000 I looked at the new
FAQ which is the subject of this note.  It was almost the same as the
old one, but there were a few new leads.  It directed me to the "Linux
Administrators Security Guide"  which doesn't even mention core
So I started looking around at the keyboard. I typed whereis
limit,  no such file.  I typed limit and to my surprise I got a list of
all of the limits on various things, and indeed the limit coredumpsize
0 kbytes seems to be my problem.  So I diddled around and managed to
set a new limit by typing limit coredumpsize 8000 , this gives a limit
of 8 Megs on a coredump.  So obviously the command does exist.  So I
typed where limit.  I know that sometimes whereis and where give
different answers and this time it was quite useful, where limit told
me that limit was a builtin command in tcsh, so man tcsh gave me all
of the information on core dumps I needed.
If this had been mentioned in the FAQ I would have been saved
much time.  I feel that the FAQ is in need of updating.  For tcsh
users typing 'limit coredumpsize 34' will give a limit of 34 kbytes
for the present session.  Placing that command in the .csh file in
your home directory will set the limits whenever you log on.  
I did not investigate other shells however.

Don Secrest


From: Edward Rosten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:16:15 +

 I wasn't criticizing the little BSD daemon, he's really cute. Tux isn't. Tux
 has a dead glassy/insane look about him that makes me rather uneasy.

Have you seen the satanic tux?


Did you know that the reason that windows steam up in cold | Edward
weather is because of all the fish in the atmosphere?  | u98ejr
- The Hackenthorpe Book of lies| @


From: Edward Rosten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:16:50 +

the_blur wrote:
  Really fine drawings. I don't know anything about art, but you sure can
  hold a crayon in your hands.
  One remark: Tux was never meant to be taken serious. It reflects the
  character of the linux community: just a stupid picture, don't think too
  much about it, it's part of the fun. Your penguinos look good, very good,
  but they're too serious. Does making your penguins humorous sound like
 Hehe, I'm just following SOP to design a proper animal graphic. First, I
 draw pennguins. Lots of penguins, then I'll start stylizing them into
 graphic images, then I'll refine..refine and refine... and then start over
 for another pinguino.

Still, most of us here couldn't draw like that. I couldn't.


Did you know that the 

Linux-Misc Digest #419

2000-11-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #419, Volume #26   Tue, 28 Nov 00 20:13:04 EST

  Re: mp3 player with Linux support (Lee Wevbb)
  Re: RH6.2 and Athlon, Asus A7V (Lee Wevbb)
  Re: Mandrake 7.2 won't shut down (Chris Menzel)
  Re: Mandrake 7.2 won't shut down (Chris Menzel)
  Re: Which distribution should I get? (also: will my modem work?) ("Alex Stoll")
  Re: XSCREENSAVER ("Michael Perry")
  Re: Mandrake 7.2 won't shut down (Chris Menzel)
  Re: IP Masquerading (I need help! please!) (Kevin)
  Re: Cdrecord. (Tony Spinillo)
  Re: Cdrecord. (Paul Lew)
  Re: PC puts through telephone calls ("Richard Snow")
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("Aaron R. Kulkis")
  Re: Filesystem problems: bdflush, update, kflush, kupdate questions (Dances With 
  Re: Partitioning questions (Dances With Crows)
  Re: End Task Command (Dances With Crows)
  root filesystem resore from tape ("Jeremy Rogers")
  Mount mysteries (John Gog)

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: mp3 player with Linux support
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 23:07:21 +

The Diamond Rio seems to have people developing connection software:


Ralph Blach wrote:

 Is there an MP3 player with decent linux support.  Ie, I can the files
 from linux to
 the player easily


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: RH6.2 and Athlon, Asus A7V
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 23:10:19 +

Just to clarify:

Basically, the kernel can be built to look at the Pentium III's (dreaded) 
serial ID. This is what's happening here: but an Athlon doesn't have one, 
so it fails (quite dramatically).

Thus the lilo param of x86_serial_nr=1 basically means that we don't have a 
PIII so don't bother trying to look for an ID...

Hope this helps.

Mark Jensen wrote:

 Had similar experience.  Kernal needs to be booted to disable the serial
 number check (or was this serial id?).
 From lilo add parameter "x86_serial_nr=1"
 LILO: linux x86_serial_nr=1
 I had been told to rebuild the kernal disabling the check, but instead I
 have LILO supply the parameter each time.
 Did this by editing the lilo configuration file.
 Don't know much more than this, but it worked for me!
 Good Luck,
 "Stu" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I have recently upgraded my computer to:
  Athlon 850 Socket A
  Asus A7V Motherboard
  I have reinstalled RedHat 6.2 but when I boot the new installation I 
get a
  general protection fault whilst it is trying to 'disable CPUID serial
  number'. The redhat rescue disk, and installation disk, boot fine so I
  it is a problem with the configuration of the kernel that RedHat has
  Anyone have any ideas how I can get my kernel to load successfully ?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Menzel)
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.2 won't shut down
Date: 28 Nov 2000 23:16:33 GMT

On Sun, 26 Nov 2000 14:35:35 -0500, Roger [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 try 'halt -p' or 'shutdown now'

Tried that, thanks.
 be happy, my upgrade for 7.1 to 7.2 failed on 2 machinesalthough it was 
 no problem clean installing ...

I know others for whom a clean install of 7.2 died -- after reformatting
the disk and before installing the kernel.

 ... since i have a /home on a seperate partition 

As you should!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Menzel)
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.2 won't shut down
Date: 28 Nov 2000 23:31:25 GMT

On Sun, 26 Nov 2000 19:10:07 -0600, mpulliam [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Chris Menzel wrote:
  I just upgraded from Mandrake 7.0 to to 7.2.  ... After
  shutting down processes it generates the message "INIT: No more
  processes in this
  runlevel" at which point the machine just sits there. 
 I had the same problem, and I got myself to
 a command prompt at that point, logged in as root, and
 issued shutdown -h now
 which finished the job.  I just put 7.2 on here last night
 and can't tell you quite how I got to the prompt - 

Well, you still must have had some tty processes running or you wouldn't
have been able to get to a virtual console.  Mine are all hosed by the
time I get the INIT message.



From: "Alex Stoll" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Which distribution should I get? (also: will my modem work?)
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 17:28:41 -0600
Reply-To: "Alex Stoll" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Which driver should I get? Will I be able to get on the internet?

 As to the modem, as a Lucent software modem, you can probably get it
 working, but you'll need a third-party driver, available in compiled
 form ONLY. It's available from:


Linux-Misc Digest #420

2000-11-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #420, Volume #26   Tue, 28 Nov 00 23:13:03 EST

  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("the_blur")
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("the_blur")
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("the_blur")
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("the_blur")
  problem mounting cdrom (john connolly)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: Mount mysteries (ljb)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Robert Kiesling)
  RIO drivers and EISA knowledge ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: [Fwd: cannot connect to linux] (Steve Martin)
  Re: simple alias question (Mark Post)
  Re: Partitioning questions ("Patrick Bartek")
  Re: problem mounting cdrom (Dances With Crows)
  Re: I don't understand my password encoding (Bill Unruh)
  Re: How to send AT commands to modem and view results? (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: netscape6 with qt-support (spicerun)
  how to find out linux version (Mohit Aron)
  Re: End Task Command ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: how to find out linux version (Hal Burgiss)
  can't compile gimp-print.-4.0.2 (John Thompson)
  Re: End Task Command (Jean-David Beyer)
  [Thanks] Re: Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take? ("//.././")

From: "the_blur" the_blur_oc@*removespamguard*
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:00:38 -0500

 Not a problem, Fred.  And thanks for the penguin logos.  :)

Hehe, I knew the peace pipe would be the end all =)
Have fun with them and tell me if you need more.


From: "the_blur" the_blur_oc@*removespamguard*
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:02:09 -0500

Scary stuff baby! Explains a lot =)


From: "the_blur" the_blur_oc@*removespamguard*
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:02:45 -0500



From: "the_blur" the_blur_oc@*removespamguard*
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:04:40 -0500

Go to to see the first few actual uses of my
little pinguinos.


From: john connolly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: problem mounting cdrom
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 01:27:36 GMT

I have a slackware 7.0 system which I have been running smoothly for
some time. I recently rebooted (after adding memory) and when I try to
mount my hard disk with the command:

mount /dev/hdd /cdrom -t iso9660 (/dev/hdd is where it has been mounted
in the past)

I get the error message "mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/hdd
as a block device"
In /var/log/messages the line: "modprobe: can't locate module

Any help with this would be appreciated.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
From: Robert Kiesling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 01:32:55 GMT

"the_blur" the_blur_oc@*removespamguard* writes:

  Not a problem, Fred.  And thanks for the penguin logos.  :)
 Hehe, I knew the peace pipe would be the end all =)
 Have fun with them and tell me if you need more.

Hey, I'm not going to knock a freebie!

And thanks again.  I'll get back to' ya.

Robert Kiesling
Linux FAQ Maintainer 
Tired of spam?  Please forward messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: Mount mysteries
Date: 29 Nov 2000 01:39:51 GMT

Learning Linux is indeed fun, but there are a few things that have been
difficult to track down.  Gradually, thanks to the folks who provide the
HOWTO's, I've been able to find out most things, but there's a mystery
about mount points that no one seems to explain.

I understand the concept of assigning mount points to a partition and
that the mounted partition "overlays the existing directory" (to quote
one of the documents I read).  In other words, I create a mount point
/home on a partition.  I realize that this /home essentially replaces
the /home that is on the root partition.  If I unmount /home, I find an
empty directory called /home now exists.  If I put a file in this
directory, it will not be visible if I remount /home.  No problem, I
understand that.  What bugs me is:  Where is the file?  Does it take up
space in the root partition?  Since it has an inode, could it be
accessed even while /home is mounted?  I've been 

Linux-Misc Digest #421

2000-11-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #421, Volume #26   Wed, 29 Nov 00 06:13:04 EST

  Re: how to find out linux version ("David ..")
  Re: Where can I get a pre-built POSE for Linux ? ("Arthur Hagen")
  Re: Newbie: difference between... (Reiner Griess)
  Re: simple alias question (Sebastian Hans)
  netscape 4.xx (Guy-Armand Kamendje)
  "cannot route to sender..." Why?? (GYULAI Mihaly)
  Multi_key ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  loggin everything ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy (Villy Kruse)
  Re: Migrate a running process from machine A to machine B (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: I don't understand my password encoding (Villy Kruse)
  Re: Kernel parameters (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: Console fonts have changed to being unreadable :) ("Chris West")
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Ketil Z Malde)
  Re: Cdrecord. ("Federico Baraldi")
  Re: disable right mouse button in X ? (Joerg)
  Re: via82cxx (Kevin Hayes)
  Packer for Linux and Windows ("David Feller")
  Re: How Removing an installed application? (James Blanford)
  Re: apache and cgi (Buckaroo Bonzai)

From: "David .." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: how to find out linux version
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 22:04:01 -0600

Mohit Aron wrote:
 how do I find out what version of Linux I'm running - 'uname -a'
 command only gives the version of the Linux kernel. How do I find out the
 version of RedHat that I have ?
 - Mohit

cat /etc/redhat-release

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than: 98.858% of seti users +/- 0.01%.


From: "Arthur Hagen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Where can I get a pre-built POSE for Linux ?
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 05:11:29 GMT

"Peter da Silva" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:8vtn36$qfg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Children, children, stop fighting!

 Look, the bloke made a mistake, but geeze, why are you all jumping on him
 like a bunch of wannabe Alpha Geeks.

Is that better or worse than a MIPS Geek?



From: Daniel Bechard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 00:20:21 -0500

I'm new with linux and I need a little help

I install COREL LINUX SECOND EDITION on a partition that I create
during installation, the installation was successfull but when I
reboot I don't have any lilo it going straight to win98

Thank you


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Reiner Griess)
Subject: Re: Newbie: difference between...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:48:09 +0100

On 28 Nov 2000 14:32:43 GMT,
 Andrew Purugganan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Reiner Griess ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
[ can anybody eplain, what's the differenc between /usr/sbin and
[ /usr/local/sbin. OK, I see there is a difference, but what should I put into
[ /usr/local...? /sbin has an historically background, I know. But
[ /usr/local/sbin?

a lot of RPMs or software packages that you will be downloading may be 
set up in such a way as to put the executables or commands there

You may choose to put your own homegrown stuff in there as well. Helps 
distinguish between software that came 'out-of-the-box' with your distro 
vs. stuff you've d/loaded  installed yourself. Later when you upgrade 
this can either be trashed or saved

thanks a lot! has helped.



From: Sebastian Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: simple alias question
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:13:42 +0100

Mark Post wrote:
 There is no way for a bash alias to accept command line parameters.
 If I'm understanding what you're saying, then I have to disagree with this
 statement.  I have a SuSE Linux/390 system at work that has various aliases
 for the 'ls' command.  One of them is 'll = ls -l'.  I can still do 'll -tr'
 which is the equivalent of 'ls -ltr'.  Are these the kind of command line
 parameters you say won't work?  Or were you referring to something else?

I forgot to say, this depends on where you want to put the command line
parameters. You can do your "ll -tr" because this expands to
"ls -l -tr". What you cannot do is create an alias like
"grepmytexts = grep /very/complex/path" and expect a "grepmytexts foo"
to grep for foo in your files. I't will expand to
"grep /very/complex/path foo" and, of course, that's not what you
intended. That's when you need functions. You'd do this like this:

function grepmytexts {
grep "$1" /very/complex/path


sebastian hans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  `\O/'  don't panic
student of 

Linux-Misc Digest #422

2000-11-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #422, Volume #26   Wed, 29 Nov 00 09:13:01 EST

  Re: Packer for Linux and Windows (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: disable right mouse button in X ? (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: Linux colors screw up SCO console (Tony Lawrence)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy ("Mike Webb")
  root password changed, need help (Bulent Sarinc)
  Problem with read mail (Sasha)
  Re: Memory leak ("Tauno Voipio")
  Re: Linux colors screw up SCO console ("Jeremy Rogers")
  Re: loggin everything ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  ls --color (LuisMiguel Figueiredo)
  Re: Memory leak (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: Memory leak (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: Memory leak (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: ls --color (Bill Delphenich)
  Re: root password changed, need help (Alexei Kichkine)
  Timer in Linux (Sasha)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("Ken McFelea")
  Re: root password changed, need help (Jean-David Beyer)
  Gotmail (Bob Tennent)
  Re: Memory leak (Pim)
  Re: Problem with read mail (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Linux colors screw up SCO console (Thomas Dickey)
  Re: Console fonts have changed to being unreadable :) (Thomas Dickey)
  Re: lilo's parameters line too long (Michal Szymanski)
  Re: Partitioning questions ("Alex Stoll")
  Re: Memory leak (Stefano Ghirlanda)

From: Jean-David Beyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Packer for Linux and Windows
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 06:17:41 -0500

David Feller wrote:
 Does anyone know a good packer that works under Linux and Windows and can be
 controlled from the command-line?

What's a packer? Do you mean something like zip/unzip?

 .~.   Jean-David Beyer   Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\  Registered Machine73926.
/( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^  6:15am up 3 days, 13:43, 2 users, load average: 3.00, 3.05,


From: Stefano Ghirlanda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: disable right mouse button in X ?
Date: 29 Nov 2000 12:03:24 +0100

Joerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The Application the Users are restricted to is Netscape Navigator. I already
 experimented with setting it as the default shell in /etc/passwd, but
 failed. Is it possible at all ?

X must be running, of course, before netscape can be started.
Have you tried something like:

exec netscape



From: Tony Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Linux colors screw up SCO console
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 06:28:01 -0500

Olaf Zaplinski wrote:
 Tony Lawrence wrote:
  If you've ever accessed a Linux box from a SCO console,  you've
  probably experienced the messed up result from Linux using color
  in vi, ls, etc.
  While you can do some things on the Linux side to prevent this or
  set the colors to something more agreeable to SCO, there is a
  simple "all or nothing" fix:
  Before accessing the Linux box, run "vidi vm80x25" on the SCO
  console.  This just shuts off color entirely, causing the Linux
  color sequences to at worst give you bold characters.
 ... or you should try 'unalias ls'

"ls" is hardly the only thing that uses colors: vi will spew
color changes all over the place, "more" does it, and who knows
what else.. the "vidi" trick gets rid of all of them.

Tony Lawrence ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SCO/Linux articles, help, book reviews, tests, 
job listings and more :


From: "Mike Webb" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 23:27:59 -0400

 Date:  Mon, 27 Nov 2000 11:11:03 +0100
 I have a stack of floppies from a (now defunct) Smith Corona
 wordprocessor. A writer friend desperately needs the files on them.  I
 can't figure out how to mount the floppies, or even to sucessfully dd
 them.  Help! My absolutely non-techy buddy has his life's work on
 these floppies, and I can't let him down.  I'm on SlackWare 4.0.

Have you tried the obvious? I just did a quick Yahoo! search, and popped right up. If you haven't tried 
there, check it out and see there's some info or a tech support contact 
to find out how to read the things.

P.S. The copy I sent directly to you went as a bcc: so to protect your 
address munging.

 Sent via
 Before you buy.


From: Bulent Sarinc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: root password changed, need help
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 13:27:42 +0100


somebody has changed root password and i cant get into my linux box on
debian version

help please



Subject: Problem with read mail
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 12:35:01 GMT



Linux-Misc Digest #423

2000-11-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #423, Volume #26   Wed, 29 Nov 00 11:13:02 EST

  Re: netscape 4.xx (Toby Haynes)
  Re: mp3 player with Linux support (Juhamatti Niemelä)
  multiple IDE-adapters (Miguel De Buf)
  Re: Problem with read mail (Sasha)
  At and batch (Alexander Borghgraef)
  Re: 3 NICs in a RH6.1 box ("Sylvain Drapeau")
  Re: Problem with read mail (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Partitioning questions (Stanislaw Flatto)
  What is broken? ("Heinrich Frauendorf")
  Re: disable right mouse button in X ? (Joerg)
  Gnome "Default Session" (Bob Howard)
  Re: via82cxx (Doug Angus)
  Re: root filesystem resore from tape (-ljl-)
  Re: What is broken? (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: What is broken? (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: At and batch (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: What is broken? (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  passwd protect runlevel 1 (Eric)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy (Martin Gregorie)
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy (Martin Gregorie)
  Re: Write to floppy from Redhat 6.0 (phil)
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Word equations (phil)

From: Toby Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: netscape 4.xx
Date: 29 Nov 2000 09:33:53 -0500

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have the folowing problem. Netscape 4.61 (libc5) used to work pretty well
 on my system (Redhat 6.2) but for some reasons that I don't realy know, my
 system started to crash regularly when I tried to access certain URLs. I then
 decided to install Netscape 4.62 But this new version couldn't even start and
 just crashed with the error message "bus error" I then tried to install
 Nestscape 4.76. I was able to start it. But now I have the problem that when
 composing a mail message, the address completion does not work, and when I
 try to get the address from the address book, Netscape will crash.  Is there
 a way to solve this problem?  Thanks

Upgrade - to a Mozilla Nightly build. The mail client in Mozilla M18 is
unstable (on Linux) but I have had no such problems with the latest Mozilla
builds. has all the info you need. 

If you have a slow system (i.e. 200MHz or less) you should investigate for a version of Mozilla without the XUL layer - this is
a bit zippier as it uses the native GTK toolkit but still uses the Gecko
rendering engine. Whether the mail client has been added to this project yet I
don't know.

Toby Haynes

Toby Haynes
The views and opinions expressed in this message are my own, and do
not necessarily reflect those of IBM Canada.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juhamatti Niemelä)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: mp3 player with Linux support
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 14:55:17 GMT

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 20:49:54 -0500, Ralph Blach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is there an MP3 player with decent linux support.  Ie, I can the files
from linux to
the player easily

If you mean portable mp3player, there is Linux software for Diamond
Rio 500. Check for more. 

Juhamatti Niemelä


From: Miguel De Buf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: multiple IDE-adapters
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 14:51:23 GMT

Hi there,

I am putting together a linux server with 6 disks.  I plan installing
two extra IDE-cards (PCI), so I would have 6 IDE controllers.  I would
attach one large disk to each controller (so I have 6 disks).  Now I
would use RAID1, so logically, I would see 3 disks at the software

Does anybody know if it is possible to install 2 extra IDE-PCI cards
onto the motherbord, so linux recognises them (and of course is able to
use them) ?  If so, are there limitations on this type of hardware ?  Do
I have to use a certain type/chipset ?  If so, can someone point me to a
location with more information about that ?

That is a lot, any help would be greatly appreciated :-)

Thanx in advance,

Miguel De Buf


Subject: Re: Problem with read mail
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 14:54:03 GMT

Thanks allot, that was the problem, i had only configured that in Netscape.

Best Regards  Sasha


From: Alexander Borghgraef [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: At and batch
Date: 29 Nov 2000 14:54:38 GMT

 I'm having trouble getting these things to work. They seem to have 
nearly the same syntax:

  at [-V] [-q queue] [-f file] [-mldbv] TIME
  batch [-V] [-q queue] [-f file] [-mv] [TIME]

but when I try to apply them

  at -f batchfile -m 15.45

works, and

  batch -f batchfile -m 15.45

does not. What am I doing wrong here? Also, the manpage says both
can draw their jobs from stdin instead of from a file. I tried
various permutations of 

Linux-Misc Digest #424

2000-11-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #424, Volume #26   Wed, 29 Nov 00 14:13:04 EST

  Re: want to learn assembly language on linux (phil)
  Alsa and via82cxxx for kernel 2.2 (Doug Angus)
  Question on user accounts (RV)
  How to calculate space in bytes of a dir??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Block Iron  Supply Co - CIS")
  Re: E-mail client (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy (B'ichela)
  Re: Problem with read mail ("Block Iron  Supply Co - CIS")
  Re: How to calculate space in bytes of a dir??? ("Arthur H. Gold")
  Re: root password changed, need help (Bulent Sarinc)
  suid ("Joe Terry")
  Re: IE for Unix Help Page (Grant Edwards)
  Re: How to calculate space in bytes of a dir??? (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: root filesystem resore from tape (John Thompson)
  Re: root password changed, need help (Jan Schaumann)
  Re: Kernel parameters ("Nils Magnus Eide Englund")
  Re: Gnome "Default Session" (Robert Wiegand)
  login problems (Greg Varnadoe)
  Re: Linux vs DIGITAL ALPHA 3000/600 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: mp3 player with Linux support (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (mark)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (mark)
  Virtual mem exhaust problem? (Chet Vora)
  Why PostgreSQL is not that popular as MySQL? (Raymond Chui)
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Eric en Jolanda")
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Eric en Jolanda")

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (phil)
Subject: Re: want to learn assembly language on linux
Date: 29 Nov 2000 17:04:11 GMT

the following lines of wisdom:

i want to learn assembly language for x86. will someone pls recommend a
good assembly tutorial and a good (preferably easy to use) assembler for
linux. I'm already familiar with high level programming (C, perl etc)
and i'd like to get into the more nitty gritty stuff
Has tutorials.


From: Doug Angus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Alsa and via82cxxx for kernel 2.2
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 10:59:54 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Apparently the via82cxxx driver for the kernel 2.2 loads but doesn't
work.  Will this have any affect on
installing the alsa sound drivers?

Doug Angus
Department of Geological Sciences  Geological Engineering
Queen's University, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6, Canada

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"
Apparently the via82cxxx driver for the kernel 2.2 loads but doesn't work.nbsp;
Will this have any affect on
brinstalling the alsa sound drivers?
Doug Angus
Department of Geological Sciences amp; Geological Engineering
Queen's University, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6, Canada



Subject: Question on user accounts
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 16:39:59 GMT

Hello list:

Is there a way to modify user accounts thru the command line? I would
like to be able to telnet to my box to change users' groups. Is this

Thanks in advance,

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: How to calculate space in bytes of a dir???
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 16:36:58 GMT


I have a Linux RH6.2 and my root partition (/) have become
full (100% used) rapidly. I use Squid and QMail into this
server and I suspect one of these is the responsable for
my full partition.

Then, I would like to know if there is some command from
Linux that allows to calculate all space used for each
directory. After this, it is possible to know who is the
"byte-eater" of my system.

Thanks for any help,

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Block Iron  Supply Co - CIS" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: passwd protect runlevel 1
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 10:48:52 -0600

You can try this also:
If you're using a Linux system that's connected to a network, chances
are good you've spent hours securing your system by terminating
unneeded services, installing and configuring a firewall, and
monitoring system logs. Despite all the care you've taken, you may have
left the front door to your system wide open. Surprising numbers of
Linux users--even cautious and knowledgeable Linux users--do just that.

So where's the front door? We're talking about LILO, the Linux boot
loader. Most Linux configurations don't require you to choose a

Linux-Misc Digest #426

2000-11-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #426, Volume #26   Wed, 29 Nov 00 19:13:03 EST

  Re: dd over ethernet (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: Packer for Linux and Windows (Robert Kiesling)
  group opinions ("Luke Richards")
  Re: Cdrecord. (Paul Lew)
  Re: group opinions ("Jan Schaumann")
  Re: Rage 128 Problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Question on user accounts (RV)
  Re: netscape6 with qt-support (Dirk Groeneveld)
  Re: E-mail client ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Block Iron  Supply Co - CIS")
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("the_blur")
  Re: root password changed, need help (James Silverton)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("Aaron R. Kulkis")
  Re: login problems ("J.R. Tietsort")
  Re: multiple IDE-adapters (milanuk)
  Gnome and KDE ("GC")
  Re: Gnome and KDE ("GC")
  Re: Packer for Linux and Windows ("Garry Knight")
  Re: ls --color ("Garry Knight")

Subject: Re: dd over ethernet
From: Vilmos Soti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 21:21:04 GMT

Mandrake 7 User [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Specifically, I have a small HD in my laptop and lots of free partitions
 on my desktop.  They have network cards and I have successfully
 transferred files between them.  However, for a complete backup I
 want to just dump the whole laptop hard disk onto the backup hard disk
 in the desktop.
 In fact, right now I *must* back up this way since I can't access the
 linux partition on the laptop at all.  Maybe partition table
 corruption.  So the backup prog to do the above should run from floppy.

Get the nc (NetCat) program. This sends its stdin to a network connection.

On your laptop do something like this:

cat /dev/hda | nc 4567

On the other machine, do

nc -l 4567  hda_from_laptop

Check out nc's manpage since I am not sure if I got the switches right.



Subject: Re: Packer for Linux and Windows
From: Robert Kiesling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 21:24:08 GMT

John Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 10:45:29 +0100, "David Feller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Does anyone know a good packer that works under Linux and Windows and can be
 controlled from the command-line?
 I think you're SOL.  The Packers cant even control the line of
 scrimmage let alone the command line:-)

That reminds me of the old joke that they score by putting 
cheerleaders in the end zone.


Robert Kiesling
Linux FAQ Maintainer 
Tired of spam?  Please forward messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Luke Richards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: group opinions
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 21:32:39 -

Hi all,

I am a student at Uni and I am doing a disertation on the future of Linux.

Do you think that Linux will surpass microsoft.

Will the majority of users only ever be admins and techys or will it broaden
into homes of the average user.

To what extent do you feel Linux reach and what do you think ultimatly will
it never reach.

Will the community continue to develop the software with regards to the OS
and the applications and for free.

I would like to hear your opinions on this subject. I do ask that they are
constructive comments and not just another chance to slag of microsoft for
what they are and are not.

Luke Richards


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Lew)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,de.comp.periph.cdrom
Subject: Re: Cdrecord.
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 21:44:47 GMT

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Federico Baraldi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
"Paul Lew" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Did you specify the device (e.g. /dev/scd1) when doing mkisofs?

Well ... actually I tried to burn cd with this command:

cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -isosize /dev/scd1

where /dev/scd1 is my DVD player. So I bypass mkisofs command.

 If you had used cdrecord 1.9, then I found that version required it when I
 used it (at least with my system).

Do you think I shold try making a cd iso-image and then triying to burn
from the iso-image and not diretcly from my cd-player ??

The man page for cdrecord has -dao for "disk at once" mode for "MMC" drives
but don't know if that would work without an image; the man says one can
record without images but it looks like it was for audio tracks that are
on the harddrive.

Haven't really heard nor seen any docs regarding direct copying from a
cd to cdr; perhaps in later updates but for now, suggest creating an
image file first.


From: "Jan Schaumann" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: group opinions
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 16:47:27 -0500

* "Luke Richards" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I am a student at Uni and I am doing a 

Linux-Misc Digest #427

2000-11-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #427, Volume #26   Wed, 29 Nov 00 21:13:02 EST

  Re: ls --color (Robert Kiesling)
  Full screen PDF viewer (SKG) (Georg Skillas)
  Re: root password changed, need help ("Jan Schaumann")
  Re: root filesystem resore from tape ("Jeremy Rogers")
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("the_blur")
  Re: group opinions ("Garry Knight")
  Re: Gnome and KDE ("Garry Knight")
  Re: Memory leak (Robert Heller)
  Re: How to calculate space in bytes of a dir??? (Robert Heller)
  Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem? (Robert Heller)
  Re: Mount mysteries (John Gog)
  Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: suid (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Why PostgreSQL is not that popular as MySQL? (Ronald Cole)
  Re: Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take? (Dan Amborn)
  Re: ls --color (Bit Twister)
  Re: Mount mysteries / Netware vs. (ljb)
  using paride/backpack module  getting unresolved symbol: kmalloc, etc (Eli the 

Subject: Re: ls --color
From: Robert Kiesling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 00:24:12 GMT

"Garry Knight" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] "LuisMiguel Figueiredo"
  I'm using debian 2.2 and i tried everything to put some colors on ls.
  The  only sucess i had was as root. As normal user i have to type 
  alias ls="ls --color" on the console
  i doesn't work on .bashrc nor .profile
 Did you try the following?
   alias ls='ls --color=always'

I don't think that's the question.  I think the OP was referring
to how to set the alias at login.  Please Correct if I'm wrong.

If the shell is bash, and it's a login shell, the the .bash_profile
file gets sourced.  If it's a non-login shell, then .bashrc gets
sourced.  If the shell is tcsh or csh, then the login should
be either .login, .tcshrc, or .cshrc, but I'm not a csh user.  Read
the friendly man page to be certain.

Robert Kiesling
Linux FAQ Maintainer 
Tired of spam?  Please forward messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Georg Skillas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Full screen PDF viewer (SKG)
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 22:00:16 +0100
Reply-To: Georg Skillas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello folks,

as laptops get more widespread and laptop-to-overhead projectors cheaper
more and more people use their laptop at meetings to present things.

I an trying to do the same and I have few questions. First is there anyway
to persuade acroread to display landscape pages? Alternatively is there a
PDF viewer (like ghostview?) that will allow for full-screen viewing of a

Another question: PS files, incorporating coloured graphs by gnuplot,
converted with ghostscript (ps2pdf), seem to render ok with acroread,
except the graph colours are messed up. Viewing the same file with
Ghostscript (as a PDF) produces the same colours as the PS. Is there any
solution? Who is the bad guy?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

 = = =  =   == = =  == = 
Dr. George Skillas  Tel.: ++1 513 556 5152; 281 8546
Dept. Chemical Engineering  FAX : ++1 513 556 3773
Univ. of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0012   Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Jan Schaumann" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: root password changed, need help
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 19:29:58 -0500

* "James Silverton" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jan Schaumann wrote:
 * Bulent Sarinc wrote:
  i didnt give it to anybody
  i have been hacked probably damn those hackers
 Dude, if you've been hacked it won't help just changing the
 root-password. You gotta take the machine off the net, wipe it,
 re-install, make it secure and only then hook it up again.
 It is probably no consolation to you but you were not "hacked" you were

Ack. My apologies for not setting this straight in the first place.


Jan Schaumann

Fry: "They're great! They're like sex except I'm having them."


From: "Jeremy Rogers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: root filesystem resore from tape
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 00:29:56 GMT

John Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in article
  Any pointers would be most welcome.
 Does the kernel on your rescue disk support scsi tape?

Presumably. It's the out of the box kernel shipped with red hat 6.2. Once
booted, the DAT drive works fine. I assume that the kernel booted from the
CD under "linux rescue" is the same as the one installed??


From: "the_blur" the_blur_oc@*removespamguard*
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Ok, putting 

Linux-Misc Digest #428

2000-11-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #428, Volume #26   Thu, 30 Nov 00 01:13:02 EST

  Re: login problems (Greg Varnadoe)
  Re: E-mail client ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: multiple IDE-adapters (W Bauske)
  Re: Cdrecord. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Gnome and KDE (Sinner from the Prairy)
  Re: Screw KDE 2.0!! - Im going crazy trying to install it. ("Michael Janssens")
  Re: Gnome and KDE ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Gnome and KDE (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: D-Link Networkcard DEF 530TX ("WME")
  Re: D-Link Networkcard DEF 530TX (moonie;))
  Re: Gnome and KDE ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Gnome and KDE (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: What RealPlayer version do u have? (Sergey Grishin)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy (Vic Landry)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Jim Broughton)

From: Greg Varnadoe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: login problems
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 02:26:19 GMT

In article 903qvh$1es$[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 "Greg Varnadoe" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I cannot login as root on my Linux box at home
  If I clear the root password (single user mode, edit /etc/passwd), when I
  try to login as root I am still prompted for the root password.
 Just hit your enter key again.
I tried that. It returns to the login prompt.
(occasional flash of incorrect login)
Greg Varnadoe


Subject: Re: E-mail client
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 02:29:47 GMT

 Trying to install it, I get an error when I run it about not finding a
 mailbox. However, if I create a mailbox using mkdir, it complains that
 How do I create a mailbox?

touch /var/spool/mail/your user name
chgrp mail /var/spool/mail/your user name

Or, assuming fetchmail and sendmail (or equivalent, I like postfix)
are running, just send yourself some email from another account, the
mailox will then be created.

=== ==
"A women came up to me and said, I'd like to poison your mind
 with wrong ideas that appeal to you, though I am not unkind."
 -They Might be Giants


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: multiple IDE-adapters
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 03:06:00 GMT

Miguel De Buf wrote:
 Hi there,
 I am putting together a linux server with 6 disks.  I plan installing
 two extra IDE-cards (PCI), so I would have 6 IDE controllers.  I would
 attach one large disk to each controller (so I have 6 disks).  Now I
 would use RAID1, so logically, I would see 3 disks at the software
 Does anybody know if it is possible to install 2 extra IDE-PCI cards
 onto the motherbord, so linux recognises them (and of course is able to
 use them) ?  If so, are there limitations on this type of hardware ?  Do
 I have to use a certain type/chipset ?  If so, can someone point me to a
 location with more information about that ?
 That is a lot, any help would be greatly appreciated :-)
 Thanx in advance,
 Miguel De Buf

Promise UATA66 cards and HPT370 based cards work.
I've got systems with two Promise cards and they
work fine. Only tried one HPT370 based card so I
don't know if more than one of them works. You do
have to have the IDE-DMA patches to make them work.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,de.comp.periph.cdrom
Subject: Re: Cdrecord.
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 10:11:04 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware Federico Baraldi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

: My Mitsumi works well under Windoze  and the error occour while
: starting to write .

Just for the record:
The Mitsumi does give an error when in the *fixating stage*. It seems
to be a timing problem. It is annoing, but harmless. The disk will be

Your problem is a different one. I don't know what causes it, but it
might be related to the firmware of the drive. There are different
versions. Maybe your drive is too old for the new cdrecord-version.

Probably you can get it to work with an older(or newer) version of

I also don't know, if it is possible to upgrade the drive's firmware.


Microsoft is NOT the answer. Microsoft is the Question.
The answer is: "NO!"
Friedhelm Mehnert,  Berliner Allee 42,  22850 Norderstedt,  Germany
phone + fax: +49-40-5236562email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Sinner from the Prairy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Gnome 

Linux-Misc Digest #429

2000-11-30 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #429, Volume #26   Thu, 30 Nov 00 06:13:02 EST

  Re: disable right mouse button in X ? (Sebastian Hans)
  Re: "cannot route to sender..." Why?? (Sebastian Hans)
  Re: login problems (Sebastian Hans)
  Mouse is jumpy in X (Sepith)
  PLAYSTATION2-Huge Savings Worldwide! ("Mike")
  Re: Star office accesses my hard drive every few seconds!? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 (Eric)
  Re: Mouse is jumpy in X (Eric)
  Re: Kernel parameters (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Wheel mouse ("Dr. Sato")
  Linux Mandrake 7.2 Video ("Dave Freeman")
  Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 ("William Pelish")
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("Aaron R. Kulkis")
  Re: At and batch (Alexander Borghgraef)
  Re: How to calculate space in bytes of a dir??? ("Tauno Voipio")
  Re: Memory leak ("Tauno Voipio")
  Re: Full screen PDF viewer (SKG) (Dave Blake)
  Iozone disk I/O performance tool (Marco BANO)

From: Sebastian Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: disable right mouse button in X ?
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 08:16:46 +0100

Joerg wrote:
 Stefano Ghirlanda wrote:
  X must be running, of course, before netscape can be started.
  Have you tried something like:
  exec netscape
 Yes, I tried that. But it didn´t work, unfortunately. It simply started X with
 Gnome and nothing else was launched.

Try this:

exec netscape

Note the ampersand.


sebastian hans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  `\O/'  don't panic
student of comp sci - technical university of munich  \-^-/  ...just RUN
i'm a .signature virus! copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread


From: Sebastian Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: "cannot route to sender..." Why??
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 08:19:10 +0100

GYULAI Mihaly wrote:
 After I changed my ISP, I can't send messages with SMTP!
 I use 'sendmail' and previously it worked.
 (Of course I changed the appropriate ISP-specific data in .)
 Now I receive the following messages:
   "cannot route to sender my_login_name@my_machine_name"
 I don't know what it means... :(

Did you do something with smarthost?


sebastian hans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  `\O/'  don't panic
student of comp sci - technical university of munich  \-^-/  ...just RUN
i'm a .signature virus! copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread


From: Sebastian Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: login problems
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 08:24:59 +0100

Greg Varnadoe wrote:
 I cannot login as root on my Linux box at home
 (redhat 6.1  2.2.13 kernel)
 If I try to login as root the console clears back to the login prompt. I
 can login using my user login and password, but I cannot su (incorrect
 If I clear the root password (single user mode, edit /etc/passwd), when I
 try to login as root I am still prompted for the root password.

Are you sure you don't have shadow passwords enabled? If so, you'll have
to delete the password in /etc/shadow.


sebastian hans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  `\O/'  don't panic
student of comp sci - technical university of munich  \-^-/  ...just RUN
i'm a .signature virus! copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread


Subject: Mouse is jumpy in X
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 07:30:06 -

i installed dragon linux a few days ago and the setup went pretty well,
except for my mouse,the mouse seems to work well outside of X
but when i load X up and i move the mouse left,the pointer jumps right
does anyone know why it does that and some possibilities to correct this
any help is welcomed and thanked,

thanks for your time

Posted via CNET


Subject: PLAYSTATION2-Huge Savings Worldwide!
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 18:28:49 +1100

Marian Vittek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Xref-java2html is a Java cross referencer and  Java to HTML
 converter. Symbols are linked to their definitions and
 definitions to complete cross-references. A corresponding
 class sub-tree is generated for each virtual method.
 It also allows you to link generated HTML to a documentation
 generated by javadoc.


 Example of generated doc:


 - --
 This article has been digitally signed by the moderator, using PGP.

Linux-Misc Digest #430

2000-11-30 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #430, Volume #26   Thu, 30 Nov 00 10:13:01 EST

  Re: disable right mouse button in X ? (Joerg)
  Re: At and batch (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Backup Hard Drive... (Jeffrey Hood)
  Re: Linux Mandrake 7.2 Video (Eric)
  Re: At and batch (Alexander Borghgraef)
  Riva TNT and SVGATextMode (Buddyboy)
  Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem? (Eric)
  Duplex printing with HP 8100DN (SuSE 7.0) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: At and batch (Alexei Kichkine)
  Re: Memory leak (Jean-David Beyer)
  X not getting exported on Dell m/c (SAJAN.S)
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... (Jean-David Beyer)
  email security ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Changing font when printing with lp (Jeffrey Hood)
  Re: login problems (Greg Varnadoe)
  Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Screw KDE 2.0!! - Im going crazy trying to install it. (Kevin Croxen)
  Re: netscape 4.xx (Kirill Kozmin)
  Gack! unchangable file! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: root filesystem resore from tape (Lee Allen)
  Re: netscape 4.xx (Toby Haynes)
  Re: root filesystem resore from tape (Lee Allen)
  Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem? (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Gack! unchangable file! (Sebastian Hans)

Subject: Re: disable right mouse button in X ?
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 11:41:10 +0100

 Try this:

 exec netscape

This didn´t work either. But I figured out a solution for myself. It is so simple
that I´m temptated to bang my head on my desk...
In the "Pointer" Section of XF86Config I have set
  Protocol  "PS/2"
  Buttons  1
That does it. X-Users only can use the left mouse button.

Anyway, thanks for your replies.

Regards, Joerg


From: Stefano Ghirlanda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: At and batch
Date: 30 Nov 2000 12:37:29 +0100

Alexander Borghgraef [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   batch -f batchfile -m 15.45
  parse error. Last token seen: 15
  Garbled time

You meant 15:45, right?



From: Jeffrey Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Backup Hard Drive...
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 11:46:02 GMT

I am trying to find the "best" solution to the problem of backing up a 
drive and/or the data stored on it (the box is mainly a storage location 
for backed-up files over the network... some have already been tarred and 
gzipped...), using RedHat 6.2 on Intel...

Since hard drive storage is sooo cheap nowdays (40 GB ide is around $150) 
I would like to have a fileserver that has 2 (or maybe even 3) drives 
that provide redundancy and backup, instead of going the expensive, slow, 
and unreliable (unless you get the very expensive) tape backup route...

The pre-requisites for the solution are that it is as inexensive as 
possible (I might have to put up multiples of these boxes) and that if 
one of the drives fails, it has to be back up as quick as possible

I have read a post that says when you install a system, you can choose 
RAID over the drives, which as I understand would be RAID 1, but my 
question there is (and this might be a pretty dumb question...) if one 
drive fails, does the second just keep on churning, and if I install a 
new drive for the one that failed, does it just "work"... sort of on the 
hot-swap RAID drive idea on servers...

The other solution would be to copy all of the changed files from one 
drive to another with script, and I found a script to do that, but that 
really only copies the files to the second drive, and if the main drive 
fails, a new install would have to be done...

The last solution would be to use a utility such as Ghost (on the PC side 
of things) that dumps an image to another drive, and you can boot off of 
a floppy to reinstall from the image...  In DOS, this is very, very fast 
on both ends, dumping the image, and restoring...  in my experience, 1GB 
of data only takes about 15 min each way... and the drive is cloned down 
to the boot sector information...  just pop in a new drive, run Ghost, 
reboot the box and all is well...  the downsides are that to my 
knowledge, there is no similar Linux only solution, and you do have to 
use a product to get back and working...

Any advice or solutions suggested would be appreciated...



Jeffrey Hood
HM Consulting, Inc.
jhood [you-know-why] at


Subject: Re: Linux Mandrake 7.2 Video
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 12:58:11 +0100

Dave Freeman wrote:
 A few months ago I installed Mandrake 7.1 without any problems whatsoever.
 Just last night I installed 7.2 but now the video settings seem wrong.
 Vertical lines seem distorted etc.  I had a look in drakconf and hardrak and
 it seems like my monitor and graphics card have not been detected properly.
 After correctly setting the graphics card (but couldn't find a driver for
 the monitor so 

Linux-Misc Digest #431

2000-11-30 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #431, Volume #26   Thu, 30 Nov 00 14:13:02 EST

  Re: Gack! unchangable file! (Eric)
  Re: Gack! unchangable file! (Linolil)
  Mandrake SPARC and serial console... (Linolil)
  Serial BREAK on Sparc10 (Linolil)
  Continuing : lilo's parameters line don't pass to kernel. ("Migue")
  Strange File System ("Johan Hélin")
  How to get uptime in sig? ("Dr. Sato")
  Re: LILO boot floppy help (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Memory leak ("Tauno Voipio")
  Re: Linux Mandrake 7.2 Video (Mike)
  Handoff and WaveLAN 802.11 (Lucent) (Edu)
  Re: Gnome and KDE ("GC")
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: "cannot route to sender..." Why?? (GYULAI Mihaly)
  Re: root filesystem resore from tape (John Thompson)
  Re: Linux terminal problems with SCO (Augusto Perez)
  Re: Linux terminal problems with SCO (Augusto Perez)
  Re: [Fwd: cannot connect to linux] (ekk)
  RedHat 7.0 / 2.4 Kernel / Adaptec PCI AIC7xxx (Dawn Adelsberger)
  Re: RedHat 7.0 / 2.4 Kernel / Adaptec PCI AIC7xxx ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Gnome and KDE (Andrew Purugganan)
  Need compressed tar file viewer, a la winzip viewer. (Ron Reeder)

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Gack! unchangable file!
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:22:36 +0100

 I have 2 files on an ext2 partition (on a local raid5 device) that
 I cannot change in any way.
 # file   MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 MGTPRC_0711.dat: setuid setgid sticky fifo (named pipe)
 MGTPRC_0771.dat: setuid setgid sticky ASCII text
 # ls -l MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 pr-Sr-S--T1 28912games   0 Nov 22 08:23 MGTPRC_0711.dat
 -r-sr-Sr-T1 25993games4096 Nov 22 08:23 MGTPRC_0771.dat
 # df -m .
 Filesystem   1M-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/md1385847224869160978  59% /data
 # chown root  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 chown: MGTPRC_0711.dat: Operation not permitted
 chown: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Operation not permitted
 # chmod a+w  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 chmod: MGTPRC_0711.dat: Operation not permitted
 chmod: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Operation not permitted
 # rm -f  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 rm: cannot unlink `MGTPRC_0711.dat': Operation not permitted
 rm: cannot unlink `MGTPRC_0771.dat': Operation not permitted
 # cat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 bash: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Permission denied
 Aaargh!  Of course, I'm root.
 How do I get rid of these?  Any help is greatly appreciated.

take a look at `man lsattr`



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Gack! unchangable file!
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 15:15:29 GMT

 I have 2 files on an ext2 partition (on a local raid5 device) that
 I cannot change in any way.

 # file   MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 MGTPRC_0711.dat: setuid setgid sticky fifo (named pipe)
 MGTPRC_0771.dat: setuid setgid sticky ASCII text

 # ls -l MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 pr-Sr-S--T1 28912games   0 Nov 22 08:23
 -r-sr-Sr-T1 25993games4096 Nov 22 08:23

 # df -m .
 Filesystem   1M-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/md1385847224869160978  59% /data

 # chown root  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 chown: MGTPRC_0711.dat: Operation not permitted
 chown: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Operation not permitted

 # chmod a+w  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 chmod: MGTPRC_0711.dat: Operation not permitted
 chmod: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Operation not permitted

 # rm -f  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 rm: cannot unlink `MGTPRC_0711.dat': Operation not permitted
 rm: cannot unlink `MGTPRC_0771.dat': Operation not permitted

 # cat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
 bash: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Permission denied

 Aaargh!  Of course, I'm root.
 How do I get rid of these?  Any help is greatly appreciated.


Everything you did here, with the exception of the cat, was an operation
that affected the directory, not the file.  Permission changes,
deletions and links are all directory operations.  What's the status
of the directory?

no signature today

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Mandrake SPARC and serial console...
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 15:20:40 GMT

 Tried to install Linux-Mandrake 7.1 on a Sparc10 connected to
a serial console. It died with the following error while booting
the ram image.
mounting /proc filesystem... done
opening /proc/cmdline... done
checking command line arguments... done
failed to open /dev/tty1failed.

I can't recover from this.


I have only 

Linux-Misc Digest #432

2000-11-30 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #432, Volume #26   Thu, 30 Nov 00 17:13:02 EST

  Re: Need compressed tar file viewer, a la winzip viewer. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Need compressed tar file viewer, a la winzip viewer. (Jan Schaumann)
  apache + php3 + php4 + extensions working simultaneously (Evelio Martinez)
  Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  vim: can't turn on syntax highlighting (Peter Moore)
  urgent help - what does this mean ? ("Patrick Amirian")
  KDE: starting job on specific desktop ((Wm. Randolph Franklin))
  Vmware:  Linux on Win2K or Win2K on Linux? ((Wm. Randolph Franklin))
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 (John-Paul Stewart)
  Re: Linux Server Book? (Richard Witt)
  ld -lqt dont work (Dirk Groeneveld)
  Terratec soundcard (cs4624) (Dirk Groeneveld)
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... (Andrey Vlasov)
  Re: urgent help - what does this mean ? (Lori Holder-Webb)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (mark)
  Re: KDE: starting job on specific desktop (Andrew Purugganan)
  The reverse: Win98 sharing ppp with Linux? (Andrew Purugganan)
  Majordomo 1.94.5 closed unsubscribe not working (PiLgRiM)
  Re: ls --color (Zen Sorcerer)
  Burning Issues - 2 IDE CD's (Darwin Mecham)

Subject: Re: Need compressed tar file viewer, a la winzip viewer.
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 19:15:43 GMT

Ron Reeder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there such a program? 

 If so where?


Both Konqueror and GMC will launch such a program if you click on a 
zip or tar or tarball with them.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Schaumann)
Subject: Re: Need compressed tar file viewer, a la winzip viewer.
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 19:13:00 GMT

* Ron Reeder wrote:
 Is there such a program? 

man tar

man mc


Jan Schaumann

A computer without Windows is like a chocolate cake without mustard.


From: Evelio Martinez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: apache + php3 + php4 + extensions working simultaneously
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 20:29:51 +0100


I have installed apache 1.3.12 and php 4.0.3.pl1 on RH 6.2

I am new in the php world.

How can I make a .php3 extension to be interpreted as a .php extension ?

Do I have to modify apache conf, php conf or both ?

I have made some test with the AddType directive, but they didn't work.

I have taken a look to the php install file  and I have followed the
steps suggested below (***)
(configure , make , make install ),  but still the same result.

If I add the commented line in httpd.conf file, apache  issues a
download window instead of
executing the php3 script.

IfModule mod_php4.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php4 .php
# AddType application/x-httpd-php4 .php3
  AddType application/x-httpd-php  .php


   Recent operating systems provide the ability to perform versioning
   scoping. This features make it possible to let PHP 3 and PHP 4 run as

   concurrent modules in one Apache server.

   This feature is known to work on the following platforms:

   - Linux with recent binutils (binutils tested)
   - Solaris 2.5 or better
   - FreeBSD (3.2, 4.0 tested)

   To enable it, configure PHP 3 and PHP 4 to use APXS (--with-apxs) and

   necessary link extensions (--enable-versioning). Otherwise, all
   installations instructions apply. For example:

$ ./configure \
--with-apxs=/apache/bin/apxs \
--enable-versioning \
--with-mysql \

Any help will be appreciated

Thanks in advance



From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Virtual mem exhaust problem?
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 20:43:53 +0100

In comp.os.linux.misc Floyd Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows) wrote:
On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 13:03:01 +0100, Eric wrote:
 dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=64
 mkswap /swapfile
 swapon /swapfile
Tradition.  The dd command creates a honking big file, so it doesn't get
written to disk immediately unless you force it.

 Which begs a couple of questions.  First, does it make any
 difference at all?  Second, if it makes a difference why would

It does make a difference. The file buffers don't get down to the disk
otherwise, and mkswap has to pick up the disk area, not the buffer

 mkswap or swapon not do it?

I dunno.  There is a lot of hackyness in the swap file mechanism.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Moore)
Subject: vim: can't turn on syntax highlighting
Date: 30 Nov 2000 20:03:08 GMT

Hi. As the subject says--

:syntax on

gives me the error message: 

Linux-Misc Digest #433

2000-11-30 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #433, Volume #26   Thu, 30 Nov 00 20:13:02 EST

  Re: Need compressed tar file viewer, a la winzip viewer. ("Barry Samuels")
  Re: vim: can't turn on syntax highlighting (Edward M. Collins)
  Re: Burning Issues - 2 IDE CD's ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: The reverse: Win98 sharing ppp with Linux? ("Frank McKay")
  Re: Gack! unchangable file! (SL News Posting)
  Re: Partitioning questions ("Patrick Bartek")
  Re: RedHat 7.0 / 2.4 Kernel / Adaptec PCI AIC7xxx (Robert Surenko)
  /dev/ owner entries being changed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: RedHat 7.0 / 2.4 Kernel / Adaptec PCI AIC7xxx ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  ipchains error ("Darren Welson")
  Re: Gotmail (Doug Mitton)
  Re: ipchains error (jose)
  Fetchmail 5.1.0 version 5.6.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Vmware:  Linux on Win2K or Win2K on Linux? (Andre Kostur)
  Recognizing multiple CPUs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Recognizing multiple CPUs (Tony Curtis)
  Re: ipchains error ("Frank McKay")
  Re: Gnome and KDE ("Garry Knight")
  Re: Gnome and KDE ("Garry Knight")
  Re: Recognizing multiple CPUs (Ron Grigg)
  Re: Gnome and KDE (Gene Wilburn)
  Re: How to calculate space in bytes of a dir??? (Gene Wilburn)
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 (Michel Catudal)
  Re: dd over ethernet ("donoli")
  Re: Full screen PDF viewer (SKG) (Georg Skillas)

From: "Barry Samuels" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Need compressed tar file viewer, a la winzip viewer.
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 22:12:12 +

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Ron Reeder"

 Is there such a program? 
 If so where?

Perhaps TkZip might fit the bill.  You would probably find it on Freshmeat.

Barry Samuels


From: Edward M. Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: vim: can't turn on syntax highlighting
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 22:29:11 GMT

Peter Moore wrote:

 Hi. As the subject says--
 :syntax on
 gives me the error message: Sorry, this command is not implemented.
 This is on a system w/ Red Hat 6.2, vim 5.6.11
 Any help / ideas would be appreciated.


I had the same problem with another distro. (SuSE? it was a while back...) 
I wound up having to recompile Vim from the source.


   I'm semi-ambidextrous -- equally clumsy with either hand.
Edward M. Collins   Dearborn, Michigan USA
Registered Linux User ID 132691 The Linux Counter


Subject: Re: Burning Issues - 2 IDE CD's
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 23:04:50 GMT

Darwin Mecham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm running Mandrake 7.1 and have 2 IDE cdroms , one HP burner and
 the other just a reader.

 I have an adaptec scsi card installed...and 

 [mysystem] cdrecord -scanbus returns the following:

 Cdrecord 1.8.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
 0,0,0 0) 'SEAGATE ' 'ST34520N' '1487' Disk
 0,1,0 1) *
 0,2,0 2) *
 0,3,0 3) *
 0,4,0 4) 'iomega  ' 'jaz 1GB ' 'H.72' Removable Disk
 0,5,0 5) *
 0,6,0 6) *
 0,7,0 7) *

 Shows only the true scsi controller not the psuedo one that should be
 if the ide-scsi module was loading correctly.

 I've had it working before, but it ceased to function - don't know why.

 /etc/conf.modules looks like so:

 alias net-pf-4 ipx
 alias block-major-11 scsi_hostadapter
 alias scsi_hostadapter1 ide-scsi
 post-install usb-storage modprobe usbkbd; modprobe keybdev
 alias eth0 3c59x
 alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
 pre-install pcmcia_core /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
 pre-install plip modprobe parport_pc ; echo 7  /proc/parport/0/irq
 post-install supermount modprobe scsi_hostadapter ; modprobe
 alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx
 alias sound-slot-0 sb
 options sound dmabuf=1
 alias midi opl3
 options opl3 io=0x388
 options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330

 What have I missed ???

 TTFN ~ Darwin

If you have LILO installed, add or modify the append line to read
something line 'append="hdb=ide-scsi"' (change hdb depending on what
the correct location of the cdburner is).



From: "Frank McKay" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: The reverse: Win98 sharing ppp with Linux?
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 23:04:59 GMT

No, but you just need to setup ICS on your windows box, make sure it is
installed, Control Panel - Add/remove programs - Windows  setup tab -
Internet Tools - Details - Select Internet connection sharing.

Windows acts as a dhcp server to the clients, so just set up dhcp on your
linux box.

"Andrew Purugganan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:906fk9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

 i used to have my Linux act as the 

Linux-Misc Digest #434

2000-11-30 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #434, Volume #26   Thu, 30 Nov 00 21:13:02 EST

  Linux Counter: 162136 registered Linux users ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: vim: can't turn on syntax highlighting (Dances With Crows)
  Re: unchangable file! [OTHER] (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Gnome and KDE (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (John A Lee)
  Re: What RealPlayer version do u have? (Michel Catudal)
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed (Robert Lynch)
  Re: RealPlayer 7 can't open audio device (Michel Catudal)
  Help config standalone INN (albert flores)
  Re: [Fwd: cannot connect to linux] (Mark Post)
  Re: Gnome and KDE ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Subject: Linux Counter: 162136 registered Linux users
Date: 1 Dec 2000 01:00:03 GMT

This is the monthly report from the Linux Usage Counter.
It is posted on the 1st of every month on the newsgroup
comp.os.linux.misc, and on the Linux Counter "announce" list.

Registration and information is available via the World
Wide Web; connect to URL

This is the preferred interface to the counter.

NOTE: You can UPDATE your record in the counter if you have
your registration key, which was sent to you when you registered.


To enter your registration into the statistics, send an E-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with the SUBJECT line containing the word "Linux",
such as:

  I use Linux at home
  I use Linux at work
  I use Linux at school

Any questions should be adressed to the maintainer of the counter,

Good luck!


This is the Linux Counter summary as of Fri Dec  1 00:42:00 2000

There are 162136 persons registerd.
3023 users have been registered by friends.
There are 84804 machines registered.

I guesstimate that between 0.2% and 5% of all Linux users have
registered with the Linux Counter.
So the total number of Linux users is probably between
3,242,720 and 81,068,000 people.

The table is sorted by number of Linux users divided by population

 NoCountry   Pers  Fri Mach P/Mpop   Mpop
  1 IS Iceland2514  112 928.60.3
  2 FO Faroe Islands   3606 820.80.0
  3 NO Norway3416   49 1532 779.24.4
  4 FI Finland   3575   55 1825 700.35.1
  5 DK Denmark   3344   17 1306 637.05.2
  6 SE Sweden5113   60 2493 574.48.9
  7 AQ Antarctica   200 486.00.0
  8 NF Norfolk Island   100 452.70.0
  9 EE Estonia553   16  344 378.91.5
 10 SI Slovenia   6978  183 357.22.0
 11 GI Gibraltar81   11 278.10.0
 12 NL Netherlands   4140   51 2143 265.9   15.6
 13 CA Canada6605   83 3496 229.2   28.8
 14 AT Austria   1802   31 1040 224.68.0
 15 MC Monaco   714 220.70.0
 16 LU Luxembourg  900   50 216.40.4
 17 IE Ireland7245  300 203.03.6
 18 AU Australia 3533   50 2030 193.5   18.3
 19 CY Cyprus 1390   18 186.70.7
 20 NZ New Zealand6613  399 186.33.5
 21 CH Switzerland   1292   16  778 179.37.2
 22 US USA  47433  832 24769 178.0  266.5
 23 BE Belgium   1704  525  874 167.5   10.2
 24 HU Hungary   1584   48  866 158.4   10.0
 25 DE Germany  11215  187 5980 134.3   83.5
 26 LI Liechtenstein403 128.50.0
 27 SG Singapore  4337  171 127.53.4
 28 PT Portugal  12239  378 124.09.9
 29 GL Greenland705 120.30.1
 30 FR France6813  111 2724 116.8   58.3
 31 ES Spain 4436   32 1274 113.2   39.2
 32 KR Korea (South) 5140   19  518 113.0   45.5
 33 AD Andorra  806 109.90.1
 34 PL Poland4210   55 1715 108.9   38.6
 35 GB Great Britain 6361  109 3372 108.8   58.5
 36 IL Israel 545   13  269 100.55.4
 37 KY Cayman Islands   303  86.60.0
 38 VG Virgin Islands (British) 100  75.80.0
 39 CZ Czech Republic 769   21  441  74.5   10.3
 40 BG Bulgaria   6206  235  72.08.6
 41 CR Costa Rica 2430   92  70.23.5
 42 LT Lithuania 

Linux-Misc Digest #435

2000-11-30 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #435, Volume #26   Thu, 30 Nov 00 23:13:02 EST

  Re: Slack 7.1 won't recognize PS2 mouse ("Michael")
  Re: Word equations (Eric Y. Chang)
  Lyx, and man pages ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Gotmail (Doug Mitton)
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 ("William Pelish")
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 ("William Pelish")
  Re: vim: can't turn on syntax highlighting (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: ipchains error (Mark Post)
  Re: Database in Redhat Linux (Victor Wagner)
  Re: Frame Buffering and Red Hat 7.0 (Muhammad Azmi B Selamat)
  HELP, need original smb.conf ("Evan Panagiotopoulos")
  Re: vim: can't turn on syntax highlighting ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Recognizing multiple CPUs (J Sloan)
  Hardware problem? ("Antony Mak")
  Re: D-Link Networkcard DEF 530TX ("WME")

Reply-To: "Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: "Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Slack 7.1 won't recognize PS2 mouse
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 10:49:08 +1000

"Roger Blake" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 This is my first attempt at installing Slackware. A problem I can't
 seem to get past is that the PS2 mouse is not being recognized by
 either gpm or XFree86. Error message from gpm says that there is
 no /dev/mouse device.  (The symbolic link from /dev/mouse to
 /dev/psaux is in place.)

 The mouse works fine from Windoze and DOS.  System hardware is a Biostar
 486 PCI motherboard with AMD 486/133 CPU, using a UMC chipset for the
 onboard I/O ports. I've also tried building a new (2.2.17) kernel, making
 certain that PS2 mouse support is compiled in, still no joy.  Any ideas
 on getting this thing working will be much appreciated...

Not sure how relevant this may be, however check the /dev/mouse *is*
/dev/mouse  as opposed to /dev/Mouse, or some other caps arrangements.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Y. Chang)
Subject: Re: Word equations
Date: 1 Dec 2000 02:26:37 GMT

phil ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: You might wanna look at wv
: Phil.

Hi Phil.  Thanks for the tip.  I took a look at the site.  The round trip
is 80% done, and I did not see too many details about the equations.  My
secretary hates .eps and .tiff, since these are difficult to modify.  I
agreed to do all of the modifications and send via e-mail, but she did not
like the e-mail bit.  Also, she could not handle all the revisions and she
sneaked a stale plot that got past me in the proofs (my fault totally, if
it is in the proofs, there's no excuse).

When the return trip is more solid, it looks like this could be useful.

Thanks again,


Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 19:29:47 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Lyx, and man pages

I'm looking for a template or DTD that works with Lyx and can be used to
generate standard man page formats. Is something like this already
available, or would it have to be written new?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug Mitton)
Subject: Re: Gotmail
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 02:30:58 GMT

I tried to email the file to you once I realized that freshmeat and
linuxberg didn't keep them online themselves BUT your email address

Let me know your address and I'll send it, its not very large.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Tennent) wrote:

Can anyone point me to a copy of the 0.6.5 version of this script? The older
version I have no longer works (changes at hotmail no doubt) and the home site seems to be inoperative.

Bob T.
   SPAM Reduction: Remove "x." from my domain.


From: "William Pelish" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 21:42:34 -0500

I have found in what little use I have had with Corel that there is little
or almost no bugs in the OS. However Redhat has a few too many I don't wish
to deal with. I am looking for something I can understand and grasp easy. So
far this one for me seems to work however everything is expendable.


"John-Paul Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 William Pelish wrote:
  I wish to know if anyone here has used Corel Linux Deluxe and if you
  found any bugs. Also if you have also tried RH 7 and found any
  between the too. I am trying to decide which one to use for a server for

 Don't use Corel Linux.  Corel needs more time to work sort
 what should/shouln't be in the distro.  Corel is based on
 Debian, however, so I'd recommend that.  I don't like Redhat

Linux-Misc Digest #436

2000-12-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #436, Volume #26Fri, 1 Dec 00 03:13:02 EST

  USB and IrDA Development on Linux ("Alan Po")
  Re: Hardware problem? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: ipchains error ("John Hanley")
  versions of top... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: urgent help - what does this mean ? ("Frizzle Fry")
  Re: Help on rescuing my linux os on my PC (Glitch)
  Making Aliases Via Command Line (Ian Patterson)
  Freezing Box ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to get uptime in sig? (David Efflandt)
  Re: Making Aliases Via Command Line ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ipchains error (Luke Vogel)
  SCSI problem ("Antony Mak")
  Redhat Upgrade ("ywk@SuSE")
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Netscape 6.0 with SuSE 7.0? ("Mordak")
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 (Eric)
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Redhat Upgrade (Linux User)
  Re: At and batch (Ed Allen)

Subject: USB and IrDA Development on Linux
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 12:05:52 +0800

Dear All

I am trying to develop an application by using a USB IrDA. I have found some
information about USB development under Linux. Unluckily, I cannot find the
information of IrDA on Linux.

Would you give me some ideas, advices or resources to help me to solve my

Alan PO



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Hardware problem?
Date: 1 Dec 2000 04:27:29 GMT

On Fri, 1 Dec 2000 11:51:03 +0800, Antony Mak wrote:
I have found that my SuSE6.4 box have the following messages in syslog and
system halt. This problems occur about once a day. Can anyone tell me what
is the problem with my box? Hardware problems? Software problems?
Nov 30 17:00:08 dbsource1 kernel: swap_free: swap-space map
Nov 30 17:00:08 dbsource1 kernel: free_one_pmd: bad directory entry ce20
Nov 30 17:28:41 dbsource1 -- MARK --
Nov 30 17:32:59 dbsource1 kernel: swap_duplicate: entry 00100018,nonexistent
swap file
Nov 30 17:32:59 dbsource1 kernel: swap_duplicate: entry db30,nonexistent
swap file
Nov 30 17:32:59 dbsource1 kernel: swap_free: offset exceeds max
Nov 30 17:32:59 dbsource1 kernel: swap_free: Trying to free nonexistent
Nov 30 17:33:00 dbsource1 kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at
virtual address 725423a2
[snip stack dump]

"about once a day"?  Does this problem occur at the same time every day,
or does that vary?  If it's the same time every day, then a cron job is
doing something bad--find which job that is and debug that job.  If it's
varying, the problem will be a bit more difficult to diagnose.

If the problem is always giving out "swap_free" messages, that narrows
it down a bit.  Two things that could cause this are a bad partition
table and a hardware problem.  Might want to check the swap partition
itself for bad blocks (using "badblocks" of course) and use cfdisk or
fdisk to look at the partition table and make sure you don't have
overlapping cylinders or something.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=/I hit a seg fault


From: "John Hanley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,
Subject: Re: ipchains error
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 04:58:48 GMT


Try using an absolute path to execute ipchains (exp. /sbin/ipchains -F)

"Darren Welson" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:906m5j$c9g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 I keep getting this error when I run IPCHAINS telling me to use
 "unrecognized command, try ipchains --h for help" but it seems to be
 people out.

 any ideas what is causing this?


Subject: versions of top...
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 05:14:03 GMT

Is there a version of top that will give me a read out of which
processes are active on which processor? this is an 8-way system so it
would be intriguing to find out..



Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Frizzle Fry" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: urgent help - what does this mean ?
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 23:13:05 -0600
Reply-To: "Frizzle Fry" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What kind of drive and what vendor/version of Linux?  I have seen this with
very large drives (ie. 30GB+) when linux is not properly configured with
linear support.

Linux-Misc Digest #438

2000-12-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #438, Volume #26Fri, 1 Dec 00 11:13:02 EST

  Re: How should I install Linux and Win2K (dual boot) ("Dave Addison")
  Re: Need compressed tar file viewer, a la winzip viewer. ("Bracy")
  Re: Partitioning questions ("Alex Stoll")
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... ("Aaron R. Kulkis")
  Re: root filesystem resore from tape (Lee Allen)
  IDE/Harddisk expert needed!!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ipchains error ("Marvin Greenberg")
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed (James Silverton)
  Re: urgent help - what does this mean ? ("Patrick Amirian")
  Re: Can't ftp to Linux box from windows ftp client - SOLVED ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Can't ftp to Linux box from windows ftp client - SOLVED ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 (Rex Dieter)
  Re: Where the heck is kerneld in RH6.2 ? (Rex Dieter)
  Re: IDE/Harddisk expert needed!!! ("Patrick Amirian")
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: unchangable file! [OTHER] ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Peter T. Breuer")

From: "Dave Addison" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How should I install Linux and Win2K (dual boot)
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 13:07:50 -

Hi Jeremy,

You can configure VMware to use existing disk partitions instead of the
virtual disks but you
have to bypass the configuration wizard and do a manual setup. I've used
this before to boot
a cloned disk from a linux box in a virtual machine for updates offline.

However doing this without some configuration tweaking will confuse both
operating systems
due to the different "hardware" environment of the virtual machine.

Jeremy S. Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:3edV5.33459$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Hi Christopher and others:

 I am attempting to use VMware from both WIN2K and LINUX (Mandrake).  Both
 are installed and working fine on my system (different physical drives)
 I want VMware to run Outlook and maybe a few other win applications.

 MY PROBLEM:  When I go to run VMware (from windows or linux) it wants to
 "install" the guest OSI don't want to install, I want it to see that I
 have the os installed and run it as is.

 Is this possible?


Subject: Re: Need compressed tar file viewer, a la winzip viewer.
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 13:37:28 GMT

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Ron Reeder"

 Is there such a program? 
 If so where?

My personal favorite is gxtar.  



From: "Alex Stoll" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Partitioning questions
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 07:12:23 -0600
Reply-To: "Alex Stoll" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok, thanks.
Alex Stoll
N22YF [at] AlexStoll [dot] cjb [dot] net
(remove NOSPAM to reply)
Patrick Bartek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Post for FREE via your newsreader at 

  Thanks, but, I have '98 installed on my C drive (I upgraded from '95,
but I
  installed my 8.4GB drive when I still had '95). I want to have my new
  be the slave and have FAT32 and Linux partitions. I think I get what
  saying though.

 Okay.  No problem.  This is the way my system is setup.

 As below, use DOS fdisk from within W98 to put one vfat partition on
 the drive.  It can or needn't take up the entire 40 GB.  In fact, you
 can partition only part of the drive with any number of partitions,
 install Linux (or whatever), then come back later, and add more
 partitions.  FYI:  you can only have 4 Primary partitions, but any
 number of Logical ones, used for whatever OS you want.

 Anyway, boot the Linux CD, reconfigure the partitions for Linux,
 leaving what vfat partitions you want for Windows untouched, and
 install Linux.

 Most Linux installer, if you let it choose, will make two or 3
 partitions for Linux: / (root) and /swap or sometimes /boot, / and
 swap.  It depends on where on the drive you've told the install
 to put Linux.

 Go to and download the HOWTOs on installation,
 multidisk installs, and multiOS installs.  They should give you a
 better understanding of what's going on.

  Patrick Bartek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   *** post for free via your newsreader at ***
I bought a new 40 GB hard drive, and I'd like to partition it so I
Linux and Windows partitions. I already have a 8.4GB drive as my
40GB will be the slave. My master is partitioned into four different
(I installed it when I had Windows 95 [and FAT16] - now I have 98
How would I do this? How big do I 

Linux-Misc Digest #439

2000-12-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #439, Volume #26Fri, 1 Dec 00 14:13:03 EST

  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 (Bill Delphenich)
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 (Sinner from the Prairy)
  Re: Where the heck is kerneld in RH6.2 ? (Bill Unruh)
  cron did not run, why? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed (Robert Lynch)
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... (Martin Gregorie)
  Re: netscape 4.xx ("Kevin White")
  Modem setup for dial-in ("trebor")
  Re: Recognizing multiple CPUs (kenaniah)
  Re: cdrecord and HP9500/ATPI cd-drive? (Peter Kadau)
  Re: problem with tcsh and bksp key (Jean-Yves Simon)
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed (John Hasler)
  Re: netscape 4.xx (C. L. Lewis)
  Re: Where the heck is kerneld in RH6.2 ? (Pete Zaitcev)
  Re: Non PC formatted disks, /etc/fdprm ("Charles Sullivan")
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed ("Charles Sullivan")
  Locking pages in memory ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Mapping Tab key in vi or vim (Steve D. Perkins)

From: Bill Delphenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 11:15:11 -0500

Rex Dieter wrote:

 Version 7.0 may well be the worst Redhat release
  ever! It's got quite a lot of bugs,

I have been using RH7 for a while now and I'm working my way through all the
gotcha's in there. I can't say for sure that I have encountered many bona-fide
BUGS yet, but there are a number of things that are different in it from previous
releases. Since I have been running Linux for a couple of years now, it throws me
when lots of things get moved around and things I used to know don't work any
more. There seems to be a lot of that In RH7.

I guess that's why they named it version 7.0, instead of version 6.x.



From: Sinner from the Prairy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 17:26:12 +0100

William Pelish wrote:
 I have found in what little use I have had with Corel that there is little
 or almost no bugs in the OS. However Redhat has a few too many I don't wish
 to deal with. I am looking for something I can understand and grasp easy. So
 far this one for me seems to work however everything is expendable.
Then try Mandrake Linux 7.2. Easy to install, manage upgrade based
on RedHat distribution plus enhancements. It's particulary good the
multilanguage support. And it's not as buggy aas RedHat 7.0

[MaDuiXa PoWeR]
  |\ Linux User # 89976
=Sinner =--[]- a Mach 2.5!!  Running on Mandrake 7.2
__|/ Linux Machine # 38068


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Where the heck is kerneld in RH6.2 ?
Date: 1 Dec 2000 16:27:51 GMT


Hi all,
Am I suffering from early blindness ? Is there a substitute to kerneld
for RH6.2 ? kernelcfg still refers to it, so I am confused.

All kernels of the 2.2.x series use kmod instead, which is a kernel
daemon rather than a separate program.
The question is do you modules load when they are needed?


Subject: cron did not run, why?
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 16:24:52 GMT

I wanted to make a simple backup routine to back up nightly. My crontab
file looks like:

45 23 * * * /root/backup_script

Of course, this was a test on a local system with no other users. I
plan to put a similar script into /usr/local/bin (I don't mind regular
users running the backup script). I used "crontab crontab" and crontab -
l looks fine. It was actually 23:35 when I set it, so it was supposed
to run in ten minutes. I logged out of root and left it alone. When I
came back (0:05), the backups tars were not to be found. But after
searching for it (not in root), I heard the hard drive move and to my
surprise, the backups were made. So I'm wondering why my cron command
didn't run at the specified time. I ran "date" to make sure that my
linux box was set properly.

Since I ran it as root, it certainly doesn't have to wait until root
logged in. Did my computer go into suspend mode or something? If so,
how am I supposed to prevent it from suspending on real machines? Or
did it need time to register the new cron file (since it eventually ran
the script)? Any help...even guesses...will help.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Robert Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 08:46:20 -0800

John Thompson wrote:
  I am running Redhat 6.1, and using KDE 1. Every now and then I look
  in the /dev directory and find something is 

Linux-Misc Digest #440

2000-12-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #440, Volume #26Fri, 1 Dec 00 17:13:04 EST

  Re: vim: can't turn on syntax highlighting (Gregory Spath)
  root password ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Mapping Tab key in vi or vim ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: dd over ethernet (Hugh Gibson)
  Re: versions of top... ("Steve Wolfe")
  Re: Gnome and KDE ("Garry Knight")
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... (Hugh Gibson)
  How to get ls to show local time and not GMT (Steve Simons)
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... (Jean-David Beyer)
  one mount point, two file systems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  setting default charset to utf-8 instead of iso-88951 (Hornmule)
  setting default charset to utf-8 instead of iso-88951 (Hornmule)
  Screen shots. (Kyle Parfrey)
  Re: Mapping Tab key in vi or vim (Lori Holder-Webb)
  Re: How to get ls to show local time and not GMT (Villy Kruse)
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... (Joshua Baker-LePain)
  Re: root password (Bob Tennent)
  Re: root password (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: How to get ls to show local time and not GMT (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: 8.13. How Can I Enable or Disable Core Dumps? ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Screen shots. (Jan Schaumann)
  Re: cron did not run, why? ("Russ")

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gregory Spath)
Subject: Re: vim: can't turn on syntax highlighting
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 19:28:36 -

In 906bps$6in$[EMAIL PROTECTED], Peter Moore ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
Hi. As the subject says--

:syntax on

gives me the error message: Sorry, this command is not implemented.

You may only have vim-minimal installed.  To get syntax
hilighting, remove vim-minimal and install vim-enhanced.
Vim-X11 is nice too.

This is on a system w/ Red Hat 6.2, vim 5.6.11
Any help / ideas would be appreciated.


Gregory Spath  
SCHeckler on IRC --
Team YBR --


Subject: root password
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 19:27:14 GMT

HelpI am running redhat 6.2 i386.  I was hacked and my root password
was changed.  I was able to boot to run level 1 and change the root
password to something else.  Now I can login as root using the password
I changed it to.  When I log directly into root it seems to work no
problem and allows me to do all the normal things root can do.
However if I do not initially login as root, I can not su to root, using
that password.  It says incorrect  password.  This happens whether I
su, su -, or su root.  Very wierd.  I am stumped?


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Mapping Tab key in vi or vim
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 20:51:35 +0100

Steve D. Perkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 at work and vim on Linux at home) that will map the Tab key to insert
 three spaces instead of a tab character... this being a requirement of

It'll be something like

:imap tab

In your vimrc. I had to put angle brackets here to show what I meant. 
Mind you .. I don't see how that would parse! DOn't you just want
something like:

:set expandtab

  In Insert mode: Use the appropriate number of spaces to insert a
  Tab.  Spaces are used in indents with the '' and '' commands and
  when 'autoindent' is on.  To insert a real tab when 'expandtab' is on,
  use CTRL-VTab.  See also |:retab| and |ins-expandtab|.

:set tabstop=3

 the coding standards for the project I'm currently working on.  I've
 been using vi for years, but have never really found the need to map
 characters or tinker too much with .exrc or .vimrc (other than turning
 line-numbering on by default)... can anyone give me a hand with the
 line that needs to be added for this mapping?

vim has a help command. That's where I'm reading this info from.



From: Hugh Gibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: dd over ethernet
Date: 1 Dec 2000 15:16:50 -0500

In comp.os.linux.misc Mandrake 7 User [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how to backup a complete hard disk with dd?

 Specifically, I have a small HD in my laptop and lots of free partitions
 on my desktop.  They have network cards and I have successfully
 transferred files between them.  However, for a complete backup I
 want to just dump the whole laptop hard disk onto the backup hard disk
 in the desktop.

To backup the linux partition in a working state, you must not be running it!
I've managed what you are trying by...

1/  Booting the box from networking floppies/CDROM etc.. (i.e. NOT
touching the hard disk)   get the network configured
(slakware can do all this from boot floppies, as it can
NFS install!!)

Then   mount the drive you want to 

Linux-Misc Digest #442

2000-12-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #442, Volume #26Fri, 1 Dec 00 22:13:02 EST

  Re: problem with tcsh and bksp key (Jean-Yves Simon)
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Mount mysteries / Netware vs. (John Gog)
  loss of streaming with cdrecord: what about the buffer?? (Luca de Alfaro)
  Re: Can't ftp to Linux box from windows ftp client - SOLVED (Mark Post)
  Re: Help config standalone INN (ljb)
  JOB: low-level code optimizing ("T.P Harte")
  Re: one mount point, two file systems (Dances With Crows)
  Extracting Files from a Linux Tape on a Broken Linux (Wayne Watson)
  Re: Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take? (Matt O'Toole)
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Modem setup for dial-in (David Efflandt)
  Extracting Files from a *Linux Partition* on a Broken Linux (Restated) (Wayne Watson)
  hdparm and such ("chmod")
  Re: Screen shots. (David Efflandt)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jean-Yves Simon)
Subject: Re: problem with tcsh and bksp key
Date: 1 Dec 2000 23:45:30 GMT

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sven Mascheck wrote:
: Jean-Yves Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

:   I have stty erase ^H in mt tcshrc file.

: Generally you should better start with 'stty erase ctrl-v"erase"-key'
: - and you haven't explained your motivation.

This is exactly what I did : stty erase ctrl-vbksp key
and not stty shift-6H. What do you mean by motivation ?

:   In this case, uder ftp or some other softs, the bksp doesn't work
:   and echo ^?. But if type in the cli stty sane, I get the bksp to work.

: Compare the output of 'stty -a' after that with the very beginning.

I shall do that and post it here.

:   Now, if I enter X, everything is bad again. I have found
:   that if an X window, I type stty erase ^H , it works.

: An X window or xterm in particular?
: This also depends on your xmodmap (see xmodmap -pke in connection with xev).

You are right, I meant xterm, sorry for the lack of precision.
I will try this modmap thing.

:   So, one thing I don't understand, is why when I have an
:   stty erase ^H in my tcshrc , I can't see it anymore when
:   I enter X.

: console and X11 are completely different. You have to fix or adjust
: it two times at worst.

Ouch !

: Sven


From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Backup Hard Drive...
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 00:53:08 +0100

Jean-David Beyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I never liked tar for backups. Perhaps that was because when I was at
 Bell Labs, we replaced tar with cpio as a much better approach. We
 were astonished that the rest of the world preferred tar. So I just do

The reason is that cpio has incomprehensible options .. and an
incomprehensible operating mode. And I speak as one who does not
comprehend it (the best I did with it was use it to de-rpm rpms).
In contrast, tar is simple: tar czvf foo.tgz "list of files and dirs".

 not do it.

 On this machine, with a DDS-2 tape drive on an SCSI controller all its
 own, I use the BRU package. AFAIK, its only advantages over cpio are:

 1.) it does an automatic readback and verification of the checksum of
 each backup tape (and it asks for more tape if necessary).

Hmm .. I run streams to tar and checksum the input and output at
both sides of the stream (err, let me rephrase: the stream
is produced at one end and md5summed as it goes into the pipe;
at the other end it's checksummed again).

 2.) it can make an OBDR tape. OBDR is "One Button Disaster Recovery."
 The controller for the tape drive can masquerade as a CD-ROM
 controller and you can boot the system from such a tape. So when
 disaster strikes and you must replace your hard drive(s), you do that,

Haven't seen those things since the days of my Sun 360!

 stick your OBDR tape into the drive and reset the machine in the
 proper way, and the system will format your new hard drive(s)
 (presumed to be at least as large as your old ones), restore all your
 files, and everything else (such as everything in /dev), and off you

Sounds useful.

 For more on BRU, see URL:
 For more on OBDR, see URL:



Subject: Re: Mount mysteries / Netware vs.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Gog)
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 00:23:58 GMT

On November 30 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ljb) wrote:

 Netware's Unix roots??? I can't think of anything that would make
 me think so. Examples?

Well, you put me on the spot here, because normally I notice the
similarities when I spot 'em in day to day Netware administration. 
There are some NLMs that share the same name as corresponding *nix
programs (CRON comes to mind, although I think that was developed by a
Novell consulting partner).

I seem to recall reading a long time ago that Netware (especially in its
early days) was developed 

Linux-Misc Digest #443

2000-12-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #443, Volume #26Sat, 2 Dec 00 02:13:05 EST

  Unknown Ethernet Packet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Redhat Upgrade ("ywk@Redhat")
  Re: hdparm and such (Dances With Crows)
  help newbie with configuring squid (Hung Ngoc Lai)
  Which driver to use? ("WME")
  default system-wide $PATH setting (Kevin E Cosgrove)
  Re: Packer for Linux and Windows (John Hanson)

Subject: Unknown Ethernet Packet
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 03:34:06 GMT

I am getting unknown Ethernet broadcast packets
on the network from the same device and it's
driving me crazy trying to figure out what they
are.  The packets (each 1.51 Kb) are being
broadcasted twice every second.  The broadcast is
happening 24/7.  More info is below:

There is a series of cascading switches/hubs on
our company's network and the broadcasted packets
are being propogated to all devices.  We have
about 150 nodes on the network.

Does anyone have any idea of what this is?

Below are more specific info of one packet:
(Almost all the packets look identical to each
other, though.)

FRAME: Total frame length: 1510 bytes

ETHERNET: Destination address : 
ETHERNET: Source address : 0201

ETHERNET: Ethernet Type : 0x886F

(*The monitor software that I am using listed
this an unknown protocol.)

ETHERNET: Ethernet Data: Number of data bytes
remaining = 1496 (0x05D8)

Below is the raw DATA payload portion of the
ethernet packet (ignore the right hand most
column as the cut-and-paste didn't translate some
character properly into ASCII.)

  BF 01   ..
0010  DE C0 03 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0020  00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 02 00 D7 A3 E4
39 00 00 .9..
0030  00 00 00 00 30 10 00 00 00 00 00 F0 FF
6F 00 00 0o..
0040  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0060  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0070  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0080  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0090  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
00A0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
00B0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
00C0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
00D0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
00E0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
00F0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0100  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0110  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0120  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0130  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0140  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0150  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0160  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0170  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0180  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0190  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
01A0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
01B0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
01C0  00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
01D0  FF FF FF FF FF 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
01E0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
01F0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0200  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0210  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0220  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0230  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0240  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0250  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0260  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0270  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0280  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
0290  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
02A0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
02B0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 
02C0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 FF FF 

Linux-Misc Digest #444

2000-12-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #444, Volume #26Sat, 2 Dec 00 09:13:02 EST

  linux upgrade suggestions? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: hdparm and such (John Hanson)
  Help - Linux Upgrade kills Windrives, floppy, network access ("Jess Jackson")
  Re: urgent help - what does this mean ? ("deadmeat")
  Audio Devices Permissions (Jose Juan Iglesias)
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Eric en Jolanda")
  Re: Screen shots. (John Thompson)
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Eric en Jolanda")
  RoadRunner Cabel working with Redhat 7.0? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Backup: AIT on Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Problem with nfsd (Grigory Klyuchnikov)
  Re: Unknown Ethernet Packet (DualIP)
  Re: Full screen PDF viewer (SKG) (George White)
  Re: Full screen PDF viewer (SKG) (Kyle Parfrey)
  Re: Audio Devices Permissions (Martin Bock)

Subject: linux upgrade suggestions?
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 06:57:57 GMT

Ok I am preparing to do a freshy install of linux, I am forced into this
after having some uh "security problems".  ANyways I have a dually 750
pentium 3, with ultra lvd scsi 2, 256 megs of memory, etc.
So in the past I was running a distribution of RedHat 6.2, with
X-Windows and using gnome.
   My question is would anyone have any recommend me upgrading to a
different linux version, distribution, etc Are than any other
new/different GUIs recommended ?  Obviously with my past security
issues, any safer kernels out there? I am sure you are saying well if
you want to be secure don't use X, but well I like X so give me a
break..any suggestions?

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: John Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: hdparm and such
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 07:11:43 GMT

On Sat, 02 Dec 2000 02:52:10 GMT, "chmod" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey, I have a problem getting my hd to shutdown with hdparm. I have
configured it, using hdparm, to shutdown after 30 minutes of inactivity.
However, because it is my main hard disk, and all my mounted partitions
are on it, the drive refuses to sleep because it's busy. Is there a
remedy for this, so that my drive will shutdown?


I would think that you will always have activity on this drive from
/proc and it wouldn't be able to shutdown.  And, upon viewing the
directory listing in /proc, I found a 268M (that's Megabytes) kcore
file in it.  Anyone know what that is?  The file, like most of the
others, is dated with the current date and time.

BTW chmod, I have 2 other drives that aren't mounted shutdown after 10
minutes of activity and it seems to work fine.  They shutdown 10
minutes after I boot my system (which is pretty rare so they rarely

Also, I think I just answered my question above.  I have 255M of
actually ram used and 12M of swap used.  Could kcore be a measurement
of ram in use?



From: "Jess Jackson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Help - Linux Upgrade kills Windrives, floppy, network access
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 07:39:51 GMT

I have been running Red Hat 6.2 for some time quite successfully on a
Windows 98 peer-to-peer network at the office. I have been able to print to
a network printer just fine and had SAMBA up and running for file access
both ways between the Linux box and Windows 98 machines.

BUT, I got Redhat 7 and installed as an upgrade and everything ahs gone to
pot. I can even access my local Windows partitions of access the floppy
drive, both of which worked fine before.

Here is what I get when I try to mount Windows Drive C: and the floppy

 mount: /dev/hda1 has wrong major or minor number
 mount: /dev/fd0 has wrong major or minor number

Fortunately, I can still read the CDRom OK and the Linux partitions are

Further, my network access which also worked fine and loaded and started as
part of boot up now does not activate. Here is what the command "ifup eth0"

 Delaying eth0 initialization.

HELP -- I am a novice with Linux. If it helps, here are selected lines from
the boot up log (I edited out lines that looked "correct" to save space in
this message).

Thanks in advance,


Nov 30 13:14:38 whbc kernel: Partition check:
Nov 30 13:14:38 whbc kernel:  hda: hda1 hda2  hda5 hda6 hda7  hda3

Nov 30 13:14:38 whbc modprobe: modprobe: Can't open dependencies file
/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/modules.dep (No such file or directory)
Nov 30 13:14:38 whbc rpc.lockd: lockdsvc: Function not implemented
Nov 30 13:14:38 whbc nfslock: rpc.lockd startup failed
Nov 30 13:14:38 whbc nfslock: rpc.statd startup succeeded

Nov 30 13:14:39 whbc modprobe: modprobe: Can't open dependencies file
/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/modules.dep (No such file or directory)
Nov 30 13:14:39 whbc automount[408]:  mount: fs type autofs not supported
by kernel
Nov 30 13:14:39 whbc automount[408]: /misc: mount failed!
Nov 30 

Linux-Misc Digest #445

2000-12-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #445, Volume #26Sat, 2 Dec 00 12:13:02 EST

  Re: POS application? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Cannot telnet nor ftp to server ("Rick Goh")
  Re: Unknown Ethernet Packet (Francois Labreque)
  Streaming Windows Media (Bruce Varney)
  Re: linux upgrade suggestions? (John Hasler)
  Re: Gnome and KDE (Robert Kiesling)
  su (to root) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: E-mail client ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: hdparm and such (Dances With Crows)
  How to uninstall tar.gz's ("Flej Ling")
  printing utilities ("T. Kalaris")
  Re: su (to root) (Dances With Crows)
  Re: How to uninstall tar.gz's (Grigory Klyuchnikov)
  Re: printing utilities (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: E-mail client (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: Audio Devices Permissions (Jose Juan Iglesias)
  Re: Mapping Tab key in vi or vim (Steve D. Perkins)
  Re: su (to root) (John Wingate)
  test link bandwidth (Beggar)
  Which driver to use ("WME")
  wiretap users (maher abedib)
  bind: Address already in use ("Rick Goh")
  Re: linux upgrade suggestions? (Edward M. Collins)
  Re: help newbie with configuring squid ("Flej Ling")
  Newbie qu: assign variable ("Lion")
  Re: su (to root) (Thomas Zajic)

Subject: Re: POS application?
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 14:10:45 GMT

ag [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'm trying to find GPL POS software and am not having much luck.
 Any ideas or suggestions where I might look?  Thanks.

There hasn't been much in the way of _GPLed_ POS software; the sorts
of businesses that use such tend to be pretty conservative/"stuffy" in
outlook, and reluctant to participate in the "if I use this code, I
must share changes" ethic that the GPL mandates.

There are several POS packages under other sorts of licenses, mostly
under more traditional "commercial/proprietary" arrangements.  You
might look at the URL below to look for some such...

 If this post is off-topic for this NG, I apologise.

Not inappropriate...
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "")
E.V.A., pod 5, launching...


From: "Rick Goh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Cannot telnet nor ftp to server
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 22:19:21 +0800

I cannot telnet nor FTP to my server: linux kernel 2.2.17.
i am running IP MASQ (i wonder if this would affect).

Error msg:
"Connection closed by foreign host."

Note: Yes, i have inet started. i even started xinetd. But just can't work.

If have come across this same problem, please reply..



From: Francois Labreque [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Unknown Ethernet Packet
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 09:28:49 -0500

 ETHERNET: Destination address : 
 ETHERNET: Source address : 0201

Can't you locate the source mac?  Look at your switches' databases it
should tell you which port it came from.  Then "politely" ask the
offender to stop doing it.

Francois Labreque | It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion, it
flabreque | is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
@ | the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a   | warning, it is by caffeine alone I set my mind in
  | motion.
   - Stolen from Badger's .sig file


Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 09:48:06 -0500
From: Bruce Varney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Streaming Windows Media

Is it possible to play a Windows Media stream on a Linux box?



From: John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: linux upgrade suggestions?
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 13:58:38 GMT

rwex writes:
 Obviously with my past security issues, any safer kernels out there?

The kernel rarely has anything to do with security problems.  Most result
from improper configuration and most of the rest from running daemons with
known exploits (despite fixed versions being available).

 I am sure you are saying well if you want to be secure don't use X,...

I'm not.

 ...any suggestions?

BTW what's with this "issues" stuff?  What's wrong with the word "problem"?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


Subject: Re: Gnome and KDE
From: Robert Kiesling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 15:04:22 GMT

"Garry Knight" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Robert Kiesling"
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Robert Kiesling"
   I think you're all seriously missing the point here. X is a
   client/server GUI.
  I think the accuracy is justified, especially because X seemingly
  labels things backward from other systems.  I didn't quite infer that
  point the previous 

Linux-Misc Digest #446

2000-12-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #446, Volume #26Sat, 2 Dec 00 17:13:01 EST

  Re: Full screen PDF viewer (SKG) (Dave Blake)
  Re: POS application? (ag)
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: printing utilities ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Which driver to use? (HomerWelch)
  Booting with 576KB conventional RAM ...or less. (Juan)
  Volume very low after OSS installation (Yvan Gauthier)
  I need a good book on Sendmail ("Lamar Thomas")
  Splitting WAV-Files automatically (Stefan Bauch)
  Basic questions about gtk-XEmacs (Robert Morelli)
  Re: Can't ftp to Linux box from windows ftp client - SOLVED ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: I need a good book on Sendmail ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Booting with 576KB conventional RAM ...or less. ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: How to uninstall tar.gz's (David Efflandt)
  Re: Which driver to use ("chmod")
  Re: Problem with nfsd (Mark Post)
  Re: bind: Address already in use (Patrick Baer)
  Re: Newbie qu: assign variable (Patrick Baer)
  wine: How to set DOS environment vars? (eric)
  Re: Screen shots. (Gene Wilburn)
  Linux install doesn't see my new hard drive ("Beldar")

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Blake)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Full screen PDF viewer (SKG)
Date: 2 Dec 2000 16:11:37 GMT

Kyle Parfrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ghostview will display PDF much nicer than acroread, but won't print
 very well.

I have yet to find a pdf file that ghostscript 6.3 will not
handle, but that Acroread will. I don't doubt that they exist,
but ghostscript seems to have closed large gaps in its pdf
usage between 6.0 and 6.3. I hardly ever use acroread anymore
on machines that have gs 6.3 installed. 

Xpdf, on the other hand, still has its issues. 

Dave Blake


Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: POS application?
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 17:19:38 GMT

In article Fp7W5.29395$[EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 There hasn't been much in the way of _GPLed_ POS software; the sorts
 of businesses that use such tend to be pretty conservative/"stuffy" in
 outlook, and reluctant to participate in the "if I use this code, I
 must share changes" ethic that the GPL mandates.
 There are several POS packages under other sorts of licenses, mostly
 under more traditional "commercial/proprietary" arrangements.  You
 might look at the URL below to look for some such...

Ah - a truly excellent resource.  Thanks!


From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: passwd protect runlevel 1
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 19:15:10 +0100

Eric en Jolanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
   2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
   3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
   4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
   5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
   # ptb 15/5/00 puts up tty6 only in single user mode, for root login
   6:12:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6
   # ptb 15/5/00 removes all except tty6

 I did this now, and I have some questions that maybe you could answer?
 Whenever I drop to runlevel 1, I get dropped to the shell (I still have bash
 as root shell, maybe I'll restrict that too) When I now run tty, I find that
 I am at /dev/console instead of tty6. I suppose this is normal behaviour,
 but I expected to find myself in tty6. Why is this?

It'll be a function of your init scripts. I can't tell without looking.
You need to read the manual for your init and find out what it does on
a change of runlevel, then read the indicated scripts.

 And is there a way to passwd protect runlevel 1 too? I tried sulogin instead

Again, it's up to your init scripts.



From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: printing utilities
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 19:19:00 +0100

Robert Kiesling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 "T. Kalaris" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In the DOS world I used to use a print utility called 4print (or 4prnt?)
 which would print an ASCII file sideways on a sheet of paper with two pages
 of text side-by-side.  The printer I used was an HP LaserJet.  Anyway, does
 such a utility exist in the Linux/unix world?

 There are several in the psutils package.  Ghostscript and a2ps
 can provide the Postscript conversion.

enscript is the other well known one.

I prefered a2ps, or used to before it tried to become everything to all



From: HomerWelch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Which driver to use?
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 18:53:23 GMT

WME wrote:
 Which driver should I use for the DLink  DFE-530 TX.
 I tried enabling  rtl8139 and the 'via rhine' in the /etc/rc.d/rc.module
 file, but no luck.
 Slackware 7

Linux-Misc Digest #447

2000-12-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #447, Volume #26Sat, 2 Dec 00 20:13:02 EST

  Re: How to uninstall tar.gz's (Paul Kimoto)
  Is Sendmail working? ("Lamar Thomas")
  Re: Is Sendmail working? (Simon Kristensen)
  Re: Splitting WAV-Files automatically (PoD)
  Re: email security (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Jos=E9_Luis_Domingo_L=F3pez?=)
  Re: Is Sendmail working? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Is Sendmail working? ("Lamar Thomas")
  help with printtool ("busware")
  Re: email security ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Gnome and KDE ("Garry Knight")
  Re: How to uninstall tar.gz's ("Garry Knight")
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... (Ron Grigg)
  Re: E-mail client ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  looking for video capture card for linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  boot disk?  Re: How should I install Linux and Win2K (dual boot) ("HOMZ")
  Re: help with printtool (Prasanth A. Kumar)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: How to uninstall tar.gz's
Date: 2 Dec 2000 17:47:54 -0500

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Efflandt wrote:
 And a well written program will also have 'make uninstall' to remove the
 files it installed outside of the install dir (binaries, manpages, etc.).  

Some common programs just punt, though.  The GCC documentation says:

:Please note that GCC does not support `make uninstall` and probably
:won't do so in the near future as this would open a can of worms.
:Instead, we suggest that you install GCC into a directory of its own
:and simply remove that directory when you do not need that specific
:version of GCC any longer.

Paul Kimoto
This message was originally posted on Usenet in plain text.  Any images, 
hyperlinks, or the like shown here have been added without my consent,
and may be a violation of international copyright law.


From: "Lamar Thomas" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Is Sendmail working?
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 23:00:54 GMT

I am new to Linux and had a question about sendmail.  I am running RH Linux
6.2 and did a custom complete install.  When my system boots up I see the
"Sendmail" service start up as [OK].  I have a domain name (
and an MX record in a DNS server.  I can receive mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
can send e-mail out to anyone I want.  Does this mean that "Sendmail" is

If so, how would I pull my mail down via POP3 from another system over the
Internet?  Thanks for your help.



From: Simon Kristensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Is Sendmail working?
Date: 03 Dec 2000 00:09:28 +0100

"Lamar Thomas" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am new to Linux and had a question about sendmail.  I am running RH Linux
 6.2 and did a custom complete install.  When my system boots up I see the
 "Sendmail" service start up as [OK].  I have a domain name (
 and an MX record in a DNS server.  I can receive mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
 can send e-mail out to anyone I want.  Does this mean that "Sendmail" is

It would certainly appear to work.

 If so, how would I pull my mail down via POP3 from another system over the
 Internet?  Thanks for your help.

fetchmail is your friend. It can be configured to do just that in
absolutely no time.



The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who 
make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the
mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the
spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.  -- St. Augustin


Subject: Re: Splitting WAV-Files automatically
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:44:54 +1030

Stefan Bauch wrote:
 I was wondering if there is a tool to cut WAV-Files at breaks
 so that I can record a complete LP or audio-cassette and then splitt it
 without recording each single track (for conversion to MP3's...)
 Any hints would be appreciated.
 Thank you,

you could try gramofile
I haven't tried it but it looks cool.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Jos=E9_Luis_Domingo_L=F3pez?=)
Subject: Re: email security
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 16:34:03 +

El día Thu, 30 Nov 2000 12:43:41 GMT,
 I am making a presentation on open source email security. The scope of
 the presentation is overview of how email works and security risks and
 prevention. Now i need some material like case studies, graphs,
 statistics, email server usage statistics, some diagrams etc. on email
 security. Can anybody 

Linux-Misc Digest #448

2000-12-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #448, Volume #26Sat, 2 Dec 00 22:13:02 EST

  Re: linux upgrade suggestions? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: boot disk?  Re: How should I install Linux and Win2K (dual boot) (Dances With 
  Re: Is Sendmail working? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Netscape 6.0 with SuSE 7.0? (Steve)
  Re: test link bandwidth (Ed Allen)
  IBM graphical characters (Dennis J Perkins)
  Re: sniffer like c code (Young4ert)
  Exchange Server / Linux VPN ("ACBLMB")
  Re: Frame Buffering and Red Hat 7.0 (nope)
  Exchange Server / Linux VPN ("ACBLMB")
  Re: looking for video capture card for linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Is Sendmail working? (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Is Sendmail working? (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Database in Redhat Linux (Victor Wagner)

Subject: Re: linux upgrade suggestions?
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 00:56:22 GMT

Thanks for the infoMy machine is a home box and I have dsl with
static ips so it is always online.  I got hacked last week and the
hacker was somehow able to change my root password.  I booted to run
level 1 changed it, and i can log in as root with the changed password
now but i can't su to root--it says incorrect password.  SO i think
there could be any number of trojans or whatever on my system.  SO i
feel i need to do a reinstall to be safe.
   THe machine is used as a home server, i run dns and a mail server,
apache, and an ftp server on it.  I use it to develop with and also
to trade music.  I have thought about putting a box in front of it to
function as the firewall alone but i don't really have one. I have
several windows boxes running on the internal net off that computer too
so i have a little home network and all.  I was toying with the idea of
trying Suse or Mandrake, but I am #1 familiar with the red hat
distribution and i know it supports all the stuff i have so i am a
little hesitant to change.  Do you think I could make the redhat
6.2distribution as secure as these other ones?  Do you think the Suse or
mandrake are more solid or about the same?  I heard 7.0 is a mess too,
so i was going to stick with 6.2, but i heard some new versions of kde
and gnome have come out and do you know if i can install ad where i get
them to a red hat 6.2 box?

In article YN9W5.5168$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Edward M. Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't see the problem in running Redhat 6.2, 7.0 might be more
 it can be made quite secure. There is a hardening script called
Bastille Linux that you might want to check out.  There are
also a
 number of other security tools for Linux to consider, go to or and do a search.

 No Linux disribution is secure out of the box, but some e.g. SuSE and
 include hardening scripts that can be set when you do your install,
 even after the install, but most people recommend that a system be
 before it is hooked up to a network.And Slackware is considered pretty
easy to
 secure as it tends to have fewer services enabled by default.

 Do you have a full time internet connexion? If so you might also
consider a
 firewall box.

 And, what are you using the computer for? A server, general purppose
home pc,
 game amachine, or networked workstation? That pretty much determines
what kind
 of services you want to be running. You probably don't want or need X
on most
 server boxes but you can hardly play Railroad Tycoon or do most office
 photo editing ,and web browsing without it. Generally you don't want
to install
 software and services you don't plan to use. I had my system, Mandrake
7.0 at
 the time, hacked through a dial-up, because the default install
allowed dial-in
 connexions, something I never use. I changed that immediately of

 Also check out for more
info.and make
 sure that you subscribe to the security update mailing list of
whatever distro



  Ok I am preparing to do a freshy install of linux, I am forced into
  after having some uh "security problems".  ANyways I have a dually
  pentium 3, with ultra lvd scsi 2, 256 megs of memory, etc.
  So in the past I was running a distribution of RedHat 6.2, with
  X-Windows and using gnome.
 My question is would anyone have any recommend me upgrading to a
  different linux version, distribution, etc Are than any other
  new/different GUIs recommended ?  Obviously with my past
  issues, any safer kernels out there? I am sure you are saying well
  you want to be secure don't use X, but well I like X so give me a
  break..any suggestions?
  Sent via
  Before you buy.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)

Linux-Misc Digest #449

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #449, Volume #26Sun, 3 Dec 00 04:13:03 EST

  Re: network slow in linux, fast in win... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  RedHat, Compaq Proliant 4500R,  NCR53C825 EISA (Neil Cherry)
  differences between mandrake and redhat ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Frame Buffering and Red Hat 7.0 (Dances With Crows)
  Re: looking for video capture card for linux (C. L. Lewis)
  Free ISP for Linux - found? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: IBM graphical characters (Ed Allen)
  Re: IBM graphical characters (Dennis J Perkins)
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 ("William Pelish")
  j2sdk1.3 - jdb doesn't work ("mmnnoo")
  Re: Netscape 6.0 with SuSE 7.0? ("muzh")
  Re: Gnome and KDE (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: Netscape 6.0 with SuSE 7.0? (Matt Haley)
  Re: Why PostgreSQL is not that popular as MySQL? (Mike Kenney)
  Re: printing utilities (fred smith)
  Login fail (preprepre)
  Re: Login fail (Robert Kiesling)

Subject: Re: network slow in linux, fast in win...
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 19:59:07 GMT

bill davidsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

: | Hmm... No... But... :-)
: | Since upgrading all machines on my home lan (4) to the 2.2 kernel 
: | series I have problems with a laptop using an DLINK 620 pocket 
: | adapter.
: | 
: | Very slow (about 10% of what it used to be) with ftp and html.
: | 
:   I would check two things. First, that /proc/interupts shows the
: interupt for the NIC, and second that after running for a while the
: count for that irq has gone up in some relation to N x num_packets. I
: would be fairly secure in saying that one very common cause of this type
: of problem is lost interupts. Check the card with ifconfig and be sure
: it isn't getting a bunch of errors, too.

Bill, thanks a lot for your suggestion. You are exactly right. It seems
like it's in fact loosing interrupts. Quite a few. About 30 to 40 % of them.

However ifconfig shows *no* errors.
So now the questions are; why is this happening and, more important,
what can I do to fix it?

Best Regards,

Microsoft is NOT the answer. Microsoft is the Question.
The answer is: "NO!"
Friedhelm Mehnert,  Berliner Allee 42,  22850 Norderstedt,  Germany
phone + fax: +49-40-5236562email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Cherry)
Subject: RedHat, Compaq Proliant 4500R,  NCR53C825 EISA
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 03:22:55 GMT

I have a nice Compaq Proliant 4500R (EISA box), 3 PII/133, 128M ram,
1G SCSI disk. I can get RedHat to boot from the floppy and try to
install. But when it comes time to select the SCSI device it can't
find anything! The CDROM is good as it is needed to boot and
initialize the machine the first time you set it up.

So how do I create a RedHat 6.2 driver disk? What driver do I use (I
tried the SYM/NCR53C8xx)? Any suggestions? I've tried the Compaq site
and it doesn't say the 4500R/4500 is supported.

Linux Home Automation   Neil Cherry [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Text only)   (Graphics) (SourceForge)


Subject: differences between mandrake and redhat
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 03:42:43 GMT

Is there a site or thread somewhere that thoroughly contrasts redhat
and mandrake?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Frame Buffering and Red Hat 7.0
Date: 3 Dec 2000 03:58:06 GMT

On 2 Dec 2000 20:18:28 -0600, nope staggered into the Black Sun and said:

The framebuffer HOWTO I looked at notes ATI cards are a problem because the
developer(s) didn't have ready access to them. Ergo, that's at least a good
reason from the start to know there should be consideration for keeping the
kernel hooks in place for some minimal "obsolete" video/X functions.

I couldn't agree more, I have an ATI AllInWonderPro and fortunatly
Mandrake and redhat 6.2 support it but only barely, for ever I feel the
biggest pain in the ass with xserver setups is the lack of a bare bones
generic 16 color driver that fits all similar to the way windows 98
sets up, it will run any card in 16 color mode and at least get you to
your desktop for further tweaks.

Were you looking for the XVGA_16 X-server, perhaps?  That sucker should
work with every card that is backwards-combatible with the old standard
VGA cards.   XF86Setup and SaX use that particular server for graphical
setup routines.  A problem is that some SiS and other cards 

Linux-Misc Digest #450

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #450, Volume #26Sun, 3 Dec 00 05:13:02 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 1 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 1 of 6)
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:16:53 GMT

Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers

This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions for Linux, the free
operating system kernel that runs on many modern computer systems. The
kernel source code documentation says that Linux "aims for POSIX
compliance." Linux uses mostly free, GNU system utilities and
application software, although commercial programs are available also.
Originally written for 386/486/586 Intel/ISA bus machines, Linux
versions exist for nearly every hardware platform in existence that is
capable of running it. (Please refer to the question, "What Is Linux?"
below.) This FAQ is meant to be read in conjunction with the Linux
Documentation Project's HOWTO series. ("Where Can I Get Linux Material
by FTP?" and, "Where Can I Get the HOWTO's and Other Documentation?")
The INFO-SHEET and META-FAQ also list sources of Linux information.
Please read them, and, "You Still Haven't Answered My Question!"
before posting to a Usenet news group. You can also get Postscript,
HTML, and SGML versions of this document. ("Formats in Which This FAQ
Is Available.")

1. Introduction and General Information
 1.1. What Is Linux?
 1.2. Where Do I Start?
 1.3. What Software Does Linux Support?
 1.4. Where Can I Find Application XXX? (Was: Has Anyone
 Ported/Compiled/Written XXX for Linux?)
 1.5. Does Linux Run on My Computer? What Hardware Is Supported?
 1.6. What Ports to Other Processors Are There?
 1.7. How Much Hard Disk Space Does Linux Need?
 1.8. How Much Memory Does Linux Need?
 1.9. How Much Memory Can Linux Use?
 1.10. Does Linux Support Universal System Bus Devices?
 1.11. Is Linux Public Domain? Copyrighted?
 1.12. Is Linux *nix?
2. Topics of Current Interest.
 2.1. Should I Use the Red Hat 7.0 kgcc compiler?
 2.2. What Resources Are There for Linux DeCSS and Other Open
 Source DVD Software?
 2.3. Where Is Information About Electronic Privacy Laws that
 Affect ISP's?
 2.4. How Is the DocBook Version of the FAQ Produced?
3. Network Sources and Resources
 3.1. Where Can I Get the Latest Kernel Version?
 3.2. Where Can I Get the HOWTO's and Other Documentation?
 3.3. Where Should I Look on the World Wide Web for Linux Stuff?
 3.4. What News Groups Are There for Linux?
 3.5. What Other FAQ's Are There for Linux?
 3.6. Where Can I Get Linux Material by FTP?
 3.7. I Don't Have FTP Access. Where Do I Get Linux?
 3.8. I Don't Have Usenet Access. Where Do I Get Information?
 3.9. What Mailing Lists Are There?
 3.10. Where Are Linux Legal Issues Discussed?
 3.11. Where Can I Find Out About Unmaintained Free Software?
 3.12. Are the News Groups Archived Anywhere?
 3.13. Where Can I Find Out About Security Related Issues?
 3.14. Where Can I Find Linux System Specifications?
4. Compatibility with Other Operating Systems
 4.1. Can Linux Share My Disk with DOS? OS/2? 386BSD? Win95?
 4.2. How Do I Access Files on My DOS Partition or Floppy?
 4.3. Does Linux Support Compressed Ext2 File Systems?
 4.4. Can I Use My Stacked/DBLSPC/Etc. DOS Drive?
 4.5. Can I Access OS/2 HPFS Partitions from Linux?
 4.6. Can Linux Access Amiga File Systems?
 4.7. Can Linux Access BSD, SysV, Etc. UFS?
 4.8. Can Linux Access SMB File Systems?
 4.9. Can Linux Access Macintosh File Systems?
 4.10. Can I Run Microsoft Windows Programs under Linux?
 4.11. Where Can I Get Information about NFS Compatibility?
 4.12. Can I Use True Type Fonts with Linux?
 4.13. How Can I Boot Linux from MS-DOS?
 4.14. How Can I Boot Linux from OS/2's Boot Manager?
5. File Systems, Disks, and Drives
 5.1. How Can I Get Linux to Work with My Disk?
 5.2. How Can I Undelete Files?
 5.3. How Do I Make Backups?
 5.4. How Do I Resize a Partition (Non-Destructively)?
 5.5. Is There a Defragmenter for Ext2fs, Etc.?
 5.6. How Do I Format and Create a File System on a Floppy?
 5.7. Does Linux Support Virtualized File Systems Like RAID?
 5.8. Does Linux Support File System Encryption?
 5.9. I Get Nasty Messages about Inodes, Blocks, and the Like.
 5.10. My Swap Area Isn't Working.
 5.11. How Do I Add Temporary Swap Space?
 5.12. How Do I Remove LILO So My System Boots DOS Again?
 5.13. Why Can't I Use fdformat Except as Root?

Linux-Misc Digest #451

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #451, Volume #26Sun, 3 Dec 00 05:13:02 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 2 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 2 of 6)
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:17:23 GMT

3.2. Where Can I Get the HOWTO's and Other Documentation?

Look in the following places, and the sites that mirror them.


For a list of Linux FTP sites, refer to the answer for: "Where Can I
Get Linux Material by FTP?"

If you don't have access to FTP, try the FTP-by-mail servers:

A complete list of HOWTO's is available in the file HOWTO-INDEX at The
mini-HOWTO's are indexed at

In addition, translations are available from and mirrors
worldwide. The HOWTO's and other documentation have been translated
into the following languages:

Chinese (Big5) (zh)   Croatian (hr)French (fr)
German (deHellenic (el)Indonesian (id)
Italian (it)  Japanese (ja)Korean (ko)
Polish (pl)   Slovenian (sl)   Spanish (es)
Swedish (sv)  Turkish (tr)

Additional documents are always in preparation. Please get in touch
with the coordinators if you are interested in writing one. Contact
and submission information is at

There is also a LDP HOWTO page at

The Guide Series produced by the Linux Documentation Project is
available from Please read them if you are
new to Unix and Linux.

The Linux Mobile Guide is an expanded version of the
Linux-Laptop-HOWTO. The URL is:

And, of course, a number of people have written documentation
independently of the LDP:

  * Linux Administrators Security Guide, by Kurt Seifried.
  * Newbie's Linux Manual.
  * One-Page Linux Manual.
  * Short beginners' manual for Linux. Also available in Dutch.
  * Virtual Frame buffer HOWTO, by Alex Buell.
  * X11  TrueType Fonts, by Peter Kleiweg.

Documentation for kernel developers is on-line:

To find out about Linux memory management, including performance
tuning, see Rik van Riel's Web page at

The Linux Consultants HOWTO has a directory of Linux consultants at

Gary's Encyclopedia lists over 4,000 Linux related links. Its URL is

There is also a FAQ specifically for the Red Hat Linux distribution,

And the Home Page of this FAQ is

3.3. Where Should I Look on the World Wide Web for Linux Stuff?

In addition to the Linux Documentation Project Home Page:, there are many pages that provide beginning
and advanced information about Linux.

These two pages provide a good starting point for general Linux
information: Linux International's Home Page, at,
and the Linux Online's Linux Home Page at

Both of these pages provide links to other sites, information about
general information, distributions, new software, documentation, and

Documentation for kernel developers is on-line:

The tutorial, Unix is a Four Letter Word..., is located at It is a general introduction
to Unix operating systems and is not Linux specific.

Additionally, here is a certainly incomplete list of Web pages devoted
to Linux:

  * Adventures in Linux Programming:
  * Dave Central Linux Software Archive:
  * debianHELP
  * Erlug Webzine (Italian):
  * Free Unix Giveaway List:
Lists offers of free Linux CDs. Also available via E-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with the Subject: send giveaway_list.
  * Information on Linux in corporate environments:
  * Jeanette Russo's Linux Newbie 

Linux-Misc Digest #455

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #455, Volume #26Sun, 3 Dec 00 05:13:02 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 6 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 6 of 6)
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:19:24 GMT

   $ TERM="xterm"; export TERM

10.3. INET: Warning: old style ioctl... called!

You are trying to use the old network configuration utilities. The new
ones can be found on (source only,
I'm afraid).

Note that they cannot be used just like the old-style programs. See
the NET-2 HOWTO for instructions on how to set up the old-style
networking programs correctly. Even better, see the NET-3 HOWTO and
upgrade your networking software.

10.4. ld: unrecognized option '-m486'

You have an old version of ld. Install a newer binutils package that
contains an updated ld. Look on in
/pub/linux/packages/GCC/ for binutils-

10.5. GCC Says, "Internal compiler error."

If the fault is repeatable (i.e., it always happens at the same place
in the same file--even after rebooting and trying again, using a
stable kernel) you have discovered a bug in GCC. See the GCC Info
documentation (type F1-i in Emacs, and select GCC from the menu) for
details on how to report the error. Make sure you have the latest
version, though.

Note that this is probably not a Linux-specific problem. Unless you
are compiling a program many other Linux users also compile, you
should not post your bug report to any of the comp.os.linux groups.

If the problem is not repeatable, you may be experiencing memory
corruption. Refer to the answer: ("Make Says, "Error 139."")

10.6. Make Says, "Error 139."

Your compiler (GCC) dumped core. You probably have a corrupted, buggy,
or old version of GCC--get the latest release or EGCS. Alternatively,
you may be running out of swap space. Refer to: ("My Machine Runs Very
Slowly when I Run GCC / X / ...")

If this doesn't fix the problem, you are probably having problems with
memory or disk corruption. Check that the clock rate, wait states, and
refresh timing for your SIMMS and cache are correct (hardware manuals
are sometimes wrong, too). If so, you may have some marginal SIMMS, or
a faulty motherboard or hard disk or controller.

Linux is a very good memory tester--much better than MS-DOS based
memory test programs.

Reportedly, some clone x87 math coprocessors can cause problems. Try
compiling a kernel with math emulation ("How Do I Upgrade/Recompile My
Kernel?") no387 kernel command line flag on the LILO prompt to force
the kernel to use math emulation, or it may be able to work and still
use the '387, with the math emulation compiled in but mainly unused.

More information about this problem is available on the Web at

10.7. Shell-Init: Permission Denied when I Log In.

Your root directory and all the directories up to your home directory
must be readable and executable by everybody. See the manual page for
chmod or a book on Unix for how to fix the problem.

10.8. No Utmp Entry. You Must Exec ... when Logging In.

Your /var/run/utmp is screwed up. You should have


in your /etc/rc.local or /etc/rc.d/*. See, ("I Have Screwed Up My
System and Can't Log In to Fix It.") Note that the utmp may also be
found in /var/adm/ or /etc/ on some older systems.

10.9. Warning--bdflush Not Running.

Modern kernels use a better strategy for writing cached disk blocks.
In addition to the kernel changes, this involves replacing the old
update program which used to write everything every 30 seconds with a
more subtle daemon (actually a pair), known as bdflush. Get
bdflush-n.n.tar.gz from the same place as the kernel source code ("How
Do I Upgrade/Recompile My Kernel?") and compile and install it.
bdflush should be started before the usual boot-time file system
checks. It will work fine with older kernels as well, so there's no
need to keep the old update around.

10.10. Warning: obsolete routing request made.

This is nothing to worry about. The message means that your version
route is a little out of date, compared to the kernel. You can make
the message go away by getting a new version of route from the same
place as the kernel source code. ("How Do I Upgrade/Recompile My

10.11. EXT2-fs: warning: mounting unchecked file system.

You need to run e2fsck (or fsck -t ext2 if you have the fsck front end
program) with the -a option to get it to clear the "dirty" flag, and
then cleanly unmount the partition during each shutdown.

The easiest way to do this is to get the latest fsck, umount, and
shutdown commands, available in Rik Faith's util-linux package ("Where
Can I Get Linux Material by FTP?") You have to make sure that your

Linux-Misc Digest #453

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #453, Volume #26Sun, 3 Dec 00 05:13:02 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 4 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 4 of 6)
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:18:22 GMT

# Replacement entry:
ftp stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/local/sbin/ftpd -l

The replacement daemon will become effective after rebooting or
sending (as root) a SIGHUP to inetd, e.g.:

# kill -HUP inetd

7.2. Free Dumps Core.

In Linux 1.3.57 and later, the format of /proc/meminfo was changed in
a way that the implementation of free doesn't understand. Get the
latest version, from, in

7.3. Netscape Crashes Frequently

Netscape shouldn't crash, if it and the network are properly
configured. Some things to check:

  * Make sure that the MOZILLA_HOME environment variable is correctly
set. If you installed Netscape under /usr/local/netscape/, for
example, that should be the value of MOZILLA_HOME. Set it from the
command line (e.g, "export MOZILLA_HOME="/usr/local/netscape""
under bash or add it to one your personal or system initialization
files. Refer to the manual page for your shell for details.
  * If you have a brand-new version of Netscape, try a previous
version, in case the run-time libraries are slightly incompatible.
For example, if Netscape version 4.75 is installed (type "netscape
--version" at the shell prompt), try installing version 4.7. All
versions are archived at
  * Netscape uses its own Motif and Java Runtime Environment
libraries. If a separate version of either is installed on your
system, ensure that they aren't interfering with Netscape's
libraries; e.g., by un-installing them.
  * Make sure that Netscape can connect to its default name servers.
The program will appear to freeze and time out after several
minutes if it can't. This indicates a problem with the system's
Internet connection; likely, the system can't connect to other
sites, either.

7.4. FTP or Telnet Server Won't Allow Logins.

This applies to server daemons that respond to clients, but don't
allow logins. On new systems that have Pluggable Authentication
Modules installed, look for a file named, "ftp," or "telnet," in the
directory /etc/pam/ or /etc/pam.d/. If the corresponding
authentication file doesn't exist, the instructions for configuring
FTP and Telnet authentication and other PAM configuration, should be
in /usr/doc/pam-version.

If it's an FTP server on an older system, make sure that the account
exists in /etc/passwd, especially "anonymous."

This type of problem may also be caused a failure to resolve the host
addresses properly, especially if using Reverse Address Resolution
Protocol (RARP). The simple answer to this is to list all relevant
host names and IP addresses in the /etc/hosts files on each machine. (
Refer to the example /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf files in: "How Do
I Prevent Sendmail from Pausing for Up to a Minute at Each Command?.")
If the network has an internal DNS, make sure that each host can
resolve network addresses using it.

If the host machine doesn't respond to FTP or Telnet clients at all,
then the server daemon is not installed correctly, or at all. Refer to
the manual pages: inetd, inetd.conf, ftpd, and telnetd.

7.5. How Do I Keep Track of All My Bookmarks in Netscape?

This probably applies to most other browsers, too. In the
Preferences/Navigator menu, set your home page to Netscape's
bookmarks.html file, which is located in the .netscape (with a leading
period) subdirectory. For example, if your login name is "smith," set
the home page to:


Setting up your personal home page like this will present you with a
nicely formatted (albeit possibly long) page of bookmarks when
Netscape starts. And the file is automatically updated whenever you
add, delete, or visit a bookmarked site.

7.6. The Computer Has the Wrong Time.

There are two clocks in your computer. The hardware (CMOS) clock runs
even when the computer is turned off, and is used when the system
starts up and by DOS (if you use DOS). The ordinary system time, shown
and set by date, is maintained by the kernel while Linux is running.

You can display the CMOS clock time, or set either clock from the
other, with /sbin/clock (now called hwclock in many distributions).
Refer to: man 8 clock or man 8 hwclock.

There are various other programs that can correct either or both
clocks for system drift or transfer time across the network. Some of
them may already be installed on your system. Try looking for adjtimex
(corrects for drift), netdate, and getdate (get the time from the

Linux-Misc Digest #454

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #454, Volume #26Sun, 3 Dec 00 05:13:02 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 5 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 5 of 6)
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:18:52 GMT

This change will take effect immediately--try date.

If the system uses Red Hat-style configuration files, the respective
time zone info files are /usr/share/zoneinfo and /etc/localtime.

The manual pages for tzset or tzselect describe setting the time zone.
Some programs recognize the "TZ" environment variable, but this is not

You should also make sure that your Linux kernel clock is set to the
correct GMT time. Type date -u and check that the correct UTC time is
displayed. ("The Computer Has the Wrong Time.")

8.10. How Do I Get Dial-up PPP to Work?

This information is mainly for people who do not have a wrapper
utility like kppp or pppconfig, or are not able to get those utilities
to work correctly. If you need to manually configure PPP to dial in to
your ISP, you will need the following information:

  * The port that your modem is connected to: /dev/ttyS0-/dev/ttyS3,
which correspond to COM1-COM4 under MS-DOS.
  * The phone number of your ISP's data connection.
  * The user name and password that your ISP gave you.
  * The IP addresses of the primary and possibly secondary Domain Name
Service that you will use when dialing in to the ISP. This assumes
that you will not be using a DNS that you installed on your

When you have all of this information, make sure that the programs
pppd and chat, at the very minimum, are installed correctly. In most
current distributions, they are installed in the /usr/sbin/ directory,
and you will need to be logged in as root to use them. In addition,
the following programs are also useful for configuring network
connections, determining network status, and diagnosing problems:
/sbin/ifconfig, /sbin/route, /bin/ping, /usr/sbin/traceroute.

These are the basic steps that you need to follow to configure PPP.
You must be logged in as root.

  * Make sure that the serial port and modem are operating correctly.
Using a program like minicomm or kermit, you should be able to
send AT commands to the modem and receive the OK string in
response from the modem.
  * Enter the primary and possibly secondary Domain Name Server IP
addresses in the /etc/resolv.conf file, using dotted quad
notation, with the nameserver label. For example:

order hosts,bind

The nameserver addresses in the example above are examples only.
They don't correspond to actual network hosts.
The first line, order hosts,bind, tells your networking software,
when it resolves network domain addresses, to first look in the
/etc/hosts file, and then use the bind service; i.e., the DNS
servers, which are specified on the lines that begin with
  * Locate the chat script that PPP will use to dial the modem and
connect to your ISP. In many systems, this is either in the
/etc/chatscripts or /etc/ppp directory, and will be called
provider or something similar. You can store a chat script
anywhere, provided that you tell pppd to use it rather than the
default script. Refer to the chat and pppd manual pages, and the
information below, for details. Here is a sample chat script:

""   ATDTyour_isp's_phone_number
ogin your_user_name
word your_password

This is a chat program for a simple, script based login. The chat
program uses the pair of strings on each line as a match/response
pair. When it starts, it sends the string
"ATDTyour_isp's_phone_number," where you have substituted the
actual phone number of course. It then waits for the string ogin
(a substring of the word login) and sends your user name. It then
waits for word (a substring of password) and sends your password.
If your ISP uses a different login and password prompts, and any
additional prompts, you will need to edit the script accordingly.
Again, refer to the chat manual page for details.
If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP authentication, you will need to edit
the pap-secrets or chap-secrets files in /etc/ppp directory as
well. Refer to the manual pages for these files, as well as the
instruction in the files themselves.
  * The configuration of pppd, the program that maintains the actual
connection, is usually contained in two or three separate files.
The first is usually /etc/ppp/options, which contains options that
all of your system's PPP 

Linux-Misc Digest #452

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #452, Volume #26Sun, 3 Dec 00 05:13:02 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 3 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 3 of 6)
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:17:51 GMT

You can also compile True Type Font support into your X server
directly. Again, refer to the xfsft Home Page for details.

4.13. How Can I Boot Linux from MS-DOS?

If LILO doesn't work, and if the machine has MS-DOS or Microsoft
Windows, you may be left with a computer that won't boot. This can
also happen on an upgrade to your Linux distribution. Re-installing
LILO is the last thing that the installation does. So it is vitally
important when installing or upgrading Linux on a dual boot machine,
to have a MS-DOS or Windows rescue disk nearby so you can FDISK -MBR.
Then you can go about using LOADLIN.EXE instead of LILO.

This config.sys file is one possible way to invoke LOADLIN.EXE and
boot MS-DOS or Linux.

menuitem=DOS, Dos Boot
menuitem=LINUX, Linux Boot

shell=c:\redhat\loadlin.exe c:\redhat\autoboot\vmlinuz vga=5 root=/dev

STACKS = 0,0
rem all the other DOS drivers get loaded here.

This creates a menu where you can directly jump to LOADLIN.EXE before
all of the MS-DOS drivers get loaded.

The paths and options are peculiar to one machine and should be
intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. See the LOADLIN.EXE
docs for options. They are the same as LILO, and options are just
passed to the kernel, anyhow.

[Jim Harvey]

4.14. How Can I Boot Linux from OS/2's Boot Manager?

 1. Create a partition using OS/2's FDISK.EXE (Not Linux's fdisk).
 2. Format the partition under OS/2, either with FAT or HPFS. This is
so that OS/2 knows about the partition being formatted. (This step
is not necessary with OS/2 `warp' 3.0.)
 3. Add the partition to the Boot Manager.
 4. Boot Linux, and create a file system on the partition using mkfs
-t ext2 or mke2fs. At this point you may, if you like, use Linux's
fdisk to change the code of the new partition to type 83 (Linux
Native)--this may help some automated installation scripts find
the right partition to use.
 5. Install Linux on the partition.
 6. Install LILO on the Linux partition--NOT on the master boot record
of the hard drive. This installs LILO as a second-stage boot
loader on the Linux partition itself, to start up the kernel
specified in the LILO configuration file. To do this, you should

boot = /dev/hda2

(where /dev/hda2 is the partition you want to boot from) in your
/etc/lilo/config or /etc/lilo.config file.
 7. Make sure that it is the Boot Manager partition that is marked
active, so that you can use Boot Manager to choose what to boot.

There is a set of HOWTO's on the subject of multi-boot systems at the
LDP Home Page,

5. File Systems, Disks, and Drives

5.1. How Can I Get Linux to Work with My Disk?

If your disk is an IDE or EIDE drive, you should read the file
/usr/src/linux/drivers/block/README.ide (part of the Linux kernel
source code). This README contains many helpful hints about IDE
drives. Many modern IDE controllers do translation between `physical'
cylinders/heads/sectors, and `logical' ones.

SCSI disks are accessed by linear block numbers. The BIOS invents some
`logical' cylinder/head/sector fiction to support DOS.

An IBM PC-compatible BIOS will usually not be able to access
partitions which extend beyond 1024 logical cylinders, and will make
booting a Linux kernel from such partitions using LILO problematic at

You can still use such partitions for Linux or other operating systems
that access the controller directly.

It's recommend that you create at least one Linux partition entirely
under the 1024 logical cylinder limit, and boot from that. The other
partitions will then be okay.

Also there seems to be a bit of trouble with the newer Ultra-DMA
drives. I haven't gotten the straight scoop on them--but they are
becoming a very common problem at the SVLUG installfests. When you can
get 8 to 12 Gig drives for $200 to $300 it's no wonder.

[Jim Dennis]

5.2. How Can I Undelete Files?

In general, this is very hard to do on unices because of their
multitasking nature. Undelete functionality for the ext2fs file system
is being worked on, but don't hold your breath.

There are a number of packages available which instead provide new
commands for deleting and copying which move deleted files into a
`wastebasket' directory. The files can be recovered until cleaned out
automatically by background processing.

Alternatively, you can search the raw disk device which holds the file
system in question. This is hard work, and you will need to be logged
in as root to do this. But 

Linux-Misc Digest #456

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #456, Volume #26Sun, 3 Dec 00 11:13:01 EST

  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Eric en Jolanda")
  cache misses: I need to count it on Pentium II (tito)
  Re: IBM graphical characters (Ed Allen)
  vixie-cron bug (inode timestamps) (Michael Jenner)
  Problems with Sis 530 and Xfree 4.0.1 (Wuilbert Jaramillo)
  Re: I need a good book on Sendmail (Avinash Meetoo)
  how to undelete files on ext2 (Alex Fitterling)
  Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines??? ("Rick Goh")
  Re: FSCK renaming Windows directory ("Nerd")
  Re: Login fail (Patrick Baer)
  Re: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines??? ("Dave Bush")
  Re: Mouse is jumpy in X (Sepith)
  Re: I need a good book on Sendmail (Frederic Faure)
  KDE defaults :: change! (Kyle Parfrey)
  Re: /etc/fielsystems versus /proc/filesystems (Villy Kruse)
  Re: bind: Address already in use (Villy Kruse)
  Re: I need a good book on Sendmail (Steven Lembark)
  Re: how to undelete files on ext2 (Wolfgang Denk)

From: "Eric en Jolanda" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: passwd protect runlevel 1
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 10:09:01 +0100

  I did this now, and I have some questions that maybe you could answer?
  Whenever I drop to runlevel 1, I get dropped to the shell (I still have
  as root shell, maybe I'll restrict that too) When I now run tty, I find
  I am at /dev/console instead of tty6. I suppose this is normal
  but I expected to find myself in tty6. Why is this?

 It'll be a function of your init scripts. I can't tell without looking.
 You need to read the manual for your init and find out what it does on
 a change of runlevel, then read the indicated scripts.

  And is there a way to passwd protect runlevel 1 too? I tried sulogin

 Again, it's up to your init scripts.

Alright, thanks for the hint. I assumed all that was needed would be in
inittab,  but I'll look some further.



Subject: cache misses: I need to count it on Pentium II
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:55:56 GMT

Hello people.
I need to count the cache misses on a Pentium II under Linux. I must use
the Pentium II instructions RDPMC,RDMSR,WRMSR.
Some of these instructions must run on "kernel mode", and I cannot use
directly on my program. I think that I could insert these instructions
on the initialization of my program so I would need to modify the kernel
and insert my instructions on the Linux boot (for example near the CPUID
instruction on the boot).
But I think that also could be possible to make a device and call the
device from my program. The problem is that I havent any experience
programming devices (Are there any sample of this?). And perhaps there
is also a library to make this possible (count cache misses) and I could
use it in my program.

Many thanks to all for your interest...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Allen)
Subject: Re: IBM graphical characters
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:58:53 GMT

Dennis J Perkins  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks.  Those are some of the characters I need.  Now I need to find the C
function that does the same thing.

The 'tput' command uses the 'terminfo' library to change the actual
character sequences sent to accomplish the function your program

Take a look at 'man 5 terminfo'.  Don't expect it to be very clear.

If you only need line drawing and not color sequences you can get by
with ^N (Control-N) to begin the linedrawing characters and ^O (Control-O)
to switch back to normal.  Check out:

If you need more powerful functions then you will need to use
terminfo.  You may  be able to get by with linedrawing today and
learn about termcap and terminfo for the future.

The Termcap Manual by Richard M. Stallman:

Terminfo programming:

Example terminfo programs:

Here is the O'Reilly book:

"Whether you think their witnesses are credible or non-credible;
 they've admitted monopoly power, they've admitted raising prices to hurt
 consumers, they've admitted depriving consumers of choice...
  -DAVID BOIES, US Department of Justice


From: Michael Jenner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: vixie-cron bug (inode timestamps)
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 11:07:01 +0100

Vixie-cron from the Redhat 

Linux-Misc Digest #956

2000-10-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #956, Volume #25Fri, 6 Oct 00 05:13:03 EDT

  LM 7.1 rookie with a laptop/CD problem (cnm)
  LNe100Tx 4.1 with corel linux (Balsu)
  Re: Best Linux? (Richard Steiner)
  Re: KDE Interface v Microsoft Windows (Richard Steiner)
  Re: lp port hacking (Lew Pitcher)
  www doesn't look nice (dick dijk)
  Re: Inkjet Printer CYMK Colorspace Correction (Tom van Rijswijk)
  Re: Changing Hostname differnces between LinuxConf and NetCfg (Villy Kruse)
  Re: Get rid of localhost? (Villy Kruse)
  Re: getting rid of mingetty (Villy Kruse)
  Re: problem installing rpm 3 (Villy Kruse)
  Re: KDE Interface v Microsoft Windows (Markus =?iso-8859-1?Q?B=F6hmer?=)
  Re: silly lpd (Christoph Kukulies)
  Fetchmail suddenly running very slow (Anthony Campbell)
  Re: www doesn't look nice ("David ..")
  Re: Problem backing up hard drive onto CDR's (James Pearson)
  Re: Procomm-like comm package? ("Techtonik")

Subject: LM 7.1 rookie with a laptop/CD problem
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 05:30:03 -

I followed the instructions, downladed the ISO files, made the 2 CD's and 
the installation went smoothly through the first CD.  However when it 
tells me to put in the second CD in and press OK, I run into trouble...
first of all the CD drawer won't open. no probem, I just use the 
paperclip to open it up.  I put the second CD in and he laptop won't read 
it.  I click OK.. no luck.  The CD spools up, but the little CD LCD 
indicator won't indicate the CD activity.

If there were a xterm/command prompt somewhere I could get to, I think I 
would be in business, but in GUI land there I can't find any untried 

(gateway 2500 or so, fixed CD and floppy, pII233, 32MB)

anyone have similar difficulties or ideas?

Posted via CNET


Subject: LNe100Tx 4.1 with corel linux
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 05:30:05 -

I recently bought a linksys lne100tx version 4.1 network card. I'm having
problems trying to get it work. My computer has two network cards 3com
3c509x on eth0 and linksys (tulip.o ) on eth1. I tried to probe the card
with modprobe tulip.o and i get device or resource busy error. I tried to
compile the new tulip.c file (v 0.92) for with the necessary
pciscan.c and other files now the error is very big and starts with " In
file included from /usr/include/linux/string.h:37  from tulip.c:143  /usr
include/asm/string.h:39:parse error before `size_t`". Then the error goes 
for close to two pages. I did download the files under linux.
I would really appreciate any help provided

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: Best Linux?
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 00:36:43 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, Glen Stromquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
spake unto us, saying:

After a bad experience with installing Corel linux, (it over wrote my
WIN 98 partition on my C: drive even though I pointed it to install on
the D: drive) I plan on re installing linux - again on it's own
separate physical drive with a dual boot option... the things I am
taking in to consideration are:

1.  which one has the best GUI

Most distributions come with XFree86 (on which you can install almost
any window manager or desktop you want), and most come with KDE now.

I rather like Mandrake 6.1 myself.  Older, yes, but it works for me.

2.  best dual boot capability (I may just use XOSL)

LILO is LILO the workd over.

3.  best for accessing WINxx data

This is normally a kernel function, meaning most new distros are close
to equivalent when it comes to reading WinXX filesystems.

4.  free version

Red Hat, Slackware, Mandrake, Storm, Debian, and many others have a
free variant.

5.  best application suite available

I like StarOffice, but it's top-heavy.

I've heard SuSE is a very good product - but I know very little about
all of the different "flavours" out there.

I used SuSE, but I prefer Linuxconf to SuSE's configuration tool.

   -Rich Steiner  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ---  Bloomington, MN
  OS/2 + BeOS + Linux + Solaris + Win95 + WinNT4 + FreeBSD + DOS
   + VMWare + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
   Misspelled?  Impossible.  My modem is error correcting.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: KDE Interface v Microsoft Windows
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 00:40:39 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, derbhil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
spake unto us, saying:

Which is better, the KDE or the Microsoft Windows interface,

The OS/2 WorkPlace Shell, actually.  ;-)

where would I find material from which to research this question more

Since UI preferences tend 

Linux-Misc Digest #969

2000-10-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #969, Volume #25Sun, 8 Oct 00 03:13:03 EDT

  trouble with partitions (brashier)
  Re: Cable modem, ethernet, and DHCP (James)
  Re: using telnet (David M. Cook)
  RH 7 BASH problem ("ss")
  Re: so what do I do with my spare modem bandwidth? ("Dan Jacobson")
  telnetd: /bin/login: Exec format error ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: brashier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: trouble with partitions
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 04:56:00 GMT

In my newbie wisdom, I thought to use an older pc only as a linux
machine. That's right, I completely deleted ALL the DOS partitions! Now
about 2 years later, I want to use the machine for something else and I
cannot undo my error.

The pc is running a basic version of redhat 5.2, (no peripherals, or
added apps) and the only utilities I have are the linux fdisk, and disk
druid. I want to reload the original os (w/95) and then go from there.
Any suggestions?

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Cable modem, ethernet, and DHCP
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 05:59:03 GMT

Ha, lucky me.  The 3com site happens to be down!

Andrew Pearce wrote:

 Have you put the 509 card in normal mode, ie not pnp?  if not,  download the
 drivers from 3com and
 configure it as normal network card.  Turn off the Plug and Play setting.


 "James" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Arg, linux newbie here with some problems setting up my cable modem with
  dhcp.  I have Mandrake 7.1.  I type in "netconf" which takes me to the
  network configurator.  In "Basic Host Info" there is a "hostname +
  domain" entry which is set to "localhost.localdomain".
  Under the "adapter1" tab is the following info:
  net device: eth0
  kernel module: 3c509
  irq: 10
  ip: my ip
  the dhcp radio button is selected
  When I close out of netconf and tell is to activate changes I get an
  error.  Here it is:
  Executing /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network reload:
   Bringing up device eth0 Determining IP information for eth0 via
  And that's that.  No internet connection.  I've already read a couple of
  how-to's (especially cable modem, dhcp mini-howto, and the ethernet
  howto) and they didn't help.
  I have a 3com Etherlink III (3c509B)
  Any help is appreciated!  Getting frustrated and wanting to switch back
  to Winblowz.
  James L


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Cook)
Subject: Re: using telnet
Date: 8 Oct 2000 05:59:31 GMT

On Sun, 8 Oct 2000 11:41:01 +1000, Michael Ware [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello, are there any tutorial on using telnet from a windows machine
connecting to RH6.2 machine, I will need to set up virtual hosts and server
maintenance for my lan.  For example whats the easiest way to
open/read/write a file back to the server?

You might want to look into putty:

Also, tera term has an ssh extension:

ssh replaces many of the "r" services like rsh, rcp, etc., but is more
secure as it does not send passwords in plaintext.

You need an ssh server for the Linux side.  See and for rpms.  RH 7 comes with openssh.

Dave Cook


Subject: RH 7 BASH problem
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 02:10:09 -0400

ok I just upgraded to RH 7.  How do I tell bash to look in /sbin for
commands?  I want to edit my search path but just can't figure out how.



From: "Dan Jacobson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.dcom.modems,comp.infosystems.www.misc
Subject: Re: so what do I do with my spare modem bandwidth?
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 07:16:20 +0800

urm, thanks, but I would just like to comment from the point of view of us
off line modem costly time types, we wish these types of references would
have a tiny hint of what their content is given...
as they get put into the giant heap of URLs to check later, with no clue as
if I should put them on the first up to bat heap, or regular heap.

"Jan Schaumann" [EMAIL PROTECTED] ¼¶¼g©ó¶l¥ó
news:6ZGD5.14635$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 "Dan Jacobson" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Dudes, in a previous post (Re: so what do I do with my spare CPU
  cycles?)  We saw many suggestions for useful way to put my spare cycles
  to work. Apparently decoding for alien radio signals is the fad at the
  moment [SETI project].
  Now I would like to turn to spare modem connect time.


-- E-mail: restore ".com."  ¿n¤¦¥§

Linux-Misc Digest #972

2000-10-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #972, Volume #25Sun, 8 Oct 00 03:13:03 EDT

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 2 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 2 of 6)
Date: 8 Oct 2000 02:26:27 -0400

Archive-Name: linux/faq/part2
Posting-Frequency: weekly
Last-modified: 10/08/2000
Expires: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:00:00 GMT

devoted to the subject, at There is also
LDP documentation, at: ("Where Should I Look on the World Wide Web for
Linux Stuff?")

1.11. Is Linux Public Domain? Copyrighted?

The Linux trademark belongs to Linus Torvalds. He has placed the Linux
kernel under the GNU General Public License, which basically means
that you may freely copy, change, and distribute it, but you may not
impose any restrictions on further distribution, and you must make the
source code available.

This is not the same as Public Domain. See the Copyright FAQ,, for

Full details are in the file COPYING in the Linux kernel sources
(probably in /usr/src/linux on your system).

The licenses of the utilities and programs which come with the
installations vary. Much of the code is from the GNU Project at the
Free Software Foundation, and is also under the GPL.

Note that discussion about the merits or otherwise of the GPL should
be posted to the news group gnu.misc.discuss, and not to the
comp.os.linux hierarchy.

For legal questions, refer to the answer: ("Where Are Linux Legal
Issues Discussed?")

1.12. Is Linux *nix?

Not officially, until it passes the Open Group's certification tests,
and supports the necessary API's. Even very few of the commercial
operating systems have passed the Open Group tests. For more
information, see

[Bob Friesenhahn]

2. Topics of Current Interest.

2.1. What Resources Are There for Linux DeCSS and Other Open Source DVD

There is a DeCSS Resource Site at For information about the
legal action to bar distributing DeCSS, refer also to 2600's Web site:, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation,

2.2. Where Is Information About Electronic Privacy Laws that Affect ISP's?

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has issued a report to Congress that
recommends regulations to guarantee privacy for customers of Internet
Service Providers. The text of the report is at The FTC E-commerce
site is at

The New York Times on the Web has a page of electronic privacy
information resources at
Access is free but requires registration.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center maintains a Web page at The site also has pointers to information about
international laws that affect cryptographic software.

2.3. How Is the DocBook Version of the FAQ Produced?

At present, the Linux FAQ uses the OASIS DocBook SGML DTD. HTML output
is produced using James Clark's Jade DSSSL parser with modified
versions of Norman Walsh's modular style sheets. Question numbers are
generated with Perl. The text version is formatted from HTML with
lynx, and split into segments using the standard GNU text utilities,
and the segments are posted to Usenet. The DocBook utilities are
located at

3. Network Sources and Resources

3.1. Where Can I Get the Latest Kernel Version?

Make that versions. The 2.0 series kernels are still available for
older machines. The latest production kernel series is 2.2.x. The
updates to this kernel are bug fixes. Active development is proceeding
on the 2.4 series kernels.

The Web page at lists the current versions of
the development and production kernels.

Among the 2.2 kernel's many improvements are a video frame buffer,
faster (although bigger) memory management, support for more hardware
devices, improved security, and improved POSIX compatibility. The
Linux kernel, in many of these areas, is superior to commercial OS's.

To read more about the features in the 2.2 kernels, the unofficial,
draft press releases are located at

If you want to download the source code, FTP to,
where "xx" is the two-letter Internet domain abbreviation of your
country; e.g., "us" for United States, "ca" for Canada, or "de" for
Germany. Kernel versions 2.2.x are archived in the directory
pub/linux/kernel/v2.2, as are patches for the prerelease versions. The
kernel source code is archived as a .tar.gz file, and as 

Linux-Misc Digest #973

2000-10-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #973, Volume #25Sun, 8 Oct 00 03:13:03 EDT

  Re: Linux contra Microsoft (Jacques Guy)
  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 3 of 6) 

Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 06:41:16 +
From: Jacques Guy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Linux contra Microsoft

Mark Seavers wrote:
 But the fact is that in terms of user-friendliness Linux really is
 behind Windows a bit.

Two months  ago I installed Linux-for-idiots-like-me  (aka Mandrake)
in the hope of kissing Windows good-bye. It was the easiest thing
in the world. So  far, I had stuck with Win3.11 -- I had been warned
about Win95 trying to take over. Connecting to the Net, which with Win3
had taken me some  head-scratching, and fiddling with software
provided by the ISPs I was with, connecting  to the Net, was
dead easy. Must have taken me two minutes. There is more, but
what's the point? Sure, I spent much time exploring  what Linux-
for-idiots-like-me provides you for free... I  must have spent
15  minutes  configuring PINE and  five minutes on the E-mail
client, by trial and error. The whole thing, to me,  was much,
much more  user-friendly that Windows 3.11.


Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 3 of 6)
Date: 8 Oct 2000 02:32:49 -0400

Archive-Name: linux/faq/part3
Posting-Frequency: weekly
Last-modified: 10/08/2000
Expires: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:00:00 GMT

compile-time option and a module.

See, ("How Do I Upgrade/Recompile My Kernel?")

4.8. Can Linux Access SMB File Systems?

Linux supports read/write access of Windows for Workgroups and Windows
NT SMB volumes. See the file Documentation/filesystems/smbfs.txt of
the Linux kernel source distribution, and ("How Do I Upgrade/Recompile
My Kernel?")

There is also a suite of programs called Samba which provide support
for WfW networked file systems (provided they're for TCP/IP).
Information is available in the README file at

The SMB Web site is, and there is also a Web
site at

4.9. Can Linux Access Macintosh File Systems?

There is a set of user-level programs that read and write the older
Macintosh Hierarchical File System (HFS). It is available at

Access to the newer, HFS+ file systems is still under development.

4.10. Can I Run Microsoft Windows Programs under Linux?

WINE, a MS Windows emulator for Linux, is still not ready for general
distribution. If you want to contribute to its development, look for
the status reports in the newsgroup.

There is also a FAQ, compiled by P. David Gardner, at

In the meantime, if you need to run MS Windows programs, the best
bet-seriously-is to reboot. LILO, the Linux boot loader, can boot one
of several operating systems from a menu. See the LILO documentation
for details.

Also, LOADLIN.EXE (a DOS program to load a Linux, or other OS, kernel
is one way to make Linux co-exist with DOS. LOADLIN.EXE is
particularly handy when you want to install Linux on a 3rd or 4th
drive on a system (or when you're adding a SCSI drive to a system with
an existing IDE).

In these cases, it is common for LILO's boot loader to be unable to
find or load the kernel on the "other" drive. So you just create a
C:\LINUX directory (or whatever), put LOADLIN.EXE in it with a copy of
your kernel, and use that.

LOADLIN.EXE is a VCPI compliant program. Win95 will want to, "shutdown
into DOS mode," to run it (as it would with certain other DOS
protected-mode programs).

Earlier versions of LOADLIN.EXE sometimes required a package called
REALBIOS.COM, which required a boot procedure on an (almost) blank
floppy to map the interrupt vectors (prior to the loading of any
software drivers). (Current versions don't seem to ship with it, and
don't seem to need it).

[Jim Dennis]

4.11. Where Can I Get Information about NFS Compatibility?

This information is partly taken from Nicolai Langfeldt's excellent
NFS HOWTO, and is current as of 10/1/1999.

Most version 2.2.x kernels need a set of patches to install the knfsd
subsystem, maintained by H.J. Lu, to communicate efficiently (if at
all) with Sparc, IBM RS, and Alpha machines, and probably others. This
package is actually a collection of patches to the kernel sources.

There is also a user-space server. Although it lacks remote file
locking, it is easier to install. It may be equally efficient.

In the Documentation/Changes of recent kernel distributions, there is
a list of URL's for both the knfsd server and the user-space server.

There is a CVS server available for the kernel-space NFS subsystem, 

Linux-Misc Digest #196

2000-10-31 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #196, Volume #26   Tue, 31 Oct 00 16:13:02 EST

  Linux/Windows2000 PPP communication problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Konqueror:  where? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Netscape install question. (Larry Autry)
  Re: Linux PDA (Eric Lindsay)
  Re: Netscape sucks: alternatives? (Scott Alfter)
  Re: Detect number of CPU's from within a program? (Jon Shemitz)
  Re: Startup with a GUI :( ("David ..")
  Re: Turbolinux ??? (Rod Smith)
  which distribution is best??? (Alan Shiers)
  Shared Memory (Randy Feeney)
  Re: Removing drive from RAID1 (NAVARRO LOPEZ, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs?= Manuel)
  Re: using linux to emulate a serial printer ?? (Grant Edwards)
  need windows prog to transfer files to linux ("Jerry Todd")
  Re: Konqueror:  where? (Jacques Guy)
  Re: Turning services off and on? (Grant Edwards)
  Re: redhat: Out of Range (hjkopel)
  Re: Help lpr: connect:  Connection refused ... (chris)
  "No space left on device" (Adam Clark)
  Re: "No space left on device" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  loading binfmt_aout not sufficient? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  loading binfmt_aout not sufficient for a.out format binaries ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Which is the best distribution? (Victor Dods)
  cdrecord error on 80Min CD-R's ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Subject: Linux/Windows2000 PPP communication problem
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 18:58:44 GMT

Ok this might be more of a Linux question, but I am sure some of you
have had this problem. I have set my linux box to be a ppp server
according to the FAQ. It seems to work (almost). I can dial in, and
start pppd. A bunch of garbage goes across the screen and I hit "done".
at this point windows2000 prompts with "Validating Username and
Password", and then hangs up. What could be wrong here? I have logged
in and started the ppp session, why does it need to Validate user name
and password? This is very frustrating.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Konqueror:  where?
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 19:12:23 GMT

Jacques Guy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I keep reading about Konqueror being so much
 better than Netscape, but my brain cells must
 be on leave because, however hard I tried,
 I could not find it. I  did AltaVista searches,
 went to nothing.  I am starting
 to doubt my sanity, and wondering if I might
 no be ready to be recycled into soylent green.
 Help please!

Konqueror is part of KDE2, which was recently released.

I'd suggest checking out



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Autry)
Subject: Netscape install question.
Date: 31 Oct 2000 19:12:49 GMT

I inherited a linux box with RH 6.2 and Netscape 4.72. I've now installed 
Netscape 4.75 and apparently still have the older version on the system. 
What is the best way to remove 4.72?

Larry Autry


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Lindsay)
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.palmtops,comp.sys.palmtops.pilot
Subject: Re: Linux PDA
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 19:18:33 GMT

On Sat, 28 Oct 2000 23:04:11 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (IX Corp) wrote:

Eric Lindsay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would have thought a few more of the hobby 
computer people would be interested, given EPOC is the only 
pocket O/S that already comes with a built in language
right out of the box (except for the Revo model).

OPL isn't a very exciting development tool, though it is somewhat better
than nothing. Even Symbian realizes this; they seem to be going with Java.

I continue to be surprised at how much you can do with OPL.  However 
the recommended development system still seems to be the C++ 
one running on a PC.  This is probably fine for a professional
developer doing stuff full time, but is a bit of a handful if you only

write little things to solve specific problems once every few months.

I think Java is still just too slow.  Or maybe the Psion hardware
isn't fast enough for Java.  Or maybe the JVM just isn't there yet.
Or maybe Java should compile to native code and forget about
write once, run everywhere (which in my very limited experience 
seems a total joke). Still, I have a little handful of Java books on 
the shelf, just in case.  My Psion 5 is too old to have the JVM, so
if there is any Java stuff out there for the Psion, it wouldn't work.

I recently bought a high end WinCE machine to replace my HP100. Much as I
hate M$, EPOC was useless to me, due to an utter lack of useful
applications (symbolic math, CAD, color picture viewer, mapping software
for the U.S. etc etc). 

Yes, Graph32 isn't in the same range as Mathematica, and the various 
drawing packages don't seem aimed at CAD.  I take it there is a PPC
symbolic math package?  I know there is 

Linux-Misc Digest #302

2000-11-13 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #302, Volume #26   Mon, 13 Nov 00 17:13:01 EST

  Re: is linux good for graphic design? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Memory leak? (Andreas =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E4h=E4ri?=)
  X server crashing all of a sudden looking for 'fixed' font... (Jeff Pierce)
  Re: retreiving mail and news from isp (Darren Wyn Rees)
  Re: kernel 2.3.99-pre9 compile problem ("Mark")
  Re: problem with screen ("Chicken")
  Re: Can't see, blind man walking, HELP. Where's the door? ("Chicken")
  Re: LinkSys betrayed us! Poor prospects for Linux. (David)
  Re: Memory leak? ("ne...")
  clock confusion (Lori Holder-Webb)
  X-Windows trys to start and then crashes (mike)
  Re: Linux/UNIX=Windows ("Stuart D. Gathman")
  Help Replacing libraries (Bill Moseley)
  Re: True GTK+ will eliminate Qt in next few years? (Matthias Warkus)
  Re: True GTK+ will eliminate Qt in next few years? (Matthias Warkus)
  Re: True GTK+ will eliminate Qt in next few years? (Matthias Warkus)
  Re: Memory leak? (Greg Engel)
  Re: True GTK+ will eliminate Qt in next few years? (mlw)
  Re: retreiving mail and news from isp (Eduardo Chappa)

Subject: Re: is linux good for graphic design?
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 10:00:10 +

Take a look at (or .com?)

Doug Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would do anything to drive bill into the ground. So I want to use linux. 
 Is it any good for doing graphic production? And do I need a special 
 version of all my software to use it on linux?

 Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E4h=E4ri?=)
Subject: Re: Memory leak?
Date: 13 Nov 2000 21:13:08 +0100

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Greg Engel wrote:
Andreas Kähäri wrote:

 Is this a real memory leak or are you viewing "buffered" and "cached"
 memory as "unavailable"?

top shows the following:

  2:56pm  up 23:18,  5 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.05, 0.15
 77 processes: 76 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
 CPU0 states:  1.3% user,  1.2% system,  0.0% nice, 96.3% idle
 CPU1 states:  2.0% user,  0.4% system,  0.0% nice, 97.0% idle
 Mem:   255312K av,  227232K used,   28080K free,   0K shrd,   13920K
 Swap:  248996K av,  12K used,  248984K free  133448K

It's the "Mem used" section that was bothering me as it steadily grows from
72MB up to this 230MB value that you see here.   Perhaps I'm just watching
my cache fill up?


As I expected, you should add those 13920K+133448K to your mental
picture of the approx. amount of memory being available for use (that
makes it approx. 175448K free and 79864K used as it is in the
screenshot above).

Maybe if you think of it like this: "28080K free" means 28080K is just


ps: Why is the shared memory at 0? It ought to be higher... Are you
using a test/hacked kernel?

Andreas Kähäri, Uppsala University, Sweden (until 1:st of Dec. 2000)

"If you leave now, you're going to miss the real experience."
-- Richard M. Stallman, Stockholm 1986.  Visit


Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 16:22:57 -0500
From: Jeff Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: X server crashing all of a sudden looking for 'fixed' font...

I have been running Linux and X for about 6 years and after using 2.0.36
forever I download the Slackware 7.1 and build a new system disk get X
running, etc. Do to other things I took that disk out and ran my old
system for a while.
Ok, I go back and put the new disk in and boot. No problem. Type startx
and the xserver fails saying it cannot locate default font fixed in the
font path. Well, there never has been a 'fixed font' in the path, nor is
it in the font path on my previous system.

Why all of a sudden is the server complaining about it???

Jeff Pierce

== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News == - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
===  Over 80,000 Newsgroups = 16 Different Servers! ==


From: Darren Wyn Rees [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: retreiving mail and news from isp
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 20:26:10 + (UTC)

In alt.os.linux.dial-up Benjamin Autin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do you get your email

fetchmail  postfix to fetch mail;
procmail to filter it, mutt to read it.

 and newsgroups from your ISP in Linux? 

suck  INN; and tin to read the news.

ASK your ISP to ADD the NEW england.* Newsgroups

Linux-Misc Digest #457

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #457, Volume #26Sun, 3 Dec 00 18:13:02 EST

  Re: KDE defaults :: change! ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Is Sendmail working? (Paul Repacholi)
  start 'smbpasswd -a usery' NOT as ROOT? ("Doni")
  Re: Is Sendmail working? (David Woolley)
  Runing WINE without WINDOWS partition ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: KDE defaults :: change! (Edward M. Collins)
  Re: looking for video capture card for linux (Jay Bratcher)
  Modem - ISDN-Anlage - Modem - Rechner ? (Michael Meyer)
  Re: problem with tcsh and bksp key (Sven Mascheck)
  Which mail client can get only the headers on a POP account ? ("Emmanuel Beranger")
  Re: POS application? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Newbie qu: assign variable ("Lion")
  Re: KDE defaults :: change! (Kyle Parfrey)
  Re: Netscape 6.0 with SuSE 7.0? (Steve)
  kde 2.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: I need a good book on Sendmail (Manfred Bartz)
  Re: Creating PDF (acrobat) files ? (Phil Mattey)
  Re: kde 2.0 (Edward M. Collins)
  Re: Which mail client can get only the headers on a POP account ? ("Garry Knight")
  Xterm question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: IBM graphical characters (Dennis J Perkins)
  Re: Which mail client can get only the headers on a POP account ? ("Meat--Plow")
  Re: Freezing Box - *whimper* ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  backdoor(s) (rusty)
  Re: backdoor(s) (Hal Burgiss)

From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: KDE defaults :: change!
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 16:57:12 +0100

Kyle Parfrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can I change the default programs that KDE uses to open different
 kinds of file? 

Read the%//% help in KDE. It explains it very clearly. And besides
that you can click on the apps and mime entries on the window for your
home directry and change the bindings any way you want.

 Kghostview is useless compared to ghostview etc.

?? I prefer mgv. 

 Will this also apply to other programs calling a program (eg Klyx
 opening kghostview,
 I want it to open ghostview)??

Then you'll have to tell klyx that. Isn't it just lyx?



Subject: Re: Is Sendmail working?
From: Paul Repacholi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 03 Dec 2000 16:48:14 +0800

"Lamar Thomas" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Does that mean that SMTP is working too.  Or does Sendmail NOT use SMTP?
 (I am from a Microsoft Exchange background).

SMTP is a protocol. It can't be 'working' as you imply. Sendmail
uses SMTP ( amongst others ) to transport mail. It would apear to
be working minimially. Or perhaps overminimially. It could be
open to anyone to use to launch spam, possibly at your expense
in time and money. It's a notorious pig to fully configure,
and is way over featured for the modern IP network environment.
But it's 'standard'.

So in short, SMTP is 'working'.



Subject: start 'smbpasswd -a usery' NOT as ROOT?
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 17:56:16 +0100

i want two people to administer via webmin-samba in windows 98 all others.
The other users will be added in webmin by those two people but then have to
use the command "smbpasswd -a userX" in linux. How can they do it without
logging in with "root" but with their names? SetUID doesn't work because I
MUST not set it for root (that's what linux says) - I tried 'chmod 4744
smbconf'. Is there a script I can use to encrypt ALL passwords AT ONCE in
linux? (to make it more comfortable for those two people?)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Woolley)
Subject: Re: Is Sendmail working?
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 11:30:08 +

In article 4zfW5.495110$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
Lamar Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does that mean that SMTP is working too.  Or does Sendmail NOT use SMTP?

Sendmail is, the reference implementation for SMTP  The real question
is does Exchange implement it (historically MS were late comers and
initially had very poor implementations).

What sendmail doesn't implement is POP3 or IMAP, as these are workstation
protocols for LANs.  POP3 was adopted by early ISPs because SMTP
implementations are not well adapted to part time connections and
simple users would likely be using POP3 programs intended for LANs.
Unfortunately, users then started using, cheap, single user connections
for whole companies and rather than switching to an appropriate protocol
(UUCP over TCP for part time connections and SMTP for full time ones),
they started kludging POP3.  (Demon have always offfered SMTP, even
on part time connections.)

(The problems with POP3 is that it doesn't define any mechanism to
communicate the envelope destination of a message.  I think IMAP is
similar, but IMAP is very much a split client 

Linux-Misc Digest #458

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #458, Volume #26Sun, 3 Dec 00 21:13:04 EST

  Re: Booting with 576KB conventional RAM ...or less. ("John D. Peedle")
  Re: Xterm question ("Peter T. Breuer")
  testing nvidia 0.9-5 drivers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: I need a good book on Sendmail (Steve)
  Streaming Windows Media (Bruce Varney)
  Re: Freezing Box - *whimper* (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Frame Buffering and Red Hat 7.0 (nope)
  Badly need help with a freezing box ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux Half Life Dedicated Server
  Re: testing nvidia 0.9-5 drivers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Kernel won't mount raid0 (Stephan A Suerken)
  Boot problems Redhat7 (Penpal International)
  Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Freezing Box - *whimper* ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Setting up ftp server

From: "John D. Peedle" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Booting with 576KB conventional RAM ...or less.
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 23:12:10 -

I don't think you have a memory problem here - you have proved that the
system can boot and run a kernel - after all, the installation completed
successfully. Are you sure you installed the right kernel?

John D. Peedle
RHCE - so I'm Biased!
Registered Linux User 167460

Juan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I've got a problem. A real one.

 About three years ago we bought a killer machine (by thoose days), a
 Fujitsu-ICL teamserver M754i, a quad PPro with 512MB RAM . The machine
 has been running OK until the moment we needed to upgrade the OS (that
 was UnixWare 2.1.2.) in order to install Oracle8i. The option were to
 spend lots of money and learning time with Unixware 7 or to install (
 tachannn!) Linux. We took the second option.

 I've been installing RedHat for several years, so I took  the RedHat 7
 CD-ROMs tha I had on my table, and I have succesfully installed several
 times in dual Pentium machines, and went to install the above mentioned
 machine. Installation went fine, but it was unable to boot the OS after
 finishing. After sometime discarding possible causes of the problem, I
 disabled the SCSI BIOS and got enought memory to boot from the boot disk
 made by the installation procedure. It would have been OK (not fine, but
 OK) except for the fact that the kernell in the floppy disk was a NON
 SMP kernel.

 The BIOS told that the conventional memory available was 576 KB, no
 matter what options I enabled or disabled  in the BIOS. There was no
 means to disable the system BIOS shadow on RAM, the only option left to
 increase the conventional memory. On the other hand, the kernell, when
 it boots, recognizes all the installed memory. I think the problem is
 with the boot loader that is unable to fit the whole kernel in memory
 due to the low ammount of conventional memory. Do you agree?

 From this point on I've tried several booting options :
 - Making a boot disk with the smp kernel installed in the machine.
 - Using  syslinux instead of lilo.
 - Compiling lilo with LARGE_EBDA enabled and making a boot disk.
 - Using GRUB instead of lilo
 - Using loadlin from a msdos 6.22 disk instead of lilo.
 In the best cases the machine frozes after printing "OK, booting the
 kernel" in the screen.

 In the meantime I've got BootMagic and I'll try it on monday (if I dont
 get any better suggestion).

 Oh! Iforgot to tell you, I called Fujitsu support (Fujitsu Customer
 Services) and I was told that there was no way of disabling  the system
 BIOS shadowing, that was a feature included in the design of the machine
 and, by the way, Linux was not a supported OS for this machine. Good
 luck and goodbye.

 I would appreciate any suggesions, hints or workarounds to solve or
 overcome this problem.

 I've tried to cut my veins with a Windows98 CDROM, but it did not work
 (even for this). Please help me!
 (Serious again)

 Thanks in advance.



From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Xterm question
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 00:17:25 +0100

 whenever i start up xterm, rxvt, Eterm or some other terminal in
 Xwindows, it does not go to my home directory ie. $HOME. Instead, it
 goes to the directory I originally installed enlightenment from.

 What do i need to change to make the default directory [rxE]term go to
 my $HOME directory?

Nothing. They don't. They stay where they are launched from. Try it!

You might have some luck making them login shells (-ls to xterm), but I
don't see why even a login shell should do a cd to $HOME if it's not
started tehre, unless you put a cd $HOME in your .login or whatever is
the bash equivalent.

Or you could make a wrapper for them.

Or you might check the launch 

Linux-Misc Digest #459

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #459, Volume #26Mon, 4 Dec 00 00:13:01 EST

  Re: testing nvidia 0.9-5 drivers (I R A Darth Aggie)
  Re: Setting up ftp server (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Badly need help with a freezing box (Dances With Crows)
  Trade PDF book: Red Hat Certified Engineer Study Guide ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to uninstall tar.gz's (John Thompson)
  Re: su (to root) (John Thompson)
  Re: Freezing Box - *whimper* (Carl Fink)
  Re: Mapping Tab key in vi or vim ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Color Printing Quality (John Scudder)
  Monitor specs? (Steven Atkinson)
  Re: Free ISP for Linux - found? (David Efflandt)
  Re: Color Printing Quality (Dances With Crows)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I R A Darth Aggie)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: testing nvidia 0.9-5 drivers
Date: 4 Dec 2000 02:02:13 GMT
Reply-To: no-courtesy-copies-please

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000 23:40:43 GMT,
+ I have the latest nvidia 0.9-5 tnt2 drivers loaded and XFree86-4.0.1
+ seems to be running. I am running Mandraxe 7.2 and the install wasn't
+ too bad.
+ What are some good ways to test 3D effects, GL support, and hardware
+ acceleration for video cards / drivers in X?

SSystem: url:

Quake 3 Arena... :)

Consulting Minister for Consultants, DNRC
The Bill of Rights is paid in Responsibilities - Jean McGuire
To cure your perl CGI problems, please look at:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Setting up ftp server
Date: 4 Dec 2000 02:11:50 GMT

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000 01:30:07 -, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] staggered into the Black Sun and said:
I have linux-mandrake 7.2 complete and I am trying to setup a ftp server. 
I installed wuftp but it does not work.  I tested with ftp and
get the  message Connection refused.

With a previous version of redhat 6.1, I had no problems after installing
wuftp.  What am I missing?

Are the TCP-wrappers letting FTP requests through, and is there a line
in /etc/inetd.conf that specifies that wuftpd should be started when an
FTP request comes through?  Check inetd.conf first and make sure a line

ftp   stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  wu.ftpd -a

is in there and not #ed out.  Put that line in there and "killall -HUP
inetd" and things should be better.

Also, the file /etc/hosts.allow should contain a line like so:

wu.ftpd  :  ALL

Take a look at the man page for hosts_access to see what you can put in
there to control which IP addresses can access the FTP server.  You may
not want "ALL" there, of course.  HTH,

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=/I hit a seg fault


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Badly need help with a freezing box
Date: 4 Dec 2000 02:11:51 GMT

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000 00:21:24 GMT, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] staggered into the Black Sun and said:
company in our base here in Sydney. Everything was going okay until
three weeks in, when it suddenly stops, it just freezes - no keyboard
input, nothing.
We thought at first it might be a hardware problem/conflict of some
kind so we took out the four-port ethernet card and replaced it with
three standard ones. Then it was still freezing, so we just replaced
the entire box with one with a quicker processor.
It's still freezing.
The only clues we have to what may or may not be happening is one entry
in the Apache access_log which gives a line that looks like this:
right after the freeze is registered as happening.

Er.  This is a bit of a bad sign.  I had a problem similar to this about
a year ago, and it was due to a bad motherboard.  Unexplained random
freezes, some files (usually /var/log/messages but once, !)
getting ^@^@^@ appended to them, etc.  If you replaced the entire box,
though, I don't know precisely what to tell you.

More info on the exact hardware you're using might help, especially if
there are any components in common between the box that first exhibited
the problem and the one you're using now.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=/I hit a seg fault


Subject: Trade PDF book: Red Hat Certified Engineer Study Guide

Linux-Misc Digest #460

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #460, Volume #26Mon, 4 Dec 00 00:13:01 EST

  Re: glx , Suse 7.0 , X crashes system. (Jerry Kreps)
  Re: Which driver to use (Jim Broughton)
  Re: Good Linux distro for older Pentium box, your take? (Jerry Kreps)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Jerry Kreps)
  Re: NFS setup question (insecure port??) (Jerry McBride)

From: Jerry Kreps [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: glx , Suse 7.0 , X crashes system.
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 22:23:45 -0600

Does the 4.0.1 even support NV!?  I don't think so.

Prasanth Mudundi wrote:

  I am running suse 6.4 and upgraded to 7.0 professional
  i then updated Xfree4.0 to Xfree4.0.1 from Suse.
  the system is up an running. However i cannot get
  Glx to work even after installing from Suse ftp server.
  if i include load  "glx" in my XF86Xconfig it does come up clean
  whenever i run xtraceroute the screen goes out of freq ranges and does
  not come back(monitor is sony multiscan 100GS)
  i don't get any errors that point to Nvidia Glx extensions from Suse.
  How can i get this (glx) to work either from suse or nvidia.
  i have PII -400Mhz with  a viper 770 ultra.
  running suse 7 prof and Xfree4.0.1
  thanks for your time.
 I reinstalled the RPMs and this time is got the X to send my Monitor
 unsupport Ranges.
 Below  is the Log. It's long.
 XFree86 Version 4.0.1 / X Window System
 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6400)
 Release Date: 1 July 2000
 If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
 than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
 problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
 Operating System: SuSE Linux [ELF] SuSE
 Module Loader present
 (==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Sun Nov 26 20:48:42 2000
 (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/XF86Config"
 Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
  (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
  (WW) warning, (EE) error, (??) unknown.
 (==) ServerLayout "Layout[all]"
 (**) |--Screen "Screen[0]" (0)
 (**) |   |--Monitor "Monitor[0]"
 (**) |   |--Device "Device[0]"
 (**) |--Input Device "Keyboard[0]"
 (**) Option "Protocol" "Standard"
 (**) Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
 (**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"
 (**) Option "XkbModel" "microsoft"
 (**) XKB: model: "microsoft"
 (**) Option "XkbLayout" "us"
 (**) XKB: layout: "us"
 (**) |--Input Device "Mouse[1]"
 (**) Option "Xinerama" "off"
 (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in
 Entry deleted from font path.
 (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/PEX").
 (**) FontPath set to
 (**) RgbPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
 (**) ModulePath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
 (**) Option "AllowMouseOpenFail"
 (--) using VT number 7
 (II) Module ABI versions:
 XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.1
 XFree86 Video Driver: 0.2
 XFree86 XInput driver : 0.1
 XFree86 Server Extension : 0.1
 XFree86 Font Renderer : 0.1
 (II) Loader running on linux
 (II) LoadModule: "bitmap"
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
 (II) Module bitmap: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
 compiled for 4.0.1, module version = 1.0.0
 Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
 ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.1
 (II) Loading font Bitmap
 (II) LoadModule: "pcidata"
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
 (II) Module pcidata: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
 compiled for 4.0.1, module version = 0.1.0
 ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.2
 (II) PCI: Probing config type using method 1
 (II) PCI: Config type is 1
 (II) PCI: stages = 0x03, oldVal1 = 0x, mode1Res1 = 0x8000
 (II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
 (II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 8086,7190 card , rev 02 class 06,00,00
 hdr 00
 (II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 8086,7191 card , rev 02 class 06,04,00
 hdr 01
 (II) PCI: 00:07:0: chip 8086,7110 card , rev 02 class 06,01,00
 hdr 80
 (II) PCI: 00:07:1: chip 8086,7111 card , rev 01 class 01,01,80
 hdr 00
 (II) PCI: 00:07:2: chip 8086,7112 card , rev 01 class 

Linux-Misc Digest #461

2000-12-03 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #461, Volume #26Mon, 4 Dec 00 02:13:02 EST

  Re: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines??? ("LCR")
  Re: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines??? (moonie;))
  Re: glx , Suse 7.0 , X crashes system. (Thomas Zajic)
  Re: Monitor specs? (MaryP)
  enlightenment questions ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines??? ("Rick Goh")
  Network problem: don't know where to look (Jan Erik Moström)
  Systems Change? (Dwight Fleck)
  Re: Network problem: don't know where to look (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Freezing Box - *whimper* ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 (Stephan A Suerken)

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines???
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 05:12:24 -

You have to compile your kernel to support routing based on firewall mark
(or something like that) - you also need to select CONFIG_Experimental

Then try this:
ipchains -A forward -s 80 -i external interface - j MASQ
ipchains -A forward -s 80 -i external interface - j MASQ
ipchains -A forward -p tcp -d virtual ip 1 80  -m 1
ipchains -A forward -p tcp -d virtual ip 2 80  -m 2

ipmasqadm mfw -A -m 1 -r 80
ipmasqadm mfw -A -m 2 -r 80

It should be a start



From: moonie;) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines???
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 00:38:23 -0500

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, Rick Goh wrote:
I have managed to set up 2 virtual hosts. They are residing on my linux
server;  /www/client1/www/client2.

However, what I want is to have them hosted on my other 2 clients which are
IP MASQ machines.

Scenario to be achieved:  --  --

How can the above be achieved?


Why would you want to, this blows a hole through your firewall, bad idea.
moonie ;)

Registered Linux User #175104

Kernel 2.4.0-test5
XFree86 4.0 Nvidia .94 drivers
RAID 0 Striped
Test-Pilots-R-Us ;)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Zajic)
Subject: Re: glx , Suse 7.0 , X crashes system.
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Zajic)
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 05:45:01 GMT

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 22:23:45 -0600, Jerry Kreps wrote:

 Does the 4.0.1 even support NV!?  I don't think so.

Did you really have to quote 500 lines for a one-line answer? I don't
think so.

-  Thomas "ZlatkO" Zajic  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux-2.2.17/slrn-  -
-  "It is not easy to cut through a human head with a hacksaw."  (M. C.)  -


Subject: Re: Monitor specs?
Date: 4 Dec 2000 05:46:01 GMT

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steven Atkinson

 ... I don t know what 
 is safe for this monitor. ...  
 The literature that came with it does not mention any manufactures

If you have the manual, it should contain the necessary specs, and you
won't need to know the manufacturer at all. Look for something that tells
you the horizontal and vertical refresh rate, as well as a few other
numbers. In your install, choose a custom monitor configuration and it'll
let you enter those numbers in the appropriate places. 

It will then create for you a few different possible resolutions, and once
you are in X, you will be able to shuffle between them using
cntrl-alt-plusonthekeypad or minusonthekeypad (if I remember correctly)
until you see the resolution that works best. 

(If it's not that, it's shift-alt-plus or minus. Maybe somebody else will
refresh my memory here, as I don't have that feature any more.)




Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: enlightenment questions
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 06:09:59 GMT

I have recently switched to enlightenment..

A couple of things I have noticed that I could use some help with:

Each window used to have an option for moving the window to another
workspace on the pager and now there is not, at least that I can tell.
How can I do this with Enlightmenment installed?

Also, when I left click or right click the desktop, I get
Enlightmentment menus.
Is there anyway to modify these hotkey so that perhaps Shift+left
click or Shift+right click do this instead?

Best regards,


From: "Rick Goh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines???
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 14:30:21 +0800

How does it blow a hole in my firewall? Sorry but i'm not 

Linux-Misc Digest #462

2000-12-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #462, Volume #26Mon, 4 Dec 00 04:13:02 EST

  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Network problem: don't know where to look ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Badly need help with a freezing box ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Mouse is jumpy in X (Eric)
  Trident CyberBlade i7 on HP Omnibook Xe2 doesn't work under X!! Help me!! 
  Re: Cannot telnet nor ftp to server ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  thread, task and process (Snoopy)
  Re: HELP, need original smb.conf ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Monitoring host with ping (Jimmy Navarro)
  Re: RedHat, Compaq Proliant 4500R,  NCR53C825 EISA ("Jeremy Rogers")
  Re: Freezing Box - *whimper* ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: NFS setup question (insecure port??) ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 ("William Pelish")

Subject: Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7
Date: 4 Dec 2000 08:26:27 +0100

Rex Dieter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To put it in just a few words: don't use MIME in non binary newsgroups ;-)

 William Pelish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I wish to know if anyone here has used Corel Linux Deluxe and if you have
  found any bugs. Also if you have also tried RH 7 and found any difference
  between the too. I am trying to decide which one to use for a server for my
 Don't use Redhat 7: stick with 6.2. 

 V7 really is much better than the 6.x series.  I doubt that I'll be able
 to convince you, but I hope others don't base their opinions on your

Version 7.0 may well be the worst Redhat release
 ever! It's got quite a lot of bugs, 

 Do you have any evidence of this?
Let's see: it won't configure your keyboard properly if you select a non-US layout.
The up2date daemon shipping with the distribution will lock up the system after
a few days because it leaks file descriptors.
the standard compiler is an unstable development snapshot of gcc, so that cygnus 
(now owned by redhat) have had to announce that 2.96 was _not_ an official release.
This really sounds like a .0 distribution to me...

ships with an unstable compiler unable to
 build the LInux kernel, and so on.

 For fact to refute this mis-information, see:
I'm not saying that it's impossible to correct some of those bu^H^Hfeatures,
but it shouldn't be necessary in the first place.

 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Don't do that either!

Alain Borel


Subject: Re: Network problem: don't know where to look
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 07:23:25 GMT

  Jan Erik Moström [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm slowly getting desperate over my Linux machine ...
 frankly I (and yes I'm a newbie to Linux) have no idea
 what to do to get it to connect to my network at home.
 And I would be VERY GRATEFUL if someone could help me
 in getting it up and running.

 Here are the facts:

 My network at home

   Mac G4 --- Hub  PowerBook
   (IP   |   (IP
  PC running SuSE

I don't know much about MACs, so I have to ask if they are running
TCP/IP?  I'm wondering if these computers are using the same protocol?


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Badly need help with a freezing box
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 07:30:03 GMT

I had a box doing something similar, although not at a particular time.
My problem turned out to be my graphics card.  System only locked up
when I was running X.  If your box is freezing at a certain time, I
would take a look at any cron jobs starting around that time period.

In article 90eo20$qkt$[EMAIL PROTECTED],

 Please help! I am but a humble trainee with no clue as to why this is
 happening. Any more freezes ( it's now once a day, at half three in
 afternoon, bang on time - sometimes more ), and they are probably
 to cancel the contract, and as we are such a new company, we need all
 the contracts we can get!

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Mouse is jumpy in X
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 08:43:44 +0100

 hi thankx for the help
 but it didnt work i have a serial mouse im not sure what protocal to use
 but i tried mousesystems,IMPS/2 and microsoft,

Linux-Misc Digest #463

2000-12-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #463, Volume #26Mon, 4 Dec 00 07:13:01 EST

  Re: Systems Change? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Help about filesystem ("Cyril Bérion")
  Re: Help about filesystem (Eric)
  Re: Network problem: don't know where to look (Jan Erik Moström)
  Re: Network problem: don't know where to look ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Monitoring host with ping (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Systems Change? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Logs of dhcpd ("Olivier Thomas")
  Re: Systems Change? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Network problem: don't know where to look (Jan Erik Moström)
  Re: Cannot telnet nor ftp to server (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: Cdrecord. ("Federico Baraldi")
  Re: Modem - ISDN-Anlage - Modem - Rechner ? (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: Which mail client can get only the headers on a POP account ? (Eggert Ehmke)

Subject: Re: Systems Change?
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 09:12:22 GMT


 I have a Pentium 133 mhz. Packard Bell.
 It is running Windows 98, And doing a very poor job of it. Windows uses
 a lot of ram memory.

 I am thinking of changing the system to Linux.

 Is this possible? And is Linux a better system for my computer?

 My main use is internet, email, web page building, and different software
 programs I pick up online.

 I appreciate any advice or help any one can offer.


Yes, the above System should be fine for Linux, but you have not mentioned
the amount of RAM you have. And also, your System will respond much faster
with Linux as compared to Windows.

What you will have to check on is the Swap Space, that depends on your RAM 
you Disk Capacity.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Cyril Bérion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Help about filesystem
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 10:21:34 +0100

Here is my problem : i have some NTFS partitions mounted on my system
as it is written in fstab:

- cat /etc/fstab

/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
# Win 2k
/dev/hda1 /mnt/mickey ntfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hde2 /mnt/donald ntfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hde5 /mnt/pluto ntfs defaults 0 0

I have read access on this partition for the root but no access for other

- ls -l /mnt

total 6
dr-xr-xr-x1 root root 2048 déc  2 14:21 cdrom/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 nov 30 21:48 disk/
dr-x--1 root root16384 nov 29 18:32 donald/
drwxrwxrwx1 root root0 déc  3 18:11 floppy/
dr-x--1 root root 8192 déc  3 18:04 mickey/
dr-x--1 root root12288 déc  3 17:49 pluto/

I want to access to this partition as a simple user
I tried to change the owner of the partition as root:

- chown cyril /mnt/mickey

But the system refuse and reply:

chown: /mnt/donald: File system is in read access only

It the same when i try to change the right:

- chmod 555 /mnt/mickey

chown: /mnt/donald: File system is in read access only

So what is the problem, how can i do to change to have access to those
partitions as a simple user


Subject: Re: Help about filesystem
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 10:31:48 +0100

 - chown cyril /mnt/mickey
 But the system refuse and reply:
 chown: /mnt/donald: File system is in read access only
 It the same when i try to change the right:
 - chmod 555 /mnt/mickey
 chown: /mnt/donald: File system is in read access only
 So what is the problem, how can i do to change to have access to those
 partitions as a simple user

A) ntfs write support is very experimental. Unless you don't value your
data, I wouldn't use it.

B) Don't try to chmod. Use the umask option when you mount the FS.



From: Jan Erik Moström [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Network problem: don't know where to look
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 10:45:51 +0100

In article 90fgpb$cic$[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't know much about MACs, so I have to ask if they are running
 TCP/IP?  I'm wondering if these computers are using the same protocol?

They are running TCP/IP ... actually the PowerBook is my work machine 
which I use in a mixed Sun, NT, Mac environment at work.



Subject: Re: Network problem: don't know where to look
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 09:42:36 GMT

In article 90fgpb$cic$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   Jan Erik Moström [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm slowly getting desperate over my Linux machine ...
  frankly I (and yes 

Linux-Misc Digest #464

2000-12-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #464, Volume #26Mon, 4 Dec 00 10:13:02 EST

  Re: Network problem: don't know where to look ("Tauno Voipio")
  Re: dd over ethernet (Sebastian Hans)
  Re: Color Printing Quality (Bruce Stephens)
  Re: Cannot telnet nor ftp to server (Harold Henry)
  Please Help me with last setup issue (sendmail?) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Screen shots. (Edwin Johnson)
  Plexwriter 12/10/32A not verify after write (Monika Strack)
  Accessing a Linux Partition on DOS/NT with Active Perl (Wayne Watson)
  Re: Please Help me with last setup issue (sendmail?) (Jean-David Beyer)
  Problem on my IBM ThinkPad ("Y W Wong")
  Re: Extracting Files from a Linux Tape on a Broken Linux (Lee Allen)
  Re: Runing WINE without WINDOWS partition (Lee Allen)
  Re: Oracle 8i on RH Linux 7.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  shutdown problem (Rafael)
  stty erase ^H not working! ("Andrew Carlisle")

From: "Tauno Voipio" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Network problem: don't know where to look
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 12:16:18 GMT

"Jan Erik Moström" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm slowly getting desperate over my Linux machine ...
 frankly I (and yes I'm a newbie to Linux) have no idea
 what to do to get it to connect to my network at home.
 And I would be VERY GRATEFUL if someone could help me
 in getting it up and running.

 Here are the facts:

 My network at home

   Mac G4 --- Hub  PowerBook
   (IP   |   (IP
  PC running SuSE

 The Linux machine is running SuSE 7.0 with no updates
 except for KDE2 and the driver for my network card. The
 network card is a D-Link DFE-530TX and the hub is a D-Link
 DE-805TP. Everything on the linux machine is working fine
 (as far as I understand). The only problem is that it can't
 see the other two machines and they can't see the Linux
 machine (I tried ping, ftp, telnet, http).

 The Macs see each other and I can use http, etc.

 I started by checking the cable between the hub and the
 Linux machine and it sees OK, the indicator lights on the
 card and the hub is both turned on. When I send something
 using the Macs I can see the indicator lights flickering
 but not when I ping from the linux machine.

 I issued the ifconfig command and it lists eth0 as up and

 eth0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 tcqueuelen:100
 Interrupt:9 Base address:0xcc00

 If I type "route -n" I get

 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref  Use Iface   U 0  0  0 eth0   U 0  0  0 lo

What we have:

1. The physical connection to the hub is supposedly there, if link LEDs
light at both ends.

2. The network card MAC address (00:00:00:00:00:00) is sick. Check what
address is in the sticker on the card (6 hexadecimal bytes). Force it on the
card by adding to the ifconfig command: ether the-real-MAC-address, e.g.
ether 00:00:12:34:56:78.

3. There is no indication whether the network card works (pinging *any* of
your own addresses will not do: it is internally looped back).

4. IMHO, the routing is OK for this net.

What can be done:

Try to fire up tcpdump on another console (xterm or virtual console) and
ping etiher of the Apples.

 tcpdump -nl | tee tcpdump.log

See if there is any life. There should be some ARP packets and then ICMP
echo packets and responses. Check if there are any interrupts on IRQ 9 (see

Tauno Voipio
tauno voipio @ iki fi


From: Sebastian Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: dd over ethernet
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 13:39:22 +0100

Hugh Gibson wrote:
 tar cvfb  -  20 * | rsh remotebox dd of=/home/mydir/image.tar  obs=20b

You might want to gzip the tar archive before sending it over the net.
(Insert "gzip -c |" between  the "|" and "rsh".


sebastian hans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  `\O/'  don't panic
student of comp sci - technical university of munich  \-^-/  ...just RUN
i'm a .signature virus! copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread


From: Bruce Stephens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Color Printing Quality
Date: 04 Dec 2000 12:58:07 +

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows) writes:


 (Printers in general are a pain to set up under Unix.  Work is 

Linux-Misc Digest #465

2000-12-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #465, Volume #26Mon, 4 Dec 00 15:13:03 EST

  Re: Accessing a Linux Partition on DOS/NT with Active Perl (Fabrice Colin)
  Shell providers for running X apps remotely? (Steve D. Perkins)
  help with printtool in linux. ("Kenny@BUI")
  Re: SCSI problem (Esa Tikka)
  Problem connecting to X server -- Font directory. (O'Neill)
  problem with mkisofs (Lukasz Mach)
  Re: problem with mkisofs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: problem with mkisofs (Lukasz Mach)
  first time setup of an ftp server ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Network problem: don't know where to look (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Screen shots. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: first time setup of an ftp server (Robert Kiesling)
  Kernel for 4Mb RAM 386 (The Phoenix)
  Re: stty erase ^H not working! (Paul Kimoto)
  SuSE 6.4 on a Toshiba Portege 7020 CT ("Timo Volkmer")
  Re: Screen shots.
  Re: stty erase ^H not working! (Bill Unruh)
  Re: testing nvidia 0.9-5 drivers (Mikael Gramont)
  Re: testing nvidia 0.9-5 drivers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Help setting erase to backspace (Phil Barone)
  Re: Kernel for 4Mb RAM 386 (Andreas Schweitzer)
  Re: testing nvidia 0.9-5 drivers (Mikael Gramont)

From: Fabrice Colin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Accessing a Linux Partition on DOS/NT with Active Perl
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 15:34:10 +

Wayne Watson wrote:
 Sometime ago I had both NT an Linux booting from my machine. I managed to clobber 
Linux and can no
 longer access it. However, the partition for it looks alive and contains some C and 
Perl source code
 I'd like to retrieve. I'm thinking of doing it with ActivePerl, but have little 
experience with it.
 I do believe Perl has an open statement to get to a disk drive. When I last 
programmed in Perl on
 Unix some years ago, I recall being able to open a directory. Probably something like
 open("/mydirectory", ...). I would expect ActivePerl under DOS/NT to have something 
similar. For
 example, open("C:",...) or something like open("E:\folderX"). Maybe there's 
something like
 pen("LinuxExt:H", ...). Once the directory is open it is then very easy to 
recursively work one's
 way through subdirectories and the files contained in each directory. So the 
question is how does
 one open a DOS folder in DOS/NT, and more to my particular concern, how does one 
open a Linux
 extension found on DOS/NT disk? open(/dev/hda3,...) 
If you just want to peek at a Linux partition, try LinuxExplorer. That's
an Explorer-like proggie that enables to navigate through ext2fs
I don't remember the URL but a search on your favorite search engine
should find it.

If you are definite about using Perl, you need a ext2fs filesystem
driver to mount your Linux partition as if it was formatted with FAT
or NTFS, but I don't know if such a beast exists...

Good luck.


From: Steve D. Perkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Shell providers for running X apps remotely?
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 15:28:49 GMT

At work, I recently installed an X server on my Windows 2000 notebook
to connect to an HP-UX box we're doing development on, and it's been an
amazing breath of fresh air.  I can run Gnome, and it's like having all
the convienences of both operating systems running together at the same

This got me thinking... I would love to have some common Linux
environment out there, that I could connect to like this through DSL at
home and through the LAN at work... where I can work on personal
development projects, store common data and access it wherever I am,

I've been browsing around at shell providers out there, but almost all
of them seem geared towards people wanting to play pranks with gay
people on IRC... none of them are seriously marketed to developers.

In a perfect world, I'd like a provider that could host my personal
domain and website as well as let me connect using me shell account
through an X server and run Gnome and other such apps remotely.
However, my web site requires MySQL and JServ/Tomcat... so I'd just
settle for keeping my current web host and having a seperate shell
provider for those purposes.

Is anyone familiar with a provider that makes this type of access

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: help with printtool in linux.
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 12:00:25 -0500

i need your collective input.
i setup a smb or remote printer using printtool. the setup looks correct due
to the fact
that i have successfully done this part before. this difference this time is
i have an nec superscript 870 laser printer. when i send a test print from
printtool it prints a page once and never again unless i delete the printer
entry and redo the setup.
of course the nec870 is not one of the choises of printers offered by

when it prints the original 

Linux-Misc Digest #467

2000-12-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #467, Volume #26Mon, 4 Dec 00 22:13:03 EST

  Re: Is Kde 2 Rally slow, or is it my box poorly trimmed ? (Noble Pepper)
  Re: Is Kde 2 Rally slow, or is it my box poorly trimmed ? ("Erik Knave")
  Re: Help: 2.2.17 kernel crashes during large I/O operations (RogerB)
  Pointer to DMail FAQ (stephenp)
  Samba and college network (Michael Ramirez)
  Re: Problem connecting to X server -- Font directory. (Bryan Hoyt)
  Unarchiving with cpio  gzip (Paul Saletan)
  Kernel Panic! ("Antony Mak")
  Re: Exchange Server / Linux VPN ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Unknown Ethernet Packet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: sound permission problems (Scott Horsley)
  Re: Unknown Ethernet Packet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: su (to root) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Full screen PDF viewer (SKG) (Georg Skillas)
  Re: su (to root) (Jean-David Beyer)
  Applixware 5 crashes Red Hat 7 (Christopher Wong)
  Re: Is Kde 2 Rally slow, or is it my box poorly trimmed ? ("Garry Knight")

From: Noble Pepper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Is Kde 2 Rally slow, or is it my box poorly trimmed ?
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 18:13:18 -0600

Emmanuel Beranger wrote:

 Kde 1 was fine on my AMD 350
 I tried KDE 2, just to see ... but I soon reverted to 1, because it was
 so slow ...
 Any1 got the same impression, or you all have rocket 1,5 Ghz chips ?
I have a AMD 400 and find KDE2 perfectly acceptable on the speed count. I 
believe a shortage of RAM will affect it dramatically though, I have 128M. 
Use Control Center, Information, Memory to see if you need more for KDE2 to 
be comfortable. Physical will almost always show nearly full but you should 
not see much virtual used if things are going to be quick. My system shows 
92% and 5%.

BTW- KDE questions get answers faster over at


From: "Erik Knave" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Is Kde 2 Rally slow, or is it my box poorly trimmed ?
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 01:30:31 +0100

I was wondering if you perhaps is experiencing the same ploblem as me.
When I installed RH7 i thought X was really slow. And then I checked with
'top' how
much mem the os thought I had. It reported a tenth of the installed amount
of memory (13 Meg, when I have 128 Meg).

If anyone else has experienced this kind of problem, then please give me a
hint of what to do
/ Erik

"Emmanuel Beranger" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:90h5ih$21r8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Kde 1 was fine on my AMD 350
 I tried KDE 2, just to see ... but I soon reverted to 1, because it was
 so slow ...

 Any1 got the same impression, or you all have rocket 1,5 Ghz chips ?


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Help: 2.2.17 kernel crashes during large I/O operations
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 00:42:57 GMT

I'm not sure about the kernel version but are you sure it's not a 
hardware problem. I have the same problem on my little box because I
can't get the scsi timing right. Also bad drive cables can do the same thing.
On Fri, 1 Dec 2000 09:40:34 -0400, Marco Imperatore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When moving large files or doing full backups, my Linux box running 2.2.17
Never crashed with previously installed kernel (2.0.36).  Does anyone have a
for this?  Pls e-mail back. Thx.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (stephenp)
Crossposted-To: comp.mail.misc,
Subject: Pointer to DMail FAQ
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 11:54:44 GMT

Pointer to DMail Mail Server, Email List Server and WEBMail Software
FAQ and Binary Areas:

The Dmail Mail Server is an advanced, standards based, Email Software
Solution suitable Internet Service Providers and Corporates.

Manual  FAQS:


From: Michael Ramirez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Samba and college network
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 01:59:39 -0500

Question- I'm on a college campus and my dorm is on a LAN. I'm trying to
imagine how I can configure smbclient to be able to access shares
without knowing the netbios name of every computer in my dorm. Is there
anyway I can browse the network, finding out the necessary "name" info?
I'd like to be able to share with the rest of the dorm (I'm
discriminated against because I use linux!!). Maybe you could lead me to
a webpage answering my question... Thanks for the help.

Michael Ramirez
Computer Science/Computer Engineering Student
North Carolina State University


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bryan Hoyt)
Subject: Re: Problem connecting to X server -- Font directory.
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 01:43:52 GMT

Who ever said O'Neill couldn't write what 

Linux-Misc Digest #468

2000-12-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #468, Volume #26Tue, 5 Dec 00 00:13:01 EST

  Do DMA mode relate to SCSI HDD? (Carfield Yim)
  How to connect to my Palm? (Carfield Yim)
  Adsl-start as start-up script (Carfield Yim)
  Linuxgruven ("David B. Henning")
  Re: su (to root) ("Jan Schaumann")
  Re: Kernel Panic! ("Antony Mak")
  How Linux calc memory? (Carfield Yim)
  Re: Do DMA mode relate to SCSI HDD? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Runing WINE without WINDOWS partition ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help setting erase to backspace (David Efflandt)
  Re: Do DMA mode relate to SCSI HDD? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Full screen PDF viewer (SKG) (hac)
  Re: Applixware 5 crashes Red Hat 7 ("Garry Knight")
  Re: Need Help with PASSWD! Urgent! (Bill Unruh)
  Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? (Wayne Watson)
  Re: Help setting erase to backspace (Bill Unruh)

Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 11:10:12 +0800
From: Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Do DMA mode relate to SCSI HDD?

I know that if I have IDE HDD, I can use hdparm -d 1 /dev/hda to
increase the speed of my HDD, but is it relate to scsi HDD?


Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 11:11:26 +0800
From: Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: How to connect to my Palm?

I have install mandrake with the tools that 
support palm. After I start gnome and follow the 
instruction to sync palm and linux, my palm report 
can't connect to system. 

Where can I find more information? 

I connect my palm with serial com1, should I use ttyS0?


Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 11:14:15 +0800
From: Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Adsl-start as start-up script

I would like to connect  to internet upon the system start, so I try to
connect to internet at console using adsl-start, but it can't work. Can
anybody tell me how to set it? 

I can successful connect to internet at gnome using mandrake tool but
can't connect at console using adsl-start. Actually I can get the IP and
start the ppp0 adapter, but I can't ping to internet.


From: "David B. Henning" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Linuxgruven
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 22:09:08 -0500
Reply-To: "David B. Henning" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just wondering if anyone is familiar with Linuxgruven.  Had a job interview
with them and would like any input.



From: "Jan Schaumann" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: su (to root)
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 22:21:03 -0500


 In article dWUW5.14312$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
   "Iain Ambler" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 news:90b3iv$9b3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
  is there any way to set up the system so that only
  *one specific user* can SU to root?

 Why do this?


 well, i'll tell you why. somehow someone figured out the password,
 logged in remotely and su to root. i caought the act before any real
 damage being done. now, since root can only log on from "secure ttys",
 if i can prevent intruders from suing to root, they won't be able to
 gain root access even they somehow figure out the password.
 interestingly, this guy logged in as operator, i'm still puzzled by
 this. i didn't even know the pass for operator myself. i think there's
 something more serious than password guessing, because i don't think the
 root password is really guessible.

dude- there is only one sane thing to do when somebody has gotten access
to your root-password who shouldn't have:

take the machine of the net.
wipe it.
re-install from scratch
secure it
*maybe* *think* about putting it back on the net

How the hell do you know they don't have access anymore? Once somebody
has gotten root, they could set up all kinds of trojans that let them get
back in no matter how often you choose your password. 

-Jan shakes his head

Jan Schaumann

Homer:  Hey, Burns!  Eat my shorts!
Burns:  Who the Sam Hill was that?


From: "Antony Mak" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Kernel Panic!
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 11:31:38 +0800

After running fsck, the box can boot-up and I found the following message in

Dec  5 09:28:55 test1 kernel: kmem_free: Bad obj addr (objp=c9f9b4d0,
Dec  5 09:28:55 test1 kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer
dereference a
t virtual address 
Dec  5 09:28:55 test1 kernel: current-tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3 = 00101000
Dec  5 09:28:55 test1 kernel: *pde = 
Dec  5 09:28:55 test1 kernel: Oops: 0002
Dec  5 09:28:55 test kernel: CPU:0
Dec  5 09:28:55 test1 kernel: EIP:0010:[kmem_cache_free+337/368]
Dec  5 09:28:55 test1 kernel: EFLAGS: 00010282
Dec  5 09:28:55 test1 kernel: eax: 003d   ebx: c0be3740   ecx: c0bfe000
edx: 003c
Dec  5 09:28:55 test1 kernel: esi: c9f9b4d0   edi: 0282   ebp: 31313032
esp: c0bfff70
Dec  5 09:28:55 test1 kernel: ds: 0018   es: 

Linux-Misc Digest #469

2000-12-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #469, Volume #26Tue, 5 Dec 00 01:13:01 EST

  Re: Unknown Ethernet Packet (Wayne Pollock)
  JDK1.3 and Linux and Hotspot ("David Wall")
  Re: Systems Change? (Dwight Fleck)
  Re: Systems Change? (Dwight Fleck)
  Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Applixware 5 crashes Red Hat 7 ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? (Roger Beeman)
  Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? (Thomas Zajic)
  Big Trouble with Sendmail ("JP")
  Re: Network problem: don't know where to look (problem solved) (Jan Erik Moström)

From: Wayne Pollock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Unknown Ethernet Packet
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 23:25:03 -0500

I don't know what it is either, but it looks like some sort of
"keep-alive".  Most likely its a complete error.  It might even be
a virus or worm on your network.

If you ever figure it out, post the answer please.

-Wayne Pollock

 I am getting unknown Ethernet broadcast packets
 on the network from the same device and it's
 driving me crazy trying to figure out what they
 are.  The packets (each 1.51 Kb) are being
 broadcasted twice every second.  The broadcast is
 happening 24/7.  More info is below:
 There is a series of cascading switches/hubs on
 our company's network and the broadcasted packets
 are being propogated to all devices.  We have
 about 150 nodes on the network.
 Does anyone have any idea of what this is?
 Below are more specific info of one packet:
 (Almost all the packets look identical to each
 other, though.)
 FRAME: Total frame length: 1510 bytes
 ETHERNET: Destination address : 
 ETHERNET: Source address : 0201
 ETHERNET: Ethernet Type : 0x886F
 (*The monitor software that I am using listed
 this an unknown protocol.)
 ETHERNET: Ethernet Data: Number of data bytes
 remaining = 1496 (0x05D8)
 Below is the raw DATA payload portion of the
 ethernet packet (ignore the right hand most
 column as the cut-and-paste didn't translate some
 character properly into ASCII.)
   BF 01   ..
 0010  DE C0 03 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0020  00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 02 00 D7 A3 E4
 39 00 00 .9..
 0030  00 00 00 00 30 10 00 00 00 00 00 F0 FF
 6F 00 00 0o..
 0040  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0060  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0070  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0080  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0090  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00A0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00B0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00C0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00D0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00E0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00F0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0100  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0110  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0120  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0130  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0140  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0150  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0160  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0170  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0180  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0190  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 01A0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 01B0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 01C0  00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
 0F FF FF 
 01D0  FF FF FF FF FF 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 01E0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 01F0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0200  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0210  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0220  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0230  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0240  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 

Linux-Misc Digest #470

2000-12-05 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #470, Volume #26Tue, 5 Dec 00 05:13:02 EST

  Re: Big Trouble with Sendmail (Jem Berkes)
  Re: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines??? (moonie;))
  Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? ("Kousik Nandy")
  Re: Big Trouble with Sendmail ("Kerry Koppert")
  Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? (Wayne Watson)
  How to fix bad sectors on HD? (Jc)
  Re: printing from acrobat (Gerald Willmann)
  Do Linux ext2 partition need defrag? (Carfield Yim)
  Plexwriter 12/10/32A not verify after write (Monika Strack)
  Re: enlightenment questions (kari savolainen)
  Re: Do Linux ext2 partition need defrag? (Richard Steiner)
  Scaling images (Aulne)
  Sound Problem ("mu6sys")
  installing linux by itself (cj)
  Re: Runing WINE without WINDOWS partition (Phil Reynolds)
  Re: installing linux by itself (jabba)
  Re: Scaling images (Jimenez Martinez Angel Luis)
  Re: How to fix bad sectors on HD? (Jimenez Martinez Angel Luis)

From: Jem Berkes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Big Trouble with Sendmail
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 00:14:12 -0600

This sounds rather strange, and part of the problem might be added
complexities that Outlook Express is introducing (??). Try JBMail, my
"light-weight" direct POP3 access windows utility. You will be able to
find out if you can get into your mailbox or not, and it will return the
precise error message as reported by your mail server.

 My Linux (Slackware 2.0.38) mail server has been partial down all day.
 First of all, users keep having trouble logging in from Outlook Express.
 They were rejected for putting in "incorrect password".  But I have reset
 the password many many times.  They can even log in from Telnet sessions.
 I then deleted the user account and the mail file from the "/var/spool/mail"
 directory and recreated the account.  Now this user get a different error
 message which said something about failing to open "new temporary file" and
 was asked "do you own it?".  Since it is just a message that Outlook Express
 reported, I cannot put in any response.
 Does anyone has any clue what is going on?  I am desperate for help.  Thanks
 in advance.


From: moonie;) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines???
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 01:14:13 -0500

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000, Rick Goh wrote:
How does it blow a hole in my firewall? Sorry but i'm not security savvy.
Could u please elaborate? thanks.


moonie; ")" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, Rick Goh wrote:
 I have managed to set up 2 virtual hosts. They are residing on my linux
 server;  /www/client1/www/client2.
 However, what I want is to have them hosted on my other 2 clients which
 IP MASQ machines.
 Scenario to be achieved:  --  --
 How can the above be achieved?

 Why would you want to, this blows a hole through your firewall, bad idea.
 moonie ;)

 Registered Linux User #175104

 Kernel 2.4.0-test5
 XFree86 4.0 Nvidia .94 drivers
 RAID 0 Striped
 Test-Pilots-R-Us ;)

It allows unrestricted access to the machines inside your firewall, granted
this is just port 80, but ANY unrestricted access is an invitation to intrusion.
moonie ;)

Registered Linux User #175104

Kernel 2.4.0-test5
XFree86 4.0 Nvidia .94 drivers
RAID 0 Striped
Test-Pilots-R-Us ;)


From: "Kousik Nandy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition?
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 11:25:57 +0530

mount -t vfat /dev/hda2 /xyz

[also read man pages of mount]

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Wayne Watson"

 I'd like t o mount a DOS partition and copy some source files to it.
 So far attempting to do mount
 /dev/hda2 /xyz hasn't cut it. Maybe there's a DOS argument to mount?
 Maybe some other way?


From: "Kerry Koppert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Big Trouble with Sendmail
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 19:27:05 +1300

"JP" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:hw%W5.599$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 My Linux (Slackware 2.0.38) mail server has been partial down all day.

 First of all, users keep having trouble logging in from Outlook Express.
 They were 

Linux-Misc Digest #471

2000-12-05 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #471, Volume #26Tue, 5 Dec 00 08:13:04 EST

  Re: Do Linux ext2 partition need defrag? (Carfield Yim)
  Re: Do DMA mode relate to SCSI HDD? (Carfield Yim)
  problems with .rhosts? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Is Kde 2 Rally slow, or is it my box poorly trimmed ? (Glitch)
  Re: How to fix bad sectors on HD? (Glitch)
  Re: Runing WINE without WINDOWS partition (Michel Bardiaux)
  literature database / BiBTeX frontend?  (nospam)
  Re: shutdown problem ("Dave Freeman")
  KDE 2.0 Application Description Pop-ups ("Dave Freeman")
  Re: VM on LINUX (Mauro Morandin)
  Problem compiling kernel 2.2.17 (Mauro Morandin)
  Re: Scaling images (Aulne)
  Re: Full screen PDF viewer (SKG) (Dave Blake)
  Re: Color Printing Quality ("S. G. Student")
  Re: Is Kde 2 Rally slow, or is it my box poorly trimmed ? (Noble Pepper)
  problems with bind 8.2.2 installation (Julio Gosmaalho)
  Re: literature database / BiBTeX frontend? (Stephen Cornell)

Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 18:19:47 +0800
From: Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Do Linux ext2 partition need defrag?


Richard Steiner wrote:
 Here in comp.os.linux.misc, Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 spake unto us, saying:
 As title, do I need to defrag it to maintain performance just like
 Windows platform?
 Not really.  The FAT filesystem and variants are the only filesystems
 for Intel systems which require regular defragmenting.
-Rich Steiner  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ---  Eden Prairie, MN
   OS/2 + BeOS + Linux + Solaris + Win95 + WinNT4 + FreeBSD + DOS
   + PC/GEOS + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
   Friction is a drag.


Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 18:19:55 +0800
From: Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Do DMA mode relate to SCSI HDD?


Dances With Crows wrote:
 On Tue, 05 Dec 2000 11:10:12 +0800, Carfield Yim staggered into the
 Black Sun and said:
 I know that if I have IDE HDD, I can use hdparm -d 1 /dev/hda to
 increase the speed of my HDD, but is it relate to scsi HDD?
 No.  When power is applied to the SCSI device and its bus, the device
 and the card negotiate to find out the highest speed both are capable of
 handling, and they use that speed.  You can speed up your SCSI devices
   buying a better SCSI card (PCI  ISA)
   upgrading the SCSI bus (Ultra  Wide  Narrow)
   buying faster SCSI devices (1 RPM  7200 RPM)
   hacking the SCSI drivers in an intelligent way (good luck!)
 Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
 Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
 -/I hit a seg fault


Subject: problems with .rhosts?
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 10:06:38 GMT

hi all

i'm currently getting some strange behaviour with my ~/.rhosts in that
in there, i have specified:

  greentea  pfdev23

and for which greentea and coffee are the official hostnames (as
specified in their /etc/hosts files) of a solaris 2.6 and linux 2.2.17
hosts respectively (and pfdev23 is my uid)

however, when i try to do rsh/rlogin into the sun (greentea) from
coffee, i am still prompted with the passwrd prompt.  once onto
greentea, i can do a rlogin back into greentea and it doesnt ask me for
a password.  is there something (other config) that i have missed?

pfdev23@coffee:[/tmp]$  rlogin greentea
Last login: Mon Dec  4 13:45:32 from greentea
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.6   Generic August 1997
$ rlogin coffee

the last rlogin (back to coffee) is fine.

any help would be appreciated

Sent via
Before you buy.


Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 02:25:31 -0500
Subject: Re: Is Kde 2 Rally slow, or is it my box poorly trimmed ?

man lilo or maybe man lilo.conf

this problem has been explained thousands of times before

Erik Knave wrote:
 I was wondering if you perhaps is experiencing the same ploblem as me.
 When I installed RH7 i thought X was really slow. And then I checked with
 'top' how
 much mem the os thought I had. It reported a tenth of the installed amount
 of memory (13 Meg, when I have 128 Meg).
 If anyone else has experienced this kind of problem, then please give me a
 hint of what to do
 / Erik
 "Emmanuel Beranger" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 news:90h5ih$21r8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
  Kde 1 was fine on my AMD 350
  I tried KDE 2, just to see ... but I soon reverted to 1, because it was
  so slow ...
  Any1 got the same impression, or you all have rocket 1,5 Ghz chips ?


Date: Tue, 05 Dec 

Linux-Misc Digest #472

2000-12-05 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #472, Volume #26Tue, 5 Dec 00 09:13:01 EST

  LPRng prints a banner page all the time (Shankar K E)
  Re: Backup Hard Drive... (Martin Gregorie)
  Xfree problems? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  LINUX pn PC104 ("Maurizio Stefani")
  Re: literature database / BiBTeX frontend? (nospam)
  Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? (Robert Heller)

Subject: LPRng prints a banner page all the time
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 18:02:36 +0530

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I am running Red Hat Linux 6.2, and the printer always prints a banner
page along with anything I print.

Please let me know how could I solve this problem.

Attached is the lpd.conf and the printcap file,

FYI : I am using LPRng.



Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

# Dummy Printcap file
# VERSION=3.6.19
#lp:cm=Dummy Printcap File
#  :lp=/dev/null
#  :sd=/var/spool/lpd/%P

##PRINTTOOL3## REMOTE lj4dith 600x600 a4 {} LaserJet4dither Default 1

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

# lpd.conf
# VERSION=3.6.19
# lpd.conf generated from Makefile on Thu Jul  6 17:33:20 IST 2000
#   The values in this file are the default values.
#   If you modify the file,  set the value to something other than the default
#   For example,
# # default force_localhost
#   means the 'force_localhost' option default value is on or 1
#   To set it to OFF or 0, change this to read:
# force_localhost@

# Purpose: always print banner, ignore lpr -h option
#   default ab@ (FLAG off)
# Purpose: query accounting server when connected
#   default achk@ (FLAG off)
# Purpose: accounting at end (see also af, la, ar, as)
#   default ae=jobend $H $n $P $k $b $t  (STRING)
# Purpose: name of accounting file (see also la, ar)
#   default af=acct  (STRING)
# Purpose: automatically hold all jobs
#   default ah@ (FLAG off)
# Purpose: Allow use of LPD_CONF environment variable
#   default allow_getenv@ (FLAG off)
# Purpose: allow users to request logging info using lpr -mhost%port
#   default allow_user_logging@ (FLAG off)
# Purpose: allow these users or UIDs to set owner of job.  For Samba front ending
#   default allow_user_setting=  (STRING)
# Purpose: append these -Z options to end of options list on outgoing or filters
#   default append_z=  (STRING)
# Purpose: write remote transfer accounting (if af is set)
#   default ar  (FLAG on)
# Purpose: host architecture
#   default architecture=i686   (STRING)
# Purpose: accounting at start (see also af, la, ar)
#   default as=jobstart $H $n $P $k $b $t  (STRING)
# Purpose: authentication type for client to server
#   default auth=  (STRING)
# Purpose: client to server authentication filter
#   default auth_forward=  (STRING)
# Purpose: end banner printing program overides bp
#   default be=  (STRING)
# Purpose: Berkeley LPD: job file strictly RFC-compliant
#   default bk@ (FLAG off)
# Purpose: Berkeley LPD filter options
#   default bk_filter_options=$P $w $l $x $y $F $c $L $i $J $C $0n $0h $-a  (STRING)
# Purpose: Berkeley LPD OF filter options
#   default bk_of_filter_options=$w $l $x $y  (STRING)
# Purpose: backwards-compatible filters: use simple paramters
#   default bkf@ (FLAG off)
# Purpose: short banner line sent to banner printer
#   default bl=$-C:$-n Job: $-J Date: $-t  (STRING)
# Purpose: banner printing program (see bs, be)
#   default bp=  (STRING)
# Purpose: format for bounce queue output
#   default bq_format=f  (STRING)
# Purpose: if lp is a tty, set the baud rate (see ty)
#   default br=0  (INTEGER)
# Purpose: do not set priority from class name
#   default break_classname_priority_link@ (FLAG off)
# Purpose: banner printing program overrides bp
#   default bs=  (STRING)
# Purpose: check for nonprintable file
#   default check_for_nonprintable@ (FLAG off)
# Purpose: check for RFC1179 protocol violations
#   default check_for_protocol_violations@ (FLAG off)
# Purpose: filter selects the destination for a load balance queue
#   default chooser=  (STRING)
# Purpose: interval between checks for available destination for load balance queue
#   default chooser_interval=10  (INTEGER)
# Purpose: user provided routine selects the destination for a load balance queue
#   default chooser_routine@ (FLAG off)

Linux-Misc Digest #473

2000-12-05 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #473, Volume #26Tue, 5 Dec 00 13:13:01 EST

  Need Help with Sendmail - Cannot open new temporary File ("JP")
  Booting Windows on a second hard drive with lilo (David Kaplan)
  Re: problem with mkisofs (Lukasz Mach)
  Re: Need Help with Sendmail - Cannot open new temporary File (Tim Haynes)
  Re: Need Help with Sendmail - Cannot open new temporary File (Robert Kiesling)
  TC1000 (Seba)
  Re: Adsl-start as start-up script
  Re:  Re: Kernel for 4Mb RAM 386 (The Phoenix)
  Re: problems with .rhosts? (Bit Twister)
  Re: Can't ftp to Linux box from windows ftp client - SOLVED ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: problems with .rhosts? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Bcksp/Delete Config [was: problem with tcsh and bksp key] 
  Re: Which driver to use (Graham Vincent)
  Re: problems with .rhosts? (Bit Twister)
  Kernel panic: Free list corrupted ("Geir Harald Hansen")
  Re: Cdrecord. (Paul Lew)
  Re: literature database / BiBTeX frontend? (Stephen Cornell)
  Re: Boot problems Redhat7 ("Chris Ripp")

Subject: Need Help with Sendmail - Cannot open new temporary File
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 09:12:57 -0500

My Linux (Slackware 2.0.38) mail server has been partial down all day.

First of all, users keep having trouble logging in from Outlook Express.
They were rejected for putting in "incorrect password".  But I have reset
the password many many times.  They can even log in from Telnet sessions.

I then deleted the user account and the mail file from the "/var/spool/mail"
directory and recreated the account.  Now this user get a different error
message which said something about failing to open "new temporary file" and
was asked "do you own it?".  Since it is just a message that Outlook Express
reported, I cannot put in any response.

Does anyone has any clue what is going on?  I am desperate for help.  Thanks
in advance.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Kaplan)
Subject: Booting Windows on a second hard drive with lilo
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 14:20:24 GMT

I have linux on /dev/hda, and windows on /dev/hdd.  I can boot
linux just fine with lilo, but when I try to boot windows, I get this:

boot: windows
Loading kernel 01boot: 

and asks for another boot label until it gets linux.
My lilo.conf file is fine for linux but here is the windows stanza:


This does not work.  Do I need a chain loader?  Which one?


From: Lukasz Mach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.linux
Subject: Re: problem with mkisofs
Date: 5 Dec 2000 14:29:19 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc James Pearson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The output of mkisofs for the 2nd (or subsequent) sessions is not a
 complete ISO9660 disk image, therefore you cannot mount it by itself.
 The easiest way to check the image is to use isoinfo - part of the
 cdrecord/mkisofs package.

 James Pearson

hmm, there is advice in README.multisession and CD-Wrining HOWTO. This
advice told me that i can mount inage of my SECOND session, and check it.
After all , even if you have right, my image recorded to disk,
doesnt work, so i think, that mkisofs makes no good work. 





From: Tim Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Need Help with Sendmail - Cannot open new temporary File
Date: 05 Dec 2000 14:19:41 +
Reply-To: Tim Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I then deleted the user account and the mail file from the
 "/var/spool/mail" directory and recreated the account. Now this user get
 a different error message which said something about failing to open "new
 temporary file" and was asked "do you own it?". Since it is just a
 message that Outlook Express reported, I cannot put in any response.
 Does anyone has any clue what is going on? I am desperate for help. 
 Thanks in advance.

Just leave the account deleted; nothing further could go wrong that way.

(Whaddya mean that's too nice of me? Well if you really must, recreate it,
have a look at the other files in /var/spool/mail, play
spot-the-permissions and double-check disk-space while you're at it.)

Can you tell me how to get, | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How to get to Sesame Street?|



Linux-Misc Digest #477

2000-12-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #477, Volume #26Wed, 6 Dec 00 05:13:02 EST

  Re: Runing WINE without WINDOWS partition (Reinhard Karcher)
  Sendmail question (root)
  Re: another bash scripting question (Mike keithley)
  Re: another bash scripting question (Manfred Bartz)
  Mandrake 7.2 shutdown error? (Rafael)
  Problem to halt - HELP (Rafael)
  Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 (solved) ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: another bash scripting question (Sebastian Hans)
  Re: Sendmail question (Alexei Kichkine)
  Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? (Sebastian Hans)
  Re: Do Linux ext2 partition need defrag? (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Adobe drops linux beta (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Do Linux ext2 partition need defrag? (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Adsl-start as start-up script (Carfield Yim)
  Re: problems with .rhosts? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  half newbie question ("A.Bev")
  Re: Repartioning: invalid character 48 in exportstr for 0x00 (Eric)
  How should I install Linux and Win2K (dual boot) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 21:48:02 +0100
From: Reinhard Karcher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Runing WINE without WINDOWS partition

Calvarezl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I want to run a WINDOWS .EXE program and download and installed WINE
but I do not have a WINDOWS partition.
How i configure WINE to run the .EXE program?

You better ask at
Or look at their homepage



Subject: Sendmail question
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 05:31:49 GMT

I am running RedHat Linux 6.2.  As my system boots up it loads Sendmail
just fine and gives an [OK] status.  When I log onto the system I can
send out e-mail to friends and family fine.  But when they send e-mail
back to me they get the following bounce back:

"This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
each recipient was rejected.

Reason:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Relaying denied

Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if you feel this message to be in error."

Can anyone help.  What do I need to do to receive e-mail on my server to

my local domain?

Thanks for your help.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.questions
From: Mike keithley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: another bash scripting question
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 05:39:28 GMT

Where does one find a summary of the options if the if statement?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: another bash scripting question
From: Manfred Bartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 06:18:34 GMT

Mike keithley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Where does one find a summary of the options if the if statement?

``if'' is actually very limited, it only knows zero (TRUE) and
not-zero (FALSE).  The options are given to ``test'' which is
symlinked or hard-linked to ``['' (also builtin).

man bash
man test

Bash Reference Card:



Subject: Mandrake 7.2 shutdown error?
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 11:36:42 +0100

I have installed on one server Linux Mandrake 7.2 and on the other RH
7.0. When I choose security level high, I can not shutdown system
properly. It tell me now more prcess and I have to turn off computer and

then starting take 15 minutes becouse system was not cleanly unmounted.
Where is the solution of  this problem



Subject: Problem to halt - HELP
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 15:17:52 +0100

I have Mandrake  7.2.  Everything is running  except
 for one thing:  it will not complete a shutdown.
After shutting down processes it generates the message "INIT: No more
processes in this runlevel" at  which point the machine just sits
there.  I don't want to say the box is hung, because when I hit
Ctrl-Alt-Delete the disk gets hit with something.
I can also switch to other console using ALT+ F2...F6 but I can not log.

I was trying:
shutdown -h now - the same
halt - the same
How to soleve this problem, I did not have such problems with Mandrake
7.1 and RH 6.2. On RH 7.0 I had the same problem.



From: "Peter T. Breuer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 (solved)
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 07:47:25 +0100

In comp.os.linux.misc Stephan A Suerken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[ of striped raid root ]]
  I don't think there are only 

Linux-Misc Digest #478

2000-12-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #478, Volume #26Wed, 6 Dec 00 10:13:02 EST

  Re: lynx and https problem (Thomas Dickey)
  Re: Christmas Virus Warning (Eric)
  wrong margins on HP695C from Linux
  Re: Problem mounting audio cdrom (Eric)
  Re: Scaling images (Aulne)
  Re: VM on LINUX (Eric)
  Re: RAM-problems in Redhat7 (Eric)
  "/usr" versus "/usr/local" ("Flej Ling")
  What do these characters mean? ("Flej Ling")
  Re: problem with mkisofs (James Pearson)
  Re: How do I install ANYTHING in Linux ("Flej Ling")
  Re: another bash scripting question (Jean-David Beyer)
  Need help with script and corn ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Adobe drops linux beta (Joshua Baker-LePain)
  Does anyone know!?!?! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: "/usr" versus "/usr/local" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Parser generator ("Flej Ling")
  modules (Mayerber Carvalho Neto)
  crontab question (NDQ)
  Re: Full screen PDF viewer (SKG) (Georg Skillas)
  Re: "/usr" versus "/usr/local" (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: How to fix bad sectors on HD? (Lori Holder-Webb)
  Re: Problem mounting audio cdrom (Lori Holder-Webb)

From: Thomas Dickey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: lynx and https problem
Date: 6 Dec 2000 11:24:53 GMT

Tom Hoffmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have RH7 w/ lynx 2.8.4. When i try to access a secure login page, I
 get the message "This client does not contain support for https URLs".
 I looked at the lynx man page and at the lynx user guide. The only
 thing I found was the -validate option, but I can not get it to make a

 accept only http URLs (meant for validation). 
 This flag implies security restrictions generally more severe
   than -anonymous: restriction options as for -restrictions=all,
   with the notable exception that *goto remains enabled for http
   and https URLs*; in addition, the PRINT and DOWNLOAD commands
   are completely disabled, and use of a Trace Log file is forced

 Am I on the right track here ... is this the way to get lynx to process
 https URLs? Or am I totally misreading this?

(no - that's something different)

lynx is not normally distributed with https support due to export restrictions.
There's a pointer to an SSL patch on the release page.
The current version of lynx is 2.8.3

It's available at
2.8.4 Development  patches:



Subject: Re: Christmas Virus Warning
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 12:27:47 +0100




Subject: wrong margins on HP695C from Linux
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 11:30:08 -

Hello !

I'm using apsfilter and ghostscript on Debian Potato to print to a HP695C.
Everything works fine except for the margins. The end of my page (bottom in
portrait orientation) is cut off, whereas the beginning and the sides are
fine. Where and how can I change the margin settings ?


Posted via CNET


Subject: Re: Problem mounting audio cdrom
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 12:30:51 +0100

Robert Clayton wrote:
 Dave Brown wrote:
  Whenever I try to mount an audio cdrom I get the following error.
  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,
 or too many mounted file systems
 As I recall, audio cdrom's do not have a filesystem of any sort (at
 least not directly mountable).
 Sorry, don't know how to extract data from them (dd doesn't work, I've
 tried it).  Maybe someone out there knows?

There's a great tool for that (As someone else already mentioned):




Subject: Re: Scaling images
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 11:45:43 GMT


 Who ever said Aulne couldn't write what follows?:
 In article 90idv2$pk9$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jimenez Martinez Angel Luis) wrote:
  Aulne ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   Hello all,
 I have graphic files in either tiff or ps format that I have to scale down
   in order to fit a full printer page.  Otherwise only a portion of the file is
   printed.  Is there a utility somewhere that can do this?
  Have you tried using The Gimp?? It works quite well for my needs. But if you
  want to convert between image formats and apply some modifications take a look
  at Imagemagick package. It has a console  program called "convert" which do
  these kind of things.
 Oops...  I forgot to mention that this scaling must be called from within a
 program.  In order words, I 

Linux-Misc Digest #479

2000-12-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #479, Volume #26Wed, 6 Dec 00 13:13:02 EST

  Re: Christmas Virus Warning ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do I install ANYTHING in Linux (Gerald Willmann)
  Re: Which driver to use (Geoff Short)
  Re: crontab question (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Adobe drops linux beta (Robert Wiegand)
  Re: help with printtool in linux. ("Block Iron  Supply Co - CIS")
  Anyone know an app that's capable of doing this? ('Blades RipRock')
  [OT] Re: Parser generator ("Arthur H. Gold")
  2 way serial connection between 2 pcs ("ruadhan")
  Re: What do these characters mean? (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: "/usr" versus "/usr/local" (Bill Unruh)
  removing strange dir ~ (John Hunter)
  Re: Help: 2.2.17 kernel crashes during large I/O operations ("Alk")
  Re: Samba and college network ("Block Iron  Supply Co - CIS")
  Re: Anyone know an app that's capable of doing this? (John Hunter)
  RealPlayer: The only cross platform choice? (pihl)
  Re: Newbie Boot problems (Leonard Evens)
  Re: What do these characters mean? (John Hunter)
  Problems running ./configure ("Andy")
  Re: removing strange dir ~ (Bit Twister)
  Re: Linux telnet windows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Disaster recovery info (Neil Montgomery)

Subject: Re: Christmas Virus Warning
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 14:44:31 +

Nigel [EMAIL PROTECTED] did eloquently scribble:
  Our IT dept. have received a Virus warning this morning.The virus
 appears as a file attachment called Navidad which is part of an
 e-christmas card.
 If you receive such an e-mail please do not
 open it!

Why? What'll happen?
Apart from nothing at all...

|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| "The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't |
|in|  suck is probably the day they start making |
| Computer science |  vacuum cleaners" - Ernst Jan Plugge|


From: Gerald Willmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How do I install ANYTHING in Linux
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 16:11:11 +0100

On Wed, 6 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok, I'm just about completely frustrated.  I'm trying to convert myself
 from the evil blue screen world of windows, and trying to learn to use
 Linux.   I have been playing with several different types and find that
 I like the Mandrake 7.x versions the best.
 My problem:
 I try downloading software from the internet to install and try out on
 Linux, but I can NEVER figure out how to install anything and make it
 work!  I keep getting errors saying I need to have QT, PHP,
 MySQL...etc..etc...installed.  When I try to install the needed stuff,
 it never works either or I just do something dumb.
 I have the tar -zxvf thing figured out, but from there nothing works.  I
 try 'make', 'make install', 'make clean', './configure' and all those
 different variations of compiling and installing software, but just have
 no luck - EVER!
 What is the trick to simply downloading and installing software on this
 operating system?
 I'm just getting completely frustrated with this whole thing.
 Anyone out there that can give a newbie some advice??

Hi Tom: at the beginning it's probably a good idea to stick with
rpms. Take a look at to see what's 
available for your distro. Often even proprietary stuff is offered
as rpm packages, eg applixware, realplayer, ...  On that website you
can also easily check dependencies.
When you try compiling something it will usually complain about some
library missing which you can then easily install using rpm - don't
forget to install the respective development library, too.

hope this helps,  Gerald

PS: personally, I started with RH4.0 more then three years back and there
  were some ups and downs - especially when rpms were no longer offered
  en masse for libc5 systems. This summer I replaced my upgraded RH4.0
  with Suse 6.4 on my home machine (mainly b/c it supports German dsl) 
  and on my machine at work I run Debian 2.2 which I like more and


From: Geoff Short [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Which driver to use
Date: 6 Dec 2000 15:20:21 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc WME [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: Hi,
: Which driver should I use for the DLink  DFE-530 TX.

: I tried enabling  rtl8139 and the 'via rhine' in the /etc/rc.d/rc.module
: file, but no luck.

You probably need the latest version of via-rhine, from



Ever sit and watch ants? They're always busy withGeoff Short
something, never stop 

Linux-Misc Digest #480

2000-12-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #480, Volume #26Wed, 6 Dec 00 15:13:01 EST

  Re: Problems running ./configure ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Linux telnet windows (Black Dragon)
  Re: removing strange dir ~ ("D. Stimits")
  console error on bootup (Brad Barfield)
  Re: Disaster recovery info ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Parser generator ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Re: Kernel for 4Mb RAM 386 (Andreas Schweitzer)
  Re: removing strange dir ~ (Bit Twister)
  Another Sendmail Question ("Lamar Thomas")
  Windows emulator... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: removing strange dir ~ (John Hunter)
  Re: "/usr" versus "/usr/local" (Grant Edwards)
  help w/ setting an environment var (John Hunter)
  updating rpm ("Y2J")
  Re: Disaster recovery info (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Newbie Boot problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Another Sendmail Question ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Another Sendmail Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Another Sendmail Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do I install ANYTHING in Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do I install ANYTHING in Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Video ("mu6sys")
  Audio ("mu6sys")

Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 11:03:18 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Problems running ./configure

Andy wrote:
 I'm bored with trying things now...
 I am trying to compile some software which needed the libpcap package. I
 installed libpcap-0.4-29.i386.rpm and tried again.
 The configure script nearly ran all the way through until:
 checking for pcap_dump in -lpcap... yes
 checking for pthread_create in -lpthread... yes
 checking for pcap.h... no
 configure: error: Test for pcap.h failed.
 but I've just installed the libpcap package which provides pcap.h and even
 run ldconfig to make sure.
 Ok so I'll try:
 locate pcap.h
 I'ts there!
 what's going on?
 Can anybody help me please...
 Thanks in advance...

Possibly it is looking for pcap.h in the wrong place. If you view the
configure script, e.g., while in the proper directory:
less  configure

You could then search for pcap.h:

Hitting the "n" key will scroll to the next occurrence of the search.
Try to find out where it wants pcap.h. What will be difficult is if the
configure script runs some second script that does the actual search.
Assuming you find where it wants it, make a symbolic link from there to
the real pcap.h.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Black Dragon)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux telnet windows
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 18:02:49 GMT

On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 17:43:39 GMT in alt.os.linux,

: The mouse is exactly what is causing the problems.
: As soon as I click in the other window, I now have selected
: something else.  I have to go back and reselect.
: So, I end up concentrating on hand eye
: coordination, instead of what I am working on.
: I could never have done this when I injured my hand.
: Are there any telnet windows with the Edit menu, and the
: Cut and Paste commands?
: Thanks

X's copy and paste is far superior to 'doze, once you get the hang of it. 
You do not need to click in the window into which you are pasting if you 
have the focus set to mouse over. If you don't have the focus set to mouse 
over, click on the _edge_ (border) of the window to get focus, then just 
hold the cursor over the window, *don't click in it*, then middle click to 
paste. That's much more efficient than using menus, and yeah, I know, old
habits are hard to break, so give yourself a chance to get accustomed to it.
Practice makes perfect. :-)

Black Dragon

Sign The Linux Driver Petition:


Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 11:09:09 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: removing strange dir ~

Someone else gave some good ideas; another idea is that you can name an
absolute path, and if you ever find something with interpretted stuff in
it, you can quote the name and stop interpretation. Probably what you
need (assuming the directory you are in is /home/hunter, adjust as
needed) is:
rm -Rf /home/hunter/~

The first thing to note is that absolute paths are used. If it still
doesn't like this, depending on which shell you use, you can quote it,
rm -Rf "/home/hunter/~"

John Hunter wrote:
 In a subdirectory of my home directory, the '~' shows up on an ls.  I
 would like to get rid o it, but I cannot, for example, do 'rm -rf ~'
 lest I delete my home dir.  Any thoughts on how to remove this pesky
 I have no idea how it got there.
 I'm using RHL6.2.  Some ls output below.
 John Hunter
 video:~/Perl ls
 Bin   lib   perl-examples  perlmagick-ques  ~
 Scripts   password-problem  

Linux-Misc Digest #481

2000-12-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #481, Volume #26Wed, 6 Dec 00 16:13:03 EST

  Re: New To Linux - Distributions (Praedor Tempus)
  Re: Repartioning: invalid character 48 in exportstr for 0x00 (David V Bowen)
  Star Office Java Programming (Rocky Raccoon)
  Re: Star Office Java Programming ("Dale King")
  Re: LPRng prints a banner page all the time ("Block Iron  Supply Co - CIS")
  Re: removing strange dir ~ (David)

From: Praedor Tempus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: New To Linux - Distributions
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 13:20:29 -0700

Mandrake Linux comes with its own type of "partition magic" called 
diskdrake.  It works quite well and will start up when you do the 
install.  You can resize your windoze partition, setup your linux
partitions (at least go separate partitions for /, /usr/local/, and
/home - this will save you lots of heartburn later as you get more
comfortable with things, tinker, and screw things up.  It will 
prevent your tinkering from having to trash any work you have done
yourself or mess up any apps you install later into /usr/local).

Mandrake is actually very simple to install and user friendly.   
Redhat is also nice, though I haven't played with it for several
versions so I don't know what it's install is like these days.
Suse isn't too bad either - and it comes with a LOT of stuff (6
CDs of stuff!).


 In article ybiT5.13365$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
   "Mike" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  I am thinking about downloading and installing Linux for the first
 time.  I
  am very familiar with Windows/DOS environments but from what I have
  heard/seen of Linux so far I have a feeling I am going to be pretty
  but I think I would like to try it any way.
  I have found huge lists of Linux Distributions, and I am not sure
 which one
  to get.  Bascially I use my computer for Windows based games (such as
  Alert 1/2, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, CC Tiberian Sun, and a few
  DirectX and OpenGL based games) and the only application I use
 heavily is
  Microsoft Office 2000.  Can I run these things in a particular Linux
  distribtion, if so which one?
  I have an Athlon 700, 256 RAM, Geforce 2 GTS system as well.
  Can any one recommend a distribution for me?  Prefereably one that is
  novice-medium level of "difficulty" too...
 I'm not sure how large your hard drive is, but you could try a dual
 boot.  That way you could keep Windoze on your computer and put Linux
 on at the same time.  Linux doesn't usually take more than 3 gigs with
 some room to spare.  If you could get Partition Magic it is possible to
 put aside some area on you HD just for Linux and install it there.
 That way if you decided later that you didn't like Linux, you could
 delete that partition and reclaim it as FAT32.  I would recommend a few
 things first:
 1.  make sure that all you hardware is supported by the distro you pick
 2.  get it on CD, do not download from the internet.  Downloading a
 linux distro from the web takes forever.
 3.  read the manuals and study for a while before doing the install.
 4.  back up your HD.
 Sent via
 Before you buy.


From: David V Bowen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.list
Subject: Re: Repartioning: invalid character 48 in exportstr for 0x00
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 15:18:27 -0500

Eric wrote:

  I don't know how serious this is, but I'd run a fsck on the partitions
 you resized.
 Did you make the partitions larger, or smaller (check their filling with

Thanks for the message. I actually made the root partion 500MB smaller than
it was before. Is that significant? Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to run
fsck on the root partition (since you can't umount it), although I thought
fsck was run on boot anyway? It detects no errors at that time.


   Department of Astrophysical Sciences,
  Peyton Hall, Princeton University, NJ 08544-1001
   Ph (609) 258 3822, FAX (609) 258 1020


From: Rocky Raccoon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Star Office Java Programming
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 12:20:22 -0800

I downloaded Star Office  the Star Office Java SDK.
I have tried out sample programs like SCalc for programming the
Spreadsheet. This sample visually manipulates a spreadsheet using the
Java SDK. Is there a way to do it non-visually ?
i.e. I want to do tasks similiar to the ones done by but I
don't want
it appearing on the screen.


From: "Dale King" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Star Office Java Programming

Linux-Misc Digest #482

2000-12-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #482, Volume #26Wed, 6 Dec 00 19:13:01 EST

  Re: Windows emulator... (Lee Allen)
  Re: lynx and https problem (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: console error on bootup (David)
  Re: Disaster recovery info ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  changing path in a script (Dirk Groeneveld)
  ComTrol "Hostess 550" ("Steve Wolfe")
  KDE Startup in a Solaris NIS Server ENV (Subha Pindiproli)
  Re: Need Help with PASSWD! Urgent! (Robert)
  Re: Help me keep my Linux! Groupware solutions? ("Frater M")
  Re: Another Sendmail Question (John Todd)
  Re: ComTrol "Hostess 550" (Grant Edwards)
  Re: ComTrol "Hostess 550" (Grant Edwards)
  linux compiler problem?? (Jeff Lacki)
  Re: Newbie Boot problems (Nick Williams)
  Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 (solved) (Stephan A Suerken)
  Re: RealPlayer 7 can't open audio device (Jeff Lacki)
  Re: ComTrol "Hostess 550" ("Steve Wolfe")
  Attention NYC Shoppers  Visitors - Beware of Rip-off SY Stores!!! .. gD4oTWzB8 
  Re: changing path in a script (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: Another Sendmail Question ("Lamar Thomas")

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Allen)
Subject: Re: Windows emulator...
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 21:13:22 GMT

On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 18:53:43 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I need Windows for the following tasks:
-Compile C++ OpenGL programs
-Optionnal: Run these OpenGL programs (with acceleration if possible)
-Use explorer (set up with ethernet)

That's about it...

I know only of VMWare that could do this job, but it's pretty fucked up (it
fucked my LAN...)
I also know of wine, but nerver got it to work... 

Can you suggest me something?

Win4Lin.  I don't have any personal experience with it, but I think it
does everything you mentioned.

-Lee Allen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bryan Hoyt)
Subject: Re: lynx and https problem
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 21:16:31 GMT

Who ever said Tom Hoffmann couldn't write what follows?:
I have RH7 w/ lynx 2.8.4. When i try to access a secure login page, I
get the message "This client does not contain support for https URLs".
I looked at the lynx man page and at the lynx user guide. The only
thing I found was the -validate option, but I can not get it to make a

accept only http URLs (meant for validation). 
This flag implies security restrictions generally more severe
   than -anonymous: restriction options as for -restrictions=all,
   with the notable exception that *goto remains enabled for http
   and https URLs*; in addition, the PRINT and DOWNLOAD commands
   are completely disabled, and use of a Trace Log file is forced

Am I on the right track here ... is this the way to get lynx to process
https URLs? Or am I totally misreading this?

No. RedHat comes with a non-SSL-enabled lynx, which means it can't navigate
secure protocols. Go to, and type in "lynx-ssl" in the search
area. This will bring up a list off SSL-enabled lynx rpm packages. Download
one which most suits your system (i.e., one that says something like "RedHat
7.0" beside it) and upgrade to that. Now go to an https URL just like you would
for an http URL. 


Bryan Hoyt


A true artist will let his wife starve, his children go barefoot, his mother
drudge for his living at seventy, sooner than work at anything but his art.
-- Shaw


Subject: Re: console error on bootup
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 15:29:59 -0600

Brad Barfield wrote:
 Has anyone seen an error message on bootup like:
 "Warning: could not open intial console"
 "Panic: init not found"
 We are installing the 2.4.0-test9 kernel and are seeing this message on
 bootup.  The 2.2.14 kernel works fine.

Boot the 2.2.14 kernel then make an initrd image.

mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.4.0.img  2.4.0

Be sure to use the correct kernel version number.
Then add a line to /etc/lilo for the new initrd image.


Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than 98.870% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


Subject: Re: Disaster recovery info
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 21:39:05 GMT

In article cpwX5.1338$[EMAIL PROTECTED],

 Before you installed 95, what you probably should have done was
 create a boot floppy that allowed you to boot your Linux system
 off a floppy rather than using LILO in the MBR.  That way, as
 long as the partitions were still there, you could boot from
 the floppy, run LILO, and Bob's your uncle.

I lost LILO when I installed Norton software on the 

Linux-Misc Digest #483

2000-12-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #483, Volume #26Wed, 6 Dec 00 22:13:01 EST

  Re: lynx and https problem (Tom Hoffmann)
  Re: linux compiler problem?? (Jeff Lacki)
  Re: Parser generator (Robert Heller)
  Re: Applixware 5 crashes Red Hat 7 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: crontab question (Jean-David Beyer)
  logging lpd errors?? (Douglas Nichols)
  Evanescent Screen Messages?? (David B. Chorlian)
  Re: can't compile gimp-print.-4.0.2 (John Thompson)
  Re: Adobe drops linux beta (Matt O'Toole)
  Re: Does anyone know!?!?! (Dances With Crows)
  so where do you get the new realplayer? (Douglas Nichols)
  Re: updating rpm ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Logs of dhcpd ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Pop to imap to client? (Liquor)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Hoffmann)
Subject: Re: lynx and https problem
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 00:12:39 GMT

On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 21:16:31 GMT, Bryan Hoyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Who ever said Tom Hoffmann couldn't write what follows?:
I have RH7 w/ lynx 2.8.4. When i try to access a secure login page, I
get the message "This client does not contain support for https URLs".
I looked at the lynx man page and at the lynx user guide. The only
thing I found was the -validate option, but I can not get it to make a

No. RedHat comes with a non-SSL-enabled lynx, which means it can't navigate
secure protocols. Go to, and type in "lynx-ssl" in the search
area. This will bring up a list off SSL-enabled lynx rpm packages. Download
one which most suits your system (i.e., one that says something like "RedHat
7.0" beside it) and upgrade to that. Now go to an https URL just like you would
for an http URL. 

Thanks. I'll check it out.


From: Jeff Lacki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: linux compiler problem??
Date: 7 Dec 2000 00:14:14 GMT

The first error I had was:

gcc  -L../../lib -L../../common/lib  -o ../../bin/ondemand bod.o bod_init.o bod_main.o 
bod_signal.o bod_util.o bod_io.o bod_open.o bod_close.o bod_machine.o -lgl_video 
-lgl_audio -lgl_setup -lil_network -lil_msg -lil_shmem -lgl_util -lgl_pid -lcodecs 
-lnsl -lm -lbe_client -lgl_od
bod_util.o: file not recognized: File truncated ---??
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


Jeff Lacki ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: This is a wierd problem so I wasnt sure where to post it.
: We're running RH 6.2:

: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/egcs-2.91.66/specs
: gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

: We lost power at work for several hours, when the machines came back up,
: I started having a couple different compiler problems yet nobody else
: seems to be affected.

: Here's the one Im trying to figure out now:

: ar -rcus ../../lib/libfe_ondemand.a fod.o fod_init.o fod_io.o fod_main.o 
: BFD: fod_init.o: invalid string offset 1769472 = 102 for section `.shstrtab'
: BFD: fod_init.o: invalid string offset 1769472 = 102 for section `.shstrtab'

: Ive been getting these all over the place.  Earlier I was seeing
: gcc try to link the executable with errors saying a particular
: .o file was truncated.  I removed the .o and .c, checked it out again,
: recompiled with the same results.  

: I had thought maybe the disk had some bad blocks and was intermittant,
: however that doesnt seem to be the case (or so I believe).

: Any suggestions?

: Ive tried using gcc, ld, make, and ar from other machines (same 6.2),
: as well as copying over libc.a etc thinking they might have been
: corrupted.

: Thanks in advance
: Jeff


From: Robert Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Parser generator
Date: 6 Dec 2000 18:39:32 true

  "Flej Ling" [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  In a message on Wed, 6 Dec 2000 05:44:15 -0800, wrote :

"L Bison is described in man pages as "a parser generator that replaces yacc".
"L What is a parser generator and what is it good for?

A 'parser generator' is a program that generates a program (actually a
procedure or function) that will parse an input stream.  Typical uses:

Command Line Interpreters
Expression Processors
Parsing complex textual data or configuration files

A bit of history:

yacc == Yet Another Compiler Compiler

The typical input to bison or yacc is a sort of BNF notation of a
grammar that describes some sort of context-free language.  Bison (or
yacc) will take this, plus some additional declarations and create a
function that will parse an input stream consisting of legal statements
in the specified language.

"L Flej Ling

Robert Heller||InterNet:   [EMAIL 

Linux-Misc Digest #484

2000-12-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #484, Volume #26Thu, 7 Dec 00 00:13:01 EST

  Re: updating rpm (Jared)
  Re: so where do you get the new realplayer? (David)
  Re: Monitor specs? (H Dziardziel)
  getting back Gnome Panel (webqueen, queen of the web)
  Re: Applixware 5 crashes Red Hat 7 (Christopher Wong)
  ATI All-In-Wonder + RH7 (webqueen, queen of the web)
  Re: Extracting Files from a Linux Tape on a Broken Linux (Wayne Watson)
  Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? (Wayne Watson)
  Re: Applixware 5 crashes Red Hat 7 (Robert Lynch)
  Re: Disaster recovery info ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Is It Possible to Mount a DOS Partition? (Wayne Watson)
  MIME File Question (Xar)
  Re: help w/ setting an environment var ("D. Stimits")

Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: updating rpm
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 13:12:44 +1000

What you want to do is edit this file (or the same thing, whever your
distro put it)


Find a section that looks like this (you'll probably have 1's or maybe

#  Database configuration macros.
#   Macros used to configure Berkley db parameters.
# Choose db interface:
#   0   same as 1
#   1   native db1 interface (e.g. linux glibc libdb1 routines).
#   2   native db2 interface (not currently implemented, may never
#   3   native db3 interface.
#   -1  db3 - db2 - db1 (as available).
# There are two macros so that --rebuilddb can convert db1 - db3.
%_dbapi 3
%_dbapi_rebuild 3

to rebuild you change %dbapi to 1
then run 

rpm --rebuilddb...

then change the %_dbapi to a 3, because thats what format your db will be
in now.

I am not sure if you have to run rpm --rebuild... again, although if
things go a bit crazy, give it a try.

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I went through this process a while back.  It is kind of a catch 22.
 You could spend a lot of time (like I did) trying to make it work.  I
 found that I needed to upgrade to RH7.0 which includes rpm v4.0.  I
 upgraded the OS and never looked back.
 In article TiwX5.46988$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
   "Y2J" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've updated the rpm 3.0 on my pc with redhat 6.2 with the new 4.0 and
  programs like kpackage or gnorpm don't work any more, when I try to
  some rpm packages by typing rpm -i  I receive the following msg
 from the
  -- An rpm database in db1 format exists in /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm.
  Please convert to db3 format by running "rpm --rebuilddb" as root.
  error: cannot open /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm
  But even after doing rpm --rebuild, the error msg just continue.
 How can
  I solve this problem?
  thank you in advance
 Sent via
 Before you buy.


Subject: Re: so where do you get the new realplayer?
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 03:16:12 GMT

Douglas Nichols wrote:
 So whats the deal? I cannot find realplayer anywhere? Are they pulling
 Douglas Nichols
 121 Lakeside Ave., Suite 306
 Seattle, WA 98122

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than 98.870% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H Dziardziel)
Subject: Re: Monitor specs?
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 03:25:53 GMT

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000 03:30:14 -, Steven Atkinson

I have a Pentium machine with RedHat 6.1 Installed along side Win 98SE.  
Surprisingly, my Linux installation went very smooth, that is until I 
reached the part where I am supposed to specify my monitor.  I scrolled up 
and down the list several times but did not find my particular monitor.  I 
picked the option that allowed me to specify my monitor, and then I used 
the lowest settings possible, just to be on the safe side.  Linux seems to 
be working fine on my machine, but the image displayed on the screen is 
very craptacular.  I would like to go back and change the monitor specs (I 
have found the directions for doing so). The trouble is, I don t know what 
is safe for this monitor.   I purchased this monitor about 3 years ago, and 
I cannot figure out what the actual manufacture is.  Above the picture 
screen on the case is printed the words  EmpVision  and  Low Radiation.  
The literature that came with it does not mention any manufactures, but in 
one of the pictures in the manual the word  Vision Lab  is found below the 
picture screen next to the digital controls.  Also,  GM-710" and  GM-710A 

Linux-Misc Digest #485

2000-12-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #485, Volume #26Thu, 7 Dec 00 04:13:01 EST

  Re: Pop to imap to client? (Pat)
  KDE2.0.1 and ossl (James Blanford)
  dma options?  ie. mp3's skipping (Mark Andersen)
  Re: half newbie question (Pat)
  Can and Can't Boot from RH 6.2 CD-ROM (Wayne Watson)
  Re: Pop to imap to client? (David Reiss)
  Re: half newbie question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Middle Button paste suddenly gone !?! (Kevin E Cosgrove)
  Re: MIME File Question ("John W. Krahn")
  amd k6 - signal 11 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Help with unix path in CGI script (Bharat)
  Re: Problems running ./configure (Johan De Wit)
  Can't install LILO because boot.b missing (nospam)
  Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 (solved) ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Another Sendmail Question ("Peter T. Breuer")
  newbie question:config chipset i810 video card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Applixware 5 crashes Red Hat 7 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Problems running ./configure - Please Help! ("Andy")

From: Pat news**NO_SPAM**
Subject: Re: Pop to imap to client?
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 05:31:53 GMT


Liquor wrote:

 (Or am I misunderstanding here - are the
 multiple 'folders' a function of Netscrape, not the server?)

No, the folder stuff is IMAP.  Telnet to your favorite imap 
server (port 143) and you can try this

$ telnet 143
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 * OK IMAP4rev1 v12.666 server ready
tag1 login username p4ssw0rd
 tag1 OK LOGIN completed
tag2 select INBOX
 * 290 EXISTS
 * OK [UIDVALIDITY 949639672] UID validity status
 * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft \Seen)
 * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS ()] Permanent flags
 * OK [UNSEEN 250] first unseen message in /var/spool/mail/username
 tag2 OK [READ-ONLY] SELECT completed
tag3 logout
 * BYE IMAP4rev1 server terminating connection
 tag3 OK LOGOUT completed

The thing to note is that you select the box (folder) before fetching
the mail.
 Ideally, the clients do NOT have real accounts on the mail server
 box (pop/imap only clients?) 

There's no need for users to have accounts, in fact I usually have
a "no login" account just for fetching mail - that way having the 
password stolen or sniffed means that only my email has been 
compromised, not the entire system. 

 and the mail-fetch script (only
 runs while ppp is up) would sort the mail according to some

I have used both the default imapd installed with Linux (UM, I think)
and cyrus imap.  I find that cyrus is worth the extra hassle of 
installing it because it has

- many authentication schemes (through sasl)

- fine grained access control that allows you to 
easily create shared boxes (granting subscribe,
read, post or delete priveleges on a per user
basis) that can act as anything from a newsgroup
to a restricted, read-only message board.

- quotas on a per box or folder basis

- messages in a box are not melted into a single
huge "Berkeley" format file, making fetching a given
email faster and helping incremental tape backups
stay smaller (only the recent msgs are archived, not
the large mailbox file).

- pop3 daemon that uses the same message file formats

- the ability to deliver to any subfolder

That last point seems directly relevant to your case. A small perl 
script could allow you fetch the mail from one or more locations, 
parse the messages and store them in the correct box or even 

I have used this to create a shared "devel" email address: mail 
sent with "RFC" or "BUG" or ... is automatically stored in the correct
subfolder (using the cyrus delivery agent with the -m switch).

Pat D.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Blanford)
Subject: KDE2.0.1 and ossl
Date: 7 Dec 2000 05:49:48 GMT

Howdy Folks,

When I downloaded the latest stable KDE2.0.1, there was a note warning 
against upgrading the ossl as it did not support the "hardest" 
encryption.  Well, when I got KDE2, it did have hard encryption builtin.
So, if I upgrade I loose the capability.

I think in the rush to get it on the net I accidently got the internal 
German version instead of the export version.  So, how do I keep hard 
encryption?  Is there a ssl patch available in the US?  I know there 
is a Fortify for netscape (windows) available from the aussies, but 
I don't want to use either windows or netscape.  I want 128 bit 
encryption running with Konqueror.


 -  jim


From: Mark Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: dma options?  ie. mp3's skipping
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 23:56:02 -0600

Question form the linux newbie.
I'm having the problem when I run xmms (or any other mp3 player), my
mp3's skip when I do any relatively small operation.  Example, maximize

Linux-Misc Digest #490

2000-12-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #490, Volume #26Thu, 7 Dec 00 17:13:02 EST

  Internet Security Basics for Linux (dom)
  Re: Linux (Redhat7) just FREEZES! (ASF)
  Re: Unknown Ethernet Packet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: kde 2.0 (Fester)

Subject: Internet Security Basics for Linux
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 16:08:22 -0500

I am new to linux and would like to know what kind of security precautions I
need to take, if any, with normal surfing around with a 56k modem. Any advice?



Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Linux (Redhat7) just FREEZES!
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 22:14:17 +0100

jabba wrote:

 Marek Futrega wrote:
  I have a problem which makes the system to freeze (stop) just like it

Freeze or stop? Do you mean it reboots or the system just hangs? I think it is
the second...right?
When this occurs, is the X-windowing system launched?

  would with a hardware problem, but this is not a hardware problem!

Are you sure? Maybe you use a new "hidden" functionnality. Or it can be due to
memories. As you said in you post, your computer is always on. So the heat can
be important and this slows the memories. My PPro200 has the same problem
because it is also always on... solved it setting the speed of the memories in
the BIOS. Are you experiencing troubles with kernel compilation? Do you
sometimes get Segmentation fault?
Your problem may be different but you have nothing to lose trying thisNo?
RH7 works very well on my computer and much better than previous releases (the
worst was RH6.1...)




Subject: Re: Unknown Ethernet Packet
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 21:13:56 GMT

With information from two postings, I was able to track down the
culprit (w/o having to dig down deeper into the hardware):

As it turned out, someone in the company recently installed Windows
2000 Datacenter Edition (the equivalent of Windows NT 4.0 Enterprise
Edition) and installed all the default services --- one of these
services was "Network Load Balancing".  Once I "unbind" this service
from the NIC, the broadcasting stopped.  My guess is:

-the broadcasting was a heartbeat message requesting all the other
servers, running load balancing, to check into the master load balancer


-the broadcasting was a heartbeat message from any server
running "Network Load Balancing".

I am not sure what kind of load balancing scheme MS is using.  (I do
not have time to dig deeper.)

In any case, I am happy now!  Thanks to all for the help.


  Wayne Pollock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't know what it is either, but it looks like some sort of
 "keep-alive".  Most likely its a complete error.  It might even be
 a virus or worm on your network.

 If you ever figure it out, post the answer please.

 -Wayne Pollock

  I am getting unknown Ethernet broadcast packets
  on the network from the same device and it's
  driving me crazy trying to figure out what they
  are.  The packets (each 1.51 Kb) are being
  broadcasted twice every second.  The broadcast is
  happening 24/7.  More info is below:
  There is a series of cascading switches/hubs on
  our company's network and the broadcasted packets
  are being propogated to all devices.  We have
  about 150 nodes on the network.
  Does anyone have any idea of what this is?
  Below are more specific info of one packet:
  (Almost all the packets look identical to each
  other, though.)
  FRAME: Total frame length: 1510 bytes
  ETHERNET: Destination address : 
  ETHERNET: Source address : 0201
  ETHERNET: Ethernet Type : 0x886F
  (*The monitor software that I am using listed
  this an unknown protocol.)
  ETHERNET: Ethernet Data: Number of data bytes
  remaining = 1496 (0x05D8)
  Below is the raw DATA payload portion of the
  ethernet packet (ignore the right hand most
  column as the cut-and-paste didn't translate some
  character properly into ASCII.)
BF 01   ..
  0010  DE C0 03 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
  00 00 00 
  0020  00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 02 00 D7 A3 E4
  39 00 00 .9..
  0030  00 00 00 00 30 10 00 00 00 00 00 F0 FF
  6F 00 00 0o..
  0040  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  00 00 00 
  0050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  00 00 00 
  0060  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  00 00 00 
  0070  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  00 00 00 
  0080  00 00 00 00 

Linux-Misc Digest #491

2000-12-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #491, Volume #26Thu, 7 Dec 00 17:13:02 EST

  Re: Unknown Ethernet Packet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  How to list all files owned by a user ("Darby Lawson")
  Re: How to list all files owned by a user (Grant Edwards)
  Re: How to list all files owned by a user (Glitch)
  Getting a list of new file from several directories (Dan de Haan)
  Re: How to list all files owned by a user (Floyd Davidson)

Subject: Re: Unknown Ethernet Packet
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 21:15:57 GMT

this is a test!

In article 909qjf$e65$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
 I am getting unknown Ethernet broadcast packets
 on the network from the same device and it's
 driving me crazy trying to figure out what they
 are.  The packets (each 1.51 Kb) are being
 broadcasted twice every second.  The broadcast is
 happening 24/7.  More info is below:

 There is a series of cascading switches/hubs on
 our company's network and the broadcasted packets
 are being propogated to all devices.  We have
 about 150 nodes on the network.

 Does anyone have any idea of what this is?

 Below are more specific info of one packet:
 (Almost all the packets look identical to each
 other, though.)

 FRAME: Total frame length: 1510 bytes

 ETHERNET: Destination address : 
 ETHERNET: Source address : 0201

 ETHERNET: Ethernet Type : 0x886F

 (*The monitor software that I am using listed
 this an unknown protocol.)

 ETHERNET: Ethernet Data: Number of data bytes
 remaining = 1496 (0x05D8)

 Below is the raw DATA payload portion of the
 ethernet packet (ignore the right hand most
 column as the cut-and-paste didn't translate some
 character properly into ASCII.)

   BF 01   ..
 0010  DE C0 03 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0020  00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 02 00 D7 A3 E4
 39 00 00 .9..
 0030  00 00 00 00 30 10 00 00 00 00 00 F0 FF
 6F 00 00 0o..
 0040  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0060  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0070  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0080  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0090  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00A0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00B0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00C0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00D0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00E0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 00F0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0100  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0110  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0120  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0130  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0140  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0150  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0160  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0170  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0180  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0190  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 01A0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 01B0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 01C0  00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
 0F FF FF 
 01D0  FF FF FF FF FF 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 01E0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 01F0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0200  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0210  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0220  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0230  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0240  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0250  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0260  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0270  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0280  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 
 0290  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 

Linux-Misc Digest #492

2000-12-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #492, Volume #26Thu, 7 Dec 00 22:13:02 EST

  Slightly out!!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Xircom RealPort CardBus RBEM56G ??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to list all files owned by a user (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: removing strange dir ~ ("Garry Knight")
  Re: Disaster recovery info (John Hasler)
  kdm (or xdm)  redhat logo ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Another Sendmail Question (Cliff Sarginson)
  Re: Another Sendmail Question (Cliff Sarginson)
  Re: Getting a list of new file from several directories (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: microemacs 4.00 port? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Creating a Rescue Diskette for RH 6.2 (Wayne Watson)
  Re: Creating a Rescue Diskette for RH 6.2 ("Richard M. Denney")
  Re: Backup solution at Linux ("Richard M. Denney")
  Re: Getting a list of new file from several directories (Dances With Crows)
  Re: How do you get multicast through firewall? ("John Janusson")
  Compiling DOSEMU 1.0.1 on Red Hat 7 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Intruders or What? (R.A.Berman CCSC)
  Re: Intruders or What? (R.A.Berman CCSC)
  Re: kdm (or xdm)  redhat logo (David)
  Re: Gnome and KDE (David)
  Re: Internet Security Basics for Linux (David)
  Font Help (Greg Kuntz)

Subject: Slightly out!!!
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 22:01:57 GMT


This seems to be a hard problem (for newbies). I beneficied of helps of
some people but have stil some problems, particularly for communicating
two mail servers.
I have mail relay in DMZ and mail server in LAN.


without setting a firewall all work fine. But when setting firewall, I
can only sent (outcoming messages), but no incoming ones can reach to
me. My relay does not stock messages, it forward them directly to the
local mail one.

Is a simular fierwall with only two cards is appropriated?
Can it communicate in the two senses (in/out)?
What I must doing in order to let it works in the two sense?

Thanks for any helps.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Xircom RealPort CardBus RBEM56G ???
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 22:08:07 GMT

I do not know if this is late and you already have the help but...

try this link:,1298,0-0-1_20-476,00.html
They have a set ot beta drivers out for it so you milage may vary...


In article OEaYfkVWAHA.278@cpmsnbbsa07,
  "Cameron" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone tell me if Linux supports a Xircom RealPort CardBus
 10/100 + Modem 56 (RBEM56G-100) PCMCIA card?  I am mainly interested
 using it with Red Hat, and also Mandrake (both are the latest

 If this card does work under Linux, can you help me with DETAILED
 instructions on how to configure Linux to use/work with the card,
 (E.g. which config files to modify, which network settings,
which "adapter"
 to use, etc. etc. etc.)

 Thank you very much (in advance)   :-)

 Cameron Ninham
 cpn66 at hotmail dot com

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Floyd Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How to list all files owned by a user
Date: 07 Dec 2000 13:22:03 -0900

Floyd Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  find / -user uname \! -type d -printf "%5dk  %h/%f\n"

Typo alert:  "%5kk ...\n" is the format string.

Floyd L. Davidson
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska) [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Garry Knight" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: removing strange dir ~
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 22:30:28 +


 David wrote:
 John Hunter wrote:
  In a subdirectory of my home directory, the '~' shows up on an ls. 

 find / -name "*~" -exec rm -f {} \;

 Scary action. I would never advise anyone a command like this.

Especially when mc (Midnight Commander) does the job at a keypress.

Garry Knight


From: John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Disaster recovery info
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 20:22:49 GMT

Neil Montgomery writes:
 The only remaining question would be, *if* I had kept the details of the
 old partitions (such as is recommended in "Running Linux"), could I have
 rescued my system by hand?

Probably.  Partitioning does not change anything except the partition
table.  You could have created new partitions identical to the old ones
and, assuming that Windows didn't scribble on the disk, your files would
have reappeared.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 23:09:39 +0500

Linux-Misc Digest #493

2000-12-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #493, Volume #26Fri, 8 Dec 00 01:13:03 EST

  Re: kdm (or xdm)  redhat logo (David)
  Re: Creating a Rescue Diskette for RH 6.2 (David)
  Re: Creating a Rescue Diskette for RH 6.2 (David)
  Segmentation fault (core dumped) ("news")
  Re: How to fix bad sectors on HD? (Glitch)
  Re: OpenSSL Installation (Glitch)
  using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command? ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: Middle Button paste suddenly gone !?! (MaryP)
  Re: Segmentation fault (core dumped) (E J)
  Re: Creating a Rescue Diskette for RH 6.2 (Bit Twister)
  Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command? ("Justin Dubs")
  Re: Booting Windows on a second hard drive with lilo ("Patrick Bartek")
  Re: Booting Windows on a second hard drive with lilo ("Patrick Bartek")
  Re: Help with unix path in CGI script (David Efflandt)
  Re: Kernel for 4Mb RAM 386 (Vlastimil Pohnetal)
  Re: Which driver to use ("WME")

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x,
Subject: Re: kdm (or xdm)  redhat logo
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 21:13:11 -0600

 Does anybody know how to get rid of the redhat logo when using kdm, or
 xdm as a graphical login using Redhat 6.2 ?
 Ive looked everywhere through the /etc/X11/xdm files, and any others I
 have found that may be relavent but to no avail.

Install Helix-Gnome.

Or edit the last line in /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0  and change the png image
to what you want to use.

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than 98.870% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


Subject: Re: Creating a Rescue Diskette for RH 6.2
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 21:16:14 -0600

Wayne Watson wrote:
 Is it possible to create a rescue diskette for RH 6.2? It appears that I cannot get 
my machine to
 boot up from the RH 6.2 CD-ROM. The boot diskette supplied seems to want to install 
the software
 again when I try to use 'linux rescue' and in any case fails when I try to access 
the CD-ROM. It's
 an old device, AHA-1520 Adaptek. It seems like there ought to be a supplied diskette 
that does not
 try to re-install.

To make an Emergency Boot Disk insert a blank floppy and give the

 /sbin/mkfs.ext2  /dev/fd0 
# makes a 1.44MB floppy 

 /sbin/mkbootdisk  --device  /dev/fd0  x.x.xx  
# x.x.xx is kernel version. 


To make a Rescue boot disk you need a blank floppy and to give the

 /sbin/mkfs.ext2  /dev/fd0 
# makes a 1.44 MB floppy 

 cp  /boot/vmlinuz  /dev/fd0 
# copies the kernel (vmlinuz) to floppy 

# Shows kernel root device such as  "/dev/hda5" 

 /usr/sbin/rdev  /dev/fd0  /dev/hdaX 
# hdaX root device shown by command above. 

 /usr/sbin/rdev  -R  /dev/fd0  1 
# This makes the root device read only 

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than 98.870% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


Subject: Re: Creating a Rescue Diskette for RH 6.2
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 03:27:19 GMT

Wayne Watson wrote:
 Is it possible to create a rescue diskette for RH 6.2? It appears that I cannot get 
my machine to
 boot up from the RH 6.2 CD-ROM. The boot diskette supplied seems to want to install 
the software
 again when I try to use 'linux rescue' and in any case fails when I try to access 
the CD-ROM. It's
 an old device, AHA-1520 Adaptek. It seems like there ought to be a supplied diskette 
that does not
 try to re-install.

To make an Emergency Boot Disk insert a blank floppy and give the

 fdformat  /dev/fd0H1440 
# makes a 1.44MB floppy 

 /sbin/mkbootdisk  --device  /dev/fd0  x.x.xx  
# x.x.xx is kernel version. 


To make a Rescue boot disk you need a blank floppy and to give the

 fdformat  /dev/fd0H1440
# makes a 1.44 MB floppy 

 cp  /boot/vmlinuz  /dev/fd0 
# copies the kernel (vmlinuz) to floppy 

# Shows kernel root device such as  "/dev/hda5" 

 /usr/sbin/rdev  /dev/fd0  /dev/hdaX 
# hdaX root device shown by command above. 

 /usr/sbin/rdev  -R  /dev/fd0  1 
# This makes the root device read only 

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than 98.870% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


From: "news" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 12:27:03 +0900

Linux-Misc Digest #494

2000-12-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #494, Volume #26Fri, 8 Dec 00 06:13:01 EST

  Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command? (Neil Cherry)
  Re: Bcksp/Delete Config [was: problem with tcsh and bksp key] (Sven 
  Re: Linux (Redhat7) just FREEZES! (Berno Strik)
  Re: stty erase ^H not working! (Sven Mascheck)
  Re: problems with .rhosts? (Sven Mascheck)
  Re: Disaster recovery info ("D. Stimits")
  Re: help w/ setting an environment var ("D. Stimits")
  Re: help w/ setting an environment var ("D. Stimits")
  Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command? (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Can and Can't Boot from RH 6.2 CD-ROM (Ron Olsen)
  Re: How do I install ANYTHING in Linux (Steve)
  Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command? (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: crontab question (NDQ)
  Re: kdm (or xdm)  redhat logo (Harri Haataja)
  Re: Backup solution at Linux (John Thompson)
  Switch box - Mouse resume problem ("Olivier Thomas")
  Re: Slightly out!!! (Sebastian Hans)
  Re: konqueror question (Stephen Cornell)
  Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command? (Sebastian Hans)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Cherry)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command?
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 06:11:45 GMT

On Fri, 08 Dec 2000 04:42:16 GMT, Scott M. Navarre wrote:
  Is it possible to use 'alias' to add unknown options to an existing bash
shell command?  For example on SCO Openserver (which I am very very used
to), you can use the 'du -f' command to list all files and subdirectories
under the current location and show the total at the end.
  So in Linux, I would want to make it so that entering 'du -f' would be the
same as 'du -abc' (because it would be a little shorter to type and I am so
used to using the prior form).  Is this possible?  I tried putting the line:
alias 'du -f'='du -abc' in the /etc/bashrc file, but it still runs the bash
'du' command first before my alias definition and says "Invalid option --

OK, without giving it much thought (meaning you'll have to do the
program yourself). You could add something like this to your .profile:

du () {

  # Check for options, make sure they're correct

  case $option
OPTS=" ${OPTS} -abc"

  /usr/bin/du $(OPTS)

Linux Home Automation   Neil Cherry [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Text only)   (Graphics) (SourceForge)


From: Sven Mascheck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Bcksp/Delete Config [was: problem with tcsh and bksp key]
Date: 8 Dec 2000 07:30:58 +0100


  "Consistent BackSpace and Delete Configuration"
  Does anybody know what happened to

  A google search [...] flushes out nearly a dozen archives
  [...] one dated "07/O4/2000".

Almost all are just links/references ;-)
But yes, i actually found the currently valid site, it's ''.
(i seem to have had the wrong search engine before)

And now i know why it was so hard to find it:
Event the current page stronlgy recommends to bookmark '',
which is an invalid address(!)  It must have been valid earlier
and has no DNS anymore...



From: Berno Strik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Linux (Redhat7) just FREEZES!
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 07:36:52 +0100

Did you apply the update for up2date?
The original version had a leak in file descriptors.

Marek Futrega schreef:

 I have a problem which makes the system to freeze (stop) just like it
 would with a hardware problem, but this is not a hardware problem!

 I had a chat server program running on celeron400/128mb with standard
 redhat6 installation, and it used to run without stopping for weeks,
 sometimes even months (it was stopped only on system reboots, or when the
 power went off).

 Then I moved it to a different server (celeron300/96mb/kernel2.2.17)
 running redhat7 and the problems began. It caused the server to freeze,
 that is to stop without no messages on the console or in the logs; it
 didn't respond to pings; switching consoles was impossible; simply dead!

 I thought it was a problem with my old software (exactly the same as
 on the first machine, where it run perfectly), which typically keeps a few
 hundred (500-900) active connections and does what an irc server does,
 i.e. sends messages over tcp/ip to users from other users, or with the
 hardware. CPU usage is in the range of 40-60%, the process runs on an

Linux-Misc Digest #495

2000-12-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #495, Volume #26Fri, 8 Dec 00 10:13:03 EST

  Re: Help with unix path in CGI script (Bharat)
  Re: microemacs 4.00 port? (Martin Gregorie)
  Abit SA6R, problems? (Rafael)
  Re: crontab question (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Backup solution at Linux (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Switch box - Mouse resume problem (John Forkosh)
  Re: crontab question (Robert Jones)
  Re: so where do you get the new realplayer? (Michel Bardiaux)
  Re: Creating a Rescue Diskette for RH 6.2 (Lee Allen)
  Re: OpenSSL Installation (Daryl Fonseca-Holt)
  Re: Can't use RealPlayer (Carfield Yim)
  Re: Backup solution at Linux (Bill Delphenich)
  Re: Backup solution at Linux (Carfield Yim)
  Activating the Multimedia keys (Istvan Zsolt Kovacs)
  Re: Gnome and KDE ("Gerald Pollack")
  java repaint problem on gnome solaris ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  [wu-ftp] Inetd dies ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: help w/ setting an environment var (John Hunter)
  Re: Creating a Rescue Diskette for RH 6.2 (Harold Stevens ** PLEASE SEE SIG **)

Subject: Re: Help with unix path in CGI script
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 11:30:06 -

Thanx a ton for the help, am grateful will try it out and let u know of 
the working of the script,
thanx once again , really appreciate it

David Efflandt wrote:
 On Thu, 07 Dec 2000 07:30:06 -, Bharat [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Hi !
 I am a newbie with website designing and have no professional 
 knowledge..All trial and error.
 I have just got myself a site at and have hosted my pages 
 want to use the cgi script everythingform.cgi but am having problems 
 configuring the script with the path that is required.
 Netfirms Script URL:
 My site url is:
 Cgi bin :
 Now this is what I have to configure:
 = "/usr/home/leif/public_html/conservatives/atheist/scripts/test/";
 (this is from the cgi script - a sample)
 If someone could help me i would be grateful so then i will be able to 
 my site more effectively
 The $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT} starting path they suggest does not really work
 properly to access html or other files in your 'www' directory.  And you
 do not have a public_html dir.
 You will notice from ftp that you have a '/www' dir where web pages,
 images and other web accessible files can go and a '/cgi-bin' for CGI
 scripts.  Since the full system path from the web is rather cryptic, it 
 easier to use realtive paths.  So assuming that you put the conservative
 and its subdirectories in /www, the path to there from CGI would be:
 $configdir =
 Your cgi-bin directory at Netfirms should have 701 permission.  Note that
 you HAVE to give any CGI scripts there 700 permission (permission on my
 CGI changes any time I reupload a script, so make sure you check that).
 David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Gregorie)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: microemacs 4.00 port?
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 11:43:28 GMT

On Thu, 07 Dec 2000 23:50:38 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Try the MicroEmacs available from

This is a varient of MicroEmacs. Has a native X-Windows
interface, integral speller, hilighting etc. I suggest
that you take the "alpha" release on the site. This runs
fine despite being marked as alpha. Should just build
and run on Linux. Will also build an run on windows
using MS-DEV or the free borland compiler.

Thanks for the tip, but I recently got hold of the good old Martin
Whittaker port for OS/9, Solaris and now Linux.

Compiled up first go and runs perfectly. All I need now is the time to
get the function keys defined in termcap

I've got the official Win and DOS versions. Both they and the MW port
work perfectly and identically off the same set of .cmd pages.

gregorie  | Martin Gregorie
@logica   | Logica Ltd
com   | +44 020 76379111


Subject: Abit SA6R, problems?
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 12:58:06 +0100

I plane to buy new mainboard. I was thinking about Abit SA6R. Have
anybody some experience with it. Will it work with Linux? I have at work
Abit BX133 and it is working but this one (SA6R) have build in graphic,
will it work okay???
Thank for any suggestion


From: Jean-David Beyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: crontab question
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 07:15:05 -0500

NDQ wrote:

Linux-Misc Digest #496

2000-12-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #496, Volume #26Fri, 8 Dec 00 16:13:02 EST

  MuPAD problem (Joerg Morbitzer)
  Re: A great Shockwave flash movie (Wayne Pollock)
  Need help trying to patch the kernel. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: A great Shockwave flash movie (Harold Stevens ** PLEASE SEE SIG **)
  Re: Backup solution at Linux (Frank Miles)
  Deleting zero-sized directory? (Sinner from the Prairy)
  Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 (solved) (Stephan A Suerken)
  Good embedded Linux sites (Joris Lammers)
  Re: Deleting zero-sized directory? (Timo Benk)
  missing bits/*.h files (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: Deleting zero-sized directory? (Sinner from the Prairy)
  forwarding (Michael R. Fox)
  Re: Need help trying to patch the kernel. (Lee Allen)
  Re: Deleting zero-sized directory? (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Backup solution at Linux (Lee Allen)
  Re: Good embedded Linux sites (Chris Webster)
  Re: forwarding (Chris Webster)
  Logitech doesn't see the difference between a computer and an operating  (Robert)
  Re: Deleting zero-sized directory? (Robert Wiegand)
  Re: A great Shockwave flash movie (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: How do you get multicast through firewall? ("Send me no Email")
  How to change a user password with one command or script? (Thomas Witkowski)
  Re: A great Shockwave flash movie (Brian V. Smith)
  Re: A great Shockwave flash movie (Brian V. Smith)
  RedHat-6.2 and Intel810 video card?? (Ish Rattan)
  Re: How to change a user password with one command or script? (Timo Benk)
  Re: Middle Button paste suddenly gone !?! (Kevin E Cosgrove)
  Re: How do you get multicast through firewall? (Alex Witt)
  Offix-Trash-2.4-8 ("Gerard Verger")
  MySql is Unstable (Kim Houlne)

From: Joerg Morbitzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: MuPAD problem
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 16:14:54 +0100


I am just trying to install MuPAD 1.42, the concole mupad
works fine, but when I try to start xmupad, a new window
comes up, see already the prompt, but a second later I get
the error message "The MuPAD Help Tool was stopped
unexpectedly" and I have to stop the application.

I am running kernel 2.4.0test11, SuSE 6.4 and I took the
plain MuPAD binaries for Linux.

Thanks for any help in advance, Joerg.


From: Wayne Pollock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: A great Shockwave flash movie
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 10:09:19 -0500

Are you nuts?  This isn't a shockwave flash movie, is is a trojan
horse (a virus)!  Did you really send this messsage, or has the virus
sent the message?

Do *NOT* follow Johan's advice, don't download this!

-Wayne Pollock

Johan Kullstam wrote:
 "Ari, Nasit -AES" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Check out this new flash movie that I downloaded just now ... It's Great
 you're right!  that has to be the best movie, i have ever seen.  it
 has casablanca beat by a mile!
 J o h a n  K u l l s t a m


Subject: Need help trying to patch the kernel.
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 15:15:50 GMT

I have:
Dell Optiplex
RH 7.0 (custom install)
Kernel 2.2.16-22

I have installed some software (vmware) and on configuration it tell me
that it has problems working under kernel 2.2.16-22

I downloaded the patch-2.2.17.gz from  All the
instructions I have come across say that the original kernel source
should be in the /usr/src/ directory with a slink to /usr/src/linux and
to run 'patch -p0  patch-2.2.17'.  I don't have any thing in
the /usr/src directory other than a RedHat directory with a bunch of
subdirectories, but no files.

Question:  Where did the RH7.0 install the source files for the
kernel.  Would it just be easier to download the full 2.2.17 kernel,
compile it and go with that, or am I missing something when I am trying
to patch the kernel I have.

I have neither compiled or patched a kernel before so proceedure is new
too me, although I am somewhat familiar with Linux.

Also 2.4 is not out yet is it?

T. Buck.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harold Stevens ** PLEASE SEE SIG **)
Subject: Re: A great Shockwave flash movie
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 15:30:18 GMT

In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Wayne Pollock:


| Do *NOT* follow Johan's advice, don't download this!


I think Johan's shall we say...

From we have:

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)
   Facetious \Fa*ce"tious\, a. [Cf. F. fac['e]tieux. See {Faceti[ae]}.]
   1. Given to wit and good humor; merry; sportive; jocular; as, a
   facetious companion.
   2. Characterized by wit and pleasantry; exciting laughter; as, a
   facetious story or reply. -- {Fa*ce"tious*ly}, adv. --
   {Fa*ce"tious*ness}, n.
From WordNet (r) 1.6 (wn)
   facetious adj : cleverly amusing 

Linux-Misc Digest #497

2000-12-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #497, Volume #26Fri, 8 Dec 00 22:13:01 EST

  Re: Mandrake 7.2 shutdown error? (Douglas H. Steves)
  Suse 7, vbox and teles 16.3c pnp ("MC Hammer")
  Re: RedHat-6.2 and Intel810 video card?? (Robert Lynch)
  Newbie - "Unable to initialize modem" ("Beldar")
  kernel: svc: unknown version(3) when loading nfs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  hdh: 3ide-scsi unsupported command dev 22:40 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  LILO floppy question ("Emmanuel Beranger")
  Re: How to change a user password with one command or script? (Thomas Witkowski)
  /dev/loop7 forced check ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do you get multicast through firewall? (Manfred Bartz)
  Help installing Redhat on a laptop with pcmcia cd rom (Tom Voltaggio)
  Re: Help installing Redhat on a laptop with pcmcia cd rom (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: Deleting zero-sized directory? (Sinner from the Prairy)
  Problem Installing Realplayer (A. B.)
  Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command? ("Scott M. 
  How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
  Re: How do you get multicast through firewall? ("Send me no Email")
  'find' errors after setting up software RAID ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: How do you get multicast through firewall? ("Send me no Email")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
("Paul Filipowicz")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
("John Cusick")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  (E J)
  Re: kernel: svc: unknown version(3) when loading nfs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
("James Wilson")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
  Re: LILO floppy question (E J)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Douglas H. Steves)
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.2 shutdown error?
Date: 8 Dec 2000 16:49:33 -0600

Rafael  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have installed on one server Linux Mandrake 7.2 and on the other RH
7.0. When I choose security level high, I can not shutdown system
properly. It tell me now more prcess and I have to turn off computer and
then starting take 15 minutes becouse system was not cleanly unmounted.
Where is the solution of  this problem

I had the same problem with mandrake7.2, and was only able
to "solve" it by reinstalling. The reinstallation was from the
Cheap Bytes ISO images, while the original, faulty installation
was from the MacMillan package. Since you're from Sweden, you
probably don't have this package, so I'm not sure what to
recommend. I have the security level set to medium. One other
point is that for the second installation, I installed only 
from the two basic discs, and then used kpackage to install 
the other packages on the contribs and apps CDs.



Subject: Suse 7, vbox and teles 16.3c pnp
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 23:56:39 +0100
Reply-To: "MC Hammer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I got everything working with i4l ipppd but since I have dsl I want to use
my linux box as an telephone answering machine.
So I tried to set up vbox... Hmm I got it already running with an old suse
1 year ago and an AVM Fritz PCMCIA card- but now I cannot get vbox running
with SuSE 7.0...

The problem is, that the HiSax driver for my Teles 16.3PnP ISA got some
problems with vbox on Suse7.0.

I tried audio compression ADCPM-4 - no audio on the telephone line. So I
tried ULAW since ALAW is not any more support (says the documentation).

With ULAW compression the audio is played but to fast Is this a
problem with the teles driver and the suse kernel ??? What's wrong

Has anyone experience with teles 16.3cPnp, vbox and Suse7.0 ???

cu MC


From: Robert Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: RedHat-6.2 and Intel810 video card??
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 15:03:46 -0800

Ish Rattan wrote:
 Just installed RedHat-6.2 on a Gateway-ES1400 Celeron Based box.
 It has an Intel 810/4Mb RAM/AGP video card on mother board. The card
 is not recognized/visible in the output of "demsg | more"? Any ideas
 how make the system detect the card? Does the kernel (2.2.14-5 now)
 have to be upgraded for this to happen?
 Please help.
 - ishwar

I am running the i810 chipset.  If yours is set up like mine 

Linux-Misc Digest #498

2000-12-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #498, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 00:13:01 EST

  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  windows 
again? ("misterbooboo")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
  Re: Newbie - "Unable to initialize modem" (E J)
  Re: amd k6 - signal 11 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Newbie - "Unable to initialize modem" ("Arthur H. Gold")
  OpenFirmware (Luke A. Guest)
  Re: Can't use RealPlayer (E J)
  opening application fullscreen automatically (Peter Bismuti)
  Raid - Removing? ("Claudio Corsi")
  VCD player on Linux (Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  (Glitch)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for   (Glitch)
  Re: Pop to imap to client? (Liquor)
  Re: Pop to imap to client? (Liquor)
  Re: Linux (Redhat7) just FREEZES! (Zen Sorcerer)
  accessing NTFS partition from Linux (sreeni)
  Re: 'find' errors after setting up software RAID (Glitch)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  windows 
again? (Troutman)
  Re: 'find' errors after setting up software RAID (Dances With Crows)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  (Muhammad 
Azmi B Selamat)

From: "misterbooboo" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  
windows again?
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 20:55:04 -0600

This does not work, per my experience and the RH7 web site instructions.
(this was how I originally tried to do it - it really does not work)

DOS fdisk (windows fdisk) does not erase the partitions for Linux since it
cannot read them.

Further suggestions appreciated.

Jon - I love Jesus Christ
"E J" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Goodbye linux!
 Use windows fdisk /mbr to get rid of lilo
 Use windows fdisk to remove all linux partition and use windows fdisk to
 create the new windows partition.
 Use windows format  to  format the new windows partition.  If you
 originally have a C disk, the new partition will appear as D disk.

 misterbooboo wrote:

  I have a 6GB HD split half for RH7 and half for Win95.
  I want to rid myself of Linux and rededicate the entire HD to Win95.
  How do I do this?
  Win's fdisk will not get me there as far as I can tell.
  Specifics appreciated.
  Thank you,
  Jon - I love Jesus Christ


From: "misterbooboo" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows 
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 20:57:14 -0600

This is what the RH site says, however, I do not have an install floppy. Can
I not use the CD somehow?

If not, how do I make an install floppy?

(I tried this with a RH7 CDR using "expert" but although it said it saved
partition deletions to disk, it obviously did not do so - per DOS fdisk
after rebooting)

Jon - I love Jesus Christ
"James Wilson" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Gotta use the Linux version of fdisk on the install floppy (at the Boot:
 prompt, type linux expert) select install, not upgrade. When it comes to
 partitioning the drive select FDISK, in FDISK type [p] to print out
 partition tables, and remove the Linux partition with the [d] command.Quit
 with a [w] command to save to disk or [q] to change your mind. Wouldn't be
 bad idea to run fdisk /mbr at the DOS prompt to clean your master boot
 record. You will have to repartition and format the new partition.
 "misterbooboo" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I have a 6GB HD split half for RH7 and half for Win95.
  I want to rid myself of Linux and rededicate the entire HD to Win95.
  How do I do this?
  Win's fdisk will not get me there as far as I can tell.
  Specifics appreciated.
  Thank you,
  Jon - I love Jesus Christ


Subject: Re: Newbie - "Unable to initialize modem"
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 02:55:47 GMT

You are clueless because the Lucent WinModem is brainless (no controller
At least the Lucent WinModem is still usable under linux unlike some other
brainless PCI modems.
You need the Lucent WinModem drivers from

Beldar wrote:

 Trying to effect a dialup connection under RH7.0, I'm getting the error
 "Unable to initialize modem".  I'm clueless.  I've got a Lucent WinModem on
 COM3, so I'm using /dev/tty/s02.  It ain't workin'.  Can anybody help?


From: [EMAIL 

Linux-Misc Digest #499

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #499, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 03:13:03 EST

  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  (David)
  Re: 'find' errors after setting up software RAID ("Scott M. Navarre")
  GNome on Caldera e-desktop (David Liana)
  limiting buffer cache ("Fred")
  LPRng setup help ("Jess Jackson")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
("Ned Harkey")
  Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop (munke)
  Re: Help installing Redhat on a laptop with pcmcia cd rom (Bob Martin)
  Re: Newbie - "Unable to initialize modem" (Bob Martin)
  What is the command to  . . . ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  'No such file or directory' (Eugene Grayver)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD (Scott Sanbeg)
  Re: accessing NTFS partition from Linux ("Eric en Jolanda")
  Re: How to change a user password with one command or script? (Alexei Kichkine)
  Re: MySql is Unstable (Alexei Kichkine)
  Re: hdh: 3ide-scsi unsupported command dev 22:40 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
("Eric en Jolanda")
  Re: kdm (or xdm)  redhat logo (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 (solved) (moonie;))
  Re: 'No such file or directory' (E J)
  Chkconfig --add ??? how? ("Flej Ling")

Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for 
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 23:34:21 -0600

misterbooboo wrote:
 I have a 6GB HD split half for RH7 and half for Win95.
 I want to rid myself of Linux and rededicate the entire HD to Win95.
 How do I do this?
 Win's fdisk will not get me there as far as I can tell.
 Specifics appreciated.
 Thank you,
 Jon - I love Jesus Christ

To uninstall from a running linux system do the following. 

 boot into linux. 
 login as root 
 /sbin/lilo -u 
 fdisk /dev/hda# or sda depending on your hard drive. 
 delete all linux partitions 
 quit and save changes 
 reboot with a DOS/windoz boot disk. 
 enter:  fdisk /MBR

You will need to format the partition or drive back to a DOS/windows


Use the installation boot disk  CD

Use the installation boot disk and CD to boot the system and follow
through the install up to the partitioning section. Delete all linux
partitions and then choose the "Back" button and save the changes when
asked. Then reboot the system with a windows boot disk and do a: 

fdisk /MBR 

You will have to format the disk backto the DOS format. 

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than 98.873% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


From: "Scott M. Navarre" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: 'find' errors after setting up software RAID
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 05:54:02 GMT

  Yes, I am very familiar with permissions and therefore I totally agree
with what you said about how it should work.
  However: I am sorry that I was not specific enough in my question, but
this IS happening while I am logged in as root - hence my original

thanks again,

"Glitch" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 all it's saying is u don't havepermission to view the contents (this
 would be read permission) of the specified location.

 run find as root and u won't see it. RAID has nothig to do with it.
 IT's saying u don't have permission thus it is  a file system issue.
 REad the error and seek the solution.

 you will get th emessages as soon as find finds a directory in which the
 user u are logged in as doesn't have permission to access what the find
 command is accessing.

 running as root u do not get these errors however u have to be logged in
 as root

 "Scott M. Navarre" wrote:
I have set up software RAID1+0 and I am now getting these two messages
  immediately after invoking the 'find' command:
  find: /proc/6/fd: Permission denied
  find: /proc/116/fd: Permission denied
  and then 'find' continues on as normal.
After doing a 'ps -ef |grep 6', I determined the following:
  1) process '6' is 'mdrecoveryd'
  2) process '116' is 'raid1d'
So my question is:  Is it normal to get these messages for 'find'
  setting up soft RAID?  If not, then what can I do to fix it (it is a
  annoying to have these pop up everytime I look for a file).
  Thanks in advance,
Scott Navarre


From: David Liana [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux-Misc Digest #500

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #500, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 09:13:01 EST

  Re: Problems running ./configure - Please Help! (Bob Martin)
  dump and restore (Ryan Lantzy)
  network login (Lodo Nicolino)
  network login (Lodo Nicolino)
  Telnetd don't work (Carfield Yim)
  Can't install printer (Carfield Yim)
  Re: Telnetd don't work (Alexei Kichkine)
  Re: Can't use RealPlayer (Carfield Yim)
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? (Markus Amersdorfer)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again?
  Re: help with nfsd please! (Marc D. Williams)
  Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (Walter Francis)
  Re: 'No such file or directory' (Chris J/#6)
  Re: limiting buffer cache (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: 'No such file or directory' ("John Cusick")
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (Kevin Croxen)
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (John Forkosh)

From: Bob Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Problems running ./configure - Please Help!
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 08:36:50 GMT

Andy wrote:
 I'm bored with trying things now...
 I am trying to compile some software which needed the libpcap package. I
 installed libpcap-0.4-29.i386.rpm and tried again.
 The configure script nearly ran all the way through until:
 checking for pcap_dump in -lpcap... yes
 checking for pthread_create in -lpthread... yes
 checking for pcap.h... no
 configure: error: Test for pcap.h failed.
 but I've just installed the libpcap package which provides pcap.h and even
 run ldconfig to make sure.
 Ok so I'll try:
 locate pcap.h
 I'ts there!
 what's going on?
 Can anybody help me please...
 Thanks in advance...

Depends on how ./configure is testing for pcap.h. try ./configure
--help, see if there is an option for telling it where pcap.h is
located. try a symlink in /usr/include to /usr/include/pcap/pcap.h


From: Ryan Lantzy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: dump and restore
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 03:36:03 -0500

I want to do daily ncremental backups on my linux machine on one tape.
I can succesfully complete a full backup and restore it.  However, when
I do a full backup then an incremental and then I try to restore, it
only shows the files that were included in the incremental and not the

goes something like this

dump -0ufa /home /dev/nst0

dump -2ufa /home /dev/nst0

restore -i /dev/nst0

any help would be appreciated



From: Lodo Nicolino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: network login
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 08:55:48 GMT

Hi am Nico.
I have a red-hat 6.2 and i need to login as root from a win pc in the
When i try to login i get the message "login incorrect".
If i login as a normal user i am in and i can do su root.
I added in the file /etc/securetty the string "pst/0", but nothing had
What did i forget ??
Thanks in advance.


From: Lodo Nicolino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: network login
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 09:00:31 GMT

Ciao Io sono Nico.
Ho il seguente problema.
Ho installato una red-hat 6.2 e non riesco a logarmi come root da nessun

pc della rete.
Quando digito root al prompt ho immediatamente il messaggio "login
Se mi logo con un altro utente riesco ad entrare e a fare "su root".
Ho modificato il file /etc/securetty aggiungendo la stringa "pst/0", ma
non ho ottenuto nessun risultato.
Cosa mi sto dimenticando di fare ?
Grazie in anticipo per l'aiuto.


From: Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Telnetd don't work
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:54:15 +0800

After installing mandrake, I find that my telnetd don't work. I have 
check inetd.conf, there is should no problem. Where can I find common 
problem and solution of telnetd??

The problem of my telnetd is after showing the Escape character, it 
don't prompt the use input name and passwd but just quit:

Connected to localhost.localdomain.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

How can I solve?


From: Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Can't install printer
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:56:29 +0800

If I put the following line at terminal, it will print the directory 
tree at printer:

ls  /dev/lp0

But after I config my printer in X with mandrake config, it don't work, 
do anyone know why? I am using cup, where can I find more information?


From: Alexei Kichkine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Telnetd don't work
Date: 09 Dec 2000 14:55:46 +0500

Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 After installing mandrake, I find that my telnetd don't work. I have
 check inetd.conf, there is should no problem. 

Linux-Misc Digest #501

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #501, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 13:13:03 EST

  nsform* (Christian Wenz)
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? (Allen Wong)
  Changing ports for telnetd? (Patrick M Geahan)
  Shutdown and halt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: LILO floppy question (James Blanford)
  Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop ("drovar")
  Re: limiting buffer cache (Christopher Wong)
  Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop (Steve)
  Re: amd k6 - signal 11 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: MySql is Unstable ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  What the heck is "remadmin"?? (Penpal International)
  MC and .alias (Timo Benk)
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? (Colin Watson)
  Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop (Jerry McBride)
  Re: j2sdk1.3 - jdb doesn't work (Paul F. Kunz)
  Re: Telnetd don't work (Carfield Yim)
  Re: NFS setup question (insecure port??) (Jerry McBride)
  MySQL socket problem (Mike)
  Re: limiting buffer cache (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: problems with .rhosts? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: Christian Wenz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: nsform*
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 16:18:07 +0100

i recognise a couple of files under ~/tmp called nsform3A2E660D04601DA
for example.
these files contains same information about mails i got:

Content-type: multipart/form-data;
boundary=---670907394Content-Length: 1475

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_do_savemsg"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_goto"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_mid"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_recover_user"

... and more.

could anybody tell me which program produce these files ???


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Allen Wong)
Subject: Re: What is the command to  . . . ?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:22:07 GMT

In alt.os.linux.slackware Markus Amersdorfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is the command to find the occurance of a string in a group of
 files in a directory?

 find . -name '*.txt' -exec grep "Hello World" {} \;

This works, but it's alot slower than "find . -type f -name '*.txt' -print |
xargs grep "Hello World".

Linux:  If you're not careful, you might actually learn something.
  7:00am  up 1 day, 10:59,  9 users,  load average: 3.09, 3.04, 3.00


From: Patrick M Geahan[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Changing ports for telnetd?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:30:01 GMT

Here's the problem I'm having - I'm attempting to switch ports with
regard to ssh and telnetd.  I've changed the ssh launch line to
"$PATH/sshd -p 23", which seems to work.  I've changed /etc/services for
sshd to be port 23, and telnetd to port 22.  Now, ssh incoming works OK,
but telnet incoming connects, then says "bind:address in use".  Same
problem if I switch to some other random port that I know isn't in use.

Can anyone give me any help?

===Patrick M [EMAIL PROTECTED]===ICQ:3784715==
Quote of the Week: "Where in the bible does it say `God so loved the
world that he congested bandwidth by forwarding email to everyone in 
his address book?'" - Tom Sevart in alt.folklore.urban


Subject: Shutdown and halt
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:32:48 GMT

I have Mandrake  7.2.  Everything is running  except
 for one thing:  it will not complete a shutdown.
After shutting down processes it generates the message "INIT: No more
processes in this runlevel" at  which point the machine just sits
there.  I don't want to say the box is hung, because when I hit
Ctrl-Alt-Delete the disk gets hit with something.
I can also switch to other console using ALT+ F2...F6 but I can not log.

I was trying:
shutdown -h now - the same
halt - the same
How to soleve this problem, I did not have such problems with Mandrake
7.1 and RH 6.2. On RH 7.0 I had the same problem.

P.S If this message apear two times it is because I had problems with our
news Server Rafael

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Blanford)
Subject: Re: LILO floppy question
Date: 9 Dec 2000 15:53:09 GMT

In article 90rrea$2oi0$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Emmanuel Beranger" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I want to boot from a floppy with LILO, offering me to boot hdb1. (I just
 want to keep self HD boot with hda1)
 I have made such a floppy with "mkbootdisk", 

Linux-Misc Digest #502

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #502, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 16:13:04 EST

  COREL detected my Winmodem! But... (Andrew Purugganan)
  Where's DEbian's rc.local? (Andrew Purugganan)
  Can't build DDD ("Generic User")
  Re: Can't use RealPlayer (E J)
  Re: Kernel for 4Mb RAM 386 (The Phoenix)
  Re: MySql is Unstable (Dances With Crows)
  Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client (Alex Barylo)
  xterm and aliases (Timo Benk)
  Re: xterm and aliases (Bit Twister)
  Re: Activating the Multimedia keys (Andreas Mohr)
  How to get user input in a startup script? ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  (Valentin 
  How to get user input in a startup script? ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: xterm and aliases (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
(Anita Lewis)
  Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client (Sinner from the Prairy)
  Re: nsform* ("Garry Knight")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
("Garry Knight")

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: COREL detected my Winmodem! But...
Date: 9 Dec 2000 17:58:32 GMT

COREL Linux was able to detect my PCtel Winmodem, but I can only use the 
Connection Wizrd to connect (hmmm, looks like another OS to me :-)
Where does it keep the settings though? I want to be able to use the 
modem for telnet/serial connections but I can't find out what these are 
(COM port, etc)
WHen I try the dial up dialog (a different utility) and I go thru each 
ttyS0, ttyS1, etc it's either busy or doesn't respond. Any clue?

Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Where's DEbian's rc.local?
Date: 9 Dec 2000 18:01:27 GMT

I came from RedHat/Mandrake Linux, and now I want to get familiar with 
Debian-style distros. RedHat has an rc.local where I can enter my custom 
boot thingies (ifconfig, alias for modules, etc). WHere can one put these 
BTW it's COREL Linux on a 2.2.16 kernel, ITH

Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


From: "Generic User" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Can't build DDD
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:28:54 GMT

I'm trying to compile the DDD source and during the configure stage, I get
a  "Can't find -lX11 library, try using -x-include-include=DIR
and -x-include-libraries=DIR"
(or something of sorts) error. I see the* library in my
/usr/X11R6 directory
so I did as suggested and did a
./configure -x-include-libraries=/usr/X11R6/libraries
to no avail. Any ideas?



Subject: Re: Can't use RealPlayer
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:25:29 GMT

You could have put realplayer 7 beta anywhere.  I had my old realplayer 7 beta in 

$su -
password: secret
# cd /usr/local
# rm -r realplay # remove realplayer 7 beta stuff

Is the current realplayer 7 installed
You might want to check your netscape
Have all the Real Player entries point to the current Real Player 7.
Help-About Plug ins
Do you have the old realplayer 7 beta plug in?  If so, Replace it with the current 
Real Player 7

$ vi $HOME/.mailcap # edit your netscape
Have all the Real Player entries point to the current Real Player 7.

Carfield Yim wrote:

 E J wrote:

  I think you are probably the old version of real player is hiding somewhere
  living with your freshly install real player
  $ which realplay # findout where your real player is living.  The default should 
be the following
  $  /usr/X11R6/bin/realplay  # check if the real play is the right version
  On the realplay Help-About
  RealPlay [tm] (Unix)
  If real player is living in the wrong place, it is probably the old real
  player (Beta Real Player 7?)taking over from the newer real player.  Just
  remove the older player.

 How to remove?? There is no realplay package in my rpm...


From: The Phoenix [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Kernel for 4Mb RAM 386
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:27:06 -0100

Andreas Schweitzer wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], The Phoenix wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], The Phoenix wrote:
Im planning to install Linux in my old 386 with 4Mb RAM.
   .. I recompiled the 2.2.12 kernel ... the kernel would hardly run
in the 386 ( the disk was allways in activity,

  But your problem also sounds like there is too much other stuff
  running. Try cutting down dameons etc. There 

Linux-Misc Digest #503

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #503, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 19:13:02 EST

  Re: MySql is Unstable (Robert Heller)
  Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client (Robert Heller)
  RedHat7 cdrom: open failed (Michael Robbins)
  Re: How to get user input in a startup script? (Robert Kiesling)
  Netscape POST/passwd field problem (Scooter)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  windows 
again? (Scott Alfter)
  Re: RedHat7 cdrom: open failed (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (Harold Stevens ** PLEASE 
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem (David)
  Re: kernel: svc: unknown version(3) when loading nfs ("Karl Heyes")
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? (Michael V. Ferranti)
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem (Scooter)
  Re: Changing ports for telnetd? (Dustin Puryear)
  Re: Chkconfig --add ??? how? (Dustin Puryear)
  Need Help installing Linux Please! ("Rodney Gray")
  Re: How to get user input in a startup script? (Dustin Puryear)
  Re: Compiling DOSEMU 1.0.1 on Red Hat 7 (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem (Scooter)
  ISDN connection timeout (Aulne)
  Key Error on install ("Jason Greenbaum")

From: Robert Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: MySql is Unstable
Date: 9 Dec 2000 15:14:05 true

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows),
  In a message on 9 Dec 2000 19:32:23 GMT, wrote :

DWC On Fri, 08 Dec 2000 15:04:42 -0600, Kim Houlne staggered into 
DWC the Black Sun and said:
DWC We are in the process of redesigning a couple of database programs on
DWC our website.  We use the Linux platform.  One the the programmers that
DWC we received a bid from states " that when using MySql on Linux it is
DWC slow and changes are hard to make.  We can make it work by hardcoding,
DWC but it is not scalable.  Also MySql is not set up to be a business level
DWC database.
DWC How valid do you think this statement is?  And, if it is not valid can
DWC you tell me why?
DWC This question, or something like it, comes up periodically.  There was a
DWC large amount of argle-bargle on Slashdot within the last 2 months about
DWC MySQL; go there and run a search on "MySQL" to bring up at least one
DWC article with hundreds of comments about the relative performance of
DWC MySQL and various other database engines.
DWC MySQL is probably best in an environment where most queries involve
DWC reading data instead of updating/inserting data.  If this isn't the
DWC case, you can look at Postgres or spend money on Oracle.  The setup
DWC procedure for Oracle on Linux is a royal pain in the arse, but it seems
DWC to run fast and solid once it's in there.  Haven't played with Postgres
DWC at all yet.

Postgres runs well and seems solid.  I've not done any serious timings
though.  Postgres 6.x has all of the extra goodies: transactions and
stuff like that (stuff missing from MySQL).

DWC FWIW, Slashdot gets an obscene amount of traffic, and it uses MySQL as
DWC the backend.  
DWC -- 
DWC Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
DWC Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt
DWC /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
DWC -/I hit a seg fault

Robert Heller||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /\FidoNet:1:321/153


From: Robert Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client
Date: 9 Dec 2000 15:14:07 true

  Sinner from the Prairy [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  In a message on Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:44:23 +, wrote :

SftP Alex Barylo wrote:
SftP  Hi all,
SftP  I need a text (not X) based visual FTP client, something like Midnight
SftP  Commander but stripped down, without the ability to run external
SftP  commands.
SftP  Any ideas/suggestions will be greately appreciated.
SftP Did you ever tried 'wget' or 'ftp'?
SftP They work great!

ncftp has all of the silly curses type stuff (which I don't use since I
fire it up with -L most of the time) -- I think this is what Alex Barylo

SftP Salut,
SftP Sinner
SftP -- 
SftP [MaDuiXa PoWeR]
SftP __
SftP   |\ Linux User # 89976
SftP =Sinner =--[]- a Mach 2.5!!  Running on Mandrake 7.2
SftP __|/ Linux Machine # 38068

Linux-Misc Digest #504

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #504, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 21:13:02 EST

  Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client (-ljl-)
  Re: Key Error on install ("D. Stimits")
  Re: How to get user input in a startup script? ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: How to get user input in a startup script? (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! ("D. Stimits")
  Linuxgruven is Deceptive in their Ad ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Subject: Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 00:23:05 GMT

In article 3a32a09f$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Robert Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sinner from the Prairy [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   In a message on Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:44:23 +, wrote :

 Alex Barylo wrote:

 Hi all,

 I need a text (not X) based visual FTP client, something like
 Midnight Commander but stripped down, without the ability to
 run external commands.

 Any ideas/suggestions will be greately appreciated.

Take a look at lynx, "man lynx"; it's a text base browser that
supports the ftp protocol.

Louis-ljl-{ Louis J. LaBash, Jr. }

Sent via
Before you buy.


Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:48:07 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Key Error on install

Jason Greenbaum wrote:
 I am trying to install RedHat Linux 7.0 on my PC.  When I run the setup
 disk, the kernel boots and a few other things happen before I get the
 following message:
 Key Error: RIVA TNT2
 Then linux proceeds on unmount all the filesystems and cancel the install.
 FYI: I have a Viper V770 Ultra video card w/ a RIVA TNT2 processor.  Does
 anyone know a way to solve this?  Please let me know.  Thanks.

Perhaps not a solution in a true sense, but RH has a non-graphical
install mode. Using that will avoid some video card and chipset
problems. Try install that way (don't use a GUI install).


From: "Scott M. Navarre" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: How to get user input in a startup script?
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 00:51:08 GMT

What I am trying to do is this:

I added the following lines to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit

echo -n "Mount the RAID array [y/N]? "
read mntreply
if [ "$mntreply" = "Y"] || ["$mntreply" = "y" ]; then
  action "Mounting RAID array: " mount /dev/md2 /u
  echo "RAID mount: deferred"

but when the user enters a "y", it gives the following error:
/etc/rc.sysinit: [y: command not found

likewise if the user enters a "n", it gives the following:
/etc/rc.sysinit: [n: command not found

therefore there must be a different way to get user input inside of the
'rc.sysinit' script other than with "read"...


From: Floyd Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: How to get user input in a startup script?
Date: 09 Dec 2000 16:15:31 -0900

"Scott M. Navarre" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What I am trying to do is this:

I added the following lines to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit

echo -n "Mount the RAID array [y/N]? "
read mntreply
if [ "$mntreply" = "Y"] || ["$mntreply" = "y" ]; then
  action "Mounting RAID array: " mount /dev/md2 /u
  echo "RAID mount: deferred"

but when the user enters a "y", it gives the following error:
/etc/rc.sysinit: [y: command not found

likewise if the user enters a "n", it gives the following:
/etc/rc.sysinit: [n: command not found

therefore there must be a different way to get user input inside of the
'rc.sysinit' script other than with "read"...

It appears to be working fine, as far as getting input goes.
But your conditional for the "if" statement is not doing what
you want.  The "||" following the first "[ expression ]" is
telling the shell to test the expression and if it is /not
true/, to continue and do the statement following the "||".
"[$mntreply " is expanded to "[y" if a 'y' was input, and since
there is no such command the shell is telling you that.

Read the man page for bash!

To have multiple test conditions use "-o" or "-a" between them,
and the entire set of conditions is surrounded by "[ ... ]".
Also note that "[" is an alias for "test", and therefore a
space after it is required.

if [ "$mntreply" = "Y" -o "$mntreply" = "y" ]; then ...

However, there is a better way to test your response!  Try
this shell script as an example, and work from there...


echo -n "Say yes or no!  [y/N] "
read line

case $line in
  [yY]*)  echo "Yes!";;
  *)  echo "No!" ;;

Floyd L. Davidson
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska) [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:18:14 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux-Misc Digest #505

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #505, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 22:13:02 EST

  Linuxgruven is Deceptive in their Ad ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Backup solution at Linux (Robert Jones)
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! (Stanislaw Flatto)

Subject: Linuxgruven is Deceptive in their Ad
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 01:30:54 GMT

Linuxgruven is Deceptive in their Newspaper Ad

I checked into a job opportunity with
linuxgruven a few weeks ago. I was not 'actively'
seeking employment at the time. I did this solely
based upon a fellow employee(where I currently
work) who said he saw an ad in the newspaper that
said $45K /yr, entry-level position, training for
qualified applicants. There was a little more to
the ad, but not much. It was a pretty small ad.
I'm not quoting the ad because I don't have it
laying around anymore, but it may have said,
training 'available' for qualified applicants in
the ad, instead of just training for qualified
applicants.  Whatever. The fellow employee that
gave me the ad said that he called the 888 toll
free number and inquired about the job and was
told that it involved using Linux, and since he
didn't know anything about using it but knew that
I liked Linux he was giving me the ad in case I
wanted to check it out.
I said Oh Yeah! I'll call! I was excited
at the sound of the opportunity. I would love
nothing more than to get a job implementing,
working with and using Linux. So I called. The
person on the other end asked me a couple
questions, and then gave me a number to call to
set up an appointment for an interview here in
Denver. I called the number and set up a time to
come in. I then told my current employer that I
needed the first part of that day off to go to a
dentist appointment(guess you could say that's a
little deception of my own). Then I went about
updating my resume.
The day of the interview arrived and I
went to the address, a very nice office building
in DTC here in Denver. I went into the office
suite, which was also very nice. Secretaries were
there at the front desk answering the phone
with,"Linuxgruven". A gentleman came in to
interview me. The interview lasted a while and
went very well I thought. He said a few times
that you have to be Linux certified to get the
job, but it's fairly hard to find people because
the 'talent pool' of people with Linux skills is
really shallow. Then he said
Linuxgruven 'subsidizes' the cost of the
schooling and 'reimburses' you after you have
worked for them for a year. He said the reason
you have to be certified is to make sure you know
how to do your job in the field professionally,
and even though I may currently have good Linux
skills they may not be up to a professional
level. But, if I thought that my skills were good
enough to pass the tests that I could just go
ahead and take the tests, get the certification,
thereby skipping the month of school. I agreed
that even though I have a few years of experience
of using Linux on my own, my skills probably
weren't up to the par of a professional level and
I would feel more comfortable about taking the
tests if I went through the training/schooling
first. Therefore I would plan on going through
the month of schooling before taking the tests. I
took what the interviewer said about subsidizing
the cost of schooling to mean that they paid for
the schooling as long as you work for them for a
year, but if you leave before a year is up then
you owe them the cost of the schooling. My
current employer has a deal where they want to
help you get certified(for these applications
called 'Loadrunner' and 'Winrunner' - www.merc- by covering the cost of certification.
You sign a contract that says you won't leave the
company for three months after you receive the
certification. If you do, then you owe them the
$500 for the cost of the certification, and it
would come out of your last check, I suppose. But
you get/earn the certification on your own time
after work, and it supposedly takes a few months
and a total of 160 hours. But I know for a fact
with my current employer that nothing comes out
of your own pocket to actually get the
certificate in your hand. I told the interviewer
that I had considered getting Linux certified
before, but it costs thousands of dollars. He did
mention that the tests cost $400(four of them
$100 each). The interviewer never once mentioned
that I would need $2,500 for the schooling or the
$400 to take the tests to come out of my own
pocket. He never even mentioned anything about
$2,500 at all. I didn't ask any real questions
about the details of the cost of schooling or
taking the tests because he kept making it sound
like it would all be covered by Linuxgruven, as
long I worked for them for a year after getting
I am in the position that I could quit my
job in order to totally devote my time to 

Linux-Misc Digest #506

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #506, Volume #26   Sun, 10 Dec 00 02:13:02 EST

  can't use xterm as regular user ("mark")
  obtaining packages via ftp ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  CVS checkout (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F6rg_R=FCppel?=)
  gdb problem (john connolly)
  [HELP] Toshiba Tecra 8100 doesn't see Toshiba disk ("Lam Dang")
  Re: Can't install printer (David Efflandt)
  Re: obtaining packages via ftp (David)
  BASIS Pro5 ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: can't use xterm as regular user (Dances With Crows)
  Firestarter, ipchains, and ppp0 ("Alan Burns")
  Re: Can't install printer (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: opening application fullscreen automatically (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (Bryan Hoyt)
  The best SQL server ("WME")
  Re: Can't build DDD (Markus Kossmann)
  Linux (text) files to Win 98/2000 via floppy? (Potter Wickware)
  ***  F_U_C_K___C_H_R_I_S_T_M_A_S  *** . KknMDQIX ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Linux (text) files to Win 98/2000 via floppy? (Stanislaw Flatto)
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! ("Rodney Gray")

From: "mark" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: can't use xterm as regular user
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 19:37:45 -0800

Hi all,

I just installed redhat 7.0, and compiled the kernel and everything seems
to be fine.
now when i log on as a regular user and start xterm i get the error
There has been an error whil trying to log in
If you are using Linux 2.2.x with glibc 2.1.x , this is probably due to
incorrectly setup unix98 ptys.

I said yes to unix98 ptys when i compiled the kernel.
any ideas here ??



Subject: obtaining packages via ftp
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 03:35:47 GMT


I'm a relative newbie. I am trying to update my kernel. I've gotten to
the point of configuring the new kernel. Unfortunately I have discovered
I don't have make installed. I assume it's on my CD, but haven't been
able to access it (when I type ls when in the CD directory I get nothing
- I'm not sure if that means my CD player isn't working or what - in
anycase I don't know how to determine it's exact name so I can use
rpm.). Anyway, I thought I'd try to get make by rpming over the net. How
do I do this? Where can I get the URL for wherever make might exist? And
if you have any thoughts about my CD or how to get make on there, any
info would be appreciated.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F6rg_R=FCppel?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: CVS checkout
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 05:02:36 +0100


When trying to cvs checkout something, cvs puts all downloaded data onto 
the console instead of creating files. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!
Jörg Rüppel


From: john connolly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: gdb problem
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 04:15:10 GMT

I am trying to use gdb (actually xxgdb and ddd) and I cannot get it to
display the program's source file. I keep getting an error message about
it being unable to find the init.c file. What file would that be and
where can I find it?
Thanks, JWC


From: "Lam Dang" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [HELP] Toshiba Tecra 8100 doesn't see Toshiba disk
Date: 09 Dec 2000 23:16:34 -0500

At work I inherited a Toshiba Tecra 8100
laptop running Windows NT.  Its hard disk, a
12G IBM DARA-212000, initially contained a
single partition.  I used Partition Magic to
shrink this partition by 3G, created a second
partition, installed RedHat 6.2, and
installed lilo 21.5 for dual boot.  Both NT
and Linux boot up without any problem.

Today I bought a new 12G Toshiba MK1214GAP
hard disk.  This one has the same number of
cylinders, heads, and sectors as the IBM one.
It's supposed to work with the Tecra 8100.  I
was planning to install Windows 2000 and
RedHat 6.2 on it.  When I replaced the IBM
disk with the Toshiba disk, the boot-up
didn't see any hard disk.

Just to be on the safe side, I moved this
Toshiba disk to a desktop machine and
installed RedHat 6.2 on it.  It booted up
without any problem.

What am I missing here?   Do I have to run
something special for the Tecra 8100 to
recognize a new disk?  If so, what may be the
reason for it?  

Any pointers will be appreciated.

Lam Dang
dangit AT ix DOT netcom DOT com


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Can't install printer
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 04:25:43 + (UTC)

On Sat, 09 Dec 2000, Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If I put the following line at terminal, it will print the directory 
tree at printer:

ls  /dev/lp0

But after I config my printer in X with mandrake config, it don't work, 
do anyone know why? I am using cup, where can I find more information?

Linux-Misc Digest #507

2000-12-10 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #507, Volume #26   Sun, 10 Dec 00 05:13:01 EST

  Can't login from gdm (Mike Stevens)
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! ("Rodney Gray")
  Re: Firestarter, ipchains, and ppp0 (David)
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! ("Peter T. Breuer")
  castlewood orb disks converted to firewire by ads technologies
  broked EXT2 partition (Dan de Haan)
  ISDN connection drops (Aulne)
  Re: BASIS Pro5 ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: Can't login from gdm ("Mark L. Kahnt")

From: Mike Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user
Subject: Can't login from gdm
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 07:03:06 GMT


I just finished an apt-get upgrade, and can no longer login from the
helix-gnome gdm login panel.  Logins at the command line work correctly.
I get the following in my .gnome-errors file:

/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/login.defs for option UMASK
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: /etc/login.defs: "UMASK" is "022"
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/login.defs for option ULIMIT
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/login.defs for option MAIL_DIR
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: /etc/login.defs: "MAIL_DIR" is
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: using /etc/X11/Xsession.options for options
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/X11/Xsession.options for option
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/X11/Xsession.options for option
/usr/bin/gnome-session: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file
or directory

Of course, the library in question is missing.  Anyone know what package
it is in so I can reinstall it.  Or perhaps there is something else I'm
missing.  TIA

-Mike Stevens
What manner of quanadry is this? - The Tick

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Rodney Gray" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Need Help installing Linux Please!
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 00:27:25 -0700

To D. Stimits thanks for your help. Your allot more helpful than some other
people in this news group. I am aware of most of what you said in your reply
and now understand the difference in terminology between windows or DOS and
linux. Dos fdisk shows a tree with lettered drives corresponding with a
number behind it and Linux is using a different method to represent this
tree. It threw me off for a few hours until it hit me (with no help from the
user guide) but I'm still a little curious as to why a certain program
(rdev.exe) is showing a list as follows hda5-6, hdb1-4, sda1-4, sda5-6. What
is the purpose of this file? My SCSI jaz1gig is only a single partition not
4. Does it see my Promise controller and hd as a scsi device and hd
separately as windows does? Or does this program do nothing what so ever and
I'm mistaking it for a drive assignment ID program? I partitioned my maxtor
as 2gigs for primary dos partition (c drive)(as fat32 performs best with
2gig partitions and slowly drops in performance after the 2gig mark) and
d,e,and f are all logical drives in the extended dos partition. Now win2k
had no problem with installing there as I done dozens of times but will
Linux install there as well without a fuss and no re-arranging of other
partitions? 3.75 gigs is more than enough, right? Well I will give it a go
again and I hope hda3 is partition e: on the extended dos partition. Thanks
again for your intelligent input and demeanor. Happy Holidays and wish me


"D. Stimits" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 This is only partial info, but it might help. Then again, it is a long
 explanation, which is probably overdone...

 Rodney Gray wrote:
  ONBOARD ata100 (only one drive is on this controller and it runs a hell
  allot better here than on the ata66 controller by far!)
  Primary master ide=Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 40 7200rpm ata66 10.2gig
  C: D: E: and F:
  C: drive=2gig=WinME(running super good)
  D: drive=750mb=WindowsME swapfileIE5.5 Temp internet files (Cache) For
  preventing WindowsME defragmentation.
  E: drive=3.75gig=Empty=I'm reserving for TurboLinux Workstation 6.0.
  F: drive=3.75gig=Full with all my important data (my only local storage
  backup!) cannot loose this data!!!
  All I want to do is install linux on my Empty E: drive. (should be no
  problem, Right?)  But every time I boot with linux cd or floppies, the
  install program tells me that no ATAPI cd-rom was found even though I
  booted off it (stupid machine!). Everything here is top quality
  the cd-rom so there's no excuse! I even tried installing from hard drive
  the linux fdisk was to intimidating to risk my data on drive F: It did
  resemble the microsoft fdisk I used a thousand times so I did not go any
  farther. If it just would 

Linux-Misc Digest #508

2000-12-10 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #508, Volume #26   Sun, 10 Dec 00 05:13:01 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 1 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 1 of 6)
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 09:45:21 GMT

Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers

This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions for Linux, the free
operating system kernel that runs on many modern computer systems. The
kernel source code documentation says that Linux "aims for POSIX
compliance." Linux uses mostly free, GNU system utilities and
application software, although commercial programs are available also.
Originally written for 386/486/586 Intel/ISA bus machines, Linux
versions exist for nearly every hardware platform in existence that is
capable of running it. (Please refer to the question, "What Is Linux?"
below.) This FAQ is meant to be read in conjunction with the Linux
Documentation Project's HOWTO series. ("Where Can I Get Linux Material
by FTP?" and, "Where Can I Get the HOWTO's and Other Documentation?")
The INFO-SHEET and META-FAQ also list sources of Linux information.
Please read them, and, "You Still Haven't Answered My Question!"
before posting to a Usenet news group. You can also get Postscript,
HTML, and SGML versions of this document. ("Formats in Which This FAQ
Is Available.")

1. Introduction and General Information
 1.1. What Is Linux?
 1.2. Where Do I Start?
 1.3. What Software Does Linux Support?
 1.4. Where Can I Find Application XXX? (Was: Has Anyone
 Ported/Compiled/Written XXX for Linux?)
 1.5. Does Linux Run on My Computer? What Hardware Is Supported?
 1.6. What Ports to Other Processors Are There?
 1.7. How Much Hard Disk Space Does Linux Need?
 1.8. How Much Memory Does Linux Need?
 1.9. How Much Memory Can Linux Use?
 1.10. Does Linux Support Universal System Bus Devices?
 1.11. Is Linux Public Domain? Copyrighted?
 1.12. Is Linux *nix?
2. Topics of Current Interest.
 2.1. Should I Use the Red Hat 7.0 kgcc compiler?
 2.2. What Resources Are There for Linux DeCSS and Other Open
 Source DVD Software?
 2.3. Where Is Information About Electronic Privacy Laws that
 Affect ISP's?
 2.4. How Is the DocBook Version of the FAQ Produced?
3. Network Sources and Resources
 3.1. Where Can I Get the Latest Kernel Version?
 3.2. Where Can I Get the HOWTO's and Other Documentation?
 3.3. Where Should I Look on the World Wide Web for Linux Stuff?
 3.4. What News Groups Are There for Linux?
 3.5. What Other FAQ's Are There for Linux?
 3.6. Where Can I Get Linux Material by FTP?
 3.7. I Don't Have FTP Access. Where Do I Get Linux?
 3.8. I Don't Have Usenet Access. Where Do I Get Information?
 3.9. What Mailing Lists Are There?
 3.10. Where Are Linux Legal Issues Discussed?
 3.11. Where Can I Find Out About Unmaintained Free Software?
 3.12. Are the News Groups Archived Anywhere?
 3.13. Where Can I Find Out About Security Related Issues?
 3.14. Where Can I Find Linux System Specifications?
4. Compatibility with Other Operating Systems
 4.1. Can Linux Share My Disk with DOS? OS/2? 386BSD? Win95?
 4.2. How Do I Access Files on My DOS Partition or Floppy?
 4.3. Does Linux Support Compressed Ext2 File Systems?
 4.4. Can I Use My Stacked/DBLSPC/Etc. DOS Drive?
 4.5. Can I Access OS/2 HPFS Partitions from Linux?
 4.6. Can Linux Access Amiga File Systems?
 4.7. Can Linux Access BSD, SysV, Etc. UFS?
 4.8. Can Linux Access SMB File Systems?
 4.9. Can Linux Access Macintosh File Systems?
 4.10. Can I Run Microsoft Windows Programs under Linux?
 4.11. Where Can I Get Information about NFS Compatibility?
 4.12. Can I Use True Type Fonts with Linux?
 4.13. How Can I Boot Linux from MS-DOS?
 4.14. How Can I Boot Linux from OS/2's Boot Manager?
5. File Systems, Disks, and Drives
 5.1. How Can I Get Linux to Work with My Disk?
 5.2. How Can I Undelete Files?
 5.3. How Do I Make Backups?
 5.4. How Do I Resize a Partition (Non-Destructively)?
 5.5. Is There a Defragmenter for Ext2fs, Etc.?
 5.6. How Do I Format and Create a File System on a Floppy?
 5.7. Does Linux Support Virtualized File Systems Like RAID?
 5.8. Does Linux Support File System Encryption?
 5.9. I Get Nasty Messages about Inodes, Blocks, and the Like.
 5.10. My Swap Area Isn't Working.
 5.11. How Do I Add Temporary Swap Space?
 5.12. How Do I Remove LILO So My System Boots DOS Again?
 5.13. Why Can't I Use fdformat Except as Root?

Linux-Misc Digest #510

2000-12-10 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #510, Volume #26   Sun, 10 Dec 00 05:13:01 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 3 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 3 of 6)
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 09:48:43 GMT

You can also compile True Type Font support into your X server
directly. Again, refer to the xfsft Home Page for details.

4.13. How Can I Boot Linux from MS-DOS?

If LILO doesn't work, and if the machine has MS-DOS or Microsoft
Windows, you may be left with a computer that won't boot. This can
also happen on an upgrade to your Linux distribution. Re-installing
LILO is the last thing that the installation does. So it is vitally
important when installing or upgrading Linux on a dual boot machine,
to have a MS-DOS or Windows rescue disk nearby so you can FDISK -MBR.
Then you can go about using LOADLIN.EXE instead of LILO.

This config.sys file is one possible way to invoke LOADLIN.EXE and
boot MS-DOS or Linux.

menuitem=DOS, Dos Boot
menuitem=LINUX, Linux Boot

shell=c:\redhat\loadlin.exe c:\redhat\autoboot\vmlinuz vga=5 root=/dev

STACKS = 0,0
rem all the other DOS drivers get loaded here.

This creates a menu where you can directly jump to LOADLIN.EXE before
all of the MS-DOS drivers get loaded.

The paths and options are peculiar to one machine and should be
intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. See the LOADLIN.EXE
docs for options. They are the same as LILO, and options are just
passed to the kernel, anyhow.

[Jim Harvey]

4.14. How Can I Boot Linux from OS/2's Boot Manager?

 1. Create a partition using OS/2's FDISK.EXE (Not Linux's fdisk).
 2. Format the partition under OS/2, either with FAT or HPFS. This is
so that OS/2 knows about the partition being formatted. (This step
is not necessary with OS/2 `warp' 3.0.)
 3. Add the partition to the Boot Manager.
 4. Boot Linux, and create a file system on the partition using mkfs
-t ext2 or mke2fs. At this point you may, if you like, use Linux's
fdisk to change the code of the new partition to type 83 (Linux
Native)--this may help some automated installation scripts find
the right partition to use.
 5. Install Linux on the partition.
 6. Install LILO on the Linux partition--NOT on the master boot record
of the hard drive. This installs LILO as a second-stage boot
loader on the Linux partition itself, to start up the kernel
specified in the LILO configuration file. To do this, you should

boot = /dev/hda2

(where /dev/hda2 is the partition you want to boot from) in your
/etc/lilo/config or /etc/lilo.config file.
 7. Make sure that it is the Boot Manager partition that is marked
active, so that you can use Boot Manager to choose what to boot.

There is a set of HOWTO's on the subject of multi-boot systems at the
LDP Home Page,

5. File Systems, Disks, and Drives

5.1. How Can I Get Linux to Work with My Disk?

If your disk is an IDE or EIDE drive, you should read the file
/usr/src/linux/drivers/block/README.ide (part of the Linux kernel
source code). This README contains many helpful hints about IDE
drives. Many modern IDE controllers do translation between `physical'
cylinders/heads/sectors, and `logical' ones.

SCSI disks are accessed by linear block numbers. The BIOS invents some
`logical' cylinder/head/sector fiction to support DOS.

An IBM PC-compatible BIOS will usually not be able to access
partitions which extend beyond 1024 logical cylinders, and will make
booting a Linux kernel from such partitions using LILO problematic at

You can still use such partitions for Linux or other operating systems
that access the controller directly.

It's recommend that you create at least one Linux partition entirely
under the 1024 logical cylinder limit, and boot from that. The other
partitions will then be okay.

Also there seems to be a bit of trouble with the newer Ultra-DMA
drives. I haven't gotten the straight scoop on them--but they are
becoming a very common problem at the SVLUG installfests. When you can
get 8 to 12 Gig drives for $200 to $300 it's no wonder.

[Jim Dennis]

5.2. How Can I Undelete Files?

In general, this is very hard to do on unices because of their
multitasking nature. Undelete functionality for the ext2fs file system
is being worked on, but don't hold your breath.

There are a number of packages available which instead provide new
commands for deleting and copying which move deleted files into a
`wastebasket' directory. The files can be recovered until cleaned out
automatically by background processing.

Alternatively, you can search the raw disk device which holds the file
system in question. This is hard work, and you will need to be logged
in as root to do this. But 

Linux-Misc Digest #509

2000-12-10 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #509, Volume #26   Sun, 10 Dec 00 05:13:01 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 2 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 2 of 6)
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 09:46:10 GMT

3.2. Where Can I Get the HOWTO's and Other Documentation?

Look in the following places, and the sites that mirror them.


For a list of Linux FTP sites, refer to the answer for: "Where Can I
Get Linux Material by FTP?"

If you don't have access to FTP, try the FTP-by-mail servers:

A complete list of HOWTO's is available in the file HOWTO-INDEX at The
mini-HOWTO's are indexed at

In addition, translations are available from and mirrors
worldwide. The HOWTO's and other documentation have been translated
into the following languages:

Chinese (Big5) (zh)   Croatian (hr)French (fr)
German (deHellenic (el)Indonesian (id)
Italian (it)  Japanese (ja)Korean (ko)
Polish (pl)   Slovenian (sl)   Spanish (es)
Swedish (sv)  Turkish (tr)

Additional documents are always in preparation. Please get in touch
with the coordinators if you are interested in writing one. Contact
and submission information is at

There is also a LDP HOWTO page at

The Guide Series produced by the Linux Documentation Project is
available from Please read them if you are
new to Unix and Linux.

The Linux Mobile Guide is an expanded version of the
Linux-Laptop-HOWTO. The URL is:

And, of course, a number of people have written documentation
independently of the LDP:

  * Linux Administrators Security Guide, by Kurt Seifried.
  * Newbie's Linux Manual.
  * One-Page Linux Manual.
  * Short beginners' manual for Linux. Also available in Dutch.
  * Virtual Frame buffer HOWTO, by Alex Buell.
  * X11  TrueType Fonts, by Peter Kleiweg.

Documentation for kernel developers is on-line:

To find out about Linux memory management, including performance
tuning, see Rik van Riel's Web page at

The Linux Consultants HOWTO has a directory of Linux consultants at

Gary's Encyclopedia lists over 4,000 Linux related links. Its URL is

There is also a FAQ specifically for the Red Hat Linux distribution,

And the Home Page of this FAQ is

3.3. Where Should I Look on the World Wide Web for Linux Stuff?

In addition to the Linux Documentation Project Home Page:, there are many pages that provide beginning
and advanced information about Linux.

These two pages provide a good starting point for general Linux
information: Linux International's Home Page, at,
and the Linux Online's Linux Home Page at

Both of these pages provide links to other sites, information about
general information, distributions, new software, documentation, and

Documentation for kernel developers is on-line:

The tutorial, Unix is a Four Letter Word..., is located at It is a general introduction
to Unix operating systems and is not Linux specific.

Additionally, here is a certainly incomplete list of Web pages devoted
to Linux:

  * Adventures in Linux Programming:
  * Dave Central Linux Software Archive:
  * debianHELP
  * Erlug Webzine (Italian):
  * Free Unix Giveaway List:
Lists offers of free Linux CDs. Also available via E-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with the Subject: send giveaway_list.
  * Information on Linux in corporate environments:
  * Jeanette Russo's Linux Newbie 

Linux-Misc Digest #511

2000-12-10 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #511, Volume #26   Sun, 10 Dec 00 05:13:01 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 4 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 4 of 6)
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 09:49:29 GMT

# Replacement entry:
ftp stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/local/sbin/ftpd -l

The replacement daemon will become effective after rebooting or
sending (as root) a SIGHUP to inetd, e.g.:

# kill -HUP inetd

7.2. Free Dumps Core.

In Linux 1.3.57 and later, the format of /proc/meminfo was changed in
a way that the implementation of free doesn't understand. Get the
latest version, from, in

7.3. Netscape Crashes Frequently

Netscape shouldn't crash, if it and the network are properly
configured. Some things to check:

  * Make sure that the MOZILLA_HOME environment variable is correctly
set. If you installed Netscape under /usr/local/netscape/, for
example, that should be the value of MOZILLA_HOME. Set it from the
command line (e.g, "export MOZILLA_HOME="/usr/local/netscape""
under bash or add it to one your personal or system initialization
files. Refer to the manual page for your shell for details.
  * If you have a brand-new version of Netscape, try a previous
version, in case the run-time libraries are slightly incompatible.
For example, if Netscape version 4.75 is installed (type "netscape
--version" at the shell prompt), try installing version 4.7. All
versions are archived at
  * Netscape uses its own Motif and Java Runtime Environment
libraries. If a separate version of either is installed on your
system, ensure that they aren't interfering with Netscape's
libraries; e.g., by un-installing them.
  * Make sure that Netscape can connect to its default name servers.
The program will appear to freeze and time out after several
minutes if it can't. This indicates a problem with the system's
Internet connection; likely, the system can't connect to other
sites, either.

7.4. FTP or Telnet Server Won't Allow Logins.

This applies to server daemons that respond to clients, but don't
allow logins. On new systems that have Pluggable Authentication
Modules installed, look for a file named, "ftp," or "telnet," in the
directory /etc/pam/ or /etc/pam.d/. If the corresponding
authentication file doesn't exist, the instructions for configuring
FTP and Telnet authentication and other PAM configuration, should be
in /usr/doc/pam-version.

If it's an FTP server on an older system, make sure that the account
exists in /etc/passwd, especially "anonymous."

This type of problem may also be caused a failure to resolve the host
addresses properly, especially if using Reverse Address Resolution
Protocol (RARP). The simple answer to this is to list all relevant
host names and IP addresses in the /etc/hosts files on each machine. (
Refer to the example /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf files in: "How Do
I Prevent Sendmail from Pausing for Up to a Minute at Each Command?.")
If the network has an internal DNS, make sure that each host can
resolve network addresses using it.

If the host machine doesn't respond to FTP or Telnet clients at all,
then the server daemon is not installed correctly, or at all. Refer to
the manual pages: inetd, inetd.conf, ftpd, and telnetd.

7.5. How Do I Keep Track of All My Bookmarks in Netscape?

This probably applies to most other browsers, too. In the
Preferences/Navigator menu, set your home page to Netscape's
bookmarks.html file, which is located in the .netscape (with a leading
period) subdirectory. For example, if your login name is "smith," set
the home page to:


Setting up your personal home page like this will present you with a
nicely formatted (albeit possibly long) page of bookmarks when
Netscape starts. And the file is automatically updated whenever you
add, delete, or visit a bookmarked site.

7.6. The Computer Has the Wrong Time.

There are two clocks in your computer. The hardware (CMOS) clock runs
even when the computer is turned off, and is used when the system
starts up and by DOS (if you use DOS). The ordinary system time, shown
and set by date, is maintained by the kernel while Linux is running.

You can display the CMOS clock time, or set either clock from the
other, with /sbin/clock (now called hwclock in many distributions).
Refer to: man 8 clock or man 8 hwclock.

There are various other programs that can correct either or both
clocks for system drift or transfer time across the network. Some of
them may already be installed on your system. Try looking for adjtimex
(corrects for drift), netdate, and getdate (get the time from the

Linux-Misc Digest #512

2000-12-10 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #512, Volume #26   Sun, 10 Dec 00 05:13:01 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 6 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 6 of 6)
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 09:50:14 GMT

   $ TERM="xterm"; export TERM

10.3. INET: Warning: old style ioctl... called!

You are trying to use the old network configuration utilities. The new
ones can be found on (source only,
I'm afraid).

Note that they cannot be used just like the old-style programs. See
the NET-2 HOWTO for instructions on how to set up the old-style
networking programs correctly. Even better, see the NET-3 HOWTO and
upgrade your networking software.

10.4. ld: unrecognized option '-m486'

You have an old version of ld. Install a newer binutils package that
contains an updated ld. Look on in
/pub/linux/packages/GCC/ for binutils-

10.5. GCC Says, "Internal compiler error."

If the fault is repeatable (i.e., it always happens at the same place
in the same file--even after rebooting and trying again, using a
stable kernel) you have discovered a bug in GCC. See the GCC Info
documentation (type F1-i in Emacs, and select GCC from the menu) for
details on how to report the error. Make sure you have the latest
version, though.

Note that this is probably not a Linux-specific problem. Unless you
are compiling a program many other Linux users also compile, you
should not post your bug report to any of the comp.os.linux groups.

If the problem is not repeatable, you may be experiencing memory
corruption. Refer to the answer: ("Make Says, "Error 139."")

10.6. Make Says, "Error 139."

Your compiler (GCC) dumped core. You probably have a corrupted, buggy,
or old version of GCC--get the latest release or EGCS. Alternatively,
you may be running out of swap space. Refer to: ("My Machine Runs Very
Slowly when I Run GCC / X / ...")

If this doesn't fix the problem, you are probably having problems with
memory or disk corruption. Check that the clock rate, wait states, and
refresh timing for your SIMMS and cache are correct (hardware manuals
are sometimes wrong, too). If so, you may have some marginal SIMMS, or
a faulty motherboard or hard disk or controller.

Linux is a very good memory tester--much better than MS-DOS based
memory test programs.

Reportedly, some clone x87 math coprocessors can cause problems. Try
compiling a kernel with math emulation ("How Do I Upgrade/Recompile My
Kernel?") no387 kernel command line flag on the LILO prompt to force
the kernel to use math emulation, or it may be able to work and still
use the '387, with the math emulation compiled in but mainly unused.

More information about this problem is available on the Web at

10.7. Shell-Init: Permission Denied when I Log In.

Your root directory and all the directories up to your home directory
must be readable and executable by everybody. See the manual page for
chmod or a book on Unix for how to fix the problem.

10.8. No Utmp Entry. You Must Exec ... when Logging In.

Your /var/run/utmp is screwed up. You should have


in your /etc/rc.local or /etc/rc.d/*. See, ("I Have Screwed Up My
System and Can't Log In to Fix It.") Note that the utmp may also be
found in /var/adm/ or /etc/ on some older systems.

10.9. Warning--bdflush Not Running.

Modern kernels use a better strategy for writing cached disk blocks.
In addition to the kernel changes, this involves replacing the old
update program which used to write everything every 30 seconds with a
more subtle daemon (actually a pair), known as bdflush. Get
bdflush-n.n.tar.gz from the same place as the kernel source code ("How
Do I Upgrade/Recompile My Kernel?") and compile and install it.
bdflush should be started before the usual boot-time file system
checks. It will work fine with older kernels as well, so there's no
need to keep the old update around.

10.10. Warning: obsolete routing request made.

This is nothing to worry about. The message means that your version
route is a little out of date, compared to the kernel. You can make
the message go away by getting a new version of route from the same
place as the kernel source code. ("How Do I Upgrade/Recompile My

10.11. EXT2-fs: warning: mounting unchecked file system.

You need to run e2fsck (or fsck -t ext2 if you have the fsck front end
program) with the -a option to get it to clear the "dirty" flag, and
then cleanly unmount the partition during each shutdown.

The easiest way to do this is to get the latest fsck, umount, and
shutdown commands, available in Rik Faith's util-linux package ("Where
Can I Get Linux Material by FTP?") You have to make sure that your

Linux-Misc Digest #513

2000-12-10 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #513, Volume #26   Sun, 10 Dec 00 09:13:02 EST

  simple network question ("controller")
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! (Stanislaw Flatto)
  Re: ISDN connection drops (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: VCD player on Linux (Istvan Zsolt Kovacs)
  Re: VCD player on Linux (Istvan Zsolt Kovacs)
  Re: Can't install printer (Carfield Yim)
  Re: accessing NTFS partition from Linux (Reinhard Karcher)
  Re: Can't install printer (Carfield Yim)
  Re: Activating the Multimedia keys (Istvan Zsolt Kovacs)
  Applix 5.0 under SuSE 7.0 (Ted)
  Re: Why PostgreSQL is not that popular as MySQL? (Derek Colley)
  Re: /dev/loop7 forced check (Glitch)
  Configurar Grabadora USB ("Vicpar")
  Re: amd k6 - signal 11 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive.
  alsa and enlightenment, 2 separate questions (Glitch)
  cdrecord and symlinks (Timo Benk)
  Re: how to undelete files on ext2 ("Julian Gomez")
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: problems with .rhosts? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux (text) files to Win 98/2000 via floppy? (David Efflandt)
  Where can I know more about files under /dev? (Carfield Yim)

From: "controller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: simple network question
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 11:12:48 +0100


do I have to adjust my routing tables, even if the network I want to set up
only consists of two workstations (one linux, one freebsd)? or will changes
in rc.conf and /etc/hosts alone do the trick?

i just want to connect these two machines with each other, there are no
gateways, nothing, just 2 unix boxes with static addresses ( and
2). what is required? the ethernet  cards were detetced and configured
without a problem.



From: Stanislaw Flatto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Need Help installing Linux Please!
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 21:12:53 +1100

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:

Thanks Peter!
Would answer myself, you did it for me.
Don't tell him, I was electronic RD engineer in I.A.I for 25 years and some of
my cirquits are still flying on various vehicles.
But as any profession we get what the unis can push trough.
Logic is no objection.
Do you know what is the difference between merchant and engineer?
"Merchant knows nothing about everything, engineer knows everything about
Have fun.



From: Floyd Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ISDN connection drops
Date: 10 Dec 2000 01:02:40 -0900

Aulne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello all,

  Just installed Mandrake 7.2, KDE 2.0.  The ISDN connection drops after a
short timeout. I have to maintain a ping at 30 seconds to keep the line up. 
There must be a config file somewhere that controls this.  Any suggestions ?

You can read the documentation for pppd.

However, setup time with ISDN should be extremely short, and
hence allowing it to time out when not in use should not even be
noticable.  30 seconds is a bit short, but as little as a couple
of minutes might not be.

Floyd L. Davidson
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska) [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Istvan Zsolt Kovacs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: VCD player on Linux
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 11:06:13 GMT

On 9 Dec 2000, Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah wrote:

 Is there a VCD player on Linux, free or commercial?


I found a while ago something like this (see below the README
file). Unfortunately I don't remember the www site but I'm sure you can
look for it on one of the major linux program sites.

readvcd version 0.2

What is readvcd?

It's a program for reading of the MPEG streams from VideoCD. It uses
the special ioctl call CDROMREADRAW that has to be compiled into Linux
kernel. Now it works with 2.x.x and 1.3.x kernels with IDE CD-ROM drives.
I hope it will work soon with SCSI too...

Several people has successfully tested the previous version and played
the MPEGs. It works well with Tristan Savatier's MpegTV.


In two steps.

1. kernel patch  (in 2.1.18+ it's already done)

   You must add the CDROMREADRAW ioctl into kernel. And recompile it.
   Look at the file kernel-patch for changes in the file ide-cd.c and
   try to copy them to you kernel.

2. readvcd
   Run make. If you don't have ncurses you can disable it in the Makefile.

The program sends the MPEGs to stdout so it's more than likely that you
will pipe it to some MPEG player or you write it to the file.

It should now find the beginning of the MPEG stream and start to play it.
If you turn on the verbose mode it will also display TOC informations and
position where it plays.

If you compile it with ncurses (default) you will be able to skip forward
and backward by pressing 'B' and 

<    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >